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Saaremaa Muuseum
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 30 เม.ย. 2019
Leppenbergi sissemängimine
15. novembril mängis pianist Sten Lassmann Kuressaares Aavikute majamuuseumis sisse klaverimeister Gustav Leppenbergi (1854 - 1919) käe all 1896. aastal Peterburis valminud kabinetklaveri, mis oli kasutusel Kuressaares Eesti Seltsis ja mis pärast pikka hoidlas seismist naases renoveeritult 20. sajandi viljakaima ja mitmekesiseima saarlasest muusikamehe, maestro Joosep Aaviku kodumajja tema 125. juubeli kingina kogu Saaremaa kogukonnale ning nurgakivina loomeresidentuurile, kuhu on oodatud heliloojad, interpreedid ja uurijad, et süveneda erialasesse töösse ning avada oma tööd ja loomingut kohalikule kogukonnale kohtumiste, töötubade ja kammerkontsertide näol.
Videos vilksatavate (0:57) vana klaveri elementidest koosnevate kunstiteoste autor on Rita Rahu, ametilt SA Saaremaa muuseum müügi- ja arendusjuht, erialalt kunstnik.
Videos vilksatavate (0:57) vana klaveri elementidest koosnevate kunstiteoste autor on Rita Rahu, ametilt SA Saaremaa muuseum müügi- ja arendusjuht, erialalt kunstnik.
มุมมอง: 64
Ajalookonverents „1944 - sõja ja rahu vahel“
มุมมอง 4954 หลายเดือนก่อน
2024. aastal möödus 80 aastat 1944. aasta traagilistest sündmustest Eestis, mil leidsid aset viimased verised Teise maailmasõja lahingud ja toimus suurpõgenemine läände, kus just Saaremaa kandis keskset rolli, ning laienes vastupanuliikumine metsavendluse näol. Meenutamaks ja mälestamaks neid kümnete tuhandete eestlaste saatust mõjutanud sündmusi, korraldas Saaremaa muuseum ajalookonverentsi „1...
Seminar Kuressaare linnuse keldrikorruse avamisel
มุมมอง 1084 หลายเดือนก่อน
Kuressaare lossi ümbersünni algus. Kokkuvõte Saaremaa Muuseumi kaasajastamise esimesest etapist aastatel 2022-2023. Euroopa Liidu PKT projekt „Saaremaa Muuseumi kaasajastamine. I etapp - „Sissepääsu ja esimese korruse väljaarendamine.“" Seminar toimus 26. jaanuaril 2024 Kuressaare linnuse kapiitlisaalis. 00:00 tervitussõnad. Saaremaa Muuseum SA juhatuse liige Olari Vainokivi. 00:21 Uurimistööd ...
Seminar "Silmast silma keskaegse saarlasega"
มุมมอง 293ปีที่แล้ว
23. augustil 2023. aastal toimus Kuressaare linnusmuuseumis seminar "Silmast silma keskaegse saarlasega", mis sarnaselt samanimelise näitusega kajastas keskaegse saarlase eluolu. Seminaril esinesid ettekannetega: - Marika Mägi, PhD (SA Osiliana/Tallinna Ülikool) - Piia Sandrak (SA Osiliana / Tallina Ülikool) - Riina Rammo, PhD (Tartu Ülikool) ja Karin Rannaäär (SA Osiliana/ Tartu Ülikool)
Day 1 of international conference "Vikings before Vikings". Original audio (Estonian and English)
มุมมอง 1.2K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Full recording of day 1 (6 May 2022) from the conference "Vikings before Vikings", organized by Saaremaa Museum. A few minutes from the end are missing due to technical issues, our apologies! 0:00 Intro 5:37 Opening by host Ragnar Saage, Saaremaa Museum CEO Rita Valge and mayor Madis Kallas [ET] 16:00 Neil Price - Salme and the Viking Phenomenon Project [EN] 56:56 Jüri Peets - Salme Ship Burial...
Day 2 of international conference "Vikings before Vikings". Original audio (Estonian and English)
มุมมอง 4.9K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Full recording of day 2 (7 May 2022) from the conference "Vikings before Vikings", organized by Saaremaa Museum. 0:00 Intro 1:39 Tim Sutherland - Medieval-Viking Dead [EN] 36:10 Charlotte Hedenstierna-Jonson - With sail over the Baltic Sea [EN] 1:09:15 John Ljungkvist - The process of making boat burials in Valsgärde [EN] 1:42:20 Lunch break 2:02:00 Mauri Kiudsoo - Austrvegr and boat burials fo...
