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How to Inject Trulicity (dulaglutide) for Type 2 Diabetes
Just picked up Trulicity (dulaglutide) but didn't get taught how to inject it? In this video I walk through how to inject Trulicity (dulaglutide) appropriately. You'll want to know how to inject it correctly to get the most out of the medication for your specific condition.
มุมมอง: 546


How to Take Xarelto (rivaroxaban) and Side Effects
มุมมอง 13K2 ปีที่แล้ว
If you're wondering how to take Xarelto (rivaroxaban) and what are its side effects, then this video is for you. In this video I review how Xarelto (rivaroxaban) works, how to take Xarelto, side effects, and drug interactions. I know that you may not get a lot of time with your doctor or pharmacist to discuss Xarleto, so that is why I made this video! The side effects and how to take info appli...
Eliquis (Apixaban) Review and Guide
มุมมอง 11K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Wondering if Eliquis is safe? Questions on how to take Eliquis? You're in the right spot. Today I discuss the ins and outs of Eliquis which is the brand name for apixaban. I discuss what Eliquis (apixaban) is prescribed for, how it works, how to take Eliquis (apixaban), side effects and monitoring, and how long to take Eliquis (apixaban).
Review of Coumadin (Warfarin) Safety and Side Effects
มุมมอง 1372 ปีที่แล้ว
Are you looking for a review of Coumadin (warfarin) safety and side effects? Were you just prescribed coumadin/warfarin and want to know more about it? This video is for you. In this video I review how coumadin/warfarin works, what it is used for, why we prescribe it, side effects and monitoring, international normalized ratio (INR), food and drug interactions, and how long to take coumadin/war...


  • @hoss4830
    @hoss4830 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Results of maybe 60% protection against of stroke is a coin flip and for me not worth the price or the laundry list of side effects.

  • @DumpTrump4TRE45ON
    @DumpTrump4TRE45ON หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm an RN and I appreciate your videos.

  • @MrGeorgewf
    @MrGeorgewf 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Get rid of the background music.

  • @beverlyleblanc3749
    @beverlyleblanc3749 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I recently read that you should take xaralto at night, as most strokes happen in the early hours. It mentioned that it wears off so to be sure you are covered, take it at night. Any truth to this?

  • @henryjia4725
    @henryjia4725 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I was found to have AFib in April, and have been taking xarelto , 20 mg, once a day. I feel there’s a side effect with difficulty in stool-- pool becomes dry, also, I concern it could harm kidney in long run. So, I myself reduce the dose to once every two day which I feel comfortable when pool. In general, I am healthy with normal blood pressure, and all data in blood test is normal ( only LDL a little bit higher at 130). Will 20 mg xarelto every two day ok ? Will it increase risk for stroke? My I watch shows my heart beat rate is between 67 to 135 with resting rate at 79. How long does it need to take xarelto? Some info says discontinued the medication could increase risk of stroke, if my heart beat go back to normal, and xarelto can be discontinued. How can it do that ?

  • @JoannneAffoon
    @JoannneAffoon 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Can you drink milk with xralto

  • @cablaze1
    @cablaze1 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you Sean, Great presentation.

  • @MaryFox-tp2by
    @MaryFox-tp2by 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You are a genius thank you

  • @anthonydennis460
    @anthonydennis460 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Was told today by my cardiologist to take two 5mg tabs of Eliquis per day. I have AFIB, congestive heart failure, 3 severe leaking valves and aortic stenosis. I am 80 years old and have seen videos of others saying you should take two tablets of 2.5 mg per day, not two 5 mg. Is age a factor?

  • @philipcmarshall
    @philipcmarshall 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you, Sean. Very helpful.

  • @marianhutchison596
    @marianhutchison596 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Dental work. Check with your dentist to see how long before an extraction, cleanings, or fillings you will need to stop taking Eliquis.I've seen 24 hours to three days. After those procedures, you can go back on the Eliquis after 12 hours.

  • @elenapalmieri9136
    @elenapalmieri9136 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Does eliquis need to be taken twice a day or can you take it just once per day ?

  • @MichaelBeeny
    @MichaelBeeny 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Good and clear information, but please drop the crappy pointless music. Most annoying.

