Senay Zemen (ሰናይ ዘመን)
Senay Zemen (ሰናይ ዘመን)
  • 25
  • 52 006
Senay Zemen| ጸሓፍትን መጽሓፍትን || ዕላል ምስ ተጋ/ ሰመረ ሰለሙን ካልኣይ ክፋል
#bluerevolution #eritreanews #tigrai_tv
#bluerevolution #eritreanews #tigrai_tv
#bluerevolution #habeshatiktokvideos #eritreanews
#bluerevolution #habeshatiktokvideos #eritreanews
#bluerevolution #tigrai_tv #tigraynews
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‪@mestyatbetna ‪@MahderPro ‪@MAHDER-net ‪@MahdernaEntertainment ‪@ERIPMEritreanPublicMedia ‪@brightfutureoferi9584 ‪@ERISAT ‪@WELTVideoTV
‪@DejenKesete ‪@AdmasMusic ‪@Admasforum ‪@fnanappinfotech ‪@MerihMedia ‪@Brakhe_Show ‪@TheSFamily3
มุมมอง: 455


Senay Zemen| ጸሓፍትን መጽሓፍትን || ዕላል ምስ ተጋ/ ሰመረ ሰለሙን ቀዳማይ ክፋል
มุมมอง 4.3K2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
#bluerevolution #eritreanews #tigrai_tv #bluerevolution #habeshatiktokvideos #eritreanews #bluerevolution#habeshatiktokvideos#eritreanews #bluerevolution#tigrai_tv#tigraynews #bluerevolution#eritreanmovie#habeshatiktok#bluerevolution ​ #bluerevolution#merho#eritreanews #eritreanews#eritreanmusic ​ #eritreancomedy#eritreanfilm #eritreanfilm #eritreanmovie #tigrai_tv #bluerevolution #eritreanmovi...
Senay Zemen| ዕላል ምስ ተስፎም መሓሪ ኣብ ህሉው ኲነታት ደንበ-ተቋዉሞ
มุมมอง 6K7 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
#bluerevolution #eritreanews #tigrai_tv #bluerevolution #habeshatiktokvideos #eritreanews #bluerevolution #habeshatiktokvideos #eritreanews #bluerevolution #tigrai_tv #tigraynews #bluerevolution #eritreanmovie #habeshatiktokvideos #bluerevolution ​ #bluerevolution #merho #eritreanews #eritreanews #eritreanmusic ​ #eritreancomedy #eritreanfilm #eritreanfilm #eritreanmovie #tigrai_tv #bluerevolut...
Senay Zemen| ዕላል ህሉው ኲነታት ቃልስና ምስ ተመስገን ፍስሃየ
มุมมอง 82212 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
#bluerevolution #tigrai_tv #eritreanews #bluerevolution #habeshatiktokvideos #eritreanews #bluerevolution #habeshatiktokvideos #eritreanews #bluerevolution #tigrai_tv #tigraynews #bluerevolution #eritreanmovie #habeshatiktokvideos #bluerevolution ​ #bluerevolution #merho#eritreanews #eritreanews #eritreanmusic ​ #eritreancomedy #eritreanfilm #eritreanfilm #eritreanmovie #tigrai_tv #bluerevoluti...
Senay Zemen| ቃለ-ምሕተት ምስ ሚኪኤል ገብርሂወት ኣብ ህሉው ኲነታት ብሩህ መጻኢ
มุมมอง 12K14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
#bluerevolution#habeshatiktokvideos#eritreanews #bluerevolution#habeshatiktokvideos#eritreanews #bluerevolution#tigrai_tv#tigraynews #bluerevolution#eritreanmovie#habeshatiktok#bluerevolution ​ #bluerevolution#merho#eritreanews #eritreanews#eritreanmusic ​ #eritreancomedy#eritreanfilm #eritreanfilm #eritreanmovie #tigrai_tv #bluerevolution #eritreanmovie #asmarandana#artist #eritreanfilm #eritr...
Senay Zemen| ካብ ዕላል ምስ ናፖልዮን ገረዝጊሄር ዝተወስደትን ዝተቃናበረትን ቪድዮ
มุมมอง 85014 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
#bluerevolution#habeshatiktokvideos#eritreanews #bluerevolution#habeshatiktokvideos#eritreanews #bluerevolution#tigrai_tv #tigraynews#bluerevolution#eritreanmovie #habeshatiktok#bluerevolution #bluerevolution#merho#eritreanews #eritreanews#eritreanmusic#eritreancomedy #eritreanfilm #eritreanfilm #eritreanmovie#tigrai_tv#bluerevolution #eritreanmovie #asmarandana #artist #eritreanfilm #eritreanp...
