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Today, I’m cooking a pot of sour vegetable stew—Yunnan’s ultimate meal companion!
Today, A-Xia cooked another steaming pot of sour vegetable stew, paired with delicious pork belly and flavorful homemade dipping sauce-it’s incredibly satisfying! With fresh greens just picked from the garden, along with Grandma’s secret sour papaya and tomatoes, the taste is refreshingly bold. Though it’s just simple Yunnan home cooking, it feels especially comforting in winter-both simple and hearty. If you also enjoy this kind of warm, homestyle flavor, be sure to try A-Xia’s recipe next time!
Hello, everyone! I am A-Xia!
This is the official channel of A-Xia Overseas.
On my channel, I will take you on a journey through various small towns in Yunnan, discovering the most delicious culinary treasures. Whether it's traditional Yunnan cuisine or street food hidden in alleyways, I will share them with you, allowing you to savor authentic flavors. If you, like me, love food and enjoy exploring new tastes, please subscribe to my channel, and let's enjoy a tasty adventure in Yunnan together! 🍲🌮🐶
#cookingchannel #chinesefood #cuisine #叫我阿霞 #dianxixiaoge
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Going to San ge's house to pick red beans with Grandma and Grandpa! 【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 26K9 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
今天和奶奶一起去三哥家帮忙剥豆子,爷爷早早就先到了,三哥是爸爸的老朋友,两人一起长大,小时候三哥家里条件好,常送我们米和鸡肉。剥豆子时,奶奶还带着我唱村里的山歌调,笑声不断。中途采了几个柿子解渴,甜得很。忙完后回家做了一大锅鸡蛋火腿拌面,香气四溢,爷爷连夸我手艺好。这些日常的温馨片段,是我最喜欢的生活,也是我想记录下来和朋友们分享的美好回忆。 Today, I went with Grandma to help peel beans at Third Brother's house. Grandpa had arrived early. Third Brother is an old friend of Dad’s; they grew up together. When I was young, his family was better off and often sent us...
One is not a true hero until they’ve climbed the Great Wall. Taking Grandparents to the Great Wall!
มุมมอง 71K21 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
来北京玩儿,一定是要去爬长城的,这次带爷爷奶奶来自然也是。考虑到爷爷奶奶年纪大了,所以我们选择了缆车来回,一路上的风景很漂亮,家人们一起在长城上拍了照留作纪念。下山后时间还早,一家人又继续去了动物园和游泳馆,这都是爷爷奶奶第一次去体验。最后大家一起去吃了一顿川菜,果然还是云贵川的口味最适合我们,这一顿是大家吃得最开心的。这一次来北京虽然时间不长,但是实现爷爷奶奶的首都梦,也实现了我和姐姐承诺的带家人一起旅游。希望这样的时光以后还有! When visiting Beijing, climbing the Great Wall is a must, and this time I brought my grandparents along, of course. Considering their age, we chose to take the cable car up and d...
Fulfilling the dream of my grandparents - taking them to Beijing!【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 54Kวันที่ผ่านมา
这次带全家人一起到北京玩,去了天安门和故宫,还带他们吃了北京烤鸭。一路上人很多,但热闹的气氛让爸爸妈妈很开心。爷爷奶奶也是第一次出远门,看着他们脸上的笑容,我和姐姐心里特别满足。晚上我们还去了鸟巢拍了几张合影,给爷爷奶奶留作纪念。夜色渐深,带着一整天的回忆回酒店休息,结束了这两天的行程,大家都特别满足。期待后面几天的游玩! This time, I brought the whole family to Beijing, visiting Tiananmen and the Forbidden City and treating them to Beijing roast duck. There were lots of people along the way, but the lively atmosphere made Mom and Dad very happy. It wa...
Axia’s family is taking Grandpa and Grandma on a trip to Beijing!
มุมมอง 106K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
今天阿霞收到了从镇上带回来的大包裹,里面装满了给家人们准备的衣物。因为姐姐为了兑现承诺,决定带奶奶、爷爷和全家人去北京玩,特意准备了保暖衣和鞋子。看着奶奶穿上粉色鞋子,爷爷戴上帅气的帽子和马甲!家人脸上的笑容,总是让人感受到满满的温馨。期待即将到来的北京之旅吧,愿家人平安喜乐! Today, Axia received a big package brought back from town, filled with clothes prepared for the family. To keep her promise, my sister decided to take Grandma, Grandpa, and the whole family on a trip to Beijing, so she specially prepared warm clothes and sh...
A-Xia’s Journey to the Old Town Market【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 30K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
在阳光初升的早晨,阿霞又踏上了赶集之旅啦!今天阿霞去体验傣族的美味与文化。从独特的鸡冠粑粑到新鲜的野生苦瓜,市场上琳琅满目的食材令人垂涎欲滴。尤其是那口感丰富的傣族烤饭团,丰富的配料可是说是中国的“汉堡”。对于喜欢探索美食的朋友们,云南的集市绝对是不可错过的地方。快来一起感受这份独特的美味与热情吧! On a morning when the sun rises, A-Xia sets off on her journey to the market again! Today, she is here to experience the deliciousness and culture of the Dai people. From the unique chicken comb rice cakes to the fresh wild bitter gourds, the mar...