  • @weimullerjohann9118
    @weimullerjohann9118 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Rivaroxaban side effects anemia dizziness Headache Conjunctival hemorrhage Hypotension Hematomas of the skin Epistaxis Hemoptysis Bleeding gums Gastrointestinal bleeding Gastrointestinal and abdominal pain dyspepsia Nausea, vomiting constipation, diarrhea Increase in transaminases Bleeding in the urogenital tract (including hematuria, menorrhagia) Restriction of kidney function Fever Edema Reduced performance. Occasionally Thrombocytosis, thrombocytopenia Allergic reaction Allergic dermatitis Angioedema and allergic edema Cerebral and intracranial hemorrhage syncope Tachycardia Dry mouth Liver dysfunction, increase in bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and GGT in the blood Urticaria Hemarthros malaise Increase in LDH, lipase and amylase. Rarely Jaundice Cholestasis hepatitis Bleeding into a muscle Local edema Vascular pseudoaneurysm. Side effects with unknown frequency Compartment syndrome as a result of bleeding Rivaroxaban-induced thrombocytopenia (Pop MK et al. 2018) Cutaneous necrosis, as is also observed with heparin (Vu TT et al. 2017). Bullous pemphigoid or pemphigoid-like bullous diseases (Ferreira C et al. 2018; Chohan SA et al. 2020) Stevens-Johnson syndrome Leukocytoclastic vasculitis (Chaaya G et al. 2016) False positive titers of lupus anticoagulant (Murer LM et al. 2016)

    • @MichaelBeeny
      @MichaelBeeny 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sounds like all Anti Coagulants.

  • @weimullerjohann9118
    @weimullerjohann9118 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Xarelto is only controlled with the indirect INR (fibrinogen test + Ca + tissue factor III) and no prothrombin ratio is checked at all and rising liver values ​​in the event of abnormalities can then appear in an emergency, which are also routinely used in toxic liver cirrhosis. I just personally don't understand where the actual specific proof of effectiveness as a specific anticoagulant substance lies. With XArelto there is no specific treatment feedback, only that Coagulation damage at best, even fibrinolysis in hypothetically triggered Sirs is masked, or is the same not exactly distinguishable In the indirect INR then. Also speaks specifically. enzyme or vitamin K. Often only the fibrinogen test is used as an indirect INR. There is often no direct INR as was previously obvious plus a defined amount of prothrombin in comparison. also no isolated quick with only chemically inactivated serum prothrombin (FII) undeactive amount of FII? for the activator factors VII, IX, X, and possibly V. to differentiate between them? These are relevant in order and effectiveness for normal coagulation So not factor X at all. I don't understand what it's supposed to do, except for SIRS it's often high?

