Hans Holter Solhjell
Hans Holter Solhjell
  • 49
  • 81 599
PLS rammeverket introduksjonsforedrag
I dette foredraget for du en introduksjon til temaene voksen ledelse, grensesetting, konfliktløsning og reguleringsstøtte i relasjoner med barn. Og til PLS, og hvordan PLS kan hjelpe deg å være en tryggere voksen, lede tydeligere og løse konflikter i relasjoner med barn.
Dette foredraget gir en oversikt over PLS rammeverket og de ulike PLS modellene. For deg som vil lære mer så kan du også kjøpe kurshefte, kursmateriell og online kurs.
For informasjon om foredrag i tiden fremover kan du gå til denne siden, famlab.no/pls-introduksjonsforedrag-voksen-ledelse-grensesetting/
For å kjøpe boken og plakatene som nevnes i foredraget kan du gå til denne siden, foreldrekompetanse.no/pls-kurshefte-og-plakater/
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มุมมอง: 53


Two self built kayaks at Oslo kayak club
มุมมอง 15721 วันที่ผ่านมา
Me and my friend Håvard has built our own kayaks which drew the attention of Stein Hagen at OKK, Oslo Kayak Club. My kayak is a Cape Falcon FI. You can see a detailed video about it by its designer Brian Schultz here, th-cam.com/video/dfL_8aD4Y3E/w-d-xo.html Håvards kayak is a Baidarka, built during a course at Kajakkspesialisten, www.yourvismawebsite.com/kajakkspesialisten-as-1/kurs/kajakkbygg...
TRE and Neurodiversity
มุมมอง 2083 หลายเดือนก่อน
A talk in the TRE talk and tremor series by Raquel Devillé. Harnessing TRE® for Neurodiversity Unlocking Potential: Easing Anxiety, Enhancing Learning, and Boosting Productivity In this talk Raquel shares impactful case stories from neurodivergent individuals who have reduced stress and anxiety, and achieved better well-being as well as improved outcomes in education and their careers through T...
TRE with kids in a shelter
มุมมอง 2148 หลายเดือนก่อน
A talk in the TRE talk and tremor series by Jelena Vajagic As a psychologist Jelena have used TRE together with other approaches to help the children living in the shelter she work at. The children in the shelter come from unprivileged backgrounds and many of them are traumatized. In this talk she shares her experience using TRE for helping traumatized children, the results she sees, how she us...
TRE Trauma Release Exercises introduksjonsforedrag
มุมมอง 37011 หลายเดือนก่อน
TRE er en kroppsorientert metode du kan bruke til: -Å redusere stress og bearbeide traumer -Å redusere kroppslige og emosjonelle spenninger. -Kapasitetsutvikling, for å øke din kapasitet til å møte utfordrende situasjoner med større ro og trygghet. -Å restituere etter skader og raskere hente deg inn igjen etter livsbelastninger mer generelt, inkludert positivt stress, som trening, perioder med ...
TRE and primitive reflexes with Cheda Mikic
มุมมอง 585ปีที่แล้ว
A talk in the TRE talk and tremor series by Cheda Mikic, ND, BCST, TRE® Trainer You can see the schedule for future talks here, oppmerksombevegelse.no/tre-talk-and-sessions-series/ and my TRE Global certification instructor training here, oppmerksombevegelse.no/tre-online-certification-training/ Chedas webpage: www.trecentre.com/calendar Developmental trauma, accidents, falls, abuse or neglect,...
TRE and Chronic Pain 5 case stories
มุมมอง 369ปีที่แล้ว
A talk in the TRE talk and tremor series by Raquel Devillé TRE provider, yoga teacher and therapist - You can see the schedule for future talks here, oppmerksombevegelse.no/tre-talk-and-sessions-series/ and our TRE Global certification instructor training here, oppmerksombevegelse.no/tre-online-certification-training/ In this talk Raquel will present five real-life case stories of individuals w...
TRE and leadership development with Marie Simonsen
มุมมอง 191ปีที่แล้ว
TRE® and leadership development -The importance of stress regulation in today’s corporate world A talk in the TRE talk and tremor series by Marie Simonsen, Business Coach & Certified TRE®, Hypnosis, and EMDR practitioner You can see the schedule for future talks here, oppmerksombevegelse.no/tre-talk-and-sessions-series/ and my TRE Global certification instructor training here, oppmerksombevegel...
Self rescue first attempt
มุมมอง 33ปีที่แล้ว
