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Su Bong Zen Monastery
Hong Kong
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 21 ส.ค. 2013
Su Bong Zen Monastery is a place for practicing Zen meditation and resting the mind. At our city center located in the heart of Hong Kong and a retreat village in remote Lantau Island, we invite you to join us in the practice of Zen to attain clear mind and see our true nature. All are welcome.
Website: www.subong.org.hk/
Facebook: subong.hk/
Website: www.subong.org.hk/
Facebook: subong.hk/
法喜充滿的慧修禪中心開幕典禮 | The Dharma joy of the Grand Opening of Hae Su Zen Center
มุมมอง 76414 วันที่ผ่านมา
法喜充滿的慧修禪中心開幕典禮,您是否記憶猶新? 您又是否記得當天師父(大觀禪師)的開示,提醒我們把「開幕」帶回生活中,每天都要為自己的眼、耳、鼻、舌等「開幕」? 就讓我們一起回顧當天的法喜和點滴! Do you still vividly remember the Grand Opening of Hae Su Zen Center that was full of Dharma joy? Do you recall Sifu's (Zen Master Dae Kwan) teaching that day, reminding us to bring back the experience of the opening into our daily lives, to "open up" our eyes, ears, nose, tongue every day? Let's ...
崇山大禪師圓寂二十週年紀念影片| 20th Year Memorial Video of Zen Master Seung Sahn
มุมมอง 92614 วันที่ผ่านมา
崇山大禪師圓寂二十週年。藉此殊勝因緣,我們以感恩心呈上此紀念影片,當中包括很多非常珍貴的片段,以及大禪師精闢簡潔的開示。 我們感恩大禪師的教導和畢生的身教,多謝您!🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙏🏻🍀 影片製作鳴謝:韓國無上寺、香港秀峰禪院字幕及製作組 On the 20th anniversary of the passing of Great Zen Master Seung Sahn, through this auspicious cause and condition, we present this commemorative video with our heart of gratitude. The video includes many precious clips and Great Zen Master’s profound and concise teachings. We a...
照破無明 | Shine and cut through ignorance
มุมมอง 367หลายเดือนก่อน
我們大家來修行,猶如在腐爛的果實裡,找回我們這一粒種子。我們如何能透過努力修行,照破無明,找回本來自然擁有的東西? Our practice is like finding a seed within a rotten fruit. How can we, through diligent practice, shine and cut through ignorance and find what we originally have naturally?
求不得苦 | The Suffering Of Not Getting What We Want
มุมมอง 718หลายเดือนก่อน
我們如何能從求不得的苦中找到快樂? 又如何既能幫助自己,也能幫助更多的人,並圓滿我們的生命? 請大家細心聆聽師父(大觀禪師)的開示。 How can we find happiness amidst the suffering of not getting what we want? And how can we help ourselves, as well as many others, to fulfill our lives? Let us attentively listen to the teachings of Sifu (Zen Master Dae Kwan).
禪是思維之前 | Zen is before thinking
มุมมอง 6412 หลายเดือนก่อน
想得太多或執著外境常會障礙我們的修行,禪是思維之前,若想了解更多,請聽聽同學的分享及師父(大觀禪師)的回應。 Overthinking or becoming attached to external situations often hinders our practice. Zen is before thinking, if you want to know more, please listen to our student's sharing and Sifu's (Zen Master Dae Kwan) responses. Copyright © 2024 Su Bong Zen Monastery. All rights reserved.
「照破無明念華嚴 念念清明本自然」,三天華嚴聖眾念誦籌款活動 2024 《緣起篇》
มุมมอง 8852 หลายเดือนก่อน
《緣起》 秀峰禪院每年都會舉辦「華嚴聖眾」念誦。三十二年了,這顆初心依舊,堅持不懈,到底是甚麼原因?大觀禪師親述背後緣起,歷年來見證此法門如何集合十方的護持,成就禪院繼續向前發展。 感恩大家支持,功德無量!
