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มุมมอง: 7


มุมมอง 1621 วันที่ผ่านมา
黑道、商道与人道短兵相接,缠绵、悱恻与震撼水乳交融。   丁光伟与胡玉珊婚姻破裂后远走南非,两岁的小宝却在胡玉珊与旧日恋人王念慈的婚礼上被保姆以四百元卖给了他人,追查中保姆车祸丧生,丁小宝生死未明。   二十年后,历经煎熬的丁光伟几经闯荡,已成商业巨子,思子心切的丁光伟找到胡玉珊,得知小宝已丢失,心内悲愤异常,但寻子之心不死,丁的养子阿龙担心小宝的出现会取代自己在丁家的地位,不断跟踪丁光伟,动用各种黑势力,不择手段伺机破坏,一条条线索被莫名中断,情况扑朔迷离!   丁光伟费尽周折,终于找到小宝,而此时小宝却因幼时患病未得到及时治疗,旧病复发,气急败坏的阿龙怒闯小宝病房,捅穿了小宝的身世之谜,小宝过于震惊,病情再次恶化,情势十分凶险!   面对遗弃自己的生身父母,伤心欲绝的小宝又将何去何从?   面对阿龙多次的肆意伤害,丁光伟如何撕开这滴血的伤口?
【二十集国产电视剧】决战一生(part1)(又名 与爱同生)刘佩琦、陈瑾、马跃、何伟、李琳
มุมมอง 243หลายเดือนก่อน
一对男女逃犯夏梦、金海荣坐上忠厚司机郝连德的出租车,郝要把两人绳之于法送往公安局,纠缠间出租车与大型集货箱车相碰,引起严重车祸。车祸中伤及一个中学生林义丹、孕妇苏丽英,女逃犯夏梦,郝连德亦受重伤。   在治疗过程中林义丹、苏丽英、夏梦三人因为输血感染绝症。一场车祸从此使林义丹、苏丽英的命运便与悲惨两字扯上关系。   由于林义丹亲母李悦萍的介入,使痛爱林义丹的继母沈凝和当公安的父亲林成均离婚;林成均为了赚儿子的医药费,与毒贩勾结……最终案情大白之时,揭开了林成均的卧底身份……   车祸之前,郝连德本来准备与未婚妻安月举行婚礼,因为郝误会自己染上绝症,把未婚妻送到了开电脑公司的朋友孟辉处工作,想方设法撮合他们,希望安月能过幸福的生活。当郝得知自己没有感染绝症,想追回心爱的人时,他看见安月和孟辉如胶似膝,安月真正得到了幸福,便黯然放弃。   苏丽英因为染上绝症,被丈夫赶出家门,甚至孩子出生...
【二十集国产电视剧】决战一生(part2)(又名 与爱同生)刘佩琦、陈瑾、马跃、何伟、李琳
มุมมอง 39หลายเดือนก่อน
一对男女逃犯夏梦、金海荣坐上忠厚司机郝连德的出租车,郝要把两人绳之于法送往公安局,纠缠间出租车与大型集货箱车相碰,引起严重车祸。车祸中伤及一个中学生林义丹、孕妇苏丽英,女逃犯夏梦,郝连德亦受重伤。   在治疗过程中林义丹、苏丽英、夏梦三人因为输血感染绝症。一场车祸从此使林义丹、苏丽英的命运便与悲惨两字扯上关系。   由于林义丹亲母李悦萍的介入,使痛爱林义丹的继母沈凝和当公安的父亲林成均离婚;林成均为了赚儿子的医药费,与毒贩勾结……最终案情大白之时,揭开了林成均的卧底身份……   车祸之前,郝连德本来准备与未婚妻安月举行婚礼,因为郝误会自己染上绝症,把未婚妻送到了开电脑公司的朋友孟辉处工作,想方设法撮合他们,希望安月能过幸福的生活。当郝得知自己没有感染绝症,想追回心爱的人时,他看见安月和孟辉如胶似膝,安月真正得到了幸福,便黯然放弃。   苏丽英因为染上绝症,被丈夫赶出家门,甚至孩子出生...
【二十集国产电视剧】决战一生(part3)(又名 与爱同生)刘佩琦、陈瑾、马跃、何伟、李琳
มุมมอง 19หลายเดือนก่อน
一对男女逃犯夏梦、金海荣坐上忠厚司机郝连德的出租车,郝要把两人绳之于法送往公安局,纠缠间出租车与大型集货箱车相碰,引起严重车祸。车祸中伤及一个中学生林义丹、孕妇苏丽英,女逃犯夏梦,郝连德亦受重伤。   在治疗过程中林义丹、苏丽英、夏梦三人因为输血感染绝症。一场车祸从此使林义丹、苏丽英的命运便与悲惨两字扯上关系。   由于林义丹亲母李悦萍的介入,使痛爱林义丹的继母沈凝和当公安的父亲林成均离婚;林成均为了赚儿子的医药费,与毒贩勾结……最终案情大白之时,揭开了林成均的卧底身份……   车祸之前,郝连德本来准备与未婚妻安月举行婚礼,因为郝误会自己染上绝症,把未婚妻送到了开电脑公司的朋友孟辉处工作,想方设法撮合他们,希望安月能过幸福的生活。当郝得知自己没有感染绝症,想追回心爱的人时,他看见安月和孟辉如胶似膝,安月真正得到了幸福,便黯然放弃。   苏丽英因为染上绝症,被丈夫赶出家门,甚至孩子出生...
【二十集国产电视剧】决战一生(part4)(又名 与爱同生)刘佩琦、陈瑾、马跃、何伟、李琳
มุมมอง 58หลายเดือนก่อน
一对男女逃犯夏梦、金海荣坐上忠厚司机郝连德的出租车,郝要把两人绳之于法送往公安局,纠缠间出租车与大型集货箱车相碰,引起严重车祸。车祸中伤及一个中学生林义丹、孕妇苏丽英,女逃犯夏梦,郝连德亦受重伤。   在治疗过程中林义丹、苏丽英、夏梦三人因为输血感染绝症。一场车祸从此使林义丹、苏丽英的命运便与悲惨两字扯上关系。   由于林义丹亲母李悦萍的介入,使痛爱林义丹的继母沈凝和当公安的父亲林成均离婚;林成均为了赚儿子的医药费,与毒贩勾结……最终案情大白之时,揭开了林成均的卧底身份……   车祸之前,郝连德本来准备与未婚妻安月举行婚礼,因为郝误会自己染上绝症,把未婚妻送到了开电脑公司的朋友孟辉处工作,想方设法撮合他们,希望安月能过幸福的生活。当郝得知自己没有感染绝症,想追回心爱的人时,他看见安月和孟辉如胶似膝,安月真正得到了幸福,便黯然放弃。   苏丽英因为染上绝症,被丈夫赶出家门,甚至孩子出生...
【星梦奇缘30年】上海一家人 何伟 李羚
มุมมอง 302 หลายเดือนก่อน
【关东明星坊】 何伟--孝子的艺术人生
มุมมอง 162 หลายเดือนก่อน
