If it wasnt for Coco I wouldnt know or appreciate Day of the Dead. One of my best friends that lived with me showed me how to set up an ofrenda. So if it inspired even just a few not latinos to understand, appreciate and even celebrate Dia de los Muertos, that is a good thing.
No sure why some of these comments are negative, we should be proud that this Mexican tradition is being celebrated all over the world. I'm happy that other countries are interested in our tradition.
I was born in California, but when I was 3 years old, I was taken to Oaxaca where my dad is from. I lived there for 7 years, so I remember going to the cemetery with my mom and aunts to take flowers and candles for my grandma, uncle and other family members.
I'm not going to argue about it, I just want to say that this is Mexican tradition. And thanks for celebrating it. This is really important in my country. And It's October 2019!
Día de los muertos 💀 comes from Mexico. There are other cultures that also honor their dead but in different ways. Mexicans have a very unique way of doing it. I think it’s cool that people hold onto their roots in LA and in around the world. I hope it never gets lost because that’s where our bloodline comes from whether we like it or not. We should be proud of our roots and we should pass it onto future generations. I feel very proud to be Mexican American! 🇲🇽 🇺🇸 my heart ❤️ feels very Mexican even though I was born in the U.S.
With the growing* popularity of the holiday, Día de Muertos isn't going anywhere. What I hope is that people always acknowledge that it's much more than painting your face as ornately as possible. It is forever about celebrating the lives of our ancestors and those we've lost.
Please continue to feel proud of your heritage. Also do remember that a large part of the USA belonged to Mexico at one time and it was after the Mexican-American War when a lot of it was lost to the Americans. There's no need to feel like an outsider. 😊
Día de los muertos is the Mexican version of All Souls Day which is celebrated by many Catholic cultures around the world. For example in Italy, Spain and Poland people also visit the cemeteries on Nov 2 to clean the grave sites, light candles, leave flowers or special foods, it is a day to remember one's loved ones who have passed. This holiday isn't pagan, it's Catholic.
You have been taught that there is no salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church, but the reality is that salvation does not come by a church, but only comes by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, apart from any of our own works. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” - Ephesians 2:8-9 You have been taught that church tradition and words of clergy matter just as much, if not more, than what the Bible teaches, but the reality is the Bible is sufficient for all doctrine and instruction. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” - 2 Timothy 3:16-17 You have been taught that Mary and the saints can mediate on your behalf before God the Father, but the reality is that Jesus Christ, God the Son, is your only mediator before God the Father. “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” - 1 Timothy 2:5 You have been tricked into placing your hope of eternal salvation into a piece of bread and cup of wine that the priest claims transforms into Christ’s flesh, but the reality is Christ shed his blood only once to pay the forgiveness for all your sins forever. “And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: But this man (Jesus Christ), after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God” - Hebrews 10:11-12 You have been taught that after death most people go to purgatory for a final cleansing before they’re worthy of Heaven, but the reality is that the blood of Jesus washes away all sin and purgatory does not exist - if you place your trust in this you will go to Heaven by Jesus’ righteousness, but if you place your trust in the church, water baptism, idols, or anything else, you will go to Hell. “And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses” - Colossians 2:13 “Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.” - Romans 3:24-26 I pray you consider what God’s word says. God alone justifies a repentant sinner when the sinner places their trust in Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ alone. Do not let some church or false teacher lead you to Hell. “But as many as received him (Jesus Christ), to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” - John 1:12-13
Inaccuracies in verbiage aside, this is a beautiful documentary about a beautiful holiday. I love that they traveled back to Mexico, to the origin, and then moved it (it migrated it) back to East Los Angeles, where it's been continued, adapted, changed, but still maintains its intimacy as focused on family and tradition as it ever was.
Sorry, Europe, stop trying to take credit for everything. No! The skulls are tied to the pre-Hispanic cultures and not only the Aztecs. This tradition has been celebrated in Michoacan by the Purepecha people who celebrate it to this day. And the Aztecs celebrated a month-long festival honoring the “Lady of the Dead” where images nd costumes of skulls and skeletons were used. Please STOP having white people opine or speak of a culture they have no knowledge of and trying to twist our culture to somehow give credit to “white Europeans.” And someone from Otis College speaking on the matter as if she were an “expert”...please 🙄👎🏼 “The indigenous culture of skulls and the death-goddess Mictecacihuatl is common in pre-Columbian art. Lady of the Dead, Mictecacihuatl, was keeper of the bones in the underworld, and she presided over the ancient month-long Aztec festivals honoring the dead. Since the pre-Columbian era, Mexican culture has maintained a certain reverence towards death...”
Becca.LAGirl omg! I loved this video, but that very part of it annoyed me. The skulls represent the tzompantli and the ancestral practice of taking the loved one out of their place of rest one time a year to share with them. Most ppl in Mexico don’t do this anymore but our ancestors used to do it. So yeah this is not a European influence.
Debe ser difícil para los sajones lograr explicar esto desde una perspectiva distinta y creo es atendible. Adolecen de una visión eorocentrica que no pueden eludir porque seria negarse a si mismos (sin animo de ofender ni de menospreciar). El día de muertos no se circunscribe a mesoamerica, el asunto es mucho mas antiguo y complejo, pero yo lamento mucho que el pueblo sajón estadounidense no este integrado aquí, no aun. Entonces deberá producirse un ejercicio de sincretismo lento para que estas culturas tan distintas y en ocasiones tan distantes logren unificar el simbolismo poderoso de todo esto. Yo admiro al pueblo norteamericano pero mantengo muy firmes mis raíces (y debo decir que no es solo por voluntad) es algo que esta dentro de mi que no podría explicar de forma simple, soy mexicano y heredero de historia y tradiciones muy antiguas y deseo en el alma que la norteamerica blanca encuentre su raíz y su lugar, porque hay un lugar que existe en el tiempo y la historia que es de ellos y debemos respetarlo. Creo que solo entonces podrán iniciar ese ejercicio de sincretismo para mezclarse en igualdad de condiciones.
