You should definitely try polish up that idea and sell it as a kit that can be bolted on to most truck beds or in vans man, I'd say make it out of stainless and make the pulley/hanger more secure so there's no rattling, would definitely be something I'd buy 👍🙏
Making a kit for most trucks is where I start second guessing how to build it. I guess I get scared of liability if someone hurts themselves or damages their truck.
Cool idea and execution!
You should definitely try polish up that idea and sell it as a kit that can be bolted on to most truck beds or in vans man, I'd say make it out of stainless and make the pulley/hanger more secure so there's no rattling, would definitely be something I'd buy 👍🙏
Making a kit for most trucks is where I start second guessing how to build it. I guess I get scared of liability if someone hurts themselves or damages their truck. I know this is not exactly what you are looking for but its a start for me.
They do sell manual strap rollers at truck stops
Interesting idea.
I can see you and hear you bud