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Alstom Metropolis BM4 ,,Giurgiu’’ 1402-2402 în PROBE la suprafață , la stația TUDOR ARGHEZI
RO: Noul tren produs de către Alstom a început să efectueze probe începând cu 10 nov 2024 între stațiile Berceni și Tudor Arghezi. Perioada probelor în timpul garării lui la Depoul Berceni va fi singura perioadă când acest tren/trenuri vor putea fi văzute circulând la suprafață la lumina soarelui. Se estimează că va începe sa circule cu călători din primavara anului 2025, iar totodată vechile IVA vor fi retrase de pe M3 nemaifiind nevoie de ele acolo dupa redistribuirea Bombardierelor care circulă în prezent pe M5 pe restul liniilor. IVA vor mai circula câțiva ani doar pe M4. Vizionare plăcută!
EN: The new train produced by Alstom started to carry out tests from 10 Nov 2024 between Berceni and Tudor Arghezi stations. The test period during its parking at Berceni Depot will be the only period when this train/trains will be able to be seen running on the surface in sunlight. It is estimated that it will start to travel with passengers from the spring of 2025, and at the same time the old IVAs will be withdrawn from the M3 as they will no longer be needed there after the redistribution of the Bombardiers that currently operate for M5 on the rest of the lines. After that, IVA will only run on the M4 for a few more years. Enjoy viewing!
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see you next time!
#alstom #metropolis #bm4 #metrouberceni #tudorarghezi #sector4 #m5 #alstomprobe #bm4probe #metrou #probemetrou #metrounou #metrorex #magistrala5 #trennou #1402 #2402 #alstom1402 #probegiurgiu
มุมมอง: 1 175