Self rescue first attempt Steinsfjorden
TRE and Post Traumatic Growth
มุมมอง 272ปีที่แล้ว
A talk in the TRE talk and tremor series by Christine Gibson MD MMedEd DProf(c) You can see the schedule for future talks here, oppmerksombevegelse.no/tre-talk-and-sessions-series/ and our TRE Global certification instructor training here, oppmerksombevegelse.no/tre-online-certification-training/ In this talk, Dr. Gibson discuss how TRE fits into the 3 phases of Judith Herman’s trauma and recov...
Aggresjon, vold og utagering hos barn. PLS og reguleringsstøtte.
มุมมอง 537ปีที่แล้ว
Fra “håndtering” til reelle løsninger og utviklingsstøttende prosesser Et foredrag med Hans Holter Solhjell Pedagog, veileder og faglig utvikler av PLS rammeverket. De fleste voksne opplever det krevende, vanskelig og stressende når et barn utagerer, kaster ting rundt seg, slår, sparker, biter og lignende. Det gjelder uansett om det skjer i hjemmet, i en barnehage eller i skolen. Barn kan nekte...
Aggresjon og utagering. Reguleringsstøtte med PGS og PLS i skolen.
มุมมอง 486ปีที่แล้ว
Lene Solvang-Dragland er spesialpedagog og har over flere år brukt PGS, Problemløsning Gjennom Samarbeid og PLS reguleringsstøttemodellen i sitt arbeide for å hjelpe barn med ulike utfordringer og å redusere utagering, vold og aggresjon i skolen. PGS, Problemløsning Gjennom Samarbeid er utviklet Dr. Ross Greene. Ross Greene underviser kurset “Eksplosive barn” jevnlig i regi av Famlab. PLS står ...
Voksen ledelse i relasjoner med barn
มุมมอง 714ปีที่แล้ว
I dette foredraget med Hans Holter Solhjell får du en praktisk oversikt over det som kalles “foreldrestiler” med hovedfokus på den Autoritative stilen. Vil du lære mer om dette temaet og også hjelpe og veilede andre? Se da vår veilederutdanning i kommunikasjon og konfliktløsning i relasjoner med barn, famlab.no/utdannelse/ Over 80 år med forskning på foreldre og foreldrestiler viser at den Auto...
TRE and MS experiences from TRE groups in Norway
มุมมอง 217ปีที่แล้ว
A talk in the TRE talk and tremor series by Anne Rustad Sjøvold and Katrine Bagge-Skarheim. You can see the schedule for future talks here, oppmerksombevegelse.no/tre-talk-and-sessions-series/ and our TRE Global certification instructor training here, oppmerksombevegelse.no/tre-online-certification-training/ We organize and teach weekly TRE® groups as volunteers in the Follo MS association. In ...
Poet TRE living a creative life talk
มุมมอง 236ปีที่แล้ว
Poet TRE living a creative life talk
TRE and children spontanous neurogenic tremors
มุมมอง 271ปีที่แล้ว
TRE and children spontanous neurogenic tremors
TRE and medical trauma with Dr Sarah Zorica Mitic
มุมมอง 5022 ปีที่แล้ว
TRE and medical trauma with Dr Sarah Zorica Mitic
TRE and Sound - Sensation through Vibration with Fiona Soma
มุมมอง 4502 ปีที่แล้ว
TRE and Sound - Sensation through Vibration with Fiona Soma
TRE for peak sports performance with Richmond Heath
มุมมอง 9412 ปีที่แล้ว
TRE for peak sports performance with Richmond Heath
TRE shaking myself alive a journey out of gried with Susanne Thomas
มุมมอง 4732 ปีที่แล้ว
TRE shaking myself alive a journey out of gried with Susanne Thomas
TRE and connecting to the joy of sensation with Robyn Dalzen
มุมมอง 2742 ปีที่แล้ว
TRE and connecting to the joy of sensation with Robyn Dalzen
TRE® for refugees Sarah Zorica Mitic
มุมมอง 3222 ปีที่แล้ว
TRE® for refugees Sarah Zorica Mitic
TRE og MS erfaringer fra kurs
มุมมอง 1003 ปีที่แล้ว
TRE og MS erfaringer fra kurs
Gå bedre kurs erfaringer
มุมมอง 863 ปีที่แล้ว
Gå bedre kurs erfaringer
TRE for skuespillerstudenter ved NSKI
มุมมอง 2043 ปีที่แล้ว
TRE for skuespillerstudenter ved NSKI
NARM den neuroaffektive relasjonsmodellen
มุมมอง 4773 ปีที่แล้ว
NARM den neuroaffektive relasjonsmodellen
Erfaringer med MS, TRE og Feldenkraismetoden
มุมมอง 2053 ปีที่แล้ว
Erfaringer med MS, TRE og Feldenkraismetoden
Medisinske traumer med Sarah Zorica Mitic
มุมมอง 4373 ปีที่แล้ว
Medisinske traumer med Sarah Zorica Mitic
TRE og MS med psykolog Michael Morin Nissen
มุมมอง 5983 ปีที่แล้ว
TRE og MS med psykolog Michael Morin Nissen
Introduksjon til TRE og kroppsorienterte metoder
มุมมอง 1.1K3 ปีที่แล้ว
Introduksjon til TRE og kroppsorienterte metoder


