Got a few comments on this so I figured I clarify - on the "Too Much Energy" point with Madara we're saying that Madara is just noting it's a lot of chakra which he doesn't do for attacks like Onoki's Jinto or Laser Circuits with Madara consistently commenting on Jutsu strength wise on if their worth absorbing or not like Mei's Lava Style. You can see this as Steam is actually coming off Madara's palm which never happens with attacks like Onoki's Jinton nor is there steam coming off the palm that absorbs Gaara's Sand which he has the same hand claw grip (We know he absorbed the chakra from it since Gaara's sand still is structured around the dissipating susnaoo & it'd be illogical to assume Gaara just let madara go there). It's more of a comparison to the attacks the Gokage threw out more than anything with Madara making an observation on the amount of chakra in the Rasenshuriken. Apologies if that wasn't clear.
@@wowdude654 His palm is steaming meaning it actually interacted and reached his hand which doesn't happen with almighty push, + the sand is also just falling from his hand meaning he didn't push that away either so it has to be in reference to the Preta Path
One think I think you guys missed was that most likely the reason no limit was shown for Nagato is because he's a direct main Uzumaki. Huge massive chakra pool/tank. Unlike Madara. Who has far more chakra limits. Nagato seems to beable (of course as u know) was given the rinnegan because he's Uzumaki massive chakra. But ontop of that most likely can just absorb alot more. As he's never shown a limit directly like Madara. Despite both using the same eyes. The only difference being his massive Uzumaki chakra pool. What do you think TG?
@@graylinbrown9428 Thats what I'm saying. Turles is literally the main antag along side Slug in the first half of Xenoverse 2, the best selling DB game of all time.
I mean I love Menma and all, but a much more interesting match is if Naruto Uzumaki fought in the War Arc. Menma's lesser known rival could probably change the war arc a lot in ways never seen before! But I wouldn't know, I'm just a ThunderGod fan...
Kurama is the one who gathered the Senjutsu chakra for Naruto's final attack vs. Sasuke. Of course he has understanding of Sage Mode. He's a perfect Sage lol
This was the best Naruto movie imo. Him seeing his alternate universe parents, the Akatski flip it was just great writing all around. Even the prelude with Sakura sets the tone. It would be cool to see how Menma obtained all his power and his change from being good to darkness would be very intresting
Really cool video bro, good job on the stats an everything too. Road to ninja was my favorite movie besides blood prison so it’s cool to see the main continuity compared with the movies and you said it perfect at the beginning, menma Fr Fr a war arc boss that just got dropped in💀
Great video. I've been looking forward to see you do a vs video with menma for a while now and I must say, this went better than I was expecting. It will probably be a bit controversial too as most people believe menma would lose to itachi and pain/nagato
Ordered a pizza and see a new upload, love it! Wow Menma is stronger than expected thanks for scaling :D One of the few charactes who can take Itachi + Nagato
I completely disagree with the claim that Rasen-Shuriken contain more chakra than anything Madara ever faced. Taking this as a fact off of the statement "that's too much" is wildly speculative. It is just as likely, if not far more likely imo that Madara was simply stating that the combo being pulled off against him was too much for him to casually shrug off without resorting to Preta Path. Not that the Rasen-Shuriken that he just absorbed was too much to absorb. This is simply the moment Madara decided he couldn't keep playing around.
It wasn’t pushing that it’s > anything Madara faced, but > in chakra quantity to most of what the Gokage threw at him, like Particle Style or any other jutsu which Madara will make note isn’t even worth absorbing. Nobody is claiming RS > everything Madara has faced. He is noting the Rasenshuriken itself tho does have too much energy, arguing it was too much for him too absorb is insane when he quite literally just absorbs it + the chakra from Gaara’s sand as it goes slack. Madara's palm is also steaming which never happens when absorbs Jinton which also adds to this. Him saying “too much energy” is just him noting the jutsu has a lot of chakra which he doesn’t do for a lot of techniques he absorbs, like Jinton, Laser Circuits, or Jutsu he thinks aren’t worth absorbing
That was actually Obito in Menma’s body that was chakra fatigued and knocked out. Doesn’t really amount to much since Sakura does better than Naruto as well.
Can you do more vs videos with naruto movie villains? I would personally like to see you do like satori vs the akatsuki, or war arc characters, or even the kage
Finally! The true content! Please ignore all canon arguments and make more film character matchups. Hiruko from Inheritors of the Will of Fire is a truly great matchup for Itachi.
