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Michelin-Starred⭐️ Traditional Edomae Sushi Omakase in New York at ICCA🍣✨
도쿄 최고의 오마카세 레스토랑으로 손꼽히는 미슐랭 2스타 Ginza Onodera의 전 헤드셰프인 Kazushige Suzuki쉐프가 오픈한 ICCA는 전통적인 방식의 에도마메 스시를 선보이는 오마카세입니다 :)
스시가 아닌 몇몇 츠마미들은 전통방식에서 벗어나 스즈키쉐프만의 창의적인 방식으로 조리되기도 하는데, 대표적으로는 cold horsehair crab pasta요리가 가장 유명하다고해요!
전통을 고집하는 스시야인만큼 재료준비에 가장 신중을 기한다고하는데, 일본 도요스 시장에서 최고급 생선과 재철재료를, 홋카이도 토카치 지역에선 저 비행기로 공수한다고 합니다.
🐝 꿀팁
술을 좋아하시는 분들은 꼭 사케 페어링을 추천드려요!
$220으로 가격대가 저렴한 것은 아니지만 스시코스 중 페어링되는 사케는 다 마시더라도 무한으로 채워주시기때문에 술을 잘 드신다면 아주 좋은 선택지가 될거에요 :)
20 Warren St, New York, NY 10007
Tuesday - Saturday
5:30 PM - 12:00 AM
⏰ Tock 예약가능
🪄 Copyright © 2023-2024 by nurigo_official. All rights reserved.
มุมมอง: 143


Massara presents the flavors of Mediterranean Italy by Michelin-starred Italian Restaurant Rezdôra🍝🍷
มุมมอง 17014 วันที่ผ่านมา
뉴욕에서 미슐랭 1스타를 받은 이탈리안 레스토랑 Rezdôra에서 최근 두 번째 레스토랑인 Massara를 오픈했어요 :) 두 곳 모두 이탈리안 레스토랑이지만 Rezdôra에선 파마산 치즈나 유제품을 많이 사용하는 에밀리아-로마냐 지역 요리에 중점을 뒀고 Massara에선 흔히들 지중해식 요리라고 말하는 올리브오일, 해산물, 야채를 중심으로 이탈리아 지중해 뿌리의 발상지인 캄파니아 지역 요리를 한다고 합니다. 참고로 두 레스토랑 이름도 '가장', '가정의 수장'이라는 의미로, 에밀리아-로마냐에서는 'Rezdôra'라고 부르고, 캄파니아 방언으로는 'Massara'라고 한다고 해요 :) 와인 리스트 역시 레스토랑 컨셉에 맞게 토스카나에서 시작해서 남쪽 사르데냐까지 이어지는 남부 이탈리아 와인으로만 구성되...
The Pinnacle of Classic Elegance! One of New York’s Top 3 Steakhouses, Keens Steakhouse🥩✨
มุมมอง 22321 วันที่ผ่านมา
1885년에 문을 연 Keens Steakhouse는 뉴욕의 대표 스테이크 레스토랑 중 하나로 손꼽히는 곳이에요. 우선 무엇보다도 빼놓을 수 없는 이 곳의 특징은 마치 박물관처럼 느껴질만큼 수많은 골동품들과 파이프들입니다 :) 스모킹 클럽이였던 Keens는 과거 유명한 연극배우들과 문학인들이 사랑하던 모임장소로, 회원들이 맡기고 간 파이프 수가 무려 4만5천개가 넘는다고해요! 뿐만아니라 전 세계에서 가장 많은 파이프 컬렉션을 보유한 곳이 바로 Keens라고 하네요! 이곳의 회원이였던 전 루즈벨트 대통령, JP 모건, 알버트 아인슈타인, 베이브 루스 등등 이름만 들어도 알 수 있는 수많은 유명인사들이 남기고 간 파이프들이 내부에 전시되어있어요 :) 🐝 꿀팁 예약시간보다 일찍 가더라도 입구에서 대기시킨 후...