  • @RaquelDevilleEncorps
    @RaquelDevilleEncorps 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A very interesting presentation, thank you!

  • @Embody.Essence
    @Embody.Essence 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great presentation thank you 🙏

  • @LeonAlbin
    @LeonAlbin ปีที่แล้ว

    Du er på Tryvann

  • @bethkeytel6844
    @bethkeytel6844 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Always find you amazing to listen to you, Fiona. I use music in my own TRE practice as well as with my clients.

    • @fionasoma
      @fionasoma ปีที่แล้ว

      Always lovely to hear from you Beth :) Hope you well

  • @eprohoda
    @eprohoda 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    How is it going?~ Omg~ pro , catch you later.

  • @susannethomas9052
    @susannethomas9052 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you Sarah for your insightful information on helping refugees with TRE.

  • @carlabrodhagen2884
    @carlabrodhagen2884 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The problem we (my husband and I) haven't given any thought as to why our son now 7 (back story we've had him since he was 4.5 and just adopted him Dec 2021) we know he goes to flight and fight. But it literally just started this September at school and has increased so much. School unwilling to work with CPS ONLY ABA..we see him exploding at home as but have no idea why...I guess we wait for some flight and fight until we can pin point what his difficulties are...any suggestions for the school part...literally the specialist from the school board is completely unwilling to include our son in anything..except giving check marks for prefer behaviors...and believe he is being defiant on purpose

  • @floriefetahi1034
    @floriefetahi1034 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Tusen takk for at du delte denne erfaringen med oss🙏🏼 Det er så mange som blir utbrente og lander slik du landet.. kjenner meg så igjen, og godt å høre at det finnes håp🙏🏼❤️

  • @ckatt352
    @ckatt352 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Har PNES (psychogenic non-epileptic seizures) kan denne behandlingen hjelpe?

