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Olan Outdoor Gear Chat
United Kingdom
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 24 ม.ค. 2012
Escape the prison of your mind and then you will be FREE !!!
I am a life long outdoor enthusiast who has Served 15 years in the British Army. I have Rock climbed since being a teenager and i am also a Snowboarder & Cyclist and i am very interested in all things health and wellbeing. During my 15 years in the Army i was a JSRCI (Joint Service Rock Climbing Instructor) and also a Snow and Ice climbing instructor. I gained many military qualification and my main role was to carry out Target Acquisition and Close Observation in different countries and all types of terrains. These days i am totally Anti Military and truly believe that all soldiers world wide should refuse to fight and instead allow the Politicians and their children to lead the way into battle before they instruct normal folk and our children and grandchildren and thats only if its absolutely necessary and only then will the world be at Peace. Greedy Businessman and Governments cause wars and NOT ordinary Human Beings !
I am a life long outdoor enthusiast who has Served 15 years in the British Army. I have Rock climbed since being a teenager and i am also a Snowboarder & Cyclist and i am very interested in all things health and wellbeing. During my 15 years in the Army i was a JSRCI (Joint Service Rock Climbing Instructor) and also a Snow and Ice climbing instructor. I gained many military qualification and my main role was to carry out Target Acquisition and Close Observation in different countries and all types of terrains. These days i am totally Anti Military and truly believe that all soldiers world wide should refuse to fight and instead allow the Politicians and their children to lead the way into battle before they instruct normal folk and our children and grandchildren and thats only if its absolutely necessary and only then will the world be at Peace. Greedy Businessman and Governments cause wars and NOT ordinary Human Beings !
Kinder Scout.Fairbrook Naze wildcamp. Hilleberg Soulo. Descent of right hand gully of Grindsbrook
In this video i start in Edale then make my way along Grindsbrook Clough to the steep track that starts just after the small group of trees 20m past Golden Clough . This is a steep climb that joins the perimeter footpath between Upper Tor and Nether Tor and then i cross the platue over to the top of Blackden Brooke. I follow the edge path past Seal Edge and Chinese Wall then cross Fairbrook Naze and camp on the edge over looking the Snake Pass. The next day i was blessed with decent conditions so i changed my plan and headed over to the top of Grindsbrook Clough and descend the gully next to Grindsbrook Towers.
Please be mindfull that i have a lifetimes expierience in the mountains that includes several other countries and i have climbed on just about every rock type in the world and i can read rock and its varyng characteristics and understand the friction qualities of both wet and dry rock and the limitations of the diferent rubber compounds on outdoor footwear . Some types of boots and shoes will not perform as good as mine did in this video so if you are going to do this route please be careful because some of this rock is very slippery. Thanks for watching and take care.
Please be mindfull that i have a lifetimes expierience in the mountains that includes several other countries and i have climbed on just about every rock type in the world and i can read rock and its varyng characteristics and understand the friction qualities of both wet and dry rock and the limitations of the diferent rubber compounds on outdoor footwear . Some types of boots and shoes will not perform as good as mine did in this video so if you are going to do this route please be careful because some of this rock is very slippery. Thanks for watching and take care.
มุมมอง: 95
kinder Scout Wild Camp , Lightwave Sigma S20 Breathable tent.
มุมมอง 50414 วันที่ผ่านมา
10kg Full Comfort Winter gear list. Rucksack : Crux AK 57 (100% waterproof Climbing/ski mountaineering backpack) Tent : Lightwave Sigma S20 (On this occasion) 12 Easton pegs 12 x 9 inch and 4 x 6 inch Waterproofs/windproofs : Rab Proflex Jacket/hoody & Trousers Sleep system : Light AF Mat , Nemo Tensor Extreme Conditions mat, Cumulus Custom Panyam 450 sleepoing bag with 35/65 fill. Enlightened ...