I'll say this after finishing this video. Alot of these fights. Menma doesn't have to go into his full 9 tails form, after absorbing the nine masked tail beast. He can just opt to do Taijustu clashes and Ninjutsu. Summoning the 9tails was more so to flex on Naruto. Menma himself was chakra fatigued and this was only due to summoning the 9 tails and basically giving it all of his power. Like Legit he could sit their with Bijuu mode stats and techniques that could already Nuke the village in base Casually. To amping them with the 9tails chakra. He also negated Frog Kumite. People forget frog Kumite automatically sends out sage energy. As a by product of an attack. Menma either tanked this or just stop it completely.@@ThunderGodTG
@@ThunderGodTG and I think this comes from his ability to, "steal" jutsus. Like they said in the movie. Menma in his timeline at least was stealing jutsus from people, for years. We know one of these to be the light boulder jutsu. And it's why he has the ability to fly now. Also he can beat Obito IMHO. Because he and his Ninetails can fly and walk on air. Unlike the main series. Obito has no counter to that. Besides the rinnegan abilities. Which requires too much chakra. He tries to get close to Menma. Menma just flies away.
Menma and just spamas Bijuu bombs Rasenring and Bijuu bombs at Obito for 5 minutes straight. And will know he will. Because he did it against a base Naruto 😂
One ability everyone forgets Kabuto has, and I've never seen, in terms of vs debates with him, is his Manda v2 Clone, which should scale to Island level, with it taking down the Island turtle, it's speed and agility would be very useful here.
Edo-Madara wasn't talking about the rasenshuriken having too much energy, he was talking about himself using too much energy while using his MSE, hence why he switched to rinnegan. I don't think it was even about chakra, just the general output he had to give in the fight. If Edo-Madara had been talking about the amount of chakra in Naruto's attack, there is just too much that wouldn't makes sense. Gakidô had no problem absorbing Naruto Sennin rasenshuriken. Hell, he could absorb 2 senjutsu mode from Naruto back to back, and with only 1 mode Naruto could do several rasenshuriken. Edo-Nagato could absorb Killer Bee V2 which has obviously WAY more chakra than a single rasenshuriken. Edo-Madara believed he could have absorbed the giant jinton of Ônoki.
I disagree with this the scene never implied Madara is speaking about his own abilities and seeing as he says it right after absorbing the jutsu, it seems more consistent he’s referencing the jutsu itself. It’s also not that crazy when you consider Naruto’s SM form in the Pain Arc is a fusion of his chakra + nature = a bigger & stronger chakra could only sustain two of them. So this type of attack is actually taxing to even Naruto’s insane reserves. All that means is that Nagato could absorb Jinton the same way and that Killer Bee’s V2 cloak is overall less chakra.
@@ThunderGodTG Well, I don't know what else to say. We SEE Gakidô casually absorb Naruto Sennin Rasenshuriken. Honestly what else is there to add ? Edo-Nagato Preta Path is stronger than Pain's, it would makes no sense for him to struggle in any way to absorb anything anywere close to the level of chakra of a Rasenshuriken Sennin. When it come to Edo-Madara's sentence specifically, the problem with your interpretation is that it simply withdraw from Edo-Madara' ability when the whole point of the scene is to show how incredible far ahead of everyone Edo-Madara is. And more than that, to show it by having Edo-Madara use the rinnegan. Because let's be serious, I hope no one think Edo-Madara actually had to use it, unless someone want to defend that Edo-Madara MSE was actually beaten there. Using the rinnegan there was for show, it was the simplest option. Hence Edo-Madara saying "too much energy", as he won't bother to really engage there.
I will say you can just say due to Naruto being stronger in the War Arc there is a larger volume of chakra in that Rasenshuriken since his SM is a bit better with the Rasenshuriken limit being increased to 4 even later on. I think Nagato just can absorb ludicrous amounts of chakra along with Madara I don’t think Madara saying too much energy is really a defeater as it is more so a feat. All it means is that a lot of these jutsu aren’t using up AS much chakra or in Madara’s eyes aren’t as impressive. Which in my eyes just says that both the V2 Cloak and Rasenshuriken would be above a lot of jutsu chakra quality wise which is consistent, Kisame even questions how Bee doesn’t go mad off the chakra from not even the full V2 cloak he sapped off. I don’t disagree that Madara didn’t need the rinnegan, he’s outright shown later on just tanking a much stronger variation (the odama rasenshuriken) from a stronger SM Naruto. I think he more so just did opt to absorb it as he was in an unfavorable position generally (being pulled out the Susano’o). People don’t bring up he also absorbed the chakra from the sand as the sand goes slack so it really just mitigated the whole advantage they had.
@@ThunderGodTG Yeah a RS from Naruto Sennin war is better than a RS from Naruto Pain's arc. But whatever evolution there is here, the same can be say between Pain's and Edo-Nagato's jutsu. I mean, that's just a minor point of the video, but I think it's completely and definitely off. There is just no way it's true. I would guess Edo-Madara would have no problem at all absorbing the Odama RS that Naruto Sennin launched at him if it wasn't for Edo-Hashirama wood dragon, which was the point of the latter anyway. I don't think there is any chance that the giant jinton used less chakra than a simple RS Sennin. And I think a V2 cloak from Killer Bee also uses a lot more chakra than this RS. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of chakra in a RS, but Naruto could use several of them with only one Sennin mode so it's not that out of the world either. Good talking to you, see ya.