Final de 2023: Autobuze, Tramvaie, Metrouri, Troleibuze și Trenuri în ultima lună a anului.
มุมมอง 3.2K11 หลายเดือนก่อน
ENGLISH TITLE: End of 2023: Buses, Trams, Subways, Trolleybuses and Trains in the last month of the year. RO: Titlul spune tot: o compilație de 5 minute, acompaniată de o melodie de-a lui Chris Zabriskie evident, ce cuprinde câte un pic din cele 5 categorii principale ale canalului, la final și o scurtă galerie foto cu cele mai bune poze, cum am mai făcut și la final de 2021 (numai că acum poze...
Linia 21: Bucur LF din nou după 7 ani & Astra Imperio// Line 21: B.LF again after 7 years & Imperio
มุมมอง 4Kปีที่แล้ว
RO: Vagoanele Bucur LF revin pe linia 21 dupa aproximativ 7 ani de când au circulat ultima data, cu scopul de a înlocui tramvaiele Astra Imperio ce sunt defecte. Acum 14 ani, prototipul 401 a circulat o bună vreme pe acest traseu, iar în 2016-2017 câteva vagoane au revenit pentru câteva curse. În 2023 le avem din nou pe acest traseu, alături și de Astra Imperio, care au început să circule pe li...
“Noul” tramvai VERDE! V3A-93-PPC #303 (RK) al depoului Titan./ “New” green V3A-93-PPC #303.
มุมมอง 1.4Kปีที่แล้ว
RO: 23 noiembrie 2023 - prima zi de circulație a tramvaiului recondiționat V3A-93 #303, la care s-a adăugat și secțiunea de podea parțial coborâtă în segmenul din mijloc, devenind un V3A-93-PPC. Din păcate, chiar în prima zi a avut parte de niște probleme, ulterior fiind tractat către depoul Titan. A doua zi a revenit, fără alte probleme. 25 noiembrie - a treia zi de circulație a acestuia, pe l...
TUDOR ARGHEZI (M2): Noua stație supraterană a Metroului Bucureștean.
มุมมอง 4.4Kปีที่แล้ว
ENGLISH TITLE: New overground station of Bucharest Metro on M2: Tudor Arghezi RO: Pe data de 15 noiembrie 2023 a fost inaugurată a doua stație supraterană a Metroului Bucureștean: Tudor Arghezi. Aceasta vine în continuarea magistralei 2, dupa stația Berceni. Deoarece momentan nu a fost finalizată instalarea tuturor sistemelor de circulație, trenurile nu circulă direct Pipera-Tudor Arghezi, exis...
IVA 112-098-164 pe magistrala M3 / on line M3 - în stațiile Piața Unirii și Politehnica
มุมมอง 815ปีที่แล้ว
RO: 112-098-164 este unul dintre ultimele trei trenuri IVA care mai circulă pe Magistrala 3. Acesta este compus din patru vagoane foste galbene (din seria 2) și două vagoane foste roșii (din seria 3), singurul tren cu această componență din cele 13 rămase active. 110-107-172 a avut și el aceeasi compunere, însă este acum retras retras. Se bănuiește că 112-098-164 va fi retras definitiv din circ...
Bucur V2A-T 3008 & 3009: Urmașii Tatrelor Bucureștene, pe linia 10. // Bucur 1 V2A-T on line 10.
มุมมอง 1.2Kปีที่แล้ว
RO: Modelul Bucur V2A-T - urmașul tramvaielor Tatra din București - este cel mai rar întâlnit model de tramvai din capitală (dacă facem abstracție de restul unicatelor prototipuri cum ar fi 306, 4036, 014, 205, 417, 401 etc), fiind întâlnite pe foarte puține linii în general și mai ales în perioada lucrarilor care au loc pe Bulevardul Timișoara (suspendarea liniei 25). De circulat au circulat î...
Troleibuzele Ikarus 415 verzi, cu “RK”: 5177 & 5194. // Green Ikarus 415 trolleybuses: 5177 & 5194.
มุมมอง 877ปีที่แล้ว
RO: Incepând cu anul 2021, au fost alese câteva troleibuze Ikarus 415T pentru a beneficia de o reparație capitală, spre 2023 devenind mai mult o cosmetizare (totuși și ea binevenită). Cele 6 troleibuze ce au beneficiat de acest “tratament”: 5127, 5143, 5167, 5177, 5194 și 5118 (care încă se află în uzină și este în lucru). Sunt răpândite prin mai multe părți ale orașului, două se află in zona B...
Bucur LF pe linia 23 & Tramvaie verzi de toate felurile pe liniile 24 și 45/New trams on 23 & 24, 45
มุมมอง 5Kปีที่แล้ว
English title: Bucur LF trams on line 23 & Green trams of all types on lines 24 and 45. RO: Odata cu intrarea in circulatie a tramvaielor Imperio pe liniile 1, 10 si 41, mai multe tramvaie de model mai nou au fost redistribuite pe alte trasee. Schimbarile sunt urmatoarele: o parte din tramvaiele Bucur LF care circulau inainte pe liniile 1 si 10 au fost trimise pe linia 23, iar uneori chiar toat...
BULGARIA 2023: Old buses in Varna./Стари автобуси във Варна: O405, O405GN, Conecto O345, Citaro O530
มุมมอง 3.3Kปีที่แล้ว
EN: Varna is a beautiful sea city in Bulgaria, with lots of tourist attractions everywhere. There is also a variety of interesting old buses to see: Mercedes buses O405, O405G, Conecto O345, O345G, Citaro O530G. These vehicles can be seen almost everywhere in the city. Even if old and rusty, they are very important because there are a lot of them. However there are also a lot of new vehicles: S...
Bătrânele metrouri IVA 010-049-060 & 142-096-150 în serviciu pe M3//The legendary IVA metros from M3
มุมมอง 3.5Kปีที่แล้ว
RO: Ramele IVA din 1978 se regăsesc și în prezent în subteranul Bucureștiului, pe chiar două magistrale, acelea fiind M3 și M4. În anul 2023, mai sunt active doar 13 trenuri, 3 fiind alocate magistralei M3, mai exact 010-049-060, 112-098-164 și cea ieșita recent de la reparații, 142-096-150, iar restul de 10 fac serviciu doar pe linia M4. Aproape zilnic pe magistrala a treia circula câte două, ...
