Margaretti 翡怡所思
Margaretti 翡怡所思
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美猴王齊天大聖,鍾馗活𤫊活現 - 精湛雕刻工藝令翡翠升值 How Exquisite Carvings Enhances the Value of Jadeite
English and Chinese subtitles available 請随時在Captions 打開中文及英文字幕
When selecting jadeite, consider these criteria: Type, Color, and craftsmanship. "Type" refers to transparency, while color is judged by its authenticity, richness, brightness, and evenness. Craftsmanship is crucial and often requires time to master the skill, as jade carving is a traditional Chinese art with historical significance. The skillful carving can enhance the jadeite’s value, making each piece unique and meaningful. Therefore, in addition to evaluating the type and color, it’s essential not to overlook the importance of carving craftsmanship.
選購翡翠 需用口訣
一種 二色 三工藝
色以 四個字:正、濃、陽、均
#jade #翡翠 #jadeite #jewellery #luxury #gold
มุมมอง: 436


挑選翡翠顏色的4字口訣 Four criteria you must know to choose the color of jadeite
มุมมอง 5092 หลายเดือนก่อน
挑選翡翠顏色的4字口訣 Four criteria you must know to choose the color of jadeite 看顏色,也有四個很重要的字:正、陽、濃、均 什麼是《正》?如果藍色比較多,這綠色便會很青. 如果黃色放得多,顏色便偏向黃 《陽》的意思是充滿陽光氣色, 看起來有新鮮感,有精神 《濃》指濃淡 《均》指均勻 The color of jadeite can be determined by four criteria: its hue, brightness, intensity and evenness. #珠寶 #翡翠 #金 #鑽石 #钻石 #珠宝 #jadeite #jewellery #jewelry #margaretti #翡怡所思
選購翡翠時的一個重要口訣 An important formula when purchasing Jadeite
มุมมอง 1.4K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
選購翡翠時的一個重要口訣 An important formula when purchasing Jadeite 我希望大家記一個口訣: 一種, 二色, 三工藝 《種》是指翡翠的透明度和內部結構 如果內部結構顆粒是很細密的話 看不到 何的瑕疵 相對來說它的透明度會很高 《顏色》指深淺濃淡 《工藝》指若有雕刻的飾品,要注意刻工水準 When purchasing jadeite, remember 3 things to look for: type, color and craftsmanship. #珠寶 #翡翠 #金 #鑽石 #钻石 #珠宝 #jadeite #jewellery #jewelry #margaretti #翡怡所思
玉和翡翠最大的分別是什麼? 能以肉眼分辨嗎? What are the biggest differences between Jadeite and Nephrite?
มุมมอง 1.9K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
玉和翡翠最大的分別是什麼? 能以肉眼分辨嗎? What are the biggest differences between Jadeite and Nephrite? And how to distinguish them using the naked eye? 從歷史方面來看,早在8000多年前中國歷史上已經記載玉的出現。翡翠是在六百多年前才有記載。 說文解字一書裡面說:石之美者是為玉。意思說所有漂亮的石頭都可以叫玉。翡翠也是玉的一種 但它是玉中之王,因為它顏色艷麗及硬度非常高。它的硬度在寶石學中排7-6.5,稱為硬玉。其他玉石,只可稱為軟玉。 翡翠英文是Jadeite , 玉是Nephrite. 是兩種完全不同的礦物。第三點不同是它們的產地。中國有四大名玉,最熟悉的是和田白玉,西安藍田玉,河南獨山玉,遼寧岫玉,而翡翠產於緬甸。 Jade appeared in Chines...
美麗的誤會, 不應犯的錯誤。如何解讀翡翠鑑定證書 | Don’t misunderstand the jadeite identification report!
มุมมอง 9313 หลายเดือนก่อน
美麗的誤會, 不應犯的錯誤。如何解讀翡翠鑑定證書 | How to interpret Jadeite identification report and certificate. 記得以後看到這一份報告的時候 要看清楚 如果是certificate 就是沒有問題 代表這是天然的寶石,天然的翡翠 如果只是一份report,一份報告的話 情況就完全不一樣,可能是假 所以,大家一定要小心 千萬別搞錯 When purchasing jewellery, it is best to have a gem laboratory to identify whether the gem is genuine or fake. For jadeite, a gem laboratory can identify whether it is type A, B, C or D. When a cer...
家傳之寶是真是假? 綠色石頭不一定是翡翠! Is the family heirloom real or fake? Not all green gemstones are Jadeite!
มุมมอง 1.6K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
家傳之寶是真是假? 綠色石頭不一定是翡翠! Is the family heirloom real or fake? Not all green gemstones are Jadeite! Aventurine 東菱玉多產於印度, 跟瑪瑙和玉髓同一個家族。玉和翡翠是兩種完全不同的礦物。玉英文名字是Nephrite,翡翠是Jadeite。 它們除了硬度不同之外,內部結構也是很不一樣。由於翡翠的硬度比較高,當打磨之後,會發出一種很堅硬的玻璃光澤。因為玉硬度比較低,所以是沒有這一種光澤的。 價錢方面,翡翠比東菱玉昂貴。東菱玉除了可以用來做飾物之外,很多時候會用來做一些擺設。當你去購物的時候要小心,因為東菱玉也是綠色,很多時候如果沒有留意,會誤會以為是翡翠。 Not all green gemstones are jadeite. It could be Aventurine, which...
內地公幹受騙,欲哭無淚! A true case of someone falling into the trap while purchasing Jadeite
มุมมอง 1.2K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
內地公幹受騙,欲哭無淚! A true case of someone fall into the trap How to prevent being tricked when buying jadeite, and what are the things to look out for? By using fluorescent light, Types B and C jadeite will appear bright when polymer is added. Furthermore, jadeite with artificial colors will appear bright under fluorescent light. To be safe, purchase jadeite that has been certified by a reputable gem...