A special delicacy used to treat honored guests in Yunnan-fried bee pupae.【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 61Kหลายเดือนก่อน
哈喽朋友们,阿霞今天给大家带来了一道云南的特色美味 炸蜂蛹!这种美味在外地可能很少见,但在云南可是贵客到访才有的招待哦。炸好的蜂蛹外脆里嫩,香味四溢,配上一点辣椒粉,真是让人欲罢不能。小时候我们经常吃这些美食,从竹虫到蚂蚱,都是云南人的日常美味。欢迎大家来云南找我,阿霞一定带你们一起体验这些独特的美食! Hello friends, today I, Axia, am bringing you a special delicacy from Yunnan-fried bee pupae! This delicacy might be rare in other places, but here in Yunnan, it’s a special treat reserved for honored guests. The fried bee pupae are crispy on t...
Today, I went to pick a full basket of peppers to make pickled peppers at home!
มุมมอง 90Kหลายเดือนก่อน
我们地里的小米辣最近都成熟了,长好多,一片绿油油的,今天阿霞就去摘一些来教大家如何腌制辣椒。只要用一些我们平时常见的调料,简单几步就可以做出美味的泡辣椒。腌制好的辣椒特别适合拌饭、煮面,味道绝了!腌好的姜蒜也非常好吃。跟着阿霞的方法,保证你也能在家里轻松做出美味的泡辣椒,一定要试试哦! Our homegrown bird eye's chili peppers have recently ripened, and there are so many of them, a sea of lush green. Today, Axia is picking some to show everyone how to make pickled peppers. With just a few common ingredients and a few simple steps, you ca...
The engagement process of a rural Yunnan girl! 【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 258Kหลายเดือนก่อน
今天阿霞带大家去参加我们农村的订婚宴。在我们这边,一直都是一家有事多家帮忙,这次表妹的订婚宴也是,妈妈和爸爸都早早的来到表妹家帮忙做饭,大家先一起热闹的吃个早饭,再一起去新郎家里送礼,商量宴席的准备等等... Today, Axia is taking everyone to attend our rural engagement banquet. Around here, it's always the case that when one family has an event, many others come to help. For my cousin's engagement banquet, it was the same; both Mom and Dad came to my cousin's house early to help with the cooking...
Going to grandma’s house to prepare a feast for friends! 【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 49Kหลายเดือนก่อน
今天和家里人一起去外婆家做好吃的、招待从四川来的朋友们,我们准备了有兔子肉、牛肉、甜笋炒鸡肉等。虽然天气很热,但大家忙着摘辣椒、切南瓜,一起合作做菜的过程简单又热闹,饭菜里全是家乡的味道。吃完饭后,打算休息一下,再去村子里散散步,随便聊聊。以后如果有朋友想来云南看看,记得来找霞,一起吃吃家常菜,感受这份简单的快乐。 Today, my family and I went to my grandma’s house to cook a big meal to welcome some friends from Sichuan. We prepared rabbit meat, beef, and chicken stir-fried with sweet bamboo shoots. Although it was really hot, everyone was busy picki...
A lively market hidden along the rural backroads!【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 39Kหลายเดือนก่อน
今天阿霞来逛一个云南路边的小集市,集市虽小但是也有各式各样的摊位,卖着腌菜、鸡枞菌和新鲜玉米。小时候,我和父亲常常路过这样的集市,他会问我和姐姐想吃什么。回忆起那时的情景,感觉简单而美好。希望将来能有机会和家人一起再来这里,也欢迎外地的朋友来云南体验这些美丽和美食。 Today, Axia visited a small roadside market in Yunnan. Though the market is small, it has a variety of stalls selling pickled vegetables, chicken mushrooms, and fresh corn. When I was a child, my father often passed by such markets, asking my sister and me what w...
Cooking a pot of matsutake chicken stew for the Mid-Autumn Festival! 【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 88Kหลายเดือนก่อน
这两天家里来了两个朋友,刚好平叔家的菜地里来了一窝蜜蜂,于是我们去摘了新鲜蜂蜜给远道而来的朋友们尝尝,新鲜的蜂蜜虽然只有一小块,但是味道十分甜美。姐姐还准备了松茸煮鸡,炖出的汤鲜香四溢。最后,晚上大家围坐在一起,趁着中秋佳节,一起分享月饼,在月色下唱歌跳舞。 The past two days, we had two friends visiting. Just in time, we discovered a nest of bees in Uncle Ping’s vegetable garden, so we harvested some fresh honey for our friends who traveled a long way to see us. Although we only got a small piece of honey, it tasted inc...
Good food and shopping at the Dashuzai Night Market, and super cheap prices! 【 叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 47Kหลายเดือนก่อน
阿霞今天带大家去逛一个热闹的夜市,在这里可以品尝到许多美食。保山的脆柿、现做的双皮奶,还有各种新鲜的水果让,目不暇接。阿霞特别喜欢那种带有丰盈奶皮的双皮奶,真是浓郁可口。旁边的小摊还卖着可爱的狗狗和猫咪,心都要化了。每一步都充满了惊喜,这样的夜市让我想起了小时候的快乐,真希望每个人都有机会来体验这份热闹和美好! Axia is taking everyone to explore a bustling night market today, where you can taste a variety of delicious foods. The crispy persimmons from Baoshan, freshly made double-skin milk, and various fresh fruits are overwhelming. Ah Xia especia...
