현진샘께서는 그 굳은일 다 사서 하시고 유튜브 영상 촬영에 매니저에 관리자, 대표님. 그 많은 일을 하시면서 정기쌤께 진심으로 모든 것을 다 내어주신 최고의 동료 셨습니다. 아마도 정기샘께서는 하고 싶던 작업 .그리고 싶던 그림. 현진샘 덕분에 원 없이 다 하셨기에 먼저 가신게 아닐까 싶어요. 현진 선생님 덕분에 정기쌤은 전 세계 사람들 가슴 속에 수 없이 많은 별같은 무수한 영감을 심어주시고 가셨으리라 생각합니다. 두 분 정말 고생 많으셨어요. 현진샘의 앞날도 계속 밝게 빛나길 기도합니다.
Not word by word, but in Summary... Opening: JG: wow, you're cutting my commission now? you have to be careful with fines lines in contract! (jk) (after opening: Q: What is your (HJ's) role as a manger of Superani? HJ: I started with JungGi Kim and he's still the main artists in Superani, but we have so many artists in our agency, and have multiple regional managers all around the world, so they take care of the regional relationship. They promote in social media and take care of all the promotions or contracts in US, Japan, China, Europe etc. So my role is just managing the regional relationship managers (RM - they are also artists). 2:51 Like this, I receive the messages from RMs, then I discuss with JunGi, and decide to take it (work, commissions, events) or not. So we will consider 1. is it a profitable work or not. 2. what's in it for us for future benefit, 3. if it is a new market/location we haven't been to. Sometimes it's a spontaneous decision. 4:18 Q: Did you and JungGi had a conflict with decision? (i.e. if it's not profitable but JG wants to go?) HJ: I welcome those new opportunities. Even if it's not profitable, we should go. (JG says "no, I don't want if it's not making money. I have to support my family") 5:09 Q: How do you share profit? HJ: I get it all. lol Income from book sales used to be shared as 30(JG):70(Superani). But then it was hard to run/manage the company (with all the costs and expenses to be paid), so JG offered to discount his share, so now 20:80. (JG: What? wasn't it 25% wow, you just cut 5% now?) Other artists gets 15%-20%. Any income from commissioned work; if the commission coming from abroad, the regional managers take 20%, and I get 10% - so artists gets 70%. If it is domestic work (i.e. Korea), then I (HJ) gets 20% and artists gets 80%. If you think I (HJ) should get more share, please write in Comments (JG: I'm going to trace the IP if you write it) 7:20 Q: When is the best and worst moments in your relationship? HJ: let me say the worst. JG wants to draw whatever he wants to draw, including erotic things. But when we are in a public place where kids are running around.... I try to stop him (laugh). And when he signs his books, he probably makes less than $20 per book, but he always does his best, like drawing worth $1000. So I urge him to finish quickly, draw something simple. Then one day, he finally ranted "Don't tell me what to do when I sign!!" So what I want as a manager, trying to sign more books to more fans within limited time, is different from what JG wants as an artist, he wants to enjoy the drawing itself, even if it's for just book signing. So I really resent him times like that. 9:48 and when I really like JungGi, (JungGi says "When I'm sleeping") laugh... after all those resentful moments, when I see him drawing, that's when he looks most lovely. 10:15: Q What about you, JungGi? When do you like HyunJin the most and the least? JungGi: when I like him the least, when he makes unnecessary work or comments. I really hate when people nag me. He usually doesn't (especially after I yelled at book signing), but when he does, it kills my momentum to draw. About what I like him the most, he knows me so well, probably more than I know myself. So he really manages my weakness very well. Also he is very selfless. Most of people prioritize their own self-interest, but HJ always think about other people first. Sometimes I wonder if he is genuinely nice person or he's just pretending. But after spending long time together, I realized he is very genuine, and humane. I am where I am thanks to him. I can't wish for anything more. 14:23 As we are aging, I realize we are taking more medicines, so we should really take care of our health first. Ah... it's sad that we are getting old. 15:07 Q: I think you are the perfect match for each other. HJ is the best producer/manager for JG, and JG is the best artist for HJ. HJ: I really don't do much for JG any more, I can only support small things like protecting the artist. If any better management company wants to take JungGi, then of course, I will be glad to.... sell him. (laugh... JungGi: so you're selling me?) I'm joking, if there is a better management, then I'll let him go. I will keep doing what I do and support other artists. I just hope we can keep working together while having fun. Some regional managers cannot make a living just from Superani work, but they all enjoy what they do (in Superani) and learn from JungGi as an artist. 18:19 What fans and other artists praise JungGi the most is, JungGi is very humble, and down to earth to his fans or other artists. When other artists complement JungGi, he usually responds "no, you're a better artist than me", then some artists gets offended (because JungGi is obviously better than them), and advised JungGi that just accept complement next time. JungGi is always modest and real, and I think that made JungGi a better artist. 19:50 Q: Let me ask one last question. It's almost the end of 2019 (at the time of interview). What is your plan for 2020? HyunJin: We have 2 year schedule already booked, so we plan to visit Singapore, Switzerland, Russia, Canada Toronto, and we are planning to have classes too. Also, Barcelona Spain, some other European countries, and online classes for Chinese students as well as Japan and Asia countries. And we have some big projects with Louis Vuitton, Louvre Museum, and some collaboration with Fashion companies. And we will work on comics as well. 22:46 HyunJin: Thank you for listening, if you see us on the street, say hi. JungGi: I hope many people realize there are many artists working in different area. Hope there are various platform and channels that artist can have exposures, not just one popular focused area. And want to emphasize the most important thing is 'people' - it's really important to meet good people. Thank you.