  • @tatiana105
    @tatiana105 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @deirdreabhaile7330
    @deirdreabhaile7330 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why can’t they just do as they’re told? We’re spoiling children and that’s why they won’t behave.

    • @kekarthurthebastard226
      @kekarthurthebastard226 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      “Why can’t they just do as they’re told?” = because they have learned from their most influential adults that they have don’t need to.

    • @Carlee923
      @Carlee923 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      These types of responses are what has increased my shame and guilt and feeling like I am a terrible parent. It’s not so simple as this for many kids. I am glad it works for your kids.

    • @kekarthurthebastard226
      @kekarthurthebastard226 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Carlee923 Respectfully, I’m behavioral specialist and it generally is that “simple”, as you described it. The complexity comes from determining the elements of the influence (I.e., attempted reforms, age, etc) and how it is addressed. May I ask: “why” you believe one should punish (in anyway) a child?

    • @stevenwilliams8901
      @stevenwilliams8901 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kekarthurthebastard226 I'm assuming you mean that it is generally *not* that simple? Or maybe not. Would appreciate clarity!

    • @xxluaxx6
      @xxluaxx6 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ew. No one likes to “do what they’re told” and human beings have an innate desire for personal power. If children are unable to assert their power collaboratively they will seek behavior to get that power back. Either towards the adults who are hurting them or if this is not a viable option, towards smaller and weaker beings. What a gross ignorant comment.

  • @MarciaArleneDebra
    @MarciaArleneDebra 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Does a child need to be of average IQ for CPS to be used with him or her.

    • @HansHolterSolhjell
      @HansHolterSolhjell 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      M Edwards Sealey Hi. CPS can be used also with children with low IQ, non verbal kids etc.

    • @PeterBrodie
      @PeterBrodie 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@HansHolterSolhjell and all other kids and adults! An interesting irony about this way of helping children to solve problems, is that it's the product of helping adults move beyond their own learning difficulties: those blocks which led them down the path of reaction instead of proactivity!

  • @cabapex
    @cabapex 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    As a teacher I do find this approach works very well. I am also interested in why we are seeing more children with challenging behaviour now than we did 10 years ago.What has changed for the children of today? Yes this approach works, but why do we need it? I know experienced teachers who are burnt out with trying to meet the expectation that they can manage all of these behaviours and teach the curriculum. Teachers need support with these types of programs.

    • @PeterBrodie
      @PeterBrodie 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      cabapex, the reactive approach is self-perpetuating to the extent that damaged children who feel forced into compliance, learn from the adults imposing it how to assert their will on others. The worst scenario is when as adults they gain access to positions of decision-making, including those responsible for setting requirements for teachers and school pupils. Their own misconceived experiences get duplicated in what they believe to be needed for effective education to take place, and this perspective is assumed to be the only way possible for children to learn anything. What we need is for teachers to form mutual support groups to defy the demands legislated by government. In a school with an understanding sympathetic headteacher, this could carry a lot of weight, especially if carefully documented to show its benefits. In a school led conventionally, it's unlikely to work until precedents have already been established. However, that wouldn't stop parents forming their own mutual support groups for implementing the proactive approach recommended by Dr Greene. This could have the extended benefit of children behaving better in school as well as at home.

    • @604bcqtpie
      @604bcqtpie 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Seeing more of this behaviour because more kids are eating processed foods, more dyes, vaccines (it does trigger for some kids, not all) gmo’s and more screen time. I’ve noticed since taking blue dye out of my kids foods that they are a bit calmer. Dyes have been linked. Hence why they are banned in some countries

    • @farmerchick3040
      @farmerchick3040 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      The curriculum may be the actual problem. Schools are not run how they used to be. It's just sitting at a desk for 180 days a year 6 hours a day.

