This video was very good and totally accurate up until 4:50 when the claimed 'risks' went off the rails! Resistance has been an issue for farmers ever since we began using pesticides and is not unique to GMOs. All GMO seed is tested for years before approval - no allergens or unexpected proteins will be allowed. If they could harm wildlife they will not be approved. THERE ARE NO SUICIDE SEEDS!!! Those have never been sold anywhere on Earth.
I mostly agree, but are there really strawberries with antifreeze protein fish genes? I believe that the experiment was tried, the resulting strawberries express the antifreeze protein, and actual frost tolerance has NOT been observed.
Right away, she started with a definition of a genetically modified organism, which included animals fed with GMO foods. That is a rather odd definition which most people would not accept. It makes me a GMO organism. It's certainly solidly proven that eating food does not alter ones genes and that genes from the food do not incorporate into our genomes. Even bacteria, which can exchange genes with one another, do not do so by eating the genes. Her confusion comes because there are some people who want to not eat animals who have eaten GMO food.
Thank you Mr. Rader. Your input is always helpful. However there is one video that needs our help more than any others. It is used as a child education video for schools and has many millions of views and over 35,000 comments. It gets attacked almost daily by vile lying trolls of all ages. It would be great if you could take over there, I have about 5000 fact checks there spanning years. I just sort for newest to find them.
@@charlesmrader Thank you for pointing out my failure to post the actual link. It is the number one video that comes up when you do a search for GMO. It is just an educational cartoon for kids but it gets attacked by ignorant adults frequently.
@@ankit00734 No. We do not eat cotton. India grows no other GMO crops. But Bangladesh is proving how wonderful Bt brinjal is for its farmers - perfect blemish free fruit without using any pesticide! In civil disobedience challenge to ongoing GMO ban, Indian farmers’ union illegally provides herbicide-resistant cotton seeds to farmers Parthasarathi Biswas | Indian Express | June 24, 2021 "Farmers’ union Shetkari Sanghatana has announced that it will provide farmers seeds of the unapproved herbicide tolerant (Ht) Bt cotton at their door steps. Lalit Patil, president of the organisation, said they will start an online registration process for farmers to help them access such seeds easily. Since 2018, the Shetkari Sanghatana has started a public civil disobedience movement demanding the legalisation of this transgenic cotton."
Indian cotton farmers take note!!! "The U.S. Department of Agriculture approved a new kind of cotton - one that's been genetically engineered so that the seeds are safe to eat. The invention promises to open new markets for cottonseed, and it could give cotton farming a big boost. Because cotton plants are prodigious seed producers: Every pound of cotton fiber, or lint, comes with 1.6 pounds of seed. "You're getting more cottonseed than you are lint," says Greg Holt, who leads research on cotton production and processing at a USDA research station in Lubbock, Texas. Each seed is the size of a small peanut. In principle, it could be highly nutritious. It contains lots of oil and protein. The problem is that the seeds, like the cotton plant's leaves, contain little dark glands full of something called gossypol. "Gossypol in and of itself is a toxin," explains Holt. It's helpful for the cotton plant, because it helps fend off insect pests. But it makes the seed unhealthy for people to eat. It's toxic to most animals, too. So there are limited options for the 40 million tons of cottonseed that stream out of cotton gins around the world each year. "Seed can go in one of two directions," Holt says. "You're either going to the dairy industry, or you're going to the oil mill." But Keerti Rathore wanted to expand those options. So 23 years ago, when he arrived at Texas A&M University, he set out to make a cotton plant with seeds that people can eat. "This was my first project, and hopefully it's coming to an end, and a good conclusion," he says. Rathore inserted a new piece of DNA into the cotton plant. In the plant's seeds, it turned off a key gene, the one responsible for producing gossypol. The gene stayed active in the rest of the plant. And it worked. There's still gossypol in leaves of this genetically engineered plant, to protect against insects. But the seeds are almost completely gossypol-free. They're safe to eat. Cut them open, and they even look different. They don't have those little dark glands. Researchers at Texas A&M tested the plants in greenhouses and small field plots. They also roasted a few and ate them. Rathore says they taste like chickpeas. This week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture gave this new cotton a green light. Anybody in the U.S. can grow them. Before the seeds can be sold as food or feed, they'll need approval from the Food and Drug Administration. If that happens, all kind of doors will open. Cottonseed could be used to feed chickens, or fish. The meal could go into protein bars. Rathore's real goal, though, is to see it growing in places like India, where he grew up; places where a lot of people aren't eating well. "A lot of these countries that do suffer from malnutrition are also cotton producers," he says. "So I think that those countries may benefit much more from this technology." China and India are the world's two top cotton-growing countries.