以肉眼分辨真假翡翠的四個重點 | Four key points to distinguish natural and treated jade with the naked eye
มุมมอง 2.4K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
以肉眼分辨真假翡翠的四個重點 | Four key points to distinguish natural and treated jade with the naked eye How to find out if jadeite is natural or treated? 1. Treated jadeite with polymer will show strong fluorescence. Natural Type A jadeite will show faint fluorescence only. Polymer 塑膠在紫外光燈底下的螢光反應會很大. 如用紫外光燈照射 B C 貨,會看到它們非常光亮 2. Jadeite with added colors will look dark or black under fluorescent light. 第二點,...
避免掉進陷阱秘笈,以肉眼分辨真假翡翠,B貨在手機下無所遁形 How to identify natural and treated jadeite to avoid being tricked
มุมมอง 2.8K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
避免掉進陷阱秘笈,以肉眼分辨真假翡翠,B貨在手機下無所遁形 How to identify natural Type A and treated Type B jadeite to avoid being tricked? Watch more to find out what to look for when purchasing jadeite. Type A jadeite will have natural inclusions, and the colors permeates the whole piece. However, Type B jadeite is opaque, without any visible inclusions, because it is filled with plastic polymers. Those with artificial ...
B貨的真相 A貨原貌 避免受騙 認識翡翠ABCD | Know the truth of Type A & B Jadeite, and difference between Types ABCD
มุมมอง 3.1K4 หลายเดือนก่อน
B 貨的真相 A貨原貌 認識翡翠ABCD | Know the truth of Type A and B jadeite, and the difference between Types ABCD When you are purchasing jadeite, there are 4 types. Type A is natural and untreated jadeite that is sold directly to the market. This means Type A jadeite are the most valuable. Type B jadeite has been bleached and treated to improve its appearance. Type C jadeite is artificially treated with co...
選購翡翠手鐲基本常識 Expert Advice When Purchasing Jade Bangles | Margaretti 翡怡所思
มุมมอง 9844 หลายเดือนก่อน
選購翡翠手鐲基本常識 Need some advice when purchasing jade bangles? Watch to find out more from our experts! #珠寶 #翡翠 #金 #鑽石 #钻石 #珠宝 #jadeite #jewellery #jewelry #margaretti #翡怡所思
石頭變黃金 - 商家對翡翠原石又愛又恨 How can rough jadeite stones turn into "gold"?
มุมมอง 4694 หลายเดือนก่อน
石頭變黃金 - 商家對翡翠原石又愛又恨 How can rough jadeite stones turn into "gold"? And why do merchants love and hate jadeite stones? Watch more to find out! #margaretti #翡怡所思 #珠宝 #钻石 #珠寶 #翡翠 #鑽石 #金 #jewelry #jewellery #jadeite
翡翠為什麼會是"礦主的眼淚"Why Jadeite is the “Tears of the Mine Owner”
มุมมอง 7574 หลายเดือนก่อน
翡翠為什麼會是"礦主的眼淚" Why Jadeite is the “Tears of the Mine Owner” In this mesmerizing exploration, we delve into the exciting world of jade. Why is this gemstone often referred to as the “Tears of the Mine Owner”? Uncover the history, geology, and cultural significance behind this precious green gemstone. Join us on a journey that transcends mere aesthetics, revealing the hidden background and storie...
石頭記 - 假寶玉,真寶石 - 常說不能以貌取人,可以以貌取石嗎?Dream of Red Mansions - Story of Stones
มุมมอง 8605 หลายเดือนก่อน
假寶玉,真寶石常說不能以貌取人,可以以貌取石嗎?You cannot judge a book by its cover. But can you judge the quality of a piece of rough jade stone by its appearance ? In this intriguing video, we explore the world of gemstones, where beauty and mystery collide. Is it possible to discern the true value of a gemstone based solely on its outward appearance? Join us as we delve into the secrets hidden within these preciou...
The Creation of a Masterpiece
มุมมอง 1445 ปีที่แล้ว
Nothing is more magical than turning an idea into a luxurious masterpiece. Gemstones are combined into infinite designs, only from Margaretti.
Explore Jadeite (Part 2) - Arrow Tube 漫談翡翠- (第二集) - 翡翠翎管
มุมมอง 1.3K6 ปีที่แล้ว
Explore Jadeite (Part 2) - Arrow Tube 漫談翡翠- (第二集) - 翡翠翎管
Explore Jadeite (Part 1) - Jadeite Carvings 漫談翡翠 ( 第一集) - 翡翠雕刻
มุมมอง 1.1K6 ปีที่แล้ว
Explore Jadeite (Part 1) - Jadeite Carvings 漫談翡翠 ( 第一集) - 翡翠雕刻
What is the Difference Between Jadeite and Nephrite? 翡翠情缘 - 翡怡所思 翡翠珠寳設計專門店
มุมมอง 27K8 ปีที่แล้ว
What is the Difference Between Jadeite and Nephrite? 翡翠情缘 - 翡怡所思 翡翠珠寳設計專門店