Menma is insane, could control the nine tails with no problems and split its chakra the only other person doing somthing like that was HOGOROMO HIMSELF, some sort of gravity control, no diffed minato, fought the akatsuki, the village, AND naruto BY HIMSELF (unless you count the nine tails) can activate sage mode WHILE MOVING INSTANTLY, somthing even HASHIRAMA SENJU can’t do, and this was without the nine tails. Bomb the village like pain and wasn’t drained afterwards. Bro is straight up HIM.
8:39, wouldnt say it had too much to absorb as Madara legit did just absorb it, and pain could do the same. Believe the "too much energy" could more be because MAdara knew that if he was hit by it, it would hurt. Or he could say that it having to much energy meant it became slower. Also that reaper mask looks like it steals chakra in percentages and not in amount. Because Menma said "1 more and you will all die", that means either he steals procentatly or Tsunade with that 100 healing seal, Minato, and 2 randoms all have the same amount of chakra.
@@ThunderGodTG exactly, dont think Madara is unable to absorb it, just he is impressed about the amount. Meaning NAgato might be able to absorb an entire tailed split thing if he has time.
It's not really for noting attacks in comparison to Nagato but, more so noting it against other attacks Madara absorbs. I agree Nagato would also be able to absorb it easily.
True if RTN is considered cannon to the manga and all the characters are equated to their rtn counterparts. If not even the edo gokage will solo besides maybe rasa since they scale to or above a jiraiya who can utilize a higher dimensional ability(many times) . While Menma at best is universal if the obito in rtn is considered such for creating the limited tsukuyomi.
Nagato summoning the Gedo Statue and Itachi pulling out the Totsuka blade at the same time. I think Menma wins, but if that combo comes I dont think the 9 tails is winning that matchup. Also Itachi doesn't have to control the 9 tails, he just suppresses it and Menma can't use it. Menma still wins, but I think we're forgetting the more fun arguments about that matchup.
I don’t think Nagato can summon the Gedo Mazo as an Edo. Partially due to how there is a distinction between an Edo Tensei Rinnegan & a real one, Matabi makes a note of this with more latent abilities coming to alive users. Kabuto has knowledge of the Gedo Mazo and still didn’t summon it with all the summons of it being with Alive Rinnegan.
The data books literally say "every jutsu, regardless of its chakra properties is sucked away and rendered ineffective" and these guys say nagato cant absorb enough of bees chakra to render him useless, time that was nagatos whole plan to capture naruto, the body of pain was going to keep draining narutos chakra until he passed out so im sure he could do the same to bee. And madara saying "too much chakra" was refering to naruto, saying that Naruto used too much chakra in that attack, not that that amount of chakra was reaching the limit of his absorption
Nah so you need to understand the Databook page for the Preta Path & that statement are made during DB3 meaning it’s more relevant to chakra attacks in the comment. The whole “gonna capture them” point is thrown out the window considering Kabuto was gonna have Nagato take both their souls. It’s not impossible but, there is a discernible upper limit to Rinnegan Absorption it isn’t infinite. The Madara point I mention in the pinned comment.
It’s wild no one notices that it was actually Sakura who the world it based upon. That’s why there’s another Naruto (Menma) but not another Sakura. Naruto just got caught in aoe of the cast of the jutsu.
I wodnt be suprised if the nine beast mask were something of his version of kcm 2 where not as powerfull as naruto when he enters his kcm 2 the mask all make its up with thier absurd versitelity
Something interesting im wondering. Menma aslo appeared in tenten's filler episode dream. There's a good chance he's the same menma from the movie as all the characters are the same and we did see menma's hair return to blond at the end of the movie. Menma has shown to be able to use kcm2 in that filler, so do you think it would make him any better?
Those are two different Menma. Menma is a constant alternate name for the dream world Naruto but blonde Menma uses most of regular Naruto's arsenal, while black hair Menma has his own on top of hunting down any powerful kekkei genkai to learn or steal. Black hair is closer to Orochimaru
@@lynnusuk2092 well menma's hair turned back to blonde after he was defeated (so for all we know, black haired menma may be the same menma just corrupted or something)
@@nuhscott9058 That's not the case for the 2 stories though, outside of the obvious their Justus are entirely different. The black hair Menma world is made using Sakura and Naruto wishes in the movie via a prototype infinite tsukuyomi, while the blonde one we see in the anime is based on TenTen's ideal world by the real infinite tsukuyomi. There's also the fact no one mentioning him basically waging war against the world
It wasn’t to much energy to absorb Masada said too much energy then absorbed it literally right after I think he meant too much chakra to block or deflect
I'd argue the rinnegan can absorb an infinite amount, just not at an infinite rate, and thus Madara took some damage from the attack still. Same thing with Bee: the contact happened too quickly for Bee to be completely drained.