Wonderfully done! Beautifully shot, and I love the stories about how the Chicano movement brought about the revitalization of Día de Los Muertos to L.A. Being a chicana myself, my parents didn’t grow up celebrating this tradition because my grandparents had lost it or didn’t see it necessary when assimilating to the U.S. culture. So because of this I barely discovered this tradition in high school, and then started celebrating it when I went to college. My grandparents were from Guanajuato as well, and I felt such a connection to the woman visiting her grandmothers homeland. Her story was the most profound and I thank you for sharing it💜
The face painting is a beautiful updated tradition for our current times. A great way to involve the young. Yes teach them the history and traditions but allow their input… Love this remembrance of our loved ones… where we came from! 🌹❤️
Meanwhile we have a president who can only offer a vision of mean-spirited xenophobia to his birth country, the country that has as its ideal that people can safely practice the beliefs and traditions of their native community. This is beautiful and fascinating to watch. Many thanks to the people who agreed to participate in this documentary. I know this incredible celebration of life, love, and death will outlast all of the stupidity we are currently living through.
As a Spanish teacher in Hays, Kansas, I found this to be a good documentary....Celebrations change and morph as time comes upon us....I was wondering if there were any other Spanish teachers out there that perhaps would have a movie guide for this? - ¡Gracias!
I love Mexico's views on life and death, how they believe that death is simply the start (or transition) into another "life." Whereas here in most of America, we see death as something to be feared; as well as believing that "dead people are just plain gone"
EL origen del Dia de Muertos es definitivamente prehispánico, aunque la celebración actual tiene una mezcla con el cristianismo español. Pero es inequívocamente una tradición peculiar de México y que otros países no deberían intentar apropiarse, aunque claro que la inmigración mexicana en otros países la lleva con ellos. Que otros países la disfruten, por supuesto, pero que respeten su esencia. Por supuesto hoy en día incluye "nuevas" tradiciones que no se hacían hace sólo 50 años, pero eso es normal en cualquier país, la técnica avanza y nos gustan los espectáculos a lo grande. Soy española y me encanta esta tradición. Creo que no es macabra como sí es Halloween, sino que es una celebración de la vida de alguien que no está ya con nosotros pero que igualmente llevamos en nuestra memoria y nuestro corazón. Es bonito que nuestros muertos tengan un día especial y que las familias se sigan juntando poniéndose al día de una forma alegre, y no triste como se estila en otros sitios. Nacemos, vivimos, dejamos nuestro granito y la vida continúa, qué bonito!
de hecho no, el origen es casi enteramente catolico, eso de que fue prehispanico fue un invento del gobierno de los 30s por lo de la cristiada y el anti catolicismo de la epoca, quisieron hacer lo mismo con la navidad reemplazando a Jesus con Quetzalcoatl.
Yo he estado en Los Angeles y vivo actualmente en San Francisco y en este caso nadie se apropio de esta tradición. Es una tradición que mantuvieron los Mexicanos aquí y estoy seguro que así es en Chicago y New York. Antes de opinar es bueno investigar. Eso acusar a alguien de apropiarse igual es una falta de respeto
Lo que llamamos Día de Muertos es lo que otras culturas católicas llaman Día de Todas las Almas que es celebrado el 2 de noviembre después del día de todos los santos (Nov 1). Por ejemplo en España e Italia el 2 de noviembre la gente también visita los cementerios, encienden velas, dejan flores y comidas especiales y es un momento para recordar a los seres queridos. Hay diferencias culturales y regionales y estoy seguro de que en las comunidades indígenas existe una mezcla de tradiciones, pero el Día de Muertos es por lo mucho una festividad católica.
Día de los muertos es más celebrado en el centro y sureste de México,... so aunque California haya sido de México estoy segura que no lo celebraban y ni lo conocían hasta hace unas décadas que llegó toda la banda del centro o sur a vivir ahí y comenzó a tomar relevancia. Pero de eso a que se lo adjudiquen pues no mames claro que no. Es como si dijeran la pendejada de "El Mariachi is something that is very much LA" Nooo por supuesto que no wey es de Jalisco. A lo que me refiero es que esta bien que adopten costumbres, y que lo celebren si quieren, y que padre que les guste día de los muertos, pero tampoco digan mamadas, Y luego porque les hacen bullying a los pochos en México.
Let's see, please do not confuse people, especially foreigners, the day of the dead is a 100% Mexican tradition that has existed for many years in what is central and southern Mexico of its aboriginal tribes that has been saved and It exists to this day ... it descends from the Aztec tribes, Toltec Mayans, Teotihuacanos, Zapotecs, Purepechas etc. Nativi de Mexixo before the Spanish conquest.
Nor is it celebrated throughout Mexico because Mexico is many cultures and miscegenation of various countries I live in the north of Mexico I am mestizo and here almost the original tribes were exterminated when the first Spaniards arrived ... I am Mexican I was born in Mexico but here it is Most of us are descendants of Spaniards and other nationalities and one or another very little descendant of another tribe from the north of Mexico, so the Catholic religion influences a lot here in the north in different traditions.
Looks very similar to the Chinese traditions. I remember as a kid my Aunts & Uncles doing something similar in respecting the past ancestors. Thanks for the doco. :-)
Dia de Muertos is celebrating in different ways in Mexico depending of the region or the indiginous influence. I'm from La Huasteca and we call it Xantolo and every state in Mexico has its own way and tradition to celebrate it. But it's more that paint your face or costums this is a tradition of families and comunities you have to understand that is about life and understand what is the real meaning of this celebration.
Lo que muestran en este documental es una copia, por eso le llaman día de los muertos. La celebración autentica mexicana y reconocida por la UNESCO es Día de Muertos.
The Beauty of Dia de los Muertos is it can be celebrated still during the Virus, as its always has been about family and loved ones. Parades may not happen or wild celebrations but this one particular festival can thrive regardless. Hopefully many people will take the time to honor the dead that has suffered through this virus. Dia De Los Muertos is perfect as it allows the dead to come back to the land of the living to see their families once more. Every year. The trick to the festival is its a celebration of life.
Me gusta cuándo alguien realiza vídeos del día de muertos, pero solo un comentario, se llama día de muertos, no es día de los muertos, y además no puede traducirse al Inglés o cualquier otro idioma extranjero debido a que la frase completa esta registrada como patrimonio de México por lo cual cualquiero otro idioma debe de decirlo tal cual en español.