Senay Zemen| ዕላል ምስ ናፖልዮን ገረዝጊሄር፡ ህሉው ኲነታት ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ
มุมมอง 2.8K21 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
#bluerevolution #habeshatiktokvideos #eritreanews #bluerevolution #tigrai_tv #tigraynews #bluerevolution #eritreanmovie #habeshatiktok #bluerevolution ​ #bluerevolution #merho #eritreanews #eritreanews #eritreanmusic ​ #eritreancomedy #eritreanfilm #eritreanfilm #eritreanmovie #tigrai_tv #bluerevolution #eritreanmovie #asmarandana#artist #eritreanfilm #eritreanphotography #eritreanbeauty #habes...
Senay Zemen| ዕላል ምስ ብርሃነ ደበሳይ፡ ቃልስና እንታይ ጎዲልዎ፧
มุมมอง 25614 วันที่ผ่านมา
#bluerevolution #bluerevolution #eritreanmovie #habeshatiktok #bluerevolution #tigraynews #bluerevolution #bluerevolution #tigrai_tv #tigraynews #bluerevolution #merho#eritreanews #eritreanews #eritreanmusic ​ #eritreancomedy #eritreanfilm #eritreanfilm#eritreanmovie #tigrai_tv #bluerevolution #eritreanmovie#asmarandana #artist#eritreanfilm #eritreanphotography #eritreanbeauty#habeshatiktokvide...
Senay Zemen| ቃልስና እንታይ ጎዲልዎ፧ ዕላል ምስ ምኪኤል ሰለሙን
มุมมอง 2.8K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
#bluerevolution#tigrai_tv#tigraynews #bluerevolution#eritreanmovie#habeshatiktok#bluerevolution ​ #bluerevolution#merho#eritreanews#eritreanews#eritreanmusic ​ #eritreancomedy#eritreanfilm#eritreanfilm#eritreanmovie#tigrai_tv #bluerevolution#eritreanmovie#asmarandana#artist#eritreanfilm #eritreanphotography#eritreanbeauty#habeshatiktokvideos#haneshabeauty #africa#entertainment#drama @mestyatbet...
Senay Zemen| ናይ ትዊተር () ጎስጓስን ምንቅቓሕን ከመይ ኣሎ፧
มุมมอง 60921 วันที่ผ่านมา
#bluerevolution #tigrai_tv #tigraynews #bluerevolution #eritreanmovie #habeshatiktok #bluerevolution ​ #bluerevolution #merho #eritreanews #eritreanews #eritreanmusic ​ #eritreancomedy #eritreanfilm #eritreanfilm #eritreanmovie #tigrai_tv #bluerevolution #eritreanmovie #asmarandana #artist #eritreanfilm #eritreanphotography#eritreanbeauty #habesha #haneshabeauty#africa #entertainment #drama ‪@m...
Senay Zemen| ምድላዋት ሳልሳይ ጉባኤ ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ጀርመን
มุมมอง 98821 วันที่ผ่านมา
#bluerevolution #tigrai_tv #tigraynews #bluerevolution #eritreanmovie #habeshatiktok #bluerevolution ​ #bluerevolution #merho #eritreanews #eritreanews #eritreanmusic ​ #eritreancomedy #eritreanfilm #eritreanfilm #eritreanmovie #tigrai_tv #tigraynews #bluerevolution #tigrai_tv #tigraynews #eritreanmovie #tigraynews #tigrai_tv #tigray_media_house #tigray_media_house #tigray_tiktok_video_dance #t...
Senay Zemen| ቃለ-ምሕትት ምስ ገብሪሂወት ያቆብ ኣብ ምቋም ማሕበረ-ኮም ዴኒማርክ
มุมมอง 2.6Kหลายเดือนก่อน
#bluerevolution #eritreanmovie #habeshatiktok #bluerevolution ​ #bluerevolution #merho #eritreanews #eritreanews #eritreanmusic ​ #eritreancomedy #eritreanfilm ​ #eritreanfilm #eritreanmovie #tigrai_tv #tigraynews #bluerevolution #tigrai_tv #tigraynews #eritreanmovie ​ #tigraynews ​ #tigrai_tv #tigray_media_house #tigray_media_house ​ #tigray_tiktok_video_dance ​ #tigraynews ​ #asmara ‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪...