凭着电影《高山下的花环》靳开来这个角色,何伟一举囊括了第八届大众电影《百花奖》和第五届电影《金鸡奖》两项最佳男配角奖。已转型为导演的何伟,在谈到自己艺术之路时,对他影响最大的,就是他的母亲。何伟平生最大的遗憾,就是去年十月份他母亲去世。何伟有一个计划,打算领母亲去一趟云南,因为以往拍戏的那些好的地方,何伟都带他的父母去过了,但母亲唯一想去的,就是云南。可是何伟接了一部电影的导演 务,把这事放下了。为了能够多跟父母在一起,后期制作合成时,何伟特意选在了长影。何伟离开长春时,特意跟母亲说了一次谎。因为每次他走的时候,母亲都要在四楼上的小窗户里把头探出来,看着儿子打车走了后,独自落泪。这次为了不让母亲哭,何伟故意撒谎说,这个片子送审以后还得回来修,我三四天后还回来。 母亲这次没有哭,但是何伟回到上海的家里不到一星期,弟弟突然打来电话告诉他:妈走了…… 何伟的母亲死于心肌梗死。老人走后,何...
【二十集国产电视剧】 天良(第11-20集)又名 黑网,李幼斌、何伟、王海燕、高明、陈建斌主演
มุมมอง 1242 หลายเดือนก่อน
生死搏斗,卧底勇探疑案·力挽狂澜,局长智破连环。 当反贪局长遇上 局长,一场权与法的较量正式展开,血与泪的付出唤醒久违的天良,此片荣获法制“金剑奖”一等奖。 华中市反贪局长王天成(何伟饰)在办案过程中,偶然发现了一起明显的栽赃陷害经济案,随着调查的深入展开,一连串的涉嫌人员日渐 浮出面,而其中更牵扯到 局副局长赵建民…… 赵建民(李幼斌饰)有着美好的家庭,令人羡慕的地位,然而欲望的驱使让他陷进了情感的沼泽与金钱的泥潭,更不惜与调查人员展开了短兵相接的殊死挣扎…… 一场权与法、法与情的较量终于展开……
Dead Solid Perfect (1988) Randy Quaid Kathryn Harrold Jack Warden
มุมมอง 1.3Kปีที่แล้ว
Randy Quaid stars as Kenny Lee, a talented but underachieving pro golfer trying to break through on the tour while learning that the most important things in life go far beyond the game.
Of Mice and Men 1981 Robert Blake, Randy Quaid
มุมมอง 52K2 ปีที่แล้ว
A TV adaptation of John Steinbeck's novel. George and Lenny travel through the Depression-era west working at odd jobs, hoping to make enough money to buy their own farm. George must always watch over his intellectually disabled friend, and keep him out of danger, both to himself and to others. After they take a new job at a ranch, Lenny gets into far more trouble than George can talk his way o...
Making of "Real Time" 2008 Randy Quaid, Jay Baruchel
มุมมอง 6262 ปีที่แล้ว
Behind the movie "Real Time"
Davis Rules S02E16 The Girl With Someone Extra Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 1.3K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Dwight Davis, a widower and grade-school principal, is raising three sons with help from his wacky father Gunny. After the series moved from ABC to CBS, the oldest son and his friend were dropped (it was explained that the oldest son had become a foreign-exchange student), and Dwight's sister was added. Also off the show was Dwight's love interest, Cosmo, who left to join a convent; added to th...
Davis Rules S02E15 Brother Can You Spare a Dime Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 8462 ปีที่แล้ว
Davis Rules S02E15 Brother Can You Spare a Dime Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
Davis Rules S02E14 Ferry Tale Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 9052 ปีที่แล้ว
Davis Rules S02E14 Ferry Tale Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
Davis Rules S02E13 A Foggy Day On Puget Sound Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 8212 ปีที่แล้ว
Davis Rules S02E13 A Foggy Day On Puget Sound Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