The issue I have with the 3rd Raikage matchup is Naruto didnt flat out beat him. He had to use his spear attack to harm him completely. Menma I doubt is figuring that out or even being able to figure it out flat out put him down. Its more likely he woukd be warn out.
The way I look at is that was a 15 Second fight when Naruto was in KCM he could actually land a blow that almost took down the Third. The Thirds durability + Naruto trying a technique & burning out his cloak made it so the fight lasted so long.
I usually edit them or if I don’t (like this one) I’m providing assets like the grids & png’s that I make. The custom art thumbnails are made by an artist I know which I commission. Everything else is all me.
@@ThunderGodTG oh didn’t know that, then it’s a W either way, but do you think you’ll do any Boruto related content like the Kara vs Akatsuki vid you did anytime soon?
Why wouldnt tsykiomi work? It happens to fast for karama to break out menma. I dont understand he dosent need to hit kurama with it he just needs to hit menma then GG
Got a few comments on this so I figured I clarify - on the "Too Much Energy" point with Madara we're saying that Madara is just noting it's a lot of chakra which he doesn't do for attacks like Onoki's Jinto or Laser Circuits with Madara consistently commenting on Jutsu strength wise on if their worth absorbing or not like Mei's Lava Style. You can see this as Steam is actually coming off Madara's palm which never happens with attacks like Onoki's Jinton nor is there steam coming off the palm that absorbs Gaara's Sand which he has the same hand claw grip (We know he absorbed the chakra from it since Gaara's sand still is structured around the dissipating susnaoo & it'd be illogical to assume Gaara just let madara go there). It's more of a comparison to the attacks the Gokage threw out more than anything with Madara making an observation on the amount of chakra in the Rasenshuriken. Apologies if that wasn't clear.
I was always under the assumption that madara considered it to much energy and opted to just almighty push the rasenshuriken since it negs ninjutsu
@@wowdude654 His palm is steaming meaning it actually interacted and reached his hand which doesn't happen with almighty push, + the sand is also just falling from his hand meaning he didn't push that away either so it has to be in reference to the Preta Path
@@ThunderGodTG I always figured he mentioned that it was too much energy considering it was blended with Senjutsu which amps your chakra.
One think I think you guys missed was that most likely the reason no limit was shown for Nagato is because he's a direct main Uzumaki. Huge massive chakra pool/tank. Unlike Madara. Who has far more chakra limits.
Nagato seems to beable (of course as u know) was given the rinnegan because he's Uzumaki massive chakra. But ontop of that most likely can just absorb alot more. As he's never shown a limit directly like Madara. Despite both using the same eyes. The only difference being his massive Uzumaki chakra pool.
What do you think TG?
Rasa is equal to white mask obito)
Didn’t think anyone even cared enough to scale menma big ups to the goat for doing it
It’s not about caring , mfs running out of content the series been over for a decade
@@poodie3887go away
Thanks for having me on the channel!
This genin getting more and more promising 🗿
After hearing TG say A3, I now decree that we as a community only refer to the Raikage as A1, A2, A3, and A4.
Goated way to do it ngl
I confirm this statement.
Nobody stops the A-train.
That's, A, Ay, Aye, Ae, and you guessed it... Darui!
I'm surprised he's never been in any mainline Naruto game.
He’s not important enough I mean it’s jus an evil version of naruto
But turles and goku black exist I feel like the should at least add costume change
@@graylinbrown9428 Thats what I'm saying. Turles is literally the main antag along side Slug in the first half of Xenoverse 2, the best selling DB game of all time.
@@1of1MaccSauce I mean, they have Mecha Naruto in the storm games; I'd say the bar isn't too low for Menma's introduction
@@CoolOkay_ like I said any version of Naruto is not worth it we already have naruto
Menma is Kishi's way of telling us that if Naruto was even slightly more power hungry he would have won the day long before Kaguya returned.
I would love a 30 to 50 chapter spin-off about a power-hungry Naruto.
More like “If Kishimoto plans the series ahead of time”! 😂
I mean naruto always kind of held back with sasuke@MyNindo2000
@@irvinmorales5641 Yea, Naruto was always stronger, just didn't want to kill Sasuke.
I mean I love Menma and all, but a much more interesting match is if Naruto Uzumaki fought in the War Arc. Menma's lesser known rival could probably change the war arc a lot in ways never seen before! But I wouldn't know, I'm just a ThunderGod fan...
😂😂 bro this comment caught me for like 3 seconds I can’t even cap
Kurama is the one who gathered the Senjutsu chakra for Naruto's final attack vs. Sasuke. Of course he has understanding of Sage Mode. He's a perfect Sage lol
This point also popped into my head agreed
Loved that you talked about menma. The movie villains don't get enough love. Hiruko and mukade were cracked.
Great video!
I'm of the opinion that Tsukuyomi is a valid win con in the Itachi/Nagato section.
