The Natrix
The Natrix
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Enjoy the good days while you can
มุมมอง 4912 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
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Do what is good for you
มุมมอง 3514 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
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Chosen Ones were made to move forward in power
มุมมอง 3116 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
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Chosen Ones of God must embrace and expect rejection because…
มุมมอง 6219 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
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The Chosen Ones had and have a rough life because they (you) are made for something greater
มุมมอง 46วันที่ผ่านมา
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How to talk to women without scaring them away (biggest mistakes I used to make - how to fix it)
มุมมอง 299วันที่ผ่านมา
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She doesn’t care about your feelings
มุมมอง 38วันที่ผ่านมา
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God isn’t keeping you from someone, He’s protecting you from the wrong one
มุมมอง 15214 วันที่ผ่านมา
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Do something that challenges and hurts you
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You are not “Unsaved” if you fall away from Christ
มุมมอง 3614 วันที่ผ่านมา
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Followers of Christ are NOT going to hell
มุมมอง 3714 วันที่ผ่านมา
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How you know what God’s purpose is for you
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You were made for a time such as THIS
มุมมอง 3614 วันที่ผ่านมา
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God is with you wherever you go
มุมมอง 5221 วันที่ผ่านมา
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The rise of “Alpha Simps”
มุมมอง 9321 วันที่ผ่านมา
The rise of “Alpha Simps”
Why most women aren’t ready to commit
มุมมอง 8721 วันที่ผ่านมา
Why most women aren’t ready to commit
The biggest idol of today (and what happens when you don’t have it)
มุมมอง 5221 วันที่ผ่านมา
The biggest idol of today (and what happens when you don’t have it)
It’s time to let her go
มุมมอง 29621 วันที่ผ่านมา
It’s time to let her go
Porn addiction: The true problems and the practical solutions
มุมมอง 2128 วันที่ผ่านมา
Porn addiction: The true problems and the practical solutions
This is your wake up call
มุมมอง 3528 วันที่ผ่านมา
This is your wake up call
Don’t worry and don’t lose hope
มุมมอง 4228 วันที่ผ่านมา
Don’t worry and don’t lose hope
The veil is being lifted from the eyes of God’s people
มุมมอง 7128 วันที่ผ่านมา
The veil is being lifted from the eyes of God’s people
God is calling you out of darkness into light
มุมมอง 9928 วันที่ผ่านมา
God is calling you out of darkness into light
The power of consistency to get results
มุมมอง 43หลายเดือนก่อน
The power of consistency to get results
God set you apart for a reason
มุมมอง 875หลายเดือนก่อน
God set you apart for a reason
Some people just won’t like you. This is why
มุมมอง 416หลายเดือนก่อน
Some people just won’t like you. This is why
How good women will attract good men
มุมมอง 50หลายเดือนก่อน
How good women will attract good men
God is preparing you for something greater than you can ever imagine
มุมมอง 210หลายเดือนก่อน
God is preparing you for something greater than you can ever imagine
What type of fitness attracts the most women
มุมมอง 258หลายเดือนก่อน
What type of fitness attracts the most women


  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    You talked in detail about struggling with sin. THATS all apart of our sanctification. Every day through every trial all these faillers and successes weather we believe it or not is bringing us to maturity. God don't punish his children , he disciplines them. There's a verse in the Bible that says the Lord chastened those he loves. Discipline looks likes punishment on the surface from punishment.. But discipline steers in the direction of moral pure Ness. Through every trial , success, and failure is made to make us more like Jesus. BUT we won't be fully sanctified until we're in heaven. In heaven the old sin nature will be done away with. And we will give glory to the Lord for helping us overcome through the Blood of the Lamb. No Christian will have a wasted life. We all lose battles over sin. But with every failer you learn to fight better. The Spirit teaches how to fight. Through that loss he gives you a new strategy.

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Gods making your paths straight Nate. Your preaching on youtube. THE BIBLE says to bear one another's burdens. You just shared your sin burdens. God produced victory and fruit in you tonight. You inspired hurting saints who feel overwhelmed by sin to cry out to the Lord for help. I always need help from the Lord to. I feeled deeply grieved when I sin against him. I can't wait until the lord will remove my old sin nature on day. GOD BLEES BROTHER BUT I NEE REST

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@tommywitte9916 God bless you brother always good to hear from you. This battle against sin and the world can be daunting at times but greater is HE that is in us than he that is in the world. No weapon shall prosper against us. Amen to the Spirit teaching us how to fight and giving us new strategies. That is the greatest mystery to me; how when things are at their worst God turns them into something better than before. John 3:19-21 is one of my favorite passages. We are all fallen and struggle, and there’s too many “teachers” who give a facade of perfection or “better than thou”. We are all sinners in need of grace, and all apart of the body. Thankfully like the dross of gold our infirmities are burned away and our loving Father disciplines us in the way we should go. All glory to Him!

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@thenatrixundone 🙏 Amen!!!!

  • @ramplexpeace
    @ramplexpeace 14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    i like this guy, he is sincere, honest, and motivating

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 5 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@ramplexpeace Appreciate this 💯

  • @ramplexpeace
    @ramplexpeace 14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    well said

  • @JakeBuccellato
    @JakeBuccellato 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    No there isn't. And there never will be. I'm perfectly capable of living by myself. I don't need a woman to care for me and be intimate with. Don't get me wrong. I love and respect women no matter what, and I can socialize with them. It's just that dating never really interested me. I just need a strong purpose to look for even without a relationship. Besides I just turned 24 a few weeks ago, and need to reinvent myself and find out my purpose and goals from scratch. I'm sure that I'm more confident in being a greater man with NO woman.

