I should mention that my copy had stiff and squeaky joints. I put a small drop of Dawn dish soap on the left and right arm and one of the legs and it's been fine ever since. Sorry that I forgot to mention that. I don't know if the newer versions still have this problem but the older ones on ebay will probably still be like this.
I should mention that my copy had stiff and squeaky joints. I put a small drop of Dawn dish soap on the left and right arm and one of the legs and it's been fine ever since. Sorry that I forgot to mention that. I don't know if the newer versions still have this problem but the older ones on ebay will probably still be like this.
Homina homina homina! Thank Primus for the detchable red bikini!
is this the reissue ver or original with the joint issues
@@JaythyJazz I think it's the original. I bought it on eBay before the reissue was available for pre-order.