New York's Michelin-starred⭐️ Chef from Jua opens his second Korean restaurant, Moono🇰🇷💕
มุมมอง 326หลายเดือนก่อน
Moono는 미슐랭 1스타를 받은 한식당 Jua의 오너쉐프인 김호영 쉐프가 2023년 오픈한 두번째 한식당입니다 :) 코스요리로 진행되는 Jua랑 달리 좀 더 캐주얼한 한식메뉴가 주를 이루며 단품요리로 구성되어서 원하는 메뉴를 선택하여 주문 할 수 있습니다. Moono에서 김호영 쉐프는 Jua에서 보여주지 못한, 덜 알려져있지만 접근하기 쉬운 한국요리를 소개한다고 하네요🇰🇷💕 갈비찜, 평양냉면, 순대 그리고 편육까지! 해외 고급 한식당에서 은근히 찾기 힘든 메뉴들이 가득합니다! 한국인이라면 누구나 사랑하지만 비교적 덜 알려진 한식메뉴를 경험 할 수 있는 귀한 곳이라 한국친구들끼리 삼삼오오 모여서 식사를 즐기기에도 좋고 외국 친구를 초대해 한식을 맛 보여 주기에도 딱 좋은 한식당이에요 :) 🐝 꿀팁 맛도...
Enjoy New American Cuisine at Lola's, a Hot Spot in New York's NoMad 💖
มุมมอง 227หลายเดือนก่อน
Lola's는 타갈로그어로 "할머니"를 뜻하며 Suzanne Cupps쉐프의 할머니를 기리기 위해 지은 이름이라고해요. Lola's에선 어린시절을 보낸 사우스캐롤라이나에서 영감을 받은 남부스타일의 요리를 선보이며 재철재료와 야채를 잘 이용하여 강렬함 보단 미묘한 맛의 조화를 중요시한다고해요 :) Cupps쉐프는 처음부터 요리를 전공하지 않았고, 직장을 다니던 중 우연한 기회로 요리에 관심이생겨 Institute of Culinary Education에서 자격증을 땄다고해요. 그리고 10년 동안 뉴욕에서 가장 존경받는 두 셰프, Anita Lo와 Michael Anthony 밑에서 수련을 했다고합니다. 그 후 2017년 Cupps쉐프는 쉑쉑버거를 만든 Danny Meyer의 Union Square Hos...
Torrisi: The Most Sought-After New York-Style Italian Restaurant in NYC 🍝✨
มุมมอง 455หลายเดือนก่อน
Torrisi는 지난해 오픈하고 지금까지도 뉴욕에서 가장 핫한 레스토랑 중 하나로 예약이 정말정말 어려운데 드디어! 예약에 성공해서 다녀와봤습니다 :) Torrisi는 요식업계의 큰손인 Major Food Group에서 오픈한 뉴욕스타일을 접목시킨 이탈리안 레스토랑이에요. Rich Torrisi와 Mario Carbone, 그리고 Jeff Zalaznick으로 구성된 Major Food Group은 전 세계에 수십개의 고급 레스토랑을 오픈한 팀으로 실력과 명성은 물론이고 특히 자본이 많기로 유명해요. 또한 본인들의 이름을 딴 레스토랑을 오픈하는 것이 특징이며 또한 MFG 자본의 힘으로 레스토랑에 관한 교육은 물론이고 최고급 재료를 조달하며 랜드마크와도 같은 상징적인 장소에 레스토랑을 오픈합니다! Tor...
American dining presented by New York's upscale steakhouse, Au Cheval🍔✨
มุมมอง 2312 หลายเดือนก่อน
American dining presented by New York's upscale steakhouse, Au Cheval🍔✨
ATOBOY🇰🇷✨ the Korean restaurant that started Atomix, ranked 6th in the 2024 World's Best Restaurants
มุมมอง 1702 หลายเดือนก่อน
ATOBOY🇰🇷✨ the Korean restaurant that started Atomix, ranked 6th in the 2024 World's Best Restaurants
DONDON is a new K-BBQ restaurant🐷💕 opened by a Korean chef who operates two Michelin⭐️ restaurants
มุมมอง 7523 หลายเดือนก่อน
DONDON is a new K-BBQ restaurant🐷💕 opened by a Korean chef who operates two Michelin⭐️ restaurants
New Japanese Restaurant right next to Bryant Park - Class on 38th🍲✨
มุมมอง 2053 หลายเดือนก่อน
New Japanese Restaurant right next to Bryant Park - Class on 38th🍲✨
A Japanese traditional cafe☕️+izakaya🍶 in East Village, NYC
มุมมอง 1474 หลายเดือนก่อน
A Japanese traditional cafe☕️ izakaya🍶 in East Village, NYC
MUST visit the bar Sip&Guzzle🍸✨It's considered the best cocktail bar in NYC!