"Vikings Before Vikings" INTRO "Viikingid enne viikingeid"
มุมมอง 1.6K2 ปีที่แล้ว
International conference "Vikings Before Vikings" intro video Rahvusvaheline konverents "Viikingid enne viikingeid" introvideo The conference was supported by Enterprise Estonia from the European Regional Development Fund. Konverentsi rahastas EAS toetusmeetmest Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond.
Jüri Peets: About the swords of Salme
มุมมอง 6042 ปีที่แล้ว
Single and double-bladed swords were also buried with all of the fallen warriors. The majority of these were either intact or were broken single-bladed swords. The dead in the bottom and top layers were only equipped with single-bladed swords, while those in the middle layer had swords of both types, with some individuals having both single and double-bladed weapons. Six of the double-bladed sw...
Raili Allmäe: Sharp force injuries in Salme second ship-grave
มุมมอง 8842 ปีที่แล้ว
The ship-graves at Salme, Saaremaa island, are unique archaeological finds ─ multiple human remains buried in marine vessels. The isotopic analyses of the individuals buried in Salme ships and accompanying archaeological evidence refer to Lake Mälare and Central Sweden as their provenience; analyses of aDNA reaffirms the Swedish origin of the men. Multiple inhumation burials in ships and boats ...
Mauri Kiudsoo: Some information about Austrvegr and boat burials found in Estonia
มุมมอง 5592 ปีที่แล้ว
The first part of the presentation provides a brief overview of the main waterways and trade routes influenced Estonian areas during the Viking Age, based on a map which shows the spread of heritage sites, in addition to the archaeological artefact types. The second part of the presentation primarily focusses on the ancient boat burials which have been unearthed on the northern coast of Estonia...
Marika Mägi: The world around Salme: Saaremaa in the 7th-9th century
มุมมอง 3992 ปีที่แล้ว
In Estonian islands and coastal areas, the period 650-950 AD has traditionally been complicated to interpret: although the find material right before and right after these years is abundant, the particular period seemed strangely empty of finds. A closer look to this phenomenon reveals that the “emptiness” is predominantly caused by the lack of a certain type of archaeological sites - graves. C...
Lina Maldre: Dogs in Salme II ship
มุมมอง 3442 ปีที่แล้ว
No dog bones were found in the Salme I ship site, but the bones of at least six different dogs were found amongst the materials for the Salme II ship. Of these bones, the skeleton of the first dog and the back leg bones of the third dog - from the tibias to the metatarsus bones - were found in the initial burial site, and the mandible and fragments of the maxilla of the second dog had probably ...
Marge Konsa / Alar Rosentau: Studies on the boat burial of Salme I and its paleoenvironment
มุมมอง 6952 ปีที่แล้ว
The aim of the three-year (2018-2021) project was to analyse the results from excavations of boat burial of Salme I and to reconstruct the paleoenvironment at that time. The study was part of a larger “Viking Phenomenon” project financed by the Swedish Research Council. The palaeogeographic reconstruction of Salme area is based on sedimentological evidence, OSL samples, and diatom data collecte...
Jüri Peets: Salme Ship Burials - archaeology outdoor and indoor
มุมมอง 1.8K2 ปีที่แล้ว
The first Salme ship burial (Salme I) was found accidentally in 2008 during the course of excavations which were being undertaken as part of the construction of a cycle and pedestrian path. The second ship burial (Salme II) was found in 2010 and was studied between 2010-2012. There were at least seven men buried in the first ship, and thirty-four in the second ship. The fallen warriors were acc...
Charlotte Hedenstierna-Jonson: With sail over the Baltic Sea / Purjetades üle Läänemere
มุมมอง 1.2K2 ปีที่แล้ว
EN: On the potential connection between the introduction of sails and the Viking Phenomenon The iconic image of the Viking Age is arguably the sailing boat, as e.g. seen on the Gotlandic picture stones. Though the exact starting point for the use of sails in Scandinavia and the Baltic is not yet known, the first archaeological evidence is provided by one of the Salme boats. The Salme boat marks...
