2024-03-30 Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK: The heart of surrender is being without rising as ego

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 1 เม.ย. 2024
  • In a Zoom meeting with the Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK on 30th March 2024, Michael answers various questions about Bhagavan’s teachings.
    A clearer audio copy of this video can be listened to on Sri Ramana Teachings podcast (ramanahou.podbean.com) or downloaded from ramanahou.podbean.com/e/the-h... and a more compressed audio copy in Opus format (which can be listened on the VLC media player and some other apps) can be downloaded from mediafire.com/file/cp4wtobqa9...

ความคิดเห็น • 44

  • @SriRamanaTeachings
    @SriRamanaTeachings  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    A clearer audio copy of this video can be listened to on Sri Ramana Teachings podcast (ramanahou.podbean.com) or downloaded from ramanahou.podbean.com/e/the-heart-of-surrender-is-being-without-rising-as-ego and a more compressed audio copy in Opus format (which can be listened on the VLC media player and some other apps) can be downloaded from mediafire.com/file/cp4wtobqa9j8g6i

  • @xhesitase9729
    @xhesitase9729 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    The more i listen to bhagavan and michael the more I don't see a need for the company of others. Bhagavan truly grounds us to what is important and what is superficial.

    • @nikibotev5478
      @nikibotev5478 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      yes, but it's just another thought of ego. sorry. all with good

  • @catalinatata8652
    @catalinatata8652 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Dear Michael, there will never be enough thanks to give it to, for you to pour on us, your sweet devotion to Bhagavan 💜💕🙏❤ Om Namo Bhagavate Arunachala Ramanaya 🙏⚘️⚘️⚘️⚘️

  • @sukratu
    @sukratu 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A very educative detailing of the psychology that is structured about the deeper awareness of the individual being.

  • @paritoshgoswamihhy8100
    @paritoshgoswamihhy8100 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Very fine Michael sir and Bhagwaan has sent you for us so that we can understand all what he wanted to for us .Thanks a lot 🙏

  • @dna1435
    @dna1435 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Michael James thank you, it's the vivid essence of the teachings of spirituality. God bless you,
    Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God.

  • @jeannebonesteel5947
    @jeannebonesteel5947 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Michael: Thank you 🙏🏻 so very much for your clear and thorough explanation on this topic. It is so helpful to me; it brings me joy!

  • @xhesitase9729
    @xhesitase9729 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    It is so great to hear from you Michael.

  • @ramyarao5476
    @ramyarao5476 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Very nice michael.Beautifully explained surrendering.
    You are very clear in explaining.
    Thank you.

  • @shilpamurdeshwar5788
    @shilpamurdeshwar5788 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    The person who asked when we surrender we should not be concerned about that problem is well explained by the episode of a" Panchali" when she was stripped by Duryodhan she tried initially but later totally surrendered to krishna,so till u try from ur side God will not intervene but when u give up in totality God helps

    • @sjain8111
      @sjain8111 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      thank you I am familiar with the episode you mention and realize the extent of my misunderstanding. Fortunately Michael’s detailed answer resolved my doubts. I have actually heard him give that explanation before but until now my mind resisted 🙏

  • @ellenrule3189
    @ellenrule3189 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    U answered that question,
    Yea no more karmas!

  • @christianandersson2217
    @christianandersson2217 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank You! 🙏

  • @SriRamanaTeachings
    @SriRamanaTeachings  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Short Q&A videos from this channel can be watched on youtube.com/@sriramanateachingsqa

  • @rviswanathan
    @rviswanathan 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @stephenweeks6353
    @stephenweeks6353 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

  • @michaeldillon3113
    @michaeldillon3113 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @monauikewa3997
    @monauikewa3997 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thxs 🙏🏼♥️

  • @SriRamanaTeachings
    @SriRamanaTeachings  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sri Arunachala Aksharamanamalai sung by Sri Sadhu Om, with English translation by Michael James, can be watched here: vimeo.com/ramanahou/am000 . For advertisement-free videos on teachings and songs related to Bhagavan Ramana, please visit vimeo.com/ramanahou and click 'showcases' on the bottom left. Each original work of Bhagavan Ramana has its own showcase with explanations of Michael James.

  • @paragved4539
    @paragved4539 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Micheal thank you so much for your discourses- my question is what exactly you mean by surrender in practical terms ? In our day to day to life what do you classify as being as you are ? What do you mean by turn inward ? Do you visualise a light in your heart ? What practically does it mean to turn inward

  • @Tommy7855
    @Tommy7855 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Michael - is any guidance provided as to what likes and dislikes we should give up. For example, I have seen it referenced that Bhagavan said that we should not prefer one type of food over another. So when I am in the supermarket should I not choose anything I may enjoy eating?

  • @jazzsnare
    @jazzsnare 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I am afraid I will be too passive if I try to follow this teaching. How would I actually know when I am getting the impulse from Bhagavan? Won't this make us chaotic? I can accept that what will ultimately transpire is Bhagavan's will, but I still must act as if I have free will. I can't wait for some vague sign from above, or within.

