On take off climb sometime a twin will oscillate due to pendular effects of the engines out on the wings or perhaps a mild Dutch roll effect- the response should be gentle rudder counter-movements not chasing the oscillations with aileron which can worsen it. Also on landing if the plane has some rudder pedal nose steering, its mandatory to put the rudder pedals in neutral position or let them go to self center as nose gear contacts the runway else you can easily get steered off the runway or into a ground loop..
i wish all flight school videos were like this
A very informative video. Thank you for sharing.
On take off climb sometime a twin will oscillate due to pendular effects of the engines out on the wings or perhaps a mild Dutch roll effect- the response should be gentle rudder counter-movements not chasing the oscillations with aileron which can worsen it. Also on landing if the plane has some rudder pedal nose steering, its mandatory to put the rudder pedals in neutral position or let them go to self center as nose gear contacts the runway else you can easily get steered off the runway or into a ground loop..
Very helpful...thanks!
Great job. 😊
I must say this is realy good!
Correcting when hearing waaaa waaaaa!
Can anyone tell me what TLC is?
Google can, tenderness love and care