    • @xxluaxx6
      @xxluaxx6 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Public school is an authoritarian model. You show up and do what you’re told. The system relies on it (high teacher student ratio and the way classrooms are arranged). It’s not the best way for kids to learn. Schools are giving up punitive approaches but the entire system needs to change for it to be a truly collaborative model of education. It’s why as a parent I’m really struggling with my options for educating my children. Currently Montessori but will likely come home to homescchoool. You’ve also got kids raised on screens showing up in droves.

    • @xxluaxx6
      @xxluaxx6 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Also the “safety at all costs” kinds of parenting breeds more struggles

  • @sunshinegodschild7076
    @sunshinegodschild7076 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow this is great .., need this as I live with 9 year old with rage disorder

    • @PeterBrodie
      @PeterBrodie 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hope you've been able to make progress, Sunshine Godschild. Something which I haven't heard from this excellent series from Dr Greene - maybe I've missed it - is the impact of a specific emotional experience on learning. So the child may want to learn, but is held back by a momentous event which hasn't been recognised by the caring adults in its life. An example of this in my own experience was a teenager who'd lost her mother to a hospital mistake. Her father couldn't talk about it, so it remained unaddressed in the family and at school. As soon as it became clear what the problem was, I helped her recognise it. From struggling to meet-middle-of-the-road targets, she went on to shine beyond anyone's expectations (other than mine!), going to university and graduating with Honours.

  • @ccorfield2243
    @ccorfield2243 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great solution if you have control of all environments he child is in or will ever be in. If you don’t have ThT control over the universe then teaching that child new coping skills is top of the list

    • @NaomiAldort
      @NaomiAldort 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      This approach does teach the coping skills much faster and better because the child does not feel failing and wrong. My parenting guidance and workshops does the same, and I have seen for 25 years how a totally explosive child becomes skilled precisely because we adjust the demands and connect/respect her.

  • @antoniod
    @antoniod 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    As opposed to my Father's methods.

  • @intherockies
    @intherockies 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great information especially for kids with Executive Function problems.

  • @Time_Line_Archive_Project
    @Time_Line_Archive_Project 10 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @camell3
    @camell3 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your feet HAVE to land right below your body, not in front of it. Have a look at 0:51 and you will find out what I mean. :)

  • @olli9340
    @olli9340 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Hansso, I was curious to see who has subscribed to my youtube (I am the shod Finn running against the barefoot bushman). Interesting to read that how Jae advices you to swing your arms, seems to be precisely the way the bushman swings his.

  • @TheLinkMedic
    @TheLinkMedic 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Like you said you still may be working on it but you still run better than 90% of the shod plodders out there in their foot coffins!

  • @HansHolterSolhjell
    @HansHolterSolhjell 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    @balancedrunner Hi Jae:) I will experiment more with different arm posissions. I have try to find what I find most comfortable and least disturbing, but I might have overlooked some connections. I am not sure what you are thinking of with moving the head from side to side? My focus have been on shifting weight trough the hips, the hips moving more side to side than the head. Do you have something else in mind?

  • @balancedrunner
    @balancedrunner 14 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hans, if you swing your hands higher in front, up to about heart height and quite close to the chest, you'll lean more, your stride will lengthen, and you'll more easily free your foot from the ground on toe-off. Also, it will be helpful if you allow your head to move from side to side. Romanov's unicycle image is not a good one: there is no seat in running so you have to move your weight side to side, from one leg to the other in addition to the twisting you do so well. --Jae Gruenke

  • @posetv
    @posetv 16 ปีที่แล้ว

    H streets! yeah!

  • @HansHolterSolhjell
    @HansHolterSolhjell 17 ปีที่แล้ว

    Gleder meg!

  • @HansHolterSolhjell
    @HansHolterSolhjell 17 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lage en video da vel;)

  • @torpexbomb
    @torpexbomb 17 ปีที่แล้ว

    bra video:)

  • @Blackbeltborris
    @Blackbeltborris 17 ปีที่แล้ว

    bare å stille opp så kan vi gi litt veivisning så du får inn de basice movsa :D