    • @johnmcdonald260
      @johnmcdonald260 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      You are not getting an impulse from Bhagavan, you have misunderstood that. There are no signs coming from anyone, "signs" do not exist, they only exist as an imagination of mind.
      The idea is to *NOT* interfere with the actions of our body at all. We do not move the body, the body is moved by divine power, ego just likes to believe that it is the one who must act, *but that is not the case at all!*
      Our job is to turn within and *ignore* the body and mind. The body will act by divine will *without* any of our input!
      You just still keep believing, as most do, that in order to accomplish something "you" has to make a direct effort. *Again, that is not the case!*
      It's funny, people keep hearing and agreeing to not identify with the body and mind and next thing they automatically identify with that body and believe they act for that body. We don't, it just seems that way.
      And, who is becoming chaotic? Of course if that is part of our destiny then we may be chaotic occasionally... But then, who cares??? If we are not that body and mind according to Bhagavan then why are we afraid of what that body does?
      That's why atma-vichara is a slow and gradual process where we slowly get weaned away from our strong attachments and likes and dislikes.

  • @MaidySarmiento
    @MaidySarmiento 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hi Michael. Thanks for everything You share. Can You plz tell me the text that You mentioned in 6.10 minute of the video. Thanks 🙏🏻

    • @rajat3311
      @rajat3311 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sri Arunachala Padigam, verse 2. You can find it on Michael’s blog and website.

  • @ellenrule3189
    @ellenrule3189 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    When ego is destroyed so is all our karmas?

    • @SriRamanaTeachings
      @SriRamanaTeachings  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Yes, since ego is the doer of all karma and the experiencer of its fruit, all karmas cease to exist when ego is destroyed, as Bhagavan points out in verse 38 of Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu:
      “If we are the doer of action, we will experience the resulting fruit. Investigating who is the doer of action, when one knows oneself, doership will depart and all three karmas [āgāmya (actions that ego does under the sway of its own will), sañcita (the heap of the fruits of such actions that it is yet to experience) and prārabdha (destiny or fate, which is the fruits that have been allotted for it to experience in its current life)] will slip off. [This is] the state of mukti [liberation], which is eternal.”
      Namo Ramanaya

  • @sandycarter5300
    @sandycarter5300 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Michael, I have a question & comment. (Maybe you'll see this.) A couple years back while listening to a guided meditation, awareness, "accidentally" separated itself completely for several minutes. This happened on two occasions a few minutes each time. Ego did not have a way to categorize it or understand it then. It wasn't some experience of love or peace. It was just awareness unattached to anything. Both times anger arose when ego returned. The anger was that I'd wasted over twenty years (futilely) trying to fix, improve, heal this "self". The anger was, why did I have to go through all that for nothing? Since then, there's always ego attached to awareness in one way or another. Is that completely unattached awareness what I am to be looking for?

    • @johnmcdonald260
      @johnmcdonald260 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Whatever you have experienced and no matter how you are calling that, i.e. "separated awareness", was an experience of mind/ego even if that didn't seem that way. Many confuse subtle stages of mind with self. However one cannot experience self and then later report of it since the reporter is ego.
      On the path to self-realization we may have many subtle experiences of the mind including yours which *are all irrelevant* since only manonasa is relevant, everything else is a distraction and at best is ignored or at worse, inflates the ego with some inane sense of accomplishment or "progress".
      In short, *all* experiences like that need to be ignored and we need to look for "who is experiencing that" since after manonasa there is nothing to report or the need to ask questions. We need to practice atma-vichara until there is no experience nor an experiencer.

  • @johnmcdonald260
    @johnmcdonald260 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The one who is "self-inquiring" is ego and not absolute reality as some confused aspirants on this comments thread claim. Absolute reality never "does" anything, it is not aware of an ego or a phenomenal world!

    • @jobbob6031
      @jobbob6031 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      In reality self enquiry only happens in this dream. In which, I is able to do everything.
      Don’t confuse reality with the illusion.
      In the dream
      Oneself is enquiring who I s the self. Forgetting that it is the whole complete being.
      The I am a thought trapped in a body, at birth, is created by my own imagination,
      This is the illusion. We imagine we are human and chase after desires of the heart.
      Only when the heart seeks enlightenment is the moment right and Arunachala calls. The silent grace. cx

    • @johnmcdonald260
      @johnmcdonald260 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@jobbob6031 👎

  • @jamesscott7331
    @jamesscott7331 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It would be great if you could answer my question - I have read Ramana Maharshi's books, teachings, talks and I have listened your youtube videos as well. I am an average office going worker with family. I keep asking Who am I and try to abide in the resulting silence. But I don't know what to do next. I also have to focus on work, but I keep coming back to Who am I and abiding there, but I don't understand the next step. It's been like that for many months. What should I do?