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    YOU were right that the whole christian life can have joyful times, we dont always have suffering. We will have good days. Becouse in the Christian walk ,out of the bowels of adversity triumph will come. God made Joseph fruitful in affliction. His Brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt. He felt hurt and in pain. But in that pain the Lord reached out and touched him. HE Alowed Joseph to have favour in king pharos eyes. HE allowed him to have power over a big chunck of his kingdom. With every spiritual battle comes victory. BEcouse all things work together for good to those that love Christ. In the wilderness the Jews had trials and tribulations , but when there trials were fullfilled they left the wilderness and entered the promised land, or Caanaan land. WITCH TODAY is modern day israel. God loves his bride the church, and despite painful trials good times will come. Gods Chosen Jews were a type and shadow of the church. And when they entered Caanaan land that was a type and shadow of heaven. GLORY be to God. He promises his salvation to all who beleive. And Glory be to God us gentiles were grafted into the vine , and Glory be to God, he said we would have tribulation in this world. But glory, in due season he will rescue us in trials that happen in this life. BUT when we leave this modern day wilderness . We will enter heaven , heavenly Caanaan. Never again will we cry, never again will we fill torment. It will be joy unspeakable and full of glory.

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      A cheerful heart is good 💊 medicine, but an angry spirit dries up the bones.

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 17 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@tommywitte9916 Amen brother. The story of Joseph is a great example. 7 years for something be didn’t do YET he became second in command to Pharaoh. With every spiritual battle comes a victory..sometimes that seems impossible but there is always guaranteed victory in Christ. I’m finding that more in my walk, that The Lord brings me back stronger and with more wisdom than before. It’s as if everything is a test of faith for our benefit and His glory. What a great mystery. Glory to Him!

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 16 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      @@thenatrixundone amen@@

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    VERY good at explaining the old testament dietary laws that don't apply to today. The Lord blessed you with much wisdom, and he will continue to help and prosper you through the good times and the hard times. Thankyou for all these spiritual videos. It's been great felowship.

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@tommywitte9916 Thank you for the encouragement brother - all praise to The Lord! It’s been a blessing sharing scripture and words with you.

  • @saira2008
    @saira2008 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    This is actually very good advice.

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@saira2008 Thank you, God is good to give the wisdom and understanding.🙏

  • @whitewolf6730
    @whitewolf6730 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I resonate with you man. I grew up in a very strict religious environment, having studied the Bible from my youth up. I was very lucky in that I developed a healthy skepticism toward women, based on the way my Mom acted. She could be a harridan. I figured that all women were like that, so, I pretty much would not get close to any of them. Also, I had career goals that I did not want interfered with. I was picky too! I ignored some pretty ones that I could have probably got, and I do not regret it a bit.

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@whitewolf6730 A man on his mission without distractions is a powerful thing. I’m glad you grasped this and had the understanding from a young age. It will carry you far. The only thing I would add is it’s okay to get close to good women. A good, godly woman who seeks to build a man up can multiply his output and productivity exponentially. They’re rare, but by the sounds of it you know that. Keep up the good fight.🤜🤛

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    MOving forward when life is tough, thats confidence. CHRIST was hated by the world. ANd no one in history suffered as much as he did. But no one was as confident as him. Its easy to lose confidence when things are easy. Heres a verse about Christ: Foxes have holes, and birds 🐦 of the air have 🪹 nests ,but the son of man had nowhere to lay his head. All those trials but his confidence was strong in adversity. Lets be imitators of him, not our local pastor named Reverend SLICK. Dont look to men, look to Jesus. REMEMBER that verse in the bible: The pharisees said ,who is this man? HE speakess as one having authority. Wow thats confidence, your rejected and reviled by the masses, yet your confidence is off the Charts!!! Lets pray the Lord gives us confidence. Becouse if you get fearful in a fight you can lose. King David was a man filled with trials annd greif. BUT by faith he defeated a big bad giant named goliath. THE odds were against him, but his confideence was faith in Christ. TRUE confidence is tested in trials. Easy happy times can make you think your confident. But when tough times come, will you still have the confidence to persevere, and have a Godly Attitude. (LORD I HUMBLY ASK, GIVE US GRACE. GIVE US THE WARRIOR SPIRIT) AMEN!!!!!

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Do not be envious of those who have few trials. True confidence comes through trials. The Lord is making us more like Christ. HE is perfecting us in the furnace of affliction. WE will be perfected in this life so we look more like Jesus. But we won't feel fully confident until we're in heaven.

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Christs disciple Peter had to stumble and lose a battle to gain confidence. He denied Christ 3 times and wept bitterly becouse he didn't acknowledge his Savior . But through that painful trial God made him stronger and turned him into a brave man of faith. YEARs after the bible was written history books outside the bible proved Peter suffered martyrdom and death for Christs Gospel: That's confidence making a comeback after suffering humiliating spiritual defeat. That's a true verse in the Bible that's says love will cover a multitude of wrong. We cowardly fall and God will time and time again give us the courage to redeem ourselves in the Blood of the Lamb!!! Let me tell you something Brother!!! ( We were predestined to over come evil with good)!!!!

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@tommywitte9916 Faith in Christ is the answer, all glory to Him! The story of David, Jesus, and Peter on this earth are full of hope. They give us the blueprint to overcome, and how? Like you said, through faith! Our trials and tribulations if they are for His sake are blessings. His light will reach into the cruelest darkness and change the hardest of hearts. We look forward to that day when we will be changed..but bless our God for giving us His Son, and the Comforter to escort us through this chapter. He reigns and His Word will not return to Him void.🙏

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@thenatrixundone amen!!