Bombardier Movia 346 al Metroului Bucureștean:M1,M2,M3//Bombardier Movia 346 of the Bucharest Metro.
มุมมอง 4.9Kปีที่แล้ว
RO: Trenurile de metrou de tip Bombardier Movia 346 au început să circule în anul 2002, pentru început, pe magistrala de metrou 2. Dupa livrarea primului lot de 18 trenuri, unele metrouri IVA au fost retrase din circulație de pe acea linie, iar altele au fost mutate pe magistralele 1, 3 și 4. Al doilea lot de metrouri bombardier (20 de trenuri 6 suplimentare) au fost destinate magistralelor 1 s...
[Archive] Rathgeber M5.65 #2525 utilitar surprins noaptea prin București//seen at night in Bucharest
มุมมอง 984ปีที่แล้ว
- a video from the “MINIS” series. you can find all MINIS videos at a playlist on my channel. - un videoclip din seria “MINIS”. poți găsi toate videoclipurile MINIS într-un playlist de pe canalul meu. (full) ENGLISH TITLE: Service tram Rathgeber M5.65 #2525 seen at night in Bucharest. RO: O arhivă din 2022. Tramvaiul utilitar Rathgeber M5.65 surprins în tranzit pe la Piața Victoriei și prin car...
Autobuze electrice BYD în Constanța +Maz 103 & 107// BYD electric buses in Constanța + Maz 103 & 107
มุมมอง 1.6Kปีที่แล้ว
RO: Un nou videoclip din Constanța! În acest clip am filmat și am făcut o scurtă prezentare a noilor autobuze electrice BYD, intrate în circulație anul trecut, pe 1 octombrie 2022. Vehiculele respective au o lungime de 12,2 metri, 3 uși, capacitate de 82 de călători cu 33 de locuri pe scaune, autonomie de cel puțin 160 de kilometri și viteză maximă de 70 km/h. Autobuzele au prize USB, aer condi...
IR 1996 cu GM 92 53 0 66 1326-4 intra in Gara Constanța, urmând sa plece spre București.
มุมมอง 523ปีที่แล้ว
- a video from the “MINIS” series. you can find all MINIS videos at a playlist on my channel. - un videoclip din seria “MINIS”. poți găsi toate videoclipurile MINIS într-un playlist de pe canalul meu. ENGLISH TITLE: IR 1996 with loco GM 92 53 0 66 1326-4 arrives in Constanța train station, soon to leave to Bucharest. RO: Trenul IR 1996 intră in gară la Constanța la ora 14:17 cu respectiva locom...
De la Tatra la Astra Imperio si tramvaie V3A-93 verzi//From Tatra to Astra Imperio & green V3A trams
มุมมอง 3.5Kปีที่แล้ว
De la Tatra la Astra Imperio si tramvaie V3A-93 verzi//From Tatra to Astra Imperio & green V3A trams
Gara de Nord, M1: IVA Astra 055-128-224 Fără călători. / Out of service.
มุมมอง 1.7Kปีที่แล้ว
Gara de Nord, M1: IVA Astra 055-128-224 Fără călători. / Out of service.
Bucur V2A-T #3006 pe linia 19 (în primele zile) // Bucur V2A-T on route 19 (first days)
มุมมอง 1.4Kปีที่แล้ว
Bucur V2A-T #3006 pe linia 19 (în primele zile) // Bucur V2A-T on route 19 (first days)
Citaro de școlarizare. // Driving school Citaros.
มุมมอง 938ปีที่แล้ว
Citaro de școlarizare. // Driving school Citaros.
[Archive] V3A INDA 361, in anul 2021, pe linia 41. // V3A INDA 361, in 2021, on line 41.
มุมมอง 1.5Kปีที่แล้ว
[Archive] V3A INDA 361, in anul 2021, pe linia 41. // V3A INDA 361, in 2021, on line 41.
Astra IVA 010-049-060 / 112-098-164 / 150-096-142 pe magistrala M3.
มุมมอง 5Kปีที่แล้ว
Astra IVA 010-049-060 / 112-098-164 / 150-096-142 pe magistrala M3.
Astra Iva 013-070-020 on line M3 / pe magistrala M3 (24/03/2022)
มุมมอง 4.5K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Astra Iva 013-070-020 on line M3 / pe magistrala M3 (24/03/2022)
one of the LAST Rathgeber M4.65 trams travelling at night in Bucharest. (24/09/2021)
มุมมอง 2.2K2 ปีที่แล้ว
one of the LAST Rathgeber M4.65 trams travelling at night in Bucharest. (24/09/2021)
TRAMS & BUSES in the tunnels of the Capital. // TRAMVAIE & AUTOBUZE in subteranurile capitalei.
มุมมอง 1.4K2 ปีที่แล้ว
TRAMS & BUSES in the tunnels of the Capital. // TRAMVAIE & AUTOBUZE in subteranurile capitalei.
DAC 112 UDM “Interventii” & EP-V3A S04 “Utilitar” Bd. Iancu de Hunedoara.
มุมมอง 4K2 ปีที่แล้ว
DAC 112 UDM “Interventii” & EP-V3A S04 “Utilitar” Bd. Iancu de Hunedoara.
IKARUS 415T #5127 [RK]. first time an Ikarus trolleybus has been repaired after so long.
มุมมอง 2K2 ปีที่แล้ว
IKARUS 415T #5127 [RK]. first time an Ikarus trolleybus has been repaired after so long.
Astra IVA 013-070-020 on line M3 leaving Piața Unirii.//plecând din stația Piața Unirii (11/01/2022)
มุมมอง 2.5K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Astra IVA 013-070-020 on line M3 leaving Piața Unirii.//plecând din stația Piața Unirii (11/01/2022)
Ploiești: the city near București. tram and trolley of 2021//tramvaie și troleibuze in Ploiești 2021
มุมมอง 3.6K2 ปีที่แล้ว
Ploiești: the city near București. tram and trolley of 2021//tramvaie și troleibuze in Ploiești 2021
🎁🎄Transport Vibes wishes you a Merry Christmas🎄🎁
มุมมอง 5652 ปีที่แล้ว
🎁🎄Transport Vibes wishes you a Merry Christmas🎄🎁
Șoseaua Petricani is really a ride like no other.// Șoseaua Petricani chiar este o călătorie super.
มุมมอง 7392 ปีที่แล้ว
Șoseaua Petricani is really a ride like no other.// Șoseaua Petricani chiar este o călătorie super.


