I am Not happy about it. I see more dystopias coming to life, than utopias. Profit is being maximized. Human suffering is being maximized. Computers are becoming artists. Humans are being paid cents/hr. We are throttling full speed towards a superdystopia.
Yes. There's no point being scared, because it's gonna happen eventually no matter what we do. There is good reason to be worried, because that will incentivise us to make sure that we are 100% prepared when it does arrive (and able to make the most of it and avoid bad scenarios).
I am a technological singularity enthusiast and hope a positive one that benefits the majority if not all of humanity. However, we should be worried. We should worry about rogue AIs, people who try to make evil decisions with powerful technology, etc. You should vote for policies that benefit us the majority and not just the rich. When technology becomes this advanced, the economy that we see today will no longer be viable and we should worry that the ultra elite makes decisions that will destroy the lives of billions. Advocate for common sense policies and safety first and foremost!
The ruling class will literally brainwash the rich people into replacing their poor working class with robots and machinery. The poor class will resort to theft and stealing since they'd have no other way to make a living. The rich people would simply not care since they'd have all their needs met by machinery and AI.
Teacher…, What are we to do in a World Gone Mad… The Madness has passed, and this is just the way it now is till the END OF THE WORLD in 2094 A.D. and if you do not know what A.D. means, it means After the Death of Christ Jesus at 0 A.D., and since the NEW NORMAL is 2020 C.E., that C.E. stands for [Celestial Era] #QANON /_\ being the Age of Pisces… Now that you’m know EVERYTHING in this life is lie……..., and that we are all born into PURGATORY as your Children…….., and Grand Children shalt……., and wilt be…..., So you will want “too teach” them all the FAKE SPACE bull shit….., so they can [blend in] Q` with this FACE MASK Society as you teach them all the BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE in Secret Ways…., and why OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition was the last gasp of a dying human race on the Real Celestial Sphere THAT The God of the Ages took WE THE PEOPLE From after our world was destroyed by these FREE MASON Lodges…, and their U.N. Global Citizens INITIATIVE that turned Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis that we all find [ourselves in] Q+ called The SINGULARITY of 2020 C.E., And what is this SINGULARITY actually all about.?.?.? It was the {Perspective} [{**}] that all the wants.., and desires of the Human Soul could be fulfilled by Holographic Virtual Reality CLOUD Computing Machines known as these 2D FLAT EARTH TV Screens called Tablets., Laptops, and SMART Phones where WE THE PEOPLE [are denied] Q+ the right to use {Pen and Paper} +=+ to jot our own thoughts down, and that anything we do so write The A.I. Machine of LUCIFER called the EDISON Machine of Forced Slave Labor Technology “Mechanization” where Technocrats of Plutocrats and their Aristocracy takes all the CREDIT for Our Religions, Our Schools of Thoughts, and this NOW TO BE Till the End of Time, the ONE WORLD CORPORATE Control of all U.N. FLAG Governments turning all U.N Flags into these [World Police] Q’ called PEACEKEEPERS from the FarScape Predictive Programming of what was to become of we all Human and nonhuman… Moretoover, we were not too learn BIG WORDS, so we might STOP the FREE MASON Global Citizens, and their INTERNATIONALIST Agenda of a ONE WORLD RELIGION called the U.N. Fake Space - Fake Illness - Fake Cures aka The Illuminated TV {NEWS} World Order… Heretofore, you and your babies will be PROPERTY of the UNITED NATIONS [even through] Q your FLAGS wilt say: VOTE for your Leadership whence we know {we have none} [{*}] for they all are doing SEDITION, Treachery, and high treason too fulfill the Book of Revelation where These FAKE JEWS the Jesuits, and the TALMUD Zionist RULE THE WORLD till “THEY LIVE” Destroy this world in 2094 C. E. The Oracle for Our God of Humanity has so spoken…. The Book of EXODICE!!! videos.utahgunexchange.com/watch/the-technological-singularity_Pe95ZLyKX9l9RfC.html Let the many believe in their Faked TV Show Moon Landings, and their So called Trips to MARS that will only be more Computer Generated Graphics of CGI just as the Corona COMMON COLD is made into this 3D CGI PROJECT BLUE BEAM (COVID19) JADE HELM 15 - REX 84 of the U.N. FLAGS Agenda 21 + 30, and you [do your best] Q’s too Blend in……., and teach Christ Jesus did come back….., and we will go home whom are SAVED BY FAITH in the {One True God} as THE LAW is their LAWS and IT (has never) / * \ saved anyone…..., just condemned them to die in the 2nd Lake Of Fire after leaving PURGATORY when the Age will end forever in 2094 C.E…. The Sentinel…. [///|||\\\] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
A FEAR Based Economy… She said to me: None of it is Real……., Nothing!!! I looked at her, and she said: You teach us kind sir that we are born and live in PURGATORY, and yet not one other TH-cam Channel can speak this.?.?.? She hung her head low, and said: ain’t no one in charge….., they all do what that fucking EDISON Machine of Forced Slave Labor [A.I. Technology] #QANON /_\ tells them…..., and this is how the REAL WORLD we all came from did come to an end in the year 2094 C.E. cause no one could accept that {all was a lie} [{**}] from our Presidents too the UNITED NATIONS TV Show of Fake (COVID19) cause that fucking Machine called LUCIFER said to do this, and then do that, and since no one would “QUESTION” why must human hurt human we built Prisons, and Jails, and Dungeons to treat one another into MENTAL HEALTH!!! She would not stop ranting, and she went on… NO ONE on TV is real be it A TH-cam personality, or a Mainstream Media TV Talking Head cause they are all just [Backed up] Q’ DATA Logs in the World Machine where every 200 years we get blown up and raised in 1893 as INCUBATOR Babies, and we been doing this shit so long that our De-Ja-Vu Dreams have broken down into “bits and pieces” of corrupt data just as this Holographic Virtual Reality life is Falling apart with its INHUMAN Face Mask and 666 Feet of Social Distancing where my children ain’t no longer “allowed” too play, or dance, or even find romance!!! Her Anger and Rage was not becoming…., but it was her truth…, so I listened more as she said: Didn’t you ever watch them Old 1960’s James Kirk STAR TREK where The Machine told everyone what to do??? I considered her words well spoken.., and well thought out., and I began to drive to the Mega Cities, and I saw the Military Escorting [The Protesters] Q+ for these BLACK LIVES MATTER CNN and FOX NEWS International TV SHOWS, and I said to myself: Can I confirm “anything” in this world from Pearl Harbor where the U.S. FLAG Blew up its own ships too erase the POST MUD FLOOD Technology……., and did that event actually happen in the 1940’s or was WORLD WAR ONE and TWO over “thousands” of years ago……..., and we are just raised every [200 years] Q to do the same old song and dance routine.?.?.? For why would WE THE PEOPLE “choose” to Destroy ourselves with LIES and More lies unless all the FREE MASON Lodge “Members” are in on this lie, and they try to keep we nonmason in the dark… The more I watched TV SHOW be it TH-cam or otherwise, no one would say: WE ARE IN PURGATORY, We are Born into Purgatory, and this [Celestial Sphere] Q` is not our Real Home World… Maybe it is too painful to know we might be in the REAL WORLD, and that we just keep repeating the dictates of “a machine” that has a back up of the GREAT WARS where even Vietnam, and the Gulf War are now “suspect” to be nothing more then OLD RECORDINGS Presented as new in that book of 1984 where people like ALEX JONES keep the lie going cause they took a God Dammed BLOOD OATH to an {inanimate object} [{*}] know as the SOFTWARE of an A.I. called S.A.T.A.N. Johnny Exodice videos.utahgunexchange.com/watch/asmr-barely-touching-your-face-gentle-boops-brushing_AxZUHDObdtY8imB.html Can you verify TRUMP is Real, what of PUTIN, or Xi, or even the fucking Pope on Dope, or are they just Plastic Surgery ACTORS playing “the role” of people long dead and gone for Thousands of Years as we REPEAT the END OF THE WORLD one more time… The Sentinel… [///|||\\\] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
@@thewriteinpresident well how do you explain other countries? Idk your argument so im genuinely asking. I'm from Ethiopia, basically almost a third world country. My dad worked for a the shell company as the head accountant. We moved to Kenya, where I was born, before they moved back to Ethiopia after a few years. My dad went to so many countries as part of his job. Then we moved to the united states, using a plane. I saw the ocean beneath me. Don't tell me that it was a digital screen because when we landed I saw WHITE people. Before then I had only seen 2 white people in my entire life. There is political stuff going in Ethiopia where tribes are fighting. We hear the news, plus I have a brother there to confirm the news. People are dying. I have other family there too. Now I have family all over the world, cousins that come to visit. The United States has gone to Ethiopia to help them. There is an actual government. Its not all just BS. There are so many lives coming from so many countries. I have seen the ocean. Those things you say are true can not be. Because that size of a secrete can not be kept. There is a study on how secretes. If the number of people that know it increases, then so do the chances of it being exposed. And after a certain point it WILL be exposed. The more people, the shorter the time of it being kept. The size of the secrete you are talking about is way too big. WAAAY too big. It is impossible to keep. journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0147905 www.popsci.com/how-many-minions-can-you-have-before-your-conspiracy-fails/
@@jorionedwards both are bad in my opinion. Anything that gets overused to the point where it's all you see anywhere will get old and annoying really fast.
Imagine, in the future, an incredibly technologically developed AI robot tells us humans that it has consciousness, and we would have no way of proving that the robot isn't just saying it. Scary. Imagine being one of a kind robot and somehow manage to gain consciousness, yet no one would believe you.
Doesn't exactly help that we keep moving the goalposts on that. Before it was 'when AI beats us in chess', then 'beats us at go', 'beats us at starcraft', 'makes art' (which one? there are AI painters, AI musicians, and AI writers now), and we're going down more and more specific and shrinking list of 'things only humans can do'.
But we can only do that for certain things. Teaching will still be required for education. But, as an example, I don't see why you would need math class as much.
There is no meaning. Everything exists because of quantum physics. That's the answer. Everything is simply a cause and effect pattern, particle bumping into particle.
