So cute to see them falling asleep in your hands. I was leaning more towards a female because since females have less testosterone they might be less prone to being aggressive.
John Doe I have 2 girls in my breeding program who are more aggressive than any of the males I have. But I think that’s just their personality. When you get ready to pick your baby, we’ll have to pay close attention to personality. By age 8 weeks it’s pretty apparent which puppies are more assertive (which can turn into aggressive if allowed) and which are more docile. Godiva is definitely turning out to be more assertive than little Pom Pom who’s super laid back. So adorable how they’re all different 🥰
Okey this depends on the dog but if you look at the facts around characteristics of dogs and genders. Female dogs tend to be more aggressive and violent then male dogs. If two males started a fight, they fight until one of them gives up, but if females fight, they fight to the death unfortunately. This dose not mean that they are born aggressive, just that in aggressive situations or when triggered females lash out more then males 😊 I hope this helped you. (I have a female Rottweiler at the moment and she’s the sweetest, but in aggressive situations she is lashing out before the males and more aggressively.) there is a lot of different between female and male dogs, google a little and you should find out some 😊 have a nice day 💕
Antonya Winchester thanks for your input, but that hasn’t been my experience in the 19 years I’ve been raising chihuahuas. I have found that SOME males are more aggressive while others are more docile, while SOME females are more aggressive and others more docile. It has been my experience that it completely depends on the personality of the Chihuahua rather than the gender. There’s a lot of articles you can read and I’m sure some people have had different experiences than I have. But I can only report on my own experiences .... and I do have quite a bit 🐶 ❤️ Thanks again for your input though. I always appreciate hearing from my viewers 😊 ps, I’ve seen quite a few chihuahua fights but I’ve never seen one to the death. 😥
I feel like across the board it’s more of a personality trait. But that’s just my opinion. I’ve heard that male chi’s are more protective of female owners and vice versa but idk 🤷🏼♀️
Thanks for your videos. I’m learning a lot. My boy is 6 months old and he’s still biting but not as bad since he lost his last tooth. We still can’t stop kissing him 😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
I think I want a long-haired chihuahua!!! 😊 Thanks so much for making this video. I’m actually planning everything first, including the gender of our future puppy, so this video is really helpful.
Tennis Buff you are so welcome. I’m so happy to hear you’re doing all your research up front. Smart mamma!! Let me know if you have any other questions. I hope you find some of my other videos helpful as well. Happy research and puppy searching. 😍
I was set in getting a long haired female. Then I saw my short haired boy😆. He is so kind and smart and even tempered, although he barks in the garden when he goes out. (Just in case!) He doesn't mark. He turned 1 yesterday and can now lift his leg so high he nearly falls over. 😆 😆 He's not fixed but I think I will get him done because I don't want to breed him. He's my pal and I've not trained him to do anything using treats but he liked my happy dance so that's his reward. He had a pad for during the night but hasn't used it for weeks now. There's never been an unhappy moment since I got him. He and I are perfect together. So, Happy Birthday Dempsey. 💛🎉🍗
Trish Traynor 😂😂 “ he lifts his leg so far he could fall over” i’m so happy for Dempsey that he found a perfect, living home and the two of you are like two peas in a pod 😍. Happy birthday, Dempsey
Just started researching. How about female periods. Please share your experience. Duration of cyle? Pads/nappy use? Reusable ones or one time use. Change how often, is there a absorption line like human baby nappies? What to do if we are out for a few hours. Does it get full quickly? Tips and tricks. Thanks for the upload. You are the first video that came up when I did my search 😊
@@SweetiePiePets ya :( I miss her every day. I have a 13 yr old Multi Poo and I want her to live the rest of her days with just me, but I know I will be getting a chihuahua again. I enjoy watching your videos but makes me long for her some days even more.