@Vidhya Dhara Educated people everywhere reject your ignorance. Many of the most desirable GMO seeds cost millions of dollars and many years to develop and get approved. Farmers asked for them and are willing to pay. The 20 year patents always expire. India is developing its own GMO seeds, testing them and giving them away free to farmers, just as Bangladesh has done.
@Vidhya Dhara Imagine if every Indian cotton farmer suddenly doubled the value of his crops by growing cotton with edible seeds while putting in no additional work to the fields. This would end the protein shortage in India. As my citation states, it could give cotton farming a big boost
@Vidhya Dhara US seed corporations do not owe India a free ride. You get what you pay for, or make your own versions. *More than half of all GMO seeds being used today (by variety, not tonnage) are not for or from US agribusiness.* They are for specific applications in many different parts of the world where climate change is causing additional challenges. Most of them are not patented. Most of them are given away free to struggling farmers by NGOs and govt seed programs:
Barsha Agrawal Ya they are genetically from DNA of diffrent animals ... GM food is baned in so many countries but our country increasing its productions ... GM food is harmful to us ... you can research on it ...
@@mynameiskhan2700 No, GM food is truly harmless and a life saver even if you are so ignorant you don't trust it. In 2019, five African nations ended their GM cultivation bans because they are smarter than you. Soon there will be no countries with bans. This is what happy productive farmers look like:
@@mynameiskhan2700 It's my experience in discussions of genetically modified food that "You should research it." should be translated to You should read and believe what I read and believed".
Hi everyone I am from tamilnadu. I worked with many FSO. First this FSSAI was not working welfare of people. They are looting money from people on monthly basis. They mention it's 100rs RC but they loot upto 5000 shame on them. All these are done by higher authority and District head officers. Their monthly salary starts from 50000. But monthly they loot 2 to 3 lakhs.
You are an extremely ignorant guy. People Strongly Against GMOs Had Shakier Understanding Of Food Science, Study Finds Jan 26, 2019 "People who most intensely oppose genetically modified food think they know a lot about food science, but they actually know the least, according to a peer-reviewed paper published in January in the journal Nature Human Behaviour. GMOs are widely considered safe by scientists, but opponents have said they want more science on the potential harm so that subjective arguments aren't part of the equation. However, previous surveys have shown that providing more scientific facts about GMOs to people doesn't change their minds. The survey, conducted by four universities, asked 2,000 people in Europe and the United States how much they knew about genetically modified food, what their opinion was and how intense it was." Read the full coverage at:
And the people who know about food science know even less about crucial animal biology. No living animals digestive system can usefully break down the unnaturally present proteins found in GMOs. Humans are animals to by the way.
@@saucywench9122 GMO is a laboratory breeding method for seeds. It is never under any circumstances an actual food ingredient just as hybridization, grafting and seed selection are not food ingredients Lying organic thug trolls will try to use fear mongering to convince you GMO sourced foods are not as safe when in fact they are far safer. What is not tested, ever, for safety?? Organic, heirloom, hybrid and new truck farm breeds. They go straight to store shelves with zero testing and YOU are the guinea pig. Look at what has happened because of this fact that never happened with GMO foods: "A year ago[2003] in New Zealand, there was an outbreak of food poisoning from a "killer zucchini" that hospitalized a number of people. Environmentalists jumped all over the story until it was determined that the culprit was "organic" zucchini. Plants are chemical factories that produce a multitude of toxins that protect them. An outbreak of aphid infestation had minimal impact on conventionally grown zucchini. The more vulnerable "organic" zucchini was genetically inferior because of inbreeding. They expressed dangerously high levels of the toxin curcubitan. Had this been a transgenic plant, we would be hearing about it ad nauseam, but being that it was "organic," it was quickly consigned to an Orwellian memory hole."
This is ridiculous as it’s coming from a doctor working for a food safety org. GMOs are not only dangerous for human body, these are so bad for the soil too. This should come from a scientist not a doctor. This is clearly a corporate interest speaking. Traditionally we’ve been doing just fine, and the food shortage problem is not because of what farmers can’t do to grow more food for the growing population, but it’s mainly due to the stupid policies of successive Indian governments which has failed to enable the naive and uneducated farmers to a level where they can make a decision for themselves. Same is true about the Indian population. Unless the people educate themselves about what they should and should not eat in these modern times, they would suffer. If people start wasting food, there would be enough food for everyone.