Why you should consider buying a Hilleberg Soulo instead of any other 1 person 4 season tent
มุมมอง 46921 วันที่ผ่านมา
Here's the link for Rob Outdoor Prep who explains how to shorten the inner tent bungees that make for a tighter inner. th-cam.com/video/BICG7wq-GFM/w-d-xo.htmlsi=FbAY8lqXFMacwrtf I made a hash of putting my clips together so I apologise for that, but I promise i will get better. There is some footage of my Soulo in the last 5 minutes of this video.
A quick look around the Durston X Dome on Kinder Scout.
มุมมอง 1.9Kหลายเดือนก่อน
The morning after spending my 1st night in the Durston X Dome. It had been blowing gusts of between 15-20 mph most of the time past midnight until 08.00 and the tent handled these conditions without any issues whatsoever. I have fitted Lawson guy wire and some 4mm yellow bungee cord to a couple of the mid panel peg out points on the head and foot seams.
My 9kg Full Comfort Winter Gear set up in a bit more detail Part 2
มุมมอง 2962 หลายเดือนก่อน
9kg Full Comfort Winter gear list -15 Rucksack : Zpacks Arc Haul 70lt 100 ultra material (618gms) plus 2 water bottle pockets and 1 x Bonfus pocket that i have on the top of my right shoulder strap with emergency 1st aid and toilet paper and emergency whistle and silver blanket. Exped 40 stuffsack/pump sack ( extra waterproof liner to protect my down gear) Tent : Durston X Dome (1kg) (On this o...
My 9kg full comfort Winter Gear set up in a bit more detail Part 1
มุมมอง 1782 หลายเดือนก่อน
9kg Full Comfort Winter gear list -15 Rucksack : Zpacks Arc Haul 70lt 100 ultra material (618gms) plus 2 water bottle pockets and 1 x Bonfus pocket that i have on the top of my right shoulder strap with emergency 1st aid and toilet paper and emergency whistle and silver blanket. Exped 40 stuffsack/pump sack ( extra waterproof liner to protect my down gear) Tent : Durston X Dome (1kg) (On this o...
Durston X Dome 1st impressions & chat about my 9kg Winter gear loadout, Kinder Scout
มุมมอง 1.1K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
9kg Full Comfort Winter gear list capable of going down to -15C for a 1 Nighter Rucksack : Zpacks Arc Haul 70lt 100 ultra material (618gms) plus 2 water bottle pockets and 1 x Bonfus pocket that i have on the top of my right shoulder strap with emergency 1st aid and toilet paper and emergency whistle and silver blanket. Exped 40 stuffsack/pump sack ( extra waterproof liner to protect my down ge...
A quick chat about the Garmin Fenix 7 Saffire Crystal Solar Pro Watch & the 2 functions i like most.
มุมมอง 2053 หลายเดือนก่อน
I bought this on eBay in mint condition for less than £400. There were zero signs of it ever being used. The Emergency feature and the torch feature alone are worth that in my opinion plus there are loads of other functions that the watch can perform and apart from the mapping and the daily sleep reports as well as heart rate monitor it would require a very lengthy review and my tech knowledge ...
How to pitch a Lightwave Sigma S15
มุมมอง 1623 หลายเดือนก่อน
Here i pitch the Lightwave Sigma S15 Both my Sigmas ( S15 and the S20 ) come with 12 pegs as Standard but i have fitted 2 extra pegging points so for my method i use 14 pegs and for the Peak District its Always mostly 9 inch Eastons or during the Winter i will use 12 inch Eastons because ANY tent is ultimately only as good as its anchors in high winds. Thanks for watching and subscribe if you l...
Zpacks Arc Haul.... New Type Back System rant....."what the Donald Duck have they done" 🤔
มุมมอง 2004 หลายเดือนก่อน
Zpack Arc Haul back system rant.....what the Donald Duck have they done 🤔 plus an issue with the Xtex lightwave Sigma thats very easily fixed in just a few seconds.
The Absolute best Winter Gas stove combination. Fire Mapel Petrel 600 pot and GSI Pinnacle Gas stove
มุมมอง 2334 หลายเดือนก่อน
The Absolute best Winter Gas stove combination. Fire Mapel Petrel 600 pot and GSI Pinnacle Gas stove
Kinder Scout Magical September Sunrise and a moan about people who leave rubbish behind.