  • @weimullerjohann9118
    @weimullerjohann9118 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Braucht der Mensch noch mehr Benefits ? oder die erforderliche fachliche Normalbehandlung ? Man kann auch Marcumar mit 1/ , 1/4, 1/8 einstellen, erster zweiter ,dritter Tag nach Körpergewicht, dann mit z.B 1/8 weiter bei schlanken Menschen. Als Arzt wäre mir dann das Labor und der Rest hier dann auch egal. Ich hab es satt. normale eigene Gesundheit und normale Patienten sind mir wichtiger als psychisch labile Geisteskranke. Soll man mit einem hirnrissigen lebertoxischen Antibiotikum etwa die Gerinnung einstellen wie etwa durch Oxazolidine wie bei Rivaroxaban.Sogar ein Quick von 50 % liefert noch 85 % Schutz , dazu vieleicht eine halbe Tablette Voltaren ? im Akutfall der Schwellung, was immer vergessen wird ? blockiert Thromben zusammen viel wirksamer. Das würde ich ganz ohne erbärmliche Hilfsmittel selber machen ! Meine absolut sachliche Gegendfrage zu Rivaroxaban es ist doch eindeutig ein Oxazolidin ? warum verwendet man nicht Rivaroxaban anstelle Linezolid gewinnbringend in der Tierhaltung ? Was würden Tierhalter hiervon halten ? wenn sie es über 4 Wochen den Tieren geben würden ? wären diese dann frei von Leberschäden , so wie in den USA ? und Blutergüssen am ganzen Körper ? Aber sie hätten womöglich keinen Infekt mehr die vorher noch gesunden Rindviecher ? Vieleicht hatten sie ja dafür eine Sirs oder eine anderswo parallel ausgelöste Thrombose ? Und der Schlachthof würde sich dann als Bonus - Versicherungsfall freuen bei zusätzlichen Prämien für Einspaarungen ? Sie bekommen dann auch keine weiteren Erkrankungen ? Es ist ja gerade das schöne und gute daß es von spezifischen Enzymem und Vitaminfaktoren des Prothrombinkomplexes abhängt und die einleuchtende Gerinnungsfaktorenynthese seit Jahrzehnten auch Studienanfängern bestens bekannt ist ? und deshalb total leberfreundlich mit dem Gegenvitamin Marumar sehr verträglich antagonisierbar ist weil es nachvollziehbar ist und rückkoppelbar transparent steuerbar ist. Welches bei 4' am Vitaminmolekül eine OH Gruppe nur hat, statt einer o Gruppe. Marcumar ist ähnliches als synthetisiertes Pro- bis Fehlvitamin. Zur Struktur von Vitamin K: Zur Struktur von Marcumar: das hier vergleichbar unter Laborwerten leberfreundlich über ein Vitamin steuerbar ist ? Seit über 40 Jahren erprobt und sehr gut leberfreuundlich, also zur Restleber mit dessen Energiestoffwechsel hier sogar getrennt und nur bei der Gerinnungssynthese über ein Vitamin anwendbar. Rivaroxabam ist ein Oxacolidin - Antibiotikum aus der US Landwirdschaft wie Linezolid wohl , welches einen ? lebertoxischen Schaden ? und eine gefährliche SIRS nach längerer kumulastiver Wirkung zeigt ? Warum verbietet man Linezolid in der Landwirtschaft in anderen Ländern als Antibiotikum ? will aber Menschen lebertoxisch kumulierend mit Rivaroxabam als Gerinnungshemmer hierzulande absurderweise behandeln ? schlimmstenfalls mit einer fortschreitenden Leberzirrhose oder nur Hepathopathie ? ohne Gewichtsrelevanz , ohne spezifische Laborrelevanz auch und ohne spezifische Antibiotikastoffgruppe ? oder irgendwie spezifisch überprüfbare toxisch antibiotische Kumulationsmenge in einer menschlichen kleineren Leber ? als bei Rindviechern ? dann mit Gottvertrauen hier die Gerinnung behandeln ? das ist stark das ist riesig und das ist gescheit ? aber nicht lege artis und somit bewußte Körperverletzung mit Todesfolgen bisweilen ? Struktur von lebertoxischem Oxacolidinantibiotikum (nur für 2 Wochen eigentlich zugelassen und mit zahlreichen Nebenwirkungen, da kumulierend, aber sinnvollem Reserveantibiotikum bei MRSA , also einer total völlig anderen Fragestellung) . Struktur von kumulierendem Oxacolidin wie Rivaroxaban oder Xarelto Unerwünschte Wirkungen von Xarelto: Häufig Anämie Schwindel Kopfschmerzen Bindehauteinblutung Hypotonie Hämatome der Haut Epistaxis Hämoptysen Zahnfleischbluten Gastrointestinale Blutung Gastrointestinale und abdominelle Schmerzen Dyspepsie Übelkeit, Erbrechen Verstopfung, Diarrhoe Anstieg der Transaminasen Blutung im Urogenitaltrakt (u. a. Hämaturie, Menorrhagie) Einschränkung der Nierenfunktion Fieber Ödeme Verminderte Leistungsfähigkeit. Gelegentlich Thrombozytose, Thrombozytopenie Allergische Reaktion Allergische Dermatitis Angioödem und allergisches Ödem Zerebrale und intrakranielle Blutung Synkope Tachykardie Mundtrockenheit Leberfunktionsstörung, Anstieg Bilirubin, alkalischer Phosphatase und GGT im Blut Urtikaria Hämarthros Unwohlsein Anstieg von LDH, Lipase und Amylase. Selten Ikterus Cholestase Hepatitis Einblutung in einen Muskel Lokale Ödeme Vaskuläres Pseudoaneurysma. Nebenwirkungen mit unbekannter Häufigkeit Kompartmentsyndrom als Folge von Blutungen Rivaroxaban-induzierten Thrombozytopenie (Pop MK et al. 2018) Kutane Nekrosen wie sie auch unter Heparin beobachtet werden (Vu TT et al. 2017). Bullöses Pemphigoid bzw. Pemphigoid-artige bullöse Erkrankungen (Ferreira C et al. 2018; Chohan SA et al. 2020) Stevens-Johnson-Syndrom Leukozytoklastische Vaskulitis (Chaaya G et al. 2016) Falsch positive Titer von Lupus Antikoagulans (Murer LM et al. 2016) Xarelto wird nur mit dem indirekten INR (Fibrinogentest + Ca + Gewebefaktor III)also gar keinerlei Prothrombinratio kontrolliert und ansteigende Leberwerte bei Auffälligkeiten sind dann im Notfall zu sehem, die auch bei einer toxischen Leberzirrhose routinemäßig zur Anwendung kommen. Ich verstehe nur rein privat nicht, wo hier der eigentliche spezifische Wirkungsnachweis als spezifische gerinnungshemmende Substanz. Bei XArelto gibt es keien spezifische Behandlungsrückkopplung , sondern nur die eines Gerinnungsschadens bestenfalls , auch eine Fibrinolyse bei hypothetisch ausgelöster Sirs wird maskiert,oder ist genauso nicht genau unterscheidbar Im indirekten INR dann. Auch spricht keinerlei spez. Enzym oder Vitamin K. an. Es wird oft nur der Fibrinogentest als indirekter INR eingesetzt. Es gibt oft keinen direkten INR wie früher selbstverständlich plus definierter Prothrombinmenge im Vergleich dazu. auch keieinerlei isolierten Quick bei nur chemisch inaktivierten Serum Prothrombin (FII )undeaktionsmenge an FII ? für die Aktivatorfaktoren VII, IX, X, und ggf V . um diese auch zu unterscheiden ? Diese sind relevant nach Reihenfolge und Wirksamkeit für die normale Gerinnung also gar nicht Faktor X . Ich versteh nicht, was der überhaupt soll, außer bei SIRS oft auch hoch ?

