Shop the strongest accessories and equipment in the game! Looking to level up your training? to reach us on all platforms
1:59:55 type 1 diabetic here. The reason we bolus before eating is because there is a lag between injecting and the insulin working. Most fast acting insulins start working after 15-20 minutes and peaks at 90 minutes. If you were to eat your ice cresm(full of super fast acting carbs) you would skyrocket your blood glucose in the 10 minutes you spend eating your ice cream and then you’ll have to get that high blood sugar down which is way harder because when your blood glucose is super high you are way less(like 2-5 times) sensitive to insulin. So the dad did everything right with bolusing. If she didn’t finish her ice cream it would not have been the end of the world. If she would’ve drank a sugary drink(carbs accounted for) 30 minutes or so later
Great conversation. Needs to be had for younger ones to at least have no reason to not learn. This conversation can't ever end. It's such a lucky time to learn. ❤
I really enjoyed this episode! Thanks for the great content Dave!! You guys covered a lot but I hope you'll have Kurt back in the not too distant future.
1:59:55 Kurt is showing you why he's not a doctor or a medical professional. If you're T1DM generally should pre load insulin prior to meals and some T2DM will have the same needs. You keep the bg out of danger zone-we say 350-400 but they're not ICU until 5 or 600. Kurt is right, he shouldn't be recommending insulin.
Blood sugar is not really the reason for someone being admitted to the ICU. They only come to the ICU if they are acidotic (meaning their gap is not closed). People go to med/surg floors all the time with blood sugar in the 600-800 range. Now, I have yet to see someone over 1000 who was not acidotic.
It's not true that you cant go down from 1000mg of testosterone & build muscle due to homeostasis. If you run gear high. The body needs a break after a while. 250mg T/ wk will stabilize, but when you jump off and on gear completely this is where the major effects of side effects take place especially aging. My advice would be to use longest esters possible when cruising. Keep the blood levels stabile. I've been doing gear for over 20 years. I am 52 yrs old and look like late 30s weight 250 @ 5'10'' . Less is best for the long run , but as you age you will need to jack up the amounts to see return and then cruise until your body is ready to increase again. It's a life style and several other factors come into place to balance the body.
Kurt, since your insulin response is best at bedtime is it a good idea to carb up at night to shuttle carbs into the muscle overnight or avoid carbs at that time
They aren’t going anywhere while you sleep. All you’re gonna do it raise your blood glucose and go to sleep like that. If you are an AM lifter, it could be beneficial.
@@ryanb5780 I lift after my first meal that’s why I thought it could be smart to carb up at night. I still hit my carbs in the am but to load on glycogen is what I’m aiming for
I agree with Derek being misleading sometimes. I stopped watching him after the info he provided wasn’t corresponding to what medical doctors and professionals were saying.
I quit GH because of carpal tunnel syndrome on my right hand 3 fingers numbness but after 2 months I still have it ! Any idea for how long should I stay off GH before it disappeared?
Probably electrolyte imbalance related, I don’t want to speak for Kurt but I’ve heard him recommend increasing your potassium and not adding any extra sodium to meals. GH water retention I’m fairly sure is caused through an interaction it has with the kidneys that makes you retain more sodium. But yeah bring your potassium to double your sodium intake and magnesium to a gram or two and that will probably go away
Kurt is the man. I also like Todd a lot as well. The primo vs masteron debate is interesting. For Todd, mast did not alter his estrogen, hence he feels that it's not a reducer of Estrogen. That seems to be a minority opinion and he may very well be an outlier in that regard.
Yeah, I don’t think they see eye to eye on a few things at least at a professional level anymore. They used to be on Paul’s podcast together and popped up on each other’s channels at first. I think the major two things they disagree on is the importance of estrogen in exogenous GH related IGF-1 production in the liver and the importance of training style/philosophy. Todd says e2 around 100 is important for IGF production and Kurt thinks e2 should be kept in range (to my knowledge, Todd may have changed opinions). I think they both agree that genetic differences cause masteron to act as an AI in some and not in others. Pretty sure Todd thinks if it doesn’t act as an AI in you, than it’s one of the best or the best anabolic. Kurt just generally says there isn’t evidence to support masteron is anabolic
Make science cool- heck yea Kurt. I am an analytical chemist and bodybuilder, and this stuff is fascinating no matter what your background is. Anyone using gear should strive to understand what theyre doing to their bodies.