  • @transportvibes9549
    @transportvibes9549 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Cu 3004 in prezent casat si cu certitudinea ca niciunul din cele care circula acum nu va primi reparatie capitala, sa ne bucuram de ele in ultimii ani pe care ii mai au.

  • @MinecraftG17
    @MinecraftG17 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

    1:25 ce proasta e aia

  • @ancabrudii8173
    @ancabrudii8173 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Recent am postat pe comunitate garnitura mea preferată Alstom Metropolis BM4 1402 2402 Giurgiu, dar literalmente am văzut că cineva a scris cu degetul.

  • @garethtrooper
    @garethtrooper 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Nice new metrocar. And welcome back after 10 months

  • @ElevatorsofRomania
    @ElevatorsofRomania 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Super fain ! Like!

  • @transportvibes9549
    @transportvibes9549 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Bună ziua. Revin după 10 luni sa va prezint și eu noul metrou. sper să vă placă!

  • @ancabrudii8173
    @ancabrudii8173 หลายเดือนก่อน

    În prezent autobuzele DAC 112 UDM cele de intervenții sunt retrase în Platforma Giulești.

  • @ancabrudii8173
    @ancabrudii8173 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ce număr de parc au aceste tramvaie?

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ancabrudii8173 2416-3474

    • @ancabrudii8173
      @ancabrudii8173 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@transportvibes9549oare s-au mutat și ele temporar la un alt depou? văd că Dep. Titan a fost închis.

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ancabrudii8173 Intr-adevar, nici eu nu stiu, daca voi afla o sa iti spun.

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ancabrudii8173 Cuplul se afla in Victoria.

  • @ancabrudii8173
    @ancabrudii8173 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mai sunt tramvaie Tatra,Faur și EPC în Dep. Titan + Ce numere de parc sunt retrase tramvaiele Tatra,Faur și EPC.

  • @tloquenahuaque5695
    @tloquenahuaque5695 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks !

  • @brudiigabriel
    @brudiigabriel หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nu ai mai postat videoclipuri încă de la sfârșitul anului trecut. Dar poți să postezi traseul Tudor Arghezi Pipera M2?

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@brudiigabriel Nu am mai postat deoarece nu am mai avut timp si putere sa fac asta. Nu pot, din pacate, sa fac un asemenea video deoarece nu as avea cum sa filmez traseul cap coada din cauza numarului mare de oameni si al bodyguarzilor care patruleaza metroul. De obicei am filmat doar cate o statie - doua maxim calatorie cu metroul, ca sa nu fiu certat de acestia. Si nici putere nu mai am, dorm 6 ore pe noapte.

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Canalul va ramane deschis, pentru ca poate voi reveni totusi la un moment dat.

    • @brudiigabriel
      @brudiigabriel หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@transportvibes9549 pe ce dată vei reveni?

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@brudiigabriel Nu stiu sa iti spun…..

  • @bogdangr2491
    @bogdangr2491 หลายเดือนก่อน

    20 octombrie 2024, astept iva pe m3 de vreo 3 luni, ca nu mai circula de atunci si zici ca au intrat în pamant... stie cineva ce s-a intamplat?

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bogdangr2491 Probabil si-au mai reparat din Bombardiere si nu le mai trebuie. Un utilizator de pe ForumMetrouusor mi a spus ca a mai vazut o data o singura iva pe M3, prin septembrie 2024 Erau prezente foarte des in 2022-2023. In 2024 mai putin si din iunie aproape deloc. Probabil unele din cele ale M3 nici nu mai sunt functionale, avand in vedere ca in 8-9 luni ar trebui sa inceapa sa circule Alstom si sa nu mai vedem Iva niciodata pe M3.

    • @ancabrudii8173
      @ancabrudii8173 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​​@@transportvibes9549să zicem că vedem doar o singură Ivă de pe M3 luna asta nu. Doar că sunt șanse mari să vedem IVA de pe M4.

  • @Furboy10
    @Furboy10 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Woow alt maz 103 văzut pe linia 5-40

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Furboy10 Am citit pe forumul metrou ușor că au început să fie reactivate mai multe din cauza lipsei de ZTE

    • @Furboy10
      @Furboy10 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@transportvibes9549 oh

    • @Furboy10
      @Furboy10 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@transportvibes9549 am văzut un comentariu acum 2 luni ca au reintrat cinci autobuze maz 103

    • @Furboy10
      @Furboy10 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@transportvibes9549 oare o să se reactiveze și un Maz 103 de alta culoare retras acum 5-6 ani?

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Furboy10 Nu stiu. Dar ce banuiesc eu este ca se vor reactiva autobuze care nu au stat defecte perioade prea lungi.

  • @Furboy10
    @Furboy10 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Salut au fost modele și mai vechi de Max 103 dacă vrei să le vezi caută RATC

  • @oldbusfan796
    @oldbusfan796 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Good Video! How exactly has the Tram System changed in Bucharest since September 2022? I see, that the new Astra Imperio trams are in service now, but what happened the old Tatra T4 Trams? I'm asking, because I don't see a last days Video from them. I see, that the Solaris trolleybuses are in service too, but there are many Ikarus 415T-s in Bucharest aswell and many Pieces were renovated since then. It's good, that the Ikarus trolleys stayed. Vilnius brought new Skoda 32Tr trolleys and they will scrap all Skoda 14Tr and all the 3 Skoda 15Tr trolleybuses, although there is many old Skodas there now, so I will go there this Summer again, like I did last year.