มุมมอง 984 หลายเดือนก่อน
Is it ok to Murder People who leave Rubbish on Kinder Scout ???
Fire Maple #Petrel 600ml Pot combined with the Soto Windmaster gas burner
มุมมอง 6176 หลายเดือนก่อน
Fire Maple #Petrel 600ml Pot combined with the Soto Windmaster gas burner
£700 Breathable tent off eBay for £250 Lightwave S20 Sigma
มุมมอง 7217 หลายเดือนก่อน
£700 Breathable tent off eBay for £250 Lightwave S20 Sigma
Zpacks 70 litre Arc Haul Ultra Backpack and Outdoor Research Legionaries Hat
มุมมอง 9057 หลายเดือนก่อน
Zpacks 70 litre Arc Haul Ultra Backpack and Outdoor Research Legionaries Hat
Sunrise over Bleaklow and Alport Valley
มุมมอง 137 หลายเดือนก่อน
Sunrise over Bleaklow and Alport Valley
Six Moon's Luna Solo ( vibration issue) HELP !!!
มุมมอง 377 หลายเดือนก่อน
Six Moon's Luna Solo ( vibration issue) HELP !!!
Complete Ultra Lightweight Summer Gas Cook system 276 gram £48
มุมมอง 658 หลายเดือนก่อน
Complete Ultra Lightweight Summer Gas Cook system 276 gram £48
Six Moon's Luna Solo and Exped Ultra 3R Sleeping Mat initial thoughts for multi-night summer use.
มุมมอง 6698 หลายเดือนก่อน
Six Moon's Luna Solo and Exped Ultra 3R Sleeping Mat initial thoughts for multi-night summer use.
7kg 2 night Full comfort 3 season kit list on Kinder Scout using the Six Moons Luna Solo
มุมมอง 1608 หลายเดือนก่อน
7kg 2 night Full comfort 3 season kit list on Kinder Scout using the Six Moons Luna Solo
Enlightened Equipment 40° Enigma Apex quilt V Cumulus custom sleeping bags chat.
มุมมอง 3968 หลายเดือนก่อน
Enlightened Equipment 40° Enigma Apex quilt V Cumulus custom sleeping bags chat.
kinder Scout #durstonxmid Xmid Door Tab fix. #EE Apex Quilt,#firemaple #ultralight Petrel 600ml Pot
มุมมอง 2008 หลายเดือนก่อน
kinder Scout #durstonxmid Xmid Door Tab fix. #EE Apex Quilt,#firemaple #ultralight Petrel 600ml Pot
8kg FULL COMFORT ( -10 ) Winter Gear load. for UK 2 Nights Wild Camp/Hike
มุมมอง 43511 หลายเดือนก่อน
8kg FULL COMFORT ( -10 ) Winter Gear load. for UK 2 Nights Wild Camp/Hike
#Nemo Tensor Extreme Conditions 8.5 R Mat Trumps Thermarest Xtherm and is now my go to winter mat.
มุมมอง 84011 หลายเดือนก่อน
#Nemo Tensor Extreme Conditions 8.5 R Mat Trumps Thermarest Xtherm and is now my go to winter mat.
Nemo Tensor Extreme Conditions Sleeping Mat...First impressions after 15 hours at 0°C
มุมมอง 1.2Kปีที่แล้ว
Nemo Tensor Extreme Conditions Sleeping Mat...First impressions after 15 hours at 0°C
Kinder Scout Double Bubble...Abisko lite 2 . Full Moon and Majestic sunrise -7 Temperature.
มุมมอง 61ปีที่แล้ว
Kinder Scout Double Bubble...Abisko lite 2 . Full Moon and Majestic sunrise -7 Temperature.