En donde está registrada, porque las tradiciones e idiosincrasia de una nacion no se puede registrar y ademas ni es necesario, a mas de que es una tradicion milenaria como de 4819 años atras, y aunque estuviera registrada los registros de autoria solo duran cien años, ya es una tradicion que pertenece al dominio publico y es precisamente por eso que fué declarada "Patrimonio intangible de la Humanidad" ya que es uno de los tesoros culturales de el Mundo y que fué aportado por el pueblo de Mexico, pero no puede estar registrada en ningun lugar, y son Dias de Muertos no dia.
Los Dias de Muertos ,are not of Oaxaca Origins, their origins remote to the Olmec Culture, and then is a tradition and habit that was adopted and praticedby all the posterior Mexican Cultures, including Zapotecos-Mixtecos, Totonacas, Tlahuicas, Toltecas,Purhepechas,Otomies,Tlaxcaltecas, Cholultecas,etc. and of course adopted and practiced by the Maya and Mexicas, ¿can you tell me how is named the Underworld in the Mixtecan Tradition? because even Purhepechas claim to be the originators of this celebration but they donot know how call the Underworld in Purhepecha language, the says that is Mictlán, and Mictlan is of origin Tolteca-Mexica, then Dias de Muertos are traditions that belongs to all Mexicans,and was originated in the Olmec Civilization around 2800 to 4000 years before Christ era.
Hay un error en tus palabras también lo tenía la cultura maya que otra cultura ancestral y fue la creadora del número cero sin ese número no existiría nada
@@Wachim426 exacto, y es aquí en donde pienso que muchas veces somos en ganados,la cultura Maya es heredera de las culturas Tolteca y Olmeca y según los historiadores la cultura Olmeca data de 2800 años a.c. pero los Mayas tienen fechas inscritas mucho mas antiguas, y la pregunta es ; por que? A mi simple parecer creo que las civilizaciones en el México antiguo son mucho mas antiguas Ahora.cual es el error? No mencionar el Xibalba? Solo no lo mencioné porque ejemplifique a los Purhepechas.claro que creo que cada cultura debió tener su inframundo, pero algunos aún los desconocemos entonces necesitamos preguntar, investigar documentar y aprender mucho mas de nuestras Culturas Como dato curioso,los Hindúes claman la invención de el numero cero sin embargo un amigo me dijo que ellos fueron educados por los Naga Maya.y leyendo acerca de la historia de la India en los textos si mencionan que aprendieron de unos seres que si tienen el nombre Maya en su descripción, solo que te olvidado quienes fueron entonces no seria descartable un suceso así, que los hindúes hayan sido educados por los Mayas suena loco pero si revisamos los textos nos podemos sorprender. Saludos cordiales.
@@juarezhernandezluisangel_a6214 Y tu como sabes,aqui en la Ciudad de Mexico se hacen ofrendas y se celebra con mucho cariño esta tradicion que fué heredada de los antiguos Mexicas,pero que seguramente tambien practicaban los Otomies o Ñaañuus,o acaso la llevan aun barranco para que este mas a fondo?, debes conocer todo tu pais y no decir que en Oaxaca o en Michoacán, si bien es cierto que los Zapotecos y Mixtecos son mucho mas antiguos que los Mexicas, entonces debes de decirme como se llama el Inframundo en Zapoteco o Mixteco para saber que si conocen esta tradición a fondo como dices.
@@rosamariamendoza1466 así es, en todo México pero en Oaxaca es como se sigue la tradición al pie de la letra ... Solo mire el vídeo hasta el final para ponernos en el mismo contexto..
Haha no hay una forma de seguir una tradición "al pide de la letra", México es una mezcla de tradiciones, el dia de muertos es como una cena de navidad o año nuevo, cada familia lo celebra muy a su manera y en su contexto, existen similitudes y elementos básicos como el cempasuchil, el incienso, la comida etc... lo que si es seguro es que es una celebración mexicana y dondequiera que haya un mexicano que tenga este background de tradición se puede celebrar, con sus elementos y a su manera. Y eso no le quita validez.
The day of the dead is therapeutic, it is like the red chair, saying or doing what you couldn't in life or remembering who you love encompasses within everything the phrase memento mori, remember that you are going to die so enjoy life to the fullest.
I love the day of the dead the way the celebrate it is super cool! Its brings super amazing and vibrant colors and they way the decorate the graves is so cool! Its really nice to see that its celebrated in different places then just one place like other holidays. (but its very much LA? we need to talk about that one...)
Está gente trata de entender nuestras tradiciones pero sólo son en México y nadamás y sólo se siente en nuestra tierra y solo los que nacimos en este bello país
people please no fighting. we all die so we all can celebrate death. yo soy mexicano nacido en veracruz y yo recuerdo q nosotros lo celebravamos y era para estar mas unidos y recordar mas a nuestros difuntos. nunca pensamos de quien o de quien no era la tradicion. celebrenla todos juntos sin pensar de quien o donde nacio la tradicion. recuerden a sus difuntos.
DAY OF DEAD (dia de muertos 1,2 de noviembre) is cultuture, tradition, 100% Mexican celebration (aztecas, mayas, totonacas, zapotecas, purechas etc) but on the way each time more people get the Mexican culture around the world. Yakees = halloween and hamburgers
Here's a question I have about the marigold trail tradition. Do you make the trail from the ofrenda all the way to the family member's grave? If yes; then, it must be a lot of work if the cemetery is on the other side of town
In current times, that's only mostly done in small towns, or in places where the actual ofrenda is set up inside the cemetery. Sometimes the marigold trail is placed from the door/window to the altar, or from a cross formed of sawdust and ash.
@@FredoLua If I were to invite the spirits to my home for a celebration, I'd leave the trail of marigold outside on the sidewalk and lead them up to my front door
Stop using the reverse translation of "Día de los Muertos" -- We call it "Día de Muertos" in Mexico, without the "los." It seems like the influence of the English language and the perception of what the Chicanos and/or Mexican-Americans spread out is more important than those of native Mexicans. SMH
De acuerdo a la UNESCO, el "Día de Muertos es Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad." La celebración reconocida por la UNESCO se llama "Día de Muertos". Día de los Muertos no existe en México. Vivo en USA y entiendo que la gente en este país hace una mezcla del Día de Muertos y Halloween y a eso le llaman Día de los Muertos.
