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师尊慈语 | 人心影响天时
มุมมอง: 163


师尊慈语 | 戒律只为摄心
มุมมอง 2832 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
师尊慈语 戒律只為攝心 修行人千萬不能把戒律當束縛,若當束縛,就不能率性而為。 徒啊,如果帶著人去投在假祖師的門下,這比開齋的罪還要重!為師 講句實在的話,一個開齋的人,如果他能夠回來再辦道的話,到他百年成道的時候,諸天仙佛還願意保他的身;要是還往假祖師那邊跑,絕對是天榜除名!所以,為師要你們從這一刻開始,就要很謹慎、很小心自己的言行、心念,這不是為師無情,有些事為師對你有情也沒合用,這不是為師的意思啊!為師只能跟你們講嚴重一點,你不要以為沒有人知道,若你們違背天意,等到那麼一天你真的動彈不得的時候,看你怎麼辦?你的毛病脾氣都還可以原諒,因為都還是人嘛!可是,如果你觸犯了天律,不顧先前苦心付出的這些精神、財力的話,那誰也沒有辦法了。 自己一定要堅守住自己的愿力,上天講過的話緊緊牢記在心裡,好好的照愿實行準沒錯。不要管太多事情,你們這些人就是大過於自以為聰明了,該管的不管、不該管的管太...
师尊慈语 | 同修不离道伴
มุมมอง 41319 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
師尊慈语 同修不離道伴 徒啊!你們要是能跟你的後學們和和氣氣的相處在一起、上下同心同德的話,那便是你們的福氣,那也是為師的福氣,更是整個眾生的福氣;如果還爭著分別你我,分別得那麼清楚的話,你們想想,貪、瞋、痴地獄三條根,要怎麼斷啊? 人要能夠容忍啊!「有容乃大」懂嗎?要能夠互相提攜、互相規勸、互相接納對方意見,而不是各執己見。各執己見,要如何辦事呢?要拿出智慧來,沒智慧,事情要怎麼辦呢? 徒兒們如果認錯的心,我向 老母懺悔,什麼都是我錯,你就是佛了,這樣才是一個其正的修道者;若你不是修得“人我相”皆破除,那你又修的是什麼? 再說,大家都是同修,徒兒,你們都是兄弟姐妹,也要一起成佛。當你看到兄弟姐妹有錯時,是誰的責 ?是你自己修不好,你自己沒做好,是不是?是你沒做好,你沒有包容心,你沒辦法感動兄弟姐妹,你沒辦法教導他們啊! 當你們修得好時,老師我感到安慰;你們若修不好,老師我還感到真...
師尊慈語 | 謹言慎行的功夫
มุมมอง 488วันที่ผ่านมา
師尊慈語 謹言慎行的功夫 人就是想太多,所以常造成對錯你我,那是很難過的!世間上沒有一定的對或錯,修道是修自己,要保證自己做的是問心無愧,不可以做見不得人的事,這是一定的道理。做人怎麼做,其實你們都知道,只是看自己的心要不要去貫徹、要不要去做。 為師希望你們能夠知道,就是你對他錯,也要得理饒人;就算你對,又怎麼樣呢?你一定要贏嗎?為什麼要急著向人家證明自己對、自己是?其實這是不需要的,但是也要肯定自己所做的是對的,是沒有錯的。人要有口德,要得理饒人,嚴以律己,寬以待人,徒兒能夠嚴格的約束自己,也要能夠寬容別人。 今天你們學道理,是要讓你們明理,而不是得理;如果能夠得理饒人,才是修道人的風範。退一步海闊天寬,讓讓人家又何妨呢?這也是培養慈悲心啊! 修道是自個兒的事,辦道也是自己的心哪!你向誰邀功啊?你講給誰聽呀?你的苦不就是在造就你嗎?你受什麼苦啊?前賢的不對只不過是前賢的一個過程,你...
师尊慈语 | 苟日新又日新
มุมมอง 54714 วันที่ผ่านมา
师尊慈语 苟日新又日新 徒啊!你們每天照鏡子的時候,提醒自個兒,今天「心」好不好?今天我做到老師的支持了沒有?看書了嗎?我迥光返照了沒有?我有用 慈悲心在帶眾生嗎?在渡化眾生拼命地衝了之後,到夜深人靜時,你會覺得很空虛,有沒有?為什麼?因為你的內心沒有充實!當你往前衝著渡化眾生的時候,只想到要渡道親來佛堂,可是你的內心卻糧食缺乏,明白嗎?記住,渡別人的待候,別忘了順便渡渡自個兒;救別人的時候,順便救救你自個兒!形相不能夠永遠的成全你,不要老是仗著老師會成全你,你們若要老師去救你那可愛的後學們,自己就要先自救啊!徒兒們啊!你們往往就是喜歡對自己太好、原諒自己,有沒有?一次不改沒關係,兩年後再改,是不是?有時候你們在引導眾生的時候都是告訢自己:「沒關係,我錯、我兇、我無理,我慢慢改。」你已經麻痺在「慢慢改」裡了。請問,你要多慢哪?你們常講人生無常,無常是什麼樣子的?一點也無法久長啊!你們...
มุมมอง 9914 วันที่ผ่านมา
地藏古佛慈悲 各位賢士,現在的世界變化多端,人心不古,人常犯錯,慘無人道,良心泯滅,有許多知識份子,激烈的反對因果報應,不相信因果法則,這種見解與想法,給世界留下太大的禍害,大膽的去做壞事情的人,都是不相信因果,不相信因果的人愈多,世界上的問題就愈複雜。 只要不相信因果的程度愈來愈強烈,這世界上的問題就愈來愈可怕!所以各位賢士要相信因果報應,要相信善有善報、惡有惡報,千萬不可心存不好負面的思想。 各位賢士要相信地獄存在,地獄的苦刑是很難想像,地獄是黑暗的、可怕的地方,希望各位賢士,千萬不要去這種地方。 賢士們今日得了大道, 老母大開普渡,三生有幸才能得此大道,天開科選,選三千六百聖,四萬八千賢,因此要好好把握機緣,不要看輕這三曹大事,今日有了生命,要懂得去把握,你們有肉身,要懂得去珍惜。 什麼樣的人最可憐?無知的人最可憐,無知地獄的可怕,所以一直在做壞的事情,在人世間幾乎每天都有殺人...
มุมมอง 11114 วันที่ผ่านมา
关圣帝君觉世真经 帝君曰:人生在世,贵尽忠孝节义等事,方于人道无愧,可立于天地之间,若不尽忠孝节义等事,身虽在世,其心已死,是谓偷生,凡人心既神,神既心,无愧心, 无愧神,若是欺心,便是欺神,故君子三畏四知,以慎其独,勿谓暗室可欺,屋漏可愧,一动一静,神明鉴察,十目十手,理所必至,况报应昭彰,不爽毫发,淫为万恶首,孝为百行原,但有逆理,于心有愧者,勿未有利而行之,凡有合理,于心无愧者,勿谓无利而不行,若负吾教,请试吾刀。 敬天地,礼神明,奉祖先,孝双亲,守王法,重师尊,爱兄弟,信朋友,睦宗族,和乡邻,敬夫妇,教子孙。 时行方便,广积阴功,救难济急,恤孤怜贫,创修庙宇,印造经文,舍药施茶,戒杀放生,造桥修路,矜寡拔困,重粟惜福,排难解纷,捐资成美, 垂训教人,冤雠解释,斗秤公平,亲近有德,远避凶人,隐恶扬善,利物救民,回心向道,改过自新,满腔仁慈,恶念不存,一切善事,信心奉行,人虽不见...
师尊慈语 | 知道還要行道
มุมมอง 76214 วันที่ผ่านมา
师尊慈语 知道還要行道 大家都忘了曾經立的誓願嗎?為什麼會生在這個動亂的時期?這是你們的因緣啊!為什麼不早一點生?為什麼不晚一點生?偏偏生在這樣的時期?為什麼偏偏生在這個世局呢?因為你們有你們的因緣呵!什麼是立愿呢?立了清口吃素這樣叫做了愿嗎?(不是)立愿是一輩子的事,一直到最後一口氣沒了,你都有做到,那才算了愿,始終如一,不要到後來晚節不保。有沒有人說:我等到要死的前一刻,才來補我的愿,可以嗎?(不可以)這和種菜是一樣的道理,要不斷的耕耘、不斷的灌溉。 立了愿之後,每天都要盡責 ,好像儲蓄一樣,一天存一塊錢,等到哪一天存夠了,你就存無數的財富了。我們如果光是鼓勵別人存錢,而自己卻不儲蓄,到時候是自己的損失喔! 學道要不停的充實自己。現在是咱們付出的時候了,每個人都有力量可以付出,因為你們都是為師的徒兒,白陽的天使。什麼是天使呢?就是上天的使者,就是從上天來的「駐塵大使」,要做的工...
师尊慈语 | 何謂真功德
มุมมอง 63728 วันที่ผ่านมา
师尊慈语 | 何謂真功德
师尊慈语 | 慈父般的叮咛
มุมมอง 542หลายเดือนก่อน
师尊慈语 | 慈父般的叮咛
师尊慈语 | 无心与无为
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师尊慈语 | 如水之德~谈人事的圆融
มุมมอง 391หลายเดือนก่อน
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师尊慈语 | 谈心论性
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师尊慈语 | 拨云见日--无明与智慧
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师尊慈语 | 真理與假景
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师尊慈语 | 薪传心传
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地藏古佛慈訓 | 發一靈隱(民国九十九年三月三十日)
มุมมอง 153หลายเดือนก่อน
地藏古佛慈訓 | 發一靈隱(民国九十九年三月三十日)
师尊慈语 | 德配天地
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师尊慈语 | 生活即道场
มุมมอง 1.2K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
师尊慈语 | 生活即道场
师尊慈语 | 人生~为的是什么
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师尊慈语 | 天堂之路~修道与人生
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师尊慈语 | 天堂之路~修道与人生
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师尊慈语 | 庄严内外道场~佛规内涵
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师尊慈语 | 从心的小同走向身的大同
มุมมอง 2672 หลายเดือนก่อน
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师尊慈语 | 学习放下才看清自己
มุมมอง 4282 หลายเดือนก่อน
师尊慈语 | 学习放下才看清自己
师尊慈语 | 坚持!!才能影响更多人,趋向究竟圆满。
มุมมอง 1302 หลายเดือนก่อน
师尊慈语 | 坚持!!才能影响更多人,趋向究竟圆满。
师尊慈语 | 情绪管理篇
มุมมอง 2072 หลายเดือนก่อน
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师尊慈语 | 广结善缘篇
มุมมอง 3782 หลายเดือนก่อน
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师尊慈语 | 学道办道篇(二)
มุมมอง 2232 หลายเดือนก่อน
师尊慈语 | 学道办道篇(二)