@@jack-k6z7n Wow, I found a very rare creature, fan boy of Dr. Narcissistic nonsense, I hope he remembers not to take any more than the 80mg test so that the rest doesn't disappear anywhere.
36:30 he claims that estrogen is not cardioprotective because men who are admitted to the hospital for cardiac events have high estrogen. Apart from the numerous problems with that statement; including sourcing and bias, he doesn't mention any comorbidities that would account for both the heart attack and high estrogen levels i.e. obesity. This statement could be harmful since it is very general, out of context, and directed towards AAS users. There are no healthy non-obese men who have to worry about high estrogen levels effecting their heart, there are however many functionally obese bodybuilders who have to worry about artificially tanked estrogen levels causing arteriosclerosis. There is also a logical flaw in that statement because it broadens the scope. Saying that estrogen is cardioprotective in the context of AAS users can't be argued against with data from a general population.
Listening comprehension guys? He literally says: "It is not necessarily cardioprotective in men. Most men that go in for a heart attack if you pull labs they have high estrogen."
Everyone complaining about the sniffing should go get checked out for sensory overload. Might be on the spectrum. It’s a FREE video with valuable information. Deal with it.
Never heard of “blue books”. 2wks of studying & take the Test??? Haha spoken just like true newbie BBer - “I could just take steroids a be a pro but I don’t want to..” same kind of thinking but when you ACTUALLY DO IT & break records it’s a very different thing.
I would like to see more mechanistic studies on direct cardio effects of long term anabolic use. Most drugs have pretty mild side effects, however, anabolics and chemotherapy have huge side effects. They also have huge general effects. I doubt they get off scott free.
Through my research of listening to lots of podcasts and reading I would say one's best defense against negative cardiovascular effects would be to take your aerobic fitness serious. The more aerobically fit that system is via doing your cardio the more efficient and better functioning the heart, lungs and vascular system will be. I have strong reason to believe doing that also counteracts alot of issues due to supposed hi estrogen and High aromatizers. As I'm sure u know, the cardiovascular training also works wonders for getting n keeping lipid parameters and triglycerides in good ranges. Aerobic training in bodybuilding is highly underestimated. Only once u start doing it daily and make It a priority to lil by lil improve it will one see and understand what I am talking about. It has done wonders for me. Also you will realize u don't need as much AAS/PEDs to get great results looks wise and strength wise. The human body becomes so much more effective and effecient and utilizing your food, supps,drugs, etc becuz the metabolism and the mitochondria are becoming a well oiled machine. It fantastic so please people due your aerobic work. I switch it up, fast walks on full incline, stair stepper machine, air bike(push n pull with arms and pedal with legs) etc.. or some times I throw in higher reps sets of all basic exercises with very short rest between. That's done in the aerobic work not really the strength workout session but u can do it as part of warm up for full body. Like 15 reps pull downs, rows, chest press, over head press, upright row, dips, walking lunges, etc. U get point. Hi rep calisthenics is excellent for this. Work at a pace where u can maybe hold conversation on a phone call but rather not cuz it's a bit challenging. That's the best zone. DO NOT WORK TO FAILURE on sets. If u feel burn n it hurts u ruining it. It must be continuously sustainable just like endurance type work in real world is done. Find and work just under that pace where the burn and fatigue will stop u or where it noticeably qill slow ur speed n drop ur power output. Find it and stay there. Over time u will see urself get quicker with more power n less lactic acid build up but yet u r still working in that zone n pace just under muscle fatigue. It's amazing
Could LVH or cardiomegaly could also be due to thyroid and clenbuterol use on top of the acromegalic effects of growth hormone and increased BMI? This is obviously speculation and a true question for conversation sake. Also some bodybuilding have obvious acromegalic signs like mandibular and frontal bone growth, macroglossia in some and hand/foot growth. Also the time on GH contributing to the heart growth.
Majority of athletes who play sports or anything at the highest level do have LVH. It’s basically being an athlete due to the environment and training. That’s why regular people who don’t train don’t have them.