Senay Zemen| ቃለ-ምሕትት ምስ ፍረዝጊ ተስፋማርያም
มุมมอง 652หลายเดือนก่อน
#bluerevolution #tigrai_tv #tigraynews #eritreanmovie #eritreanmovie​ #habeshatiktok #bluerevolution ​ #bluerevolution #merho #eritreanews #eritreanews #eritreanmusic ​ #eritreancomedy #eritreanfilm​ #eritreanfilm #eritreanmovie #tigraynews ​ #tigrai_tv #tigray_media_house #tigray_media_house ​ #tigray_tiktok_video_dance​ #tigraynews​ #asmara ​ ‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪@MahderPro ‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪@MAHDER-net ‪‪‪‪‪‪‪...
Senay Zemen| ቃለ-ምሕትት ምስ መሰረት ሓድጉ ኣፈኛ ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ጀርመን
มุมมอง 5Kหลายเดือนก่อน
#eritreanmovie ​ #eritreanmovie ​ #habesha ​ #bluerevolution ​ #bluerevolution ​ #merho ​ #eritreanews ​ #eritreanews ​ #eritreanmusic ​ #eritreancomedy ​ #eritreanfilm ​ #eritreanfilm ​ #eritreanmovie ​ #tigraynews ​ #tigrai_tv ​ #tigray_media_house ​ #tigray_media_house ​ #tigray_tiktok_video_dance ​ #tigraynews ​ #asmara ​ ‪‪ ‬ ‪‪‪‪‪‪@ERIPMEritreanPublicMedia ‪‪@MahderPro ‪‪‪‪@neshnesh_show ...
Senay Zemen| ቃለ-ምሕትት ምስ ኣ/መ ብ/ን/ዓባይ ብርጣንያ ኣቶ ሮቤል ኣስመላሽ
มุมมอง 2Kหลายเดือนก่อน
#eritreanmovie ​ #eritreanmovie ​ #habesha ​ #bluerevolution ​ #tigray ​ #merho​ #eritreanews ​ #ethiopia ​ #eritreanmusic ​ #eritreancomedy ​ #eritreanfilm ​ #eritreanfilm ​ #eritreanmovie ​ #tigraynews ​ #tigrai_tv ​ #tigray_media_house ​ #tigray_media_house ​ #tigray_tiktok_video_dance ​ #tigraynews ​ #asmara ​ ‪@neshnesh_show ‬ ‪@ERISAT ‪ ‪@yikealotv ‪@MahderPro @aanmedianetwork @FaNusNetWo...
Senay Zemen| ሰፊሕ ቃለ-ምሕትት ምስ ዮናስ ኣሸብር ኣብ ህሉው ኲነታት ትግራይ
มุมมอง 2K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
Senay Zemen| ሰፊሕ ቃለ-ምሕትት ምስ ዮናስ ኣሸብር ኣብ ህሉው ኲነታት ትግራይ
Senay Zemen| ዶ/ር ደብረጼን፡ ፕረዚደንት ጌታቸው ምስ ሻዕብያ ምርኻቡ ተኣሚኑ
มุมมอง 3302 หลายเดือนก่อน
Senay Zemen| ዶ/ር ደብረጼን፡ ፕረዚደንት ጌታቸው ምስ ሻዕብያ ምርኻቡ ተኣሚኑ
Senay Zemen| ቃለ ምሕትት ምስ ሚኪኤለ ተስፋጋብር ኣብ ባህላዊ ምርኢት ኣብ ነርወይ
มุมมอง 7162 หลายเดือนก่อน
Senay Zemen| ቃለ ምሕትት ምስ ሚኪኤለ ተስፋጋብር ኣብ ባህላዊ ምርኢት ኣብ ነርወይ
Senay Zemen| ቃለ ምሕትት ምስ ዳኒኤል ተክለብርሃን - ብዛዕባ ዓቢ ስፖርታዊ ግጥም ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ጀርመን
มุมมอง 9044 หลายเดือนก่อน
Senay Zemen| ቃለ ምሕትት ምስ ዳኒኤል ተክለብርሃን - ብዛዕባ ዓቢ ስፖርታዊ ግጥም ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ጀርመን
Senay Zemen| ቃለ ምሕትት ምስ ዳኒኤል ተክላይ ብዛዕባ ዓቢ ህዝባዊ ሰሚናር ፍራንክፈርት ዕለት 03-ነሓሰ-2024
มุมมอง 2.3K4 หลายเดือนก่อน
Senay Zemen| ቃለ ምሕትት ምስ ዳኒኤል ተክላይ ብዛዕባ ዓቢ ህዝባዊ ሰሚናር ፍራንክፈርት ዕለት 03-ነሓሰ-2024
ሰምያዊ ሰልፊ ስዊዝ ከመይ ነበረ፧ ሓጺር ቃለ ምሕትት ምስ ሚልዮን ሓድሽ
มุมมอง 2.1K4 หลายเดือนก่อน
ሰምያዊ ሰልፊ ስዊዝ ከመይ ነበረ፧ ሓጺር ቃለ ምሕትት ምስ ሚልዮን ሓድሽ
ሰምያዊ ሰልፊ ሓጺር ቃለ ምልልስ ምስ ሚልዮን ሓድሽ
มุมมอง 9375 หลายเดือนก่อน
ሰምያዊ ሰልፊ ሓጺር ቃለ ምልልስ ምስ ሚልዮን ሓድሽ
ሽግር ኤርትራን ትግራይን ብ "ወፍሪ-ሰላም" ይፍታሕ ድዩ፧!
มุมมอง 1.4K7 หลายเดือนก่อน
ሽግር ኤርትራን ትግራይን ብ "ወፍሪ-ሰላም" ይፍታሕ ድዩ፧!
ብስነ-ሓሳብ ካብ ኢሰያስን ህግደፍን ዝተፈለና ዲና፧
มุมมอง 1.3Kปีที่แล้ว
ብስነ-ሓሳብ ካብ ኢሰያስን ህግደፍን ዝተፈለና ዲና፧