มุมมอง 1104 หลายเดือนก่อน
MUST visit the bar Sip&Guzzle🍸✨It's considered the best cocktail bar in NYC!
NYC's newest wine bar DEMO, beloved for its cozy atmosphere and classic ambiance🍷✨
มุมมอง 1424 หลายเดือนก่อน
NYC's newest wine bar DEMO, beloved for its cozy atmosphere and classic ambiance🍷✨
A charming cocktail bar in Brooklyn's DUMBO🍸💖
มุมมอง 1135 หลายเดือนก่อน
A charming cocktail bar in Brooklyn's DUMBO🍸💖
New York sommeliers adore Bar56, the hidden gem wine bar in Brooklyn🍷✨
มุมมอง 2465 หลายเดือนก่อน
New York sommeliers adore Bar56, the hidden gem wine bar in Brooklyn🍷✨
Located in Chinatown, Tolo offers an enormous selection of Chinese food and wine🍷✨
มุมมอง 1255 หลายเดือนก่อน
Located in Chinatown, Tolo offers an enormous selection of Chinese food and wine🍷✨
Within a few weeks of opening, Corima became the go-to Mexican spot in the NYC restaurant scene🌮✨
มุมมอง 6405 หลายเดือนก่อน
Within a few weeks of opening, Corima became the go-to Mexican spot in the NYC restaurant scene🌮✨
These days, Thai restaurants are the hottest trend in New York!🔥
มุมมอง 1696 หลายเดือนก่อน
These days, Thai restaurants are the hottest trend in New York!🔥
A sophisticated bar TIGRE with a 1970s vibe opened by the legendary Bar in NYC🍸✨
มุมมอง 1556 หลายเดือนก่อน
A sophisticated bar TIGRE with a 1970s vibe opened by the legendary Bar in NYC🍸✨
An East Village culinary gem, masterfully crafted by a Michelin 2-star chef and sommelier🍽️🍷
มุมมอง 3746 หลายเดือนก่อน
An East Village culinary gem, masterfully crafted by a Michelin 2-star chef and sommelier🍽️🍷
il Buco, a vintage Italian restaurant cherished for over 30 years💖
มุมมอง 1486 หลายเดือนก่อน
il Buco, a vintage Italian restaurant cherished for over 30 years💖
Enjoy the No.1 pizza from Naples in New York🍕💖
มุมมอง 1626 หลายเดือนก่อน
Enjoy the No.1 pizza from Naples in New York🍕💖
Cecchi's🍸✨ A classic and consequently even hotter French bistro in New York
มุมมอง 2107 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cecchi's🍸✨ A classic and consequently even hotter French bistro in New York
New York's American-Chinese cuisine offers unique flavors you can only find there💖
มุมมอง 3977 หลายเดือนก่อน
New York's American-Chinese cuisine offers unique flavors you can only find there💖
Discover traditional Spanish cuisine in the heart of New York at La Nacional🥘💖
มุมมอง 1507 หลายเดือนก่อน
Discover traditional Spanish cuisine in the heart of New York at La Nacional🥘💖
Still sticking to Peter Luger steaks? Let me introduce you to the real deal in New York 🥩✨
มุมมอง 5127 หลายเดือนก่อน
Still sticking to Peter Luger steaks? Let me introduce you to the real deal in New York 🥩✨
Within a month of opening, Seoul's Konban became a big hit in NYC🥢✨
มุมมอง 9157 หลายเดือนก่อน
Within a month of opening, Seoul's Konban became a big hit in NYC🥢✨
Another Italian spot... but it's a true gem "Ci Siamo"🍝💖
มุมมอง 2828 หลายเดือนก่อน
Another Italian spot... but it's a true gem "Ci Siamo"🍝💖
New York's Michelin2 Star⭐️⭐️ Kaiseki Gem: Odo
มุมมอง 2548 หลายเดือนก่อน
New York's Michelin2 Star⭐️⭐️ Kaiseki Gem: Odo
A Month-long Wait for a Reservation..⏳ Misi, the Italian restaurant in Brooklyn 🍝💕
มุมมอง 4078 หลายเดือนก่อน
A Month-long Wait for a Reservation..⏳ Misi, the Italian restaurant in Brooklyn 🍝💕