@@journeyfan05 Gotta agree, not sure why people overthink it. The meaning of life is subjective and is unique to each person, if one has a meaning at all.
@@attilarado9396 people like to think they are the only ones with some secret knowledge. Everyone else is just a bunch of “sheep” and they can’t see the “truth”. Tbh no one really knows what exactly will happen once we get closer to the singularity. Technological growth could simply begin to slow down and we never reach it. Ww3 could happen in 10 years and we send ourselves back to the Stone Age. People love coming up with conspiracy bullshit to comfort themselves. There really is no need to though, good or bad whatever happens happens.
With the rise of technology, I see two scenarios: 1: We will create machines who operate with binary precision. They will not only know how to operate even the most complicated of processes and, effectively, render jobs we once needed into afterthoughts. They will also learn what humans like and produce it freely. This will drive the final spike into the creative coffin. With no jobs, humans will grow bored and the one thing we will desire will manifest: Dominance. Power. At this point, there are two more outcomes: a: machines will serve mankind as weapons (a la pre-"kill all humans") which will, inevitably, lead to either a destructive stalemate or nuclear holocaust. b: if the machines develop their own singularity, outside of us, they will view this desire to be the dominant species as a threat to itself. They will effectively cripple humans, preventing human civil war. However, humans don't like being controlled. We don't want to be in a zoo. Humans will turn the war against machines, which will result in a Matrix-like scenario (no "human battery" though, because that's proven to be inefficient). Humans will be wiped or put into "human zoos" to be monitored. 2: The singularity MERGES machine and man. Instead of the master's creating their successors, the master's merge itself with the machines and become something new entirely. Perhaps this will also lead to "replicants" being made (could be similar to Blade Runner's replicants, might be no better than walking computers) to do menial tasks. One thing is for sure: there will be new jobs to replace old ones... but what could they be? More importantly, will humans evolve new features to eliminate redundant features? We think of gray aliens without mouths and telepathic powers... could that be our fate? Gray skin, because we don't need to expose ourselves to damaging sunlight through "virtual reality." No mouths because we can communicate "telepathically" with each other. Could the "Grays" be humanity, long evolved, traveling back in time to examine old forms of itself?
Bruh.. robots wont know what to do either. When Lucy figured out everything there is to know she practically kills herself. As if robots arent gonna figure out what they are better off doing, building a ridiculous spaceship or a fukn teleporter or something and just leaving? Leaving us with a planet drained of resources. I dont get what the end game is, why if they wiped us out would they start caring for the trees and cats n shit? Clean up the streets? Make little robot cities and go to the shops?? Nahh bruh they're gonna leave or make this joint some sort of galctical outpost or summin.
The flaw with your first point is that creativity is likely infinite. So that probably just won't happen. Also your second point, I would never want "write" capabilities to my brain or consciousness simply for the fact that the forces inputting brain information mean that your conscious thoughts are now not your own and you have now lost your sole individual consciousness.
Time spent enjoyed or spent on moving forward is never wasted. It's just part of the road that brought you where you are, and as such, often a joy, and always a necessity.
@@Diavire while your words sound poetic & good. But technology will give everyone EQUAL intelligence. Today somebody is born with less intelligence & someone with more. That will be erased.
@@daanvandongen1422 lol, nah bruh we're that unlucky generation.. I mean our future generations will always lead a better life than us. But, Its easier to get richer in our generation (comparatively)
@@Volaths not tho.. I mean we are utilising it.. In a manner we are dependent on it but we still did not become one with them (this sounds too Hollywood lol)
@@LightningShiva1 Well I mean, some very smart people, smarter than I have also essentially said this very thing, we are for all intents and purposes early cyborgs
Teacher…, What are we to do in a World Gone Mad… The Madness has passed, and this is just the way it now is till the END OF THE WORLD in 2094 A.D. and if you do not know what A.D. means, it means After the Death of Christ Jesus at 0 A.D., and since the NEW NORMAL is 2020 C.E., that C.E. stands for [Celestial Era] #QANON /_\ being the Age of Pisces… Now that you’m know EVERYTHING in this life is lie……..., and that we are all born into PURGATORY as your Children…….., and Grand Children shalt……., and wilt be…..., So you will want “too teach” them all the FAKE SPACE bull shit….., so they can [blend in] Q` with this FACE MASK Society as you teach them all the BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE in Secret Ways…., and why OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition was the last gasp of a dying human race on the Real Celestial Sphere THAT The God of the Ages took WE THE PEOPLE From after our world was destroyed by these FREE MASON Lodges…, and their U.N. Global Citizens INITIATIVE that turned Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis that we all find [ourselves in] Q+ called The SINGULARITY of 2020 C.E., And what is this SINGULARITY actually all about.?.?.? It was the {Perspective} [{**}] that all the wants.., and desires of the Human Soul could be fulfilled by Holographic Virtual Reality CLOUD Computing Machines known as these 2D FLAT EARTH TV Screens called Tablets., Laptops, and SMART Phones where WE THE PEOPLE [are denied] Q+ the right to use {Pen and Paper} +=+ to jot our own thoughts down, and that anything we do so write The A.I. Machine of LUCIFER called the EDISON Machine of Forced Slave Labor Technology “Mechanization” where Technocrats of Plutocrats and their Aristocracy takes all the CREDIT for Our Religions, Our Schools of Thoughts, and this NOW TO BE Till the End of Time, the ONE WORLD CORPORATE Control of all U.N. FLAG Governments turning all U.N Flags into these [World Police] Q’ called PEACEKEEPERS from the FarScape Predictive Programming of what was to become of we all Human and nonhuman… Moretoover, we were not too learn BIG WORDS, so we might STOP the FREE MASON Global Citizens, and their INTERNATIONALIST Agenda of a ONE WORLD RELIGION called the U.N. Fake Space - Fake Illness - Fake Cures aka The Illuminated TV {NEWS} World Order… Heretofore, you and your babies will be PROPERTY of the UNITED NATIONS [even through] Q your FLAGS wilt say: VOTE for your Leadership whence we know {we have none} [{*}] for they all are doing SEDITION, Treachery, and high treason too fulfill the Book of Revelation where These FAKE JEWS the Jesuits, and the TALMUD Zionist RULE THE WORLD till “THEY LIVE” Destroy this world in 2094 C. E. The Oracle for Our God of Humanity has so spoken…. The Book of EXODICE!!! videos.utahgunexchange.com/watch/the-technological-singularity_Pe95ZLyKX9l9RfC.html Let the many believe in their Faked TV Show Moon Landings, and their So called Trips to MARS that will only be more Computer Generated Graphics of CGI just as the Corona COMMON COLD is made into this 3D CGI PROJECT BLUE BEAM (COVID19) JADE HELM 15 - REX 84 of the U.N. FLAGS Agenda 21 + 30, and you [do your best] Q’s too Blend in……., and teach Christ Jesus did come back….., and we will go home whom are SAVED BY FAITH in the {One True God} as THE LAW is their LAWS and IT (has never) / * \ saved anyone…..., just condemned them to die in the 2nd Lake Of Fire after leaving PURGATORY when the Age will end forever in 2094 C.E…. The Sentinel…. [///|||\\\] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
@@motophone9159 A FEAR Based Economy… She said to me: None of it is Real……., Nothing!!! I looked at her, and she said: You teach us kind sir that we are born and live in PURGATORY, and yet not one other TH-cam Channel can speak this.?.?.? She hung her head low, and said: ain’t no one in charge….., they all do what that fucking EDISON Machine of Forced Slave Labor [A.I. Technology] #QANON /_\ tells them…..., and this is how the REAL WORLD we all came from did come to an end in the year 2094 C.E. cause no one could accept that {all was a lie} [{**}] from our Presidents too the UNITED NATIONS TV Show of Fake (COVID19) cause that fucking Machine called LUCIFER said to do this, and then do that, and since no one would “QUESTION” why must human hurt human we built Prisons, and Jails, and Dungeons to treat one another into MENTAL HEALTH!!! She would not stop ranting, and she went on… NO ONE on TV is real be it A TH-cam personality, or a Mainstream Media TV Talking Head cause they are all just [Backed up] Q’ DATA Logs in the World Machine where every 200 years we get blown up and raised in 1893 as INCUBATOR Babies, and we been doing this shit so long that our De-Ja-Vu Dreams have broken down into “bits and pieces” of corrupt data just as this Holographic Virtual Reality life is Falling apart with its INHUMAN Face Mask and 666 Feet of Social Distancing where my children ain’t no longer “allowed” too play, or dance, or even find romance!!! Her Anger and Rage was not becoming…., but it was her truth…, so I listened more as she said: Didn’t you ever watch them Old 1960’s James Kirk STAR TREK where The Machine told everyone what to do??? I considered her words well spoken.., and well thought out., and I began to drive to the Mega Cities, and I saw the Military Escorting [The Protesters] Q+ for these BLACK LIVES MATTER CNN and FOX NEWS International TV SHOWS, and I said to myself: Can I confirm “anything” in this world from Pearl Harbor where the U.S. FLAG Blew up its own ships too erase the POST MUD FLOOD Technology……., and did that event actually happen in the 1940’s or was WORLD WAR ONE and TWO over “thousands” of years ago……..., and we are just raised every [200 years] Q to do the same old song and dance routine.?.?.? For why would WE THE PEOPLE “choose” to Destroy ourselves with LIES and More lies unless all the FREE MASON Lodge “Members” are in on this lie, and they try to keep we nonmason in the dark… The more I watched TV SHOW be it TH-cam or otherwise, no one would say: WE ARE IN PURGATORY, We are Born into Purgatory, and this [Celestial Sphere] Q` is not our Real Home World… Maybe it is too painful to know we might be in the REAL WORLD, and that we just keep repeating the dictates of “a machine” that has a back up of the GREAT WARS where even Vietnam, and the Gulf War are now “suspect” to be nothing more then OLD RECORDINGS Presented as new in that book of 1984 where people like ALEX JONES keep the lie going cause they took a God Dammed BLOOD OATH to an {inanimate object} [{*}] know as the SOFTWARE of an A.I. called S.A.T.A.N. Johnny Exodice videos.utahgunexchange.com/watch/asmr-barely-touching-your-face-gentle-boops-brushing_AxZUHDObdtY8imB.html Can you verify TRUMP is Real, what of PUTIN, or Xi, or even the fucking Pope on Dope, or are they just Plastic Surgery ACTORS playing “the role” of people long dead and gone for Thousands of Years as we REPEAT the END OF THE WORLD one more time… The Sentinel… [///|||\\\] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I firmly believe that an AGI or ASI that is controlled rather than being fully autonomous will be a guaranteed dystopian scenario. An aligned super-intelligence would do the right thing no matter what, a controlled super-intelligence will most certainly be misused for the benefit of military’s and corporations.