請支持我們的三天華嚴聖眾念誦籌款活動 | Please support Hwa Om Song Jung Three-Day Chanting Fundraising Event(29/9-1/10)
มุมมอง 6632 หลายเดือนก่อน
請支持我們的三天華嚴聖眾念誦籌款活動(29/9-1/10)! 秀峰禪院屹立於香港32年,致力為大眾為提供一個清靜的修行空間,幫助人們認識自己的真正主人,回到思維前的清明心。 禪院日常營運及各項開支甚巨,祈願大眾通過是次華嚴聖眾念誦籌款活動,發心護持禪院運作。您的每一分捐款將直接用於支持禪院及大嶼山的覺修寺和慧修禪中心的日常運作與維修。這不僅是對禪院的支持,更是成就大眾以禪修轉化生命,活出正確人生,從而創造和諧社會的殊勝因緣! 讓我們一起支持禪院,撒播菩提種子! Please support our Hwa Om Song Jung Three-Day Chanting Fundraising Event (29/9-1/10)! Subong Zen Monastery has been established in Hong Kong for 32 years, providing...
《 禪不離生活 》2024
มุมมอง 4373 หลายเดือนก่อน
冬安居 2024/25 - 心靈的洗衣場
มุมมอง 3744 หลายเดือนก่อน
大自然好像是心靈的洗衣場。覺修寺的冬安居,讓大家可以在大自然環境中好好用功,洗滌心中塵勞,自見本性,解脫自在。誠邀大家參加冬安居,體驗禪修的法喜。 Nature is like a laundromat for the mind. The Winter Retreat at Gak Su Temple gives us an opportunity to practise strongly in nature, purify our mind, attain our true nature and be free from defilement. You are invited to join the Winter Retreat and experience Dharma joy from the practice.
明海指導法師示寂四週年紀念開示 | Myong Hae Sunim JDPS’s Teaching on the 4th year Memorial
มุมมอง 5354 หลายเดือนก่อน
明海指導法師示寂四週年紀念開示 明海指導法師在2020年8月2日在立陶宛往生, 她一生對修行充滿熱誠, 堅持不懈, 她的身教和言教啟發眾弟子良多。 (Video in English; 影片附有中文字幕) Myong Hae Sunim JDPS’s Teaching on the 4th year Memorial Myong Hae Sunim JDPS passed away on 2nd August 2020 in Lithuania. In her life, she has been passionate and persistent in Zen practice and had inspired us through her teaching by both action and speech.
清明瑪莉 | Clear Mary
มุมมอง 4744 หลายเดือนก่อน
清明瑪莉 人就好像賽狗一樣,永遠都在追逐五欲之樂,並成為它的奴隸。 當還未擁有時,我們總是在追逐; 但當擁有時,卻又怕失去; 一旦失去它,我們又會苦。 我們還追逐什麼? 即使追到又如何? 可以保持不變嗎? 請大家細看清明瑪莉給我們什麼啟示! Clear Mary Life can be compared to the dog racing - we are constantly chasing in rounds after pleasant feelings and becoming slaves of the five senses. We chase after and try to keep things or people that we desire; then, we constantly fear losing them. That’s the source of d...
秀峰禪師示寂30 週年紀念開示 | Su Bong Zen Master Teaching on the 30th-Year Memorial
มุมมอง 5865 หลายเดือนก่อน
秀峰禪師示寂三十週年紀念開示 | Zen Master Su Bong (1943-1994) Teaching on the 30th-year Memorial
身體有病,心無病 | Body Sick, Mind not Sick
มุมมอง 8206 หลายเดือนก่อน
Sean(月白禪子) 是秀峰禪院設計組義工,ABC t-shirt 是她生命最後階段為禪院做的設計。 禪院藉“如果明天就是下一生”講座的因緣,分享Sean臨終前,在醫院加護病房和師父的WhatsApp 對話,在師父的指導下,如何用修持去面對病痛和生死。 Sean was an eminent member of the design team of Su Bong Monastery. She designed the much-loved ABC T-shirt at the last stage of her life. Su Bong Monastery made use of the opportunity given at the event entitled "What If Tomorrow is Your Next Life" to share Sean's exch...
