Čápionie Channel World of Birds
Čápionie Channel World of Birds
  • 38
  • 62 795
Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Čápata & Tatínkové (3.díl - náhradní krmení)
Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Čápata & Tatínkové / *3* / 9 hodinový záznam „náhradního krmení“ v jednotlivých dílech „1,2,3.“ ↓↓↓ viz. níže ↓↓↓
Jde o unikátní experiment sledovaný prostřednictvím webové kamery ornitology z celé republiky a také veřejností pochopitelně hlavně z ČR, ale také z Polska, Ruska, Spojených států, Německa i dokonce z Japonska či Brazílie. Tento experiment je bezesporu pilotním projektem jak lze přistupovat k záchraně mladých čápů v krizové situaci a zachovat jim přirozené podmínky pro jejich vývoj. Velkou zásluhu na zdárném vyhnízdění mají dobrovolníci (teď již celebrity) Šándor Havrán a Jiří Zeman, kteří v nejsložitějším období 3x denně pomáhali samci s krmením mláďat.
Výčet událostí:
Náhradní krmení přímo do hnízda: 23.5. - 30.6.2021
Náhradní krmení na přilehlý komín: 1.7. - 13.7.2021
Barunka (samice) / úhyn 23.5.2021 / cca 9.30h. (dráty VN 900m od hnízda)
Kroužkování 12.6.2021 / 18.20h. (kroužkovatel p. Petr Kafka - ELZA odečítací kroužky)
1.čápě - *14.5.2021 / Pankrác (CE887)
2.čápě - *15.5.2021 / Servác (CE886)
3.čápě - *16.5.2021 / Bonifác (CE885) / úhyn 29.7.2021 / 14.08h. (dráty VN 300m od hnízda)
4.čápě - *17.5.2021 / no name / úhyn 28.5.2021 / 7.59h. (eliminace)
Příběh mladobuckých čápat je v mnohém výjimečný a v Čechách naprosto ojedinělý pokus jak zasáhnout do života čápů co nejméně. Mláďata zůstala ve svém přirozeném prostředí se samcem (Bukáček), který u čápů zajišťuje víceméně stejnou péči jako samice. Cílem tedy bylo částečně suplovat uhynulou matku, zejména v raném hnízdním období, kdy je nezbytná péče obou rodičů. Mláďata přišla v neděli dopoledne 23.5.2021 o matku (Barunka) ve velmi raném věku - bylo jim 5-8 dní a v té době bylo ještě k tomu velmi deštivé a chladné počasí. Okamžitě bylo jasné, že čápata nemají bez pomoci žádnou šanci. V tomto věku je nezbytné, aby jim rodič kromě potravy zajišťoval také teplo a ochranu před nepříznivým počasím. Bylo třeba udělat rozhodnutí co nejdříve. Variant se nabízelo několik od ponechání čápat svému osudu, přes jejich odebrání a pokus adoptovat je do náhradních hnízd k jiným čápatům, až po to pro čapí rodinu nejpřirozenější, tedy pomoci jim přímo na hnízdě. Vzhledem k tomu, že za úhyn samice mohl jednoznačně člověk, rozhodli se ochranáři pro pomoc přímo na hnízdě. Pan Havrán a Zeman se na konečném řešení dohodli s experty (David Číp - JARO Jaroměř a specialista na čápi - ornitolog Petr Kafka), a přislíbili zajistit obstarávání potravy a pravidelné přikrmování. Zohlednilo se hlavně to, že je hnízdo dobře dostupné a našli se dobrovolníci, kteří si vzali přikrmování na triko. Obrovskou pomocí byla také velká solidarita veřejnosti a ve sbírce na podporu se vybralo cca 650.000 Kč, díky níž bylo možné shánět potřebné množství potravy. Čápata byla v neustálém kontaktu se svým otcem (Bukáček), ten ihned bez problémů pomoc přijal a hlavně v prvních 10 dnech náhradního dokrmování měl tolik potřebný klid a mohl se plně věnovat svým potomkům, aniž by musel řešit existenční potíže. Také nedošlo k nafixování na lidi jako na své rodiče. Na příchod člověka-krmiče reagovala mláďata od počátku zcela jinak, než na vlastního čapího otce Bukáčka. Velká čápata se člověka mohou polekat natolik, že předčasně seskočí z hnízda v době, kdy ještě neumí létat. Což pro ně pak může mít zcela tragické následky. Proto dobrovolníci po více než měsíci nelezli už přímo na hnízdo, ale nechávali potravu k dispozici samci na blízkém komíně, odkud ji úspěšně přijímal a mláďata jí krmil. Vše se podařilo na výbornou a všechna mláďata byla úspěšně dovedena k prvnímu letu z hnízda.
Odkaz na webkameru (hnízdo): th-cam.com/video/3-UdOsBsyXQ/w-d-xo.html
Odkaz na Facebook (skupina): groups/2878416389153586
มุมมอง: 4 908


Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Čápata & Tatínkové (2.díl - náhradní krmení)
มุมมอง 36K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Čápata & Tatínkové / *2* / 9 hodinový záznam „náhradního krmení“ v jednotlivých dílech „1,2,3.“ ↓↓↓ viz. níže ↓↓↓ Jde o unikátní experiment sledovaný prostřednictvím webové kamery ornitology z celé republiky a také veřejností pochopitelně hlavně z ČR, ale také z Polska, Ruska, Spojených států, Německa i dokonce z Japonska či Brazílie. Tento experiment je bezesporu pilotní...
Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Čápata & Tatínkové (1.díl - náhradní krmení)
มุมมอง 8K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Čápata & Tatínkové / *1* / 9 hodinový záznam „náhradního krmení“ v jednotlivých dílech „1,2,3.“ ↓↓↓ viz. níže ↓↓↓ Jde o unikátní experiment sledovaný prostřednictvím webové kamery ornitology z celé republiky a také veřejností pochopitelně hlavně z ČR, ale také z Polska, Ruska, Spojených států, Německa i dokonce z Japonska či Brazílie. Tento experiment je bezesporu pilotní...
Must-toonekurg2 / Jõgeva County in Estonia *5* (2.díl - První lety všech mláďat/2021)
มุมมอง 1182 ปีที่แล้ว
Must-toonekurg2 / Jõgeva County in Estonia *5* (2.díl - První lety všech mláďat) První vzlety mláďat co se dělo okolo (23.8. - 30.8.2021) ↓↓↓ viz. níže ↓↓↓ Bohužel mláďata Malbe i Tasane se již po prvním letu nedokázala vrátit zpět do hnízda a byla následně zabita predátorem. Malbe si užil svobody pouze 17 hodin a Tasane na tom byl lépe cca 48 hod. Julge z hnízda jako jediný vylétl a dokázal se...
Must-toonekurg2 / Jõgeva County in Estonia *5* (1.díl - První lety všech mláďat /2021)
มุมมอง 5692 ปีที่แล้ว
Must-toonekurg2 / Jõgeva County in Estonia *5* (1.díl - První lety všech mláďat) První vzlety mláďat co se dělo okolo (22.8. - 23.8.2021) ↓↓↓ viz. níže ↓↓↓ Bohužel mláďata Malbe i Tasane se již po prvním letu nedokázala vrátit zpět do hnízda a byla následně zabita predátorem. Malbe si užil svobody pouze 17 hodin a Tasane na tom byl lépe cca 48 hod. Julge z hnízda jako jediný vylétl a dokázal se...
Mladé Buky - *15* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (26.-29.8.2021 - Odlet Markéta)
มุมมอง 6162 ปีที่แล้ว
Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Markéta - LOVE STORY / - je zachycena v jednotlivých dílech „1,2,3,4,5,6, … atd. ↓↓↓ viz. níže ↓↓↓ Příběh Markéty a Bukáčka ukázal, že život je plný překvapení. V době kdy ještě neutichl smutek nad ztrátou Bonifáce i nad nečekaně brzkým opuštěním hnízda od Serváce, kdy se čekalo už jen na odlet a prázdné hnízdo, náhle přišel zvrat a pohled na něco úplně nového, vzrušující...
Must-toonekurg2 / Jõgeva County in Estonia *4* (druhé dokrmení - 18.8.2021)
มุมมอง 1092 ปีที่แล้ว
Must-toonekurg2 / Jõgeva County in Estonia *4* (druhé dokrmení) Druhé dokrmení mláďat dne 18.8.2021. ↓↓↓ viz. níže ↓↓↓ Odkaz na online přenos: th-cam.com/video/euyp7iEHJBA/w-d-xo.html Odkaz na fórum (hnízdní vlákno): www.looduskalender.ee/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1044 Odkaz na fórum (migrační vlákno): www.looduskalender.ee/forum/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=1055
Mladé Buky - *14* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (23.-25.8.2021)
มุมมอง 1042 ปีที่แล้ว
Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Markéta - LOVE STORY / - je zachycena v jednotlivých dílech „1,2,3,4,5,6, … atd. ↓↓↓ viz. níže ↓↓↓ Příběh Markéty a Bukáčka ukázal, že život je plný překvapení. V době kdy ještě neutichl smutek nad ztrátou Bonifáce i nad nečekaně brzkým opuštěním hnízda od Serváce, kdy se čekalo už jen na odlet a prázdné hnízdo, náhle přišel zvrat a pohled na něco úplně nového, vzrušující...
Must-toonekurg2 / Jõgeva County in Estonia *3* (kroužkování - 15.7.2021)
มุมมอง 1262 ปีที่แล้ว
Must-toonekurg2 / Jõgeva County in Estonia *3* (Kroužkování) Den kroužkování proběhl 15.7.2021. ↓↓↓ viz. níže ↓↓↓ První reakce na příchozí kroužkovatele / 7.57h. Samotné kroužkování / 8.08 - 09.12h. (na hnízdě je ornitolog Urmas, pod hnízdem Dr. Madis /veterinář/) Benjamin odebrán z hnízda / 8.15h. (nejmladší mládě záhadně uhynulo 12.7.2021) Uvolnění (akineze) mláďat po kroužkování cca 10.40h. ...
Mladé Buky - *13* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (21.-22.8.2021 - Odlet Bukáček)
มุมมอง 7132 ปีที่แล้ว
Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Markéta - LOVE STORY / - je zachycena v jednotlivých dílech „1,2,3,4,5,6, … atd. ↓↓↓ viz. níže ↓↓↓ Příběh Markéty a Bukáčka ukázal, že život je plný překvapení. V době kdy ještě neutichl smutek nad ztrátou Bonifáce i nad nečekaně brzkým opuštěním hnízda od Serváce, kdy se čekalo už jen na odlet a prázdné hnízdo, náhle přišel zvrat a pohled na něco úplně nového, vzrušující...
Mladé Buky - *12* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (18.-20.8.2021)
มุมมอง 1542 ปีที่แล้ว
Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Markéta - LOVE STORY / - je zachycena v jednotlivých dílech „1,2,3,4,5,6, … atd. ↓↓↓ viz. níže ↓↓↓ Příběh Markéty a Bukáčka ukázal, že život je plný překvapení. V době kdy ještě neutichl smutek nad ztrátou Bonifáce i nad nečekaně brzkým opuštěním hnízda od Serváce, kdy se čekalo už jen na odlet a prázdné hnízdo, náhle přišel zvrat a pohled na něco úplně nového, vzrušující...
Mladé Buky - *11* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (16.-17.8.2021)
มุมมอง 502 ปีที่แล้ว
LOVE STORY / Bukáček & Markéta - je zachycena v jednotlivých dílech „1,2,3,4,5,6, … atd. ↓↓↓ viz. níže ↓↓↓ Příběh Markéty a Bukáčka ukázal, že život je plný překvapení. V době kdy ještě neutichl smutek nad ztrátou Bonifáce i nad nečekaně brzkým opuštěním hnízda od Serváce, kdy se čekalo už jen na odlet a prázdné hnízdo, náhle přišel zvrat a pohled na něco úplně nového, vzrušujícího, do značné m...
Mladé Buky - *10* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (15.8.2021)
มุมมอง 982 ปีที่แล้ว
LOVE STORY / Bukáček & Markéta - je zachycena v jednotlivých dílech „1,2,3,4,5,6 … atd. ↓↓↓ viz. níže ↓↓↓ Příběh Markéty a Bukáčka ukázal, že život je plný překvapení. V době kdy ještě neutichl smutek nad ztrátou Bonifáce i nad nečekaně brzkým opuštěním hnízda od Serváce, kdy se čekalo už jen na odlet a prázdné hnízdo, náhle přišel zvrat a pohled na něco úplně nového, vzrušujícího, do značné mí...
Mladé Buky - *9* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (13.-14.8.2021)
มุมมอง 672 ปีที่แล้ว
LOVE STORY / Bukáček & Markéta - je zachycena v jednotlivých dílech „1,2,3,4,5,6 … atd. ↓↓↓ viz. níže ↓↓↓ Příběh Markéty a Bukáčka ukázal, že život je plný překvapení. V době kdy ještě neutichl smutek nad ztrátou Bonifáce i nad nečekaně brzkým opuštěním hnízda od Serváce, kdy se čekalo už jen na odlet a prázdné hnízdo, náhle přišel zvrat a pohled na něco úplně nového, vzrušujícího, do značné mí...
Mladé Buky - *8* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (10.-12.8.2021)
มุมมอง 3.3K2 ปีที่แล้ว
LOVE STORY / Bukáček & Markéta - je zachycena v jednotlivých dílech „1,2,3,4,5,6 … atd. ↓↓↓ viz. níže ↓↓↓ Příběh Markéty a Bukáčka ukázal, že život je plný překvapení. V době kdy ještě neutichl smutek nad ztrátou Bonifáce i nad nečekaně brzkým opuštěním hnízda od Serváce, kdy se čekalo už jen na odlet a prázdné hnízdo, náhle přišel zvrat a pohled na něco úplně nového, vzrušujícího, do značné mí...
Must-toonekurg2 / Jõgeva County in Estonia *2* (rybí hody - 14.8.2021)
มุมมอง 1212 ปีที่แล้ว
Must-toonekurg2 / Jõgeva County in Estonia *2* (rybí hody - 14.8.2021)
Must-toonekurg2 / Jõgeva County in Estonia *1* (vysílačky + dokrmení - 13.8.2021)
มุมมอง 3302 ปีที่แล้ว
Must-toonekurg2 / Jõgeva County in Estonia *1* (vysílačky dokrmení - 13.8.2021)
Mladé Buky - *7* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (9.8.2021)
มุมมอง 1842 ปีที่แล้ว
Mladé Buky - *7* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (9.8.2021)
Mladé Buky - *6* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (8.8.2021)
มุมมอง 1.1K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Mladé Buky - *6* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (8.8.2021)
Mladé Buky - *5* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (7.8.2021)
มุมมอง 4.3K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Mladé Buky - *5* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (7.8.2021)
Mladé Buky - *4* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (6.8.2021)
มุมมอง 922 ปีที่แล้ว
Mladé Buky - *4* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (6.8.2021)
Mladé Buky - *3* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (5.8.2021 - 2.díl)
มุมมอง 1302 ปีที่แล้ว
Mladé Buky - *3* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (5.8.2021 - 2.díl)
Mladé Buky - *2* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (5.8.2021 - 1.díl)
มุมมอง 3062 ปีที่แล้ว
Mladé Buky - *2* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (5.8.2021 - 1.díl)
Mladé Buky - *1* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (2.-4.8.2021)
มุมมอง 9332 ปีที่แล้ว
Mladé Buky - *1* Bukyho klofla super klepna Markéta (2.-4.8.2021)
Osti i Lenka (Gniazdo Ostrołęki w Polsce) *2* - 24.7.2021
มุมมอง 522 ปีที่แล้ว
Osti i Lenka (Gniazdo Ostrołęki w Polsce) *2* - 24.7.2021
Osti i Lenka (Gniazdo Ostrołęki w Polsce) *1* - 23.7.2021
มุมมอง 572 ปีที่แล้ว
Osti i Lenka (Gniazdo Ostrołęki w Polsce) *1* - 23.7.2021
D'Artagnan IV. Osecký 2021 *Epilog3* (hnízdo Osek u Rokycan)
มุมมอง 572 ปีที่แล้ว
D'Artagnan IV. Osecký 2021 *Epilog3* (hnízdo Osek u Rokycan)
D'Artagnan IV. Osecký 2021 *Epilog2* (hnízdo Osek u Rokycan)
มุมมอง 292 ปีที่แล้ว
D'Artagnan IV. Osecký 2021 *Epilog2* (hnízdo Osek u Rokycan)
D'Artagnan IV. Osecký 2021 *Epilog1* (hnízdo Osek u Rokycan)
มุมมอง 412 ปีที่แล้ว
D'Artagnan IV. Osecký 2021 *Epilog1* (hnízdo Osek u Rokycan)
D'Artagnan IV. Osecký 2021 (hnízdo Osek u Rokycan) *7*
มุมมอง 382 ปีที่แล้ว
D'Artagnan IV. Osecký 2021 (hnízdo Osek u Rokycan) *7*