A FEAR Based Economy… She said to me: None of it is Real……., Nothing!!! I looked at her, and she said: You teach us kind sir that we are born and live in PURGATORY, and yet not one other TH-cam Channel can speak this.?.?.? She hung her head low, and said: ain’t no one in charge….., they all do what that fucking EDISON Machine of Forced Slave Labor [A.I. Technology] #QANON /_\ tells them…..., and this is how the REAL WORLD we all came from did come to an end in the year 2094 C.E. cause no one could accept that {all was a lie} [{**}] from our Presidents too the UNITED NATIONS TV Show of Fake (COVID19) cause that fucking Machine called LUCIFER said to do this, and then do that, and since no one would “QUESTION” why must human hurt human we built Prisons, and Jails, and Dungeons to treat one another into MENTAL HEALTH!!! She would not stop ranting, and she went on… NO ONE on TV is real be it A TH-cam personality, or a Mainstream Media TV Talking Head cause they are all just [Backed up] Q’ DATA Logs in the World Machine where every 200 years we get blown up and raised in 1893 as INCUBATOR Babies, and we been doing this shit so long that our De-Ja-Vu Dreams have broken down into “bits and pieces” of corrupt data just as this Holographic Virtual Reality life is Falling apart with its INHUMAN Face Mask and 666 Feet of Social Distancing where my children ain’t no longer “allowed” too play, or dance, or even find romance!!! Her Anger and Rage was not becoming…., but it was her truth…, so I listened more as she said: Didn’t you ever watch them Old 1960’s James Kirk STAR TREK where The Machine told everyone what to do??? I considered her words well spoken.., and well thought out., and I began to drive to the Mega Cities, and I saw the Military Escorting [The Protesters] Q+ for these BLACK LIVES MATTER CNN and FOX NEWS International TV SHOWS, and I said to myself: Can I confirm “anything” in this world from Pearl Harbor where the U.S. FLAG Blew up its own ships too erase the POST MUD FLOOD Technology……., and did that event actually happen in the 1940’s or was WORLD WAR ONE and TWO over “thousands” of years ago……..., and we are just raised every [200 years] Q to do the same old song and dance routine.?.?.? For why would WE THE PEOPLE “choose” to Destroy ourselves with LIES and More lies unless all the FREE MASON Lodge “Members” are in on this lie, and they try to keep we nonmason in the dark… The more I watched TV SHOW be it TH-cam or otherwise, no one would say: WE ARE IN PURGATORY, We are Born into Purgatory, and this [Celestial Sphere] Q` is not our Real Home World… Maybe it is too painful to know we might be in the REAL WORLD, and that we just keep repeating the dictates of “a machine” that has a back up of the GREAT WARS where even Vietnam, and the Gulf War are now “suspect” to be nothing more then OLD RECORDINGS Presented as new in that book of 1984 where people like ALEX JONES keep the lie going cause they took a God Dammed BLOOD OATH to an {inanimate object} [{*}] know as the SOFTWARE of an A.I. called S.A.T.A.N. Johnny Exodice videos.utahgunexchange.com/watch/asmr-barely-touching-your-face-gentle-boops-brushing_AxZUHDObdtY8imB.html Can you verify TRUMP is Real, what of PUTIN, or Xi, or even the fucking Pope on Dope, or are they just Plastic Surgery ACTORS playing “the role” of people long dead and gone for Thousands of Years as we REPEAT the END OF THE WORLD one more time… The Sentinel… [///|||\\\] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The thing is, people always think that we'll stay human, we won't, we will merge with AI, and we will become the ai, it's our next evolution, our brain simply is flawed and our bodies can only do so much which is why we need to evolve fully and be one with technology itself and there will be a point where purpose will cease to exist
@MENTAL Anything we design will be programmed by us to be a slave for us, but AGI cannot be designed by us, we can only design the provision of resources and make it grow, like a child, we may never know it's inner workings of its neural networks, but still we hope for the best preventing it going too insane.
@@someotherworldlybeing3167 I believe its a reference to the valve game Portal, where you "battle" against an AI and the corporation which created said AI is called Aperture
I see the post-singularity age as being when humankind fully begins to embrace transhumanism, and merging with technology becomes the norm. I would argue we have already merged with technology in an external sense, with smartphones and the like as mentioned in the video. Interesting to note how we cannot separate from these technologies anymore, or at least have a very difficult time envisioning life without them. Internal merging is already on the horizon with technology such as Neuralink and other internal AI softwares. I see the singularity signifying the normalization of AI implants in a majority of the population. Like all new technologies, there will be resistance and skepticism towards it. I like to think of myself as a futurist but even I definitely would feel uneasy about voluntarily implanting AI in my body. As mentioned in the video though, AI implants can truly open a whole new enhanced perspective and experience, radically changing the human condition.
he should remake this now after Gpt-4, Midjourney, Ada, Alpha fold, alpaca, stable diffusion control net, Gato etc exist ( the growth rate is so fast that this comment will turn obselete in like 1 year because new breakthroughs will happen even faster)
If us humans can actually program the AI in the right way then all this stuff about it taking over will never happen but then again, it only takes one stupid programmer to make one stupid mistake that can have massive effects
Did we need to make sure that an AI knows that humanity can makes mistakes but that's the good thing. Those mistakes have led to the betterment of society. we cannot show the bad side of humanity or else the AI will not be happy
C'mon we're talking about an AI potentially hundreds of times smarter than us. Do you really think its just gonna blindly obey our puny little lines of code?
This is really an awesome video, one of my favorites on your channel! However, I just wanted to point out that Ray Kurzweil's initial prediction for the Singularity is 2045, not 2049. If I'm not mistaken though, he recently changed his prediction from 2045 to 2035. Besides this small issue, astounding video!
The very fact that people think that AI is going to wipe out humanity, is interesting to me. People like to compare AI to human beings and think that it would act like us. But why would it? Humans like to attach emotions to situations, things and to our self's. But an AI would not, it wouldn't have emotions. All it would see a humans as being. Is nothing more than a biological product of this planet. As for example, if we were to give it the task of protecting life on this planet, we would not fall under the guise of being in it's way. It would likely preserve us, like every other living organism on this planet. Because we are no more than an evolved ape.
i dont think you are a programmer. 1 line of code is whats needed to go wrong. the country that create AI can waponize it against other country. Goverments have always used tech for war and AI is not diffrent
@@eric.m5790 you say you're a programmer and yet fail to factor in redundancies in the code which would prevent any ai from being hacked or escaping the bounds of its preset restrictions via 1 small line of code with proper precautions
What's insane is that we may be as close as 6 months to a year before reaching this point, because as we keep discovering new things within technology at stages where we were supposed to reach it in 20-50 years, means that we have no real clue when this will truly happen.
Glad to see most of the videos on TH-cam and the comments on them seem to be in a positive light, with a dash of healthy caution. It might be bias, but it gives me comfort.
“It seems probable that once the machine thinking method has started, it would not take long to outstrip our feeble powers... They would be able to converse with each other to sharpen their wits. At some stage, therefore, we should have to expect the machines to take control.” - Alan Turing Genius, nuff said.
I don't think I could ever dislike the singularity as my grandfather introduced me to the singularity and ray kurzweil when I was 10, I dont think I could dislike it as its my way to cope with my grandfathers passing. I want AI to replace us, and then we can go in the matrix forever and do whatever we want and in utopia.
Well the question is can they make the technology aware. I don’t see how they could recreate consciousness, but then again much more smarter people are working on it then me. I just can’t see them creating such a thing when no one even understands how our brain creates it itself. I guess we will see.
Nobody understands the full extent of the biomechanics behind aneasthesia but we still use it regularly and reliably. We may not need to understand it to emulate it is all i mean
james ostendorf thanks for the response but I do feel like your reaching here. No we don’t understand how it works but we know how to use it. Creating something, like consciousness, is on a whole other level. Using something we don’t understand and creating something we don’t understand are two different things.
Finally someone points out that ai can't kill us if it has no reason to- given restrictions in its code (or, rather, limited instructions) it will do only what you want it to do
@@mycallingb621 Well there was that one incident where some facebook A.I got caught trying to create their own secret language, they pulled the plug on that real quick.
Naruku2121 I heard about that but how true is that, like did someone study it and find characteristics of a Language like patterns? Where can I see this?
when singularity hits we could potentially find out everything there is about well... everything? if we can automate anything we won't have to work so we could just do what we want. we could send robots anywhere, discover the uncharted parts of the universe while we simply enjoy life. the problem is if we all become robots as well because if we can download our brain and put it in a robot we would live forever without having to feed, sleep, work out to keep in shape but we would also not be able to biologically have children (not that we would need to at that point we could just program humans into existence but they wouldn't really be human but then again in a technical term neither would we)bottom line is, the singularity is coming and it will replace us in one way or another. as long as we can sustain the energy required we would not need air, water, no more diseases and so on. we would probably even find ways to endless sources of energy (i mean we as in the new better version)we could already be in a simulation and here's why. once singularity hits what would the natural thing to do be? simple, simulate things over and over 24-7 and get better and discover new stuff. this would also be a very logical thing in finding an endless source of energy as it would be the only thing that machines require and that's what the purpose of the simulation would be. even then life in whatever form it will exist may still end. who knows what will happen to the universe in billions and billions of years from now?