공간이 부피적으로 무한성을 가지는 것은 의식차원이기 때문이다. 공간속에 존재하는 만물들은... 공간이라는 의식 차원이 만들어낸 상념체라고 보면된다. 공간과 통신이 가능한 인체조직을 송과체라고한다; 천재는 송과체가 맑고 발달된 사람들이라고 생각하면된다. 송과체 수정구슬이 맑아서... 그 구슬에 상상하는 것이 영상으로 맺히는 것이다. 그 영상을 보고 손은 거드는 것이다. 자고로 어느 장르든 최고는 신의 도움이나 타고난 것 아니면 최고가 어렵다. 후천적으로 좀 개발해보고싶으면.. 인산쑥뜸요법을 떠서 혈액을 맑히고 송과체구슬을 맑히시라.
집안 시멘트 벽체 구멍들과 미세틈((콘센트구멍,전등스위치버튼 미세틈,천장전등배선구멍,두꺼비집커버미세틈,인터폰배선구멍,tv,전화기구멍,실내외부 노출된 시멘트벽체,등등)을 코팅을 잘해서 시멘트 라돈이 실내 공기를 오염시키지 않도록 해야합니다. 시멘트라돈에 실내 공기가 오염되고 사람이 마시게되면... 가볍게는 비염,근육결림,불면증, 목디스크,어깨통증, 만성피로,허리근육통,허리디스크,두통,고혈압,신장질환,폐질환, 난치암으로 발전해갑니다. 자동차 실내화학가스. 다량의 책, 화학가스 방출하는 소재나 자재 물질도 실내에 두면 안됩니다. 천연바니쉬는 이태리아치 천연바니쉬가 좋지만..천연이라 라돈과 화학가스 ,독성가스에 산화부식이 잘됩니다. 주기적으로 코팅관리해줘야 합니다. 최대한 실내 유독가스 차단해서...실내 공기를 맑혀야합니다. 창문 충분히 열어서 실내 공기 환기유지 지속해야합니다.
현진샘께서는 그 굳은일 다 사서 하시고 유튜브 영상 촬영에 매니저에 관리자, 대표님. 그 많은 일을 하시면서 정기쌤께 진심으로 모든 것을 다 내어주신 최고의 동료 셨습니다. 아마도 정기샘께서는 하고 싶던 작업 .그리고 싶던 그림. 현진샘 덕분에 원 없이 다 하셨기에 먼저 가신게 아닐까 싶어요. 현진 선생님 덕분에 정기쌤은 전 세계 사람들 가슴 속에 수 없이 많은 별같은 무수한 영감을 심어주시고 가셨으리라 생각합니다. 두 분 정말 고생 많으셨어요. 현진샘의 앞날도 계속 밝게 빛나길 기도합니다.
눈물이 나고 그립습니다 제 10년의 우상이십니다 김정기 작가님 ..
김정기 선생님 그동안 너무 고생많으셨습니다.
I don't know a word of Korean but I watched the whole video
너무너무 아까운 사람....정말 보석 같은 사람이었습니다. 갈수록 빛이 나는 눈부신 재능 조금 더 보고 싶었습니다. 정말 아쉽습니다.
건강했으면 좋겠습니다 라는 한마디가 왜케 안타깝게 들릴까요.
너무 안타까운 분..천재의 요절. 현진님께서도 마음 다 잡으시고 조금 덜 슬프셨으면 좋겠습니다.
믿지 못하고 다시 영상을 찾아 보고 있네요... 김현진 작가의 마음과 성원 덕분에 김정기 작가가 즐겁게 그림을 그릴 수 있었네요...
선생님~ 그립습니다...
아 너무 슬프네요..
