🏀Shooting practice 500 shorts per players 🏀 Assisted by point to point passing by the coplayers 🏀 Including, one dribble shot either to the left or right🏀 But, the drible must be towards the ring in a maximum stright line, from any point of places inside the court 🏀
Thank you very much for sharing with us! I‘m watching and train like this, trying to understand the best moves/exercises
🏀Shooting practice 500 shorts per players 🏀 Assisted by point to point passing by the coplayers 🏀 Including, one dribble shot either to the left or right🏀 But, the drible must be towards the ring in a maximum stright line, from any point of places inside the court 🏀
🏀BC= Brain Coach🏀
🏀CR=Conscious Rebounder🏀
🏀CR=🏀Carl Richburg🏀
That’s work!
🏀Basketball is an intellectual game🏀Must be adopted its dodging and driving into the life of game🏀 Sugar-coated by wisdom🏀
I know whoever E is he is dogging it. Gotta give better effort or get in shape