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@oldbusfan796 Hey! Nice to hear from you again. This is a very long comment, i hope you will read it! I tried answering everything in lots of details. There have been delivered 95 of the 100 Imperio trams that were ordered. It has been said that the last 5 vehicles should arrive in August. The Imperio trams also operate on line 7 now, and on the weekends they also run on line 47 and soon they will also be introduced on line 11, also on weekends. 10 Tatras are still active. But only a few of them (i’m guessing 2-3 pieces, i dont know exactly) operate on week days, only on line 47. Most of the Tatra trams that have operated on line 47 have been replaced by the blue Bucur V2A-T tram type. There are no more Tatra trams in service _on weekends_ . In weekends, all of the Tatras from line 47 have been replaced by Imperio trams. However, as i have said above, around 3 Tatras still operate on work days on line 47 because Imperios cannot be used on this route in work days because there aren’t enough trams. All Imperio units are used on work days on routes 1, 7, 10, 25, 32, 41, so there arent any more left for another route. However, on weekends, there isnt need for so many trams on the routes i mentioned earlier, so a few Imperios can also be used on line 47 to replace the Tatras. I have heard that the last 10 Tatras should all be retired by the end of the year. Yes. All of the 100 Solaris trolleybuses have been recieved by STB and most of them are already in operation. They have 20km of range, so they can also operate on some short distances without being connected to the cables above. Thanks to the possibility of operating these trolleybuses without cables for short distances, lines 61, 63, 90, 93 and 97 have been extended in other neighborhoods of the city where trolleybus infrastructure isnt present. And by extending these trolleybus routes, other bus routes that operated on similar routes have been suspended. For example, line 61 has fully replaced line 336 (they shared the same route except for the last stop); line 97 has been extended and replaced line 133, etc. It is very good, buses have been eliminated from a lot of important boulevards, some examples are Bd. Iuliu Maniu where in the past there used to be bus lines 136, 336 and trolleybus lines 61, 62 (so, to sum it up: 136, 336, 61, 62) -> now 136 has been replaced with 63 and 336 has been replaced with 61, so now, to sum it up, on Iuliu Maniu there are only trolleybus line 61, 62, 63. No bus lines. Another example is Calea Grivitei, where in the past bus route 105 and trolleybus routes 86 and 97 used to run (to sum it up: 105, 86, 97). Now 105 has been replaced with 93, so now we only have 86, 93, 97 on Calea Grivitei (no bus routes). etc. Solaris will also enter on line 73 and replace bus line 313 which shares the exact route but has a few more stops where there isnt trolleybus infrastructure. There is a problem though. Even if there are no bus routes anymore on these streets, the 100 Solaris trolleys arent enough for our city. And since they arent enough, and the old Irisbus Citelis and Ikarus trolleys dont have the 20km range, on trolley route 61 there are always at least *2 buses* in operation, and on trolley line 97, there are always at least *4 buses* in operation. However it isnt much of a problem since there are more trolleybuses than buses so the pollution has been reduced in huge amounts. A bus every 40-50 minutes isnt such of a problem. It is good that bus-only lines have been removed from these streets. A big plus is that on the weekends, STB has almost fully stopped using Ikaruses. Last weekend there were only 2 Ikaruses in operation on line 86, the rest of the trolleys on this line were Solarises. The rest of the routes only had Solaris and Irisbus Citelis with low floor and Air Conditioning. The ikarus trolleybuses have been reduced in big amounts since the Solaris trolleys have arrived. They have been fully removed from lines 61, 90, 93, 97 because they dont have the range. You can mostly see them on work days, on routes 76 (in Berceni Neighborhood) and 86 (Pajura, Bucurestii Noi neighborhood, etc, its a really long line). They can still be spotted on a lot of lines, just not 61, 63, 90, 93, 97 (because these routes have been extended in places where there isnt trolleybus infrastructure, and Ikarus doesnt have range without cables). For example, today i saw an Ikarus on line 62. So they do operate on other lines as well, not only on 76 and 86. But in a very small amount. A lot have been taken out of service. I guess only 30-40 are in traffic daily. I dont know exactly how many are in traffic daily but i can assure you that only 60 pieces are still drivable. Its a very long comment and i hope you will read all of it 😁. Remember: if you do come to visit, -> there are ALMOST NO IKARUSES ON WEEKENDS (only 2-3 on line 86). -> there are NO TATRAS ON WEEKENDS. Literally zero. None can be spotted. Only on work days on line 47. By the end of the year they will be retired.