In the context of bodybuilding.. yes a lot of things can make it worse, but it’s not like it’s life threating tbh. But it’s very harmless, if anything stuff like increased blood pressure from drugs would be mroe of a concern than lvh
That makes sense for sure. I always think a bodybuilder wouldn’t have an “athletic heart” unless they are actually do significant cardio. I know some count steps as cardio which is not cardio. Maybe weightlifting could lead to some LVH? I haven’t looked at any studies.
95% of Docs don't know anything about steroids and NOTHING about GH. Even when they put you on a TRT dosage they don't want your % to go even close to 700 and above. Like I told my Doc my Grandchild has a higher level than 300. LOL I'm 65 and took my fair share of meds except GH, too exp. for me in the 90's Now the Govt. tells the Doctors what is acceptable as far as pain meds go, shit everybody that has lifted heavy for years has joint problems and needs pain meds. They tell you to take this anti inflammatory crap that by itself doesn't do a thing for you. Then made me want to hurt people but not Anadrol. Go figure. Now Test Aqueous water based everyday before a Power meet helped a lot for me.
When Vigorous Steve has been praising daily subq cycles you didnt say single negative thing about it. And now you're agreeing with this guy that oils should go IM only. Bro. Be consistant
@@koa.diesel you're not very bright. Im taking about Dave not Kurt. Dave agrees with Kurt here about IM only and when he interviews Steve, he agrees with him about subq
Kurt always talks about how easy it is for him to get “peeled” yet every stage photo I’ve ever seen of him he is incredibly out of shape. I feel like that inability to be honest has to limit his credibility somehow
Kurt knows pharmacology really well. He can accurately recite the physio properties of substances affecting the body very specifically with the molecular structure of a given compound. This has been done must prominently (though least academically and also least precisely) by William Lewllyn in his famous "Anabolic Guidebooks." At least that was a start back in the 1990s for dudes like me that didn't mind hours of digging for minimally applicable BB gear info(no internet to do research through med journals, Def no social media to watch). I admire what Kurt represents - a modem day juicebag that has the brains, curiosity and drive to go after an MD level education for the purpose of strategic and research based physique enhancement. That's the route that will end up directly or indirectly helping our kind to obtain better results faster, and more importantly - I believe it will inadvertently either save some lives, extend some lives, or both. 🙏
Kurt claims to know and be an expert at PEDs. But everything he says is just parroting the bro-science. He does not truly understand the topic and how to use them properly.
I cannot stand hearing dave absolutely super sniff my ears for 3 hours. I love kurt havens and I want to watch so bad but jesus christ man that is some bad obstruction. You got the money and time to get your nose fixed properly so why don't you?
This guy is really intelligent but feel he needs to be open minded to others perspectives ,he doesn't know everything but kinda feel like he thinks he does!!! Todd Lee is also very intelligent but Kurt feels his beliefs are right and Todd doesn't know wtf he's talking about according to Kurt!!
@@TexasSean I’m talking about pharmaceutical grade GH that you get at Walgreens or CVS, not UGL. Exactly what Dave talked about in the interview. But thanks for your educated reply.
@@riggs9688you can get ugl hgh with mass spec testing to show purity and dimer. So equivalent to pharma grade. I usually pick up 280 iu for $230. And I’ve ran Genotropin and serostim. I’ve found minimal difference between the ugl I get and pharma.
So if you need to come down in gear for periods to reset homeostasis, there’s something to be said about androgen receptors needing to reset. I know the science doesn’t say so but anecdotal evidence seems to suggest it
This dude runs 3g of gear plus, eats 1000g of carbs a day and is like 180lbs 😂. And has never been in good shape if you look at his stage pics yet acts like he knows everything.
Kurt is definitely not like Dave palumbo. Dave has literally no clue, Kurt at least analyses plenty of studies and forms his opinions that way. Whether you believe them or not at least he reads the research
Maybe, the most anti-science conversation I have heard. TRT is 200-250mg in US because it comes in that dosage? What a ridiculous statement. Also, check your BP, your skin is one shade away from purple, I fear for your health.
If only I could find a way to use PED's without my hair falling out like crazy. Even 100mg a week of test with dutasteride will diffuse thin it. Deca only is the only answer I have been able to try and keep my hair but the crazy high bp and palpitations just aren't worth it.. So the search continues. I'm curious about boldenone prop. w/ exogenous estro; or even injectable T-bol as a long term option.
just have to accept your genetics man. its either hair or roids. that makes no sense though why dut wouldnt protect your hair on test. maybe you need to try topical dut as well
@@hurpaderpp I have tried both. It definitely slowed it down and likely let me keep my hair longer than i would have without it. I suspect my previous exposure to PED's sped up the life cycle of the hair follicles, thus making it harder to keep now. This is despite being off and only managing my hair on my natural production. I do agree with you that it seems to be one or the other when it comes to PED's/hair.