  • @user-sw2vh6bn9y
    @user-sw2vh6bn9y 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nur noch 3 von 5

  • @jirkanovak1860
    @jirkanovak1860 ปีที่แล้ว

    Kámo nebuďte šašci měkký

  • @mariaconceicaopereiradonas1513
    @mariaconceicaopereiradonas1513 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lugar maravilhoso, que país é este?

  • @Jihala1
    @Jihala1 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Často na ní myslím a na její osud...

  • @martinszpuk5665
    @martinszpuk5665 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Krása že se nám to zachovalo. Moc rád jsem si to připomenul. A dnes 31.3.2022 opět netrpělivě vyhlížím jak Bukáčka, tak doufám i Markétku. A hlavně. Věřím, že letos to bude bez tragédií.

  • @brigittehuf4292
    @brigittehuf4292 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Vielen herzlichen Dank für die wundervolle Dokumentation. Sehr beeindruckend und auch traurig.

  • @galinaaimagambetova8244
    @galinaaimagambetova8244 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Что дальше стало ???

  • @galinaaimagambetova8244
    @galinaaimagambetova8244 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Детки выжили , и мама не голодовала.

    • @brigittehuf4292
      @brigittehuf4292 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Das war derVater, die Mutter ist ist am 23.5. durch einen Stromschlag ums Leben gekommen!

  • @emilyparker529
    @emilyparker529 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi. Please tell me someone what happened to the 4th baby bird?? On 5-28-2021 the 4th baby bird is no longer in the nest! Did the mother bird throw it out of the nest home? Why isn't that footage here? After all the work that man did to give this bird home an abundance of food, the mother bird still kills one of her chicks?? In time frame 2:33 you will notice one of the baby birds is no longer in the home nest!! What a shame! Was the missing bird saved by the man or is the baby missing bird dead???

    • @brigittehuf4292
      @brigittehuf4292 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      The 4th babybird was tooo small, it had no chance and died. The mother-bird had an accident and the father had to feed the babies allone.

  • @kathleenmccaffery1313
    @kathleenmccaffery1313 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Greetings from New York.. Loved this 😊❤️‼️

  • @impijordan8385
    @impijordan8385 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fantástico Obrigado pelo video maravilhoso.

  • @jayhouse3149
    @jayhouse3149 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I like that the man is trying his best to make sure the smallest one is getting fed more while repositioning the others in the opposite direction during feeding! Disliked the parent storks tossing free food off the nest at the beginning! Apparently the parent storks were unable to catch enough food!

  • @jayhouse3149
    @jayhouse3149 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Seems odd that parent threw away fresh fish especially when they're not bringing in adequate amount of food items for their chicks, really strange! Dumb Birds, Storks are Dorks!

  • @jayhouse3149
    @jayhouse3149 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's a good thing that kind man is supplementing the storklets' primary food source, parents aren't providing enough!

  • @daniellebolstad717
    @daniellebolstad717 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi there do you happen to know why the parent kept trying to execute the fourth storklet? To me it did seem sick very sick and almost like it had frozen the one time and was just sick after that? The parent just would attack it and then leave it then attack it? It seems strange for it to just continue to attack and then stop

  • @naimanr4118
    @naimanr4118 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Птенчики дружно кушают, комки мамки

  • @olgabartosova1027
    @olgabartosova1027 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    To je krása. , Vždy jsem se na to krmení

  • @jarmilakustarova1786
    @jarmilakustarova1786 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    nádherné okamihy vývinu mláďat a teší ma možnosť návratu sledovania tej krásy

  • @vieralipova7729
    @vieralipova7729 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nádherné, ďakujem za návrat krásnych spomienok 🍀🌈

  • @jugisek1372
    @jugisek1372 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Těšíme se na jaro 😉😉💓💓.

  • @jugisek1372
    @jugisek1372 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Díky za krásný sestřih Vaší společné péče o mladé a spousty lidiček, kteří se zapojili a pomohli. Jen mi tu malinko chybí jejich ohlasy. V létě jich bylo ažaž. Bukáčku, náhradní tatínkové díky. 😘😘💓💓.

  • @jugisek1372
    @jugisek1372 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Krásné - není co dodat, hlavně ať se vrátí Bukáček a Markétka ve zdraví a založí novou rodinku. No a naši mladí budeme vítat a čekat, že je někde zahlédneme. Budeme se těšit na jaro. Díky za video 😉😉😉.

  • @jugisek1372
    @jugisek1372 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hezký večer, krásné vzpomínky na čapíky, Bukáčka a náhradní tatínky. Moc hezké , na tuto čapí sezónu se nedá jen tak zapomenout. Děkujeme Vám za video, Zdena s rodinou. 👏👏😘😘💓💓.