Honestly, its been a really long time since I have seen your videos. Great content.
W Video, TG is the reason why I hit 1K. Consistently good content and dedication to TH-cam/fans. I love this channel.
My fucking man out here GRINDING I love to see it man truly 🙏🏻
@@ThunderGodTG Thanks brother, I’ll branch off into Naruto content eventually but I’m a Gamer before anything lol.
The custom done thumbnails are always fire
Thinking Menma clears most of the War Arc, with the exception of Nagato and Itachi, Madara, White Mask Obito, Madara, and Sage Kabuto
You said Madara twice.
Bc orange mask Obito is "Madara"@@nirjhar4803
Nah only Madara and obito would be stronger. Itachi and kabuto don’t even belong in this tier.
Also, W thumbnail Woof God. Probably my favorite for of yours Thunder Bark
Bro the thumbnail fucks
This was the best Naruto movie imo. Him seeing his alternate universe parents, the Akatski flip it was just great writing all around. Even the prelude with Sakura sets the tone. It would be cool to see how Menma obtained all his power and his change from being good to darkness would be very intresting
Great video! Keep them coming 😊
Thank you!
Really cool video bro, good job on the stats an everything too. Road to ninja was my favorite movie besides blood prison so it’s cool to see the main continuity compared with the movies and you said it perfect at the beginning, menma Fr Fr a war arc boss that just got dropped in💀
Glad you enjoyed my man ✊🏻 blood prison fucking EATS such a sick movie with a W soundtrack
Banger video, i never thought i see my boy again 🎉🎉
Great video. I've been looking forward to see you do a vs video with menma for a while now and I must say, this went better than I was expecting.
It will probably be a bit controversial too as most people believe menma would lose to itachi and pain/nagato
About time someone started to glaze Menma! Great video
Thank you sir ✊🏻
Another great vid TG
Ordered a pizza and see a new upload, love it! Wow Menma is stronger than expected thanks for scaling :D One of the few charactes who can take Itachi + Nagato
TG should like this comment.
great vid fam
Yo! More Menace Uzimaki content! Let's go!
Menma is a more haxed KCM2 Naruto
TG THE GAWD 🔥 🔥 Fire ass topic
This is the only movie I wish was Canon and it isn't. Thanks for showcasing smaller channels, a few more eyes on them is a good thing (presumably)
I completely disagree with the claim that Rasen-Shuriken contain more chakra than anything Madara ever faced. Taking this as a fact off of the statement "that's too much" is wildly speculative. It is just as likely, if not far more likely imo that Madara was simply stating that the combo being pulled off against him was too much for him to casually shrug off without resorting to Preta Path. Not that the Rasen-Shuriken that he just absorbed was too much to absorb.
This is simply the moment Madara decided he couldn't keep playing around.
It wasn’t pushing that it’s > anything Madara faced, but > in chakra quantity to most of what the Gokage threw at him, like Particle Style or any other jutsu which Madara will make note isn’t even worth absorbing. Nobody is claiming RS > everything Madara has faced. He is noting the Rasenshuriken itself tho does have too much energy, arguing it was too much for him too absorb is insane when he quite literally just absorbs it + the chakra from Gaara’s sand as it goes slack. Madara's palm is also steaming which never happens when absorbs Jinton which also adds to this.
Him saying “too much energy” is just him noting the jutsu has a lot of chakra which he doesn’t do for a lot of techniques he absorbs, like Jinton, Laser Circuits, or Jutsu he thinks aren’t worth absorbing
Fire ass vid
menma the goat 🗣️
Also I forgot that his name is freaking MENMA 😂😂😂
He’s very strong but I swear I remember a scene in the movie where base Sakura was brawling it out with Menma while Naruto was passed out😭
That was actually Obito in Menma’s body that was chakra fatigued and knocked out. Doesn’t really amount to much since Sakura does better than Naruto as well.
@@ThunderGodTG yeah that makes sense! I couldn’t remember it correctly
A Menma video? Fuckin awesome!
Can we get a part 3 of "Menma vs Shinobi Alliance"
Cool topic
Can you do more vs videos with naruto movie villains?
I would personally like to see you do like satori vs the akatsuki, or war arc characters, or even the kage
Oh boy when this movie came out
The theories WERE CRAAZYYYYYYYyyyyyy
I might need to watch this movie, menma is cracked
Finally! The true content! Please ignore all canon arguments and make more film character matchups. Hiruko from Inheritors of the Will of Fire is a truly great matchup for Itachi.
Virthue and TG both uploading christmas came early
I have never been so happy in my life. Like tears running down my eyes.