A new study on the increase in the heath of farmers since GMO crop science has become wide spread: Peer reviewed and published 27 September 2019 "GM crops, particularly Bt cotton, has resulted in significant reductions in pesticide poisoning cases due to reduced applications and reduced levels of insecticide exposure. Reductions in farmer pesticide poisonings have been quantified in China, India, Pakistan and South Africa. Often cases of pesticide poisoning are not formally reported to health centers and the results on pesticide poisoning may be underestimated due to the lack of reporting. In South Africa, farmers reduced pesticide applications from 11.2 per year to 3.8, with reported cases of pesticide poisoning declining from over 50 per year to less than 10 over the first four years of Bt cotton adoption (Bennet et al. 2003). One-third of non-Bt cotton farmers in China reported cases of pesticide poisoning, compared to 9% of Bt cotton producing farmers (Hossain et al. 2004). Assessing the health impacts in India, reveals a reduction in cases of pesticide poisoning of 2.4 - 9 million cases per year (Kouser and Qaim 2011). Cumulatively, since 2003, when Bt cotton was first commercialized in India, a minimum of 38 million fewer instances of pesticide poisoning have occurred, with an upper potential of 144 million. Farmers in Pakistan growing non-Bt cotton reported up to seven instances of pesticide poisoning in the growing season with 35% reporting no instances, versus Bt cotton farmers reporting up to six poisonings with 45% reporting none (Kouser and Qaim 2013). A medical assessment of 246 Chinese farmers, involving 35 health indicators, found that fungicides associated with the production of non-Bt cotton had linkages to damaged liver function, while the insecticides used in non-Bt cotton production may be associated with severe nerve damage (Zhang et al. 2016). The use of non-glyphosate tolerant crops was found to likely reduce renal function and decrease serum folic acid. CHANGES IN FARMER SUICIDES Mental health challenges and issues affect all walks of life and economic sectors, with agriculture being no different. Access to sufficient mental health resources can be problematic within the agriculture sector due to rural areas, remote locations and lack of access to mental health support systems. Unfortunately, suicide is a concern in agriculture. India has one of the highest suicide ratesin the world and research has examined the relationship between farmer suicide and the adoption of GM cotton. Research examining the relationship between farm suicide and Bt cotton adoption revealed a plateauing of the suicide rate following the commercialization of Bt cotton (Gruère and Sengupta 2011). Farmer suicides were trending upward from 15,000 per year, peaking in 2004, the year after Bt cotton was first commercialized in India. By 2007, the actual suicide rate was 25% below the extrapolated suicide rate. Cumulatively, the reduced rate of suicide associated with the adoption of Bt cotton represents the prevention of a minimum of 75,000 farmer suicides. LOWERING CANCER INCIDENCES The development of insect resistant crop varieties has begun to have a noticeable potential to improve human health through the reduction of cancer rates. Prior to the commercialization of Bt crops, maize in particular, insect damage to the harvested crop increased the potential for the development of harmful health effects. A study of 21 years of maize production quantified that Bt maize contained lower concentrations of mycotoxins (29%), fumonisins (31%) and thricotecens (37%) (Pellegrino et al. 2018). Mycotoxins are both toxic and carcinogenic to humans and animals and are considerably more concerning in developing economy food systems where access to food safety toxicity tests are less prevalent. Fumonisins are correlated to being the cause of higher rates of neural tube defects in high maize-based diets (Missmer et al. 2006). With food security challenges existing in many developing countries corn containing mycotoxins are consumed as part of the household diet due the lack of any other option. NUTRITIONAL BENEFITS GM crops have made significant contributions to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular goals one (reducing poverty) and two (reducing hunger). While increased yields have contributed to higher household incomes, which reduces poverty, the increased yields have also enhanced household food security. Biofortified GM crops have been adopted, increasing micronutrient availability (Hefferon 2014). Nutritionally enhanced foods improve an individual’s nutrient intake, preventing and/or treating leading causes of death such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Improving the nutritional content of daily food consumption certainly has day to day effects, but of significant importance are the long term effects that extend for decades over the course of an individual’s lifetime. In many instances, improving macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, fiber) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, functional metabolites) has significant childhood health improvements, such as reducing blindness due to the lack of vitamin availability. Improved food nutrient content, especially the increase in mineral availability, contributes to improved immunity systems and reduces stunting. In many developing countries, plant-based nutrient intake accounts for one hundred per cent of an individual’s nutrient diet, further highlighting the importance of nutritionally enhanced crop derived foods. As the later in life benefits from improved childhood nutrition are better understood, the full value of nutritionally enhanced GM crops and foods, may not be realized for several decades." see the full paper at onlinelibrary dot wiley dot com/doi/epdf/10.1111/pbi.13261
Who owns the rights to the seeds & How many grows can you get from the seeds from the fruits or veg and not have to keep buying more from big corporations
All farmers have the freedom at all times to buy the seed they want. They willingly pay more for high performance seeds that provide larger yields under harsh conditions. Your "have to keep buying more" is bullshit. You don't even know that all hybrid seeds are not replanted because they will lose their desirable traits. Farmer still come out way ahead when they buy better seed every year but it is voluntary. They are free to starve if they choose.