    • @helenasouckova8737
      @helenasouckova8737 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sledovala jsem Bukáčka čapíky od jara do odletu zanechalo to krásnou spomínku Dékuji moc a moc Mam to stále u srdíčka Havlovic

  • @bozenawarszawska729
    @bozenawarszawska729 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Pięknie, dziękuję za opiekę nad bociankami 💕💕🤗

  • @noahnakuru475
    @noahnakuru475 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dekuji za treti dil💛

  • @capioniechannelworldofbird4835
    @capioniechannelworldofbird4835 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Čápata & Tatínkové / 9-hour recording of "substitute feeding" in individual parts "1,2,3." ↓↓↓ viz. below ↓↓↓ -------------------------------------------------- ----- It is a unique experiment watched via an ornithology webcam from all over the country and also from the public, of course, mainly from the Czech Republic, but also from Poland, Russia, the United States, Germany and even from Japan and Brazil. This experiment is undoubtedly a pilot project on how to approach the rescue of young storks in a crisis situation and preserve their natural conditions for their development. Volunteers (now celebrities) Šándor Havrán and Jiří Zeman, who helped the males to feed the young 3 times a day during the most difficult period, have a great deal of credit for the successful nesting. -------------------------------------------------- --- List of events: Replacement feeding directly into the nest: 23.5. - 30.6.2021 Replacement feeding on the adjacent chimney: 1.7. - 13.7.2021 Barunka (female) / death 23.5.2021 / cca 9.30h. (high voltage wires 900m from the nest) Ringing 12.6.2021 / 18.20h. (ringer Mr. Petr Kafka - ELZA reading rings) 1rd stork - * 14.5.2021 / Pankrác (CE887) 2rd stork - * 15.5.2021 / Servác (CE886) 3rd stork - * 16.5.2021 / Bonifác (CE885) / death 29.7.2021 / 14.08h. (high voltage wires 300m from the nest) 4th stork - * 17.5.2021 / no name / death 28.5.2021 / 7.59h. (elimination) -------------------------------------------------- --- The story of the Storks in Mladé Buky is in many ways an exceptional and absolutely unique attempt in the Czech Republic to intervene in the lives of storks as little as possible. The young remained in their natural environment with the male (Bukáček), which provides more or less the same care for storks as the female. The aim was therefore to partially replace the dead mother, especially in the early breeding season, when the care of both parents is necessary. The young lost their mother (Barunka) at a very early age on Sunday morning, May 23, 2021 - they were 5-8 days old and at that time there was also very rainy and cold weather. It was immediately clear that storks had no chance without help. At this age, it is essential that the parent provides them with warmth and protection from adverse weather conditions in addition to food. A decision had to be made as soon as possible. The variant was offered several times from leaving the storks to their fate, through their removal and the attempt to adopt them into replacement nests to other storks, to the most natural for the stork family, ie to help them directly on the nest. Since the death of the female was clearly due to humans, the conservationists decided to help directly on the nest. Mr. Havrán and Zeman agreed on the final solution with experts (David Číp - JARO Jaroměř and stork specialist - ornithologist Petr Kafka), and promised to provide food and regular feeding. It was mainly taken into account that the nest is easily accessible and volunteers were found who took on feeding on a T-shirt. The great solidarity of the public was also a huge help, and approximately CZK 650,000 was raised in the collection for support, thanks to which it was possible to find the necessary amount of food. Čápata was in constant contact with his father (Bukáček), who immediately accepted help without any problems and especially in the first 10 days of substitute feeding he had much-needed peace and could fully devote himself to his offspring without having to deal with existential problems. There was also no fixation on people as on their parents. From the very beginning, the young reacted to the arrival of the human-feeder completely differently than to the stork father Bukáček's own. Large storks can be so frightened that they jump prematurely out of the nest when they are not yet able to fly. Which can have completely tragic consequences for them. Therefore, after more than a month, the volunteers no longer climbed directly to the nest, but left food available to the male on a nearby chimney, from where he successfully received it and fed the young. Everything went very well and all the chicks were successfully brought to the first flight from the nest. Link to webcam (nest): th-cam.com/video/3-UdOsBsyXQ/w-d-xo.html Link to Facebook (group): facebook.com/groups/2878416389153586

  • @capioniechannelworldofbird4835
    @capioniechannelworldofbird4835 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    He stood proudly until the last moment, his name was D'Artagnan IV. Osecký 2021 Hnízdo - Osek u Rokycan /CZ/ - 4 storks last breathed on 26.6.2021 at 14.56.50 h. ↓↓↓ viz. below ↓↓↓ ----------------------------------- Here are several parts marked as "Epilogue 1,2,3,4 ... etc.", Where I retrospectively map life on a nest in Osek near Rokycany. In 2021, a pair of storks were nested by a male Oskar (CZP CA 264 - ringed on June 24, 2016, Lnáře) and a female Olinka (without ring). The male nested here even in 2020. This set was created from all available records, both own and from other observers. This record is dated continuously from 23.5. to 24.6.2021. ---------------------------------- The events on the nest from 25.6.2021 are on separate records marked "1,2,3,4,5,6,7" until the webcam is switched off by the operator on 26.6.2021 at 3:11 p.m. ------------------------------- List of events: 1.Stork- * 23.5.2021 at 9.02 h. 2.Stork - probably at night from * 24. - 25.5.2021 3.Stork - probably at night from * 25. - 26.5.2021 4.Stork - * 27.5.2021 (death 26.6.2021 at 14.56 h. - elimination ?? !!) 5.Stork - * 28.5.2021 (death 9.6.2021 at 5.22 h. - elimination) Ringing on June 17, 2021 - National Museum Prague YK 001 to 004 (the smallest 4th stork had the last number in a row) (ringers - Miloš Paisker and Karel Makoň) -------------------------- Compared to the standard behavior of a stork pair during nesting, a significant deviation in the behavior of the female Olinka from 12th to 13th June 2021 was recorded. The female obviously had a problem, the reason is unknown and we can only assume various unsubstantiated scenarios. In any case, the problem was absolutely evident and the next 2-3 days probably did not fly (it started flying according to the camera record from 16.6., Observations documented every morning between 5-8h. Max. For 1h). If she hunted, then only for herself, she brought nothing to the storks and also during the day she received food from the male he brought to the storks. The storks did not feed for 5 days (it started on June 18), until then it was apathetically walking around the storks without any sign of interest 2 or 3 times a day, all the worries were taken care of only by the male Oskar. I witnessed that she once lost her balance to the extent that she had to "sit down", unfortunately the record was not made and dating + - around 14.-15.6.2021. -------------------------- Attacks of the female Olinka on the 4th stork dated from June 15, 2021 lasting until death 12 days (note about 3 days of it without any sign of attack) The male Oskar showed absolutely no signs of eliminating the 4th stork. The 4th stork was protected from siblings. -------------------------- According to the documentation, a possible injury to the female Olinka (if it was an injury or just "dirt" and whether or not it was related to a change in behavior from June 12-13) could probably have occurred in the time period June 15, 2021 between 6.30 - 22.14 h. however, the presumption cannot be confirmed or refuted !!!) ------------------------ Conclusion: Everything is a big question mark, the layout of the nest is such (the nest allows you to fly out of the camera) that no one can say for sure what is happening out of the frame. In any case, what happened on this nest is a very unusual "elimination" process, and I dare say that, at least for Czech conditions (perhaps even internationally), it has not been recorded online in front of the cameras for so long. That's why I created these videos so that even experts can draw information and, of course, with regard to the crushed fans of the 4th stork as such a memory of everything that happened. I myself must admit that the 4th stork called D'Artagnan was literally fascinating, had something in it that could not be described well enough, and I had never seen anything like it. I have been observing the nesting of storks on the Czech and international scene for many years, I study professional publications, articles, videos, I watch events in rescue stations of all kinds (including private ones), there is quite a lot of knowledge about this issue. Therefore, I would be inclined to believe that what happened to the 4 storks is certainly the interplay of one problem, but a number of original consecutive situations that the female had to deal with somehow or if she could not cope otherwise. Unfortunately, she chose such a long drastic (from a human point of view) method. We can never successfully decipher these connections.

