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- 604 795
The Urban Nomad
เข้าร่วมเมื่ภ20 à¸.ค. 2019
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✅ ð™ð™šð™–ð™™ ð™¢ð™® ð™—ð™¡ð™¤ð™œð™¨ @ www.TheUrbanNomad.co.in/
✅ ð˜½ð™ªð™¯ð™¯ ð™¢ð™š @ siddharta_saha
✅ ð˜¿ð™§ð™¤ð™¥ ð™¢ð™š ð™£ð™¤ð™©ð™šð™¨ @ SiddhartaSaha
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#TheUrbanNomad #SiddhartaSaha #Travel
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✅ ð™ð™šð™–ð™™ ð™¢ð™® ð™—ð™¡ð™¤ð™œð™¨ @ www.TheUrbanNomad.co.in/
✅ ð˜½ð™ªð™¯ð™¯ ð™¢ð™š @ siddharta_saha
✅ ð˜¿ð™§ð™¤ð™¥ ð™¢ð™š ð™£ð™¤ð™©ð™šð™¨ @ SiddhartaSaha
✅ ð™ð™¤ð™¡ð™¡ð™¤ð™¬ ð™¢ð™š @ www.tripoto.com/profile/siddhartasaha
✅ ð™ð™–ð™˜ð™šð™—ð™¤ð™¤ð™ @ siddharta.TheUrbanNomad/
#TheUrbanNomad #SiddhartaSaha #Travel
Stay inside Jaisalmer Fort & Explore Golden City Tourist Places! Golden Fort Jaisalmer, Patwa Haweli
Experience the magic of staying inside Jaisalmer Fort and exploring the Golden City's top tourist places like Jaisalmer Golden Fort , Patwa Haweli, Gadisar Lake etc. With this ultimate travel guide Discover the beauty of Jaisalmer!
#theurbannomad #jaisalmer #rajasthantravelguide #dekhoapnadesh #rajasthanroadtrip
This episode is part of our Bangalore to Rajasthan Road Trip Series. The entire playlist can be viewed here.
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🎬 ð•†ð•¦ð•¥ð•¤ð•¥ð•’ð•Ÿð••ð•šð•Ÿð•˜ ð•†ð••ð•šð•¤ð•™ð•’: th-cam.com/play/PLJx3OzG9UJl-36N33zP9LqYIITCIaU1ux.html
🎬 ð”»ð•–ð•œð•™ð• ð”¸ð•¡ð•Ÿð•’ ð”»ð•–ð•¤ð•™ ð•Šð•–ð•£ð•šð•–ð•¤: th-cam.com/play/PLJx3OzG9UJl-4kxp0ZOsLz9hjbOC1hDh0.html
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🎬 ð”¹ð•–ð•’ð•¦ð•¥ð•šð•—ð•¦ð• ð”¹ð•–ð•Ÿð•˜ð•’ð•: th-cam.com/play/PLJx3OzG9UJl_J9cISYecbZfgkqWTR8X3Z.html
🎬 ð”»ð• ð• ð•’ð•£ð•¤ ð”»ð•šð•’ð•£ð•šð•–ð•¤: th-cam.com/play/PLJx3OzG9UJl_ppp6oFtCgfBSrZxYNIRsl.html
🎬 ð•ð•’ð•¡ð•’ð•Ÿ ð•Šð•–ð•£ð•šð•–ð•¤: th-cam.com/play/PLJx3OzG9UJl9tvP4lsYS2z1tvefa10fZU.html
🎬 ð•‚ð• ð•£ð•–ð•’ ð•Šð•–ð•£ð•šð•–ð•¤: th-cam.com/play/PLJx3OzG9UJl9tvP4lsYS2z1tvefa10fZU.html
🎬 â„•ð•–ð•¡ð•’ð• ð•Šð•–ð•£ð•šð•–ð•¤: th-cam.com/play/PLJx3OzG9UJl-_x69cVSl8Umc7ATbUcd43.html
✅ Read my blogs @ www.TheUrbanNomad.co.in/
✅ Buzz me @ siddharta_saha
✅ Drop me notes @ SiddhartaSaha
✅ Follow me @ www.tripoto.com/profile/siddhartasaha
✅ TH-cam @ th-cam.com/users/TheUrbanNomad
✅ Facebook @ siddharta.TheUrbanNomad/
00:00 Intro
00:52 Mukuler Bari, Jaisalmer Fort
01:47 Exploring Jaisalmer Fort
03:17 Breakfast in Jaisalmer
04:20 Exploring Jaisalmer City by Walk
05:44 Patwon Ki Haveli or Patwa Haweli, Jaisalmer
08:42 Gadisar Lake, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
11:59 Attractions inside Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
18:00 Ideal Guest House inside Jaisalmer Fort
Ideal Guest House, Jaisalmer
‘Bring Me The Sky’ by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au
‘Adrift Among Infinite Stars’ by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au
#theurbannomad #jaisalmer #rajasthantravelguide #dekhoapnadesh #rajasthanroadtrip
This episode is part of our Bangalore to Rajasthan Road Trip Series. The entire playlist can be viewed here.