  • @mussieabraha2014
    @mussieabraha2014 50 นาทีที่ผ่านมา

    ክቡር ኣያና፡ ትስፍውነትን ክውንነትን ብሓንሳብ ኣይከይድን እዩ። ትስፍው ምኻን ጽቡቕ እዩ። እንተኾነ ግን ህግደፍ ነዊሕ ናይ ዕንወት መንገዲ ስለዝተጋዕዘ፡ መጻኢት ኤርትራ ከቢድ ፈተና ኣለዋ። ኤርትራ ኣዝያ ድሕሪት ተሪፋ እያ። ውሽጣዊ ማሕረሰባዊ ምትእስሳር ተበታቲኹ እዩ። ብዙሕ ውሽጣው ምቅትታል ምቅይያም ተፈጺሙ እዩ። እዚ ኩሉ ብትስፍውነትን ጽቡቕ ድልየትን ዝዕጾ ኣይኮነን። ብሓፈሽኡ መጻኢት ኤርትራ ካብዚ ሕጂ ዘሎ ክውንነት ዝኽፍአ ፈተና ይጽበያ ኣሎ። እዛን 33 ዓመታት ኣብ ሓደ ቦታጋምማን ትብል ዘላን፡ ብተምሳሌት ሓደ ውልቀሰብን ሓደ ጉጅለን ዝተቐርጸት ሃገር፡ ትስፉው መጻኢ ኣለዋ ኢልካ ምትንታን፡ ሽግር ኣይፈትሕን እዩ። ብዝትረፈ ንምሁራዊ ትንታኔኻን ርጉእን ብሱልን ኣተሓሳስባኻ ካብ ልቢ የመስግነካ።

  • @tedrosmedhane2874
    @tedrosmedhane2874 5 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    ከመይ ዝበሉ ህዱእን ለባምን ኣቦ እዮም ወደይ። ኣቦናን ኣያናን ንናጽነት ተቃሊስኩም ሕጂ ከኣ ንሓርነት ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣብ ዝግበር ቃልሲ፡ ንዓና ንደቅኩም ዓቢ ህያብ ኢኩም። ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብኩም ክቡር ኣቦ።

  • @Ae91scd
    @Ae91scd 7 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Good job : Senay.

  • @woldeamlake.7019
    @woldeamlake.7019 10 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    ክፍኣት ፍሊጶስ ካብ ናይ ኢሰያስ ሕልፊፍ ትብል ኢያ።

  • @solomonliza
    @solomonliza 10 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    ብራቮ በርትዕ ሰናይ 👍

  • @tesfom161
    @tesfom161 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Don't need to mention that because that's not good for them in Eritrea

  • @ቀንዴልሓርነት
    @ቀንዴልሓርነት 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    ከመይ ኢኻ ጌርካዮ ዘለካ እዚ ቪድዮ እቲ ናይ ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ኣርማ ጥራሕ እኩል ኢዩ

  • @Ericommand525Gadien
    @Ericommand525Gadien 14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    እዋይ መን ኣንታ ፍሊጶስ ሰበይታይ። ጸውዕ እንተበልኩዎስ በዓል በለስ። መንገዲ ኣየር ኤርትራ ናብ ናይጄርያ ኮኖ ትብሃል ከተማ ወርቂ ተመላልስ ኔራ። ጓሉ ሱቕ ኢላ ኣይኮነትን ናይጄርያዊ ሒዛ።

    @TESFAYBIRHANE-nc9mw 14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Nska tmhrti gerka nsahl weridka nana kea temahru tblana kemY de kkewn eu OTI kalsi

    @TESFAYBIRHANE-nc9mw 14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Amo kalsi kterfu eka tdelywo zelka

    @TESFAYBIRHANE-nc9mw 14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Goh tetahezu du zbleka zelo zgerm eu

    @TESFAYBIRHANE-nc9mw 14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Mwradu nmeda EU senay kemta kiros bxotun zweradwa mwradu ei

    @TESFAYBIRHANE-nc9mw 15 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Kabzom tegadelti znebrna tetankeku atum menasey tauy tegadalay yelon kab hlifom temaheru ahwatom beliom eyom mexiom