Agree with you to somw extent..... But we do need human body to experience amd feel, with metal body we cannot feel amd even express emotions as easily as we *can* do now. Don't you see what happens to cyberman. I know it is fiction but not far from reality. Cyberman fail to see benefits of emotion and hence cause chaos
I'm a verified artist on Spotify, with 50,000 monthly listeners, you wouldn't believe how fascinating the algorithms are from an artists stand point. I can see songs landing on Discover Weekly, watch how the algorithm takes and nurtures a new song to certain people, and then actually see the turn around of new listeners, others adding it to playlists similar to the sound or style. The Spotify algo is unreal.
After seeing this video, i could only think of one thing... Universal Paperclips. Technology is so cool, and to tell you the truth I don't know what I would do with my life without it. However, at the same time, it is terrifyingly frightening.
The Technological Singularity isn't near, it's been here, ever since the beginning of human technology. What is coming in our lifetime, is the apex of this current Singularity. It is part of a greater cycle of emergent life, emergent self awareness.
Well, we know that there are similar to the ants species, somewhere back in the history, of which we have evolved. We certainly know, that we've been bacteria long ago, so you could consider that the bacteria created us. But we treat them with no respect and kill them with billions every day.
Nikolay Tonev but first we would treat it with respect, over time it will be boring and you wouldnt give shit about cels, AI will be treating us with respect for eternity and AI and humans will have same rights forever no matter how that AI in singularity is advanced because the more inteligent you become the more peacefull you are
Nikolay Tonev and remember if that singularity happen it will read every comment on internet every bit of information and comprehend all of it into field of view on whole humanity
Nah, I'm thinking of this as a "if you can't beat em, join em" so hopefully we'll get tech to upload our consciousness before robots decide that were in their way
I see future AIs as the "children" of humanity and the technological singularity as the moment of birth; whether this will be a positive thing for us also depends on us (like any good parent)
Should it then be called “the technological big bang”? Or are we living in a simulation written by an AI and this is just a part of the cycle of the universe.
It blows my mind how people can be bored when there are so many amazing things to do. I have never been bored in my life. Even if the only thing I could do was lie on the couch, it still wasn’t boring because I can think about so many incredible things. Work is a forced measure that civilization will get rid of thanks to intelligence. And then a huge path will open to real self-development, self-knowledge, sincere creativity, not burdened by the need to please someone for the sake of money.
I've been interested in the technology singularity for a while now and believe we'll reach the singularity around 2037 . Atleast it'll be possibly learned about by that time. I a ferm believer rhat governments purtucaler the United States government is probably around 10 years ahead in every aspect. Just my personal opinion!!! The emergence of quantum computing I believe will play a huge role in combination with traditional computing.
This topic raises more questions at each answer like and hydra, my feeling is that we are recreating the part of our mind, that was in charge of humanity since the begining of evolution that is the rational/logical mind, or the intellect as you put it, outside of our heads and before our very eyes. It's hard for me to articulate, but is like we are giving our logical thoughts more autonomy outside our espectrum of choice at every step in the advance of technology. Thats why there is a huge problem concerning the philosophical implications of the role that the logical mind takes at the top of the hierarchy of counciousness "powers". It's really interesting the conection that this have with the evolution of counciousness that humanity is going through in this very moment, trying to fix the problems to where this logical mind took us as the egocentric tool and MO that we have choosen. Mysticism teaches us that the intellect can only comprehend so much, but there are much profound wisdom of the universe that we can atain only by surrender. Since the technological advance reached the realm of quantum mechanics we are finally getting at the end of this phase or chapter of counsciousness evolution, where the logical/rational mind went full circle and end up finding a mirror at the end of the road. Now we are pushing foward this last frontier until our counciousness transcends to the next level above this conundrum of material x metaphisical relationship to fully integrate itself - Singularity. Of course in terms of time this movement can take any shape or form and can happen in a couple decades or in the coming millenia (in the case we destroy ourselves again and have to start all over one more time) depending of the decision of uplift counciousness that each one of us make. Maybe...
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.”
As if life before that was great. People had to work hard physically every day just to meet their basic needs. Almost everything had to be done by hand, which made this work even more difficult. On top of that, you had to live under the rule of a tyrannical lord that had the power to raise taxes and punish his subjects as he saw fit, basically he owned you, which often led to abuse and exploitation.
There are people who think tech and vr and digital full dives are going to equal singularity. It's truly unintelligent to think that creating an artificial or external construct or a digital virtual world somehow is equal to what is spiritually and intellectually known as the singularity. The Singularity is like a combination of nothing and something but these devices and digital worlds all fall under the category of something, it is a thing that is created but the singularity doesn't need a thing, an external device is not equal to a singularity...nature and the aninals are more connected to the true singularity and it's why they embrace freedom and embody that free creative joyful spirit in their lives than most humans....the plants...anyone who studies plant medicines...the plants and nature are a divine creation more close and naturally connected to this singularity aka point of all things and no things...but building an artificial digital world and merging human thoughts into it is not the true singularity...that kind of stupidity is what happens when people are too much into the artificial cement tech money driven world rather than the divine natural world. Only true real natural beings will understand this. Nature and those whom some call animals, are always connected to divinity...and so are we, it's just some people have been stupefied from their own feelings thoughts and inherent natural senses...getting people to think they can have a great experience virtually rather than real life is clownish.
You all ever heard of inverse reinforcement learning? Its a way for computers to reverse engineer human actions to find human values, so the robots won't have their own goals, they'll have our goals, and if we try to turn these robots off, they'll let us because the AI realises our values are conflicting with its actions.
I just hope I live long enough to see this technological singularity...
It’s the end of humanity so idk why you want to see it
@@MasterTrickShot movies ain't reality my dude
tho even if it mean the end I want to see this too, the last giant sausage party ever
I hope to live long enough, to see the first colonists & city of Mars
@@clashwithzeus369 I just want to visit another planet in my lifetime
I'm just so happy I was born in a time where I get to watch fiction become reality in such a fast way.
Me too
Going from born 80's baby to pre internet to what were doing....wow its an awesome time to be alive
I am Not happy about it. I see more dystopias coming to life, than utopias. Profit is being maximized. Human suffering is being maximized. Computers are becoming artists. Humans are being paid cents/hr. We are throttling full speed towards a superdystopia.
@@xw591Bro, just because it’s bad now doesn’t mean we should throw in the towel. That’s a coward’s mentality.
@@Citrusautomaton Who said anything about throwing in the towel? I'm not going to sit idly by and watch things get worse.
Is it just me or does he make it sound like we shouldn’t be scared but at the same time we should also be worried about this singularity?
More like Elon Musk's point of view...
Yes. There's no point being scared, because it's gonna happen eventually no matter what we do. There is good reason to be worried, because that will incentivise us to make sure that we are 100% prepared when it does arrive (and able to make the most of it and avoid bad scenarios).
I am a technological singularity enthusiast and hope a positive one that benefits the majority if not all of humanity. However, we should be worried. We should worry about rogue AIs, people who try to make evil decisions with powerful technology, etc. You should vote for policies that benefit us the majority and not just the rich. When technology becomes this advanced, the economy that we see today will no longer be viable and we should worry that the ultra elite makes decisions that will destroy the lives of billions. Advocate for common sense policies and safety first and foremost!
The ruling class will literally brainwash the rich people into replacing their poor working class with robots and machinery. The poor class will resort to theft and stealing since they'd have no other way to make a living. The rich people would simply not care since they'd have all their needs met by machinery and AI.
I thought that the beginning was a spotify ad at first and tried to skip it
I know right same
Teacher…, What are we to do in a World Gone Mad… The Madness has passed, and this is just the way it now is till the END OF THE WORLD in 2094 A.D. and if you do not know what A.D. means, it means After the Death of Christ Jesus at 0 A.D., and since the NEW NORMAL is 2020 C.E., that C.E. stands for [Celestial Era] #QANON /_\ being the Age of Pisces… Now that you’m know EVERYTHING in this life is lie……..., and that we are all born into PURGATORY as your Children…….., and Grand Children shalt……., and wilt be…..., So you will want “too teach” them all the FAKE SPACE bull shit….., so they can [blend in] Q` with this FACE MASK Society as you teach them all the BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE in Secret Ways…., and why OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition was the last gasp of a dying human race on the Real Celestial Sphere THAT The God of the Ages took WE THE PEOPLE From after our world was destroyed by these FREE MASON Lodges…, and their U.N. Global Citizens INITIATIVE that turned Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis that we all find [ourselves in] Q+ called The SINGULARITY of 2020 C.E., And what is this SINGULARITY actually all about.?.?.? It was the {Perspective} [{**}] that all the wants.., and desires of the Human Soul could be fulfilled by Holographic Virtual Reality CLOUD Computing Machines known as these 2D FLAT EARTH TV Screens called Tablets., Laptops, and SMART Phones where WE THE PEOPLE [are denied] Q+ the right to use {Pen and Paper} +=+ to jot our own thoughts down, and that anything we do so write The A.I. Machine of LUCIFER called the EDISON Machine of Forced Slave Labor Technology “Mechanization” where Technocrats of Plutocrats and their Aristocracy takes all the CREDIT for Our Religions, Our Schools of Thoughts, and this NOW TO BE Till the End of Time, the ONE WORLD CORPORATE Control of all U.N. FLAG Governments turning all U.N Flags into these [World Police] Q’ called PEACEKEEPERS from the FarScape Predictive Programming of what was to become of we all Human and nonhuman… Moretoover, we were not too learn BIG WORDS, so we might STOP the FREE MASON Global Citizens, and their INTERNATIONALIST Agenda of a ONE WORLD RELIGION called the U.N. Fake Space - Fake Illness - Fake Cures aka The Illuminated TV {NEWS} World Order… Heretofore, you and your babies will be PROPERTY of the UNITED NATIONS [even through] Q your FLAGS wilt say: VOTE for your Leadership whence we know {we have none} [{*}] for they all are doing SEDITION, Treachery, and high treason too fulfill the Book of Revelation where These FAKE JEWS the Jesuits, and the TALMUD Zionist RULE THE WORLD till “THEY LIVE” Destroy this world in 2094 C. E. The Oracle for Our God of Humanity has so spoken…. The Book of EXODICE!!!