Bro has been WAITING for this 😂
@@ThunderGodTG it's been YEARS! 😭😂
I'll say this after finishing this video. Alot of these fights. Menma doesn't have to go into his full 9 tails form, after absorbing the nine masked tail beast. He can just opt to do Taijustu clashes and Ninjutsu. Summoning the 9tails was more so to flex on Naruto. Menma himself was chakra fatigued and this was only due to summoning the 9 tails and basically giving it all of his power. Like Legit he could sit their with Bijuu mode stats and techniques that could already Nuke the village in base Casually. To amping them with the 9tails chakra. He also negated Frog Kumite. People forget frog Kumite automatically sends out sage energy. As a by product of an attack. Menma either tanked this or just stop it completely.@@ThunderGodTG
@@ThunderGodTG and I think this comes from his ability to, "steal" jutsus. Like they said in the movie. Menma in his timeline at least was stealing jutsus from people, for years. We know one of these to be the light boulder jutsu. And it's why he has the ability to fly now. Also he can beat Obito IMHO. Because he and his Ninetails can fly and walk on air. Unlike the main series. Obito has no counter to that. Besides the rinnegan abilities. Which requires too much chakra. He tries to get close to Menma. Menma just flies away.
Menma and just spamas Bijuu bombs Rasenring and Bijuu bombs at Obito for 5 minutes straight. And will know he will. Because he did it against a base Naruto 😂
Yooo another menma matchup!
One ability everyone forgets Kabuto has, and I've never seen, in terms of vs debates with him, is his Manda v2 Clone, which should scale to Island level, with it taking down the Island turtle, it's speed and agility would be very useful here.
Never heard of Menma until now. His mask is cool.
10:48 Akatsuki so🔥🔥🔥wish we got more interaction among them throughout the series.
Just hit 1K ThunderGod is my biggest inspiration. I have to keep cooking to catch up to bro!
MY MAN! W stuff truly def keep killing it I’ll be on the lookout for sure 👀
Edo-Madara wasn't talking about the rasenshuriken having too much energy, he was talking about himself using too much energy while using his MSE, hence why he switched to rinnegan. I don't think it was even about chakra, just the general output he had to give in the fight.
If Edo-Madara had been talking about the amount of chakra in Naruto's attack, there is just too much that wouldn't makes sense. Gakidô had no problem absorbing Naruto Sennin rasenshuriken. Hell, he could absorb 2 senjutsu mode from Naruto back to back, and with only 1 mode Naruto could do several rasenshuriken. Edo-Nagato could absorb Killer Bee V2 which has obviously WAY more chakra than a single rasenshuriken. Edo-Madara believed he could have absorbed the giant jinton of Ônoki.
I disagree with this the scene never implied Madara is speaking about his own abilities and seeing as he says it right after absorbing the jutsu, it seems more consistent he’s referencing the jutsu itself. It’s also not that crazy when you consider Naruto’s SM form in the Pain Arc is a fusion of his chakra + nature = a bigger & stronger chakra could only sustain two of them. So this type of attack is actually taxing to even Naruto’s insane reserves. All that means is that Nagato could absorb Jinton the same way and that Killer Bee’s V2 cloak is overall less chakra.
@@ThunderGodTG Well, I don't know what else to say. We SEE Gakidô casually absorb Naruto Sennin Rasenshuriken. Honestly what else is there to add ? Edo-Nagato Preta Path is stronger than Pain's, it would makes no sense for him to struggle in any way to absorb anything anywere close to the level of chakra of a Rasenshuriken Sennin.
When it come to Edo-Madara's sentence specifically, the problem with your interpretation is that it simply withdraw from Edo-Madara' ability when the whole point of the scene is to show how incredible far ahead of everyone Edo-Madara is. And more than that, to show it by having Edo-Madara use the rinnegan. Because let's be serious, I hope no one think Edo-Madara actually had to use it, unless someone want to defend that Edo-Madara MSE was actually beaten there. Using the rinnegan there was for show, it was the simplest option. Hence Edo-Madara saying "too much energy", as he won't bother to really engage there.
I will say you can just say due to Naruto being stronger in the War Arc there is a larger volume of chakra in that Rasenshuriken since his SM is a bit better with the Rasenshuriken limit being increased to 4 even later on.
I think Nagato just can absorb ludicrous amounts of chakra along with Madara I don’t think Madara saying too much energy is really a defeater as it is more so a feat. All it means is that a lot of these jutsu aren’t using up AS much chakra or in Madara’s eyes aren’t as impressive. Which in my eyes just says that both the V2 Cloak and Rasenshuriken would be above a lot of jutsu chakra quality wise which is consistent, Kisame even questions how Bee doesn’t go mad off the chakra from not even the full V2 cloak he sapped off.
I don’t disagree that Madara didn’t need the rinnegan, he’s outright shown later on just tanking a much stronger variation (the odama rasenshuriken) from a stronger SM Naruto. I think he more so just did opt to absorb it as he was in an unfavorable position generally (being pulled out the Susano’o). People don’t bring up he also absorbed the chakra from the sand as the sand goes slack so it really just mitigated the whole advantage they had.