paul, the lady is speaking about India. You are repeating western propaganda that simply doesn't apply in India. Their laws do not allow plant patents. They have also not yet approved any GMO food plants. I also disagree with the western propaganda for the west, but that is another matter entirely.
Respected FSSAI, 1) Do you have data that shows Farmers profit increases after using BT cotton in long run? 2) If farmers pays the royalty for BT cotton seed, then how many farmers got the refund after thier field were attacked by pink boll worm? Coz BT cotton main aim to kill Bollworm. That's why that technology introduced in India. 3) Why not FSSAI try to regenerate the Indian origin seeds which were used before English people forced Indian to grow the varieties which were beneficial to them. 4) Do you have data that shows BT cotton not responsible for Farmers suicides? Coz 97% Farmers who dies was BT cotton grower farmers.
There are slight variations in the type of Bt cotton so it can handle more than one kind of pest. Every cotton farmer is already saving a large part of his income he previously had to spend on pesticides. This also reduces the risk to the farmers being exposed to these chemicals.
Many informed people are revolted by the malicious lie being spread by that professional fraud Vandana Shiva. There is no specific connection between GMOs and Indian farmer suicides. Even the Indian press resents the implications. Here are reliable sources dispelling the myth: Myles Power video about Shiva fraud: Detailed statistics on the actual causes of Indian farmer suicides - GMO seed is not even on the list:
*In civil disobedience challenge to ongoing GMO ban, Indian farmers’ union illegally provides herbicide-resistant cotton seeds to farmers* Parthasarathi Biswas | Indian Express | June 24, 2021 "Farmers’ union Shetkari Sanghatana has announced that it will provide farmers seeds of the unapproved herbicide tolerant (Ht) Bt cotton at their door steps. Lalit Patil, president of the organisation, said they will start an online registration process for farmers to help them access such seeds easily. Since 2018, the Shetkari Sanghatana has started a public civil disobedience movement demanding the legalisation of this transgenic cotton."
@@popeyegordon if you don't live in India then you should no right to tell me.. I am asking to FSSAI. And not you. What's going in India and what politics is going in India you are not aware about it. Our Indian traditional method of farming is far better than any other chemical farming methods in India.
@@abcqwerty12872 This video is 3 years old. FSSAI is not primarily a farming education group. The educated world is very aware of the problems of your country, hunger and recently the pandemic. We also know that India is populated by millions of liars who poison your internet so badly your government has had to shut down the web 100 times in the last year to prevent riots. Too many Indian farmers are stuck in the past, believing their stone age practices are better than modern crop science as you go hungry. Activists like Shiva lobby your government to hold you back from the best crop science.
Buffoon saucy Wench just screwed herself up her own butt with that stupid shill card. Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. Explained simply here(or in the dictionary of your choice): This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016:
I have read his comments here and elsewhere and they are very consistently pro-GMO. That might mean that he is biased, or it might mean that he is right. It doesn't mean in any way that he is paid. The only reason you might think that is that you can't imagine anybody disagreeing with you unless he is paid to disagree with you.
This video was very good and totally accurate up until 4:50 when the claimed 'risks' went off the rails! Resistance has been an issue for farmers ever since we began using pesticides and is not unique to GMOs. All GMO seed is tested for years before approval - no allergens or unexpected proteins will be allowed. If they could harm wildlife they will not be approved. THERE ARE NO SUICIDE SEEDS!!! Those have never been sold anywhere on Earth.
I mostly agree, but are there really strawberries with antifreeze protein fish genes? I believe that the experiment was tried, the resulting strawberries express the antifreeze protein, and actual frost tolerance has NOT been observed.
Right away, she started with a definition of a genetically modified organism, which included animals fed with GMO foods. That is a rather odd definition which most people would not accept. It makes me a GMO organism. It's certainly solidly proven that eating food does not alter ones genes and that genes from the food do not incorporate into our genomes. Even bacteria, which can exchange genes with one another, do not do so by eating the genes. Her confusion comes because there are some people who want to not eat animals who have eaten GMO food.