Fresh veggies from the garden boiled into a simple dish, dipped in sauce-so tasty and delicious!
มุมมอง 67Kหลายเดือนก่อน
今天阿霞去菜地摘了好多蔬菜,有普罗旺斯番茄、老品种黄瓜,还有长长的豇豆和大大的茄子。回家后,用番茄和南瓜一起煮了一锅汤,加了些姜片和花椒,味道特别香。煮好后,再撒点盐、胡椒粉,最后放上粉丝和肉片。我们还做了个蘸水,蘸着吃更美味!这顿饭特别简单,却满满都是家乡的味道。大家有机会也可以试试,真的非常好吃! Today, I went to the vegetable garden and picked a lot of fresh produce, including Provence tomatoes, an old variety of cucumbers, long yardlong beans, and large eggplants. After coming home, I cooked a pot of soup with tomatoes and pumpkin, add...
Axia and mom went to catch fish growing in the rice fields to bring home for a feast!【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 215K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
今日阳光明媚,天气正好,阿霞和妈妈来村里的稻田里抓一些鱼儿回家做炸鱼和鱼汤。这种在稻田的长大的鱼儿味道会更加的鲜美肥嫩!阿霞用竹篮舀,妈妈用水桶抓,已经成熟的鱼儿到处都是,每一张都十分活泼,所以抓鱼的人也浑身都沾满的泥浆,但是同时收获了30斤又大又肥的稻田鱼!超级满足!回家后和姐姐一起处理的这些鱼,做了满满三大盆金黄的炸鱼和鱼汤!一家人都吃得十分开心! Today, the sun is shining, and the weather is perfect. Axia and her mom went to the village's rice fields to catch some fish to bring home for fried fish and fish soup. The fish that grow in the rice fields are especial...
Kunming's Wuliduo Market, a place full of delicious food and fun!【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 38K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
Kunming's Wuliduo Market, a place full of delicious food and fun!【叫我阿霞Channel】
The Mountain Goods Street in Mengzi, Yunnan | Giant Bamboo Shoots and Crispy Pork Skin【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 85K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
The Mountain Goods Street in Mengzi, Yunnan | Giant Bamboo Shoots and Crispy Pork Skin【叫我阿霞Channel】
Going up the mountain with Dad to pick mushrooms and make a delicious wild mushroom feast!
มุมมอง 62K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
Going up the mountain with Dad to pick mushrooms and make a delicious wild mushroom feast!
每年吃菌子都离不开这一口见手青盖饭! | Every year, I can't miss out on a bowl of Green Russula Rice!【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 134K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
每年吃菌子都离不开这一口见手青盖饭! | Every year, I can't miss out on a bowl of Green Russula Rice!【叫我阿霞Channel】
Making the mouthwatering "You Di Rou" together with Mom and Dad! 【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 282K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
Making the mouthwatering "You Di Rou" together with Mom and Dad! 【叫我阿霞Channel】
let's go dig up bamboo shoots with Great-Grandma! 【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 628K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
let's go dig up bamboo shoots with Great-Grandma! 【叫我阿霞Channel】
A Xia and Mom went to Grandma's house to hunt for mushrooms and make corn cakes! 【叫我阿霞】
มุมมอง 140K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
A Xia and Mom went to Grandma's house to hunt for mushrooms and make corn cakes! 【叫我阿霞】
When friends visit, it's only right to prepare a grand feast! 【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 321K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
When friends visit, it's only right to prepare a grand feast! 【叫我阿霞Channel】
Early Morning Mushroom Picking: Axia Heads to the Mountains Before Dawn
มุมมอง 19K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
Early Morning Mushroom Picking: Axia Heads to the Mountains Before Dawn
Delicious wild mushroom market!【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 40K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
Delicious wild mushroom market!【叫我阿霞Channel】
Cleaning the small courtyard at home, and having a neat and tidy summer!
มุมมอง 89K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cleaning the small courtyard at home, and having a neat and tidy summer!
Harvesting Delicious Chicken Mushrooms in the Mountains! 【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 29K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
Harvesting Delicious Chicken Mushrooms in the Mountains! 【叫我阿霞Channel】
A Simple Yet Beautiful Day for Axia 【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 31K4 หลายเดือนก่อน
A Simple Yet Beautiful Day for Axia 【叫我阿霞Channel】
A-Xia's Daily Routine at Home 【叫我阿霞Channel】
มุมมอง 357K4 หลายเดือนก่อน
A-Xia's Daily Routine at Home 【叫我阿霞Channel】
A Full Moon Feast in a Yunnan Village - Endless Delicious Fish and Meat!
มุมมอง 44K4 หลายเดือนก่อน
A Full Moon Feast in a Yunnan Village - Endless Delicious Fish and Meat!