  • @chansheankong9293
    @chansheankong9293 19 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    shi Zhun Master’s Kind Words People’s hearts influence the weather Look, the times and situations have changed, and people's hearts have changed too. Why have the times changed? Times change because people’s hearts change. Therefore, the changing times and the changing people's hearts are one and the same. If you want to transcend them, you will be able to achieve it. relief! It is too late to practice Tao now. We can no longer see the saints, sages, immortals and Buddhas of the past. Times have changed now, and the traditional Taoists you want to see are no longer around. You must realize that the time is urgent. I am not trying to trick you. The situation is driving a kind of energy. If the people in a place are resentful and greedy, this evil energy will boil over and bring disasters and catastrophes, even good people will be harmed. They will still kill you, so you must truly cultivate virtue, which is the fundamental way to avoid disasters. "The bright sun is about to set, but the darkness is chasing it relentlessly." These two sentences seem simple, but they contain a great secret! Don't underestimate these two sentences. Now is not the time when the sun is shining brightly, but the dusk of the harvest. It is easy to filter out some talents. There are good and bad among you. Some are good, and some are not so good. Now that you are able to enter the Tao and delve into it, you must be able to practice. Once you are able to practice, you will be able to see the difference between the high and the low. However, if you want to succeed, you will be tested. With tests, it is easy to give up, so now is the time to "divide and conquer"! As a teacher, I have seen that human hearts are at fault and the world is in turmoil today. Why is this? Because human greed is the reason! Human greed leads to the downfall of demons! If you want to have a righteous mind, you should read more classics of saints, immortals and Buddhas, and learn from their footsteps so that you don’t go astray. By not going astray, you can avoid disasters! Master knows that the catastrophe is coming. This is what he talks about in every Dharma Assembly and at the altar, but few disciples can understand it. Do you know this? As a master, I know that the situation is changing, but my disciples are still addicted one by one, which makes me very sad! Do my disciples understand? As a teacher, I know that the time is urgent, but you don’t understand the time, alas! Only by asking for help from yourselves can you create all things, give birth to all things, and understand everything! There are many natural disasters and man-made disasters nowadays because everyone's energy is too strong. When energy is too strong and rushes to the sky, God will only send down disasters. Therefore, people's energy cannot be too strong, because if it is too strong, it will bring down a wind disaster. Technology has its pros and cons, it has two sides, yin and yang. Technology is dangerous, so it needs to be saved by the way of saints. Although the sky is not completely red now, the current situation is already setting. Perhaps you are very comfortable sitting here and listening to the truth, but think about the current situation? It’s getting late! So if you practice for one day, you will gain merit for that day; if you waste your days, you will lose them for that day, right? The so-called void is not that "void", but the vast and boundless emptiness.

