Thanks for inviting Mr Yeung again. It was a lovely conversation. To say, his last interview was ages ago. His energy always positive and natural. It is funny how he has been trying to reprogram the mind structure of expectations. It is so hard not too. Good inspiration. He should be in education, he would love the Waldorf teaching method.
There is a very good youtuber channel called "Chris beats cancer".... and there is a wonderful interview... It was with another lady who had cancer as well.. and how she overcame her situation. The "mind over matter" is a very important concept. For modern life living. In fact, sometimes, to have a good ritual.... Or a habit.. to anchor yourself is super important too. We are not octopuses, and cannot multi-juggle everything.. the pastgeneration never had this kind of intense city living, or intensive lifestyle. This was NOT_NORMAL. People in HK needs to remember that as well. Lots of people are now ill... whether this is cancer, or bad food, or malnutrition. All of this is coming up nowadays.... So, to slow down... Breathe deeply... eat fresh food. This is, and needs to be the most basic of needs. The population density of HK is one of the higher grouping.... It is important to "deground"....
I love his interviews, he is so inspiring, I learned a lot from him! It is amazing that he doesn't have attachment, never stayed in a place for too long! I can never do that🙃
I think that kids... living in HK... mature too quickly really. They grow too fast. Grow and learn too much. Too quickly. It is our job to slow them down, so that they have more chance to enjoy life more too.... It is lovely that he enjoys the experience and shared this with us. Just for him to realise that... when we were growing up... these things did not exist. So... but to step out of your comfort zones... and to relearn about life. This is the most grown up thing to do. Cos in reality... when it comes to your time to be a mother, or a father... You too, have to cushion the effect of the next generation.
I don't really know who this young gentleman really is... and I have yet to really know him, or know who he is. Cos I don't watch HK celebrity news and things like that... but just to let him know that.. yes... we all do go through tough situations. I still recall how tough life was in the 1980s... actually.... As a child, we have to learn so much. I learnt and was pushed to the uni level... all the way... up... Whereas my mother cannot even read or write. Even though she was asked to go to school, but my granma wouldn't allow her to do so. And by then.. I think the whole family left HK... and we moved to be with my father. Those days whereby Seamen... can bring the wife and child over. So my father followed the same steps as my grandfather did... To leave children in the safety of living in the same city, with food, and with schools are not a wrong choice. Although I have seen a lot of posts and notes on social media which I don't agree with.... I still remember the rebellious days... whereby my sister would run away from home. My mother would go crazy. My brother would hit me. Cos we're seen as non-filial.... Imagine raising 4 kids.. and we don't get on ? Can you imagine that today ? Most adults today in HK say that, they had... "a good childhood".. but let us be honest here... Who did? My mother often stated...."I did not have these things when I was a child.. and we were one of seven".... Today... I now see my nephew.. I hope that he will have great friends. From my mother's "1 of 7 kids".... to my generation of "1 of 4 kids".... to my nephew's generation, which is either 1 kid, or no kids. I think it is even more more important that you guys work together in the future... Cos you have to learn give and take.. and to both raise each other off the ground. I think that is how important is for you to get on.... If you watch a lot of sports... Most people realises this as well. And in most countries, that are first world... They realise this importance... Focus on the goal... and to raise each other off the ground.
I hope that this gentleman realises that... he has already changed the course of events of that Egyptian guy.. because.. like my mother... who in the 1980s... would pay a 1000 dollar to get a salted fish in HK. And I myself had paid like 300 pound for a mobile...(from my pocket money and more when I was at uni)... which equated to around like 400k yuans at that time in terms of exchange rates... Imagine your HK dollars now... to those Egyptians... It is a LOT of money... We don't know what we don't know. And nobody really expects you to know everything... So be gentle with yourself is good enough...