@@Davida86u its all genetic really. I can run dht derivatives with test and it doesnt touch my hairline. blood pressure, prostate and other sides are a bitch for me though
Shop the strongest accessories and equipment in the game!
Looking to level up your training? to reach us on all platforms
1:59:55 type 1 diabetic here. The reason we bolus before eating is because there is a lag between injecting and the insulin working. Most fast acting insulins start working after 15-20 minutes and peaks at 90 minutes.
If you were to eat your ice cresm(full of super fast acting carbs) you would skyrocket your blood glucose in the 10 minutes you spend eating your ice cream and then you’ll have to get that high blood sugar down which is way harder because when your blood glucose is super high you are way less(like 2-5 times) sensitive to insulin.
So the dad did everything right with bolusing. If she didn’t finish her ice cream it would not have been the end of the world. If she would’ve drank a sugary drink(carbs accounted for) 30 minutes or so later
Man so blessed to have had this guy as a training partner for 3 months of my life! Great to see his recent success, sky’s the limit!
Great show and transparency. Anybody that want to use anabolics , should watch your podcast
So many great points in this one. Thanks for sharing!
Great conversation. Needs to be had for younger ones to at least have no reason to not learn. This conversation can't ever end. It's such a lucky time to learn. ❤
Kurt is extremely knowledgeable, glad you got him on the show.
yea the Anabolic Roundtable with Vigorous Steve, Dr Dean St.Mart and Kurt Havens, there isn't a better trio.
I really enjoyed this episode! Thanks for the great content Dave!! You guys covered a lot but I hope you'll have Kurt back in the not too distant future.
Kurt Havens: You can only go up to a certain point before things fail
*Chase Irons entere the chat
And knowing where that is is important. I'm pretty sure he knows.
1:59:55 Kurt is showing you why he's not a doctor or a medical professional. If you're T1DM generally should pre load insulin prior to meals and some T2DM will have the same needs. You keep the bg out of danger zone-we say 350-400 but they're not ICU until 5 or 600. Kurt is right, he shouldn't be recommending insulin.
Blood sugar is not really the reason for someone being admitted to the ICU. They only come to the ICU if they are acidotic (meaning their gap is not closed). People go to med/surg floors all the time with blood sugar in the 600-800 range. Now, I have yet to see someone over 1000 who was not acidotic.
Excellent interview! Kurt is one of the best and brightest in the industry. No one knows more about PEDs than him
Especially great episode, thank you both:)
It's not true that you cant go down from 1000mg of testosterone & build muscle due to homeostasis. If you run gear high. The body needs a break after a while. 250mg T/ wk will stabilize, but when you jump off and on gear completely this is where the major effects of side effects take place especially aging. My advice would be to use longest esters possible when cruising. Keep the blood levels stabile. I've been doing gear for over 20 years. I am 52 yrs old and look like late 30s weight 250 @ 5'10'' . Less is best for the long run , but as you age you will need to jack up the amounts to see return and then cruise until your body is ready to increase again. It's a life style and several other factors come into place to balance the body.
Have you tried peptides or HGH ?
@@patrickrafferty9156 I've ran HGH for many years. It's healing properties are just amazing IMHO. Otherthan that, Collagen peptides I have tried.
Kurt, since your insulin response is best at bedtime is it a good idea to carb up at night to shuttle carbs into the muscle overnight or avoid carbs at that time
How about you try it for some time and see if you like it? Only way to know.
@@FreshRh1no because I’m looking for a short cut by asking the professional.. why waste my time when I can ask him
@@JakeandbakexBest move is to have 20 questions and book a consult with various guys
They aren’t going anywhere while you sleep. All you’re gonna do it raise your blood glucose and go to sleep like that. If you are an AM lifter, it could be beneficial.
@@ryanb5780 I lift after my first meal that’s why I thought it could be smart to carb up at night. I still hit my carbs in the am but to load on glycogen is what I’m aiming for
Kurt is the Goat in this field!