Thank you Mr. Rader. Your input is always helpful. However there is one video that needs our help more than any others. It is used as a child education video for schools and has many millions of views and over 35,000 comments. It gets attacked almost daily by vile lying trolls of all ages. It would be great if you could take over there, I have about 5000 fact checks there spanning years. I just sort for newest to find them.
@@popeyegordon Sorry, but your comment gives me no clue about how to find the "one video that needs our help".
@@charlesmrader Thank you for pointing out my failure to post the actual link. It is the number one video that comes up when you do a search for GMO. It is just an educational cartoon for kids but it gets attacked by ignorant adults frequently.
Insan ko marne bala food end of natural food
Gmo food is not tasty too
@@ankit00734 No. We do not eat cotton. India grows no other GMO crops. But Bangladesh is proving how wonderful Bt brinjal is for its farmers - perfect blemish free fruit without using any pesticide! In civil disobedience challenge to ongoing GMO ban, Indian farmers’ union illegally provides herbicide-resistant cotton seeds to farmers
Parthasarathi Biswas | Indian Express | June 24, 2021 "Farmers’ union Shetkari Sanghatana has announced that it will provide farmers seeds of the unapproved herbicide tolerant (Ht) Bt cotton at their door steps. Lalit Patil, president of the organisation, said they will start an online registration process for farmers to help them access such seeds easily.
Since 2018, the Shetkari Sanghatana has started a public civil disobedience movement demanding the legalisation of this transgenic cotton."
Indian cotton farmers take note!!! "The U.S. Department of Agriculture approved a new kind of cotton - one that's been genetically engineered so that the seeds are safe to eat.
The invention promises to open new markets for cottonseed, and it could give cotton farming a big boost. Because cotton plants are prodigious seed producers: Every pound of cotton fiber, or lint, comes with 1.6 pounds of seed.
"You're getting more cottonseed than you are lint," says Greg Holt, who leads research on cotton production and processing at a USDA research station in Lubbock, Texas.
Each seed is the size of a small peanut. In principle, it could be highly nutritious. It contains lots of oil and protein.
The problem is that the seeds, like the cotton plant's leaves, contain little dark glands full of something called gossypol.
"Gossypol in and of itself is a toxin," explains Holt. It's helpful for the cotton plant, because it helps fend off insect pests. But it makes the seed unhealthy for people to eat. It's toxic to most animals, too.
So there are limited options for the 40 million tons of cottonseed that stream out of cotton gins around the world each year.
"Seed can go in one of two directions," Holt says. "You're either going to the dairy industry, or you're going to the oil mill."
But Keerti Rathore wanted to expand those options. So 23 years ago, when he arrived at Texas A&M University, he set out to make a cotton plant with seeds that people can eat. "This was my first project, and hopefully it's coming to an end, and a good conclusion," he says. Rathore inserted a new piece of DNA into the cotton plant. In the plant's seeds, it turned off a key gene, the one responsible for producing gossypol. The gene stayed active in the rest of the plant.
And it worked. There's still gossypol in leaves of this genetically engineered plant, to protect against insects. But the seeds are almost completely gossypol-free. They're safe to eat. Cut them open, and they even look different. They don't have those little dark glands. Researchers at Texas A&M tested the plants in greenhouses and small field plots. They also roasted a few and ate them. Rathore says they taste like chickpeas. This week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture gave this new cotton a green light. Anybody in the U.S. can grow them. Before the seeds can be sold as food or feed, they'll need approval from the Food and Drug Administration. If that happens, all kind of doors will open. Cottonseed could be used to feed chickens, or fish. The meal could go into protein bars.
Rathore's real goal, though, is to see it growing in places like India, where he grew up; places where a lot of people aren't eating well. "A lot of these countries that do suffer from malnutrition are also cotton producers," he says. "So I think that those countries may benefit much more from this technology." China and India are the world's two top cotton-growing countries.
@Vidhya Dhara Educated people everywhere reject your ignorance. Many of the most desirable GMO seeds cost millions of dollars and many years to develop and get approved. Farmers asked for them and are willing to pay. The 20 year patents always expire. India is developing its own GMO seeds, testing them and giving them away free to farmers, just as Bangladesh has done.
