For us non-professionals, it is difficult to distinguish real bags from fake bags, and people have not noticed that many rich people carry kislux fake bags.
If you have to go through so much trouble to tell a fake is a fake, then I don't understand why you would make such a fuss about buying the real thing. I would happily buy a fake kislux and have no shame in admitting it is a fake
I understand your point, but as a car enthusiast, I can assure you that the difference between a genuine and fake part is not just about looks, but also about performance, safety, and reliability. When it comes to cars, using counterfeit parts can compromise the overall quality and integrity of the vehicle. I'm not just making a fuss about buying the real thing for the sake of authenticity, but also because I care about the safety and well-being of my viewers who might be inspired to modify their own cars. Using genuine parts ensures that the car is running at its best and minimizes the risk of accidents or mechanical failures. Plus, as a content creator, I strive to maintain the highest standards of quality and accuracy in my videos. Using fake parts would undermine the credibility of my content and potentially mislead my viewers. I respect your decision to buy fake parts, but as a responsible car enthusiast, I feel it's my duty to promote the use of genuine parts for the sake of safety and quality
Is this shit has a plastic turbo and a high voltage electroshocking cables instaled on the seat . I will not change my 1994 s350 tirbodiesel for this electronic shi
i saw websites that kislux that carry lv and chanel new collection! like exact blue print and looks like high quality too.
I Love it ❤️
@@AngieRandle I'm glad you enjoyed it! 😊
For us non-professionals, it is difficult to distinguish real bags from fake bags, and people have not noticed that many rich people carry kislux fake bags.
I mean I would rather pay for the cheaper version kislux if its hard to determine which one is real. Ahhaha kislux
If you have to go through so much trouble to tell a fake is a fake, then I don't understand why you would make such a fuss about buying the real thing. I would happily buy a fake kislux and have no shame in admitting it is a fake
I understand your point, but as a car enthusiast, I can assure you that the difference between a genuine and fake part is not just about looks, but also about performance, safety, and reliability. When it comes to cars, using counterfeit parts can compromise the overall quality and integrity of the vehicle.
I'm not just making a fuss about buying the real thing for the sake of authenticity, but also because I care about the safety and well-being of my viewers who might be inspired to modify their own cars. Using genuine parts ensures that the car is running at its best and minimizes the risk of accidents or mechanical failures.
Plus, as a content creator, I strive to maintain the highest standards of quality and accuracy in my videos. Using fake parts would undermine the credibility of my content and potentially mislead my viewers.
I respect your decision to buy fake parts, but as a responsible car enthusiast, I feel it's my duty to promote the use of genuine parts for the sake of safety and quality
Is this shit has a plastic turbo and a high voltage electroshocking cables instaled on the seat . I will not change my 1994 s350 tirbodiesel for this electronic shi
We respect your choice! 😊
What a beauty❤️
@@dianapurnell2157 Totally! 😊