So glad Kurt talked a little bit about sodium. Since I started to utilize no extra sodium, I feel a difference to the better.
Can you tell me time stamp where he was talking about it? 🙏
Someone please help Dave to stop sniffing and breathing so heavy into the mic!!! Good podcast though lol
Hahaha i don't know why but i like it
It actually made me have to cut this short it’s so fucking irritating
Stop complaining
You guys sound autistic
You ruined it for me, now that’s all I hear 😂😂
time stamps?
Boom - another awesome guest - Kurt is amazing.
Elite podcast should be awarded with Oscar!
I agree with Derek being misleading sometimes. I stopped watching him after the info he provided wasn’t corresponding to what medical doctors and professionals were saying.
Was about time we had some real gear talk , great pocast Kurt
I love kurt so much
Kurt do you really believe Steve's 25mg tren per week or you're too much of a gentleman to laugh in his face
He definitely laughs at him to his face, or laugh with him, but it works because steve has muscle memory haha
Kurt is a new favorite.
Just met him so Olympia, very nice guy. But also a wealth of knowledge and great communicator
I like Kurt I watch him regularly
I quit GH because of carpal tunnel syndrome on my right hand 3 fingers numbness but after 2 months I still have it !
Any idea for how long should I stay off GH before it disappeared?
It wasn't the GH.
Probably electrolyte imbalance related, I don’t want to speak for Kurt but I’ve heard him recommend increasing your potassium and not adding any extra sodium to meals. GH water retention I’m fairly sure is caused through an interaction it has with the kidneys that makes you retain more sodium. But yeah bring your potassium to double your sodium intake and magnesium to a gram or two and that will probably go away
😂Dave, those deep nasal breaths remind me of the Colombian Bambam days bro ✌️
Don’t know what Colombian bam bam is, but that nasal breathing is terribly annoying to me😂
@adamgriff3728 Yep, worse than hearing someone eat! Unless your on the Columbian bambam😆
@@adamgriff3728let the man breath
@@teppovilenius247 🤣
I came looking for comments about the sniffing. I think Dave might have had a cold.
Kurt is the man. I also like Todd a lot as well. The primo vs masteron debate is interesting. For Todd, mast did not alter his estrogen, hence he feels that it's not a reducer of Estrogen. That seems to be a minority opinion and he may very well be an outlier in that regard.
Yeah, I don’t think they see eye to eye on a few things at least at a professional level anymore. They used to be on Paul’s podcast together and popped up on each other’s channels at first. I think the major two things they disagree on is the importance of estrogen in exogenous GH related IGF-1 production in the liver and the importance of training style/philosophy. Todd says e2 around 100 is important for IGF production and Kurt thinks e2 should be kept in range (to my knowledge, Todd may have changed opinions). I think they both agree that genetic differences cause masteron to act as an AI in some and not in others. Pretty sure Todd thinks if it doesn’t act as an AI in you, than it’s one of the best or the best anabolic. Kurt just generally says there isn’t evidence to support masteron is anabolic
This video needs timestamps
Make science cool- heck yea Kurt. I am an analytical chemist and bodybuilder, and this stuff is fascinating no matter what your background is. Anyone using gear should strive to understand what theyre doing to their bodies.
I really liked Kurt until I saw him wear that Yankees hat, now I have to dismiss everything I’ve heard him say.
Way to go Coach Kurt
Yes kurt havens is a badass! Puts anyone else youve had on here in the dust
It wasn't John zeiglers news letter it was dirty dieting from dan duchane
Great podcast! Kurt is the best 🙌
@@jack-k6z7nyou are rather annoying
@@jack-k6z7n lol
Wow, I found a very rare creature, fan boy of Dr. Narcissistic nonsense, I hope he remembers not to take any more than the 80mg test so that the rest doesn't disappear anywhere.
Huge fan of Kurt. He shares so much valuable knowledge and information! Awesome episode!
the lighting on this podcast makes everyone look like a red bulging tomato
36:30 he claims that estrogen is not cardioprotective because men who are admitted to the hospital for cardiac events have high estrogen.
Apart from the numerous problems with that statement; including sourcing and bias, he doesn't mention any comorbidities that would account for both the heart attack and high estrogen levels i.e. obesity.