An Amazing October Kinder Scout Sunrise 😀
มุมมอง 81ปีที่แล้ว
An Amazing October Kinder Scout Sunrise 😀
Best 1 Person 4 Season Tent for the UK climate Part 2 The Lightwave S15 Sigma
มุมมอง 191ปีที่แล้ว
Best 1 Person 4 Season Tent for the UK climate Part 2 The Lightwave S15 Sigma
I don’t know anyone who hikes in merino, only for sleep gear. No matter what I wear, I’m generally wet with sweat when I arrive at camp regardless of season. Even using Alpha direct or similar, I sweat up. I run hot. Olan have you checked out Rock Front booties and over shoes? Game changer for me. Each to their own n all that. For one night wonders I always use my trail designs Ti-tri 🤠and meth. Can’t beat it.
i keep looking to loose the 2.5kg that is the soulo, but it just works so well, most ul shelters seem to have issues of some sort. also agree on the ba not warm pads at all
Spot on Jake 👌 Better to lose it somewhere else and be safe and sound. Re the BA , without the extra insulation beneath i much prefer the Nemo EC for anything below zero although it was comfy . I do like having the long wide inside the Soulo just because i can put my electrics etc on it too and my Nemo EC is only a Regular wide so at some point i will sell it and get the Long wide . Thanks for commenting 👌
@@Olan... I always end up back on my xtherm, not as comfortable but you can feel the heat coming back at you
Lol Olan, "Are we there yet?". I've just watched this morning before I set off for a camp myself. 10.5 Kg was impressive. I don't normally weigh my kit (ignorance is bliss and all that), but I made the mistake of doing so on my last camp and I was rocking 16.5 Kg without water (although I did have around 2 Kg of alcohol with me lol). As you know from army days, that's bugger all and in my hands I had trekking poles instead of a GPMG🙂. Thanks for taking us along on the journey mate, and thanks for the video.👍
I only started to weigh my gear a few years ago Steve because i had a couple of bad falls and my back and my hip were in a bad way and i was in a lot of pain and couldnt walk without a bad limp and it seamed like a sensible way forward which i dont regret but its cost a few quid to get to where i am now. Bye Eck 2kg is a good weight for that beer 😜. Looks like you are in for a cold one tonight but i would take cold any day over rain. Have a fantastic night 👍👍👍 Thanks for watching and the comment too.
I want to be involved with you. I love and respect you very much. I am willing to live with you. Do you agree? I want to go to you. I am in Malaysia. Now the work of connection building I love you from the bottom of my heart.💯💯💞💞🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Hello my dear Madhu. You look very beautiful. It is nice to hear from you. Are you married? I like you very much. You are my boyfriend. I love you very much. I miss you very much.💞💞👌👌💯💯💯🙏🙏🙏
No i am not married, i have been waiting for you Abdul...where have you been al my life ???
@@Olan... Yes, I want to be involved with you. I want to be your life partner.💞💞💞🙏🙏🙏🙏
What bottle straps do you use on your rucksack?
These are the Waymark pouches but i think they have gone out of business. Bonfus shoulder strap pouches are almost identical . You can buy shoulder strap pouches on Ali Express too and they are under £12
By happy coincidence I bought an S20 today. If you recall I had an S15, but just n 46:59 ot big enough. This S20 should be fine.
Thanks for the comment Dave 👍Its slightly lower in height but more of a purfect dome shape so handles the wind betterthan the S15 .This is my favorite tent of all time Dave and i bought a second one as a back up .The quality is top notch on all the lightwaves 👌 Its worth buying an M cloth ( Minky Cloth) because occasionally the seams need a wipe over and i wipe the inside of the sil nylon section to manage any condensation and also the outside before i pack it away and it makes for drying it out and repacking it ready for the next trip suer quick. I fitted a pice of 4mm bungee cord to the middle of the sil nylon panel too which i can position so i get some airflow or synch it down as nesasary . My mate bought your S15 and he also has the S20 and the S22
@Olan... Olan. Brilliant, thanks for that. I shall try and figure out the mod. How does your mate find the s20 vs s22? The 22 would be my preference for storage and airflow, but will try this first. Managed to get it for £349 new, so was too
Really great wild camp 👍🤔👌
Cheers Stig, thanks for watching 👍
That was a captivating watch from start to finish Olan and I was totally engrossed with it. I loved the bit where you went up Grindsbrook as it's been years since I went up Kinder that way. I guess that I'm not that keen on scrambling, what with my short arse little stumpy legs making it difficult for me to traverse rocks, lol. Thanks for the video mate, I really enjoyed it.👍🙂
Thanks a lot for that Steve, much appreciated 👍. Its a start and i can see what aspects i need to address. Ginsbrook Clough is my favorite route up and down if i am starting and finishing in Edale ATB
Wow I don't know how you do it! I wouldn't last 2 minutes up there!