我之前都有呢個想法, 好抗拒打回原形, 從抗拒中思考點解覺得 “本身的自己/原形” 有問題... 個問題嘅根源就係呢度, 我“create”了一個有問題的“我” 出來。 走了一大個圈發現 原本的我 根本從來都冇問題... 也不可能有什麼問題。 這就是對生命的信任, to have faith in life and in creation
Because he likes rice ? Such a simple answer, and you don't get it. Oh dear. Let us be honest... when we have the anger gone... who does not go home to their mother.. for some comfort food? LOL...... I am 45. My mother is in her 60s .. who doesn't love their mother's cooking ? lol...
Exactly! Thank you
Wellen超多謝你的視頻,我身邊的人(包括家人、朋友等等)完全沒有比較與我能傾到靈性話題。看你的視频,令我感到在地球上不再孤單。註:我老公有時候同我講笑,叫我返外星(即是代表我的鄉下)。🙏🙏 謝謝黎曉陽,Wellen time 團隊,Wellen☺🙏
you are not alone, dear
👍 Wellen 做節目越尼越好,吾hard sell,吾搶野講,比嘉賓放飛自我,幾舒服。👍
呢方面, 我都幾欣賞, 都好怕主持搶野講, 仲多野講過嘉賓😂😂
原本不認識他 ⋯⋯看下去⋯⋯
尤其他的「I will be alright 」👍🏻👍🏻💫✨🌟
感謝 Michael❣️感謝Wellen ❣️💫✨🌟🙏🏻
我都係外國住左年幾黎緊會番香港,最大既煩惱就係點樣面對仲係抗疫緊既平衡時空😅 仲要用愛好高難度wo…
一路撩一路吊 好容易撩得好高深 用愛輕輕撩
“Delete the need to know” “用愛去撩” 學習轉化信念,放下小我,宙宇帶住我行 💕Thank you for your sharing 🙏
Thanks Wellen & Michael❤
"No planning is the best planning" 隨性而為 如此壯志曠懷,何等逍遙, 佩服🙏🙏
逍遙是結果!源頭是對生命本質的信任❤️ 請問你是不是加拿大的聽眾?
話說訪問前 Wellen 話個宇宙真係好奇妙,搞呢個channel 純碎係想分享一些有意義的事,最近當Wellen 每出一條片都會有一個叔叔給他$50美金, 我猜那是你吧? 我代他多謝你先,其實Wellen 一家人真係對人好好,我每個星期都會去他家食飯,我估呢$50蚊就係用左黎買送 ❤️ 多謝曬
@@MichaelLaiMusic 我在美國 東岸 因為Wellen 我重拾 修行, 於wellen 沒什麼 但對我因果可大了
@@MichaelLaiMusic 多謝 Michael
好鐘意wellen time的節目, 特別喜歡曉陽, 希望他出現多d!
今集的内容真让我受益良多,谢谢Wellen和黎老师。Wellen有模仿天份😆模仿杨定一的声音很神。很期待下集。加油 Wellen Time
No planning is the best planning因為一切既安排,就係最好嘅安排!❤👍👏感謝!Wellen ,Wellen Time Team,黎曉陽
地方係好好, 人都好,....... 人心振動影響接觸的人和事.....
感謝Michael 分享智慧和靈性的旅程❤
🙏🙏🙏thank you
好多謝你兩位,亦好喜歡睇兩位一起做節目,好舒服! 👍🙏
這一集給人寧靜、心靜的感覺,thank you🙏🏻
Thank you for the interview and important reminders: 帶着愛去面對一切! Things will work out in fabulous way!
Thank you Michael for your great energy, good interview as usual sir
Thanks for inviting Mr Yeung again. It was a lovely conversation. To say, his last interview was ages ago. His energy always positive and natural. It is funny how he has been trying to reprogram the mind structure of expectations. It is so hard not too. Good inspiration. He should be in education, he would love the Waldorf teaching method.