The Spaniards have never been kicked out , they are very much alive and well in Mexico. Mexico is approximately seven percent indigenous, about twenty percent White and the rest is Mestizo,. The Spanish continue migrating to Mexico..
It’s more 20 percent pure native, y percent European (who tend to actually have a low native percentage in them unless they only recently immigrated a generation ago). And 70 percent mestizo that can be more less 50/50 depending on the state. It tends to be higher native ancestry in most of the country, but in northern less populated states, they tend to be more European.
@@ritachinchilla-novo8863their prehispanic cultures both had similar cultures. Mesoamerican cities traded a lot back then, and even traded with Mayans from the Yucatán peninsula.
¿si quiera viste el video completo? El documental habla de cómo los MEXICANOS que migraron a Los Ángeles hicieron un esfuerzo por conservar la tradición de sus ancestros MEXICANOS para no olvidar sus raíces MEXICANAS. Primero, ve, lee, entiende y luego opina.
31 octubre dia de brujas , 1 noviembre dia de las animas inocentes ,2 noviembre dias de muertos , velacion a los muertos en el panteon , solo se da en algunos estados de mexico , originalmente viene de janitzio , michoacan , la catrina o representacion de la muerte o calabela es originaria de aguascalientes , ojala lograramos que respetaran nuestras tradiciones , nuestras culturas y artesanias son de mexicoooo , no se venden , no se modifican , no se lucran :/
A documentary about how Día de Muertos is celebrated by people of Mexican descent in L.A. as a way to keep their ancestors' traditions. With the history in how a nun in the 70's brought together a bunch of Mexican-descent artists to bring Dia de Muertos to LA, and it also covers the story of a member of that initial group who has carried the tradition until today and is currently working on building the altar in honor of her great-grandmother, so she travels to a small mexican town to try and find her death certificate. There's also interviews with some people who talk about the tradition and what it means to them as immigrants.
No,no,no professor Heather Joseph, you are wrong, no social commentary to inspire, Mexican appropriation, very wrong. From the outside looking in, you are extremely wrong.
I hate that Donald Trump is saying that dia de los Muertos is a day that people died because of the alien IMERGRENTS killed WHAT? my family may not celebrate dia de los Muertos anymore but I still like to know what I would have celebrated and what my ancestors celebrate and I still respect my Hispanic community beliefs and I Will NEVER disrespected that.
If it wasnt for Coco I wouldnt know or appreciate Day of the Dead. One of my best friends that lived with me showed me how to set up an ofrenda. So if it inspired even just a few not latinos to understand, appreciate and even celebrate Dia de los Muertos, that is a good thing.
No sure why some of these comments are negative, we should be proud that this Mexican tradition is being celebrated all over the world. I'm happy that other countries are interested in our tradition.
I don’t see negative comments. Let’s not do that.
I was born in California, but when I was 3 years old, I was taken to Oaxaca where my dad is from. I lived there for 7 years, so I remember going to the cemetery with my mom and aunts to take flowers and candles for my grandma, uncle and other family members.
I'm not going to argue about it, I just want to say that this is Mexican tradition.
And thanks for celebrating it. This is really important in my country.
And It's October 2019!
I'm from India. I liked the video. It's a good tradition. May be inherited from the Aztecs. It seems everybody believes in the existence of the soul
@@seanmcneice2777 Thank you Sean Mcniece for your appreciation
Beautiful way to honour loved ones and family that has passed..LOVED IT 💜TY for educating others about tradition and respect..
Día de los muertos 💀 comes from Mexico. There are other cultures that also honor their dead but in different ways. Mexicans have a very unique way of doing it. I think it’s cool that people hold onto their roots in LA and in around the world. I hope it never gets lost because that’s where our bloodline comes from whether we like it or not. We should be proud of our roots and we should pass it onto future generations. I feel very proud to be Mexican American! 🇲🇽 🇺🇸 my heart ❤️ feels very Mexican even though I was born in the U.S.
With the growing* popularity of the holiday, Día de Muertos isn't going anywhere. What I hope is that people always acknowledge that it's much more than painting your face as ornately as possible. It is forever about celebrating the lives of our ancestors and those we've lost.
Are you proud of Donald trump’s followers Olso ?????? Hahahahahhahahahhahah 🤣
Please continue to feel proud of your heritage. Also do remember that a large part of the USA belonged to Mexico at one time and it was after the Mexican-American War when a lot of it was lost to the Americans. There's no need to feel like an outsider. 😊
Día de los muertos is the Mexican version of All Souls Day which is celebrated by many Catholic cultures around the world. For example in Italy, Spain and Poland people also visit the cemeteries on Nov 2 to clean the grave sites, light candles, leave flowers or special foods, it is a day to remember one's loved ones who have passed. This holiday isn't pagan, it's Catholic.
You have been taught that there is no salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church, but the reality is that salvation does not come by a church, but only comes by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, apart from any of our own works.
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” - Ephesians 2:8-9
You have been taught that church tradition and words of clergy matter just as much, if not more, than what the Bible teaches, but the reality is the Bible is sufficient for all doctrine and instruction.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” - 2 Timothy 3:16-17
You have been taught that Mary and the saints can mediate on your behalf before God the Father, but the reality is that Jesus Christ, God the Son, is your only mediator before God the Father.
“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” - 1 Timothy 2:5
You have been tricked into placing your hope of eternal salvation into a piece of bread and cup of wine that the priest claims transforms into Christ’s flesh, but the reality is Christ shed his blood only once to pay the forgiveness for all your sins forever.
“And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: But this man (Jesus Christ), after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God” - Hebrews 10:11-12
You have been taught that after death most people go to purgatory for a final cleansing before they’re worthy of Heaven, but the reality is that the blood of Jesus washes away all sin and purgatory does not exist - if you place your trust in this you will go to Heaven by Jesus’ righteousness, but if you place your trust in the church, water baptism, idols, or anything else, you will go to Hell.
“And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses” - Colossians 2:13
“Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.” - Romans 3:24-26
I pray you consider what God’s word says. God alone justifies a repentant sinner when the sinner places their trust in Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ alone. Do not let some church or false teacher lead you to Hell.