This statement could be harmful since it is very general, out of context, and directed towards AAS users. There are no healthy non-obese men who have to worry about high estrogen levels effecting their heart, there are however many functionally obese bodybuilders who have to worry about artificially tanked estrogen levels causing arteriosclerosis.
There is also a logical flaw in that statement because it broadens the scope. Saying that estrogen is cardioprotective in the context of AAS users can't be argued against with data from a general population.
He never said that, he said excessive estrogen is not cardio protective.
He said excessive dear
Listening comprehension guys?
He literally says:
"It is not necessarily cardioprotective in men. Most men that go in for a heart attack if you pull labs they have high estrogen."
Everyone complaining about the sniffing should go get checked out for sensory overload. Might be on the spectrum. It’s a FREE video with valuable information. Deal with it.
Freebasing fina lol. I mean animal was selling his kits in early 90's
Never heard of “blue books”. 2wks of studying & take the Test??? Haha spoken just like true newbie BBer - “I could just take steroids a be a pro but I don’t want to..” same kind of thinking but when you ACTUALLY DO IT & break records it’s a very different thing.
Time stamps
What's with all
The sniffing wanna watch this but it's driving me mad
Get broderick chavez on
Please sort your breathing out it makes this whole episode incredibly annoying. Really wanted to hear what the guest had to say
Free gun with your tren order. Sign me up! 😂
I would like to see more mechanistic studies on direct cardio effects of long term anabolic use. Most drugs have pretty mild side effects, however, anabolics and chemotherapy have huge side effects. They also have huge general effects. I doubt they get off scott free.
Through my research of listening to lots of podcasts and reading I would say one's best defense against negative cardiovascular effects would be to take your aerobic fitness serious. The more aerobically fit that system is via doing your cardio the more efficient and better functioning the heart, lungs and vascular system will be. I have strong reason to believe doing that also counteracts alot of issues due to supposed hi estrogen and High aromatizers. As I'm sure u know, the cardiovascular training also works wonders for getting n keeping lipid parameters and triglycerides in good ranges. Aerobic training in bodybuilding is highly underestimated. Only once u start doing it daily and make It a priority to lil by lil improve it will one see and understand what I am talking about. It has done wonders for me. Also you will realize u don't need as much AAS/PEDs to get great results looks wise and strength wise. The human body becomes so much more effective and effecient and utilizing your food, supps,drugs, etc becuz the metabolism and the mitochondria are becoming a well oiled machine. It fantastic so please people due your aerobic work. I switch it up, fast walks on full incline, stair stepper machine, air bike(push n pull with arms and pedal with legs) etc.. or some times I throw in higher reps sets of all basic exercises with very short rest between. That's done in the aerobic work not really the strength workout session but u can do it as part of warm up for full body. Like 15 reps pull downs, rows, chest press, over head press, upright row, dips, walking lunges, etc. U get point. Hi rep calisthenics is excellent for this. Work at a pace where u can maybe hold conversation on a phone call but rather not cuz it's a bit challenging. That's the best zone. DO NOT WORK TO FAILURE on sets. If u feel burn n it hurts u ruining it. It must be continuously sustainable just like endurance type work in real world is done. Find and work just under that pace where the burn and fatigue will stop u or where it noticeably qill slow ur speed n drop ur power output. Find it and stay there. Over time u will see urself get quicker with more power n less lactic acid build up but yet u r still working in that zone n pace just under muscle fatigue. It's amazing
i cant seem to sleep with my cpap
Some timestamps would be great.. xD
120 mg of test cyp boosted me to 872 ng/dL from 259 ng/dL. Estradiol 67.8 pg/dL from 13.6 pg/dL. I am now running 140 mg. No clue on the levels yet.
20mg a day method?
@@JoshuaKevinPerry 120 mg was 60 mg 2x a week. 140 mg 46.66 mg 3x a week but I ended up dosing it at 48mg for 144mg per week.
Dave, have the wife shave that neck hair on the back brotha
Could LVH or cardiomegaly could also be due to thyroid and clenbuterol use on top of the acromegalic effects of growth hormone and increased BMI? This is obviously speculation and a true question for conversation sake.
Also some bodybuilding have obvious acromegalic signs like mandibular and frontal bone growth, macroglossia in some and hand/foot growth. Also the time on GH contributing to the heart growth.
@@PhysiologyForNurses longterm use of clen is actually linked to LVH. The more things added the more impact.