    • @whatthebosh
      @whatthebosh 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      as far as i understand you are doing the practice correctly by constantly attending to oneself. During everyday life it can be difficult because we must attend to other things such as work or family but as soon as the opportunity arises we return to self inquiry and everything else can then recede into the back ground. As we practice more the ability to attend to ourself can carry on even amongst everyday life but of course it requires incredible earnestness and persistance.
      Your problem seems to be that because you feel you are not progressing you feel that there should be more steps to indicate progression but who is the one feeling that he's not progressing?
      There are no other steps, we attend to ourself disregarding any thoughts like 'am i doing this right', 'should i be experiencing something' and continue our practice without any expectation. You could say we do it purely for the love of Bhagavan.

    • @ananda224
      @ananda224 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      You're on the right track, but a little suggestion. The question "Who am I?" isn't about seeking a specific answer or moving to the next step. it's actually to help dissolve the questioner. When you inquire, "Who am I?", it directs the mind's focus or attention towards your sense of self, preventing it from wandering outwards. By "wandering outwards," we refer to the mind's tendency to create identification with senses and perceptions, which perpetuates the illusion of the ego through the mind's association with thoughts, sensory experiences, and objects. As long as the mind remains inward focused on the I'am or sense of self, it can't latch onto external identifications. The practice is to maintain this inward focus throughout your daily activities. You don't even have to ask Who am I, you just have to bring your attention back to Self. This essentially is training the mind to adopt this inward focus as its habitual state. This is the extent of your effort; beyond this, a natural unfolding process begins outside of your control, sometimes subtly and gradually, leading to a diminished attachment to your experiences or the I'am the body feeling.

  • @sandycarter5300
    @sandycarter5300 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If ego could be described using different words, would you say it is simply the thought of subject/object?

    • @ananda224
      @ananda224 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Ego, perceived as a conscious entity, doesn't actually exist in the way we usually understand. It is, instead, an appearance that arises from consciousness through the processes of the mind. This appearance is generated by a function within the mind called Ahamkara, or the "I-maker." Ahamkara is involved in the identification and categorization of sensory information and experiences, it organizes them into a coherent narrative. As a result of this mental processing, the ego emerges as a byproduct of the mind's function of identification with senses and perception. This identification process results in the construction of the sense of "I," which we often misinterpret as our self. However, this "I" is just the outcome of the mind's natural inclination to latch onto or identify with sensations and perceptions, its basically a bundle of thoughts, senses and perception. Without this grasping or identification that creates this bundle of thoughts, sense and perception, the ego would ceases to exist.
      The ego is not an actual entity but a transient and fictitious construct that seems to arise from the mechanical operations of the body-mind system. What always exist is Consciousnesses, and it is always there as what gives sentience or existence to this process, and because it gives sentience and existence to this mechanical process of the mind there seems to be a Conscious entity within the body called Ego, but that ego is nothing but a mechanical and insentient process of the mind that gets mixed with the sentient aspect of Consciousness.

  • @jobbob6031
    @jobbob6031 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What always baffles me is when I hear that our problems come because we rise as ego. It makes me think when does one first rise as ego.
    I’m of the opinion that one never does rise.
    If the first cause is the rise of ego, who is the first ego to appear? How did the first ego appearance happen?
    It all happens only in your imagination. All of everything is ego. The words spoken, the ideas hatched, the dreams, dreamed and the life lived. All illusion, all the time. But to you individual one amongst many this life being dreamed is real. And trying to find a way out is real. The searching and the wanting, desiring peace. That is what is already being.
    Unforgetting who you really are.
    Be still don’t go looking for reality, be still in oneself without moving, is being in reality cx

  • @jobbob6031
    @jobbob6031 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Free Will is choice.
    Free will is god given.
    The choice to give god or not to give god our attention is the real definition of free will cx

  • @jobbob6031
    @jobbob6031 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ego can never know the reality of self.
    Ego only knows the falsity of its own reality. Ego imagines what the self is like without ever being real.
    Self knows reality and what is not reality does not exist. What appears to appear in ego’s reality, is only existence itself. Ego is the falsehood of being apart and different to our natural being.
    Rising as ego.
    World god jiva
    Is the falsehood of being ego’s reality.
    Hold on to the reality that the one who is self enquiring is the absolute one reality.
    Hold on to that. cx

  • @jobbob6031
    @jobbob6031 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Rely on gurus and be as one with the guru. hear the word and put them into practice.
    Q:Who’s mind chooses to believe this illusion, exists.
    A:Every mind of every person incorrectly thinks it’s real.
    The whole point of this is to wake up. And realise I am in this dream. That’s it.
    Q:How I am here and who am I chatting and discussing self with?
    A:We are only here because I believes it is born here.
    I know I am here.
    I know here is unreal
    I know unreal doesn’t exist
    I know existence.
    Q:Am I self?
    A:Who else exists.
    Our own beings don’t exist.Ourselves, plural
    is not the self.
    existence is reality and maya is not it.
    We are here in maya without knowing how we came to be who we think we are.
    And now here in maya, the I seek the self that we already are. cx