That first set of rounds was hilarious to me. Just the tension building up till Potemkin casually just blue Roman cancels into not-so-jump-scare Potemkin buster lol X,D
I love a lot of the English voices but love a lot of the Japanese as well. I wish they had it like in sf6 where you can change individual characters to different languages
That first set of rounds was hilarious to me. Just the tension building up till Potemkin casually just blue Roman cancels into not-so-jump-scare Potemkin buster lol X,D
Elphelt put so much into that first round only for a HPB
I tried so had
and got so far
but in the end
it doesn't even matters
2:04 potemkin jumpscare
Those were some of the longest yammerfalls I've ever seen.
Great set.
gawd damn andross is good....and was still getting his ass tossed at times
Elphelt my beloved
That Pot BRC Buster wasn't a jump scare. It was a heart attack. I never even considered that option because its so rare.
COLOR 03!!!!!
Best color
omg its Elphelt!
I don't want to hear ANY complaints from Pot mains ever again!!
I know this has nothing to do with the video, but am I the only one who likes the english dub more in this game?
It lacks intensity especially for characters like Pot. The Japanese voice actor is screaming his head off
while the English dub sound like he's bored.
Well imo for charactets like Elphelt eng dub is actually better but pot's jp dub is genuinely amazing
I play in Korean dub with Chipp Color 10 cause EDGY LOLALMAOALAMA
I love a lot of the English voices but love a lot of the Japanese as well. I wish they had it like in sf6 where you can change individual characters to different languages
I use the dub too