John Ljungkvist: The process of making boat burials in Valsgärde Paadimatuste läbiviimine Valsgärdes
มุมมอง 8872 ปีที่แล้ว
John Ljungkvist: The process of making boat burials in Valsgärde Paadimatuste läbiviimine Valsgärdes
Ashot Margaryan: Population Genomics of the Viking World / Viikingite maailma rahvastiku genoomika
มุมมอง 1K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Ashot Margaryan: Population Genomics of the Viking World / Viikingite maailma rahvastiku genoomika
Neil Price: Salme and the Viking Phenomenon / Salme ja viikingite fenomen
มุมมอง 5K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Neil Price: Salme and the Viking Phenomenon / Salme ja viikingite fenomen
Tim Sutherland: ‘Medieval-Viking Dead’ / „Keskaja viikingite surnud“
มุมมอง 1.4K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Tim Sutherland: ‘Medieval-Viking Dead’ / „Keskaja viikingite surnud“
Jüri Peets: Salme matuselaevad - arheoloogia väljas ja sees
มุมมอง 3452 ปีที่แล้ว
Jüri Peets: Salme matuselaevad - arheoloogia väljas ja sees
Marika Mägi: Salmet ümbritsev maailm: Saaremaa 7.-9. sajandil
มุมมอง 6682 ปีที่แล้ว
Marika Mägi: Salmet ümbritsev maailm: Saaremaa 7.-9. sajandil
Marge Konsa ja Alar Rosentau: Salme I laevmatuse ja selle paleokeskkonna uuringud
มุมมอง 2322 ปีที่แล้ว
Marge Konsa ja Alar Rosentau: Salme I laevmatuse ja selle paleokeskkonna uuringud
Mauri Kiudsoo: Idateest ja Eestist leitud paatmatustest
มุมมอง 4002 ปีที่แล้ว
Mauri Kiudsoo: Idateest ja Eestist leitud paatmatustest
Raili Allmäe: Teravate esemete põhjustatud traumad Salme teises laevamatuses
มุมมอง 1032 ปีที่แล้ว
Raili Allmäe: Teravate esemete põhjustatud traumad Salme teises laevamatuses
Turundaja - Eesti muuseumide aastaauhindade gala 2020 vaheklipp
มุมมอง 473 ปีที่แล้ว
Turundaja - Eesti muuseumide aastaauhindade gala 2020 vaheklipp
Teadustrükis - Eesti muuseumide aastaauhindade gala 2020 vaheklipp
มุมมอง 623 ปีที่แล้ว
Teadustrükis - Eesti muuseumide aastaauhindade gala 2020 vaheklipp
Teadusüritus - Eesti muuseumide aastaauhindade gala 2020 vaheklipp
มุมมอง 623 ปีที่แล้ว
Teadusüritus - Eesti muuseumide aastaauhindade gala 2020 vaheklipp
My people. ...one of the members on Salme ship II VK 550 was one of my ancestors. 🥹
Do the findings offer insight into the genome differences between the first boat and the second boat found at the Salme site?
Meanwhile in 2024 Scandinavian countries, mostly christians are kissing the feet of the blacks/sand-blacks and letting them into their countries like nobody's ever seen before. No physical war was needed, just let them in in droves cause why? Dont be racist and anti-semitic while questioning it? Yeah, nothing to do with the "god's chosen people" and the destruction of Edom. I wonder why all these wars were even fought for, when talking about defending one's peoples, beliefs and traditions.
Thank you Mr. Sutherland for all your works - best regards from Paris.
Absolutely brilliant - thank you for the playlist and the full days videos.
It’s seriously sad that out of this entire presentation, the comments here choose to “battle it out” in typical social media style, about a few seconds of a lengthy and really informative presentation. That being said, I do understand how the words; diversity, identities and ethnicities can trigger suspicion of motive or agenda. These words have been weaponized by the far left in our current culture and used as bludgeoning tools against anyone who opposes their views. So just as the far right has appropriated our ancient symbols and used them for evil, the far left has done the same with some of our language and the result is just as evil. We must reject these appropriations, refuse to give them power over our thoughts and emotions so that deep and research based dialogue and lectures like these do not lose their purpose and that intellectual discourse on whatever the subject may be can thrive undeterred by propaganda and geopolitical pop culture. I am soooooo excited to see Dr. Neil Price speak on the Vendel era and/or pre-Viking Age. I was hanging on every word and slide with joy.
