I'd install the roost boards so the broad side of the board was face up. This gives chickens and turkeys a more comfortable space to rest their body weight over more of their feet (rather than wrapping their 'toes' around the slim side and putting all the body weight on one part of the foot).
Oh nice! Congrats on the new flock. Nice to meet you and best wishes on everything. Every need anything let us know and we’ll do our best to answer the questions. If you have an Instagram, give us a follow for daily pics. @TribalAcres.
Love the little theme music! I use that same tune for my podcast intro!
Looks great!
Wow how nice
I'd install the roost boards so the broad side of the board was face up. This gives chickens and turkeys a more comfortable space to rest their body weight over more of their feet (rather than wrapping their 'toes' around the slim side and putting all the body weight on one part of the foot).
Hi! We just got some Rio Poults ourself and I’m researching everyone’s coops before we start ours. Glad I found your channel! Nice To Meet You!
Oh nice! Congrats on the new flock. Nice to meet you and best wishes on everything. Every need anything let us know and we’ll do our best to answer the questions. If you have an Instagram, give us a follow for daily pics. @TribalAcres.