    @TESFAYBIRHANE-nc9mw 15 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Ezi lebawaeu Gn bwegana antay sgumti kwsed alwo tbl

    @TESFAYBIRHANE-nc9mw 15 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    OTI srat nay hemasen eu men kalwelka txbe abzas hetah elatka ei

    @TESFAYBIRHANE-nc9mw 15 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Xelim tarik eu tarik hzbawi tenbar

    @TESFAYBIRHANE-nc9mw 15 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Veri good melsi Gn AB gbri seb zzero eu zaxd hzbi eritra kea krdad zerade krdad yaxd

    @TESFAYBIRHANE-nc9mw 15 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Ankefti znebru nhnawun nfeltom ena esun abdela adrisn eyom yfeltu eyom

    @TESFAYBIRHANE-nc9mw 15 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Antay xegem nerwo bzeta kftah zey tdlye

    @TESFAYBIRHANE-nc9mw 15 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Amo men eu helafnat zhikem blo

    @TESFAYBIRHANE-nc9mw 15 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Atum ahwat ahasi muwut ynafk nay hgi zey tgbru nsrat hemasen zey talu

    @TESFAYBIRHANE-nc9mw 15 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Selam ato sempre Anka bselam mexaka

  • @johkudic
    @johkudic 17 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    ፊሊፖስ ከሚዚ ከማኻ ዓጋመ ዘልዓል ስብ ኣይኮነን ፈሊጥናኩም ኢና ሎሚ ዳ

  • @habtomyemane9079
    @habtomyemane9079 18 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Good job mezenay

  • @yohannesdesta6954
    @yohannesdesta6954 19 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Yes good job 👏🏿 conversation with you 👊🏿⚖️✔️

  • @zemikieltesfazion4908
    @zemikieltesfazion4908 20 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Senay haki emenelu misluynet tizareb aleka kitfito elka.

  • @JohannesTes
    @JohannesTes 21 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    I do not want to see Hakli dumu Ab Brkuh Metsae!

  • @eriblood803
    @eriblood803 21 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Semere jelfaf cenawi ghembi tewelige....ghena kitsilel ika...wedi mebelel

  • @alayeesami
    @alayeesami 22 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    ነዚ መንእሰይ ሰላሙ ዘይትህብዎ። ሙሁራት መሲልኩም ኣይተጋግይዎ። ናትኻ ዕድመ ኣብ ስደት ኣባላሽኻ ነዚ መንእሰይ ዘየለ ሓሳብት ኣይትሃቦ። ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ናይ ምሕደራ ሽግር እምበር ናይ መሪሕነት ሽግር የብልናንን ግን ከምዚ ሓልዮት ሕዝብን ሃገርን ዘይብልኩም ሙሁራት ነዚ መንእሰይ ኣብ ሃገራዊ ጉዳይ ንከይዛረቡ በዚ ቂምታዊ ፖለቲኻ ምርጫኩም ተጋግይዎም ኣለኩም። ተመስገን ኣምላክ እዛ ሃገር ብኣኻትኩም ድኩማት ሕልና ዘይተመርሐት።

  • @iyobghebrekristos9762
    @iyobghebrekristos9762 วันที่ผ่านมา

    ሕቶ "ኣብ መንጎ ተሓኤን ሕሓኤን ናይ ስነሓሳብ ፍልልይ ኣይነበረን" ብመሰረቱ ስነሓሳብ ወይ ፍልስፍና ብኹረት ኔሩ ተዘይኮነ ክልቲኤን ብ"ስነሓሳብ" ዝዝወር ፖለቲካ ኔርወን ድዩ?

  • @tesfamicaelabraha7630
    @tesfamicaelabraha7630 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Mr Semere bhaqi rukus shabia eka 💔

  • @sewitghabremichael3132
    @sewitghabremichael3132 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Bright future leaders are the engine of the organisation. Broken engine is dangerous for a car, and a car made of full of damaged parts is better to throw away. And an organization made by or started with and continues with unhealthy ideas always fails, All those in the organization should be saved.

    @THEVOICEOFTHEVOICE-pk2px วันที่ผ่านมา

    The Eritrean people are seeking comprehensive political change, emphasizing the importance of "change from within" driven by Eritreans themselves ¹. This aspiration is rooted in the desire for: - *Democratic Governance*: Transfer of power to the people, exercised through elected representatives ². - *Language Equality*: Recognition of all Eritrean languages as national and equal, including Arabic and Tigrinya as official languages ². - *Cultural Preservation*: Protection and development of each community's language and cultural heritage ². - *End to Authoritarian Rule*: Replacement of the existing authoritarian regime with a more inclusive and accountable government ³. - *Economic Empowerment*: Promotion of economic growth, social justice, and human rights ¹ ⁴. Key drivers of this change include: - *National Unity*: Uniting Eritrean opposition parties and civic organizations to achieve democratic change ⁴. - *Homegrown Solutions*: Eritreans taking ownership of their political future, guided by domestic initiatives ¹. - *International Cooperation*: Engagement with international partners to support Eritrea's transition to democracy. These changes aim to establish a more just, equitable, and democratic Eritrea, prioritizing the wellbeing and dignity of its peopl.

