I think I'm going to try that bug killer stuff that looks like flour. I have issues with springtail bugs. How do You go about cleaning it up and how often do You spread it around the house?
with the kind that I bought, it came with a puffer thingie that helped spread the powder. You can see evidence of bug trails across the powder and you can start to see when they start dying off. I have done it in my basement before, as a preventative, and I just left it there. It works as long as it doesn't get wet. I would think a few weeks would eliminate the cycle in many bugs, for roaches, maybe longer.
I think I'm going to try that bug killer stuff that looks like flour. I have issues with springtail bugs. How do You go about cleaning it up and how often do You spread it around the house?
with the kind that I bought, it came with a puffer thingie that helped spread the powder. You can see evidence of bug trails across the powder and you can start to see when they start dying off. I have done it in my basement before, as a preventative, and I just left it there. It works as long as it doesn't get wet. I would think a few weeks would eliminate the cycle in many bugs, for roaches, maybe longer.
Also, you can just sweep it up after you are done using it.