김정기작가님 너무 그립습니다. 평안히 쉬시길
김현진선생님...정말 순수하시고, 겸손하시고, 배려심 많으시죠.. 이런 방송이나 공개행사가 아니라 운영하시는 학원에서 일상의 김현진선생님을 보시면 바로 이해할 수 있습니다. 스스로가 낮은 사람처럼 행동하시더라구요.. 참 좋은 이미지의 선생님이셨습니다..
훌륭한 인터뷰^^ 내용이 알차고 재밌어서 시간가는줄 모르고 봤네요😊👍👍❤
두분의 브로맨스는 볼때마다 재밌습니다. 몇번째 보는데도 맨날 웃음.
감사합니다. 감사합니다. 감사합니다.
너무 좋은 인터뷰에요!! 웹툰PD의 초상같은 분들을 찾기 어려운데 많은 도움이 됐습니다:)
왜케재밋지 ㅋㅋㅋ
영어 더빙 없는 인터뷰, 정말 좋네요....한국분들인데 요즘엔 한국어로 잘 못 보는 분들이 되신거 같아요
인터뷰하면서도 그림그리는 정기형님
아주 사이가 좋아 보이십니다~^^
Oh why there are not english subtitles ( ; .sad face.
애들도 좀 다니는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 현진쌤 엄마 마인드 ㅋㅋ
정기성... 보고싶다.
이 두 분은 언제나 어디서 봐도 한결 같으시고 재미 있으셔서 좋습니다 ㅎㅎ 진짜 중요한 건 사람과 인연인 것 같아요 건강하시고 오래오래 좋아하시는 일 하셨으면 하고 소망해봅니다 현진쌤 정기쌤 최고!
인터뷰 답변이 웃겨요 ㅋㅋㅋ
man wish it had english subtitles
Not word by word, but in Summary...
Opening: JG: wow, you're cutting my commission now? you have to be careful with fines lines in contract! (jk)
(after opening:
Q: What is your (HJ's) role as a manger of Superani?
HJ: I started with JungGi Kim and he's still the main artists in Superani, but we have so many artists in our agency, and have multiple regional managers all around the world, so they take care of the regional relationship. They promote in social media and take care of all the promotions or contracts in US, Japan, China, Europe etc. So my role is just managing the regional relationship managers (RM - they are also artists).
2:51 Like this, I receive the messages from RMs, then I discuss with JunGi, and decide to take it (work, commissions, events) or not. So we will consider 1. is it a profitable work or not. 2. what's in it for us for future benefit, 3. if it is a new market/location we haven't been to. Sometimes it's a spontaneous decision.
4:18 Q: Did you and JungGi had a conflict with decision? (i.e. if it's not profitable but JG wants to go?)
HJ: I welcome those new opportunities. Even if it's not profitable, we should go. (JG says "no, I don't want if it's not making money. I have to support my family")
5:09 Q: How do you share profit?
HJ: I get it all. lol
Income from book sales used to be shared as 30(JG):70(Superani). But then it was hard to run/manage the company (with all the costs and expenses to be paid), so JG offered to discount his share, so now 20:80. (JG: What? wasn't it 25% wow, you just cut 5% now?) Other artists gets 15%-20%.
Any income from commissioned work; if the commission coming from abroad, the regional managers take 20%, and I get 10% - so artists gets 70%. If it is domestic work (i.e. Korea), then I (HJ) gets 20% and artists gets 80%.
If you think I (HJ) should get more share, please write in Comments (JG: I'm going to trace the IP if you write it)
7:20 Q: When is the best and worst moments in your relationship?
HJ: let me say the worst. JG wants to draw whatever he wants to draw, including erotic things. But when we are in a public place where kids are running around.... I try to stop him (laugh). And when he signs his books, he probably makes less than $20 per book, but he always does his best, like drawing worth $1000. So I urge him to finish quickly, draw something simple. Then one day, he finally ranted "Don't tell me what to do when I sign!!"
So what I want as a manager, trying to sign more books to more fans within limited time, is different from what JG wants as an artist, he wants to enjoy the drawing itself, even if it's for just book signing. So I really resent him times like that.
9:48 and when I really like JungGi, (JungGi says "When I'm sleeping") laugh... after all those resentful moments, when I see him drawing, that's when he looks most lovely.
10:15: Q What about you, JungGi? When do you like HyunJin the most and the least?
JungGi: when I like him the least, when he makes unnecessary work or comments. I really hate when people nag me. He usually doesn't (especially after I yelled at book signing), but when he does, it kills my momentum to draw.
About what I like him the most, he knows me so well, probably more than I know myself. So he really manages my weakness very well. Also he is very selfless. Most of people prioritize their own self-interest, but HJ always think about other people first. Sometimes I wonder if he is genuinely nice person or he's just pretending. But after spending long time together, I realized he is very genuine, and humane. I am where I am thanks to him. I can't wish for anything more.