Majority of athletes who play sports or anything at the highest level do have LVH. It’s basically being an athlete due to the environment and training. That’s why regular people who don’t train don’t have them.
In the context of bodybuilding.. yes a lot of things can make it worse, but it’s not like it’s life threating tbh. But it’s very harmless, if anything stuff like increased blood pressure from drugs would be mroe of a concern than lvh
That makes sense for sure. I always think a bodybuilder wouldn’t have an “athletic heart” unless they are actually do significant cardio. I know some count steps as cardio which is not cardio. Maybe weightlifting could lead to some LVH? I haven’t looked at any studies.
Brilliant podcast 👏
Semaglutide has been used for weight loss, all though in type2 patients, since 2012 so it's not THAT new.
it's been studied for 40 or 50 years, something that someone working for pharma should be able to research and know.
@@JoshuaKevinPerryahhhh give people enough time to talk and you really see how smart they say they are
95% of Docs don't know anything about steroids and NOTHING about GH. Even when they put you on a TRT dosage they don't want your % to go even close to 700 and above. Like I told my Doc my Grandchild has a higher level than 300. LOL I'm 65 and took my fair share of meds except GH, too exp. for me in the 90's Now the Govt. tells the Doctors what is acceptable as far as pain meds go, shit everybody that has lifted heavy for years has joint problems and needs pain meds. They tell you to take this anti inflammatory crap that by itself doesn't do a thing for you. Then made me want to hurt people but not Anadrol. Go figure. Now Test Aqueous water based everyday before a Power meet helped a lot for me.
It probably ian’t safe to take any exogenous anabolics
@@kban77 my neighbor had a heart attack at 44 and he never took roids, he had a quadruple bypass
Great guest!
When Vigorous Steve has been praising daily subq cycles you didnt say single negative thing about it. And now you're agreeing with this guy that oils should go IM only. Bro. Be consistant
kurt told him for low dose cycles and trt its fine but not big boy cycles
@@koa.diesel aaaaaand Steve told him, he thinks its good for "bigboycycles" too and he was nodding
@@Papashady88 no if you follow kurt you know he always been against subq and likes IM
@@koa.diesel you're not very bright. Im taking about Dave not Kurt. Dave agrees with Kurt here about IM only and when he interviews Steve, he agrees with him about subq
@@Papashady88 you didn’t say dave in your comment be more precise next time
Kurt always talks about how easy it is for him to get “peeled” yet every stage photo I’ve ever seen of him he is incredibly out of shape. I feel like that inability to be honest has to limit his credibility somehow
LOL who are you trying to convince, did you just get a discount on todd's copypasta diet or what?
Agree that gen pop will continue to get fatter
Kurt knows pharmacology really well. He can accurately recite the physio properties of substances affecting the body very specifically with the molecular structure of a given compound.
This has been done must prominently (though least academically and also least precisely) by William Lewllyn in his famous "Anabolic Guidebooks." At least that was a start back in the 1990s for dudes like me that didn't mind hours of digging for minimally applicable BB gear info(no internet to do research through med journals, Def no social media to watch).
I admire what Kurt represents - a modem day juicebag that has the brains, curiosity and drive to go after an MD level education for the purpose of strategic and research based physique enhancement. That's the route that will end up directly or indirectly helping our kind to obtain better results faster, and more importantly - I believe it will inadvertently either save some lives, extend some lives, or both. 🙏
Am I the only one getting an add every 5 minutes?
Kurt claims to know and be an expert at PEDs. But everything he says is just parroting the bro-science. He does not truly understand the topic and how to use them properly.
says who, Todd's delusional fan boy number one or two?
Dirty Dieting was Dan’s newsletter.
When he said he didn’t squat or deadlift anymore……I’m out of here!
Interviewer needs to pull his mic back away from him more his voice is too punchy loud
BUBBLEGUTS abnd you die Hormone, and Insulin deadly
Couldnt watch more than 5 minutes due to the extremely over the top ‘sniff up’ every sentence jesus christ 🤣🤣🤣
I cannot stand hearing dave absolutely super sniff my ears for 3 hours. I love kurt havens and I want to watch so bad but jesus christ man that is some bad obstruction. You got the money and time to get your nose fixed properly so why don't you?
Please can you allow subtitles ?