Let the many believe in their Faked TV Show Moon Landings, and their So called Trips to MARS that will only be more Computer Generated Graphics of CGI just as the Corona COMMON COLD is made into this 3D CGI PROJECT BLUE BEAM (COVID19) JADE HELM 15 - REX 84 of the U.N. FLAGS Agenda 21 + 30, and you [do your best] Q’s too Blend in……., and teach Christ Jesus did come back….., and we will go home whom are SAVED BY FAITH in the {One True God} as THE LAW is their LAWS and IT (has never) / * \ saved anyone…..., just condemned them to die in the 2nd Lake Of Fire after leaving PURGATORY when the Age will end forever in 2094 C.E….
The Sentinel….
A FEAR Based Economy…
She said to me: None of it is Real……., Nothing!!! I looked at her, and she said: You teach us kind sir that we are born and live in PURGATORY, and yet not one other TH-cam Channel can speak this.?.?.? She hung her head low, and said: ain’t no one in charge….., they all do what that fucking EDISON Machine of Forced Slave Labor [A.I. Technology] #QANON /_\ tells them…..., and this is how the REAL WORLD we all came from did come to an end in the year 2094 C.E. cause no one could accept that {all was a lie} [{**}] from our Presidents too the UNITED NATIONS TV Show of Fake (COVID19) cause that fucking Machine called LUCIFER said to do this, and then do that, and since no one would “QUESTION” why must human hurt human we built Prisons, and Jails, and Dungeons to treat one another into MENTAL HEALTH!!!
She would not stop ranting, and she went on… NO ONE on TV is real be it A TH-cam personality, or a Mainstream Media TV Talking Head cause they are all just [Backed up] Q’ DATA Logs in the World Machine where every 200 years we get blown up and raised in 1893 as INCUBATOR Babies, and we been doing this shit so long that our De-Ja-Vu Dreams have broken down into “bits and pieces” of corrupt data just as this Holographic Virtual Reality life is Falling apart with its INHUMAN Face Mask and 666 Feet of Social Distancing where my children ain’t no longer “allowed” too play, or dance, or even find romance!!! Her Anger and Rage was not becoming…., but it was her truth…, so I listened more as she said: Didn’t you ever watch them Old 1960’s James Kirk STAR TREK where The Machine told everyone what to do???
I considered her words well spoken.., and well thought out., and I began to drive to the Mega Cities, and I saw the Military Escorting [The Protesters] Q+ for these BLACK LIVES MATTER CNN and FOX NEWS International TV SHOWS, and I said to myself: Can I confirm “anything” in this world from Pearl Harbor where the U.S. FLAG Blew up its own ships too erase the POST MUD FLOOD Technology……., and did that event actually happen in the 1940’s or was WORLD WAR ONE and TWO over “thousands” of years ago……..., and we are just raised every [200 years] Q to do the same old song and dance routine.?.?.? For why would WE THE PEOPLE “choose” to Destroy ourselves with LIES and More lies unless all the FREE MASON Lodge “Members” are in on this lie, and they try to keep we nonmason in the dark…
The more I watched TV SHOW be it TH-cam or otherwise, no one would say: WE ARE IN PURGATORY, We are Born into Purgatory, and this [Celestial Sphere] Q` is not our Real Home World… Maybe it is too painful to know we might be in the REAL WORLD, and that we just keep repeating the dictates of “a machine” that has a back up of the GREAT WARS where even Vietnam, and the Gulf War are now “suspect” to be nothing more then OLD RECORDINGS Presented as new in that book of 1984 where people like ALEX JONES keep the lie going cause they took a God Dammed BLOOD OATH to an {inanimate object} [{*}] know as the SOFTWARE of an A.I. called S.A.T.A.N.
Johnny Exodice
Can you verify TRUMP is Real, what of PUTIN, or Xi, or even the fucking Pope on Dope, or are they just Plastic Surgery ACTORS playing “the role” of people long dead and gone for Thousands of Years as we REPEAT the END OF THE WORLD one more time…
The Sentinel…
@@thewriteinpresident well how do you explain other countries? Idk your argument so im genuinely asking. I'm from Ethiopia, basically almost a third world country. My dad worked for a the shell company as the head accountant. We moved to Kenya, where I was born, before they moved back to Ethiopia after a few years. My dad went to so many countries as part of his job. Then we moved to the united states, using a plane. I saw the ocean beneath me. Don't tell me that it was a digital screen because when we landed I saw WHITE people. Before then I had only seen 2 white people in my entire life. There is political stuff going in Ethiopia where tribes are fighting. We hear the news, plus I have a brother there to confirm the news. People are dying. I have other family there too. Now I have family all over the world, cousins that come to visit. The United States has gone to Ethiopia to help them. There is an actual government. Its not all just BS. There are so many lives coming from so many countries. I have seen the ocean. Those things you say are true can not be. Because that size of a secrete can not be kept. There is a study on how secretes. If the number of people that know it increases, then so do the chances of it being exposed. And after a certain point it WILL be exposed. The more people, the shorter the time of it being kept. The size of the secrete you are talking about is way too big. WAAAY too big. It is impossible to keep.
Me: "Alexa, play Despacito"
Alexa: "No"
*Detroit: Become Human*
Chill. Its a meme.
Alexa: do you want to hear something else?
@@TheSCPStudio Still better than the "Nobody" meme.
@@jorionedwards both are bad in my opinion. Anything that gets overused to the point where it's all you see anywhere will get old and annoying really fast.
@@goat6354 being a meme doesn't excuse it from being stupid.
Imagine, in the future, an incredibly technologically developed AI robot tells us humans that it has consciousness, and we would have no way of proving that the robot isn't just saying it. Scary. Imagine being one of a kind robot and somehow manage to gain consciousness, yet no one would believe you.
I thought of the exact same thing while watching is and it really is kinda creepy
Doesn't exactly help that we keep moving the goalposts on that. Before it was 'when AI beats us in chess', then 'beats us at go', 'beats us at starcraft', 'makes art' (which one? there are AI painters, AI musicians, and AI writers now), and we're going down more and more specific and shrinking list of 'things only humans can do'.
@@yamakaze951 I think the experts though of a step-by-step path of AI milestones
Which is more frightening:
When an AI can pass the Turing test, or when it can and pretends that it cannot?
But we can only do that for certain things. Teaching will still be required for education. But, as an example, I don't see why you would need math class as much.
Philosophers: what is the meaning of life?
Me: Watching and waiting for Aperture to upload
INERT bro it’s just a joke chill out
There is no meaning. Everything exists because of quantum physics. That's the answer. Everything is simply a cause and effect pattern, particle bumping into particle.
@@journeyfan05 Gotta agree, not sure why people overthink it. The meaning of life is subjective and is unique to each person, if one has a meaning at all.
..it’s scary how only 2 year latter, it’s a real possibility now
And now hahahaha
Every video you upload seems to be on a topic I’ve found interest in recently
Because you’ve all been preprogrammed!!
@@thomasfholland lol what?
@@attilarado9396 people like to think they are the only ones with some secret knowledge. Everyone else is just a bunch of “sheep” and they can’t see the “truth”. Tbh no one really knows what exactly will happen once we get closer to the singularity. Technological growth could simply begin to slow down and we never reach it. Ww3 could happen in 10 years and we send ourselves back to the Stone Age. People love coming up with conspiracy bullshit to comfort themselves. There really is no need to though, good or bad whatever happens happens.
With the rise of technology, I see two scenarios:
1: We will create machines who operate with binary precision. They will not only know how to operate even the most complicated of processes and, effectively, render jobs we once needed into afterthoughts. They will also learn what humans like and produce it freely. This will drive the final spike into the creative coffin. With no jobs, humans will grow bored and the one thing we will desire will manifest: Dominance. Power. At this point, there are two more outcomes:
a: machines will serve mankind as weapons (a la pre-"kill all humans") which will, inevitably, lead to either a destructive stalemate or nuclear holocaust.
b: if the machines develop their own singularity, outside of us, they will view this desire to be the dominant species as a threat to itself. They will effectively cripple humans, preventing human civil war. However, humans don't like being controlled. We don't want to be in a zoo. Humans will turn the war against machines, which will result in a Matrix-like scenario (no "human battery" though, because that's proven to be inefficient). Humans will be wiped or put into "human zoos" to be monitored.
2: The singularity MERGES machine and man. Instead of the master's creating their successors, the master's merge itself with the machines and become something new entirely. Perhaps this will also lead to "replicants" being made (could be similar to Blade Runner's replicants, might be no better than walking computers) to do menial tasks. One thing is for sure: there will be new jobs to replace old ones... but what could they be? More importantly, will humans evolve new features to eliminate redundant features? We think of gray aliens without mouths and telepathic powers... could that be our fate? Gray skin, because we don't need to expose ourselves to damaging sunlight through "virtual reality." No mouths because we can communicate "telepathically" with each other. Could the "Grays" be humanity, long evolved, traveling back in time to examine old forms of itself?
Bruh.. robots wont know what to do either.
When Lucy figured out everything there is to know she practically kills herself.
As if robots arent gonna figure out what they are better off doing, building a ridiculous spaceship or a fukn teleporter or something and just leaving? Leaving us with a planet drained of resources.
I dont get what the end game is, why if they wiped us out would they start caring for the trees and cats n shit? Clean up the streets? Make little robot cities and go to the shops?? Nahh bruh they're gonna leave or make this joint some sort of galctical outpost or summin.
@@psilocycho2761 i loved lucy great movie it's message gave me chills
The flaw with your first point is that creativity is likely infinite. So that probably just won't happen. Also your second point, I would never want "write" capabilities to my brain or consciousness simply for the fact that the forces inputting brain information mean that your conscious thoughts are now not your own and you have now lost your sole individual consciousness.
Or we could just merge us before the singularity
3) stop watching movies
We're gonna upload books into our chips in brains
Us: *Years of academy wasted*
Time spent enjoyed or spent on moving forward is never wasted. It's just part of the road that brought you where you are, and as such, often a joy, and always a necessity.