Davis Rules S02E12 Everybody Comes to Nicks Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 9552 ปีที่แล้ว
Davis Rules S02E12 Everybody Comes to Nicks Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
Davis Rules S02E11 Strike Down the Band Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 1.9K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Davis Rules S02E11 Strike Down the Band Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
Davis Rules S02E10 Bells Bells Bells Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 1.6K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Davis Rules S02E10 Bells Bells Bells Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
Davis Rules S02E09 Someone to Watch Over Them Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 3972 ปีที่แล้ว
Davis Rules S02E09 Someone to Watch Over Them Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
Davis Rules S02E08 Happy As a Clam Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 4572 ปีที่แล้ว
Davis Rules S02E08 Happy As a Clam Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
Davis Rules S02E07 Gunnys Ex Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 6322 ปีที่แล้ว
Davis Rules S02E07 Gunnys Ex Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
Davis Rules S02E06 Love at First Sighting Pt 2 Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 3802 ปีที่แล้ว
Davis Rules S02E06 Love at First Sighting Pt 2 Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
Davis Rules S02E05 Love at First Sighting Pt 1 Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 4622 ปีที่แล้ว
Davis Rules S02E05 Love at First Sighting Pt 1 Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
Davis Rules S02E04 The Moment of Youth Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 5752 ปีที่แล้ว
Davis Rules S02E04 The Moment of Youth Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
Davis Rules S02E03 Writing a Wrong Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 5902 ปีที่แล้ว
Davis Rules S02E03 Writing a Wrong Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
Davis Rules S02E02 A Father Makes All the Difference Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 5402 ปีที่แล้ว
Davis Rules S02E02 A Father Makes All the Difference Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
Davis Rules S02E01 Theyre Writing Songs of Love But Nun for Me Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters
มุมมอง 7512 ปีที่แล้ว
Davis Rules S02E01 Theyre Writing Songs of Love But Nun for Me Randy Quaid, Jonathan Winters