@@ThunderGodTG Yeah a RS from Naruto Sennin war is better than a RS from Naruto Pain's arc. But whatever evolution there is here, the same can be say between Pain's and Edo-Nagato's jutsu.
I mean, that's just a minor point of the video, but I think it's completely and definitely off. There is just no way it's true. I would guess Edo-Madara would have no problem at all absorbing the Odama RS that Naruto Sennin launched at him if it wasn't for Edo-Hashirama wood dragon, which was the point of the latter anyway. I don't think there is any chance that the giant jinton used less chakra than a simple RS Sennin. And I think a V2 cloak from Killer Bee also uses a lot more chakra than this RS. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of chakra in a RS, but Naruto could use several of them with only one Sennin mode so it's not that out of the world either.
Good talking to you, see ya.
Yeah that’s fine I have some further contentions but, we can just agree to disagree and keep it moving minor point and all enjoyed the convo ✊🏻
I got my black belt for ranked in 3rd strike yesterday!!🔥🔥🥲
P.S fire video!!⭐️🤜🤛
My man got HANDS W af ✊🏻
@@ThunderGodTG ahahahaha tyty😅 I’m not Daigo or Jwong, but I know a thing or too!
Road to ninja is my favorite Naruto movie, so this is exciting
Can you please make a video explaining Menmas abilities and the abilities of his nine masked beasts please
Yessssssss I fucking love Menma
I now expect to see videos like this for the other movie only characters.
bro doesn't want me to be happy (I really want to do Satori from blood prison)
@@ThunderGodTG Satori is cracked from what I remember. He's at least Sage Mode levels of power I'm pretty sure.
Menma is insane, could control the nine tails with no problems and split its chakra the only other person doing somthing like that was HOGOROMO HIMSELF, some sort of gravity control, no diffed minato, fought the akatsuki, the village, AND naruto BY HIMSELF (unless you count the nine tails) can activate sage mode WHILE MOVING INSTANTLY, somthing even HASHIRAMA SENJU can’t do, and this was without the nine tails. Bomb the village like pain and wasn’t drained afterwards. Bro is straight up HIM.
Bro I swear to Tod we need some kind of game with him in there,,id take anything at this point 😩
ThunderGod do you have a link or something for whoever made your thumbnail?
22:05 comon sense it can seal any amount of chakra not a debate
8:39, wouldnt say it had too much to absorb as Madara legit did just absorb it, and pain could do the same. Believe the "too much energy" could more be because MAdara knew that if he was hit by it, it would hurt. Or he could say that it having to much energy meant it became slower.
Also that reaper mask looks like it steals chakra in percentages and not in amount. Because Menma said "1 more and you will all die", that means either he steals procentatly or Tsunade with that 100 healing seal, Minato, and 2 randoms all have the same amount of chakra.
He’s more so just noting the chakra volume of the attack imo and how impressive it is.
@@ThunderGodTG exactly, dont think Madara is unable to absorb it, just he is impressed about the amount. Meaning NAgato might be able to absorb an entire tailed split thing if he has time.
It's not really for noting attacks in comparison to Nagato but, more so noting it against other attacks Madara absorbs. I agree Nagato would also be able to absorb it easily.
But can he beat Kakuzu’s raw durability?
True if RTN is considered cannon to the manga and all the characters are equated to their rtn counterparts.
If not even the edo gokage will solo besides maybe rasa since they scale to or above a jiraiya who can utilize a higher dimensional ability(many times) .
While Menma at best is universal if the obito in rtn is considered such for creating the limited tsukuyomi.
Please more menma
He loses to Itachi and Nagato. Edo Madara and the edo hokage stomp that man. Obito beats him too.
Nagato summoning the Gedo Statue and Itachi pulling out the Totsuka blade at the same time. I think Menma wins, but if that combo comes I dont think the 9 tails is winning that matchup. Also Itachi doesn't have to control the 9 tails, he just suppresses it and Menma can't use it. Menma still wins, but I think we're forgetting the more fun arguments about that matchup.
I don’t think Nagato can summon the Gedo Mazo as an Edo. Partially due to how there is a distinction between an Edo Tensei Rinnegan & a real one, Matabi makes a note of this with more latent abilities coming to alive users. Kabuto has knowledge of the Gedo Mazo and still didn’t summon it with all the summons of it being with Alive Rinnegan.
25:51 then nagato would summon for Itachi ( or use susano ) and nagato would be flying going shinra tensi 4 shinra tensi with menma💀
Itachi would definitely use izanagi or izanami to make menma see the error in his ways
16:13 What game is this??
Half Life 3
I was actually relieved when I heard white mask obito would win
How come wen u guys tlk bout kabuto u never tlk bout him bring da dead back to life 2 help him fight
I'd love to see the other movie villains get some love even if a lot of them are pretty fodder.
hold up didn't he also have kcm2? i remember him using it a tenten filler episode when tenten got teleported to another dimension.
