Hello! While we can't break down the pricing for your specific use case, you can use our AWS Pricing Calculator to review pricing estimates by service or by groups of services. You can find more info here: go.aws/4cSNITX. If you'd like, you can also reach out to our community experts in re:Post, who may have better insight: go.aws/aws-repost. 📑 ^LG
how to do costing of this all services in AWS Calculator can you guid ?
Hello! While we can't break down the pricing for your specific use case, you can use our AWS Pricing Calculator to review pricing estimates by service or by groups of services. You can find more info here: go.aws/4cSNITX. If you'd like, you can also reach out to our community experts in re:Post, who may have better insight: go.aws/aws-repost. 📑 ^LG