  • @noahnakuru475
    @noahnakuru475 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nadherni vzpominky kdo sledoval deni na hnizde az do posledni vteriny odletu Marketky💛💛💛 Tesme se na dalsi pribeh na tomhle hnizde.Jen se divim, ze kde jsou pratele i milovniky capu a vubec tolik emoci v pribehu spojeno !

  • @capioniechannelworldofbird4835
    @capioniechannelworldofbird4835 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Čápata & Tatínkové / 9-hour recording of "substitute feeding" in individual parts "1,2,3." ↓↓↓ viz. below ↓↓↓ -------------------------------------------------- ----- It is a unique experiment watched via an ornithology webcam from all over the country and also from the public, of course, mainly from the Czech Republic, but also from Poland, Russia, the United States, Germany and even from Japan and Brazil. This experiment is undoubtedly a pilot project on how to approach the rescue of young storks in a crisis situation and preserve their natural conditions for their development. Volunteers (now celebrities) Šándor Havrán and Jiří Zeman, who helped the males to feed the young 3 times a day during the most difficult period, have a great deal of credit for the successful nesting. -------------------------------------------------- --- List of events: Replacement feeding directly into the nest: 23.5. - 30.6.2021 Replacement feeding on the adjacent chimney: 1.7. - 13.7.2021 Barunka (female) / death 23.5.2021 / cca 9.30h. (high voltage wires 900m from the nest) Ringing 12.6.2021 / 18.20h. (ringer Mr. Petr Kafka - ELZA reading rings) 1rd stork - * 14.5.2021 / Pankrác (CE887) 2rd stork - * 15.5.2021 / Servác (CE886) 3rd stork - * 16.5.2021 / Bonifác (CE885) / death 29.7.2021 / 14.08h. (high voltage wires 300m from the nest) 4th stork - * 17.5.2021 / no name / death 28.5.2021 / 7.59h. (elimination) -------------------------------------------------- --- The story of the Storks in Mladé Buky is in many ways an exceptional and absolutely unique attempt in the Czech Republic to intervene in the lives of storks as little as possible. The young remained in their natural environment with the male (Bukáček), which provides more or less the same care for storks as the female. The aim was therefore to partially replace the dead mother, especially in the early breeding season, when the care of both parents is necessary. The young lost their mother (Barunka) at a very early age on Sunday morning, May 23, 2021 - they were 5-8 days old and at that time there was also very rainy and cold weather. It was immediately clear that storks had no chance without help. At this age, it is essential that the parent provides them with warmth and protection from adverse weather conditions in addition to food. A decision had to be made as soon as possible. The variant was offered several times from leaving the storks to their fate, through their removal and the attempt to adopt them into replacement nests to other storks, to the most natural for the stork family, ie to help them directly on the nest. Since the death of the female was clearly due to humans, the conservationists decided to help directly on the nest. Mr. Havrán and Zeman agreed on the final solution with experts (David Číp - JARO Jaroměř and stork specialist - ornithologist Petr Kafka), and promised to provide food and regular feeding. It was mainly taken into account that the nest is easily accessible and volunteers were found who took on feeding on a T-shirt. The great solidarity of the public was also a huge help, and approximately CZK 650,000 was raised in the collection for support, thanks to which it was possible to find the necessary amount of food. Čápata was in constant contact with his father (Bukáček), who immediately accepted help without any problems and especially in the first 10 days of substitute feeding he had much-needed peace and could fully devote himself to his offspring without having to deal with existential problems. There was also no fixation on people as on their parents. From the very beginning, the young reacted to the arrival of the human-feeder completely differently than to the stork father Bukáček's own. Large storks can be so frightened that they jump prematurely out of the nest when they are not yet able to fly. Which can have completely tragic consequences for them. Therefore, after more than a month, the volunteers no longer climbed directly to the nest, but left food available to the male on a nearby chimney, from where he successfully received it and fed the young. Everything went very well and all the chicks were successfully brought to the first flight from the nest. Link to webcam (nest): th-cam.com/video/3-UdOsBsyXQ/w-d-xo.html Link to Facebook (group): facebook.com/groups/2878416389153586

  • @noahnakuru475
    @noahnakuru475 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Tohleto je pocin roka 2021 a kazdou bytost musi chytit za srdce skutecnost humannost!!!Vam vsem dekujeme ze pecujeto o chudinky osirele a jejich osud prestak nadelil moc!!!💚💚💚

  • @capioniechannelworldofbird4835
    @capioniechannelworldofbird4835 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Markéta - LOVE STORY / - is captured in individual works „1,2,3,4,5,6,… etc. ↓↓↓ see below ↓↓↓ -------------------------------------------------- -------- The story of Markéta and Bukáček showed that life is full of surprises. At a time when the grief over the loss of Boniface and the unexpectedly early abandonment of the nest from Servác had not yet subsided, when only the departure and the empty nest were awaited, a sudden reversal and a look at something completely new, exciting, largely fascinating. Who would have thought that this nest would paint such a romantic story at the end of the "stork season". -------------------------------------------------- ------ God once created a great white bird, a symbol of elegance and perfection. The devil also liked the bird and became more and more envious. So he asked God to do something about this perfect bird. God agreed, so the devil painted the wings black. Since then, this bird travels incredible distances with the elegance of an angel. -------------------------------------------------- ------ This promising "LOVE STORY" probably lasts for a longer period, it could easily be 3 weeks + - back, about mid-July. This is evidenced by local observers taking photographs (see photos of the roof of the next house, when Buky is quite often in the company of another stork, both day and night). Observers of the online broadcast themselves also state for the mentioned period that Buky is often accompanied by a second stork during departures and especially arrivals to the nest. In any case, it became apparent to all observers over time, and so it began to be speculated for a long time that Buky might have a new acquaintance, and this was eventually confirmed. -------------------------------------------------- ---- Buky's new "friend" is named Markéta from the Municipality of Chvaleč (approx. 15 km as the crow flies NE of MB), where last year 2020 she successfully brought out 3 storks. She was not lucky this year, she did not find a partner during the spring, so she probably wandered around the wider area. She probably hit Buky in the field and jumped the spark. Markéta's identification is 99% certain according to one longer white squadron on the left wing (see nest profile Chvaleč - birdlife.cz from 1.8.2020) -------------------------------------------------- - The individual videos capture how Markéta gradually and lightly tries to "catch up" Buky, which she is doing very well step by step, she is constantly changing her strategies and is well on her way to insuring her partner for the next nesting season 2022. Gradually they get used to each other and it is possible that they could form a couple in the spring. Here in the records it is very clear how the "stork courtship" takes place, it is not easy at all, it is a gradual process. Markéta is probably more experienced and also the "considerate" stork at rest (without aggression) waited until the young storks were independent, they would no longer have such a strong connection to the nest… Bonifác CE 885 - death on VN wires 29.7. / Servác CE 886 - leaving the nest 31.8. / Pankrác CE887 - unfortunately he took it a bit, due to the presence of Markéta (he considers him a foreign stork) he last appeared on the nest 4.8. … Markéta therefore relied on it from 2.8.2021 and this is where our story begins.