There is a very good youtuber channel called "Chris beats cancer".... and there is a wonderful interview... It was with another lady who had cancer as well.. and how she overcame her situation. The "mind over matter" is a very important concept. For modern life living. In fact, sometimes, to have a good ritual.... Or a habit.. to anchor yourself is super important too. We are not octopuses, and cannot multi-juggle everything.. the pastgeneration never had this kind of intense city living, or intensive lifestyle. This was NOT_NORMAL. People in HK needs to remember that as well. Lots of people are now ill... whether this is cancer, or bad food, or malnutrition. All of this is coming up nowadays.... So, to slow down... Breathe deeply... eat fresh food. This is, and needs to be the most basic of needs. The population density of HK is one of the higher grouping.... It is important to "deground"....
終於倆位又出現 ·多謝❤
謝謝 很有智慧既一位嘉賓
thank you!
Yeah 終於有 Michael 仔 了, thank you Wellen 😘😘😘😘😘
Bravo Michael
Thanks Wellen & Michael!! 上集已經聽左好多次^^
回來了。Welcome back.
我看到黎曉陽去到外地由5ok 到享受到得到spirtual growth, 生活的節拍,再甘於回香港一個困獸鬥的地方,今天的他以修行及愛的態度去衝破,打到作日的自己,不拘泥於"在何地", 同埋好多野可交給天, 有乜拆乜,執生,令我明5好成日同plan左expect既5同就發神经xyz
令煩緊生活工司 的問題的我長看法
心態可以令同一處境不一樣, 自己at more ease, outcome 也ok
今天一早工作至下午5点先有野到肚,中間好多事,以前實炒媽拆蟹 ,但我想到個video, 提自己同理地睇下同事幾咁辛苦,至使每個問題也沒xyz, 200% focus 点拆点補,最後大家冇白忙,過到關
堅想說wellen time好有taste,訪問親都堅令人心領會, 上了一課
Thank you Hiu Yeung for your inspiring sharing. And I like your song.
Delete the need to know 好正
同條片能量好好 energy 好正 tkxxx
35:17 講中個定字 普遍凡夫俗子 無既 或修行緊既人 就係想追求 定 。 塵世間既喜怒哀樂 都係短暫 如其追求短暫既野 我地係咪應該追求永恆既野
36:00左右 帶出同道合而為一,Default 回到本初
Wellen話 點解啲人會話你即係我即係你
如果回到道 可能我地都只係神既一部分
我都只係無意識未覺醒 先分裂開黎
39:00左右 為道日損 ,道法自然
43:00 師父會如實講出黎 如果佢覺得係好
接受唔到亦都係衝擊你既自我 佢並無虛言
52:16 所以 當然係無Ego 無Ego 先可以同本體 道 近 世間一切既野就係衝擊你既Ego,
何必執著 , 去我執
愛 ,初心
So much Love
Love Mic Lai❤
同Make💘ㄧ樣,有愛先撩 🎉👍😝🤘
多謝分享 ;好睇🙏
I love his interviews, he is so inspiring, I learned a lot from him! It is amazing that he doesn't have attachment, never stayed in a place for too long! I can never do that🙃
Thank you to Wellen too
i love this guy! he's my soulmate on packing
我來自馬來西亞 我個人超喜歡Wellen time這頻道 感謝Wellen 繼續拍更多好的視頻 加油💪
♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️I love Wellen time ✨
好開心突然係節目再見到曉陽,Visa 過曬期出入境,再進入境會受拒嗎?真係話走就走,話返來就返來😂
Thanks for sharing. Very inspirational!