@Vidhya Dhara Imagine if every Indian cotton farmer suddenly doubled the value of his crops by growing cotton with edible seeds while putting in no additional work to the fields. This would end the protein shortage in India. As my citation states, it could give cotton farming a big boost
@Vidhya Dhara US seed corporations do not owe India a free ride. You get what you pay for, or make your own versions. *More than half of all GMO seeds being used today (by variety, not tonnage) are not for or from US agribusiness.* They are for specific applications in many different parts of the world where climate change is causing additional challenges. Most of them are not patented. Most of them are given away free to struggling farmers by NGOs and govt seed programs:
Thank you for such lectures. This really helps me as a student of Food Technology
Intended lecture..where the real truth about gmo is hidden..
Prostitute information
It mean tha gm foods are non veg
Barsha Agrawal Ya they are genetically from DNA of diffrent animals ... GM food is baned in so many countries but our country increasing its productions ... GM food is harmful to us ... you can research on it ...
@@mynameiskhan2700 No, GM food is truly harmless and a life saver even if you are so ignorant you don't trust it. In 2019, five African nations ended their GM cultivation bans because they are smarter than you. Soon there will be no countries with bans. This is what happy productive farmers look like:
@@mynameiskhan2700 It's my experience in discussions of genetically modified food that "You should research it." should be translated to You should read and believe what I read and believed".
If GM humans are bad for the world, thus GM foods.
Hi everyone I am from tamilnadu.
I worked with many FSO.
First this FSSAI was not working welfare of people. They are looting money from people on monthly basis.
They mention it's 100rs RC but they loot upto 5000 shame on them. All these are done by higher authority and District head officers.
Their monthly salary starts from 50000. But monthly they loot 2 to 3 lakhs.
Thanks for a good video.
Gm foods are extremely dangerous guyz
You are an extremely ignorant guy. People Strongly Against GMOs Had Shakier Understanding Of Food Science, Study Finds Jan 26, 2019 "People who most intensely oppose genetically modified food think they know a lot about food science, but they actually know the least, according to a peer-reviewed paper published in January in the journal Nature Human Behaviour.
GMOs are widely considered safe by scientists, but opponents have said they want more science on the potential harm so that subjective arguments aren't part of the equation. However, previous surveys have shown that providing more scientific facts about GMOs to people doesn't change their minds.
The survey, conducted by four universities, asked 2,000 people in Europe and the United States how much they knew about genetically modified food, what their opinion was and how intense it was." Read the full coverage at:
@@popeyegordon appreciate it !
And the people who know about food science know even less about crucial animal biology. No living animals digestive system can usefully break down the unnaturally present proteins found in GMOs. Humans are animals to by the way.
@@saucywench9122 GMO is a laboratory breeding method for seeds. It is never under any circumstances an actual food ingredient just as hybridization, grafting and seed selection are not food ingredients Lying organic thug trolls will try to use fear mongering to convince you GMO sourced foods are not as safe when in fact they are far safer. What is not tested, ever, for safety?? Organic, heirloom, hybrid and new truck farm breeds. They go straight to store shelves with zero testing and YOU are the guinea pig. Look at what has happened because of this fact that never happened with GMO foods: "A year ago[2003] in New Zealand, there was an outbreak of food poisoning from a "killer zucchini" that hospitalized a number of people. Environmentalists jumped all over the story until it was determined that the culprit was "organic" zucchini. Plants are chemical factories that produce a multitude of toxins that protect them. An outbreak of aphid infestation had minimal impact on conventionally grown zucchini. The more vulnerable "organic" zucchini was genetically inferior because of inbreeding. They expressed dangerously high levels of the toxin curcubitan. Had this been a transgenic plant, we would be hearing about it ad nauseam, but being that it was "organic," it was quickly consigned to an Orwellian memory hole."
than hiw can we avoid this when we are in America or in Canada
This shit is affecting humans but insects too
Birth rate too
Cancer too
Yeh bewakoof aurat bolti hai its good for human race...bina soche samjhe
Because of GM food when we get sick also hard to cure it .
This is ridiculous as it’s coming from a doctor working for a food safety org. GMOs are not only dangerous for human body, these are so bad for the soil too. This should come from a scientist not a doctor. This is clearly a corporate interest speaking. Traditionally we’ve been doing just fine, and the food shortage problem is not because of what farmers can’t do to grow more food for the growing population, but it’s mainly due to the stupid policies of successive Indian governments which has failed to enable the naive and uneducated farmers to a level where they can make a decision for themselves. Same is true about the Indian population. Unless the people educate themselves about what they should and should not eat in these modern times, they would suffer. If people start wasting food, there would be enough food for everyone.
Mam India Me GMO food ban kyu nahi karte aap log ? Kya zarurat hai humain iski ?