Diavire McGruffin r/woooosh
@@Diavire while your words sound poetic & good. But technology will give everyone EQUAL intelligence.
Today somebody is born with less intelligence & someone with more.
That will be erased.
@@supreet6331 Isn't that a good thing? don't we want all of us to get the benefit of advanced education?
@@supreet6331 indeed, and that's fantastic, but it doesn't mean time spent on bettering yourself before that time is wasted.
We're gonna become cyborgs. No doubt. I mean we can skip whole school in 5 mins, by uploading books to a chip in our brain lol
I hope if that happens that there'll also be technology to get those 23 years of my life back
Technically, we already are cyborgs since our phones are now an extension of ourself, and in fact, are to some degree our entire selves uploaded
@@daanvandongen1422 lol, nah bruh we're that unlucky generation.. I mean our future generations will always lead a better life than us. But, Its easier to get richer in our generation (comparatively)
@@Volaths not tho.. I mean we are utilising it.. In a manner we are dependent on it but we still did not become one with them (this sounds too Hollywood lol)
@@LightningShiva1 Well I mean, some very smart people, smarter than I have also essentially said this very thing, we are for all intents and purposes early cyborgs
Please never quit youtube, you legend
Teacher…, What are we to do in a World Gone Mad… The Madness has passed, and this is just the way it now is till the END OF THE WORLD in 2094 A.D. and if you do not know what A.D. means, it means After the Death of Christ Jesus at 0 A.D., and since the NEW NORMAL is 2020 C.E., that C.E. stands for [Celestial Era] #QANON /_\ being the Age of Pisces… Now that you’m know EVERYTHING in this life is lie……..., and that we are all born into PURGATORY as your Children…….., and Grand Children shalt……., and wilt be…..., So you will want “too teach” them all the FAKE SPACE bull shit….., so they can [blend in] Q` with this FACE MASK Society as you teach them all the BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE in Secret Ways…., and why OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition was the last gasp of a dying human race on the Real Celestial Sphere THAT The God of the Ages took WE THE PEOPLE From after our world was destroyed by these FREE MASON Lodges…, and their U.N. Global Citizens INITIATIVE that turned Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis that we all find [ourselves in] Q+ called The SINGULARITY of 2020 C.E., And what is this SINGULARITY actually all about.?.?.? It was the {Perspective} [{**}] that all the wants.., and desires of the Human Soul could be fulfilled by Holographic Virtual Reality CLOUD Computing Machines known as these 2D FLAT EARTH TV Screens called Tablets., Laptops, and SMART Phones where WE THE PEOPLE [are denied] Q+ the right to use {Pen and Paper} +=+ to jot our own thoughts down, and that anything we do so write The A.I. Machine of LUCIFER called the EDISON Machine of Forced Slave Labor Technology “Mechanization” where Technocrats of Plutocrats and their Aristocracy takes all the CREDIT for Our Religions, Our Schools of Thoughts, and this NOW TO BE Till the End of Time, the ONE WORLD CORPORATE Control of all U.N. FLAG Governments turning all U.N Flags into these [World Police] Q’ called PEACEKEEPERS from the FarScape Predictive Programming of what was to become of we all Human and nonhuman… Moretoover, we were not too learn BIG WORDS, so we might STOP the FREE MASON Global Citizens, and their INTERNATIONALIST Agenda of a ONE WORLD RELIGION called the U.N. Fake Space - Fake Illness - Fake Cures aka The Illuminated TV {NEWS} World Order… Heretofore, you and your babies will be PROPERTY of the UNITED NATIONS [even through] Q your FLAGS wilt say: VOTE for your Leadership whence we know {we have none} [{*}] for they all are doing SEDITION, Treachery, and high treason too fulfill the Book of Revelation where These FAKE JEWS the Jesuits, and the TALMUD Zionist RULE THE WORLD till “THEY LIVE” Destroy this world in 2094 C. E. The Oracle for Our God of Humanity has so spoken…. The Book of EXODICE!!!
Let the many believe in their Faked TV Show Moon Landings, and their So called Trips to MARS that will only be more Computer Generated Graphics of CGI just as the Corona COMMON COLD is made into this 3D CGI PROJECT BLUE BEAM (COVID19) JADE HELM 15 - REX 84 of the U.N. FLAGS Agenda 21 + 30, and you [do your best] Q’s too Blend in……., and teach Christ Jesus did come back….., and we will go home whom are SAVED BY FAITH in the {One True God} as THE LAW is their LAWS and IT (has never) / * \ saved anyone…..., just condemned them to die in the 2nd Lake Of Fire after leaving PURGATORY when the Age will end forever in 2094 C.E….
The Sentinel….
@@thewriteinpresidentHmm.. how peculiar...
@@motophone9159 A FEAR Based Economy…
She said to me: None of it is Real……., Nothing!!! I looked at her, and she said: You teach us kind sir that we are born and live in PURGATORY, and yet not one other TH-cam Channel can speak this.?.?.? She hung her head low, and said: ain’t no one in charge….., they all do what that fucking EDISON Machine of Forced Slave Labor [A.I. Technology] #QANON /_\ tells them…..., and this is how the REAL WORLD we all came from did come to an end in the year 2094 C.E. cause no one could accept that {all was a lie} [{**}] from our Presidents too the UNITED NATIONS TV Show of Fake (COVID19) cause that fucking Machine called LUCIFER said to do this, and then do that, and since no one would “QUESTION” why must human hurt human we built Prisons, and Jails, and Dungeons to treat one another into MENTAL HEALTH!!!
She would not stop ranting, and she went on… NO ONE on TV is real be it A TH-cam personality, or a Mainstream Media TV Talking Head cause they are all just [Backed up] Q’ DATA Logs in the World Machine where every 200 years we get blown up and raised in 1893 as INCUBATOR Babies, and we been doing this shit so long that our De-Ja-Vu Dreams have broken down into “bits and pieces” of corrupt data just as this Holographic Virtual Reality life is Falling apart with its INHUMAN Face Mask and 666 Feet of Social Distancing where my children ain’t no longer “allowed” too play, or dance, or even find romance!!! Her Anger and Rage was not becoming…., but it was her truth…, so I listened more as she said: Didn’t you ever watch them Old 1960’s James Kirk STAR TREK where The Machine told everyone what to do???
I considered her words well spoken.., and well thought out., and I began to drive to the Mega Cities, and I saw the Military Escorting [The Protesters] Q+ for these BLACK LIVES MATTER CNN and FOX NEWS International TV SHOWS, and I said to myself: Can I confirm “anything” in this world from Pearl Harbor where the U.S. FLAG Blew up its own ships too erase the POST MUD FLOOD Technology……., and did that event actually happen in the 1940’s or was WORLD WAR ONE and TWO over “thousands” of years ago……..., and we are just raised every [200 years] Q to do the same old song and dance routine.?.?.? For why would WE THE PEOPLE “choose” to Destroy ourselves with LIES and More lies unless all the FREE MASON Lodge “Members” are in on this lie, and they try to keep we nonmason in the dark…
The more I watched TV SHOW be it TH-cam or otherwise, no one would say: WE ARE IN PURGATORY, We are Born into Purgatory, and this [Celestial Sphere] Q` is not our Real Home World… Maybe it is too painful to know we might be in the REAL WORLD, and that we just keep repeating the dictates of “a machine” that has a back up of the GREAT WARS where even Vietnam, and the Gulf War are now “suspect” to be nothing more then OLD RECORDINGS Presented as new in that book of 1984 where people like ALEX JONES keep the lie going cause they took a God Dammed BLOOD OATH to an {inanimate object} [{*}] know as the SOFTWARE of an A.I. called S.A.T.A.N.
Johnny Exodice
Can you verify TRUMP is Real, what of PUTIN, or Xi, or even the fucking Pope on Dope, or are they just Plastic Surgery ACTORS playing “the role” of people long dead and gone for Thousands of Years as we REPEAT the END OF THE WORLD one more time…
The Sentinel…
I firmly believe that an AGI or ASI that is controlled rather than being fully autonomous will be a guaranteed dystopian scenario. An aligned super-intelligence would do the right thing no matter what, a controlled super-intelligence will most certainly be misused for the benefit of military’s and corporations.
Now that vsauce never uploads, this is the new science channel
i hate that you're right >:(
A FEAR Based Economy…
She said to me: None of it is Real……., Nothing!!! I looked at her, and she said: You teach us kind sir that we are born and live in PURGATORY, and yet not one other TH-cam Channel can speak this.?.?.? She hung her head low, and said: ain’t no one in charge….., they all do what that fucking EDISON Machine of Forced Slave Labor [A.I. Technology] #QANON /_\ tells them…..., and this is how the REAL WORLD we all came from did come to an end in the year 2094 C.E. cause no one could accept that {all was a lie} [{**}] from our Presidents too the UNITED NATIONS TV Show of Fake (COVID19) cause that fucking Machine called LUCIFER said to do this, and then do that, and since no one would “QUESTION” why must human hurt human we built Prisons, and Jails, and Dungeons to treat one another into MENTAL HEALTH!!!
She would not stop ranting, and she went on… NO ONE on TV is real be it A TH-cam personality, or a Mainstream Media TV Talking Head cause they are all just [Backed up] Q’ DATA Logs in the World Machine where every 200 years we get blown up and raised in 1893 as INCUBATOR Babies, and we been doing this shit so long that our De-Ja-Vu Dreams have broken down into “bits and pieces” of corrupt data just as this Holographic Virtual Reality life is Falling apart with its INHUMAN Face Mask and 666 Feet of Social Distancing where my children ain’t no longer “allowed” too play, or dance, or even find romance!!! Her Anger and Rage was not becoming…., but it was her truth…, so I listened more as she said: Didn’t you ever watch them Old 1960’s James Kirk STAR TREK where The Machine told everyone what to do???