  • @guanghuifotanguanghuifotan
    @guanghuifotanguanghuifotan 22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา


  • @guanghuifotanguanghuifotan
    @guanghuifotanguanghuifotan 7 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @chansheankong9293
    @chansheankong9293 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Master’s Kind Words Talk about sex (Inner Self) The key to practicing Tao Heat character is to keep the mind still. If you don't get affected by evil, the evil will go away on its own. Sensual pleasures, money, profit, strange and lewd tricks, anything that hurts my spirit and harms my mind and nature is called evil. If you just ignore it, it will not attract any evil spirits, and the evil spirits will naturally retreat and will not be able to harm you. If there is even the slightest thought of "appearance" or "attraction", it will destroy the complete purity of the self-nature and immediately lose the innocence. Even if there are lofty ambitions and a bright future, it will be in vain if both of you are obscured by the evil spirits. Those who practice Taoism must know this and must be cautious about it. Those who act outwardly are martial, those who cultivate within are literary. If a person only has outward skills and external behavior but has no substance inside, people will say that he is an embroidered pillow, that he is all show and no substance. The mind is the key to Zen, Zen is the ladder to becoming a Buddha, and the enlightenment of the mind is an ever-lasting flow rather than stagnant in one place. Therefore, the understanding of things is different at every time. When the state of mind is elevated to a certain level, one reaches a certain Zen heaven. This is the ladder to becoming a Buddha. Everything in the world is originally in motion. Everything is one, and one is everything. There is no self in itself. The heaven and earth, time and space, human mind, the universe, etc. that we understand in the Three Dharma Aggregates are all moving. It is impossible to grasp anything. Everything is empty (nothingness). The past, future and present are all empty, but in fact they are not empty. Without the law, there is no object. There is no difference between the mind, Buddha, and sentient beings. Therefore, monks must practice and be correct, but there must not be any pollution when correcting, otherwise it will not be bright. What the three worlds want to protect is this unpolluted mind. The heart, when viewed from the front, is the heart, and when viewed from the back, it is the Buddha. It is difficult to sweep the floor with a broom, but it is even more difficult to sweep the heart. We should sweep away the ego, selfishness, evil thoughts, and greed, and make our mind clear. If you have a purpose and give it your all, practice Taoism, keep your mind clear and have few desires, how can you have worries? Why the depression? Look at you, is there anyone who really has the courage? They all claim to be practicing Taoism, but they are arrogant, violent and proud! Whoever has integrity, please stand up and let the Master see him! If you cannot correct yourself, how can you correct others? If you cannot establish yourself, how can you establish others?