  • @Val_Lat
    @Val_Lat 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I crossed over to the U.S. to spend time with my dad, who seems to have more of a social life than i do lol so im here at his place feeling EXTREMELY lonely & I saw this & now im crying cause finally someone gets me. I need to find a slightly older female version of you to have as a girlfriend. not in a lesbian way. gotta make that clear now. idk why most women my age & younger are insufferable. the mind numbing crap they talk about! I can not relate. it's incredibly lonely, brother 😞

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Val_Lat Glad to hear you spent time with your father. You’re not alone. Many, including myself, go through this feeling of earthly loneliness. It is part of the process. I would go so far as to say this isn’t by coincidence. It sounds like God is having you go through a time of healing and resting in Him while renewing your mind. This is usually followed by a spiritual breakthrough and grounding you in His Word and other believers. I pray and believe that the Lord will guide you to godly women who you can relate to and do life with. It’s good to hear from you Val - don’t lose heart, our Father is always there for us.🙏

    • @Val_Lat
      @Val_Lat 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@thenatrixundone hi hi! LOL I'm always in your comment section venting & crying about my life "poor me" 🤣 im sorry! i just don't have any friends aside from the 3 older ladies i mentioned and although i appreciate them SO much, sometimes i need a female a little closer to my age who is like-minded & understands the struggles of a single Christian woman. and so i come here to bitch about it because you get me! you remind me a lot of my older brother. i appreciate the company of a male friend because im not very girly i hate gossip and talking about STUPID unimportant nonsense (not saying men don't do it) but its more common with women. i grew up with brothers & my older brother is my best friend however, there is nothing like having a female friend that gets me. so until i find one, you are now stuck having to listen to me bitch about my problems haha jk also i hope you are doing well. you are so awesome to your followers offering advice & giving encouragement, someone's got to check on you too and make sure you are alright! thank you , Nate. i appreciate you :) was also hoping for some male advice on dating. I'd like a younger Christian guys opinion on something, if that would be cool 😁

  • @eternalkote1944
    @eternalkote1944 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Brother, 100%, customers and fellow employees, stare at me, constantly; it makes me irritated and uncomfortable as a human being. I go out of my way to mind my own business, but ( they ) always insert themselves into my sights.

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@eternalkote1944 I hear you, it can be unnerving at times. I encourage you to take heart that you have a light that attracts others. You were meant to influence and be a beacon of hope to those around you. The Spirit of God fills you with power to gather the lost into the kingdom. I hope and pray you find confidence and clarity in your purpose and walk with Christ.

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    SAlvation is foolishness to those who are perishing but to those who are being saved it is the power of God. That verse gives us an exsplanation of why chosen are alone. The ways of Gods true goodness are an offence. In a world that calls good evil ,and evil good that is to be exspected. THE natural man hates the things of good. This verse is a good description of the world, a fools an unbeliever. Heres a verse : Fools mock at making ammends for sin. So yes they will hate us. Id like to say more but I gotta take my wife to the park, God bless!!

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@tommywitte9916 Indeed, those in the darkness hate the light. In a world twisting everything to blind us it’s no wonder we hate good and praise evil. Just as in the days of Noah..sometimes my heart is heavy over these things. But God is just and has a plan perfectly laid out. Hope y’all had a good time at the park. Bless you brother.🙏

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @thenatrixundone Grace and peace

  • @imiplacesamacac370
    @imiplacesamacac370 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Great video bro!

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@imiplacesamacac370 appreciate you 🙏

  • @Eli-sc9eb
    @Eli-sc9eb 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thanks bro I really needed this man

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Eli-sc9eb Anytime brother. Let me know if you need anything 🙏

  • @Val_Lat
    @Val_Lat 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    hey brother, may I ask that you please keep me in prayer? im taking some time off work & staying off my devices for a few days. ive been seeing all this stuff happening & usually i dont let it affect me but i feel like the lord is showing me these things, so i can take my relationship with Him more seriously. i remember when i first started reading the Bible, most of it went RIGHT over my head but one thing that stuck out was the parable of the ten virgins in the book of Matthew. til this day i always think of it. thank you for this channel. i follow a few other Bible based channels here & im so grateful for you guys. God bless you and everyone here that truly genuinely loves Christ and lives for Him. take care 🙏🏼🤍

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Absolutely. Sometimes it’s best to step away from worldly things and focus on the Word and meditate on The Lord. That is a thought provoking parable that many skip over. Praying you find rest and peace in Jesus dear sister.

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

    You shared alot of meat 🍖 in this video, so I'm going to have to listen to it a couple of more times. But you said something that was important to me, and that was forgiving myself. For many years when I was a young man I struggled with the sin of not forgiving myself. Later on I found out that that was pride. Me beating myself into submission ain't going to make me better, Christ died for my failers, and not forgiving myself was like saying your forgiveness Lord is not enough. The same principals Christ used to save me , needed to be applied to self forgiveness. Sometimes in our pride we think our emotional self mutilation is a beautiful thing to do and that God is pleased with it. No God hates it. There's a healthy grief. BUt if you beat your self up it is self rightious ,and narsisistic. When I started forgiving myself I felt victory ,and like a heavy weight was lifted off of me. I'm my worst critic but there has to be balance.

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

      To this day I'm scratching my head at why I fell into the sin of not forgiving myself. I trusted in him, and him alone to save me. And I new and believed truly I couldn't save myself, but I blindly fell into that. Still scratching my head about that one today.