  • @capioniechannelworldofbird4835
    @capioniechannelworldofbird4835 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Markéta - LOVE STORY / - is captured in individual works „1,2,3,4,5,6,… etc. ↓↓↓ see below ↓↓↓ -------------------------------------------------- -------- The story of Markéta and Bukáček showed that life is full of surprises. At a time when the grief over the loss of Boniface and the unexpectedly early abandonment of the nest from Servác had not yet subsided, when only the departure and the empty nest were awaited, a sudden reversal and a look at something completely new, exciting, largely fascinating. Who would have thought that this nest would paint such a romantic story at the end of the "stork season". -------------------------------------------------- ------ God once created a great white bird, a symbol of elegance and perfection. The devil also liked the bird and became more and more envious. So he asked God to do something about this perfect bird. God agreed, so the devil painted the wings black. Since then, this bird travels incredible distances with the elegance of an angel. -------------------------------------------------- ------ This promising "LOVE STORY" probably lasts for a longer period, it could easily be 3 weeks + - back, about mid-July. This is evidenced by local observers taking photographs (see photos of the roof of the next house, when Buky is quite often in the company of another stork, both day and night). Observers of the online broadcast themselves also state for the mentioned period that Buky is often accompanied by a second stork during departures and especially arrivals to the nest. In any case, it became apparent to all observers over time, and so it began to be speculated for a long time that Buky might have a new acquaintance, and this was eventually confirmed. -------------------------------------------------- ---- Buky's new "friend" is named Markéta from the Municipality of Chvaleč (approx. 15 km as the crow flies NE of MB), where last year 2020 she successfully brought out 3 storks. She was not lucky this year, she did not find a partner during the spring, so she probably wandered around the wider area. She probably hit Buky in the field and jumped the spark. Markéta's identification is 99% certain according to one longer white squadron on the left wing (see nest profile Chvaleč - birdlife.cz from 1.8.2020) -------------------------------------------------- - The individual videos capture how Markéta gradually and lightly tries to "catch up" Buky, which she is doing very well step by step, she is constantly changing her strategies and is well on her way to insuring her partner for the next nesting season 2022. Gradually they get used to each other and it is possible that they could form a couple in the spring. Here in the records it is very clear how the "stork courtship" takes place, it is not easy at all, it is a gradual process. Markéta is probably more experienced and also the "considerate" stork at rest (without aggression) waited until the young storks were independent, they would no longer have such a strong connection to the nest… Bonifác CE 885 - death on VN wires 29.7. / Servác CE 886 - leaving the nest 31.8. / Pankrác CE887 - unfortunately he took it a bit, due to the presence of Markéta (he considers him a foreign stork) he last appeared on the nest 4.8. … Markéta therefore relied on it from 2.8.2021 and this is where our story begins.

  • @capioniechannelworldofbird4835
    @capioniechannelworldofbird4835 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Markéta - LOVE STORY / - is captured in individual works „1,2,3,4,5,6,… etc. ↓↓↓ see below ↓↓↓ -------------------------------------------------- -------- The story of Markéta and Bukáček showed that life is full of surprises. At a time when the grief over the loss of Boniface and the unexpectedly early abandonment of the nest from Servác had not yet subsided, when only the departure and the empty nest were awaited, a sudden reversal and a look at something completely new, exciting, largely fascinating. Who would have thought that this nest would paint such a romantic story at the end of the "stork season". -------------------------------------------------- ------ God once created a great white bird, a symbol of elegance and perfection. The devil also liked the bird and became more and more envious. So he asked God to do something about this perfect bird. God agreed, so the devil painted the wings black. Since then, this bird travels incredible distances with the elegance of an angel. -------------------------------------------------- ------ This promising "LOVE STORY" probably lasts for a longer period, it could easily be 3 weeks + - back, about mid-July. This is evidenced by local observers taking photographs (see photos of the roof of the next house, when Buky is quite often in the company of another stork, both day and night). Observers of the online broadcast themselves also state for the mentioned period that Buky is often accompanied by a second stork during departures and especially arrivals to the nest. In any case, it became apparent to all observers over time, and so it began to be speculated for a long time that Buky might have a new acquaintance, and this was eventually confirmed. -------------------------------------------------- ---- Buky's new "friend" is named Markéta from the Municipality of Chvaleč (approx. 15 km as the crow flies NE of MB), where last year 2020 she successfully brought out 3 storks. She was not lucky this year, she did not find a partner during the spring, so she probably wandered around the wider area. She probably hit Buky in the field and jumped the spark. Markéta's identification is 99% certain according to one longer white squadron on the left wing (see nest profile Chvaleč - birdlife.cz from 1.8.2020) -------------------------------------------------- - The individual videos capture how Markéta gradually and lightly tries to "catch up" Buky, which she is doing very well step by step, she is constantly changing her strategies and is well on her way to insuring her partner for the next nesting season 2022. Gradually they get used to each other and it is possible that they could form a couple in the spring. Here in the records it is very clear how the "stork courtship" takes place, it is not easy at all, it is a gradual process. Markéta is probably more experienced and also the "considerate" stork at rest (without aggression) waited until the young storks were independent, they would no longer have such a strong connection to the nest… Bonifác CE 885 - death on VN wires 29.7. / Servác CE 886 - leaving the nest 31.8. / Pankrác CE887 - unfortunately he took it a bit, due to the presence of Markéta (he considers him a foreign stork) he last appeared on the nest 4.8. … Markéta therefore relied on it from 2.8.2021 and this is where our story begins.

  • @capioniechannelworldofbird4835
    @capioniechannelworldofbird4835 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Markéta - LOVE STORY / - is captured in individual works „1,2,3,4,5,6,… etc. ↓↓↓ see below ↓↓↓ -------------------------------------------------- -------- The story of Markéta and Bukáček showed that life is full of surprises. At a time when the grief over the loss of Boniface and the unexpectedly early abandonment of the nest from Servác had not yet subsided, when only the departure and the empty nest were awaited, a sudden reversal and a look at something completely new, exciting, largely fascinating. Who would have thought that this nest would paint such a romantic story at the end of the "stork season". -------------------------------------------------- ------ God once created a great white bird, a symbol of elegance and perfection. The devil also liked the bird and became more and more envious. So he asked God to do something about this perfect bird. God agreed, so the devil painted the wings black. Since then, this bird travels incredible distances with the elegance of an angel. -------------------------------------------------- ------ This promising "LOVE STORY" probably lasts for a longer period, it could easily be 3 weeks + - back, about mid-July. This is evidenced by local observers taking photographs (see photos of the roof of the next house, when Buky is quite often in the company of another stork, both day and night). Observers of the online broadcast themselves also state for the mentioned period that Buky is often accompanied by a second stork during departures and especially arrivals to the nest. In any case, it became apparent to all observers over time, and so it began to be speculated for a long time that Buky might have a new acquaintance, and this was eventually confirmed. -------------------------------------------------- ---- Buky's new "friend" is named Markéta from the Municipality of Chvaleč (approx. 15 km as the crow flies NE of MB), where last year 2020 she successfully brought out 3 storks. She was not lucky this year, she did not find a partner during the spring, so she probably wandered around the wider area. She probably hit Buky in the field and jumped the spark. Markéta's identification is 99% certain according to one longer white squadron on the left wing (see nest profile Chvaleč - birdlife.cz from 1.8.2020) -------------------------------------------------- - The individual videos capture how Markéta gradually and lightly tries to "catch up" Buky, which she is doing very well step by step, she is constantly changing her strategies and is well on her way to insuring her partner for the next nesting season 2022. Gradually they get used to each other and it is possible that they could form a couple in the spring. Here in the records it is very clear how the "stork courtship" takes place, it is not easy at all, it is a gradual process. Markéta is probably more experienced and also the "considerate" stork at rest (without aggression) waited until the young storks were independent, they would no longer have such a strong connection to the nest… Bonifác CE 885 - death on VN wires 29.7. / Servác CE 886 - leaving the nest 31.8. / Pankrác CE887 - unfortunately he took it a bit, due to the presence of Markéta (he considers him a foreign stork) he last appeared on the nest 4.8. … Markéta therefore relied on it from 2.8.2021 and this is where our story begins.