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🎬 ð•†ð•¦ð•¥ð•¤ð•¥ð•’ð•Ÿð••ð•šð•Ÿð•˜ ð•†ð••ð•šð•¤ð•™ð•’: th-cam.com/play/PLJx3OzG9UJl-36N33zP9LqYIITCIaU1ux.html
🎬 ð”»ð•–ð•œð•™ð• ð”¸ð•¡ð•Ÿð•’ ð”»ð•–ð•¤ð•™ ð•Šð•–ð•£ð•šð•–ð•¤: th-cam.com/play/PLJx3OzG9UJl-4kxp0ZOsLz9hjbOC1hDh0.html
🎬 ð•‹ð•™ð•– ð”¾ð•£ð•–ð•’ð•¥ ð•€ð•Ÿð••ð•šð•’ð•Ÿ â„ð• ð•’ð•• ð•‹ð•£ð•šð•¡ð•¤, ð•Šð•–ð•’ð•¤ð• ð•Ÿ-ðŸ™: th-cam.com/play/PLJx3OzG9UJl9UMfdOrgZb1EqRu8thhIdO.html
🎬 ð”¹ð•–ð•’ð•¦ð•¥ð•šð•—ð•¦ð• ð”¹ð•–ð•Ÿð•˜ð•’ð•: th-cam.com/play/PLJx3OzG9UJl_J9cISYecbZfgkqWTR8X3Z.html
🎬 ð”»ð• ð• ð•’ð•£ð•¤ ð”»ð•šð•’ð•£ð•šð•–ð•¤: th-cam.com/play/PLJx3OzG9UJl_ppp6oFtCgfBSrZxYNIRsl.html
🎬 ð•ð•’ð•¡ð•’ð•Ÿ ð•Šð•–ð•£ð•šð•–ð•¤: th-cam.com/play/PLJx3OzG9UJl9tvP4lsYS2z1tvefa10fZU.html
🎬 ð•‚ð• ð•£ð•–ð•’ ð•Šð•–ð•£ð•šð•–ð•¤: th-cam.com/play/PLJx3OzG9UJl9tvP4lsYS2z1tvefa10fZU.html
🎬 â„•ð•–ð•¡ð•’ð• ð•Šð•–ð•£ð•šð•–ð•¤: th-cam.com/play/PLJx3OzG9UJl-_x69cVSl8Umc7ATbUcd43.html
✅ Read my blogs @ www.TheUrbanNomad.co.in/
✅ Buzz me @ siddharta_saha
✅ Drop me notes @ SiddhartaSaha
✅ Follow me @ www.tripoto.com/profile/siddhartasaha
✅ TH-cam @ th-cam.com/users/TheUrbanNomad
✅ Facebook @ siddharta.TheUrbanNomad/
00:00 Intro
00:52 Mukuler Bari, Jaisalmer Fort
01:47 Exploring Jaisalmer Fort
03:17 Breakfast in Jaisalmer
04:20 Exploring Jaisalmer City by Walk
05:44 Patwon Ki Haveli or Patwa Haweli, Jaisalmer
08:42 Gadisar Lake, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
11:59 Attractions inside Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
18:00 Ideal Guest House inside Jaisalmer Fort
Ideal Guest House, Jaisalmer
‘Bring Me The Sky’ by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au
‘Adrift Among Infinite Stars’ by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au
มุมมà¸à¸‡: 640
From Sand Dunes to Battlegrounds: Rajasthan Road Trip Vlog! India Pakistan Border BP 609, Longewala
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 839วันที่ผ่านมา
Embark on an unforgettable Rajasthan Road Trip through iconic destinations like the Longewala War Museum, Tanot Mata Mandir, and the legendary India-Pakistan Border at BP 609 in Jaisalmer. Witness the mesmerizing desert landscapes as we explore hidden gems and must-visit spots, sharing tips for your ultimate road trip adventure. From thrilling sand dunes to historic battlegrounds, this journey ...