謝謝您們 ❤️❤️❤️
謝謝2位分享 💚
當我們感受到我們只是純粹意識,便沒有你我之分,因為大家是一體 🙏🙏🙏
就算冤枉路都係part of the journey,冇之前“乃嘢”,又點會realize一d嘢?其實學嘅嘢全部都唔係“新”,而係發現一直嘅自己係點,仲有自己同世界嘅關係,d嘢全部一直都喺度,所以d人話我哋係喺地球記返起自己係邊個。
噚日先同朋友講緊,Michael 仔返嚟咁耐,仲未上 Wellen Time,點知今日就有😅
我都系啊 砍左“后路”幻想 尽量令自己感受当下 其实修行甘耐 都不乏有
希望係多d 唔同渠道/地方幾時聽到你既音樂
我是誰 中國文化黎講係 良知,仁義,西方文化係 愛,三位一體;彿 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提;道 無為 自然
隨喜,邊樣岩就行住先, 最尾應該都係一樣
gd video! 想知黎曉陽點睇關係?eg愛情
關於Wellen 提及的「我是誰」 、「人生意義」,想留些感受文字,作「交流」「探索」❤️
我們習慣當有一件事情/ 一個問題發生,大腦便很容易立即給它一個「定義/ 標籤 」 或一個字/ 詞。 但當在定義、詮釋這些事情上 ,其實是有一個「 Gap 」 我們很多時都忽略這條空隙。如:情緒只是一個中性詞,沒有正負好壞之分( 好比: 前者發明了飛機,後者發明降落傘 🪂 ) 有正負好壞的定義,都是人類自創/ 集體意識去決定 。所以苦的不是情緒,重點是「如何詮釋」,是我們對情緒的定義,是淺識層面 ,是一個大腦機制遊戲。
無論是黎曉陽分享在不同國家對抗疫的措施「焦慮」,定我們人生各種問題,都是因我們對生命的變化有「意見」時,才有的心理層面問題( 執著、控制etc )
換句話,有些事情是透過我們的大腦「參與」才存在 。當我們定義「我們是誰」時,同時也拿著一個框框套在自己身上。有了框 ,即意味有「填滿」這個動作。例如: 我是一個老師,意味著需要有人來定義學生,我的角色才存在。如果被說,我是好老師、便有「天堂」感覺,但被評是不合格的老師時,便有「地獄」感覺, 那是不是代表著,當我們定義「我是誰」時,同時意味著有心理層面的問題需要解決?強化了我們VS世界的對立?
再探索下去,以黎曉陽的一個好好分享引用為例,「我是」一位音樂人,「我是」熱愛音樂,我不介意被你們騙咖啡錢,但我介意你們詐騙/ 拿我對音樂、(熱愛、熱誠)來開玩笑 。當對方行為讓我們產生不舒服的感覺/情緒,覺被冒犯,建基於什麼? 是不是一切都建於腦內有一個「自創畫面」?(我是誰/我應該怎樣的畫面)有了「畫面」於是有了心靈衝突。
所以人生這場大型的實驗遊樂場,其實又會不會便是了解大腦運作的遊戲罷了?當了解它的運作,不跟大腦「作對」,僅以「純觀察者」身分去見證人生的所有的無常、自然循環🔄 ,意識到和接受空的「Gap」也是存在的一部分,便能了解人類的心靈層面問題?當我們談論「我是誰」時,無論「我」或「非我」都是宇宙,都是「一體」的話,那我們在觀察世界時,也被世界觀察著。外在的投射也是內在的投射,因此你是我,我也是你 ,當不玩燒腦遊戲,會不會便是一切皆「空」(什麼都「有」呢?)心靈便自由 平靜。
期待Wellen time 往後邀請不同深度智慧的嘉賓 更深入談討這類話題。一大早看到這一集真好 ,感謝有你們經營這頻道的存在!Thank you ❤️
thank you EY, well said!
I think that kids... living in HK... mature too quickly really. They grow too fast. Grow and learn too much. Too quickly. It is our job to slow them down, so that they have more chance to enjoy life more too.... It is lovely that he enjoys the experience and shared this with us. Just for him to realise that... when we were growing up... these things did not exist. So... but to step out of your comfort zones... and to relearn about life. This is the most grown up thing to do. Cos in reality... when it comes to your time to be a mother, or a father... You too, have to cushion the effect of the next generation.