  • @skismosis
    @skismosis 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    yes while taking Warfarin they could not regulate my INR , so at work one day i suffered a stroke, got lucky, they removed a clot from my brain stem right away without any after effects i went back to work a few days later they placed me on the Xarelto that i have taken for 5 years now with no problems.

  • @skismosis
    @skismosis 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i take Xarelto for AFIB, to reduce a blood Clot

  • @skismosis
    @skismosis 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    can i change from xarelto to Eliquis without nay real problems, due to the cost of Xarelto versus the cost of Eliquis generic form, i think we have it in the usa now ? maybe not, i hear it is cheaper out of pocket, i will lose mt insurance in june due to going part time at my work, Going on Social security due to health reasons but i am only 64 1/2 not full retirement yet, ? please help folks if you have an idea.

  • @jamesmatthews304
    @jamesmatthews304 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    what about grapefruit iits to be avoided it interacts negatively with blood anticoagulant otherwise ok mention of back pain is another problem with xarelto and there is more........

  • @liviniacampbell
    @liviniacampbell 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Very helpful I was worried about drug interactions.

  • @nikao7751
    @nikao7751 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yeah I seen to be tolerating it pretty well for AFib, and I also suffer from ulcerative colitis, but insurance doesn't want to cover the cost of eliquis so once this months supply runs out that the hospital sent with me when released, it'll be 700+ dollars a month for eliquis, or start taking pradaxa for 10 bucks a month, the insurance people said it'll be fine, lots of people take pradaxa, but in doing fine on eliquis, O well, lets see if we can break something with the cheap stuff first🙃

  • @deborahschumann8286
    @deborahschumann8286 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What is bleeding in EVERY user is their pocked book. Big pharma is scalping everyone. Seniors who cannot afford it? They don’t care…quit paying the rent or stop eating to buy this…they don’t care. And our politicians make it so that you cannot buy the generic.

  • @DashRiprock-m3b
    @DashRiprock-m3b 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You're only describing the physical elements of the drug. Try talking about the financials of it.

  • @jamesmcintyre3456
    @jamesmcintyre3456 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Excellent information, but why does everybody have to play annoying background filler music for what is basically an educational presentation?

  • @marygarati720
    @marygarati720 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you so much for going through what to watch for in terms of bleeding with Eliquis. I will never forget. I asked my cardiologist when he prescribed Eliquis to me how will I know if it causes bleeding? His answer was, oh you'll know it. That was it! I should send that cardiologist this video, but I no longer see him. By the way he was rated a top cardiologist in my area!