Its really quite quite comfortable with all the right gear Alf, thanks for watching 👍
How you getting on with the Mic mate? The audio sounded good. I’d get some of those gloves if I’d not just spent £90 on a couple of pairs of outdoor research and the black ones were cheaper. Not buying blue!
The mic is just what i needed Dave , all i need to do is remember to turn it on 🙄 Great recommendation mate 👌 Thank you
Yeah I know what you mean. I’m in the habit of checking the noise level on the osmo before I start recording. Are you using that?
Brilliant first video man. Very tidy squared away in your tent there not like mine 😂 like a bomb has gone off when I camp. I used to love my s15 when I had that so I bet that S20 is class.
Cheers Chris 👍 .Still dont know how to edit but i like this Osmo 5 thing. I cant get over how light it looked when it was quite dark. Next stage is a tube of Super Glue and one of my uncles Pigeons 😂 Yeh the S15 is a great tent too and really light for what its capable of but this S20 is more of a Dome shape and its lower so handles the wind really well but its not Soulo bomber.
Hi ,hope you’re doing good. Question wish guidelines do you use it please? Many thanks
Lawson guy wire mate, you can get it from valley and peak when they have it in stock ATB
@@Olan...thanks a lot 😊
Sorry it Lawson Reflective Glowwire
@@Olan...many thanks ☺️
I bought one minutes before this video came out! Nearly went for the red from Taunton but elected for sand and pay off over time. Arrives in an hour!
Awesome colour , i just checked out your channel and subbed 👍 Thanks for commenting Hedley
@Olan... nice, thanks, reciprocated.
Keep em coming Olan, love your honest talk. I’ll get a soulo one day. Been saying that for years though 😂
Cheers Dave , pick one colour and dont be like me 🙄
I’ve still got mine😅 I don’t use it loads but I do use it and so does my son. I’m a fan of them. I’d never sell it. Olan because your observations and subject matter is very good there’s nothing wrong the erms thing. TBH I only noticed it after you said it. You’ll notice it more than anyone because it’s you. Sometimes I get recorded in work and if I hear myself I’m so self-critical. Might make you feel better to know; I’m a “and errr”😮 person. My boss speaking is punctuated with “and, you know”😂😂😂
Cheers Jack 😉👍 i think i would be happier if i could edit and polish things up all the same. It always baffles me why the Soulo gets a tough time from certain people but its the bench mark for a bomb proof shelter . You are wise to keep hold of it 👌 Thanks for commenting.
@@Olan... Yes lots of people who had them moved on to something else and the sheep watching the influencers go along with it. Then there’s the bods who never had one that just got on the negative pile on about it. Like teenagers disagreeing on the best fashion choices 😂
@@JackKlumpass Spot on 👌
its a shame they are going to be over £1000 by the end of january, ive just swapped my unna for a soulo, ive had one previously and the way you pitch them and the stability they offer they are a great tent, i can even get the pack size near that of a durston xmid pro. the soulo at just over 2kgs works very well, and im thinking of using mine all year round,
Thats already a good investment in that case Jake 👍. Thanks for commenting , i did make a mash of this video but there is some footage of my katest Soulo at the end. I need to up my game with this video making business 🙄
@@Olan... like you, ive been through what feels like 100's of tents, and always come back to hilleberg, the materials and quality, sometimes its just worth that bit of extra weight, im dialed in now so im really light, with a different tent id be considered ul lol
@@cuprajake1 Same here , somethings are worth carrying that bit of extra weight . I am like that with the Petrel pot too . Theres loads of lighter cooking options out there but the sheer efficiency and speed wins me over
Jake you only bought that Unna the other week😂😂😂
@JackKlumpass yeah really didn't rate it, so swapped it for a soulo, I'd previously bought a Soulo from a shop, but returned it as I listened to too many people telling me they were terrible tents 🤯
I forgot to mention the impeccable customer service that is on offer from Hilleberg themselves as well as all the supply chain which i hold conciderable value too and rightly so when you make any expencive purchase.