  • @stevencusworth7219
    @stevencusworth7219 10 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    And Jay.first movie i saw u in.prooer acting makes a difference.great acting.tell em what time it is.

  • @stevencusworth7219
    @stevencusworth7219 10 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    I bought this dvd.good movie.proper movie.randy quaid made me laugh my head off in my life.and hes a good one.gdless❤.

  • @evekov1233
    @evekov1233 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Never knew there was a remake

  • @njplr
    @njplr วันที่ผ่านมา

    They dropped my favorite line, where Blanche tells Stanley "present them to him [lawyer] with a box of aspirin!

  • @beecnul8r
    @beecnul8r วันที่ผ่านมา

    The original movie was in black and white, which is the best fit for such a dramatic movie. With the exception of Vivien Leigh, the cast had acted this play hundreds of times on a major stage. That is why the acting is so outstanding. I spoke with Karl Malden about his favorite roles and he said The Streetcar was his best. He also mentioned that Brando did a slight change on each stage performance which amazed the rest of the cast. This is surely one of the finest plays ever written.

  • @CRiver396
    @CRiver396 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Why did the change the ending for both this version and the 90s version? They made Stanly out to be the good guy

  • @niteowlx5178
    @niteowlx5178 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

    42:14 best scene 🥴

  • @skatolis
    @skatolis 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The ending was wrong

  • @scott7521
    @scott7521 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Sometimes life imitates art.

  • @Warpedsmac
    @Warpedsmac 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Two of the sexiest of all time in the one film...

  • @TheArby13
    @TheArby13 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The sound aint synchin with the video.

  • @TheArby13
    @TheArby13 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Haven't seen this'n yet but 15 minutes in and I like it already.

  • @user-mt5vp9yp5b
    @user-mt5vp9yp5b 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Domestic violence smh

  • @user-mt5vp9yp5b
    @user-mt5vp9yp5b 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    They both stared in Hair...

  • @user-mt5vp9yp5b
    @user-mt5vp9yp5b 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Drama...ultimately dramatic

  • @user-mt5vp9yp5b
    @user-mt5vp9yp5b 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Very powerful love story...riveting, passionate

  • @Kitty-mq2dw
    @Kitty-mq2dw 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    That was a very good movie. It was also very sad. 😊❤😢

  • @Satanna.avemaria
    @Satanna.avemaria 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The ending in this isn’t as good as the original movie ending

  • @cynthiawilson4500
    @cynthiawilson4500 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    What she says last is heartbreaking. "I've always relied on the kindness of strangers". Her family let her down. Even her sister chose to believe her husband when she knew he was a beast.

  • @janheffernan4792
    @janheffernan4792 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    .love the dress hat🎉

  • @Bunny-8889
    @Bunny-8889 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I think it’s as Blanche first describe her life at home left to take care of the elderly sick - back in time there were no nursing homes , ageing parents depended on their children or other kin for care. Blanche only had her teaching job for cash income to pay the bills and afford their care and their groceries. The elderly DIDNT have Social Security benefits until President FDR started it . The poor didn’t have Food Stamps or Snap benefits either!!! Or help on their Electric . Farmers didn’t pay in on SS anyway. Blanche describes their situation as desperate ,so I think they lost the home and land after each one died and was buried. Funerals were not free even back then. Doctors and medicine were not free. So Blanche married a young man💘 , but he had a secret which she💔 saw him and another man being intimate. When at a later time she confronted him that she saw them💔 and she was disgusted- her husband committed suicide💔!!! So Blanche alone turned to the oldest profession to make ends meet and get gifts and help her teaching salary💔 but when her indiscretion with a male student got her fired💔 - she lived on her wits till she was drummed out of town 💔. Blanche was a very wounded person !!! Burdened by overloading responsibilities💔! The real wound was that her marriage was not romantic💔 or satisfying sexually 💔 because her love 💔was not returned by him because he was not sexually attracted to her 💔!! She was devastated💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔and she knew he was hiding his secret so then his suicide she felt was her fault 💔💔Blanche killed him !!!! Blanche heard ALL the cries of all her charges from the past and she was haunted by the men she entertained !!!! All she wanted was a good marriage love and susport !!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @lizlocher3612
    @lizlocher3612 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Whoever you are I have ALWAYS depended on the kindness of strangers!!! Ann Margaret was ALMOST as good as Vivian Leigh, but the rest of the cast left me flat!!! Treat Williams just reinforced the despicable qualities of Stanley, n Stella KNEW what he REALLY was From the first night he screamed her name n she ran back to him!!! VERY sad n VERY SCARY as well!!!

  • @lizlocher3612
    @lizlocher3612 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Some things are NOT forgiveable!!! Deliberate Cruelty is NOT Forgiveable!!! Better to close your mouth n be thought of as stupid than to open it n remove all doubt!!! My Mother ALWAYS said if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!!!

  • @glenn7152
    @glenn7152 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    It can't top the original.

    • @LoveBryan86
      @LoveBryan86 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      It was good...but you're right the original one is soo good

  • @lizlocher3612
    @lizlocher3612 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Compared to deaths funerals are pretty!!! Death is expensive!!! So so TRUE!!!