  • @chansheankong9293
    @chansheankong9293 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    ah! You have no broad minds, your hearts are like narrow paths. Today, our predecessors, the master who has passed on the teachings to you, have said one thing, and you have stopped practicing? Please tell me where is it? Since ancient times, has there been any saint, sage, immortal or Buddha who became a Buddha with arrogance and pride? You have all kinds of bad tempers, how can you become a Buddha? The wish is the original heart, and what comes from your own heart is the wish. Sometimes you are unable to cope with all the good and bad things. Whether good or bad is imposed on you, it does not come because you are mentally prepared for it. Therefore, your heart should be able to respond to things when they come, and let go of them when they go, so that you will not have any worries in your heart. If you don't plant tall grass, you won't attract poisonous snakes; if the ancestral hall is not good, ghosts and gods will avoid it; therefore, if I have no desires in my heart, evil spirits will naturally leave me. Sit alone and observe the inner reflection of your heart. The true nature of the mind will be revealed when you are searching for the truth. When you are quiet, always reflect on your own mistakes. Do not criticize others' right or wrong. You should examine yourself three times. Cultivate your inner strength without bias. Pay equal attention to both the outer king and the inner saint. The lotus will emerge from the dirty pond. Not stained by mud. When you act with sincerity, that is the heart of Tao. Does this Tao heart have an image? It is invisible and intangible, and cannot be seen or touched, just like what you call sincerity. The clear ones are clean, the quiet ones are at peace and motionless, and the chaotic ones are restless. If you want to have a healthy body, you usually only study physical hygiene, but there is an important aspect of "mental hygiene" that you have not practiced. The so-called "mental health" means "fewer thoughts and fewer desires" and "constant clarity and tranquility". This is the highest level of mental health. When one is extremely clear and tranquil, he is a Buddha, who knows everything. Lao Tzu said: "If a person can be always clear and tranquil, Heaven and earth all return to you." Do you know? When you encounter difficulties, you can study the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch more, because the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch - every word can reveal the nature." Disciples, you should always maintain your sincerity, honesty, faith, and compassion. It is said that a gentleman never loses his "innocent heart", this is the most important thing. When you decide to practice Buddhism, tests will come. Therefore, you must maintain your original intention in order to achieve success. Disciples, do you know that "forbearance" is beneficial to spiritual practice? There aren’t many benefits! Patience is the skill of wise men. Those who are not yet ready to achieve true success need to be patient, but those who are successful do not need to be patient. If there is no prejudice in your mind, there is no need to endure. If you are natural and do not have any views of being ordinary or holy, and your mind is calm and peaceful, there is no need to endure. This is the natural state of a Buddha, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people. The word "forbearance" is like a knife stabbing into the heart, which is painful. Therefore, Buddhas and saints do not have the ability to endure, because the Buddha nature has no hatred and will not be sad. Therefore, Buddhas and saints do not need to endure. When one practices Taoism to the point where one no longer needs to endure and does not hate or resent, one’s mind will naturally be at peace. 20What should we practice in Taoism? Cultivate your mind. It is rare to have such a heart that you can be sober and clear-headed in this turbid city. It is like planting a lotus in the fire and finding pearls in the sea. The misty rain, the stars are covered by dark clouds; the seven emotions and six desires, the spiritual nature is obscured by material desires, the clouds disperse and the stars shine, the desires are sent away to see the nature "If you keep your mind steady, you will gain wisdom." It seems simple but difficult to practice. It contains profound meanings. I hope you will realize it yourself, truly practice and choose good, be down-to-earth, and put your own interests behind. Don't leave any excess behind. Garbage, we must eliminate dirt and mess. There are three things that make up perseverance: perseverance, patience, and confidence. And confidence is important. He was in a peaceful and calm mood, as if walking under the bright sun. The mind is clear and relaxed, like a mirror in still water. It is your duty to do good deeds and establish virtues, but do not harbor thoughts of merit and virtue. Lao Tzu said: "Do nothing." The Buddha said: "The wonderful practice has no dwelling." If the heart of a Taoist practitioner can be in harmony with this, then his virtue will be in harmony with that of heaven and earth. The so-called enlightenment of the mind means that the mind is free of delusions and material desires. The purpose of practicing Tao is to become a Buddha. Everyone should know that human nature is Buddha, so why do we need to become a Buddha? Buddhas exist because there are sentient beings. Buddha and sentient beings are originally relative nouns. If there are no sentient beings, there will be no Buddhas. 27 Practicing Taoism is like sweeping the floor; sweep away the three minds and four responses. What is the most difficult thing to control? Restless mind. To practice Taoism, one must control one's mind and desires. If one cannot do so, one must force oneself to do so. As a teacher, I often say, which center should we keep in mind at all times? To maintain one's nature. Sex is a place of conscience and ability, a place of perfection. But sex must be supported by virtue. Etiquette is also a symbol. For example, how we treat others is how others will treat us. If you want your mind to be able to reflect back at all times, you must: "Looking inward is nature, looking outward is emotion, emptying one part of your mind, you will see one part of your nature." Those who are enlightened will be enlightened by themselves, and those who are confused will be confused by themselves. To cultivate the Tao is to be pure in mind, few in desires, and to be quiet and peaceful. Why do all the troubles and worries come about? If one does not have the slightest bit of morality in what he says, and is great on stage but loses his moral character off stage, how can he be considered a disciple of a living Buddha? The practice of Taoism is mainly about cultivating the mind, so is your mind right? What is a righteous heart? If one cannot make things clear, then the mind cannot be right; if the mind is troubled, then it cannot be right. In the process of your spiritual practice, of course your first step is to learn, so what do you want to learn? You must have goals and direction. A cultivator must cultivate their mind and character, but the teacher sees that nowadays cultivators only focus on external skills. They go around saving people and preaching the truth, but they end up attracting slander from many people and many people do not believe. Why is that? Because you lack the word "morality"; because you are unable to eliminate the three poisons of greed, anger, and ignorance in your daily life; because you are greedy for merit. Although it is good that you save many people, because you are attached to the form, if you cannot save someone as you wish, you will feel resentful. Since resentment arises, it is "anger". Since you have anger, then If you don't get it right, you will feel fear or hesitation, and feel sad inside. Then, in the invisible state, you have a delusion that blows away your heart and nature. Or if your behavior exceeds the rules of the Tao, then doubts will arise and turn into disbelief, and you will be confused by the sounds and sights of the outside world, and you will be far away from the Tao! A monk should be sincere and practical, and not seek fame and reputation. When we practice Buddhism today, we should not forget to achieve our own true nature. Only by constantly reflecting on one's inner self-nature can one awaken to one's true nature. In the process of doing the Dharma, we should constantly make progress, feel grateful and repent; this is the "ultimate goal". Otherwise, if one is not aware of one’s own nature, how can one awaken others? You can only save others after you save yourself. "To practice Tao, one must cultivate the mind": to break free from the attachments in one's heart is to be free from birth and death, which is the essence of non-birth. When one realizes the supreme sudden Dharma, the Western Paradise is in Linarā. "Only when you reach the lowest point, can you see your nature." Give and take, if you give, you will gain. If you give up your mind, you will attain a state of no mind. It is the original appearance, both obtained and seemingly not obtained. Refining the mind is like refining gold. After hundreds of refinements, it becomes real gold. After hundreds of refinements, it becomes true heart. Broaden your mind to accommodate everything in the world, empty your mind to accept the good in the world, calm your mind to discuss the affairs of the world, immerse your mind to observe the principles of the world, and steady your mind to respond to the changes in the world.

  • @chansheankong9293
    @chansheankong9293 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Master’s Kind Words Keep improving day by day Disciples! When you look in the mirror every day, remind yourself whether your heart is good today. Did I get the support of my teacher today? Have you read the book? Have I reflected upon you? Am I useful and compassionate in leading sentient beings? After you have worked hard to save all living beings, when the night is quiet, you will feel very empty, right? Why? Because your heart is not fulfilled! When you rush forward to save all living beings, you only think about saving them and getting them to come to the Buddhist temple in person, but you lack food in your heart, do you understand? Remember, when you save others, don't forget to save yourself as well; when you save others, save yourself as well! Appearance cannot always make you perfect. Don’t always rely on the teacher to make you perfect. If you want the teacher to save your lovely students, you must save yourself first! Disciples! You often like to be too good to yourself and forgive yourself, right? It doesn’t matter if you don’t change it this time, you can change it after two years, right? Sometimes when you are guiding sentient beings, you always tell yourself: "It doesn't matter. I was wrong, I was fierce, I was unreasonable. I will change slowly." You have become paralyzed in "changing slowly." How slow do you want? You often say that life is impermanent. What does impermanence look like? It can’t last long at all! Experience it carefully for yourselves! You always give yourself opportunities, so you can never make progress. "It doesn't matter! I made a mistake once. I got angry today. I lost my temper again. My desire came back again. It doesn't matter. I'll change it again!" You always If you make the same mistake again after trying to correct it, it’s okay, you’ll have one more chance, but you won’t have another chance to practice and spread the Dao then! It’s not that I didn’t give you a chance, don’t blame me for being ruthless! If you don’t cultivate in this life and don’t do it in this life, you will not have the chance next time or in the next life! How would you feel now if you didn't have that chance? (No feeling) It is because too many people have no feeling, so they become numb and eventually end up in the cycle of life and death. Just like you now, why are you still sitting here? It is because we have become numb and have no feelings that we continue to cycle through life and death. You often test sentient beings with your words, but you still say, "I will slowly cultivate and slowly change!" When you are asked to take worldly feelings lightly, you say, "Teacher, I am very busy with my career." Because of your karma, you have bound your own heart and are trapped in the cycle of suffering in the sea of ​​life and death forever. Disciple, it’s the last moment. If you don’t go ashore today, when will you wait? If you have not encountered the Tao in this life, or if you have encountered the Tao but do not practice it and continue to indulge in your desires without eradicating greed, anger, and ignorance, you will continue to be reborn in hell. When will we be able to encounter the Grand Opening Festival again? Is there anyone who often says to himself, "This is just the kind of person I am!"? It is because you are like this that you are still in the world! If disciples want to change, they must change sincerely. They cannot always say, "This is my personality." This is because you have a self, my body, my personality, my faults, my attachments. Therefore, you will forever sink in the sea of ​​suffering of life and death, unable to be reborn, and wander in the cycle of life and death. You will feel pain and worry, you cannot control anything in this world, and you cannot know what is happening today. This is all because you have lost your nature and covered up your conscience! What is the real purpose of the Buddhist temple? The real purpose of the Buddhist temple is to guide all living beings, allowing us to cultivate ourselves and save others. The meaning of the Buddhist temple is to cultivate oneself and save others. If we never leave the Buddhist temple, it means we should always have the heart to cultivate ourselves and save others.