Experience Jaisalmer's BEST Thar Desert Adventure from Sunset to Sunrise at Khuri! vs Sam Sand Dune!
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 51214 วันที่ผ่านมา
Experience the best Thar desert adventure in Jaisalmer, explore the stunning dunes of Khuri from sunset to sunrise, and do Camel ride and dune bashing! Also, know why it is better than Sam Sand Dunes! Get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and beauty of Rajasthan, as I compare the unique charms of Khuri and Sam Sand Dunes. Which one will come out on top? Watch till the end to find...
EPIC Jodhpur to Jaisalmer by road! Rajasthan Road Trip Vlog! Day-10! Khuri Sand Jaisalmer Desert!
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 97721 วันที่ผ่านมา
Join us on an epic road trip adventure from Jodhpur to Jaisalmer, exploring the vibrant state of Rajasthan by road! On Day 10, we take you to the breathtaking Khuri Sand Dunes in Jaisalmer, where the majestic Thar Desert awaits. Get ready to immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes, rich culture, and warm hospitality of Rajasthan. From the majestic fortifications to the picturesque villages,...
5 JODHPUR BEST PLACES to visit in a Day! Blue City, Mehrangarh Fort, Jaswant Thada, Umaid Bhawan
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 45121 วันที่ผ่านมา
Explore the majestic city of Jodhpur, also known as the Blue City, in just one day! In this video, we'll take you on a thrilling journey to the top 5 must-visit places in Jodhpur, including the iconic Mehrangarh Fort, the stunning Jaswant Thada, and the majestic Umaid Bhawan Palace. Get ready to be mesmerized by the city's rich history, architecture, and cultural heritage. Whether you're a hist...
JAIPUR to JODHPUR Road Trip! Exploring Rajasthan By Road! Jodhpur Tourist Places, Street Food!
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 745หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
🚗 Exploring Rajasthan By Road in 2024! Join us on an epic journey from Jaipur to Jodhpur as we discover the best tourist places and authentic food in the Blue City. Watch our complete guide to Jodhpur's majestic sunset, stunning clock tower, Toorji Ka Jhalra, and hidden street food gems. This road trip adventure showcases the real Rajasthan through stunning landscapes, historical monuments, and...
Ultimate Rajasthan Road Trip Guide 🚗 | From Our Epic 17 Days in Rajasthan By Road From Bangalore!
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 2.4Kหลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
Planning a road trip across Rajasthan? We’ve got you covered! After an epic 17-day journey by road from Bangalore, we’re sharing our ultimate guide for a memorable Rajasthan road trip. From exploring royal palaces and vibrant cities to uncovering hidden gems and desert adventures, this video offers all you need to plan the perfect route, cover essential destinations, and enjoy Rajasthan’s uniqu...
How to Download Copyright Free Music For YouTube Videos in India! Avoid Free Music Scams! HOOPR.AI
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 98หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
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Is Georgetown, Penang Worth Hype? Malaysia Vlog: Armenian Street, Fort Cornwallis, Street Art & Food
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 6684 หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
Discover magic of Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia by this travel vlog! Immerse in history at Fort Cornwallis, explore vibrant Armenian Street. Enjoy delicious street food and admire stunning street art. A must-watch for Malaysia travel enthusiasts! #theurbannomad #GeorgetownPenang #MalaysiaTravel #ArmenianStreet #FortCornwallis #PenangStreetFood #StreetArt #travelvlogvideo Do watch other videos of...