  • @Ae91scd
    @Ae91scd วันที่ผ่านมา

    Good job Senai.

  • @teamemedhanie3669
    @teamemedhanie3669 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Tesfom dma nab Hatefte Adhibulu ymesl alo

  • @teamemedhanie3669
    @teamemedhanie3669 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Nsu eu mham Awraga zelewo entay malet eu Awragawnet Ezi Nhayalatn Nbelahtin kuburat Sebat Nmhram wey kea Nmdkam ztqemulu eu Eziaom kea Azmarinotat Nay 60tat nay 90tat nay 2020 kea ytqemulu alewu Awragawnet Megltsiau entay eu

  • @Ae91scd
    @Ae91scd วันที่ผ่านมา

    ሓው ሰመረ : አብ ዝተፈላለየ መራኸቢታት እንዳመጻኻ ነቲ ሐብታምን ሳይንሳዊ ተሞክሮኻ ን ተካፍለና ትህበና ዘለኻ ትምህርትን አዚና ነመስግነካ::

  • @tadesse-bw6ib
    @tadesse-bw6ib วันที่ผ่านมา

    እቲ ዝሃብካዮ. ርእይቶን. ለበዋን. ብሓፈሻ. ጽቡቕ እዩ ኣብታ ንጀፍሊፖስ ዕልዋ መንግስቲ. ክገብርሲ ኣተንቢሄሉ ነይረ ዝበልካያ. ኣብዚ. ማስምድያ. ምዝራብካ. ግን ፈታዊ. ፍላፖስ. መሲልካ. ከተጥፍኦን ዝታለኻ. ፈጸላኢ. ፍሊፖስ ደኣእምበር. መኻሪኡን. ፈታዊኡንሲ. ኣይኮንካን ብሓፈሻ. ደምበ. ታቓውሞ. ኢና በሃልቲ. ( ብፍላይ. ድማ ብርጌድ ንሓመዱስ ) ኣብዚ ሰለስተ. ዓመታት ባህርይኡን. ዕላምኡን. ተዓዚብናዮን ሪኢናዮን ኣሎና እዚ ብርጌድ. ንሓመዱ ዝብሃልስ ንህዝቢ. ኤርትራ. ዝጠቅም ለውጢ ከምጽእ. ዝኽእል ኣእምሮን. ዓቕምን የብሉን እታ ንሱ ዝውንና ንህዝቢ ብዓልትን ኣውራጃን ክበታትንን ከናኽስ. እምበር ከከዐሪ ኣይረኣናዮን ንሻዕብያ ክቃወም ዘይኮነስ ብቲ ዘነቡዕ ኣረኣእይኡን. ኣካይድኡን ንሻዕበያ እዩ ዝጠቅም. ዘሎ ብርጌድ. ንሓመዱ. ማለት. ኤርትራዊ ( ቦኮ ሓራም ) እዩ ብዘይካ ምንኻስ ምርድዳእ ዘይብዓል. ለይታ ከይተፈለጦ. ንሽዕብያ ዘገልግል ናይ ደናቁር ምትእኽኻብ. እዩ ዕንቅፋት ናይ. ጽቡቕ ለውጢ

  • @tesfazghitewelde9326
    @tesfazghitewelde9326 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Ato Semere : Yourself admitted that you and your fellows so called Tegadelti brought monster . So, what is wrong if our generation labeled you Shefatu . You destroyed every walk of life and Eritrean social fabric . Shabia is a terrorist organization. Your organization is more than SHIFTINET . Had the monster , Shabia , were finished off in Sahil, our people would have been better off now. Majority of Eritrean families would have remained intact . Your organization, Shabia, is worse than Nazi. Shefatu is the least label we are able to come up to describe your organization behavior. Did you forget that Shabia was kidnapping kids as young as 6-10 years old to be soldiers when they reach 12-13 years old and most of them ended up as canon fodders in Sahil trenches. If you are genuine , the only thing you have to do is show genuine remorse for being a member of a terrorist organization, Shabia , which has committed silent genocide in Eritrea.

  • @yohannesdesta6954
    @yohannesdesta6954 วันที่ผ่านมา

    ሰላም ስናይይይ ምስጋና የቅርብ 🤝🏿💙🌿💙💙💙🔵

  • @BergedNhameduFthawi
    @BergedNhameduFthawi วันที่ผ่านมา

    ሰላም ሰላም ደቂ ዓበይቲ!!!