  • @chansheankong9293
    @chansheankong9293 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Disciples, think about it, from the time you have been seeking the Tao until now, when the Dharma Assembly just started, the teacher gave you six words. What are those six words? (Change bad habits and get rid of temper) Have all the disciples changed? Do you keep it in mind all the time? Now thinking back, what have you changed? Is there anything you are particularly persistent about? Is there anything you didn’t understand before, and still don’t understand now? Do you still hate the people you disliked before? It was annoying before, and it’s still annoying now? You used to curse people all the time, and now you still can’t keep your mouth shut? If so, is there some progress? What has changed? People didn’t know how to offer incense before there were Buddhist temples. Do they know how to offer incense now? You didn’t know how to perform the ritual before, but can you do it now? The forum leader still has a lot to learn! How should we take care of the Buddhist temple and offer offerings? What should we do on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month? These must be clear! The purpose of returning to the Buddhist temple is to review. Why do they (the masters and staff) carefully set up various schedules? Because I know that everyone is very busy with work, and also with practicing and studying Taoism, and you may forget about it in your busyness, so I set up a class to bring everyone back together and force you to review. Time goes by too fast, pace moves too fast, and everyone has forgotten what you should do. Therefore, you must make progress in your spiritual practice every day and don’t even forget to practice. There are many truths that you have heard before, but when you really encounter something, you don’t understand them, and even if you hear them, you don’t know how to use them. You should know that the temple is a place where people can realize their ideals. Your ideal is to be a good and successful person. Therefore, at least you should be filial to your parents and do something meaningful. Otherwise, your life will be meaningless. What to do in the world? Since the Buddhist temple is the place to realize ideals, disciples must move towards the goal. When we practice Taoism, we need to practice "forgetting". Why do we need to forget? What to forget? Forget about praise and criticism, be careful about benefits and losses, forget about life and death, forget about right and wrong. What does it mean to forget about praise and criticism? Forgetting about praise and criticism refers to the infringement on you by others, which is the external infringement on the internal! This is about forgetting about praise or criticism. So what does it mean to forget about interests? If you want to get something that benefits yourself, but others compete with you and try to hamper you from getting this benefit, what should you do? Then you have to get rid of the obsession in your heart. What is forgetting life and death? Why do disciples practice Taoism? Is it because of fear of death that we practice Buddhism? Is it because you are afraid that you will go to hell after you die, and that seeking and practicing the Tao will return you to the Heaven of Truth, that is why you come here to practice and do so? Is that right? Is it true that you rush to practice cultivation because you are afraid that natural disasters or man-made calamities will happen to you? All of these concepts are incorrect. They are just a method and a process to assist you in practicing the Dao. They are not the fundamentals! Therefore, my disciples are already staff members, and you are asked to attend more classes. This is the simplest, most basic and most fundamental method. Some of you still don’t have a clear understanding of how to practice the Dao! Did you attend too few classes? This means you don’t understand the Tao and yourself enough. Finally, you need to make further progress in both your character and the principles! Disciples, do you think that practicing Buddhism is an easy thing? It is not easy to say it is easy, but it is also very simple to say it is simple, because practicing Taoism is just to serve all sentient beings! It's just about sacrifice and dedication, but it's not easy to do! You all have a family, and you work on your family every day. You see, your minds are all entangled in the disputes over family and personnel matters. Also, you are distracted by emotions. Look at the road of cultivation. This road is so bright, but sometimes you just don’t have confidence in yourself. At the end of the journey, at the end of the cultivation, you hide yourself. This is not good for you. ? Is cultivation based on others’ cultivation or is it something you cultivate yourself? Practicing Taoism is for yourself, not for others. If you cannot let go, you will wander endlessly. If you don't understand things rationally, the rifts will grow, brothers will quarrel, and even you will feel uncomfortable. You can't let go of your worries. Wherever you go, you will be dissatisfied with others. How can you feel at ease? ah? Think about it again, the more you practice Taoism, the more you will become indifferent to fame and fortune. If you are still obsessed with fame and fortune, you will feel confused about how to advance or retreat. Do you understand? My disciples, you often kowtow to me, your teacher, in front of the Buddha. You often tell me a lot of your worries. When you are distressed, you only complain to me, your teacher, but you never think about why this is happening. Why does your heart have to carry so much and so heavy? Disciple, why don’t you let go? When you let go, you will understand that this “I” of yours is not seeking these things at all. When disciples are on the path of cultivation, they sometimes need to look up at the heaven and earth, and see the world as a seagull! My little disciple, listen to me, your teacher. When we do things for the gods, we should express our feelings to the gods with our hearts. The gods will know and they can see your sacrifices. You don’t need to argue or explain hastily. I just hope that you can cultivate peace of mind and improve yourself, okay? Where can I see the Tao? The teacher has no physical body. Can we see it from his body? Can you see this Buddha statue here? The Tao is within you. If you don’t represent it, how can you see it? Teacher, I have passed this Way to you. If you do not know how to practice it well, then you are wasting this precious Way of mine. Since ancient times, saints and sages who wanted to cultivate this Tao had to endure countless trials before they could obtain this Tao. And your teacher has passed the Tao to you so easily. If you disciples do not cultivate it well, can you be worthy of Heaven? You are sorry, old Chinese! Who is without fault? Teacher, I have been a human being and I know the hardships of being a human being, but don’t be ashamed to correct your mistakes, do you understand? Even saints have mistakes. If you make mistakes and correct them, you will be a good disciple to your teacher! At this final moment, the teacher hopes that you can all recognize the truth, practice well, and not always fall into the treatment of self and others: a true cultivator has no faults, and a true cultivator has no right or wrong, do you understand?