Street Food, Fun & Nightlife in Jalan Alor & Bukit Bintang Kuala Lumpur!! Malaysia Travel Guide Vlog
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 2K5 หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
Discover vibrant street food, nightlife and entertainment at Jalan Alor & Bukit Bintang in Kuala Lumpur! In this travel guide vlog. explore Malaysia's culinary delights, fun attractions, nightlife. Join us as we dive into the heart of Kuala Lumpur's street food scene at Jalan Alor, savoring mouth-watering local delicacies. From spicy satay to sweet desserts, we'll guide you through the best sta...
KUALA LUMPUR TOURIST PLACES 2024! KL Tower Observation deck, Food in Little India, Dataran Merdeka!
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Exploring Kuala Lumpur Tourist Places in 2024? Follow this travel guide to visit KL Tower Observation Deck for stunning views, enjoy food in Little India, explore Dataran Merdeka and Islamic Art Museum! All covered in this Vlog! #theurbannomad #malaysiatravelguide #tourismmalaysia #kualalumpur #kualalumpurvlog #kltower #dataranmerdeka #littleindia #islamicart @MalaysiaTrulyAsia Do watch other v...
Best Places to visit in Malaysia! Genting Highlands Skyworld Theme Park, Awana Skyway! Malaysia Vlog
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Explore the best of Malaysia in this travel vlog! Join us as we soar above the clouds on the Awana Skyway and experience the thrills of the all-new Genting Skyworlds Theme Park in Genting Highlands. Discover heart-pounding rides, fantastical shows, and breathtaking views in this ultimate Malaysian adventure. Get ready for roller coasters, family fun, and unforgettable memories! #theurbannomad #...
Batu Caves VLOG EXPERT Guide to Malaysia's HINDU TEMPLE
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Exploring Batu Caves Malaysia Hindu Temple? Discover how to go from Kuala Lumpur in this day trip travel guide English vlog. Visit Batu Caves, a famous Hindu temple in Malaysia, and experience the cultural heritage and natural beauty of this iconic site. Join us as we climb the 272 steps, marvel at the majestic Murugan statue, and explore the stunning Temple Cave. Perfect for family trips and t...
Kuala Lumpur: A Family Fun Adventure! BEST AirBnB Stay, Evening Out, Street Shopping, Fountain Show
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Kuala Lumpur family vlog featuring the BEST AirBnB stay, evening out, China Town street shopping, Suria KLCC fountain show, Petronas Towers, Central Mall, and amazing food! Join us on our Malaysia family trip as we explore top attractions and hidden gems in Kuala Lumpur. From sightseeing at iconic landmarks to enjoying the vibrant nightlife and delicious cuisine, this travel guide has it all. P...
Langkawi’s Secret: The MOST EXCITING MANGROVE TOUR, BAT CAVE Kilim Geoforest Trip! Malaysia Vlog
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Enjoy the most thrilling activities in Langkawi with us. From the scenic mangrove tours to the eerie Bat Cave and the stunning Kilim Geoforest, our travel vlog captures it all. Whether you're planning a trip or just dreaming, this video is your ultimate guide to Langkawi's top attractions and adventures. Perfect for families, couples, and solo travelers alike. Explore Langkawi like never before...
TOP ATTRACTIONS of LANGKAWI! Sky Bridge, Cable Car, Sky Cab & more! Langkawi Malaysia Travel Vlog!
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TOP ATTRACTIONS of LANGKAWI! Sky Bridge, Cable Car, Sky Cab & more! Langkawi Malaysia Travel Vlog!
Vibrant LANGKAWI Trip! Duty Free Shopping, Food, Night on Pantai Cenang! Latest Malaysia travel vlog
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Vibrant LANGKAWI Trip! Duty Free Shopping, Food, Night on Pantai Cenang! Latest Malaysia travel vlog
BEST THINGS to Do in LANGKAWI, MALAYSIA! Island hopping Langkawi Tour! Malaysia Travel Vlog - 2 2024
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BEST THINGS to Do in LANGKAWI, MALAYSIA! Island hopping Langkawi Tour! Malaysia Travel Vlog - 2 2024
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BUDGET FRIENDLY Malaysia Trip From India! How to Plan a Family Trip? Travel Tip, Itinerary, Visa
MUMBAI to BANGALORE by ROAD via PUNE! Rajasthan Road trip from Bangalore! Latest Road Condition NH48
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MUMBAI to BANGALORE by ROAD via PUNE! Rajasthan Road trip from Bangalore! Latest Road Condition NH48
2024 Must-See Tourist Places of Jaipur Pink City! Palace, Jantar Mantar, Amer & Nahargarh Forts Vlog
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2024 Must-See Tourist Places of Jaipur Pink City! Palace, Jantar Mantar, Amer & Nahargarh Forts Vlog
The Pink City: A Rajasthan Road Trip Adventure! Jaipur Tourist Places, Bapu Bazar shopping, food!