  • @tesfazghitewelde9326
    @tesfazghitewelde9326 วันที่ผ่านมา

    is it live ?

  • @tsinatteweldeeyob7934
    @tsinatteweldeeyob7934 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Azeyu des elune senu wedey mes Aya semera enkae beslam mexakum ❤❤

  • @bereketberhane7722
    @bereketberhane7722 วันที่ผ่านมา

    + one more point that I believe is quite important in the discussion of identity politics: what is the REAL MOTIVE BEHIND ITS PROPONENTS AND SUPPORTERS? ... which takes me to following point #5 5) In your debates try to focus on the REAL PROBLEM/PROBLEMS: We humans, from prehistoric times to modern times, are good at solving problems. Unfortunately, as history again shows, we often tend to focus on "solving" the wrong problems. To elaborate on this further: why are you - Senay - as an individual opposing the Eritrean political regime? What are the motivations of the dozens of Eritrean opposition political parties/movements/organizations/etc.? The answer to above question is one or more of the following: 1) Moral revulsion at the despotic regimes' violation of human rights of Eritreans; 2) Socio-cultural reasons; 3) Economic reasons; 4) Political reason, i.e, Political power; 5) Ideological reasons (nationalism based on following ideas: liberal or illiberal political regimes based on ethnicity, fascistic, socialist or other ideologies, religion (, Arab nation theocracies), or military dictatorships) I believe choice #2 is the main reason - if not an only - motivation behind Tesfom's (+ Yosef & Bokre & Co.) championing of identity politics & why it has found resonance in Eritrea's post-independence generation of mostly young men. In order to find the main reason why this specific demographic group (young men) are rallying around identity politics, one has to dig deeper in to how the unhinged rule of a one man despotic system - a totalitarian political regime, 36th rounds of national service and military ethos, etc. + resultant refugee crisis (close to one million in 2 decades, mostly young boys & men) - has created a masculinity crisis in Eritrea, emasculation of men, the disappearance of man! This is not to disregard or underestimate the regime's abuse of girls & women & older men, because the regimes' malign effect has not spared any part of society. I am just trying to highlight one bitter reality that most Eritrean elites (intellectual, political, religious or otherwise) have found to unpleasant to contemplate: the disproportionate assault of the regime on young men, because in Eritrea (as well as all over the world), men are breadwinners of family, highly sensitive to social status, and put more emphasis on marriage & societal institutions (family structure, village network, church, etc) to get a sense of purpose in life. And these is why Eritrea's young men are disproprtinately victims of the so-called "deaths of despair" from suicide, alcohol and drugs; and same reason (although flawed) they are attracted by proponents of identity politics.