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

      IM thankful I'm not under law but grace. Thank God fulfilled the law. I it were not for Christ no one would go to heaven. Yep the blood of 🐑 sheeps and goats 🐐 could not cover our sins. They were a picture of our future Mesiah Christ. And they put there faith in that future picture of Christ who would in the future fulfill it for them And It could be fulfilled becouse Christ died for all sins past present and future (GLORY BE TO GOD)!!! He removes our sins as far as the east is to the west. How far can that stretch ? IT can stretch for eternity. LIKE What you I believe said in this video. ( Were sin abounded, Grace much more superabounded) the full power and mercy of God. ENDLESS MERCY. Glory be to God!!!!!!!!

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@tommywitte9916 Right there with you brother. For so long I myself fell into trying to cleanse myself and “do better”. Yet, Christ accomplished everything. I love what you said about our sins being forgiven as far as the east is from the west- that’s an eternity. He overcame the sting and snare of death. Provided a way out for any who believe on Him and His sacrifice. I believe the reason we wrestle with not forgiving ourself is because of the “demon of doubt”. Satan knows he can’t pluck God’s people out of His hand, but he will do everything in his power to make us doubt and fall into shame. He wants to make us second guess and walk the tight rope of “am I really saved” vs resting in Christ’s finished work. When we FIX our eyes on Jesus we are able to get through any storm. The enemy wants us caught between the world and the kingdom of God. Yet for God’s chosen we are called to seek FIRST His kingdom. I believe when we don’t, life becomes more difficult because The Lord is showing us that we have a greater PURPOSE in Him. Once we submit to him and learn to love ourselves because of HIS identity He gave us, our paths are straight and peaceful. It is something I still wrestle with but God is pruning me with grace and mercy more abundantly every day. Glad there are others like you willing to share where they are and have come from. Grace and peace to you.✝️

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@thenatrixundone Amen!!!

  • @NoahSchloss-o1u
    @NoahSchloss-o1u 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

    God bless you brother, you seem like a down to earth dude

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@NoahSchloss-o1u By God’s grace He is working on me one day at a time. Glad you found this encouraging. May The Lord bless and keep you.

  • @ElChristew
    @ElChristew 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Great video 👍

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@ElChristew thank you brother 🙏

  • @camps9079
    @camps9079 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Well, he’s been protecting me for several years now 😅😂

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@camps9079 And it might be several more but He has a plan for you 🙏

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

    JOBS WIFE DIDNT CARE ABOUT PROBLEMS, SHE COMMENTED ON HIS BREATH ,AND Told him to curse God and die, but he loved good and hated evil. And Job was a rioghtious man. Is a man always supposed to be a rock. God sent a wife as a help mate. The Bible says to us men to love our wifes, and he tells the wifes to respect there husband's. IF your the world's toughest man, or the toughest women, you'll never be tougher than life. If a husband or wife is in doubt call on Jesus for strength, becouse he's the only one that can get you through it. I HOLD my feelings in and take it to the Lord. MY wife allows me to open up. But I don't share very much . I JUST LISTEN TO her. When people dump there emotions on me it helps me. Becouse I relate to others pain. I empathize with it. I'm 51 years old, and I still don't understand women. But sometimes our different s compliment each other. Did a good job analyzing women, God bless.

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@tommywitte9916 You make a great point about life getting tougher than us. When a husband and wife look to Jesus as their rock that’s the answer. Taking our burdens to him, we get clarity and peace. Our differences as men and women are key. Understanding the other and realizing strengths and weaknesses is paramount. Seems like these days we have it upside down and it’s easy to get wrapped up in the cycle. God is good to grant this knowledge. Thank you for sharing.

  • @Val_Lat
    @Val_Lat 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    this randomly popped on my feed & i had to give it a listen. also just realized your channel is geared more towards men lol oops i am a tomboy always been one & i dislike most MODERN women so i guess this is why i relate. anyway, this message resonates with me so much cause I am the type to call you out ( i even call myself out) on your bullshit ALL with good intentions. and people usually hate me for that. i mean ngl sometimes i do it to put someone in their place but lets be real, sometimes that needs to happen, thats how we grow. i will admit, i need to work on my delivery. so most women HATE me cause I call them out on their behavior and mindset towards men. im not picking on women here, but since i am a woman (and an older one), i know how most women operate. especially the modern "independent" woman. ugh. i DISLIKE those so much! before i completely got off social media, i remember seeing a woman post about her telling her boyfriend to go buy her tampons and the guy was like nah & she said she dumped him or something along those lines. i jumped in the comments knowing i would get shit for what i was about to say but i didnt care. so all of a sudden these "independent" women who dont need no man, cant act responsibly enough to be prepared for when their period hits & put their responsibility on a man. like yo we've been doing this for years now, you know whats gonna happen every month. be prepared. just irked me how they claim they dont need a man. lol only when its convenient. also, can you imagine if the tables were turned?! dude, if a guy got his period & asked these same type of women to run to the store to get him sanitary napkins, theyd lose their shit & say NO thats your thing! anyway, they came at me of course, "female misogyny is real!" 🤣 stupid shit like that. thats what i face pretty much every time im around women. i dont think they hate ME, they hate that im challenging them with pretty much the truth and they've been conditioned to think otherwise. im NOT going to stop telling the truth but i definitely need to work on my delivery lol also we as christians, are going to be hated. i mean John 15:18 tells us that. sorry for the essay lol but i think you understand where im coming from here. as i understand where you, as a man and a christian is coming from. these are refreshing conversations i cant have with just anyone now a days. have a blessed day!

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Val_Lat You absolutely don’t sound like most modern day women - which is refreshing. We need more people willing to speak the truth in love and call each other out. Most don’t realize they live in hypocrisy. We’ve become self centered and convinced ourselves our feelings are the only ones that are real/matters. Most women don’t understand the value they bring to a relationship. Most men don’t either. Everyone’s out for themselves. No one has a servants mindset, or a mutual building up of one another. It’s all about ME and MY independence. It takes two people willing to submit to God first, then to roles He has ordained for each other. Then they would find freedom, joy, happiness, and love with eyes fixed on Jesus. It’s incredible how God has opened your eyes to these truths. May He continue to bless and keep you.