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The Pink City: A Rajasthan Road Trip Adventure! Jaipur Tourist Places, Bapu Bazar shopping, food!
Bangalore to Rajasthan Road Trip Day 5: Pushkar Rajasthan Tourist Places, Ajmer Sharif Dargah!
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Bangalore to Rajasthan Road Trip Day 5: Pushkar Rajasthan Tourist Places, Ajmer Sharif Dargah!
Rajasthan Road Trip from Bangalore EP-3! Visit Chittorgarh Fort Tourist Places, Light and Sound Show
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Rajasthan Road Trip from Bangalore EP-3! Visit Chittorgarh Fort Tourist Places, Light and Sound Show
Nagpur to Ujjain Road Trip and Mahakal Corridor Ujjain, Mahakaleshwar Temple! Bangalore to Rajasthan
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Nagpur to Ujjain Road Trip and Mahakal Corridor Ujjain, Mahakaleshwar Temple! Bangalore to Rajasthan
NON-STOP BANGALORE TO NAGPUR BY ROAD! Bangalore to Rajasthan Road Trip Day 1! Bangalore to Hyderabad
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NON-STOP BANGALORE TO NAGPUR BY ROAD! Bangalore to Rajasthan Road Trip Day 1! Bangalore to Hyderabad
Top Must-visit Spots In Singapore's Chinatown For Chinese New Year Feast! English Vlog Tour
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Top Must-visit Spots In Singapore's Chinatown For Chinese New Year Feast! English Vlog Tour
LITTLE INDIA SINGAPORE TOUR VLOG! Shopping at Mustafa Centre Singapore! #theurbannomad
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 548ปีที่à¹à¸¥à¹‰à¸§
LITTLE INDIA SINGAPORE TOUR VLOG! Shopping at Mustafa Centre Singapore! #theurbannomad
Gramer Durga Puja at Arbelia & Dhanyakuria Rajbari, Bonedi Bari Durga Puja ধানà§à¦¯à¦•à§à¦¡à¦¼à¦¿à¦¯à¦¼à¦¾ ও আরবেলিয়া
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 1.1Kปีที่à¹à¸¥à¹‰à¸§
Gramer Durga Puja at Arbelia & Dhanyakuria Rajbari, Bonedi Bari Durga Puja ধানà§à¦¯à¦•à§à¦¡à¦¼à¦¿à¦¯à¦¼à¦¾ ও আরবেলিয়া
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 474ปีที่à¹à¸¥à¹‰à¸§
Totally the best vlog to check out for KL city....thank you guys for such a thorough job in covering all the points
Thank you so much 😊 I hope you like other videos of the Malaysia series as well
What’s the name of the chocolate shop you went to? Also i was hoping to buy linen cotton pants to wear in beach any idea where to find?
It is inside the same Billion Duty Free premium outlet! And you may find clothing also!
@ oh we’re only going for two days so won’t be able to go to Kuah
Bro any issue of driving license there. I got caught in Phuket regarding international license. But I have heard that Indian license works in Malaysia
@@ayushnigam8148 It is a grey area bro! I have seen people driving with an Indian licence in Langkawi! Car rentals do not have any issues but not sure about the police! The safest option is to get an IDP that will allow you to drive in more than 60 countries. You can apply online and hard copy will be delivered to your home in a couple of weeks! Google for International Driving Permit
Wch app did u use to book the flights and entire trip?
I check with Skyscanner and pick the best offer from there!
@ what about rooms and other visiting sites wch app did u use fr tht
For rooms I used Agoda and for tickets and rides I used Klook!
@ tqsm😇
Very underrated! nicely explained.
Thank you 😊
Hello, can you please explain how to take pass to punakha, i heard we have to take it seperately
That was old system! You do not need a separate pass for Punakha anymore!