  • @dorcasfaithfull1576
    @dorcasfaithfull1576 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Well explained. Much appreciated.

  • @cheryljune1603
    @cheryljune1603 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I fell and I got the worse black eye I ever saw.

  • @bettyweimer394
    @bettyweimer394 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I tried Xeralto - could not tolerate! Also several other blood thinners! All caused horrible ITCHING from head to toe! Finally realized I am intolerant to anticoagulants so I am looking into the Watchman and IVC filter! I don’t see this side effect listed but believe it should be!!! I took blood thinners for a month and the itching almost drove me mad! No more for me!!!!!

    • @krytietv6831
      @krytietv6831 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I have afib and am having a lot of stomach (gastritis) symptoms on several of the blood thinners. I researched the Watchman device and found out it contains nickel…and I am allergic to nickel which is in a lot of the cheap jewelry that causes me to get an infection. Xarelto has a very short time it is active in your system; about 12 hours. Warfarin is cheaper and lasts from 20 to 60 hours, so I am going to ask my doctor about it. Hopefully an upcoming ablation will eliminate the need for blood thinners.

  • @ngbc5342
    @ngbc5342 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    great summary

  • @mv4709
    @mv4709 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Worst drug you could ever take!

  • @jennyanderson6967
    @jennyanderson6967 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very helpful.

  • @lflonghi
    @lflonghi ปีที่แล้ว

    I had a DVT in my lower left calf and with testing discovered I had Factor V. I am now on Xarelto 10mg as a permanent low dose to prevent DVT's. Do we know what the long term effects of taking this drug is at 10 mg? Say for 10, 20, 30 + years... thanks

    • @BradySzabo
      @BradySzabo 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'm wondering if increasing water consumption and making dietary changes and lifestyle changes would be better, (not sitting in office chair hours on end without even getting up). I'm going to be miserable not being able to take ibuprofen for arthritis.

  • @theeard
    @theeard ปีที่แล้ว

    "Take with Food." How much food? A full meal, or a grape?

    • @ManiFabArt
      @ManiFabArt 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Definitely a meal. Mostly protein and fiber in my case. I’ve been on Xarelto for 8 years, doc says it’s best with a meal anywhere between 300-500cal. I just eyeball it with a plate, take it right before my breakfast and drink plenty of water throughout the day!

  • @rebeccanichols5664
    @rebeccanichols5664 ปีที่แล้ว

    I"ve been on this for 2 months, and I hate it, innsomia, my energy is zapped, not to mention the insane cost. why wouldn't baby aspirin work?

    • @patriciaortiz1683
      @patriciaortiz1683 ปีที่แล้ว

      I have that same question? Why can’t I just take baby aspirin?

    • @DIYpole_performer
      @DIYpole_performer ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm going through it right now,and ally doctors tell me I have to take it for life. I can't sleep at night, I'm tired all day but can't sleep even though I'm tired.My hair is starting to shed and look stringy. My eyes hurt. I'm a bout one week away from switching back to aspirin and playing with death. This is no way to live, and I'm not scared to die. I'm so over this med.

    • @DIYpole_performer
      @DIYpole_performer ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@patriciaortiz1683there is a lot of info on Google that explains why certain people need anti coagulants further than aspirin. It's usually for artery clots where the patient has had multiple in provoked instances of pulmonary embolisms or have had a heart attack or stroke due to an artery clot or clots. I've been doing a ton of reading because I want to go back on aspirin. I never felt bad like this on the aspirin, but I would forget to take it. I feel like I would rather take aspirin and risk death than live feeling like this on xeralto. It's terrible.

    • @chaka11
      @chaka11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Same here being on rivaroxaban for two months but it is not easy always tired, dizzy sometimes 😢

  • @jMe_cj266
    @jMe_cj266 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I started taking Xarelto, I had big clots on my monthly period.

  • @caroldowning2736
    @caroldowning2736 ปีที่แล้ว

    since I started taking xarelto, I feel like I have a bad sunburn---it burns. What is causing this? Oh I am also on plavix and duluxitine.