I don't really know who this young gentleman really is... and I have yet to really know him, or know who he is. Cos I don't watch HK celebrity news and things like that... but just to let him know that.. yes... we all do go through tough situations. I still recall how tough life was in the 1980s... actually.... As a child, we have to learn so much. I learnt and was pushed to the uni level... all the way... up... Whereas my mother cannot even read or write. Even though she was asked to go to school, but my granma wouldn't allow her to do so. And by then.. I think the whole family left HK... and we moved to be with my father. Those days whereby Seamen... can bring the wife and child over. So my father followed the same steps as my grandfather did... To leave children in the safety of living in the same city, with food, and with schools are not a wrong choice. Although I have seen a lot of posts and notes on social media which I don't agree with.... I still remember the rebellious days... whereby my sister would run away from home. My mother would go crazy. My brother would hit me. Cos we're seen as non-filial.... Imagine raising 4 kids.. and we don't get on ? Can you imagine that today ? Most adults today in HK say that, they had... "a good childhood".. but let us be honest here... Who did? My mother often stated...."I did not have these things when I was a child.. and we were one of seven".... Today... I now see my nephew.. I hope that he will have great friends. From my mother's "1 of 7 kids".... to my generation of "1 of 4 kids".... to my nephew's generation, which is either 1 kid, or no kids. I think it is even more more important that you guys work together in the future... Cos you have to learn give and take.. and to both raise each other off the ground. I think that is how important is for you to get on.... If you watch a lot of sports... Most people realises this as well. And in most countries, that are first world... They realise this importance... Focus on the goal... and to raise each other off the ground.
I hope that this gentleman realises that... he has already changed the course of events of that Egyptian guy.. because.. like my mother... who in the 1980s... would pay a 1000 dollar to get a salted fish in HK. And I myself had paid like 300 pound for a mobile...(from my pocket money and more when I was at uni)... which equated to around like 400k yuans at that time in terms of exchange rates... Imagine your HK dollars now... to those Egyptians... It is a LOT of money... We don't know what we don't know. And nobody really expects you to know everything... So be gentle with yourself is good enough...
經咒geh“ 回向 ”尤其重要
我之前都有呢個想法, 好抗拒打回原形,
從抗拒中思考點解覺得 “本身的自己/原形” 有問題...
個問題嘅根源就係呢度, 我“create”了一個有問題的“我” 出來。
走了一大個圈發現 原本的我 根本從來都冇問題... 也不可能有什麼問題。
這就是對生命的信任, to have faith in life and in creation
@@MichaelLaiMusic 應該係create咗fear,physically果個"我"一直存在,一直就係呢一個,只要冇咗恐懼,無論喺A定B地方生活,只會跟住我地嘅思想,創造我地嘅實相
Because he likes rice ? Such a simple answer, and you don't get it. Oh dear. Let us be honest... when we have the anger gone... who does not go home to their mother.. for some comfort food? LOL...... I am 45. My mother is in her 60s .. who doesn't love their mother's cooking ? lol...
多謝Wellen Time👍
試過有Paul , Yan, 阿堅 講佛學
下次整個黎曉陽,阿Lui,阿Ting ,呀仁
傾下神秘學/ 玄秘學
記得呀lui都熟金字塔 另外個兩個newage 博士更唔洗講, 鐵膽
搭兩隻新腳 幾有新衝擊 大家蒐集資訊 幾Interesting 有火花🔥🔥🔥🔥🎆🎇跪求
要集齊咁多位大哥難度有點高,不過manifest 咗先,上天會安排🙏
Sure, 等多陣😂
佛教講既開悟就是親身體驗最終一體。了知五感都係小我製造嘅假象。好似遊戲畫面、V R回歸原點就只是0和1的各種组合。
題外話:我都有玩數碼暴龍隻game xd
@@wellentime 我都做緊中醫嘅排毒,好神奇發覺身體會有一連串好轉反應出現,唔知Wellen你有冇呢?
@@gaia1860 yes,遲啲分享
@@wellentime 支持💪🏻
thank you