It can be frustrating when the volume of your video is unexpectedly reduced. There could be several reasons for this issue, such as software glitches, incorrect audio settings, or compatibility issues with the video format. To get a precise solution, it's best to contact Create Studio's support team. You can reach them at They'll be able to provide detailed assistance and help resolve the problem.
Hi! As I mentioned before, I am doing my video & audio editing in DaVinci Resolve. This tutorial is just to show that it is possible to down wave the sound on a certain section in CSPro as well.
Very useful. Tks.
Victor, good audio tips.
Thank you!
Always enjoy your videos!
Very useful tutorial, I will try to practice it ... thanks 👍
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Why is create studio reducing volume of my 3 minutes long video, manually shot through a camera?
It can be frustrating when the volume of your video is unexpectedly reduced. There could be several reasons for this issue, such as software glitches, incorrect audio settings, or compatibility issues with the video format.
To get a precise solution, it's best to contact Create Studio's support team. You can reach them at They'll be able to provide detailed assistance and help resolve the problem.
I think this was better done on audacity even though it is out of CS Pro
Hi! As I mentioned before, I am doing my video & audio editing in DaVinci Resolve. This tutorial is just to show that it is possible to down wave the sound on a certain section in CSPro as well.