Scott was Lone Explorer- he’s still about, his channel is now called itsmescottp
last time i checked he has taken all his videos down Jack even with his new channel name which is a shame but hopefully he is just taking time out and will be back again soon fingers crossed.
Those blue gloves look like a great tip. What are they called again? Temras? Thanks👍🏼
Just clocked in the description, thanks.
@@JackKlumpass Yeh Showa Temres 282 they are great apart from the astheitic so i quite recently bought myself a black pair that are called Temres 01 Winter in size LL and size LL is asize 10 in UK glove sizes. I can wear these erecting my tents and handling poles and pegs and guylines without the need for removng them. Unfortunatly you canonly buy the Black ones from Japan and they take about 3 weeks to arrive from there to the UK and end up costing 36 quid but if the colour of the Blue ones doesnt bother you thenyou can get them off eBay for about 20 and they are loads better than gloves that i have used in the past that cost well over 100 pounds.
@@Olan... nice one fella. Definitely on my list. Good sour many thanks. PS I’m liking your vids. The technique n all that doesn’t bother me. I’ll take authenticity over slickness any day!👍🏼
@@JackKlumpass Thanks Jack
Nice one, new subscriber here
Thanks very much...i just subbed your channel too ;)
New subscriber 😊
Thank you 👍
You might not be Quentin Tarantino when it comes to your filming 😂 but your common sense gear reviews are above par
🤣🤣🤣🤣 That made me chuckle ..Thanks for commenting 👍👍👍🤣
That is quick , I m getting that 600 mm mug .jurys out on what burner as I fancy a remote stove .I d be knocking that thing over too easy .That set up would do for my day walks when I m not bothered about pack weight .Multi day long walks I m a gram counter and will go alcohol burner and titanium pot and not be bothered about speed
If you are not in a hurry you can get a fire maple remote stove and the pot off Ali Express and it will take about 2 weeks to arrive. I am a gram counter too Stuart to a certain extent but i prefer gas and with the gas canister stand its really quite stable. Thanks for commenting.
Are you planning on getting a groundsheet?
I dont really bother with footprints these days Bilal, i prefer to keep my pack weight down with just essentials but i always carry a small closed cell pad for kneeling on and sitting on and kind of use is as a place mat etc when i am preparing my cookstove for dried meals and brews .
@Olan... thanks. Which closed cell pad do you use?
@@bilaltahir9978 You can buy the small square ones from either Decathlon or GoOutdoors that fold up very small and they ony cost around £6. The ones in GoOutdoors are called MutiMats
How is the tent holding up heavy rain and wind?
Well its been fine so far ,but I haven't had it in anything over 25mph so i havent got ny first hand expierience with anything stronger than that.
Still twitching for a lite 2.
Its not a tent i would recommend for a taller person Dave especially if you are taking Honey along. I use a Long wide mat and the footprint is too tight length wise which results in coming into contact with the foot end and even the door and i am only 5'10" and the headroom isnt the best when trying to get changed. There are far better tents at that price range but thats just my opinion on what suits me Thanks for commenting 👍
@@Olan... Cheers, i have a 3fUL Taijin 2 coming, so will see what that budget option is like.
Good video mate. I shouldn’t watch these types, they always end up costing me money!
I am nearly bankrupt after your DJI advice 🤣🤣🤣. Thanks for watching Dave 👍
Just found this channel, so nice to see us older gens getting out, I myself have just started to gather equipment and am ready to make my first tarp wild camp looking for cooking equipment and sleeping systems, ground sheets mattress etc, still learning as we all do in life, trying to find peace within solitude as we get older
Good video an real waffling 😂 Joking aside, it's refreshing to see someone, who's talking about sleep and actually looks like they have a had some good kip 👍
Glad you enjoyed!