    • @Val_Lat
      @Val_Lat 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@thenatrixundone 🙏🏼

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I prayed to the Lord that he would send me a Godly wife.I got married to when I was 44. If your a Christian be careful who you date in church, pray and ask God for wisdom and discernment. Becouse there's alot of wolves in sheep's clothing in the churches that are doctrinaly sound. Alot of Christians with good intentions got tricked in marriage. NEED God's guidance , the church is in a bsckslidden state. THE institutional churches are uneqauly yoked to the world inside the church, that's why I started having home church.Its complicated all this turmoil between men and women. I'm thankful my wife loves me, I'm just a simple man. I'm glad Christ helped me succeed in this.

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      GRACE and peace.

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@tommywitte9916Very thankful the Lord led you to a good wife! She is truly a gift from Him like Proverbs states. The wolves in church looking for men (or vice versa) is running rampant. And for the reasons you stated, the unequal yoking with worldly institutions and thoughts. I’m seeing many people on common ground until it gets to the individual (God appointed and beneficial) responsibilities and rolls of one another. Cannot blame you for having a home church, I think that’s a wonderful way for many believers to connect and grow outside of what the “church” has become. Where two or three are gathered in His name, He is in their midst! Hoping you have a blessed Sunday.

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@thenatrixundone Amen, grace and peace!!!

  • @Val_Lat
    @Val_Lat 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    feminism and cuckery is running rampant destroying the nuclear family and destroying relationships. you get it!!!! most men my age are extremely cucked out its SO unattractive! emotionally weak men, women are just as worse. having kids with different dudes like its no big deal. then expecting a man who makes a ton of money is 6 ft and up blah blah yet bring nothing to the table. i get a lot of shit for saying that about women but hey its true! i grew up in a home where my father was head of the household, my mother didnt work she raised us. i always wanted a man like my dad but never found him thats why im STILL single at 42. nobody really understood me but you get it! 😭😭 you are absolutely correct! im so glad that young men are opening their eyes to all this rubbish and women are too. this vid is AWESOME!!!!!!! thank you, brother

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      You get it. The whole point is to destroy the God fearing nuclear families. That is where strength, honor, and blessing reside. More women need to speak up about it, as well as more men. We need to hold each other accountable. I grew up with a father who was the head of the house, and a mother who raised/homeschooled us. I started working with my family at 8 years old to put food on the table. My father made us work outside in the hottest parts of the day in Texas summers. It is because of his “tough love” that I am who I am today. My mother was the most respectful, hardworking, patient, kind, submissive, (in a good way) woman I’ve ever known. Were they perfect? No, but they did their best and wanted me to succeed and be a man. Now it’s up to us to make the next generation even better. With God all things are possible sister.

    • @Val_Lat
      @Val_Lat 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @thenatrixundone we were pretty much raised the same way, it seems. I wasn't homeschooled though, I wish I had been! my dad was the same, was very strict more so with me cause I was the only girl (and the youngest) I hated that he was super strict with me growing up but now I'm extremely grateful that he was. even then, I was rebellious and did stupid things as a teen and adult but that was because I strayed from God. I'm so grateful to the lord for the parents He blessed me with. I had such a great example of what a godly marriage is. my mother took such good care of my dad and my father was always a good provider. He worked his ass off to take care of his family. I see so many of my friends marriages fail because of infidelity, financial issues, problems with alcohol/drugs and it's because their lack of a relationship with christ. I understand now why God did not answer my prayers for a husband & children in my 20s and early 30s .I wasn't following Him. I was going to fail miserably at being both a wife & mother. it was a true blessing in disguise. I am older and although I'm still growing in my faith, I now know the type of woman I am and the type of man I'm truly meant to marry. I get overwhelmed with emotion when I think of how lost I was yet God was STILL taking care of me and trying to steer me back in His direction. so undeserving of it all yet here I am. I'm so glad I found your channel. I don't feel so alone anymore. I've only 3 friends. 2 women in their 80s & another in her 60s. all Christian women. I can't relate to most women my age. also, I grew up in texas too 😅 I've dual citizenship as I work in Mexico and teach esl. please keep me in prayer and also keep us "tejanos" in prayer for all the violence at the border with the cartel. thank you, nate. God bless you always!!!!!

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Val_Lat Hindsight is 20-20. Sounds we were raised very similar indeed. The lack of Christ in marriages and relationships is exactly what’s causing its downfall. We’ve become obsessed with the world. So many temptations at our fingertips - but God is faithful and always provides a way of escape. And I’m right there with you. Throughout my early and mid 20s I was living in the cares of the world just like a prodigal son would. I would fall, and come back. Then fall again, and come back to Jesus. It took many ups and downs, but HE never left. HE is always by our side and will always go after His lost sheep. Every day I’m more amazed and struck by His grace and mercy. I pray to walk in His light, as well as for my brothers and sisters. Walking with Him is pleasant and nourishing to the soul. The way He renews our faith is incredible. He has a plan. The Good Father calls us by our name, not our sin. The godly women He has put in your life are a blessing. And you are a fellow Texan, how remarkable! Dual citizenship is a great privilege. Will certainly pray for the affected in that region as things will probably get worse before better. Yet He is in control. Thank you for the encouragement, you are in my prayers. All praise to The Lord!

  • @goodvibes04281
    @goodvibes04281 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Social media is very dangerous and ppl lie just for likes and views.