  • @mariamarisi6154
    @mariamarisi6154 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you for the great movie. ❤

  • @yvonnecooper5004
    @yvonnecooper5004 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Who is stella in this? And Mitch

  • @yvonnecooper5004
    @yvonnecooper5004 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I have seen the one with jessica Lange and the original of course.

  • @user-me7xc1tv5d
    @user-me7xc1tv5d 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    This is my favorite version of Streetcar because of Ann-Margrets performance.

  • @ferrodell2194
    @ferrodell2194 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Excellent casting and wonderful acting. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • @marlonmolina9556
    @marlonmolina9556 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @diankreczmer6595
    @diankreczmer6595 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wonderful movie with Ann Margaret and treat Williams and that "wife beater" undershirt. When I was 12 I saw the 1949 version with marlon brando and Vivien Leigh. The thing was marlon introduced a whole new way of dynamic method acting. Marlon was to acting what elvis was to music. A whole new dynamic, way of doing their craft which was sensational.......and male sexual appeal in spades❤ RIP marlon and elvis

  • @beverlylawyer9692
    @beverlylawyer9692 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ann and Treat are acting, Vivian and Brando were Blanche and Stanley

  • @barbaraweekley6152
    @barbaraweekley6152 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Good actors

  • @user-sf3fe4bh2q
    @user-sf3fe4bh2q หลายเดือนก่อน

    Очень мрачное произведение!😢

  • @kathleenpopata9718
    @kathleenpopata9718 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A brilliant movie Anne Margaret 👏 an emotionally and beautiful woman she played all in allthe actors bought in the same brilliant acting 👏

  • @user-kg2xy4zs2f
    @user-kg2xy4zs2f หลายเดือนก่อน

    The world can be an ugly cool place

  • @MariaMoore-ue8lr
    @MariaMoore-ue8lr หลายเดือนก่อน

    I like the original much better with Vivian Leigh and Marlon Brando.

    • @rosemariemann1719
      @rosemariemann1719 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I too prefer the original. This version had a lot of work, clearly, but Marlon was suitably intense , uncouth and scarey . Vivian was believable and appropriately creepy 😊👍 😊 I liked the 1951 sets better 😊👍. Thanks , anyway : interesting to compare. 🇬🇧💙🇺🇲😊🚌🦉🇬🇧

  • @suebotchie4167
    @suebotchie4167 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Polack, ugh what a slime ball.

  • @VictoriaJarvis-jl8gx
    @VictoriaJarvis-jl8gx หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you time 1,000 for featuring the REAL ending to Streetcar. - The movie put out this mawkish ending where Stella runs away with her baby. This is the truth. The woman so desires her husband that she lets her judgement - and her sister, travel to oblivion.

    • @christinemalaka8636
      @christinemalaka8636 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I was reeling from watching this movie. Reading the comments after wasn't helping. But I think u got it and summed it up perfectly. Well put.

  • @VictoriaN72
    @VictoriaN72 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @angel4everable
    @angel4everable หลายเดือนก่อน

    One of the greatest screen versions of STREETCAR. Ann Margaret dazzles as Blanche, and the late Treat Williams is outstanding as Stanley. Glad I was able to watch it on TV. Thanks so ever much for the upload.

  • @GaryG63
    @GaryG63 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Stupid ridiculous movie

  • @debrasaunders8003
    @debrasaunders8003 หลายเดือนก่อน

    He wrote this for his sister. While I’d love to believe in a happy ending it was actually awful

  • @danlove12k
    @danlove12k หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wow Mrs griswald and cousin Eddie in a film 😊

  • @angloaust1575
    @angloaust1575 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A look at the sleazy side of life Dramatised for maximum Effect!

  • @ojaspurohit
    @ojaspurohit หลายเดือนก่อน

    1951 version had actors like Marlon Brando, Vivian Leigh. It was a fantastic movie, hundred times better than this. Specially Vivian Leigh was outstanding.

  • @gloriamontgomery6900
    @gloriamontgomery6900 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’ve always like Ann Margaret. She is wonderful in this.

  • @user-ko7bb5kh4i
    @user-ko7bb5kh4i หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've read the play by Tennessee Williams, and I saw the movie starring Marlon Brando. Excellent! This version is very good, too. I love Ann-Margret. Her character suffers from psychosis and I was diagnosed with it 3 years ago. As I was reading the play (I read it when I was in my teens), I thought to myself, it must be God awful to suffer from this illness. It is.

    • @user-qr9uh1fd8g
      @user-qr9uh1fd8g หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'm sorry for your illness. ❤😢

  • @thephatjesus3032
    @thephatjesus3032 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is my second favorite movie