“But as many as received him (Jesus Christ), to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” - John 1:12-13
This needs more views. Really happy to see you discuss Posada, who I think is unfairly forgotten by most people. Well done!
Thanks for sharing this documentary on TH-cam. Now , I've got to learn how to make those beautiful paper flowers..
Inaccuracies in verbiage aside, this is a beautiful documentary about a beautiful holiday. I love that they traveled back to Mexico, to the origin, and then moved it (it migrated it) back to East Los Angeles, where it's been continued, adapted, changed, but still maintains its intimacy as focused on family and tradition as it ever was.
Such a beautiful & special day to remember our loved ones and their lives
I really loved this. I really love& admire how they celebrate the lives of their loved ones. So inspiring. So excellent.
Sorry, Europe, stop trying to take credit for everything. No! The skulls are tied to the pre-Hispanic cultures and not only the Aztecs. This tradition has been celebrated in Michoacan by the Purepecha people who celebrate it to this day. And the Aztecs celebrated a month-long festival honoring the “Lady of the Dead” where images nd costumes of skulls and skeletons were used. Please STOP having white people opine or speak of a culture they have no knowledge of and trying to twist our culture to somehow give credit to “white Europeans.” And someone from Otis College speaking on the matter as if she were an “expert”...please 🙄👎🏼
“The indigenous culture of skulls and the death-goddess Mictecacihuatl is common in pre-Columbian art. Lady of the Dead, Mictecacihuatl, was keeper of the bones in the underworld, and she presided over the ancient month-long Aztec festivals honoring the dead. Since the pre-Columbian era, Mexican culture has maintained a certain reverence towards death...”
Becca.LAGirl omg! I loved this video, but that very part of it annoyed me. The skulls represent the tzompantli and the ancestral practice of taking the loved one out of their place of rest one time a year to share with them. Most ppl in Mexico don’t do this anymore but our ancestors used to do it. So yeah this is not a European influence.
Debe ser difícil para los sajones lograr explicar esto desde una perspectiva distinta y creo es atendible. Adolecen de una visión eorocentrica que no pueden eludir porque seria negarse a si mismos (sin animo de ofender ni de menospreciar). El día de muertos no se circunscribe a mesoamerica, el asunto es mucho mas antiguo y complejo, pero yo lamento mucho que el pueblo sajón estadounidense no este integrado aquí, no aun. Entonces deberá producirse un ejercicio de sincretismo lento para que estas culturas tan distintas y en ocasiones tan distantes logren unificar el simbolismo poderoso de todo esto. Yo admiro al pueblo norteamericano pero mantengo muy firmes mis raíces (y debo decir que no es solo por voluntad) es algo que esta dentro de mi que no podría explicar de forma simple, soy mexicano y heredero de historia y tradiciones muy antiguas y deseo en el alma que la norteamerica blanca encuentre su raíz y su lugar, porque hay un lugar que existe en el tiempo y la historia que es de ellos y debemos respetarlo. Creo que solo entonces podrán iniciar ese ejercicio de sincretismo para mezclarse en igualdad de condiciones.
A hueeeeee........vo .
Well said!
Exactly! Europeans or Europeans descent, need to stop stealing other people's cultures, and calling it their own.
My favorite Holiday 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽
Wonderfully done! Beautifully shot, and I love the stories about how the Chicano movement brought about the revitalization of Día de Los Muertos to L.A. Being a chicana myself, my parents didn’t grow up celebrating this tradition because my grandparents had lost it or didn’t see it necessary when assimilating to the U.S. culture. So because of this I barely discovered this tradition in high school, and then started celebrating it when I went to college. My grandparents were from Guanajuato as well, and I felt such a connection to the woman visiting her grandmothers homeland. Her story was the most profound and I thank you for sharing it💜
The face painting is a beautiful updated tradition for our current times. A great way to involve the young. Yes teach them the history and traditions but allow their input… Love this remembrance of our loved ones… where we came from! 🌹❤️
Whenever I think of those days I think of good company, music, food and maybe dancing. Gotta have a parade and cool fireworks too ❤.
Beautiful video…..Muchas gracias para sharing👏🏽😘
Lindas señoras nunca olvidar nuestras raices, El lugar donde nacistes esta escrito en cada pedacito de nuestro cuerpo
Hermoso ❤💫
Lo importante es celebrarlo con solemnidad y recordando su significado original.
One thing,when they said people migrated,never,ever said that again when California was mexico
And Texas and Arizona!
And New Mexico Colorado Nevada parts of Oregon etc
WAS. Not anymore.
Thank you
Meanwhile we have a president who can only offer a vision of mean-spirited xenophobia to his birth country, the country that has as its ideal that people can safely practice the beliefs and traditions of their native community.
This is beautiful and fascinating to watch. Many thanks to the people who agreed to participate in this documentary. I know this incredible celebration of life, love, and death will outlast all of the stupidity we are currently living through.
Beautiful documentary on this wonderful way to celebrate those who have passed.
As a Spanish teacher in Hays, Kansas, I found this to be a good documentary....Celebrations change and morph as time comes upon us....I was wondering if there were any other Spanish teachers out there that perhaps would have a movie guide for this? - ¡Gracias!
I love Mexico's views on life and death, how they believe that death is simply the start (or transition) into another "life."
Whereas here in most of America, we see death as something to be feared; as well as believing that "dead people are just plain gone"
EL origen del Dia de Muertos es definitivamente prehispánico, aunque la celebración actual tiene una mezcla con el cristianismo español. Pero es inequívocamente una tradición peculiar de México y que otros países no deberían intentar apropiarse, aunque claro que la inmigración mexicana en otros países la lleva con ellos. Que otros países la disfruten, por supuesto, pero que respeten su esencia. Por supuesto hoy en día incluye "nuevas" tradiciones que no se hacían hace sólo 50 años, pero eso es normal en cualquier país, la técnica avanza y nos gustan los espectáculos a lo grande. Soy española y me encanta esta tradición. Creo que no es macabra como sí es Halloween, sino que es una celebración de la vida de alguien que no está ya con nosotros pero que igualmente llevamos en nuestra memoria y nuestro corazón. Es bonito que nuestros muertos tengan un día especial y que las familias se sigan juntando poniéndose al día de una forma alegre, y no triste como se estila en otros sitios. Nacemos, vivimos, dejamos nuestro granito y la vida continúa, qué bonito!
de hecho no, el origen es casi enteramente catolico, eso de que fue prehispanico fue un invento del gobierno de los 30s por lo de la cristiada y el anti catolicismo de la epoca, quisieron hacer lo mismo con la navidad reemplazando a Jesus con Quetzalcoatl.