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      This is the truth. You can manipulate the system and others to succeed. Sadly many don’t see anything wrong with it and “do whatever it takes”.

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Succeeding in life to me in a nut shell is to remain busy and not have an Idle mind. Becouse the Lord says an Idle mind is a devils workshop. For the last 33 years I've been lifting weights and running. I had alot of trials, but that's how I kept my mind from becoming the devils workshop. I read the Bible daily all these years. The Bible helped me through my problems the most. The word of the Lord gave me the mental strength to get through the deep waters. But compared to the Lord and his eternal kingdom exercise and the things of this life profits the body little. When I'm in heaven the eternal kingdom of God. Pushing will be effortless. No more pain, and no more sorrow. Thanks for this message on persevering , may God give you strength to keep pushing forward..

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      That is a great way of looking at things. Being idle is a recipe for folly and destruction, especially for men. His Word is more invigorating than working out, yet I wholeheartedly agree it is a blessing being able to stay active and fit. No feeling or chemical reaction can replace His peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you for the encouragement brother, I pray the Lord’s endurance to you as well.

  • @Val_Lat
    @Val_Lat 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

    whoa this spoke to me. HARD! i am 42 never married. no children. i lost my friends & most of my family when i truly started following Christ & sharing the gospel. im a total loner cuz everyone thinks im crazy and hateful etc. i see people my age with their kids and their partners and i feel like an absolute loser. but i know its the enemy putting that into my head. thank you! i needed to hear this. i just want a simple life with a TRUE man of God so we can both serve Him. please pray for me. new sub. hello from Mexico. God bless

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Val_Lat Sometimes it seems like we lose everything for His sake. It’s a battle of light vs dark. By you living in the Spirit, you will push others away (but God’s sheep will hear His voice). Keep living for His glory and you’ll be surprised…people’s lives will change and they will know Him. I will keep you in my prayers. He will fill your heart and keep you for the right man. I understand your pain, and I know God has a plan in His timing. Thank you for sharing and for the sub. God bless you sister!🙏

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Believers can fall hard, they may fall for a season, but they wont stay in there sin, becouse Christs seed is still in them. A believer can fall for a season. BUT the bible never says how long a season is. It took David a year to repent of the sin he commited with bathsheba. All I know is the ungodly practice sin as long as there unsaved.Believers fall for a season. The bible says shall we continue in sin that grace may abound, God 🚫 forbid. Sometimes when you see a believer badly backslidden you might mistake him as a unbeliever. Only God knows for shure. But if you struggle agsinst sin, thats a sign that the Lord is helping you to overcome. But as long as you have the flesh you will struggle with heavy temptations. The apostle paul asked the Lord, deliver me from this body of death. HE was extremely grieved by his sins. Unbelievers feel compfortable in there sins. But a believer is a misserable sinner. He hates his sin. I AM 51 years old and Ive had seasons in my life I sinned so bad I felt like I wasnt going to recover , but like David God brought me back stronger. We lose battles ,but not the war. If you stumble ,and your Gods sheep ,it will be for a season. But greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world, you will overcome in the blood of the Lamb. We will not be defeated. No weapon formed against us will prosper. CHRIST won on calvary.

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Every true believer needs to pray for all there brethren and sisters to stand firm in temptation. The fervent prayers of a rightious man availeth much!!! We need each others prayers, so by the power of the HolySpirit , we can defeat the world,flesh, and devil.

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I don't trust myself , only Christ. Apart from him I can absolutely do nothing good. No good thing comes from me. Christ did it all!!!

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

      God Commands us in one of PAULS books to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. When believers have fallen into sin they will sadly share there heart fealt pain. They will doubt there salvation. An unbeliever will not doubt his salvation. You can't doubt what you don't have. IF your sorrowful and doubt his seed is in you. The Spirit in you is telling you to examine yourself . AND in your doubt the Spirit in time gives you clarity that you are his child. AND he who's been forgiven much love much. AND AFTER the Lord delivers you ,you start having victories that you never imagined. AFTER Samson fell came great Spiritual victory. He called out to the Lord pushed the pillers and took out more philistines but died with them. IM done, don't mean to ramble, I love the Lord!!!

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@tommywitte9916Amen and amen! I appreciate your comments once again brother. YT was trying to hide them so I had to check another way. Everything you said is spot on. If we don’t examine ourselves or work out our faith with fear and trembling, is the Spirit really in us? It convicts, advocates, and comforts us through our walk with Christ. Like you said, as a believer we are not comfortable in our sin. We fall, but still have conviction (however slight it might be). It cuts to our soul, within our very bones we feel the ache! One of the most interesting verses I find is when God will sometimes leave us to our sin. I’ve never understood this completely..but what I do know is on the other side of this, however painful it is, His grace and mercy overflows. As you said, you then come to a greater understanding, show more compassion, and are renewed more than before. Only God can take our sin, and replace it with goodness unfathomable. It is a mystery yet one I’m grateful for. Thank you for sharing and keeping the faith.🙏

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @thenatrixundone God bless you brother.

  • @CV-bj1xt
    @CV-bj1xt 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you for the video! Needed this. Saw it randomly and felt the Holy Spirit tell me to watch :)

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@CV-bj1xt I’m so thankful to hear the Spirit moved with power! All praise to Him!🙏

  • @BrianaForChrist
    @BrianaForChrist 19 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Any body who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. What does that verse imply? It is not a suggestion , its a promise. If its a promise , God will fullfill it. GOD put a rainbow 🌈 in the sky after Noah left the Ark. What was the raibow? A promise God will never flood the 🌎 earth. DID WE have another world wide flood? Absolutely not. God never broke a promise. GOD CANT LIE AND he will never lie. THE LORD is jelous of his own.