Nice. Thanks for using our gear. -Dan
I ve been booted off before in the area by the rangers . nice to see the trecking poles deployed .This is the first vid I ve seen on the x dome and the tent looks much more stable in fairly blustery conditions
Wicked vid olan! Looks brilliant. Excited to see how it holds up in the future. Cheers mate.
Me too Stratts ...i can see me using it a lot for most of the year apart from extreme weather because its quite versatile being that you can use the mesh inner as a stand alone on dry stary summer nights. Thanks for the comment.
@@Olan...I’ve heard that some of them have had some quality control issues, so i hope yours is up to scratch! Best wishes
@@stratts_636 Yes but Geordie Wild Camper had Dan Durston on his channel commenting on an issue thats around the carbon fibre poles during production and he has been dealing with the manufacturers to put it right and also everyone who has purchased an Xdome will recieve a free set of poles for free so thats very reassuring indeed . Personally i will be using my Lightwave Sigma S20 throughout the winter or the Hilleberg Unna with 10mm poles depending on the conditions etc No point in pushing a 3 season tent to the limit and then being disapointed when it gets destroyed hey
Good mod 👌
😅😅😅 Sorry.. first impressions from the stilll..... I thought it was a battered Rab. ee Nesbit sketch.😅😅😅
My Senchi is like a 21st century Rab C Nesbits string vest 🤣........i havent got a clue how to d the stills 🤪
Love that pot. I think they've got a 1 litre one too.
The 700ml one is out now and its only 10 quid on Ali Express and 20gms heavier but it takes the bigger gas cartridge too Lloyd 👍
Sorry its the 750 not 700
Nice 👍
There is also some Soutures (8) in my little 1st Aid kit that can be used to close deep cuts. Obviously, if you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having a cut that is bleeding heavily, you will need to call out the emergency services IMMEDIATELY but gaining some 1st Aid knowledge and being confident and efficient enough to carry out 1st Aid to yourself and others is a very valauble skill to have especially if you are going out into the mountains alone
unless you know how to use sutures then these are uselsss - and very painful for the person receiving them. Far better to apply pressure to stop the bleeding and then either use medical superglue or Skin closure zips. Far more efficient, easier to use and less risk for the patient. As for sucking chest wounds -- hmmm! Rather go for an Israeli dressing - far more versatile.
@@chrishamilton2527 These are wound closure types (mega sticky) and not the ones that you need to use needles. I have been taught ti use that type when i was in the army, we practiced on pig skin .
@@Olan... thank Olan. That is precisely what I recommended. They go under various descriptions and can be shorted to suit the wound length. They are not sutures though. It’s a surgeon / hiker I help people sort out pragmatic first aid kits. The single most useful item by far is an Israeli dressing. Besides one of those everything else (excluding specific individual items) can fit into a small zip lock.
@@chrishamilton2527 I just googled Isreali Bandage and thats exactly what i have :) I thought it was called a Field Dressing
@ nah, Olan. A field dressing is different. Those have a different type of gauze - a proper IDF has two to treat both an exit wound and a larger gaping wound. In civilian use we might use the second one to wad into a deep wound. The IDF’s also have a pressure bar and a closure stick. This enables the dressing to function, in an emergency, as a tourniquet as well as a dressing. Where you located? I’ld be happy to demonstrate the use of one in various situations including treating deep wound / neck bleeds. These IDF’s are so versatile. As ex-military we know one of the most common horror injuries is an open fracture to the tibia (when the shin bone snaps and protrudes) often due to tripping over tree roots or a foot going down between rocks or into a hole and the momentum of the person, especially with a rucksack on. These types of injuries are rarely covered in First Aid I like to ensure as many of us know how to treat such issues.
Just no need for it.... lazy and disrespectful.
Absolutely Wayne
Good to hear you talk some sense there Olan. Hard work to talk that long about gear but you did really well. 👍
It's dead easy Chris, all you do is just keep saying "Erm" every 3 seconds 🤣
Nice insights 👍🙂
Cheers Stig .Thanks for watching and the comment 👍👍👍
Nice video :-) I've got a Cummulus sleeping bag and love it. What are their jackets like in comparison to some warmer Rab ones like the Mythic?