  • @margaretti
    @margaretti หลายเดือนก่อน

    Please feel free to turn on captions for English and Chinese subtitles 請随時在Captions 打開中文及英文字幕😊

  • @stanleyshen784
    @stanleyshen784 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @Wctsoi8376
    @Wctsoi8376 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    以務實的方式,解讀分析飾物內容,闡述鑑證書的重要,指出了飾物所屬的類別,判斷出飾物真正的等級. 謝謝你的指導,受益良多.

  • @minachu8466
    @minachu8466 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @Wctsoi8376
    @Wctsoi8376 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    看過選購翡翠玉鐲的講解, 才知道自己選購時著重顏色和重量, 不會考慮紋理, 透明度, 所以買入了B貨手鐲, 真不值. 謝謝你的指導.

  • @Wctsoi8376
    @Wctsoi8376 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    講解清晰,容易明白, 對寶石來由有所認識.

  • @sharoneastwood.1025
    @sharoneastwood.1025 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's almost impossible to watch as the subtitles go to fast compared to watching.

  • @ابواسحاق-ف2ه
    @ابواسحاق-ف2ه 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please translate your beautiful program to Arabic languages to be more useful for Arabic people, thanks, F ,

  • @youniskiani9807
    @youniskiani9807 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi if u need nifrit pls cntct me

  • @bigfirepop
    @bigfirepop 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    1:38 beautiful

  • @方人也-q8v
    @方人也-q8v 5 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @TsetsiStoyanova
    @TsetsiStoyanova 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I still do not understand the difference!

  • @nicholaslawrence6926
    @nicholaslawrence6926 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Although jadeite is harder than nephrite, jadeite is actually more brittle than nephrite i.e. jadeite chips and cracks more easily than nephrite. If you find it hard to picture, think of polymer and glass. Glass is much harder than polymer, but it's more brittle. Something that is harder may not necessarily be tougher.

    • @Elizaqchhl
      @Elizaqchhl 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nicholas Lawrence you got it

  • @hijauplara8287
    @hijauplara8287 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is great details, but may there be jadeite jade in other parts of the world besides Myanmar? Just curious... Thanks for the great explanation and samples.