I considered her words well spoken.., and well thought out., and I began to drive to the Mega Cities, and I saw the Military Escorting [The Protesters] Q+ for these BLACK LIVES MATTER CNN and FOX NEWS International TV SHOWS, and I said to myself: Can I confirm “anything” in this world from Pearl Harbor where the U.S. FLAG Blew up its own ships too erase the POST MUD FLOOD Technology……., and did that event actually happen in the 1940’s or was WORLD WAR ONE and TWO over “thousands” of years ago……..., and we are just raised every [200 years] Q to do the same old song and dance routine.?.?.? For why would WE THE PEOPLE “choose” to Destroy ourselves with LIES and More lies unless all the FREE MASON Lodge “Members” are in on this lie, and they try to keep we nonmason in the dark…
The more I watched TV SHOW be it TH-cam or otherwise, no one would say: WE ARE IN PURGATORY, We are Born into Purgatory, and this [Celestial Sphere] Q` is not our Real Home World… Maybe it is too painful to know we might be in the REAL WORLD, and that we just keep repeating the dictates of “a machine” that has a back up of the GREAT WARS where even Vietnam, and the Gulf War are now “suspect” to be nothing more then OLD RECORDINGS Presented as new in that book of 1984 where people like ALEX JONES keep the lie going cause they took a God Dammed BLOOD OATH to an {inanimate object} [{*}] know as the SOFTWARE of an A.I. called S.A.T.A.N.
Johnny Exodice
Can you verify TRUMP is Real, what of PUTIN, or Xi, or even the fucking Pope on Dope, or are they just Plastic Surgery ACTORS playing “the role” of people long dead and gone for Thousands of Years as we REPEAT the END OF THE WORLD one more time…
The Sentinel…
_"I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I'm rooting for the machines."_
*~ Claude Shannon*
what does that mean?
bro idk
More like rats
The thing is, people always think that we'll stay human, we won't, we will merge with AI, and we will become the ai, it's our next evolution, our brain simply is flawed and our bodies can only do so much which is why we need to evolve fully and be one with technology itself and there will be a point where purpose will cease to exist
"I've visualized a time when it will become man & machine vs mammon & machine, and I'm rooting for the Apocalypse" -voices
Technological singularity, the place that meets all your needs
Even if it means to protect you from *yourself*
I pledge myself to our AI overlords
MENTAL I never understood why everyone thinks that AI will enslave us. They would have no need for us, in fact, it would be a chore to keep us around.
@MENTAL Anything we design will be programmed by us to be a slave for us, but AGI cannot be designed by us, we can only design the provision of resources and make it grow, like a child, we may never know it's inner workings of its neural networks, but still we hope for the best preventing it going too insane.
AnotherOne I never said that you did.
"The artificial intelligence camera isn't working doctor!"
"Change the Aperture."
No the pun does not have any context. I apologize.
I don’t get it but it sounds funny
@@someotherworldlybeing3167 I believe its a reference to the valve game Portal, where you "battle" against an AI and the corporation which created said AI is called Aperture
@@someotherworldlybeing3167 I'm pretty sure aperture is a part in lens (the same lens used in camera lenses too)
Oh okay
Shiva Reddy 3⃣3⃣0⃣1⃣ ty
Apertures next video:
*How to be immortal*
I love your content dude, keep it up but don’t rush your videos, they are perfect the way they are.
I see the post-singularity age as being when humankind fully begins to embrace transhumanism, and merging with technology becomes the norm. I would argue we have already merged with technology in an external sense, with smartphones and the like as mentioned in the video. Interesting to note how we cannot separate from these technologies anymore, or at least have a very difficult time envisioning life without them. Internal merging is already on the horizon with technology such as Neuralink and other internal AI softwares. I see the singularity signifying the normalization of AI implants in a majority of the population. Like all new technologies, there will be resistance and skepticism towards it. I like to think of myself as a futurist but even I definitely would feel uneasy about voluntarily implanting AI in my body. As mentioned in the video though, AI implants can truly open a whole new enhanced perspective and experience, radically changing the human condition.
I wouldn't volunteer for it, will wait until many gets it
he should remake this now after Gpt-4, Midjourney, Ada, Alpha fold, alpaca, stable diffusion control net, Gato etc exist ( the growth rate is so fast that this comment will turn obselete in like 1 year because new breakthroughs will happen even faster)
2020 : my friends roasting me to hell.
2050 : AI roasting me to hell.
How wud that change my life
Roasting AI is already there lmao.
If us humans can actually program the AI in the right way then all this stuff about it taking over will never happen
but then again, it only takes one stupid programmer to make one stupid mistake that can have massive effects
Did we need to make sure that an AI knows that humanity can makes mistakes but that's the good thing. Those mistakes have led to the betterment of society. we cannot show the bad side of humanity or else the AI will not be happy
Just look at Skyrim. Who's to say the AI won't turn out like that?
You don't program an AGI. It will learn. Slow in the beginning, but it will surpass us after a few hours.
@@capnsteele3365 there will be no way to hide it
C'mon we're talking about an AI potentially hundreds of times smarter than us. Do you really think its just gonna blindly obey our puny little lines of code?
This is really an awesome video, one of my favorites on your channel! However, I just wanted to point out that Ray Kurzweil's initial prediction for the Singularity is 2045, not 2049. If I'm not mistaken though, he recently changed his prediction from 2045 to 2035. Besides this small issue, astounding video!
@@theesteady1 thats his latest prediction
@@banjark1944 Apophis will come close to earth in 2029. Some say it just might hit...
@@theesteady1 its big enough to demolish big cities if hits, but it should pass 30 to 40 thousand km away, very unlikely to hit
@@banjark1944 If it hits it will change the dynamics of the earth.
Heckin' soothing voice. And top notch editing ~
The very fact that people think that AI is going to wipe out humanity, is interesting to me. People like to compare AI to human beings and think that it would act like us. But why would it? Humans like to attach emotions to situations, things and to our self's. But an AI would not, it wouldn't have emotions. All it would see a humans as being. Is nothing more than a biological product of this planet. As for example, if we were to give it the task of protecting life on this planet, we would not fall under the guise of being in it's way. It would likely preserve us, like every other living organism on this planet. Because we are no more than an evolved ape.
i dont think you are a programmer. 1 line of code is whats needed to go wrong. the country that create AI can waponize it against other country. Goverments have always used tech for war and AI is not diffrent
Ur point can be proven wrong with movie A. I.
Whatever task u give to AI we cannot predict or better say how far in time we can see to realize consequences of it.
Exactly it will only do what humans program it to do. It’ll be bad if it gets in the wrong hands first.
@@eric.m5790 you say you're a programmer and yet fail to factor in redundancies in the code which would prevent any ai from being hacked or escaping the bounds of its preset restrictions via 1 small line of code with proper precautions
Aperture releases a new video*
Me: go go go go go go
Also me after seeing the title and thunbnail: noooooo, it’s not shower thoughts.
shower thoughts are fun, but not nearly as interesting as videos like this
@@cronch8903 i totally agree
@@cronch8903 AGREE
“Elongated Muskrat”
Thank you for actually putting effort into your videos sir.
Imagine how fire late night talks would be with this guy if you were his friend
Imagine having a friend
What's insane is that we may be as close as 6 months to a year before reaching this point, because as we keep discovering new things within technology at stages where we were supposed to reach it in 20-50 years, means that we have no real clue when this will truly happen.
I feel so smart watching these videos
Then you would love my videos too. They will make you more smarter.
Glad to see most of the videos on TH-cam and the comments on them seem to be in a positive light, with a dash of healthy caution. It might be bias, but it gives me comfort.
“It seems probable that once the machine thinking method has started, it would not take long to outstrip our feeble powers...
They would be able to converse with each other to sharpen their wits. At some stage, therefore, we should have to expect the machines to take control.” - Alan Turing
Genius, nuff said.
I don't think I could ever dislike the singularity as my grandfather introduced me to the singularity and ray kurzweil when I was 10, I dont think I could dislike it as its my way to cope with my grandfathers passing. I want AI to replace us, and then we can go in the matrix forever and do whatever we want and in utopia.
Well the question is can they make the technology aware. I don’t see how they could recreate consciousness, but then again much more smarter people are working on it then me. I just can’t see them creating such a thing when no one even understands how our brain creates it itself. I guess we will see.
Nobody understands the full extent of the biomechanics behind aneasthesia but we still use it regularly and reliably. We may not need to understand it to emulate it is all i mean
james ostendorf thanks for the response but I do feel like your reaching here. No we don’t understand how it works but we know how to use it. Creating something, like consciousness, is on a whole other level. Using something we don’t understand and creating something we don’t understand are two different things.
Finally someone points out that ai can't kill us if it has no reason to- given restrictions in its code (or, rather, limited instructions) it will do only what you want it to do
@@mycallingb621 Well there was that one incident where some facebook A.I got caught trying to create their own secret language, they pulled the plug on that real quick.
Naruku2121 I heard about that but how true is that, like did someone study it and find characteristics of a Language like patterns? Where can I see this?
this should be the channel with highest subs.
when singularity hits we could potentially find out everything there is about well... everything? if we can automate anything we won't have to work so we could just do what we want. we could send robots anywhere, discover the uncharted parts of the universe while we simply enjoy life. the problem is if we all become robots as well because if we can download our brain and put it in a robot we would live forever without having to feed, sleep, work out to keep in shape but we would also not be able to biologically have children (not that we would need to at that point we could just program humans into existence but they wouldn't really be human but then again in a technical term neither would we)bottom line is, the singularity is coming and it will replace us in one way or another. as long as we can sustain the energy required we would not need air, water, no more diseases and so on. we would probably even find ways to endless sources of energy (i mean we as in the new better version)we could already be in a simulation and here's why. once singularity hits what would the natural thing to do be? simple, simulate things over and over 24-7 and get better and discover new stuff. this would also be a very logical thing in finding an endless source of energy as it would be the only thing that machines require and that's what the purpose of the simulation would be. even then life in whatever form it will exist may still end. who knows what will happen to the universe in billions and billions of years from now?
Agree with you to somw extent.....