Because giant corporate is invest huge money in GMO
Very very nice
A new study on the increase in the heath of farmers since GMO crop science has become wide spread:
Peer reviewed and published 27 September 2019
"GM crops, particularly Bt cotton, has resulted in significant reductions in pesticide poisoning cases due to reduced applications and reduced levels of insecticide exposure. Reductions in farmer pesticide poisonings have been quantified in China, India, Pakistan and South Africa. Often cases of pesticide poisoning are not formally reported to health centers and the results on pesticide poisoning may be underestimated due to the lack of reporting. In South Africa, farmers reduced pesticide applications from 11.2 per year to 3.8, with reported cases of pesticide poisoning declining from over 50 per year to less than 10 over the first four years of Bt cotton adoption (Bennet et al. 2003). One-third of non-Bt cotton farmers in China reported cases of pesticide poisoning, compared to 9% of Bt cotton producing farmers (Hossain et al. 2004). Assessing the health impacts in India, reveals a reduction in cases of pesticide poisoning of 2.4 - 9 million cases per year (Kouser and Qaim 2011). Cumulatively, since 2003, when Bt cotton was first commercialized in India, a minimum of 38 million fewer instances of pesticide poisoning have occurred, with an upper potential of 144 million. Farmers in Pakistan growing non-Bt cotton reported up to seven instances of pesticide poisoning in the growing season with 35% reporting no instances, versus Bt cotton farmers reporting up to six poisonings with 45% reporting none (Kouser and Qaim 2013). A medical assessment of 246 Chinese farmers, involving 35 health indicators, found that fungicides associated with the production of non-Bt cotton had linkages to damaged liver function, while the insecticides used in non-Bt cotton production may be associated with severe nerve damage (Zhang et al. 2016). The use of non-glyphosate tolerant crops was found to likely reduce renal function and decrease serum folic acid.
Mental health challenges and issues affect all walks of life and economic sectors, with agriculture being no different. Access to sufficient mental health resources can be problematic within the agriculture sector due to rural areas, remote locations and lack of access to mental health support systems. Unfortunately, suicide is a concern in agriculture. India has one of the highest suicide ratesin the world and research has examined the relationship between farmer suicide and the adoption of GM cotton. Research examining the relationship between farm suicide and Bt cotton adoption revealed a plateauing of the suicide rate following the commercialization of Bt cotton (Gruère and Sengupta 2011). Farmer suicides were trending upward from 15,000 per year, peaking in 2004, the year after Bt cotton
was first commercialized in India. By 2007, the actual suicide rate was 25% below the extrapolated suicide rate. Cumulatively, the reduced rate of suicide associated with the adoption of Bt cotton represents the prevention of a minimum of 75,000 farmer suicides.
The development of insect resistant crop varieties has begun to have a noticeable potential to improve human health through the reduction of cancer rates. Prior to the commercialization of Bt crops, maize in particular, insect damage to the harvested crop increased the potential for the development of harmful health effects. A study of 21 years of maize production quantified that Bt maize contained lower concentrations of mycotoxins (29%), fumonisins (31%) and thricotecens (37%) (Pellegrino et al. 2018). Mycotoxins are both toxic and carcinogenic to humans and animals and are considerably more concerning in developing economy food systems where access to food safety toxicity tests are less prevalent. Fumonisins are correlated to being the cause of higher rates of neural tube defects in high maize-based diets (Missmer et al. 2006). With food security challenges existing in many developing countries corn containing mycotoxins are consumed as part of the household diet due the lack of any other option.
GM crops have made significant contributions to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular goals one (reducing poverty) and two (reducing hunger). While increased yields have contributed to higher household incomes, which reduces poverty, the increased yields have also enhanced household food security. Biofortified GM crops have been adopted, increasing micronutrient availability (Hefferon 2014). Nutritionally enhanced foods improve an individual’s nutrient intake, preventing and/or treating leading causes of death such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Improving the nutritional content of daily food consumption certainly has day to day effects, but of significant importance are the long term effects that extend for decades over the course of an individual’s lifetime. In many instances, improving macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, fiber) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, functional metabolites) has significant childhood health improvements, such as reducing blindness due to the lack of vitamin availability. Improved food nutrient content, especially the increase in mineral availability, contributes to improved immunity systems and reduces stunting. In many developing countries, plant-based nutrient intake accounts for one hundred per cent of an individual’s nutrient diet, further highlighting the importance of nutritionally enhanced crop derived foods. As the later in life benefits from improved childhood nutrition are better understood, the full value of nutritionally enhanced GM crops and foods, may not be realized for several decades." see the full paper at onlinelibrary dot wiley dot com/doi/epdf/10.1111/pbi.13261
Popeye Gordon anyone that comments that long is full of gmo shit.