Yo he estado en Los Angeles y vivo actualmente en San Francisco y en este caso nadie se apropio de esta tradición. Es una tradición que mantuvieron los Mexicanos aquí y estoy seguro que así es en Chicago y New York. Antes de opinar es bueno investigar. Eso acusar a alguien de apropiarse igual es una falta de respeto
Lo que llamamos Día de Muertos es lo que otras culturas católicas llaman Día de Todas las Almas que es celebrado el 2 de noviembre después del día de todos los santos (Nov 1). Por ejemplo en España e Italia el 2 de noviembre la gente también visita los cementerios, encienden velas, dejan flores y comidas especiales y es un momento para recordar a los seres queridos. Hay diferencias culturales y regionales y estoy seguro de que en las comunidades indígenas existe una mezcla de tradiciones, pero el Día de Muertos es por lo mucho una festividad católica.
"Dia de los muertos is something that is very much LA"
Well LA was part of Mexico remember... so yeah it is
You do understand that the MAJORITY OF LATINOS here (L.A) are of Mexican ethnicity...and KCET is located right on Sunset...
Día de los muertos es más celebrado en el centro y sureste de México,... so aunque California haya sido de México estoy segura que no lo celebraban y ni lo conocían
hasta hace unas décadas que llegó toda la banda del centro o sur a vivir ahí y comenzó a tomar relevancia.
Pero de eso a que se lo adjudiquen pues no mames claro que no.
Es como si dijeran la pendejada de "El Mariachi is something that is very much LA" Nooo por supuesto que no wey es de Jalisco.
A lo que me refiero es que esta bien que adopten costumbres, y que lo celebren si quieren, y que padre que les guste día de los muertos, pero tampoco digan mamadas, Y luego porque les hacen bullying a los pochos en México.
Exactly! Wtf?!?!?! Its a tradition not a holiday.... fudge!
Let's see, please do not confuse people, especially foreigners, the day of the dead is a 100% Mexican tradition that has existed for many years in what is central and southern Mexico of its aboriginal tribes that has been saved and It exists to this day ... it descends from the Aztec tribes, Toltec Mayans, Teotihuacanos, Zapotecs, Purepechas etc. Nativi de Mexixo before the Spanish conquest.
Nor is it celebrated throughout Mexico because Mexico is many cultures and miscegenation of various countries I live in the north of Mexico I am mestizo and here almost the original tribes were exterminated when the first Spaniards arrived ... I am Mexican I was born in Mexico but here it is Most of us are descendants of Spaniards and other nationalities and one or another very little descendant of another tribe from the north of Mexico, so the Catholic religion influences a lot here in the north in different traditions.
What a great vid. Thank you.
Que hermoso documental.
Mil gracias por compartirlo!
Looks very similar to the Chinese traditions. I remember as a kid my Aunts & Uncles doing something similar in respecting the past ancestors. Thanks for the doco. :-)
Love this!
Dia de Muertos is celebrating in different ways in Mexico depending of the region or the indiginous influence. I'm from La Huasteca and we call it Xantolo and every state in Mexico has its own way and tradition to celebrate it. But it's more that paint your face or costums this is a tradition of families and comunities you have to understand that is about life and understand what is the real meaning of this celebration.
Did NOT expect a Moses Sumney intro track! Awesome choice editors!
Aw Angels in the outfield. That's great!
Wow! I just learned a lot from this video, its also a presentation that’s I had to in my school!
THIS IS BS, gracias a coco ahora resulta qué hay personas que ni son de Mexico que son expertos en el tema y se lo atribuyen a ellos. Por Dios!
A que sabe tu moco?
Fantastic documentary 👌🏽
Great job guys!
I love this video.
Hermoso documental.
No es día de los muertos, es DÍA DE MUERTOS.
*Si quieren copiar, copien bien.
Estos pochos no saben hablar 😂😂
La respuesta es subjectiva porque depende de que parte de América eres.
Lo que muestran en este documental es una copia, por eso le llaman día de los muertos. La celebración autentica mexicana y reconocida por la UNESCO es Día de Muertos.
Cuál es la diferencia?
Se usan los dos
The Beauty of Dia de los Muertos is it can be celebrated still during the Virus, as its always has been about family and loved ones. Parades may not happen or wild celebrations but this one particular festival can thrive regardless. Hopefully many people will take the time to honor the dead that has suffered through this virus. Dia De Los Muertos is perfect as it allows the dead to come back to the land of the living to see their families once more. Every year. The trick to the festival is its a celebration of life.
Estos pochos! Open the door o me brinco por la window. Bien mucho!!!!
A tradition over 3000 years ago mexican 100%
Our Beautiful culture
Me gusta cuándo alguien realiza vídeos del día de muertos, pero solo un comentario, se llama día de muertos, no es día de los muertos, y además no puede traducirse al Inglés o cualquier otro idioma extranjero debido a que la frase completa esta registrada como patrimonio de México por lo cual cualquiero otro idioma debe de decirlo tal cual en español.
Uy que orgulloso el tepeque...
En donde está registrada, porque las tradiciones e idiosincrasia de una nacion no se puede registrar y ademas ni es necesario, a mas de que es una tradicion milenaria como de 4819 años atras, y aunque estuviera registrada los registros de autoria solo duran cien años, ya es una tradicion que pertenece al dominio publico y es precisamente por eso que fué declarada "Patrimonio intangible de la Humanidad" ya que es uno de los tesoros culturales de el Mundo y que fué aportado por el pueblo de Mexico, pero no puede estar registrada en ningun lugar, y son Dias de Muertos no dia.
Tranquila muñeca, está registrado por la UNESCO no te exaltes te va a dar un infarto.
Exacto más que tradición mexicana es una celebración milenaria del imperio purépecha.
@J G se ve que a ti no te importa tu cultura
Awesome ❣️,Because wwe all must meet again!