  • @capioniechannelworldofbird4835
    @capioniechannelworldofbird4835 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    A very special situation occurred in Ostrołęka. The youngest 5th stork, which has been fully airworthy for a few days now, normally lands on the ground and is also trying to hunt, returned to the nest on July 23, 2021 at 13.19.26. in a really very dirty state. From this moment on, complications arise on the hitherto problem-free nesting, and the subsequent situations become a relatively surprising drama until the evening. The same situation was repeated on 24.7.2021 at 16.20.36h. , when the 5th stork returned to the nest very dirty, which resulted in repeated riots. The drama ended on July 24, 2021 at 8:31 PM. by attacking several siblings, when everyone on the nest was disturbed by a nearby fireworks display, which started everything like an avalanche. The rescue came from under the nest, when the run-out owner screamed to distract attention, which she succeeded in, and the tension gradually waned. So far, we can only assume what caused this sudden change. There are many theories as to why this happened, over time it will be seen whether the next course will bring any answers.

  • @capioniechannelworldofbird4835
    @capioniechannelworldofbird4835 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    A very special situation occurred in Ostrołęka. The youngest 5th stork, which has been fully airworthy for a few days now, normally lands on the ground and also tries to hunt, returned to the nest on July 23, 2021 at 13.19.26h. a really very dirty state. From this moment on, complications arise on the hitherto problem-free nesting, and the subsequent situations become a relatively surprising drama until the evening. So far, we can only assume what caused this sudden change. There are many theories as to why this happened, over time it will be seen whether the next course will bring any answers.

  • @capioniechannelworldofbird4835
    @capioniechannelworldofbird4835 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mladé Buky / Bukáček & Čápata & Tatínkové / 9-hour recording of "substitute feeding" in individual parts "1,2,3." ↓↓↓ viz. below ↓↓↓ -------------------------------------------------- ----- It is a unique experiment watched via an ornithology webcam from all over the country and also from the public, of course, mainly from the Czech Republic, but also from Poland, Russia, the United States, Germany and even from Japan and Brazil. This experiment is undoubtedly a pilot project on how to approach the rescue of young storks in a crisis situation and preserve their natural conditions for their development. Volunteers (now celebrities) Šándor Havrán and Jiří Zeman, who helped the males to feed the young 3 times a day during the most difficult period, have a great deal of credit for the successful nesting. -------------------------------------------------- --- List of events: Replacement feeding directly into the nest: 23.5. - 30.6.2021 Replacement feeding on the adjacent chimney: 1.7. - 13.7.2021 Barunka (female) / death 23.5.2021 / cca 9.30h. (high voltage wires 900m from the nest) Ringing 12.6.2021 / 18.20h. (ringer Mr. Petr Kafka - ELZA reading rings) 1rd stork - * 14.5.2021 / Pankrác (CE887) 2rd stork - * 15.5.2021 / Servác (CE886) 3rd stork - * 16.5.2021 / Bonifác (CE885) / death 29.7.2021 / 14.08h. (high voltage wires 300m from the nest) 4th stork - * 17.5.2021 / no name / death 28.5.2021 / 7.59h. (elimination) ----------------------------------------------------- The story of the Storks in Mladé Buky is in many ways an exceptional and absolutely unique attempt in the Czech Republic to intervene in the lives of storks as little as possible. The young remained in their natural environment with the male (Bukáček), which provides more or less the same care for storks as the female. The aim was therefore to partially replace the dead mother, especially in the early breeding season, when the care of both parents is necessary. The young lost their mother (Barunka) at a very early age on Sunday morning, May 23, 2021 - they were 5-8 days old and at that time there was also very rainy and cold weather. It was immediately clear that storks had no chance without help. At this age, it is essential that the parent provides them with warmth and protection from adverse weather conditions in addition to food. A decision had to be made as soon as possible. The variant was offered several times from leaving the storks to their fate, through their removal and the attempt to adopt them into replacement nests to other storks, to the most natural for the stork family, ie to help them directly on the nest. Since the death of the female was clearly due to humans, the conservationists decided to help directly on the nest. Mr. Havrán and Zeman agreed on the final solution with experts (David Číp - JARO Jaroměř and stork specialist - ornithologist Petr Kafka), and promised to provide food and regular feeding. It was mainly taken into account that the nest is easily accessible and volunteers were found who took on feeding on a T-shirt. The great solidarity of the public was also a huge help, and approximately CZK 650,000 was raised in the collection for support, thanks to which it was possible to find the necessary amount of food. Čápata was in constant contact with his father (Bukáček), who immediately accepted help without any problems and especially in the first 10 days of substitute feeding he had much-needed peace and could fully devote himself to his offspring without having to deal with existential problems. There was also no fixation on people as on their parents. From the very beginning, the young reacted to the arrival of the human-feeder completely differently than to the stork father Bukáček's own. Large storks can be so frightened that they jump prematurely out of the nest when they are not yet able to fly. Which can have completely tragic consequences for them. Therefore, after more than a month, the volunteers no longer climbed directly to the nest, but left food available to the male on a nearby chimney, from where he successfully received it and fed the young. Everything went very well and all the chicks were successfully brought to the first flight from the nest. Link to webcam (nest): th-cam.com/video/3-UdOsBsyXQ/w-d-xo.html Link to Facebook (group): facebook.com/groups/2878416389153586