  • @chansheankong9293
    @chansheankong9293 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    You have to correct your mistakes. The more you correct them, the fewer mistakes you will naturally make. Do you know how much training you have to go through to go from a human to a Buddha? You are not stubborn stones, you are the jade among stones! The jade is hidden inside and the stone is wrapped around the outside, just like the spirit is hidden inside and the flesh is wrapped around the outside. How can this jade be mined? (To grind) How to grind? The people around you are grinding you down, and every time a piece of them is worn away, you feel like you've grown a little. Because every time you grind off a piece, you will find many edges and corners and defects that you haven't noticed before. Now you have discovered them, which means you have grown. If you discover that you are full of sins and faults, you will see that you are making progress; if you do not see the faults and sins, it means that you are standing still. People should not do things that make them feel guilty, lest they regret it in the future. If they do too many things that make them feel guilty, it will be against the will of heaven. Today, everyone is not doing the Dharma with sincerity. As your master, I don’t blame you. As your master, I start by being strict with myself. Shouldn’t you also start by being strict with yourselves before you can ask others to do the same? It doesn't matter if you give a little more, right? Speakers are candidates for future lecturers and should not be timid. What are you afraid of now, my disciples? You are afraid that you haven’t done it well, so you talk a lot but can’t do it, right? How can you make progress if you are afraid? You must let go of yourself first, then the principles you speak out will be in line with the will of heaven! If you don't let go of yourself, and are just afraid, afraid of misleading sentient beings, afraid of not being able to speak well, afraid of taking responsibility, then is there anything sentient beings in the world can listen to? Who should take responsibility for this? After a period of training and tempering as a speaker, shouldn’t I move up? If you don't climb up and just keep the title of a speaker, you are not being "real". Your nine great ancestors will also feel sorry for you, as they are waiting for your promotion! If you promote him, he will promote; if you demote him, he will demote him. The key to promotion and demotion is not empty words! Are there any concerns or obstacles? Only those who have concerns and obstacles are human beings. This does not mean it is bad, because nothing is absolute. It does not matter if we have concerns. We can still be Buddhas. If you do something wrong, you must know how to repent. Although I know that you will definitely make the same mistake again, but people are still people! There is nothing better than admitting one's mistakes and correcting them! Master doesn’t ask for much. As long as you change your mind, and transform your greed, anger, and ignorance into a grateful heart, that will be enough. As your teacher, I hope you can be happy. Even though you may feel sad, it doesn’t matter. It’s all part of the process! As long as you remember the teacher's love for you and repay the teacher with sincerity, that's enough! If you can be open-minded and look at things in a positive way through practicing Taoism, then you will be open to everything! You see, there are wrinkles on your faces. If you don’t smile, you will have more wrinkles. What is "beauty"? Treat others with a smile and smile more often!

  • @chansheankong9293
    @chansheankong9293 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    "A person should have ambition and be kind, but not arrogant." Disciples should always think about this sentence. Do you feel proud when you make progress? After regressing, do you have the courage to move forward again? Disciples should often think about this. Are you proud of your progress? Or are you more willing to learn with a lower spirit? When we regress, do we shrink back? Learn nothing. It is inevitable that brothers and sisters will have disagreements. What should we do? When we come to the Buddhist temple, do you just do your thing and I go mine, and no one cares about anyone else. Is that okay? This is our Buddhist temple. What is your purpose of coming here? It is about learning from each other and complementing each other. Today, new Taoist friends came here and saw that each of you is like this. Do you think they will dare to come? When you have a knot in your heart, don't dwell on it, because the knot will only get bigger and bigger, right? When you tie a knot, you must try to untie it and find out the truth: "Why is there this knot in my heart? How can I untie it?" This depends on your usual efforts. ! Have you made progress in your Taoist studies, or are you just muddled through your days? We need to clean the physical Buddhist temple and keep it in order, but how do we clean the physical Buddhist temple? How do you clean such a solemn Buddhist temple? Let’s think about it, how many wishful thinking do we have in a day? How much do you hate others? How many lazy hearts are there? Have you ever thought about it? If not, how can we clean this invisible Buddhist temple? Disciples should reflect on themselves every day and think about whether they have done anything wrong during the day. Do you feel proud when you succeed in doing something? Are you content in your heart? Do you have a desire to improve yourself? As the saying goes, "When you see a virtuous person, be kind to him; when you see an unvirtuous person, reflect on yourself", isn't it? If you see others doing bad things, don't blame them harshly, don't be dissatisfied, and don't let yourself get upset or unhappy. Those things will not benefit yourself, and will not be of any positive help to others. When you see others doing bad things, reflect on yourself quickly and try not to be like them. Wouldn’t that be much better? What about Jianx ian? (Si Qi) When you see others doing something good, you should quickly learn from them. If you can do this, then what confusion will you have in your practice of Taoism and in the work of Taoism? If you lack the heart to empathize, you will not be able to make progress in your understanding of the Dao; if you lack the heart to experience, you will not know what gratitude is; once you stop, everything will lose hope, do you know that? Finally, disciples must always understand the true self-requirements. You need to adjust your pace to be faster. Don’t just follow the demands of others. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to give in and you will easily regress. Because you have a resistance mentality, because you are unwilling to accept it, because you feel unfair, it will affect your cultivation and lead to Your heart goes up and down. So my fellow disciples, at this last moment, you must really set high standards for yourselves and make continuous progress, okay? To practice the true Dao, do not slack off day or night, and keep working hard at all times! It’s the end time. How much time is left for the practice? Think about yourself again, how many sins are left to be forgiven? Think about it again, how many more years do we have to commit sins? Shouldn't you speed up and keep going? How much time do you have left to waste? How much time do we have left to daydream? When you meet someone, the first thing you do is talk about reason. Is there any room for discussion about right and wrong? If you have concerns about right and wrong, it means your mind is no longer at ease! You don’t have a positive attitude, a heart that seeks the truth, and you don’t have the desire to eliminate your sins, so you have time to talk about gossip and get involved in gossip. So, when you open your mouth you are saving people and making them perfect. This is what a person who practices Taoism does, right? This is what a Bai Yang cultivator should do! We should always be sincere, keep our faith, and be hardworking and persevering! No regrets! Do you know?