I have had the Mythic Ultra and the Mythic Alpine and i would say that this jacket in this video is the Mountlite and this is significantly much warmer than the Mythic Alpine and on par with the Mythic Ultra however the Mythic ultra has got more going on in terms of design features but the only thing that matters to me is warmth and fit and this fits ME better. Class wise the Neolite Endurance is Cumulus equivalent to the Mythic Ultra and that is warmer than the Mythic Ultra but the Mythic Ultra has a couple of nice design features around the face. Again its all about trade offs for personal taste really Lloyd and i just think Cumulus wins on the fit and the aesthetics plus i prefer my Red Neolite endurance over the Grey/Orange that i had on the Mythic Ultra. Thanks for commenting 👍
Thank you for your response!
Sounds like a lot of young pups that need training kicking their head in might reach em 😂 my nanna and step dad are from your parts most of the rest of your viewers will probably think WTF lol
Good to hear your thoughts on some gear there Olan.
Cheers Chris...we are all different and look for different aspects in our kit but it's always good to hear someone elses take on things...food for thought Rkid 😉
im so torn with this tent right now, id just pickd up a used soulo to use as my only tent then seeing this come out in use, it looks ok, im not a fan of the carbon poles, but this is 1.2kg lighter lol
My advice would be to Stick with the Soulo for winter Jake. This XDome is excellent but the solid inner is advisable for winter use and its not released until spring 2025 The Soulo is a tried and tested bomb-proof shelter and i have actually had 3 in total over the past 15 years. As i have got older, i need more space because i am no longer as flexible as i used to be . Thanks for commenting ATVB
@@Olan... Yeah I'm struggling with the choice tbh pal, the attraction of dropping 1.2kg 100% the Soulo is overkill for me, but very bomber
@@cuprajake1 Theres ALWAYS a trade off with kit , especially in winter season but i always say Safety first so its worth considering other places to save weight Jake. You could go as simple as a BRS stove and winter cartridge and a Evernew titanium mug with a bic lighter which would suffice for drinks and making dehydrated meals. Plus your pack of choice and your sleeping bag are areas where you can chop a lot of weight and theres extreme lengths that you can go to such as cutting out labels on any clothing and de bagging things , chopping excess cord off your tent pegs, swopping for lighter guylines etc etc My current Winter tents of choice are the Lightwave S20 Sigma 1.7kg and the Hilly Unna with 10mm poles but like I said in this video technology improves quickly and in leaps and bounds so who knows what's around the corner. When the XDome Ultra comes out i might get that but there will always be that niggle in my mind about those carbon poles until i grow in confidence.If i was going out in Extreme winter conditions then i know that these tents wouldnt be ideal and thats where the Soulo would win hands down but then i am back to next to no space to manoeuvre around inside which at my age is a big plus and that might not be the case for a lot of people. Also Hilly inners are notoriously flappy but so are a lot of 2 skin tents and i want to see how i get on in Sub Zero conditions wth my S20 first because its also a lot about how you actually manage a tent and how well you choose a pitch and the way you guy it out and the types of pegs that you use. Anyway i hope you make the right decision that suits you 👍
@@Olan... Cracking reply pal, thank you 😉 did I read in Instagram you put a hole in it?
@@cuprajake1 Thats interesting...i am not on Instagram 🤔
Fulll kit list for sure 👌
@@danny.k.87 i am still out Danny but i will do it tomorrow for sure. Thanks for watching
@ thanks olan 👌 love cumulus got the 350 quit atb
@@danny.k.87 Just posted the kit list Dan.
I willl post a full kit list tomorrow for anyone that is interested or currious to find out how to get such a warm gear load out for 9kg which also includes my GoPro and selfie stick etc
Came across this. Great video 👍🙂
Cheers Stig...i just gave you a sub 👍
@Olan... Thanks . And the same goes to you 🙂👍
@@stigfloberghagenphotography Thank you