  • @friederikefoster651
    @friederikefoster651 ปีที่แล้ว

    I take one 5mg cut in half twice a day side efect Los of apetide I lost a lot of weight I forse myself to eat 😊

  • @RayRay-zt7bj
    @RayRay-zt7bj ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video, Sean, but I am still confused about how to monitor my intake of Eliquis. I have been so used to checking my INR for the past 10 years on Warfarin that I may become worried by not seeing if my ratio is between 2.0 and 3.0. I had to lower my ratio by not taking my Warfarin for a day or 2 which I did and got the number down to 1.5 which is borderline dangerously low for me. Would that number go up after a couple of days on the Eliquis?

  • @martinduffy646
    @martinduffy646 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thankyou brilliant video very very good. Can l have a couple of beers now and then whilst on xarelto

  • @antoniorengifo1447
    @antoniorengifo1447 ปีที่แล้ว

    Excellent information and clear communication. Thank you!

  • @natalvella4837
    @natalvella4837 ปีที่แล้ว

    What are possible symptoms of bleeding while using Xarelto? Symptoms of potentially serious bleeding can vary, but they may include: any bleeding that’s severe, lasts a long time, or won’t stop frequent nosebleeds unusual bleeding from your gums unexpected vaginal bleeding or menstrual bleeding that’s heavier than usual blood in your urine, which may be red, pink, or brown in color blood in your stool, which may be red or black in color, or look like tar vomiting blood, which may be red or pink in color, or look like coffee grounds coughing up blood that looks like coffee grounds severe headache dizziness, which could be a sign of low blood pressure that’s caused by internal bleeding joint pain pain, swelling, or bleeding at any wounds

  • @armandhodge3258
    @armandhodge3258 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is it ok take a Men’s Multivitamin while taking Eliquis? I want to make sure my immune system is staying healthy and boosted while on this medication.

  • @allwaysamarine6528
    @allwaysamarine6528 ปีที่แล้ว

    Answered most of my questions. Thanks!

  • @Yankee231
    @Yankee231 ปีที่แล้ว

    are eliquis life long? and can lupus inside the body cause blood clots

  • @eleanakousaie123
    @eleanakousaie123 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Clear and excellent info. Thanks

    • @LoboLynx
      @LoboLynx 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks Eleana! Best wishes

    • @adrianmoore3118
      @adrianmoore3118 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @Sean. Hi Sean, could you give me some advice pls. I'm on rivaroxaban and have been for 7 years for a P.E the doctor's didn't know what caused my P.E but at that time I was a trucker and i was eating McDonald's 3days a week and kfc and subways for the other days. I was also drinking heavy and smoking heavy but now my lifestyle is completely different. I have spoken to my doctor and he says that i have to stay on the tablets for the rest of my life and I'm only 52 now. I'm getting bleeding sometimes and I was thinking of going down the natural way by taking garlic ginger ect. I'm a bit frightened to make the leap to natural blood thinners so do you have any advice for me pls.

  • @paulhughes7814
    @paulhughes7814 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks so much for the info, very helpful. Is it normal for them to perscribe me to take 2 tablets twice daily for 7 days , then one tablet twice daily thereafter?

    • @LoboLynx
      @LoboLynx 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      you're weclome! Yes that is commmon when treating a DVT or PE in the early stages. A higher dose is used to "bust the clot" for the first week only then it is followed by the 1 tab twice daily. Best wishes!

  • @CJaca123
    @CJaca123 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    May I know if Xarelto affects the kidney?

    • @LoboLynx
      @LoboLynx 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Xarelto does not negatively kidney function in any way. The kidneys do eliminate Xarelto from the body. As such, the dose should be adjusted in patient's who have certain low levels of kidney function to avoid excessive exposure of the drug for the patient.

  • @shawnlennen7871
    @shawnlennen7871 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can you reclot on eliquis

    • @LoboLynx
      @LoboLynx 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      In general, patients can re-clot if doses are missed, and even if adherence is perfect, there are cases where patients still re-clot for not fully understood reasons.

  • @robert.k2084
    @robert.k2084 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    HI great video, I know people always talk about foods high in vitamin k that can clot the blood but do you need to worry about eating foods that are high in vitamin E that can thin the blood if you are on rivaroxaban ? Thanks.

    • @LoboLynx
      @LoboLynx 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Robert, while vitamin E is known to have some "blood thinning" properties, it usually not significant for people taking anticoagulants like rivaroxaban.