  • @Smiling9336
    @Smiling9336 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    德就是要靠你們去把它表現出來,而不是讓人家看了你,覺得你很新奇、很奇怪的;能夠愈平凡就愈不簡單啊!那是平凡之中的不平凡啊!道親、道親,是不是「道」最親啊?既然如此,以後來到佛堂就不要再講是非了,好不好?自已的生死大事都無法了脫了,還去管別人?已經沒有時間了,對不對?那你們要用多餘的時間來做什麼?是不是常要多看書充實道學啊?回去都有看書嗎?現在八點檔連續劇真好看,一天不看真可惜,有沒有?所以,身為辦事人員的就要把握時間,日精進,才能真的辦好事、了己之愿,而不愧於心啊! 辦天事沒有分高下、你我哪!點傳師點道的時候就點道,平時也是辦事人員,是不是?為什麼說修道要奇三不離?不離什麼?(不離佛堂,不離前賢,不離經典)為什麼要不離經典啊?它是幫你們對這個「道」有信心哪!看任何經典,都是用來印證的,會讓你更加法喜充滿啊!會更加肯定這個啊!所以,不是說辦事人員平常就不用精進啊!什麼是精進啊?就是讓你這個情緒能一直轉化、一直改變,不斷地看到自己心中的缺點,把這種缺陷慢慢改掉!還有,有些徒兒們在佛堂都跪得下來,但是在家裡做錯事,敢不敢跟父母跪下來磕頭懺侮、認不是啊?希望徒兒們真的做得到,只要你去磕頭、去懺悔,為師相信,沒有解不開的事情!人只要能低下頭,就沒有解不開的事啊!怕的就是不能謙下。徒兒們有沒有注意到蓮花,它是長在什麼地方呢?污泥啊!大家都知道,蓮花是出污泥而不染,那徒兒要在塵不染塵,是不是?修道離不開群居啊!徒兒們有沒有發現?現在白陽應運,道降火宅﹒都在家庭修,不能離開人群,如果離開了人群去修,為師可以講,那叫「偷生」啊!怎麼講呢?因為那叫「自了漢」!那是藉著一個清靜的地方來修,沒有經過人事的磨鍊!這樣是成就不了什麼的,徒兒們瞭解嗎?蓮花它是長在什麼地方?污泥啊!是那潮溼淤泥的地方,它是長在那種最髒的地方呵!在高高的陸地上,它會不會長出這個蓮花呢?所以,道在低處藏啊!

  • @guanghuifotanguanghuifotan
    @guanghuifotanguanghuifotan 16 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @chansheankong9293
    @chansheankong9293 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Ksitigarbha Buddha's compassion Dear wise men, the world is changing rapidly now, people's hearts are no longer the same, they often make mistakes, they are cruel and inhumane, their consciences are gone, and many intellectuals are fiercely opposed to karma and do not believe in the law of karma. This kind of view and thinking has left too much damage to the world. Those who dare to do bad things do not believe in cause and effect. The more people who do not believe in cause and effect, the more complicated the problems in the world will be. As long as the degree of not believing in cause and effect becomes stronger and stronger, the problems in this world will become more and more terrible! Therefore, all wise men must believe in cause and effect, believe that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be punished with evil, and never have any negative thoughts. thought. Dear wise men, you must believe that hell exists. The tortures in hell are hard to imagine. Hell is a dark and scary place. I hope that you will never go to such a place. The wise men have obtained the Great Dao today. The Old Mother has opened a great salvation. Only three lives have been lucky enough to obtain this Great Dao. Heaven has opened a selection and selected 3,600 saints and 48,000 wise men. Therefore, you must seize the opportunity and do not underestimate these three major events. Today you have life, you must know how to grasp it, and you have a body, you must know how to cherish it. What kind of people are the most pitiful? Ignorant people are the most pitiful. They are ignorant of the horror of hell, so they keep doing bad things. In the human world, murder, robbery, drug trafficking, adultery, and deception happen almost every day. There are so many disasters because people’s hearts are fickle. There is a saying: "If you want to know the cause of your past life, look at the one who is suffering in this life; if you want to know the result of your next life, look at the one who is doing it in this life." If you want to know what you did in the past, look at the result you are suffering today; if you want to know what will happen in the future, look at what you do today. If you continue to do evil things today, you will go to a dark and terrible place in the future, which is hell. Therefore, wise men should cherish their lives, seize time and opportunities to repay the grace of heaven and teachers, and be grateful, because they understand Only with gratitude can we save a suffering country and transform bad karma into good karma. This requires the strength of everyone and unity, not the strength of one person. Although life is bitter, we can turn the bitterness into happiness, because life is bound to encounter tests, and happiness will come after the bitterness, because everyone has his own karma, and the karma of 60,000 years must be truly cultivated. Only real good deeds can be repaid. Now hell is overcrowded. Some sinful souls also want to attain the Great Way, but they have committed too many sins and cannot attain this Great Way. Life is impermanent. To create eternal wisdom life, the real suffering in life is not the external environment, but the cycle of reincarnation. Life and death; the real happiness in life does not lie in having money, but in being able to transcend life and death." What is the most noble flower in the world? It is the lotus. The lotus is very white. Although it grows in very dirty mud, it can show beautiful flowers. I hope that the wise men will learn the spirit of the lotus, be lucky enough to get the Tao, and show a beautiful life. , do good deeds and establish good virtues, and learn to eat vegetarian food. Just now, my Buddha said that ignorant people are the most pitiful. Before seeking the truth, they were ignorant and ate the flesh of many living beings. Because of ignorance, they ate the flesh of living beings and committed many sins. Now that they know, they should stop killing animals. Because humans and animals have the same spiritual nature, we should learn to eat vegetarian food and not indulge in the desire for food.

  • @leecheecheong6685
    @leecheecheong6685 17 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @yukho-cr9fc
    @yukho-cr9fc 27 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @yukho-cr9fc
    @yukho-cr9fc 29 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @ngsongseng5666
    @ngsongseng5666 29 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @clear.galaxy
    @clear.galaxy 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