  • @bereketberhane7722
    @bereketberhane7722 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Dear Senay: Thanks again (including Tesfom) for your continuing selfless dedication to a worthy cause. Amidst the reigning chaotic quagmire in the Eritrean political landscape, it takes a hell of a lot positive energy and time just to keep going, because it is tempting to just give up in despair and thrown in the towel. So really appreciate your great work. As usual I am jotting down 1-4 points below as humble yet critical feedback, in the hope that they will help you to use your time and energy more efficiently and effectively; and, in doing so, helping you (more importantly) to focus on salient & outstanding ideas/issues that will go a long way to better streamline and structure the ongoing discourse and enlightening your young audience. 1. Be specific (in headline given to your dialogues) by stating the terms/ideas of each debate clearly, because the definition given in this initial step is crucial for the next two parts of any debate, namely arguing logically and trying to reach a reasonable conclusion. In your current dialogue, with its headline (current status of Eritrea's opposition politics), a range of quite important issues were raised, including the genesis of youth movement (EYSC, EYGM, Simret, etc), social media evolution in Eri Politics (paltalk to TikTok), American election and system of government, federal system of government (Swiss, Ethiopia, ... raised as examples), etc... But the main debating point on which most of the time was spent on IDENTITY POLITICS in Eritrea's Context and Tesfom's chosen nation model for Eritrea, and it's on this that I want to focus. 2. While it is obvious that in politics and social issues (religious or otherwise), unlike in science and logic (where empirical evidence in science and axiomatic presuppositions in maths and logic are used to reach consensus), it is oftentimes impossible to reach a consensus, a clear definition of ideas/concepts under discussion (especially a lucid definition and understanding of following concepts: human nature, society, ethnicity, race, nation state, civilization, culture, institution, custom, individual norm), knowledge on comparative history of the world (especially in the context of modern Africa's post-colonization struggle to form a viable nation state), relevant political theories, and competing models of modern nation states are minimum prerequisites for a logical and reasonable.discussion on identity politics. 3. In Eritrea the way forward boils down to two choices: A nation model based on ethnic nationalism that privileges interests of one dominant ethnic group rights vs a nation model that acknowledges the autonomy of individual human beings on the bases of equal legal rights and political rights (including making additional constitutional rooms that protects and safeguard the cultural, economic & social rights of especially historically marginalized minority groups). 4. Comparative history of the modern world and empirical historical data, starting from the emergence of Westphalian sovereignty (modern nation state) in 1648 in the wake of the religious wars that decimated almost one third of the population in today's Germany alone (i.e., around 10 million people!) up to the current era, shows the best and durable nation model that guaranteed both individual and societal flourishing is the one that promoted individual human autonomy and dignity. History has shown us repeatedly that the ultimate end of group identity based politics has always been destructive. Following are few examples: Ethnic nationalism, which made its modern entry into history in 19th century Germany - based on one philosopher's (Herder) Romantic ideas about the German language as spoken by the common German people (dar Volk) representing the true spirit of the German nation (Der volksgeit) lead to World War One, Nazism (based on specialness of the Aryan race) lead to the holocaust, Yugoslavia fragmentation three decades back introduced word 'balkanization' to characterize ethnic fragmentation (symbolized by the current status quo in Bosnia, with three ethnic parliaments, three ethnic armies waiting to go at each other's throats), the Rwanda genocide (Tutsi extermination by Hutu, both speaking same national language Kinyarwanda + 3 additional official languages: Swahili, French, English), Ethiopia's current never-ending conflagration which was a result of TPLF's ethnic federalism that divided Ethiopia into around 10 ethnic enclaves of major ethnic groups (in a country with around 90 ethnic groups) with their respective parliaments and armies and ethnic elites and ethnic kleptocracies); etc. In conclusion, the choice is clear: a successful nation model that privileges individual autonomy, human dignity, natural human rights, political and civil liberties vs a nation model that privileges group identity - a model based on both @BokreAcademy ahistorical backward looking philologic understanding of language & Yosef Gebrehiwet's "demythology of Ghedli" and Romantic re-mythology of an imaginative past rural common Tigrinya people embodying - Herder like - the spirit of the Eritrean nation?

  • @Shows-g7b
    @Shows-g7b วันที่ผ่านมา

  • @ግብራዊሞሳንሰማእታትና
    @ግብራዊሞሳንሰማእታትና วันที่ผ่านมา

    ሓውና ተስፉ ብርጌ ንሓመዱ፡ ይናቆቱ ኣለዉ ትብል ኣለኻ፡ ኣብ ባይታ ወሪድካ፡ ኣብ ጌጋ ዘሎ ከተለልይ ፈቲንካዶ፧ ኣብ ሓደ ቁራዕ ኣይትእትዎ።

  • @ግብራዊሞሳንሰማእታትና
    @ግብራዊሞሳንሰማእታትና วันที่ผ่านมา

    ሓውና ተስፉ፡ ሰማያዊት ባንዴራ መሰረታዊት ባንዴራና ኢያ፡ውፉይ በሊሕ ፖሎቲከይና ስለዝኾነ፡ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝዕውት ቃልሲ ኣለልዩ ኢዩ ዝኹስኩሶ ዘሎ። ጽቡቅ ድማ ይገብር ኣሎ። ንስኻትኩም ድማ እጃምኩም ተዋጽኡ፡፡

  • @ግብራዊሞሳንሰማእታትና
    @ግብራዊሞሳንሰማእታትና วันที่ผ่านมา

    ኣታ ተስፉ ሓወይ፡ ኣንፈትና ናብ ዓድና ስለዝኾነ፡ ብዛዕባ ትግርይና ጥራሕ ኣይኮናን ንሓስብ ዘሎና። ስለዚ በብቲ መበቆል ዓድና፡ ብፈደራል ክንመሓደር ኢዩ ዘዋጻኣና ዝብል ርኢቶ ኣለኒ።

  • @BergedNhameduFthawi
    @BergedNhameduFthawi วันที่ผ่านมา

    ሰላም ሰላም ነዓካ ሰናይ ዘመን ከም ስምካን ስም ኣቦካን ኢካ'ሞ ብዓቅመይ ከመስግነካ ስለ ነቶም በላሕትን ጭዋታትን ዝኮኑ መናእሰይ ኣምጺካ ዘዘራረብካልና! ናቦለን ሓያልን ለባምን በሊሕን መንእሰይ እሞ ብዓቅመይ ክውድሰካ፡ ከምቲ ካብ ጸሓይ ቢታሚን ዲ ንረክብ ካብ ናቦሌን ከኣ ኣቡይ ፍልጠትን ስነ-ልቦናን ተማሂርና ኢና ሞ ኣኣብዘለኩሞ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብኩም ፈጣሪ!!!