  • @capioniechannelworldofbird4835
    @capioniechannelworldofbird4835 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Must-toonekurg2 / Jõgeva County in Estonia * 1 * (radios + feeders) ↓↓↓ viz. below ↓↓↓ -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- On 13.8.2021 before midnight, ornithologist Urmas went to the nest together with two veterinarians (one of them a stork specialist). The event lasted 2 hours. (22.21- 0.17h.). Measurements, weighings, general veterinary examinations and the use of monitoring radios were performed. Radios deployed to all cubs, including the "evil stork" (as Urmas jokes about him). Even one of the storks underwent surgery on the spot to remove 2 parasites deep in the throat. On that occasion, the storks were also given additional food in the form of 2 plastic bags with frozen fish (estimated at about 2-3 kg). Storks have an exciting night. They seem to already know Urmas (from ringing), because at least the angry "beaker" seemed to have something to talk about. -------------------------------------------------- --------------- Unfortunately, the situation on this nest is not very flattering and the situation is really on the edge. First of all, there was the removal of young at a very late date, which is a fundamental problem. Also in the area, there is a long-term drought and little water in riverbeds and bodies of water. Parents have great difficulty finding food, especially fish. During the whole nesting, the male Jan mainly takes care of the diet, because the female Janika obviously has a much bigger problem finding suitable fishing places. This is also evidenced by several days of outages in the feeding of young, when she probably searched for other sources for a very long time with little success. As a result, food intake was significantly reduced, it does not reach the ideal limits of normal feed rations per day. The situation is aggravated by several circumstances and the fact that the female Janika from 6.8. no longer appeared on the nest, and also the male Jan from about 8.8., limited the number of arrivals with food to 2-3 times a day (from the original total 5-6-7x) and even on 12.8. fed only once, when the young were even more than 24 hours. without food supply. Although storks are not in a critical state, this does not significantly help their development, which will probably be even more marked by this situation. -------------------------------------------------- ----------- Ornithologist Māris Strazds explains that there is no reason for great optimism. He thinks that parents feed less often because they simply cannot find enough suitable food. The fact that grasshoppers, earthworms, etc. appear in the food suggests that there is a great need for fish. In addition, in this case, if the youngest chick is taken, ie the date of hatching, then the earliest when the oldest chick should leave the nest is around 7.9.2021 (the average age of chicks leaving the nest is 83 days). If there is food and conditions, then the male usually feeds the young to the last, but the female does it very rarely and there was probably a premature definitive outage of the female Janika from 6.8.2021. The estimated date of the last feeding of young is therefore 7.9. and that is a very late date. The chicks will be able to fly at the age of 68-72 days, another 2-4 weeks after they will be able to fly, they will return to the nest for the night to rest (of course also during the day). Our trio is 60 and 59 days old today. The aging of young after the first years depends on the abundance of food in the previous stages of development. Better results are in the survival of young, which spend more time in the nest during nesting, which means that they return to the nest and gradually become independent step by step, but still receive food from both parents. The weight of the young is a fundamental problem, and it is the best indicator of the young bird's chances of survival in its future. The data say that this nest may be at least seemingly successful, but the chances are actually very small. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Jan (male) / Janika (female) 12.7.2021 - the youngest fourth cub (Benjamin) died at the age of 25 days (unknown reason) 15.7.2021 - storks were ringed (7181/7182/7183) and the dead body (Benjamin) was taken for examination 6.8.2021 - female Janika was last seen on the nest at 16.14h. (probably already on the migration route) -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- The black stork's nest is located in the Jõgeva district of Estonia. We have known this breeding area since the end of the 1990s, when black storks successfully nested here for many years. After 2004, the nest site remained empty. The male Tooni bird, which nested here at the time, moved to the surrounding area. The nest tooni moved to was the first Estonian nesting camera in 2005-2010. The black storks returned to the nest currently seen on camera only a year or two ago. It's an old artificial nest. At the beginning of spring 2021, we built a new platform. Given the critical situation of the black stork in Estonia, it is a small miracle that the storks have returned here. ----------------------------------------------------

  • @capioniechannelworldofbird4835
    @capioniechannelworldofbird4835 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Must-toonekurg2 / Jõgeva County in Estonia * 5 * (Part 2 - The first flights of all young) The first takeoffs of young + what happened around (23.8. - 30.8.2021) ↓↓↓ see. below ↓↓↓ -------------------------------------------------- ----------- Unfortunately, the young Malbe and Tasane could not return to the nest after the first flight and were subsequently killed by a predator. Malbe enjoyed his freedom for only 17 hours and Tasane was better off at about 48 hours. Julge was the only one to fly out of the nest and was able to return a total of 3 times. At the time of departure for the migration route, Julge was 75 days old. Jan (male) was last seen on the nest on August 25, 2021 at 12:38 p.m. -------------------------------------------------- ----------- Julge (No.1 - 7181) first flew 23.8.2021 at 09.14.31 / 28.8.2021 at 9.41 h. Julge definitely flew away - direction Saaremaa island (228km). Malbe (No.2 - 7182) first flew on 22.8.2021 at 17.35.34 / 23.8.2021 at 10.46h. was killed by a predator (raccoon dog or fox) about 100m from the nest / 25.8.2021 Malbe was found - afternoon (Urmas) Tasane (No.3 - 7183) first flew 24.8.2021 at 13.57.28 / 26.8.2021 probably between 14-18h. was killed by a predator (raccoon dog or fox) about 30m from the nest. / 27.8.2021 at 17.20h. Tasane was found (Urmas) -------------------------------------------------- ----------- Looduskalender/ee web forums suffered an outage on August 25, 2021, and the data from that day was completely lost. The next day, August 26, 2021, the on-line transmission of the Must-toonekurg2 :: Ciconia nigra itself affected the outage at about 4 am (2 pm-6 pm), and it is quite possible that it was at this time that Tasane (No.3) was attacked by a predator. ------------------------------------------------------------ Link to online transmission: th-cam.com/video/euyp7iEHJBA/w-d-xo.html Forum link (nesting thread): www.looduskalender.ee/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1044 Forum link (migration thread): www.looduskalender.ee/forum/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=1055

  • @capioniechannelworldofbird4835
    @capioniechannelworldofbird4835 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Must-toonekurg2 / Jõgeva County in Estonia * 5 * (Part 1 - The first flights of all young) The first takeoffs of young + what happened around (22.8. - 23.8.2021) ↓↓↓ see. below ↓↓↓ -------------------------------------------------- ----------- Unfortunately, the young Malbe and Tasane could not return to the nest after the first flight and were subsequently killed by a predator. Malbe enjoyed his freedom for only 17 hours and Tasane was better off at about 48 hours. Julge was the only one to fly out of the nest and was able to return a total of 3 times. At the time of departure for the migration route, Julge was 75 days old. Jan (male) was last seen on the nest on August 25, 2021 at 12:38 p.m. -------------------------------------------------- ----------- Julge (No.1 - 7181) first flew 23.8.2021 at 09.14.31 / 28.8.2021 at 9.41 h. Julge definitely flew away - direction Saaremaa island (228km). Malbe (No.2 - 7182) first flew on 22.8.2021 at 17.35.34 / 23.8.2021 at 10.46h. was killed by a predator (raccoon dog or fox) about 100m from the nest / 25.8.2021 Malbe was found - afternoon (Urmas) Tasane (No.3 - 7183) first flew 24.8.2021 at 13.57.28 / 26.8.2021 probably between 14-18h. was killed by a predator (raccoon dog or fox) about 30m from the nest. / 27.8.2021 at 17.20h. Tasane was found (Urmas) -------------------------------------------------- ----------- Looduskalender/ee web forums suffered an outage on August 25, 2021, and the data from that day was completely lost. The next day, August 26, 2021, the on-line transmission of the Must-toonekurg2 :: Ciconia nigra itself affected the outage at about 4 am (2 pm-6 pm), and it is quite possible that it was at this time that Tasane (No.3) was attacked by a predator. . -------------------------------------------------- ----------- Link to online transmission: th-cam.com/video/euyp7iEHJBA/w-d-xo.html Forum link (nesting thread): www.looduskalender.ee/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1044 Forum link (migration thread): www.looduskalender.ee/forum/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=1055

  • @ditasvobodova6414
    @ditasvobodova6414 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nádherný pár❣

  • @jan.b..48
    @jan.b..48 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dobrí ľudia ešte že vás máme na natočenie krásneho vydea 👍🌹🇨🇿🇸🇰