I really want more information, I fiundout I share dna with 2 of the Vinings on that ship and I've been hooked. Since I live in America it is very hard to find info on them:(
23andme says I also share DNA with two in the second boat.
I am related to VK550. Which VK is your ancestor?
I have 23 and me and they notified me that one individual VK549 on board on of the 2 ships is a distantly related relative. Fascinating!
I'm related to Vk554 and Vk550 I have been in a deep hole searching and searching for as much information as possible. If anyone ever can guide me to more information that'd be amazing
23andme says I share DNA with VK549 also
Thank you! Very interesting. Been DNA matched with most of the remains at Salme via MyTrueHeritage. Look forward to learn more.
Has anyone used sonar or metal detectors along the shores to look for other possible finds?
Aitah! This playlist is wonderful follow-up since a recent visit to Saaremaa and Muhu.
Thankyou very much for making this speech translated so we in Sweden can understand. regards from Gotland and Lotte
thank you very much för the translation . regards from Gotland and Lotte
Teema on huvitav - loomulikult. Kahjuks peale tõlge on ärritav. Pigem eelistaks subtiitreid.
I share a Y-chromosome with Viking D!
Vikings were black & gay Happy Pride you queers
It's too bad there are no subtitles for the Estonian speakers, their presentations seem very interesting judging by the images they are showing
@thunderwh - here is a playlist of all presentations with simultaneous translation (from estonian to english) th-cam.com/play/PLiIZuXoghjR7jcAZk6ltNrMlN8glNRHb0.html
The one guys swallowing is just unbearable.
Very informative... I hope it's okay that I shared this and two other speaker's lectures on twitter? Thank you 🙏
My father’s dna connected to 2 of the bodies
Is it possible ( and or ) is their evidence of a hereditary practice of passing on the sails due to their high value, to son, clan, or family?
Will an English transcript be available at some point?
@kvltrve - You can find a playlist of all the videos with simultaneous translations from the event here th-cam.com/video/e_PeKpR29VQ/w-d-xo.html
With respect to Dr. Hedenstierna-Jonson's comment concerning sails; it is unnecessary to duck wool, as the fibers swell when wet. This means a thin wool sail will catch more wind while allowing excess water to blow out. This is why wool sails work better than a heavy linen twill. You have no need to continually re-apply tar regularly to better catch the wind.
Queer Vikings than?
No, they would have been killed.
@@JohnDoe-nh7vx Where's your proof that this would have happened? You provide no cites to support this statement.
@martinpospisil3747 It's likely. No one knows whether such relationships were openly accepted in Viking culture.
the gender roles where very fixed and men waring women clothes would be shamed or punished. That said, power aloud chieftains and their close family to do what they wanted....
@@JohnDoe-nh7vxnot! They would have been wizards 😅- and Loke was both male and female. Stop using my inheritance to push white supremacy 😡
More state sanctioned anti-White propaganda used to justify the forced dispossession of Europeans. Really evil stuff.
Stop attacking and trying to discredit European history. We were not multi racial
@JohnDoe-nh7vx Please be specific as to who is "attacking and trying to discredit European history." As for Europe not being multi-ethnic, sorry to disappoint, but the genetic proof exists to the contrary.
@@Norther56 Communists are attacking European history. There were no black or brown vikings.
by "multi ethnic" they mean Scandinavians mixed with people from Finland incl. Sami people, people from the Baltics, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, the British islands, France ect. dna studies from Viking burials showed 97% had Scandinavian dna and some where a mix of the people mentioned or others
@@veronicajensen7690 Science! Ty for the back-up. Still way too many ppl forget that "going a-viking" started out as a "lifestyle choice" (lol). Not All Scandinavians were Vikings, and not all Vikings were 100% Scandinavian. One can certainly say "predominantly" for the latter.
Vikings were European only, they were not multi Ethnic and stop attacking our heritage. We have a right to be proud.
Science proves otherwise
You can't handle the truth.
@@Fairyviewroad its not true, so..
@@Fairyviewroad Nothing true about it, our DNA is not the same is people of other races.
@@oswaldmosley6179 Lol
Люблю Saaremaa!!!
Väga põnev ajalooalane loeng.