    • @oldbusfan796
      @oldbusfan796 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How many Ikaruses were out at last weekend in Bucharest? Were there 2 Ikarus 415T-s, or even those 2 Pieces aren't out anymore? Anymay it sucks, that there are almost no Ikaruses at weekends, but it's also unterstandable. It was great to be there in 2022, when old vehichles where out at weekends too. When are Tatra T4 Trams retiring? Anymay it was a good idea to go to Vilnius this year, because yesterday there were 23 Skoda 32Tr trolleybus brought to service, so they are already operating. I'm going to Ostrava in early September, because my last semester will start at 9th of September. But yeah, I will be probably go rather to the Balkan-states than to Westeurope or even Vilnius. Being in Vilnius was great, I had the energy and it was interesting to go to the trolleybus depot with the trolleybus Line 3, which was just exiting service at afternoon, and then take Photos of the trolleys. It was funny too, because the guard came out too look, so then we gone to the other street and on the other end of the street there came the Bus Line 63 which took us to a beautiful cemetery, where in the bus stop there was a cofee automat too. It's just the people. that in those Balkan cities make better, they don't interrupt you, unlike the germans, because on the way from Vilnius, there many germans, and of course on the Train to Warsaw there was a young couple with a little girl. I wanted to talk about the german politics, but because they were there, we didn't said out party names, because we tried to be carefull, with them. But when I spoke about american politics, and the word ,,Hitler" was said from me, the woman had to repeat it. Then we looked at her, and she was stumbling something in english, but never apologised to me. It was so annoying! I mean you can be so carefull to germans that you want, it's never enough for them. And the other thing that was annoying to me, that the couple never cared about others. They never asked, where we or the other guy where, why we where or how was it been. No! They where just busy with themselves! But when I said something, the chick IMMIDIATLY must have said something! It's sick, that the germans must feel guilt for WW II., even those that even weren't alive at the time. When I was going from Warsaw to Budapest on a train and talked about that thing to my dad, the polish people didn't interrupt me, even by saying Hitler, so the ironic thing is that Poland is conservativ but they can move forward. People should care about their own bussiness, and don't fall in others private consersations, especially when normally don't care about the others! In Sofia and in Bucharest, Vilnius I could talk about whatever I wanted, and I didn't got in problem for that. And of course I love those countries were freedom of speech is working and the people have the brain to live at let it live. So I think, I will be on a circle on the Balkans rather than spend only one day in Germany. I see german politics all day, and honestly Germany now looks like more to a reality show than a country. I can tell you, the producers of this show make very good content!

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@oldbusfan796 Its nice to hear your stories. In other words, there still are 2-3 Ikaruses on route 86 on weekends. For some reason they dont use all Irisbus Citelis trolleys in weekends and because of that they have to take out these few Ikaruses. However this might be a temporary measure, the main reason for using less Ikaruses on weekends is because they dont have AC, so they take out all Solarises and use them on as many lines as possible. But when the high temperatures will be over, Ikaruses could start to be more present on weekends again. But we dont know yet. 10 Tatras still in operation, on line 47, and if you are very lucky you can catch one on 25 as well, but very rarely. Like, extremely rarely. Maybe once a month. When there is a Tatra on 25 it is usually replacing an Imperio. But as i said, super rare, almost impossible to see one on 25 anymore. It is said that Tatras will be retired by the end of the year. Ikaruses however will live for a few more years. This has been confirmed because recently the workshop from Lizeanu has started repairing and repainting them again in the green scheme. Last year it was said that thanks to the arrival of the Solarises, there was no need to repair and repaint Ikaruses anymore and that all Ikaruses were to be retired. However, as i said, 4 Ikarus trolleys are at the moment in the process of being fully repaired and repainted to join back the streets of Bucharest. So this confirms that we will still have these old trolleys in operation for a few more years.

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@oldbusfan796 No more Ikarus in the weekend. Line 86 has been shortened and there is no need anymore for those 2-3 Ikaruses that were operating on 86 on weekends.

  • @StefanLuca-wo4fq
    @StefanLuca-wo4fq 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Super clipul! Ca o completare, linia 409 este operata de o companie privata, sub numele de “Chancefield” (este inscriptionata pe autobuze cu caractere chirilice). Am mai vazut in flota lor si numeroase autocare Setra si Mercedes Intouro, dar si un Irisbus Citelis 18.