14:23 As we are aging, I realize we are taking more medicines, so we should really take care of our health first. Ah... it's sad that we are getting old.
15:07 Q: I think you are the perfect match for each other. HJ is the best producer/manager for JG, and JG is the best artist for HJ.
HJ: I really don't do much for JG any more, I can only support small things like protecting the artist. If any better management company wants to take JungGi, then of course, I will be glad to.... sell him. (laugh... JungGi: so you're selling me?) I'm joking, if there is a better management, then I'll let him go. I will keep doing what I do and support other artists. I just hope we can keep working together while having fun. Some regional managers cannot make a living just from Superani work, but they all enjoy what they do (in Superani) and learn from JungGi as an artist.
18:19 What fans and other artists praise JungGi the most is, JungGi is very humble, and down to earth to his fans or other artists. When other artists complement JungGi, he usually responds "no, you're a better artist than me", then some artists gets offended (because JungGi is obviously better than them), and advised JungGi that just accept complement next time. JungGi is always modest and real, and I think that made JungGi a better artist.
19:50 Q: Let me ask one last question. It's almost the end of 2019 (at the time of interview). What is your plan for 2020?
HyunJin: We have 2 year schedule already booked, so we plan to visit Singapore, Switzerland, Russia, Canada Toronto, and we are planning to have classes too. Also, Barcelona Spain, some other European countries, and online classes for Chinese students as well as Japan and Asia countries.
And we have some big projects with Louis Vuitton, Louvre Museum, and some collaboration with Fashion companies. And we will work on comics as well.
22:46 HyunJin: Thank you for listening, if you see us on the street, say hi.
JungGi: I hope many people realize there are many artists working in different area. Hope there are various platform and channels that artist can have exposures, not just one popular focused area. And want to emphasize the most important thing is 'people' - it's really important to meet good people. Thank you.
@@SunMinGroot wow , thanks alot for translating :D
@@SunMinGroot thank you
진짜 뭔 개구장이 콤비 보는 느낌 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 볼때마다 광대 승천하는 콤비입니다.
객사할수도있겠구나..ㅠㅠ 라고하신부분이 ㅠㅠ
더가져 가셔도 될듯 해요
김현진 피디가 더 가져가도 되겠네요~~ ㅎㅎ
왜 지금 알고리즘이?
예수와 부처
공간이 부피적으로 무한성을 가지는 것은 의식차원이기 때문이다.
공간속에 존재하는 만물들은... 공간이라는 의식 차원이 만들어낸 상념체라고 보면된다.
공간과 통신이 가능한 인체조직을 송과체라고한다;
천재는 송과체가 맑고 발달된 사람들이라고 생각하면된다. 송과체 수정구슬이 맑아서... 그 구슬에 상상하는 것이 영상으로 맺히는 것이다.
그 영상을 보고 손은 거드는 것이다.
자고로 어느 장르든 최고는 신의 도움이나 타고난 것 아니면 최고가 어렵다.
후천적으로 좀 개발해보고싶으면.. 인산쑥뜸요법을 떠서 혈액을 맑히고 송과체구슬을 맑히시라.
집안 시멘트 벽체 구멍들과 미세틈((콘센트구멍,전등스위치버튼 미세틈,천장전등배선구멍,두꺼비집커버미세틈,인터폰배선구멍,tv,전화기구멍,실내외부 노출된 시멘트벽체,등등)을 코팅을 잘해서 시멘트 라돈이 실내 공기를 오염시키지 않도록 해야합니다.
시멘트라돈에 실내 공기가 오염되고 사람이 마시게되면... 가볍게는 비염,근육결림,불면증, 목디스크,어깨통증, 만성피로,허리근육통,허리디스크,두통,고혈압,신장질환,폐질환, 난치암으로 발전해갑니다.
자동차 실내화학가스. 다량의 책, 화학가스 방출하는 소재나 자재 물질도 실내에 두면 안됩니다.
천연바니쉬는 이태리아치 천연바니쉬가 좋지만..천연이라 라돈과 화학가스 ,독성가스에 산화부식이 잘됩니다. 주기적으로 코팅관리해줘야 합니다.
최대한 실내 유독가스 차단해서...실내 공기를 맑혀야합니다. 창문 충분히 열어서 실내 공기 환기유지 지속해야합니다.
심장부위에 신경통증있는 분들... 협심증,심근경색초기증상입니다. 통증부위에 사혈부항요법으로 사혈을 4~8회가량 여러번해서 검은 콜타르 어혈과 누런 신경독을 빼내세요. 그리고 빽쒼 절대 맞으면안됩니다.