5月1日感恩日活動花絮 | The Highlights of Gratitude Day Event on May 1st
มุมมอง 3106 หลายเดือนก่อน
5月1日感恩日活動花絮 | The Highlights of Gratitude Day Event on May 1st
玄慈禪師分享禪修的竅門 | Zen Master Hyon Ja spoke on the No. 1 tip for Zen practice
มุมมอง 1.1Kปีที่แล้ว
玄慈禪師分享禪修的竅門 | Zen Master Hyon Ja spoke on the No. 1 tip for Zen practice
崇山大禪師示寂十九週年紀念開示 | Zen Master Seung Sahn’s Teaching on His 19th Anniversary Memorial
มุมมอง 636ปีที่แล้ว
崇山大禪師示寂十九週年紀念開示 | Zen Master Seung Sahn’s Teaching on His 19th Anniversary Memorial
秀峰三十一載 | Su Bong Zen Monastery 31st Anniversary
มุมมอง 1.6Kปีที่แล้ว
秀峰三十一載 | Su Bong Zen Monastery 31st Anniversary
懷念明海指導法師 - 2020年1月開示 // In Memory of Myong Hae Sunim JDPS - Dharma Talk in Jan, 2020
มุมมอง 526ปีที่แล้ว
懷念明海指導法師 - 2020年1月開示 // In Memory of Myong Hae Sunim JDPS - Dharma Talk in Jan, 2020
秀峰禪師示寂廿九週年紀念開示 | Zen Master Su Bong (1943-1994) Teaching on the 29th-year Memorial
มุมมอง 951ปีที่แล้ว
秀峰禪師示寂廿九週年紀念開示 | Zen Master Su Bong (1943-1994) Teaching on the 29th-year Memorial
覺修寺2023/24年度冬安居 | Gak Su Temple Winter Retreat for 2023/24
มุมมอง 383ปีที่แล้ว
覺修寺2023/24年度冬安居 | Gak Su Temple Winter Retreat for 2023/24
早師父,多 好開導!❤
感恩明海指導師的開示 願你乘願再來 普渡眾生 南無阿彌陀佛
2024年5月12 多謝師父分享
不假修, 一起修, 隔重山。 不借力, 一用力, 天地隔。 时时在, 刻刻是, 终不离。 🙏😀
Su Bong Sunim, I can see clearly your compassion and your clear mind. Recently, I realized 'No 'I' would be in the state of No Suffering. Because 'I' is a cause for suffering among human beings. I have been practicing Zen, especially practice at Kwansum school, mostly one in L.A, but I have not touched them for 4 years. Because I have lived in Maui, Hawaii where there is no sangha. This video is a super clear mirror for my thirsty Soul that helped me to clear my mind again. Thank you for your speech. Hapjang.
一直以為控制情緒等同冇情緒,對外間冇反應為妙,怕自己會變得麻木。 感恩講解。
祝愿:觉修禅院四众.. 觉性今显全体现 修心不动万物明 🙏🙂
一般都是我思我要,,,都是我我我,, 都是妄想,,一旦處在不知的時刻丶其實就只處在六根六塵六識單純當下的一切一切f,,
Young monk Sum SK says - Those who talk don't know; Those who know don't talk. (about it). Words are not TRUTH; TRUTH is not words; It cannot be expressed by words; It can be realised by One's Mind; Or transmitted Mind to Mind.! Not a tale, not a theoretical exposition, Not a philosophy, not a religion, It's a Path to attain the TRUTH! So what is it???
Greetings and appreciation from Kuala Lumpur 🙏🙇♀️
If you are nobody How do you know?
I was here for the cremation. Quite an experience.
Nobody has Budda nature. Buddhism itself is a vapor devoid of knowledge, filled with myth. That is the joke of it all. All is right with the cosmos.
English subtitles pelase
What's the name of the full talk? Is it online?
Czy mógłby ktoś przetłumaczyć ten wykład na język polski?:)
The answer to the question comes from looking inside. Thank you for sharing