  • @richardleon3230
    @richardleon3230 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Să vă spun de ce sunt vopsite diferit tramvaiele,dar schema este aceiași.astea blf sunt verde oliv pentru că, când crit a fost prima data sa făcut un lot de trei tramvaie la urac,iar Udrea era la fonduri europene și culoarea asta a fost pentru logo-ul ala cu frunza,când a dispărut stiloul ala cu care a semnat contractele.verdele asta primăvară săi facă pe plac lui Nicușor ca vezi sunt eco și au o vopsea anti vandalism,care sa dovedit în final ca nu este.ala roz bonbon a vrut să-l facă cadou.lui doamna Firea cei de la sindicat în frunte cu Pietrariu,nu sa făcut nimic la el decât schimba vopseaua și panourile interioare din paps,fibra de sticlă cu buline ca o gărgărițea cu care doamna Firea și a făcut prezenta în campanie electorală și la sfârșit a câștigat Nicușor plicusor și la pus pe crit director,praful și pulberea de ideile lor.

  • @BărbulescuAndreiAlexandru
    @BărbulescuAndreiAlexandru 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @BărbulescuAndreiAlexandru
    @BărbulescuAndreiAlexandru 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nice video 👍👍👍👍

  • @BărbulescuAndreiAlexandru
    @BărbulescuAndreiAlexandru 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @BărbulescuAndreiAlexandru
    @BărbulescuAndreiAlexandru 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @BărbulescuAndreiAlexandru
    @BărbulescuAndreiAlexandru 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @BărbulescuAndreiAlexandru
    @BărbulescuAndreiAlexandru 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @erling8737
    @erling8737 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Do you know why they built this station when there is nothing around it?

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      So they plan to extend the subway line to Berceni Commune and this is like, the first station of this project. Between Bucharest and Berceni Commune there isnt much, almost no houses or buildings. But Berceni Commune is populated, and a lot of people from there come in Bucharest with the car daily, and the road that connects these two is very busy. So a direct subway would be helpful. However its only one station so far and as you said, theres nothing around it. In my opinion its also a big waste of money, a surface station should only be a platform, a roof, and the two rails. But here they’ve literally built a huge building.

  • @Dev_Angerson
    @Dev_Angerson 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Super videoclip!! Mult succes în continuare!!

  • @marvsslu
    @marvsslu 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Apologise to say but there is no improvements in all. That's very disgusting to observe O405 and O345. When I was the first time in Varna, this was in 2011, there were already the same buses on streets. Bulgaria has a big issue with pollution and they still allows bus companies to let run this old vehicles. Regularly they get fundings from the EU for investing it in new buses and where goes the money ? And why the same companies still operates in town ?

    • @idontevenknowno8847
      @idontevenknowno8847 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      this guy is really everywhere hating on o405 and o345

  • @thats_Roll
    @thats_Roll 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    De ce se numeste 1315-2315? Multumesc!

  • @BărbulescuAndreiAlexandru
    @BărbulescuAndreiAlexandru 10 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @PuiDeZmeuYT
    @PuiDeZmeuYT 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    excelent colaj! la multi ani si iti urez mult noroc in 2024!

  • @digitalmoviedvtransport
    @digitalmoviedvtransport 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Very nice video and great camera work! New subscriber. Greetings. Stefano

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hello! Thank you very much! Subscribed also. ☺️

  • @garethtrooper
    @garethtrooper 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It is nice collection of Bucharest transport.

  • @whitewolfleadthepack
    @whitewolfleadthepack 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    La multi ani!❤

  • @MiculVatman50cent
    @MiculVatman50cent 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    La multi ani,si imi place ca ai prins si vagoane de la depoul meu de specializare😂

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      La multi ani! Ma bucur ca ti a placut!

  • @transportvibes9549
    @transportvibes9549 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Vă doresc un an nou fericit! Ne revedem în 2024! I wish you a happy new year! See you again in 2024!

    • @garethtrooper
      @garethtrooper 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Happy New Year

    • @transportvibes9549
      @transportvibes9549 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@garethtrooper Happy new year!