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Thankyou for comforting God's elect in this sermon. The Lord will know we are his children for our love for one another. YOU BEAR THOSE fruits of the Spirit in your teachings.

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@tommywitte9916 All of God’s promises are sure and faithful. I hope He continues to comfort those and remind them of ALL His promises. It will come through followers of Christ such as you who keep spreading the good news. We are the body, building each other up. He is the chief cornerstone where we rest on and have our foundation. Everyone has a calling: some to encourage, some to exhort, others to minister..let us find our hearts, hands, and mouths to glorify Him wherever we are.

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

    AMEN, praise the Lord for these words he planted in your ❤️ heart. Keep preaching!!!!

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

    WE chose God , becouse he first chose us. We were spiritually dead before he saved us. We had nothing in us that desired him. Kind of reminds me of the story in the bible the valley of dried bones. Those dried bones could not put life into themselves. Well when the Lord saved me he put life into my dried bones. The Lord helped me to realize I was truly a sinner, and that there was nothing good at all enough in me to save myself. But I trusted the blood of Christ alone to cover my sins and save my soul. Nolonger depended on any righteousness of my own . In the garden of eden God gave us a forshadowing of his salvation. ADAM and Eve hid behind there own rightiousness by covering themselves in fig 🍃 leaves. BUT God gave them a forshadowing of the SEcond Adam who was Christ. GOD covered them in animal skins. The skin represented there sins being covered . And the blood typified all sins past present and future being forgiven. First forshadowing of Christ in the garden. Praise Jesus for his love and mercy that was planned before the foundation of the 🌎 world. GLORY BE TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!AMEN!!!!!!!!!!

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I appreciated your message, it touched my heart deeply, God bless you in Jesus name!

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@tommywitte9916 Brother your comments and insight are always a joy to receive. The story of dry bones is a wonderful example of life from nothing. How God can take something as useless and nothingness as dust and make us into His image! How great is His name. In the spiritual sense just as you mention, He breathes life into our dead and lifeless hearts of stones and GIFTS us a heart of flesh. A set of new eyes, ears, a renewing of the amazing is His love. We can’t offer anything in return except to walk in His Son’s ways and keeps His commandments. His gift of grace is priceless. Praise Him that He has given you this valuable pearl, and I hope many more will see and know His love through your life.🙏

  • @11turnitupp62
    @11turnitupp62 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    thanks man

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@11turnitupp62 Anytime 🤜🤛

  • @HLopez54
    @HLopez54 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Keep it up man, we listening

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@HLopez54 Appreciate you 👊

  • @SaucySkater
    @SaucySkater 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    1:06 Once I started cultivating a relationship with The Lord, my life became sooooo much easier!!

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@SaucySkater Thank you for sharing.🙏 He is the Fountain of Life. It is incredible what He can restore and make new and simple. Matthew 11:30 “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” All praise to Him!

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    You your talking about how we dont fully understand the providence of God. Apostle Paul made mention of that when he said we see things through a glass dimly. The greatest theologians are still scratching the surface of Gods word. I LOVE Jesus he felt the full wrath of God to pay for our sins. HE suffered a pain in the spiritual realm that is beyond comprehension. The wrath he felt must of been greater than any pain any human would feel in an eternal hell. IN hell humans feel degrees of pain and punishment. But Jesus felt the full wrath. Thats evidence he truly love his children. What a couragiuos God we serve. Why as believers do we doubt him after he sacraficed so much for us. Forgive us I humbly ask Lord Jesus.

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@tommywitte9916 Paul’s mention of dimly seeing things is one of my favorite analogies. The fact that Jesus sweat blood and asked that God’s cup of wrath would pass is something I don’t think we’ll ever be able to wrap our minds around. May the love of the Lord never leave our being and may He have mercy on us. Jesus is Lord and He is gracious beyond all comprehension.

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @thenatrixundone amen!!!

  • @frostynips9411
    @frostynips9411 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    feels like the incel preacher

  • @KevinoftheCosmos
    @KevinoftheCosmos 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I'm glad I found this channel. Happy to be aboard, brother.

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@KevinoftheCosmos Good to have you brother!

  • @tinalove8197
    @tinalove8197 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    As women we are cursed. It's in Bible that SUBMISSION IS A CURSE. " You will desire him and he will rule over you"

  • @tinalove8197
    @tinalove8197 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The 20 s is for partying and enjoying life. The 30 s is for settling down marriage.

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Im glad my dating days are over. I married my wife 7 years ago. Shes alwzys been there for me. She dont live the single life. Amd she studies and reads the bible with me everyday.

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@tommywitte9916 That’s a wife from the Lord, an incredible gift. Very joyous for you.🙏

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    TO much money, fewer spiritual restraints . TO much money and power, far more temptation to sin. More suseptible to backsliding. If you have lots of money youll need an acceptional boost of grace. Solomon didnt deal well with prosperity. HE was given over to perverse ungodly women that led him to worship Idles of wood and stone. Job didnt turn from God ,or worship his wealth. HEwas a man that loved good and shunned evil. But despite his faithfulness to the Lord he was a large target for Satan to attach. A man of God with influence like that can be exsposed to hardships I as a poorman wouldnt be fully able to relate to. One of the most shameful things happening in the institutional church is how covetious preachers are getting for money. I hate to admitt this, but I believe most of the churches are money hongry. WE need more Apostle Pauls in the church. Preach the Gospel free of charge ,and get a side job. (GOD bless you Nathan, and thanks for preaching on this serious issue.