Hello, you have elaborated nicely about the procedure, i would like to know if you can help me suggesting on how you booked car and guide, we are planning a road trip from bangalore and planning to hire a cab and guide from there, can u help
Thank you very much! I talked to Bhutanese travel agency who did all bookings for us! Please remember, for driving inside Bhutan, you need to pay additional charges for the car. You may talk to Norbu, who was our tour guide and he can help you to arrange everything. Give reference of my channel and ask for best rate :-) +97517893392
@TheUrbanNomad thank you so much it's really helpful
Can u tell In which month u have visited Rajasthan..
Khub bhalo laglo.aar khub informative
Thank you 😊
Saved bro . Thanks
@@sennayamaha you are most welcome bro!
Didnt u visit kaylana lake?
Unfortunately we didn't have time!
Hotstone bath experience.. Why was it bad experience. There is no video after this to know can you please explain..
Sorry for that! The raw footages got corrupt! 3 of our team fell unconscious in the bathtub! There is a condition called "Vasodilation" where the blood pressure falls suddenly if you spend a long time in a hot water tub! It was a worrying situation! Not recommended at all if one surfers from low BP or under BP medication! Even if you do, avoiding village bathing farms is better as they don't have a system to handle such situations!
Very nicely explained
@@venkataramananchandrasekar4397 Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy other videos of the series as well!
Nice informative video Can you please tell me how you moved around langkawi,, Thank you
You can use the local taxi app or rent a car or motorcycle! I used Grab cab! You can check this planning video, may be helpful to plan your trip! th-cam.com/video/ls1XOLw0Rc0/w-d-xo.html
Aaha ki apoorbo â¤â¤
Asha ki darun
Place is very nice. Thanks for all the information provided of this place.
You're welcome! I'm glad you found the information helpful! Do watch other videos of our Rajasthan series!
love you amma â¤â¤
Beautiful illustration, great camera and wonderful presentation
Thank you so very much 😊
we are planning a Rajasthan Road trip from Chennai on Dec 20th and have 10 days itinerary. anything should we remember or carry in our Trip. it will be two families trip in one car. should be book the dessert camp before our trip or can we go there and book it, how did you book it and what price was it. thanks
You are visiting during peak season, so it is advisable to book stays in advance! Also, book stays in other locations as well because it is difficult to find hotels with private parking , especially inside cities! I have prepared a detailed video on how to prepare for Rajasthan road trip! Please it ! You will find list of hotels with parking in the description! th-cam.com/video/BYOpKjdiurw/w-d-xo.html
Make your Jaisalmer trip memorable. Book your Jaisalmer tour with us. maps.app.goo.gl/B8EVqvGz1FAb6pd19
What fantastic roads !
Thank you for the beautiful vlog. Loved it!
@@anjuchoudhary3491 Thank you 😊
Hi bro. How many hours will take by ferry to reach penang to Langkawi?
There is no direct ferry between two after COVID! So one needs to take train and ferry! It may take hours! Better to take flight, which could be very cheap if booked in advance.
Can you please tell how you booked flights tickets to langkawi from kl
I booked online! Through Wego, you can check any site!
I visited the arbelia pujo when I was a kid . my great-grandfather conducted the pujo at arbelia .
That's wonderful to know!
Nice video sir jiâ¤â¤
Thank you 😊
ಹಾಯೠಬà³à²°à³‹ ಸಕಲೇಶಪà³à²° ðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸŒ¹
Thanks bro for the detailed review and guidance
@@gen3201 Thank you 😊 Hope you find our detailed vlogs helpful as well!
Darun dada..khub detailed video
Thank you!
Nice video. Any update on current condition of Shiradi ghat? For the first time, I am going to drive in ghats.
I am not sure about the current conditions! However, considering recent rains, this should still be the best route for Mangalore!
Beautiful sunset view ..Very well captured the beauty of Jodhpur
@@ClickATale , Thank you!
Love your Bengali dialogues in between
Thank you 😊
You referred to Speed Limit ? What is the speed limit ?
Depends! Some places on the highway are 65 but some are 80! Better to keep checking the boards!
@@TheUrbanNomad But do you need to maintain that ? The roads are too tempting to drive within 80 kmph. You would want to drive faster.