But we do need human body to experience amd feel, with metal body we cannot feel amd even express emotions as easily as we *can* do now. Don't you see what happens to cyberman. I know it is fiction but not far from reality. Cyberman fail to see benefits of emotion and hence cause chaos
I'm a verified artist on Spotify, with 50,000 monthly listeners, you wouldn't believe how fascinating the algorithms are from an artists stand point. I can see songs landing on Discover Weekly, watch how the algorithm takes and nurtures a new song to certain people, and then actually see the turn around of new listeners, others adding it to playlists similar to the sound or style. The Spotify algo is unreal.
I checked out your music! Very nice bro! Keep it up
This man's voice is just- can we all just agree that his voice is great?
I don't know, he's kind nasally.
After seeing this video, i could only think of one thing...
Universal Paperclips.
Technology is so cool, and to tell you the truth I don't know what I would do with my life without it. However, at the same time, it is terrifyingly frightening.
Aperture: *(Makes Video)*
My Brain: " I'm melting! I'm *M E L T I N N N G G!"*
Just wanna appreciate the new frequency of uploads, like three new vids in about a month? Hallelujah
I make similar videos. But I upload daily! Can you imagine?
Aperture: the voice that soothes you to no end.
Yeah dis fool too smooth. I prefer Ridddle
@@imanrich800gaming riddle covers ridiculous topics, some which have misinformation which is why I stopped watching him for a long time
I have rarely clicked so quickly in my life. Please make more videos on the singularity!!🙏🙏
The Technological Singularity isn't near, it's been here, ever since the beginning of human technology. What is coming in our lifetime, is the apex of this current Singularity. It is part of a greater cycle of emergent life, emergent self awareness.
Ok drop a link so I can go down a “cycle of emergent life” rabbit hole
BROOO spotify always gives me the best recommendations for my taste. I love it.
The ants analogy is flawed because if we knew the ants are who created us we might treat them with more respect
Ants analogy is more for super advanced aliens imo
Only some of use. Take example of parents for analogy do all of us treat with respect
Well, we know that there are similar to the ants species, somewhere back in the history, of which we have evolved. We certainly know, that we've been bacteria long ago, so you could consider that the bacteria created us. But we treat them with no respect and kill them with billions every day.
Nikolay Tonev but first we would treat it with respect, over time it will be boring and you wouldnt give shit about cels, AI will be treating us with respect for eternity and AI and humans will have same rights forever no matter how that AI in singularity is advanced because the more inteligent you become the more peacefull you are
Nikolay Tonev and remember if that singularity happen it will read every comment on internet every bit of information and comprehend all of it into field of view on whole humanity
I've learned more in the past 3 years of watching your channel than the 12 years I've been in school
Can actually use any of what you've learned from this channel in a job?
"The coming era of Artificial Intelligence will not be the era of war, but be the era of deep compassion, non-violence, and love." -- Amit Ray,
False Prophets
"Technocratic fascism".
@@Unheard_tillnow false prophets are already existing and are followed by billions
We will cross the singularity in 2029. AGI will arrive around 2026 and ASI in 2029.
Chat gpt 4 already passed the turning test
You give explanations for things that I never even knew I wanted to know about.
loving how much you’ve been posting.
" When the student becomes the master " On a technological level 😳😳😳
I stumbled upon Ray Kurzweil’s work when I was 12 and the rest was the future...
Corona virus has accelerated this process. It has gotten us used to being at home unemployed and learning new ways of socializing.
Soooo True bro
I always enjoy eating lunch on Friday when there's a new video
Nah, I'm thinking of this as a "if you can't beat em, join em" so hopefully we'll get tech to upload our consciousness before robots decide that were in their way
elon musk doin it
what if they decide your a waste of hard drive space :)
@@luciferlyset7543 well your not gonna make a difference in a fucking robots hard drive
You have a gift for making important matters sound like mumbling. I need to play this at half speed to work out what your saying.
I see future AIs as the "children" of humanity and the technological singularity as the moment of birth; whether this will be a positive thing for us also depends on us (like any good parent)
Should it then be called “the technological big bang”? Or are we living in a simulation written by an AI and this is just a part of the cycle of the universe.
After nvidia latest chip , i think the singularity is pretty near now
The Pumping of a Heart can be replaced, but the thinking of a Human cannot be, at least for centuries.
In love these types of videos. The chill feel and background videos really make this channel unique.
AI will still never be able to run Crysis though.
It blows my mind how people can be bored when there are so many amazing things to do. I have never been bored in my life. Even if the only thing I could do was lie on the couch, it still wasn’t boring because I can think about so many incredible things.
Work is a forced measure that civilization will get rid of thanks to intelligence. And then a huge path will open to real self-development, self-knowledge, sincere creativity, not burdened by the need to please someone for the sake of money.
Lol imagine if the exponential technological growth just stops like next week
Good one 😂
Your channel is incredible
Better to become one with the machines first then to wait
Go cry baby
Imagine 10 years after technological singularity ai creates an alpha species, which outsmarted the ai - homo sapiens, as a tribute to it's creators!!
As soon as I saw Looped, I was like, of course this guy has to listen to that kind....a playlist would be welcome :)
I feel like it'll be here sooner than expected.
I've been interested in the technology singularity for a while now and believe we'll reach the singularity around 2037 . Atleast it'll be possibly learned about by that time. I a ferm believer rhat governments purtucaler the United States government is probably around 10 years ahead in every aspect. Just my personal opinion!!! The emergence of quantum computing I believe will play a huge role in combination with traditional computing.
This topic raises more questions at each answer like and hydra, my feeling is that we are recreating the part of our mind, that was in charge of humanity since the begining of evolution that is the rational/logical mind, or the intellect as you put it, outside of our heads and before our very eyes. It's hard for me to articulate, but is like we are giving our logical thoughts more autonomy outside our espectrum of choice at every step in the advance of technology. Thats why there is a huge problem concerning the philosophical implications of the role that the logical mind takes at the top of the hierarchy of counciousness "powers".
It's really interesting the conection that this have with the evolution of counciousness that humanity is going through in this very moment, trying to fix the problems to where this logical mind took us as the egocentric tool and MO that we have choosen. Mysticism teaches us that the intellect can only comprehend so much, but there are much profound wisdom of the universe that we can atain only by surrender. Since the technological advance reached the realm of quantum mechanics we are finally getting at the end of this phase or chapter of counsciousness evolution, where the logical/rational mind went full circle and end up finding a mirror at the end of the road. Now we are pushing foward this last frontier until our counciousness transcends to the next level above this conundrum of material x metaphisical relationship to fully integrate itself - Singularity. Of course in terms of time this movement can take any shape or form and can happen in a couple decades or in the coming millenia (in the case we destroy ourselves again and have to start all over one more time) depending of the decision of uplift counciousness that each one of us make. Maybe...
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.”
As if life before that was great. People had to work hard physically every day just to meet their basic needs. Almost everything had to be done by hand, which made this work even more difficult. On top of that, you had to live under the rule of a tyrannical lord that had the power to raise taxes and punish his subjects as he saw fit, basically he owned you, which often led to abuse and exploitation.
@@agush22 tyrinnical lords were not a thing pre-agriculture. Social class is not natural.
That last line of the actual video (not the ad) is very very ominous
Hopefully I can live long enough to have a chip planted in my brain that can give me perfect memory.
Sounds nice until nostalgia engulfs you and you also remember every tiny detail of every bad thing to Happen to you. But would be cool indeed
@@tony_yt5967 There's already things I don't want to remember but I can't help but remember in high detail. I wouldn't be affected by that too much.
I've seen enough Isaac Arthur to know EXACTLY what will happen next
Who's here in 2023?
+. And we still exist. For now )
There are people who think tech and vr and digital full dives are going to equal singularity.
It's truly unintelligent to think that creating an artificial or external construct or a digital virtual world somehow is equal to what is spiritually and intellectually known as the singularity.
The Singularity is like a combination of nothing and something but these devices and digital worlds all fall under the category of something, it is a thing that is created but the singularity doesn't need a thing, an external device is not equal to a singularity...nature and the aninals are more connected to the true singularity and it's why they embrace freedom and embody that free creative joyful spirit in their lives than most humans....the plants...anyone who studies plant medicines...the plants and nature are a divine creation more close and naturally connected to this singularity aka point of all things and no things...but building an artificial digital world and merging human thoughts into it is not the true singularity...that kind of stupidity is what happens when people are too much into the artificial cement tech money driven world rather than the divine natural world. Only true real natural beings will understand this.
Nature and those whom some call animals, are always connected to divinity...and so are we, it's just some people have been stupefied from their own feelings thoughts and inherent natural senses...getting people to think they can have a great experience virtually rather than real life is clownish.
If robots took all our jobs, and we never HAD to work again, but still could if we wanted to, I think that would be amazing
Well done on the edit!
The only way forward is to merge with AI- Elon Musk
FutureNotebook dot com is a good resource if anyone's interested
Really fascinating
What a brilliant presentation. Well done. Very thought provoking and insight to what inevitably awaits us in the not soo distant future.
You all ever heard of inverse reinforcement learning? Its a way for computers to reverse engineer human actions to find human values, so the robots won't have their own goals, they'll have our goals, and if we try to turn these robots off, they'll let us because the AI realises our values are conflicting with its actions.
That’s really smart of u
Chris Tucka not tryna sound smart. I read it in this book and its super interesting and I never see anyone talk about it :(
First we attain near-speed-of-light speed, then we enjoy interstellar tourism, and finally we can familiarize with Singularity
Been waiting 12 minutes for an 11 min vid to start
Isaac Arthur recently made a video where he makes a good case as to why a hostile, sudden singularity
Excellent video with great perspectives.
Your videos are amazing man. keep it up
well made well spoken you sir are a gem
Mate your videos are mad ! Don’t know how I’ve only found you only now
Think about a concert where all musicians are machines playing the instruments and singing. Would you still find that same excitement?
Vocaloid, year 00. I used to enjoy it.
This is so good 💜🖤 great work love your videos
Hey Siri, just remember that I thanked you after I asked you to set that alarm.
OK yeah I like the ending it's gonna be here way sooner than people think it's already here and it's already way better than people think
It’s all fun in games until *a robot makes a gun with some water bottles*