How can i get to electromotor? Cause my miimo 520 says on monitor that the motor is blocked, but it is not true because there is no obstruction. Is there any sensor for it to maybe fix it?
I have the same error notification. But mine says the wheel motor is blocked. I will try to come to the inner parts of the 2 big wheels, those are the ones with a motor. Maybe if you open the inner part of the mower you'll have access to the wheel motor. This is what I will try now after watching this video.
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Danke für den Beitrag, hatte mich schon lange gefragt wie der MIIMO gereinigt/zerlegt wird. Wie tauscht man den Akku???????
merci, super util !!!!
How can i get to electromotor? Cause my miimo 520 says on monitor that the motor is blocked, but it is not true because there is no obstruction. Is there any sensor for it to maybe fix it?
I have the same error notification. But mine says the wheel motor is blocked. I will try to come to the inner parts of the 2 big wheels, those are the ones with a motor. Maybe if you open the inner part of the mower you'll have access to the wheel motor. This is what I will try now after watching this video.
Wahnsinn, wie kompliziert das ist....beim Husquarna ist das viel einfacher.... :-(
Und wie tauscht man jetzt den Akku?