This guy is really intelligent but feel he needs to be open minded to others perspectives ,he doesn't know everything but kinda feel like he thinks he does!!! Todd Lee is also very intelligent but Kurt feels his beliefs are right and Todd doesn't know wtf he's talking about according to Kurt!!
Kurt is full of himself
Todd Lee is way more ignorant than Kurt and says some insane shit.
@@bryanscruggs7566Like what?
Todd is a Fraud..... you can't give him 1 cent...
@@JoshuaKevinPerry everything? Bulk on MASTERON and you will see hahahahaha
Why is HGH so expensive?
1. You’re poor
2. GH isn’t expensive it’s .80-$1 an IU.
@@TexasSean I’m talking about pharmaceutical grade GH that you get at Walgreens or CVS, not UGL. Exactly what Dave talked about in the interview. But thanks for your educated reply.
@@riggs9688 if you’re poor just say that.
191 is 191 everyone takes UGL GH.
@@riggs9688you can get ugl hgh with mass spec testing to show purity and dimer. So equivalent to pharma grade. I usually pick up 280 iu for $230. And I’ve ran Genotropin and serostim. I’ve found minimal difference between the ugl I get and pharma.
Is real jintropin good and still on the market?
Could not listen, the deep sniffing in the mic every 5 seconds is more than I can handle..
Next time edit out the noes sniffs
This is cool and all, but I really miss when table talk used to be about training instead of drugs.
Shut up moron
So if you need to come down in gear for periods to reset homeostasis, there’s something to be said about androgen receptors needing to reset. I know the science doesn’t say so but anecdotal evidence seems to suggest it
The science does say so
@@nickps2251 guess it depends how you search it right ? These days you can find research to back any theory
More androgens begets more androgen receptors. You only need a break because of the inflammatory response of fer
@@JoshuaKevinPerry thank you sir
Wrong you weirdo. Go take ur meds and stop screaming nonsense
You should get Emeric Delczeg on the podcast. He has a trt protocol of 10 mg a day with good results.
Kurt looks different here
Joe Rogan isn’t the entire general population lol
This dude runs 3g of gear plus, eats 1000g of carbs a day and is like 180lbs 😂. And has never been in good shape if you look at his stage pics yet acts like he knows everything.
Facts 💯 lmfao 😂😂😂😂
He's way over 180lbs tf you talking about
He does look like a manlet though 5'0 5'2 feet tall
Has nothing to do with knowledge. If you barely grow on 1000g carbs regardless of gear, you obv have shit genetics for getting big
He still provides valuable, free info to tons of people online. Nothing wrong with that. Also I believe he is in the 200's now and very lean.
You’re a freak lol
Kurt is definitely not like Dave palumbo. Dave has literally no clue, Kurt at least analyses plenty of studies and forms his opinions that way. Whether you believe them or not at least he reads the research
@@jack-k6z7nyou’re mentally ill
100mg isn’t TRT? Lol okay. A level in range isn’t optimal. What?
He runs 600mg year round what do you expect lol
@@jack-k6z7n so if 100mg gives someone 850ng/dL. That’s not TrT?
Maybe, the most anti-science conversation I have heard. TRT is 200-250mg in US because it comes in that dosage? What a ridiculous statement. Also, check your BP, your skin is one shade away from purple, I fear for your health.
If only I could find a way to use PED's without my hair falling out like crazy. Even 100mg a week of test with dutasteride will diffuse thin it. Deca only is the only answer I have been able to try and keep my hair but the crazy high bp and palpitations just aren't worth it.. So the search continues. I'm curious about boldenone prop. w/ exogenous estro; or even injectable T-bol as a long term option.
just have to accept your genetics man. its either hair or roids. that makes no sense though why dut wouldnt protect your hair on test. maybe you need to try topical dut as well
@@hurpaderpp I have tried both. It definitely slowed it down and likely let me keep my hair longer than i would have without it.
I suspect my previous exposure to PED's sped up the life cycle of the hair follicles, thus making it harder to keep now. This is despite being off and only managing my hair on my natural production.
I do agree with you that it seems to be one or the other when it comes to PED's/hair.
@@Davida86u its all genetic really. I can run dht derivatives with test and it doesnt touch my hairline. blood pressure, prostate and other sides are a bitch for me though
Do a transplant, all hair after it is DHT resistant