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Spot on. We have accounts of many different people and leaders who had varying amounts of money. We see it corrupts some and others not so much. Job is a great example. Even with everything a man could have on this earth, it can be taken away. Will we be like Job? Or will we eventually fall like Solomon? It’s incredible how the LOVE of money is highlighted as the root of all evil and in many ways ignored by the church. I truly believe that pastors should have their own means of making (extra) income outside of the church when possible. 1 Corinthians 9:14 says those who proclaim the gospel should get their living from the gospel - yet we’ve taken that to the extreme. Bare necessities covered? Absolutely. 6+ figure salaries? I’m not so sure. The church was meant to pour out to others yet many hoard and say the bigger and fancier equipment is necessary to spread the Word. Meanwhile we have brothers and sisters in Christ hiding in underground tunnels in China richer in spirit than we might ever be on this earth. Always enjoy your encouragement and perception. I pray the protection and richness of His grace in your life.

    • @tommywitte9916
      @tommywitte9916 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @thenatrixundone Amen!!!!!

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    His strength is made perfect in our weakness. If we exalt ourselves we will be humbled. BUT if we humble ouselves , we will be exalted. JOHN the Baptist said I must decrease, and he must increase. Put Christ first , and if your humble he will lead you down the narrow road to eternal glory.He will exspose you to his promises. So you will have confidence to persevere. HIS PROMISES GIVE us a pep talk in our trials and tribulations. CALL ON THE LORD IN THE DAY OF TROUBLE AND HE WILL Give you rest.

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@tommywitte9916 It’s a joy to see your comments - I can sense the Holy Spirit speaking through you. “The meek will inherit the earth”. Going down the narrow road sometimes takes everything but when the Lord directs your steps it’s like being lifted by wings. The faith He gives us is precious and can weather any storm. He provides the peace that surpasses all understanding and calms the waves with one word. Blessed be the Lord God who lives forever and ever! Wonderful encouragement to have this day.

  • @tommywitte9916
    @tommywitte9916 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    THAnks for exorting people to read Gods word. The word is Spirit breethed. And it has power. He can remove the heart of stone, and give you a heart of flesh. A heart that loves good and hates evil. He can give you a new nature and put life into your dried bones. He can take you out of spiritual death, and bring you into spiritual life, Glory!!!!

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Everything you say is true and praise God for His gift of grace! The regenerative power of the Spirit is something nothing and no one can overcome.

  • @mariithekidd_
    @mariithekidd_ หลายเดือนก่อน

    So glad I’ve found this channel bro!! Keep doing God’s work and spreading the message 🙏

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@mariithekidd_ Praise be to Him! Glad you are finding encouragement 🙏

  • @SaucySkater
    @SaucySkater หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hey Nate I just wanted to reach out and tell you how much your videos have helped me get out of the darkness. Thanks for all you do!!

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@SaucySkater Praise be to the Lord! I’m glad He is showing you His light.🙏

  • @SaucySkater
    @SaucySkater หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hi Nate, can I meditate as a Christian?

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@SaucySkater We can certainly “meditate” as in go to a quiet place and pray to The Lord. Human mediation is of no value. Meditation in The Word, prayer, and His Spirit is a different thing entirely.

  • @quitageorge7532
    @quitageorge7532 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great video.....I needed to hear this

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@quitageorge7532 God’s timing is great 🙏

  • @karlor.3974
    @karlor.3974 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If you want to hear my testimony i will share it here: 1year ago because of troubles in life i had problem with aggresion and adictions meanwhile i started seeking God for help and he did help, fastforward i started praying every night and enemy really didnt like it so the enemy was visiting me many nights but God allowed because he wanted to teach me to trust in him for protection which i did with time, currently i am in better place now and i am fully opened to the holy spirit and can always feel Gods love and his presence but still i think i will be tempted to the rest of my life haha but i will make it through. Also i want to ask you if you have ever encountered evil spirits and do you have experience with seeing in spirit and such things, i started recently getting some of gifts of the Holy Spirit?

    • @karlor.3974
      @karlor.3974 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Also i started praying psalm 118:19 Jesus open my eyes so i can see wonders of your law and i activated my gift of seeing in spirit i recommend you try it too if you are into gifts

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@karlor.3974 Thank you for sharing your testimony, glory be to God for His deliverance and new sight! We will certainly be tempted the rest of our lives yet when we remain steadfast in Him our path is straight. I believe in the gifts of the Spirit - I am a hopeful continuist. I believe and am hopeful the Spirit can manifest Himself and gift however He pleases. Although I don’t think that should be a primary focus of believers these days. We are called to press forward in faith, hope, and love. To share the Gospel. I believe as a byproduct of doing so the Holy Spirit will permit certain miracles and gifts - all to bring glory to God. What you describe personally, is the gift of discernment. I believe gifts such as these still exist today. Since you asked, thanks to the Lord I have personally experienced this. It’s as if the veil over this world has been lifted and the Lord has granted me a spiritual sight and discernment I’ve never known before. I hesitate to call this a one and done gift. I believe when we are sanctified and draw closer to God, and renew our minds in the Word and the Spirit, we see more clearly. Jesus says He will grant many riches in this life and the next when we follow Him..I am confident to say most of the time that isn’t monetary or earthly gifts. His ways are higher than ours and praise be to His name for His heavenly gifts. It sounds like God is moving through you. Use this to build others up, to dive into His word more, and proclaim His gospel to show the love of Christ to all.

  • @ALEK3392
    @ALEK3392 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for this video. I knew it was meant for me because I have heard of your channel before and you ended up on my video feed I’m guessing because I listen to these kinds of videos. I needed to hear this 🙏

    • @thenatrixundone
      @thenatrixundone หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ALEK3392 I am glad you found encouragement through this. The Spirit moves where it will and it gives me joy it spoke to you. May God be glorified and bless you in your journey.🙏