Insightful, planning mine now 🥰
Very much LA? 🤷♀️🤦♀️ WTF? Wrong! It’s very much Mexican and the indigenous people
rightt 😭
Wtf l.a. is very much Mexican and indigenous,you must not live here or you'd know that
This is a strange comment. Almost like you didn’t watch the video?…
Símon esay..
Bro didn’t watch the video
Los Dias de Muertos ,are not of Oaxaca Origins, their origins remote to the Olmec Culture, and then is a tradition and habit that was adopted and praticedby all the posterior Mexican Cultures, including Zapotecos-Mixtecos, Totonacas, Tlahuicas, Toltecas,Purhepechas,Otomies,Tlaxcaltecas, Cholultecas,etc. and of course adopted and practiced by the Maya and Mexicas, ¿can you tell me how is named the Underworld in the Mixtecan Tradition? because even Purhepechas claim to be the originators of this celebration but they donot know how call the Underworld in Purhepecha language, the says that is Mictlán, and Mictlan is of origin Tolteca-Mexica, then Dias de Muertos are traditions that belongs to all Mexicans,and was originated in the Olmec Civilization around 2800 to 4000 years before Christ era.
Hay un error en tus palabras también lo tenía la cultura maya que otra cultura ancestral y fue la creadora del número cero sin ese número no existiría nada
@@Wachim426 exacto, y es aquí en donde pienso que muchas veces somos en ganados,la cultura Maya es heredera de las culturas Tolteca y Olmeca y según los historiadores la cultura Olmeca data de 2800 años a.c. pero los Mayas tienen fechas inscritas mucho mas antiguas, y la pregunta es ; por que? A mi simple parecer creo que las civilizaciones en el México antiguo son mucho mas antiguas Ahora.cual es el error? No mencionar el Xibalba? Solo no lo mencioné porque ejemplifique a los Purhepechas.claro que creo que cada cultura debió tener su inframundo, pero algunos aún los desconocemos entonces necesitamos preguntar, investigar documentar y aprender mucho mas de nuestras Culturas Como dato curioso,los Hindúes claman la invención de el numero cero sin embargo un amigo me dijo que ellos fueron educados por los Naga Maya.y leyendo acerca de la historia de la India en los textos si mencionan que aprendieron de unos seres que si tienen el nombre Maya en su descripción, solo que te olvidado quienes fueron entonces no seria descartable un suceso así, que los hindúes hayan sido educados por los Mayas suena loco pero si revisamos los textos nos podemos sorprender. Saludos cordiales.
@@TheGukumatz como saves ..deja un link
Pero en Oaxaca se lleva mas al fondo esta tradición
@@juarezhernandezluisangel_a6214 Y tu como sabes,aqui en la Ciudad de Mexico se hacen ofrendas y se celebra con mucho cariño esta tradicion que fué heredada de los antiguos Mexicas,pero que seguramente tambien practicaban los Otomies o Ñaañuus,o acaso la llevan aun barranco para que este mas a fondo?, debes conocer todo tu pais y no decir que en Oaxaca o en Michoacán, si bien es cierto que los Zapotecos y Mixtecos son mucho mas antiguos que los Mexicas, entonces debes de decirme como se llama el Inframundo en Zapoteco o Mixteco para saber que si conocen esta tradición a fondo como dices.
Esto se celebra en Oaxaca no viene de USA ... CONFUNDEN a la gente
Y en todo Mexico! Y en las embajadas de Mexico en cualquier pais extranjero!
@@rosamariamendoza1466 así es, en todo México pero en Oaxaca es como se sigue la tradición al pie de la letra ... Solo mire el vídeo hasta el final para ponernos en el mismo contexto..
Haha no hay una forma de seguir una tradición "al pide de la letra", México es una mezcla de tradiciones, el dia de muertos es como una cena de navidad o año nuevo, cada familia lo celebra muy a su manera y en su contexto, existen similitudes y elementos básicos como el cempasuchil, el incienso, la comida etc... lo que si es seguro es que es una celebración mexicana y dondequiera que haya un mexicano que tenga este background de tradición se puede celebrar, con sus elementos y a su manera. Y eso no le quita validez.
@@alexbarcab y sobre el video qué opinas?
The day of the dead is therapeutic, it is like the red chair, saying or doing what you couldn't in life or remembering who you love encompasses within everything the phrase memento mori, remember that you are going to die so enjoy life to the fullest.
Loved the video !
I love the day of the dead the way the celebrate it is super cool! Its brings super amazing and vibrant colors and they way the decorate the graves is so cool! Its really nice to see that its celebrated in different places then just one place like other holidays.
(but its very much LA? we need to talk about that one...)
amazing video more likes !
Está gente trata de entender nuestras tradiciones pero sólo son en México y nadamás y sólo se siente en nuestra tierra y solo los que nacimos en este bello país
people please no fighting. we all die so we all can celebrate death. yo soy mexicano nacido en veracruz y yo recuerdo q nosotros lo celebravamos y era para estar mas unidos y recordar mas a nuestros difuntos. nunca pensamos de quien o de quien no era la tradicion. celebrenla todos juntos sin pensar de quien o donde nacio la tradicion. recuerden a sus difuntos.
They need to show this at schools
DAY OF DEAD (dia de muertos 1,2 de noviembre) is cultuture, tradition, 100% Mexican celebration (aztecas, mayas, totonacas, zapotecas, purechas etc) but on the way each time more people get the Mexican culture around the world. Yakees = halloween and hamburgers
Wow my grandparents were born in Huanimaro too!!!
No es día de la muerte ni día de los muertos. Es día de muertos.
Come cuita
Nice 👍🏽
Here's a question I have about the marigold trail tradition.
Do you make the trail from the ofrenda all the way to the family member's grave? If yes; then, it must be a lot of work if the cemetery is on the other side of town
In current times, that's only mostly done in small towns, or in places where the actual ofrenda is set up inside the cemetery. Sometimes the marigold trail is placed from the door/window to the altar, or from a cross formed of sawdust and ash.
It really just depends on where you want to invite them to. Do you want to party with them at the cemetery or at your house?