Who owns the rights to the seeds &
How many grows can you get from the seeds from the fruits or veg and not have to keep buying more from big corporations
All farmers have the freedom at all times to buy the seed they want. They willingly pay more for high performance seeds that provide larger yields under harsh conditions. Your "have to keep buying more" is bullshit. You don't even know that all hybrid seeds are not replanted because they will lose their desirable traits. Farmer still come out way ahead when they buy better seed every year but it is voluntary. They are free to starve if they choose.
paul, the lady is speaking about India. You are repeating western propaganda that simply doesn't apply in India. Their laws do not allow plant patents. They have also not yet approved any GMO food plants. I also disagree with the western propaganda for the west, but that is another matter entirely.
Fraud Fssai doing wrong very wrong
Respected FSSAI,
1) Do you have data that shows Farmers profit increases after using BT cotton in long run?
2) If farmers pays the royalty for BT cotton seed, then how many farmers got the refund after thier field were attacked by pink boll worm? Coz BT cotton main aim to kill Bollworm. That's why that technology introduced in India.
3) Why not FSSAI try to regenerate the Indian origin seeds which were used before English people forced Indian to grow the varieties which were beneficial to them.
4) Do you have data that shows BT cotton not responsible for Farmers suicides? Coz 97% Farmers who dies was BT cotton grower farmers.
There are slight variations in the type of Bt cotton so it can handle more than one kind of pest. Every cotton farmer is already saving a large part of his income he previously had to spend on pesticides. This also reduces the risk to the farmers being exposed to these chemicals.
Many informed people are revolted by the malicious lie being spread by that professional fraud Vandana Shiva. There is no specific connection between GMOs and Indian farmer suicides. Even the Indian press resents the implications. Here are reliable sources dispelling the myth:
Myles Power video about Shiva fraud: Detailed statistics on the actual causes of Indian farmer suicides - GMO seed is not even on the list:
*In civil disobedience challenge to ongoing GMO ban, Indian farmers’ union illegally provides herbicide-resistant cotton seeds to farmers*
Parthasarathi Biswas | Indian Express | June 24, 2021 "Farmers’ union Shetkari Sanghatana has announced that it will provide farmers seeds of the unapproved herbicide tolerant (Ht) Bt cotton at their door steps. Lalit Patil, president of the organisation, said they will start an online registration process for farmers to help them access such seeds easily.
Since 2018, the Shetkari Sanghatana has started a public civil disobedience movement demanding the legalisation of this transgenic cotton."
@@popeyegordon if you don't live in India then you should no right to tell me.. I am asking to FSSAI. And not you.
What's going in India and what politics is going in India you are not aware about it. Our Indian traditional method of farming is far better than any other chemical farming methods in India.
@@abcqwerty12872 This video is 3 years old. FSSAI is not primarily a farming education group. The educated world is very aware of the problems of your country, hunger and recently the pandemic. We also know that India is populated by millions of liars who poison your internet so badly your government has had to shut down the web 100 times in the last year to prevent riots. Too many Indian farmers are stuck in the past, believing their stone age practices are better than modern crop science as you go hungry. Activists like Shiva lobby your government to hold you back from the best crop science.
Hindi me bat kare
This person is a dunce
User Popeye Gordon is a paid talking head. Disregard it's comments as biased.
Buffoon saucy Wench just screwed herself up her own butt with that stupid shill card. Playing the shill gambit is always a forfeit of the debate at hand. It is a pathetic form of cheating by trying to poison the well rather than countering with a cogent refutation that might prove your point or win a debate. I see lameoids pull this stupid blunder 10 times a day in the GMO debate. If you want to prove a fault in science, use the tools scientists use, peer reviewed studies and unbiased information sources. If you don't have solid evidence, consider what a fool you are being. Shill shill shill just makes you look like a blathering idiot and forfeits every time, the win goes to science truth. Explained simply here(or in the dictionary of your choice): This is especially ludicrous when you consider the GMO safety debate ended two full years ago and no company for profit anywhere would spend a single penny paying a "shill" to promote something already attained in 2016:
I have read his comments here and elsewhere and they are very consistently pro-GMO. That might mean that he is biased, or it might mean that he is right. It doesn't mean in any way that he is paid. The only reason you might think that is that you can't imagine anybody disagreeing with you unless he is paid to disagree with you.