  • @chansheankong9293
    @chansheankong9293 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Master's kind words What is true merit? Disciple! When performing meritorious deeds, you must not forget to establish virtue, and you must be careful with this kind of experience. If you perform meritorious deeds to save one person, how much merit is there? If you save sixty-four people, you can surpass one level of ancestors. Is this true merit? Have you heard the story of Emperor Wu of Liang? It is said that "Dharma was born without a single word. He relied entirely on his mind and effort. If he wanted to find the Dharma on paper, he would dip the tip of his pen into the Dongting Lake." What does this mean? It was this Bodhisattva who received the will of God. Look at the people in the East who are really from a foreign country and don’t understand any Buddhism. Although there is Buddhism circulating, they don’t see their nature and don’t understand their origin, so he became famous. With compassion, he came from the west to the east to meet Emperor Wu of Liang. Although Emperor Wu of Liang studied Buddhism and performed some meritorious deeds, he built temples and established monastic groups, allowing the monks to chant sutras, have a place to live, and have food to eat. If you have the intention to do this good deed and have some good roots, then help him. Emperor Wu of Liang saw that he looked like this, a bit inconspicuous, dark and dirty, where could he be a great monk? But some people say don’t underestimate it! So Emperor Wu of Liang supported him. After supporting him for several years, Bodhidharma thought that this was not the solution. My mission was not completed. I was here to promote Buddhism. Why was I being detained instead? So he left intentionally. Before leaving, he still held on to a glimmer of hope that it would be best to make Emperor Liang Wu understand. So he visited Emperor Wu of Liang. Emperor Wu of Liang asked, "How much merit does it have to build a temple to support monks?" Bodhidharma said, "There is no merit." But if the heart has all the attachments, giving to others is a leak of merit, so Bodhidharma said that there is no merit.) If Emperor Wu of Liang had the root of wisdom, Buddhism would not be limited to this little bit. We have to understand today, does having a persistent mind have any merit? (No) And what is merit? Today we explain the two words of merit separately. "Gong" can be said to be external merit, and "virtue" can be said to be inner virtue. If a person only knows how to perform external merits but does not know how to cultivate inner virtues, then he has missed merits. For example. If we only know how to teach, if we only know how to help people, this person comes to seek Tao, but you don’t know how to practice it in your heart. In the future, you will not get along well with him, your ideas will not be able to communicate, and your own virtue will not be able to If you tolerate others, then this person will probably no longer continue to follow the Tao. Is this meritorious or not? Let's not talk about whether he has any merits for the moment, and let's see if it is worth it for things to turn out like this? (not worth it) Today you can look down on your desires. If I have money today, I will eat less, use less, and use the extra money to donate, to help one more person, and to relieve one more person. Wouldn't that be great? Even if you are rich today, if you no longer bring blessings, your descendants will be relatively poor in the future. This is the principle of natural cycles. Therefore, if we can give more and do good deeds, we should do more. Save more food and supplies, and use the money to help others. No matter what you do, we must learn to give more. As far as physical charity is concerned, we can do "eye charity". How do we give eyes? Eye charity is not something only those with larger or more beautiful eyes can do. Eye charity is something everyone can do. How can you donate your eyes? We usually roll our eyes and glare at others when we are unhappy, but this is not called giving. The so-called charity! It means that people can laugh heartily when they see us. These eyes can speak, what can we say? Eyes should make people feel kind, kind, and caring. This is eye giving. We should give alms with our mouths, but how should we give alms with our mouths? Say good things, what else? To ferry people, you need to use methods to ferry people! This is called Dharma. Our mouth should be used to say more good things, and should not be used to talk about other people's shortcomings, and should not be used to curse others, right? Smile more with others and give them a few words of encouragement. Maybe today you say a kind word to someone or give someone a caring greeting, and you help this person overcome difficulties and solve their troubles. Then are you a great hero? This is practicing Taoism! Smile with others more often, this is giving! Cultivation is a natural thing, it is automatic and spontaneous, why do you need others to ask you to do it? Why do you need others to push you? When you sacrifice for sentient beings, whether you contribute money or effort, you don’t need to say much about it, and you don’t need to deliberately let people know about it. Of course, it’s best if you don’t remember that you performed meritorious deeds. Disciple, can you show some of your achievements in Taoism and say they are your own abilities? Do you have such ability? You cannot attribute it to individuals, because when you are doing Taoism, saving people, and opening up wasteland, you are relying on the golden thread of destiny and the loving light of the gods and Buddhas to successfully transfer sentient beings and accomplish this task of saving the world and saving people. , no matter what is visible or invisible, all the gods and Buddhas are silently assisting and helping. Therefore, you must not be arrogant. God will not help a proud person, disciples! Just listen to yourselves. Also, when you achieve something, you should attribute it to fellow practitioners and not to yourself. Do you understand? I would like to ask you, Master, are you transforming sentient beings for the sake of merit? Absolutely not. If you are still thinking about how many merits I have for transforming a person, then you are still an ignorant person, because this is what you should do, right? What is the so-called merit? Where is the merit? If there is any merit, it is said in the Sixth Patriarch's Altar Sutra: "Seeing one's nature is merit, being equal is virtue; being mindful without stagnation is seeing one's true nature; having real and wonderful effects is called merit; being humble in one's heart is merit, and practicing etiquette externally is Virtue; establishing all things in one's own nature is merit, and having distracting thoughts in one's mind is virtue; not being separated from one's own nature is merit, and applying it without stain is virtue. "So, if you are looking for merit and virtue, you only need to do it accordingly. This is true merit. Please read these words carefully, practice them carefully, and work hard on your state of mind. So, preaching should not be separated from your mind. Do you understand? Our Heart is not cultivate than consider is waste!

  • @BabyLim-f3h
    @BabyLim-f3h หลายเดือนก่อน

    感谢您的分享 。

  • @guanghuifotanguanghuifotan
    @guanghuifotanguanghuifotan หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @yukho-cr9fc
    @yukho-cr9fc หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @顏聰義-h2x
    @顏聰義-h2x หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @LanLin-k7q
    @LanLin-k7q หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you ❤

  • @ngsongseng5666
    @ngsongseng5666 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @guanghuifotanguanghuifotan
    @guanghuifotanguanghuifotan หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @guanghuifotanguanghuifotan
    @guanghuifotanguanghuifotan หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @cheekatwong9041
    @cheekatwong9041 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @翁新洲
    @翁新洲 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @陳玉英-g1j
    @陳玉英-g1j หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @FatherCX
    @FatherCX หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @FatherCX
    @FatherCX หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @kermitfrog8648
    @kermitfrog8648 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @kermitfrog8648
    @kermitfrog8648 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @郭瑋邦
    @郭瑋邦 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @FatherCX
    @FatherCX หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @heshoujin1677
    @heshoujin1677 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @朱櫻-k9b
    @朱櫻-k9b หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @葉耀聰-o3u
    @葉耀聰-o3u หลายเดือนก่อน

    南無大願地藏王菩薩 南無大願地藏王菩薩 南無大願地藏王菩薩

  • @bcda2248
    @bcda2248 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @ktsun8218
    @ktsun8218 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @金珉趣
    @金珉趣 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @weejianlau4743
    @weejianlau4743 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Smiling9336
      @Smiling9336 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @meimeihau
    @meimeihau หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @vanhoatruong4942
    @vanhoatruong4942 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @高慶霄
    @高慶霄 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @劉玲珍-l2f
    @劉玲珍-l2f หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @楊月里-x7b
    @楊月里-x7b หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @rebeccatse1783
    @rebeccatse1783 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @FatherCX
    @FatherCX หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @劉玲珍-l2f
    @劉玲珍-l2f หลายเดือนก่อน