@prajitsengupta9851 Yes it's too tempting to drive in 80! I have seen interceptors but use your judgement 😉
Hello,Dada. When you visited Rajasthan this year.
@@rajdeepghosh9836 December last week and January first week!
Nine years ago, we stayed at Hotel Gakyil in Thimphu. It was a pleasant stay. Your trip reminded me of the beautiful ten days of my life. Thanks for sharing.
I am so happy to hear that! Hope other videos of the series also refresh you happy memories of Bhutan!
Hello Sir, if we want to go Genting Highland, can we reach there without ride cable car?
@@RVW-Girl Yes! By car!
@TheUrbanNomad And if we using online taxi, where we should write the destination location Sir?
@@RVW-Girl It will be difficult for me to tell that since I took the cable car. But I guess you can use the skyworkd entrance or any of the hotels as destination.
Okay let me find more information about what destination should I write. I also wants to buy the ticket from the Klook, if I buy Genting Highland Theme Park Ticket and choosing [Non - Malaysian] 1 Day Ticket, are we gonna get access through all attraction at the outdoor theme park without paying more?
You are correct! Do check their website for deatils!
Thank you!
Wow nice when the season is on?
Thank you! The season has started now and will be on till March-April!
@@TheUrbanNomad so we will get the tickets , if we do not book in advance? what u suggest.
Depends on what month you are travelling! December or January may be tough to get tickets now. But March April should be fine. Do watch this video to plan! th-cam.com/video/ls1XOLw0Rc0/w-d-xo.html
Awesome, I am planning Bangalore to Bhopal next month & I was thinking of doing it in 3 days, however I drove 1000km in a day earlier but was not sure about Road condition in Maharashtra. I must say, I got some confidence to it in 2 days 😊. I am also shortlisting hotels in Adilabad and Nagpur, Can you please share which you shortlisted? It will help. Thanks in advance
Hi Raviraj, thank you for watching! Yes you can very well do Bangalore to Bhopal in 2 days! Do watch the next episode "Nagpur to Ujjain" that we did via Bhopal! Below is the list of hotels I shortlisted Nizamabad Harital Hotel INDUR INN, Hotel Kapila Adilabad Hotel Sai Panchvati, Sitaram Agro Tourism, Hotel Mauli Residency Tipeshwar Nagpur Hotel Western Mankapur, The Majestic Manor, Hotel SunRise: N Resorts
@TheUrbanNomad thabk you this will help.
While booking through Klook in Langkawi, do u pay by credit card? Any charges for conversion?
Yes I paid by credit card and since it was charged in INR, there was no additional charges.
Wonderfully explained your experience dada! You jus got a new subscriber! Cheers
@@shankarsubramanian1302 Thank you so much 😊 Hope you enjoy other videos of the series!
Khub bhalo laglo. Very nice.
Thank you 😊
@ But all the tourist places were very crowded
@prajitsengupta9851 Indeed! Try avoiding between December 15th to Jan 10th!
@@TheUrbanNomad Unfortunately our office and son’s school holidays is during that period only
I am a bong. Really loved your video and related to your Sonar Kella reference.
অনেক ধনà§à¦¯à¦¬à¦¾à¦¦! সতà§à¦¯à¦¿à¦‡ মà§à¦•à§à¦²à§‡à¦° বাড়ির পাশে থাকার অà¦à¦¿à¦œà§à¦žà¦¤à¦¾ দারà§à¦¨ ছিল!
@ Ok. I can understand. We are also planning a road trip from Kolkata to Rajasthan next year
This will help lot of travellers ⤠keep up the good work sir
Thanks a ton
Thanks for adding a detailed video. I'm planning a road trip from Bangalore to Rajasthan during the last week of December and the first week of January (as that's the only time my kids have holidays). What do you suggest for this period? Should I skip any crowded places, or take an auto or cab for visiting?
So nice of you! Yes take a local auto or cab for sightseeing! Otherwise you will find it very stressful!
Even I am planning ....
Very informative..Relived our Rajasthan memories through these beautiful clips..Thank you
Thank you!
After Jaipur I cannot find remaining videos. Where are they?
@@dont-vc4mw We are going to resume uploading from this weekend with a very special episode! Please keep an eye!