@@FredoLua If I were to invite the spirits to my home for a celebration, I'd leave the trail of marigold outside on the sidewalk and lead them up to my front door
Ty what a well thought out explanation of the true meaning and the evolution of El Día de Los Muertos. Genial!
im not mexican but mexican seems nice :]
Día de Muertos!
It's a wonderful documentary, but I'm hard of hearing and I would enjoy it more if you submitted the transcript for more caccurate subtitles.
Also its a MEXICAN tradition. Not L.A "thing".
Ok, from where she learned, that cempasuchil Is for protectong the crops?.
Am I the only one that’s bothered by her not saying cempasuchil and saying marigold
If you were dead and you were a soul, would you care?
@@FredoLuayes, as these flowers are native to the americas and the heritage of the dead is being completely erased for a foreign word.
Stop using the reverse translation of "Día de los Muertos" -- We call it "Día de Muertos" in Mexico, without the "los."
It seems like the influence of the English language and the perception of what the Chicanos and/or Mexican-Americans spread out is more important than those of native Mexicans. SMH
De acuerdo a la UNESCO, el "Día de Muertos es Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad." La celebración reconocida por la UNESCO se llama "Día de Muertos". Día de los Muertos no existe en México.
Vivo en USA y entiendo que la gente en este país hace una mezcla del Día de Muertos y Halloween y a eso le llaman Día de los Muertos.
The face painting comes from the creation of Diego Rivera's "LA CATRINA"
The Spaniards have never been kicked out , they are very much alive and well in Mexico. Mexico is approximately seven percent indigenous, about twenty percent White and the rest is Mestizo,. The Spanish continue migrating to Mexico..
Hell no, there arent spaniards in México just mexicans.
They are talking about Spanish government dude. They don't say it, it is implied
It’s more 20 percent pure native, y percent European (who tend to actually have a low native percentage in them unless they only recently immigrated a generation ago). And 70 percent mestizo that can be more less 50/50 depending on the state. It tends to be higher native ancestry in most of the country, but in northern less populated states, they tend to be more European.
36:34 where can i find that shirt!!!!!!
Did this girl just say dia del muerto is very much L.A. ?! 🤦🏻🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I CANNOT! with this ignorance
BRUH!!!!!!! AS SOON AS I HEARD THAT I PAUSED! like nahhh.negative... let me go look at another building
Day of the dead is very Oaxaca it’s more commonly celebrated there
@@khristianvazquez4540 I was under the impression that Michoacan celebrated it the most. Did the tradition not start in Michoacan?
@@ritachinchilla-novo8863their prehispanic cultures both had similar cultures. Mesoamerican cities traded a lot back then, and even traded with Mayans from the Yucatán peninsula.
Nada qué ver lo qué tienen qué hacer por un like respeten las Tradiciones de México no la chinguen bye
¿si quiera viste el video completo? El documental habla de cómo los MEXICANOS que migraron a Los Ángeles hicieron un esfuerzo por conservar la tradición de sus ancestros MEXICANOS para no olvidar sus raíces MEXICANAS. Primero, ve, lee, entiende y luego opina.
Uyyy que falta de respeto, hijole.
31 octubre dia de brujas , 1 noviembre dia de las animas inocentes ,2 noviembre dias de muertos , velacion a los muertos en el panteon , solo se da en algunos estados de mexico , originalmente viene de janitzio , michoacan , la catrina o representacion de la muerte o calabela es originaria de aguascalientes , ojala lograramos que respetaran nuestras tradiciones , nuestras culturas y artesanias son de mexicoooo , no se venden , no se modifican , no se lucran :/
En Mexico se modifican a cada rato. Tu crees? Dios mio!
@@FredoLua no sea ignorante, e onformese mejor de Michoacan Zona Centro hacial Sur de Mexico se celebra asì
Todos muy mexicanos y cuando uno les pregunta algo en español salen con la mamada de que no español y con la cara de artesanía jajajajajaj todos muy
Can someone just give me a summary on what this video is about
A documentary about how Día de Muertos is celebrated by people of Mexican descent in L.A. as a way to keep their ancestors' traditions. With the history in how a nun in the 70's brought together a bunch of Mexican-descent artists to bring Dia de Muertos to LA, and it also covers the story of a member of that initial group who has carried the tradition until today and is currently working on building the altar in honor of her great-grandmother, so she travels to a small mexican town to try and find her death certificate. There's also interviews with some people who talk about the tradition and what it means to them as immigrants.
excuse my grammar, I'm a non-native speaker
Ana hongow thank you
To clarify, dead day (día de muertos) is not a latín celebration, its Mexican, rest Of latín countries celébrate “día de todos los santos” Is diferent
Respect others culture and believes unless it hurt people
What is the intro song??
NO IS NOT FROM U.S NOT FROM LATIN AMERICA NOT FROM GUATEMALA IS 1000% MEXICAN🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽 aztec to be exact!!!
Also Olmec, Zapotec, Mixtec, Maya, P'urhépecha, and Totonac! Yeah mostly Mexican but it went beyond those boarders.
was that mexican scarlett johansson?
No,no,no professor Heather Joseph, you are wrong, no social commentary to inspire, Mexican appropriation, very wrong. From the outside looking in, you are extremely wrong.
uhm. im just here from Spanish class...
same I dont understand why anybody would watch this otherwise
, my home is day of the dead everyday have a fascinating thing with skull 💀
Im only here because of my spanish class. Why do we have to learn about their culture for a language class?
because when you are learning a language the culture is always included and part of it. basic.
we have a worksheet to do with this and I can't find any answers :)
@@jonathansantatheresa1490 Why though I dont know much about whats behind american holidays and Im fluent in our language
@@mysticxsalvator.e920 Same
@@paradox_yucky5714dude, if you don’t know anything about your own culture, you are lying to yourself 😂
I hate that Donald Trump is saying that dia de los Muertos is a day that people died because of the alien IMERGRENTS killed WHAT? my family may not celebrate dia de los Muertos anymore but I still like to know what I would have celebrated and what my ancestors celebrate and I still respect my Hispanic community beliefs and I Will NEVER disrespected that.
Es dia de muertos as simple as that
You cannot, you must not make any translation yo any language
You wrong! Day of dead is a celebration native Mexican pre-hispanic
Día de muertos,,,, día de muertos NO: DIA DE LOS MUERTOS