Menma has the force
The data books literally say "every jutsu, regardless of its chakra properties is sucked away and rendered ineffective" and these guys say nagato cant absorb enough of bees chakra to render him useless, time that was nagatos whole plan to capture naruto, the body of pain was going to keep draining narutos chakra until he passed out so im sure he could do the same to bee. And madara saying "too much chakra" was refering to naruto, saying that Naruto used too much chakra in that attack, not that that amount of chakra was reaching the limit of his absorption
Nah so you need to understand the Databook page for the Preta Path & that statement are made during DB3 meaning it’s more relevant to chakra attacks in the comment. The whole “gonna capture them” point is thrown out the window considering Kabuto was gonna have Nagato take both their souls. It’s not impossible but, there is a discernible upper limit to Rinnegan Absorption it isn’t infinite.
The Madara point I mention in the pinned comment.
I knew it was gonna be a Menma Dickeat fest🤣
Blame Kishimoto not me bro
It’s wild no one notices that it was actually Sakura who the world it based upon. That’s why there’s another Naruto (Menma) but not another Sakura. Naruto just got caught in aoe of the cast of the jutsu.
The thing is I think for KCM2 Naruto I think Naruto can just shrug off the chakra if he gets his by the amateratsu but for Menma I don't think he can
I always thought Menma’s last name was Namikaze
To put it simply, imo menma is altogether a KCM2 level threat
I wodnt be suprised if the nine beast mask were something of his version of kcm 2 where not as powerfull as naruto when he enters his kcm 2 the mask all make its up with thier absurd versitelity
Something interesting im wondering. Menma aslo appeared in tenten's filler episode dream.
There's a good chance he's the same menma from the movie as all the characters are the same and we did see menma's hair return to blond at the end of the movie.
Menma has shown to be able to use kcm2 in that filler, so do you think it would make him any better?
Those are two different Menma. Menma is a constant alternate name for the dream world Naruto but blonde Menma uses most of regular Naruto's arsenal, while black hair Menma has his own on top of hunting down any powerful kekkei genkai to learn or steal. Black hair is closer to Orochimaru
@@lynnusuk2092 well menma's hair turned back to blonde after he was defeated (so for all we know, black haired menma may be the same menma just corrupted or something)
@@nuhscott9058 That's not the case for the 2 stories though, outside of the obvious their Justus are entirely different. The black hair Menma world is made using Sakura and Naruto wishes in the movie via a prototype infinite tsukuyomi, while the blonde one we see in the anime is based on TenTen's ideal world by the real infinite tsukuyomi. There's also the fact no one mentioning him basically waging war against the world
@@lynnusuk2092 I guess
It wasn’t to much energy to absorb Masada said too much energy then absorbed it literally right after I think he meant too much chakra to block or deflect
Pinned comment
I'd argue the rinnegan can absorb an infinite amount, just not at an infinite rate, and thus Madara took some damage from the attack still. Same thing with Bee: the contact happened too quickly for Bee to be completely drained.
It’s even stated that the chakra is absorbed into a endless loop so I think they are really downplaying Nagato
The issue I have with the 3rd Raikage matchup is Naruto didnt flat out beat him. He had to use his spear attack to harm him completely. Menma I doubt is figuring that out or even being able to figure it out flat out put him down. Its more likely he woukd be warn out.
The way I look at is that was a 15 Second fight when Naruto was in KCM he could actually land a blow that almost took down the Third. The Thirds durability + Naruto trying a technique & burning out his cloak made it so the fight lasted so long.
Who edits your videos and who does the thumbnails
I usually edit them or if I don’t (like this one) I’m providing assets like the grids & png’s that I make. The custom art thumbnails are made by an artist I know which I commission. Everything else is all me.
Looking for some more yugioh video😭🙏
I actually do got one in the chamber I’m cooking 🔥
is ur back ok bro? heavy weight carrying this shit bouta be looking like onoki
Its never a true war arc video without madatory Rasa slander
😂😂😂 bro I HAVE TO
Naruto forms multiplier
So menma full power is equal to full power kcm2 naruto?
Menma is basically boruto w/o karma essentially
Edit: Two blue boruto in base as of right nowl
Should’ve done top 10 strongest of each arc
That vid is in the works, everything on that poll is gonna be dropped this vid has been done for a minute and I’ve actually been waiting to drop it
@@ThunderGodTG oh didn’t know that, then it’s a W either way, but do you think you’ll do any Boruto related content like the Kara vs Akatsuki vid you did anytime soon?
Yeah I’m thinking about doing a few videos regarding Boruto cause I’ve been really loving the timeskip.
Why wouldnt tsykiomi work? It happens to fast for karama to break out menma. I dont understand he dosent need to hit kurama with it he just needs to hit menma then GG
How far would menma get in Boruto
Menma is just an OC one of us would have made up in middle school
How strong would be menma if hagoromo give his half of his powers just naruto in original story.