KIM aka TheHelpfulAssistant 😢 I’m so glad you have a sweetie pie to love. Some day when the time is right hopefully you will find another chihuahua sweetie pie to love ❤️
Tanya K lol, so funny, I just responded to another viewer’s comment who said exactly the opposite 😂 He said females fight to the death and males don’t. I guess everyone has their own perspective. From my experiences, it depends completely on the personality of the Chihuahua, not the gender. 🤷♀️ I’ve had some super aggressive females and an equal number of docile females.... and same with the males. But they’re all adorable 😍
First off, I have to say I LOVE watching your videos! My wife and I recently rescued a six month old male Chihuahua pup. He instantly won our hearts with his larger than life personality. I do have a couple questions as we have never owned or trained a Chihuahua before. We have a 12 year old mixed breed dog thats about 40 pounds. Our puppy is constantly posturing and racing around him, but the 12 year old looks at him like hes an alien. Do you have any advice on how to bond the two dogs, or is there a way for them to safely play together? They are constantly stealing toys from each other and neither is aggresive towards the other, but its like they are speaking different languages.. Another question we have is weather our new cuddle buddy is pure or not. We arent going to breed him, but are curious to know. Can you tell by seeing pictures, or is there an easy way to tell? Sorry for the book, I appreciate any advice you may have! -Victor
Hello Victor, thank you so much for your message and congratulations on your sweet new baby. So first off, lol, your puppy is constantly posturing - so cute but definitely needs your attention. This posturing is very typical behavior of a Chihuahua who wants to be dominant. Sometimes an older dog is willing to just sort of ignore the posturing, but if the 12 year old becomes too jealous or fed up, he could turn on the puppy. Watch them especially during meal times (maybe feed them in separate rooms - or if you free feed like I do, have 2 bowls of food out on opposite sides of the room so that neither of them can horde). Within a couple months together (maybe less), they should become more comfortable with each other and settle in as best buds. Even if the Chihuahua irritates the 12 year old, he will still likely protect him with his own life if it came to that. Chihuahuas are extremely loyal to their "pack". Since he's quite obviously a dominant personality, I would pay PARTICULAR attention to the humans in the pack -- make sure to ALWAYS let him now YOU and your wife are the boss of HIM. Do not let him "protect" you when company comes over which can be the beginning of aggressive behavior. Don't pick him up when he's nervous. Rather, bend down and give him a reassuring pat on the back and then let him deal with his nerves. If he's had all his puppy shots, invite friends over to meet him. When you open the door, make sure he is standing behind you. Don't let him greet the guests in front of you because greeting the guests is the pack leader's job. Let your guests know ahead of time that you're training your new sweetie pie to be accepting of company. Don't pay him ANY attention at first (don't even look at him). Believe it or not, the cold shoulder is one way dogs communicate authority. A dog who gives a cold shoulder communicates that they are already the pack leader and don't need to fight for that position. Make sure your guests ignore him too. Then, have everyone sit down (preferably in his favorite chair so he knows he has to share). If he's barking, continue ignoring. If he is curious, pick him up and hand him to your guests. This communicates to him that YOU are in control of who comes into your house. The earlier you begin working on training, the fewer bad habits they develop and the easier it is to train them. Good luck to you and your wife and both of your sweetie pies!
I got my male Chihuahua neutered when he was 7 mo. old, at the time he was hunching his favorite stuffed toy, but not hiking his leg or marking. Since he’s been fixed, he still doesn’t hike to pee & doesn’t mark his territory, but he does still hunch anything he can!!!! He is the only male dog in house with 3 spayed female dogs. Why does he still hunch things after being fixed?
Diane Oliver 😩 and also 😂!! So, I think I need to do a video on this because there’s a lot to be said. Long story short, humping is pretty common even after neutering. It’s difficult to get them to stop and I don’t actually recommend you get after him for humping a toy. In fact I prefer to give him his own special humping toy so that rather than trying to prevent the behavior, you just give him an appropriate means of politely carrying out his habit. What you CAN train him is not to hump other dogs or people. If he tries that I would use a redirection command. I’ll go more into detail as soon as I make a video. Thanks for the question 😀
im getting a pair of chihuahuas close to christmas as a matter of fact the mother to be is off today for her first time breeding (makes me sad cause shes not a baby any more) ive known her all her life she is the puppy of my good friends daughter who got her (rosie) for her bday, im very close to rosie as soon as she hears my voice she stops what she is doing and runs to me to hug and kiss me and cuddle, she even runs to the sound of my voice if im on the phone, i just adore her so getting 2 of her future pups is exciting for me, ive decided their names long before today im calling them alfie and tyann they will be brother and sister and will for sure be fixed, i was wondering if you had any advice for me as ive always loved the breed but have never owned one and also is it possable they may inherate their mothers personality even just a little? many thanks
oh i should say ive owned a viraity of dogs over the years (im 50 btw) and i look after dogs also at the moment im looking after mysons dogs during the week as he is working he has 2 males one is 4 months old the other is almost 2, (2 year old is a harrier hound collie cross and the other is a collie stafey cross)
I’m getting my puppy in a few months. The exact timeline is dependent on the liters born so it might take longer. I have my heart set on a long haired male. I have contact with the breeder via email so we can discuss the right fit and ensure the puppy I end up with is a good match for me, my home, my lifestyle and my general routine.
Jamie Rodriguez yay! Thank you so much for giving equal opportunity for a boy Chihuahua! I bet he will make the perfect Sweetie Pie! 🥰I’m so excited for you and for him 👏🏻
Just got a male and female, both 8.5 weeks old (from different litters). The male is docile, laid back, not demanding. The girl dominates him, hogs the attention and goes into full drama mode(let me outta here!) in the playpen and crate. Both are so adorable, loving, and fun in their own ways!
hi my name is Arlene and love your pups can you tell me if your pups are apple head teacups been looking for a short hair female and can u please tell me where you are located and price, Im in San Angelo Tx thanks alot love all pups for me ok.
I just got a baby 4 month old long hair boy chihuahua. What age should I get him fixed? I once had a boy die during his neuter surgery and the doctor said when the puppy is really little it is difficult to estimate the amount of anesthesia. Now I am terrified but dont want to wait too long that his marking starts. Thanks for your advice.
Hello Martha, I’m looking to make a video on rescuing a chihuahua! Of course I would need the help of someone wanting to rescue a chihuahua because no rescue will talk to me. Wanted to follow up with you and see if you were able to find a rescue? ❤️
@@SweetiePiePets hi. No I haven't been able to find one and now the apartments I live in are requiring a $400.00 non-refundable deposit and $25.00 a month pet rent😞 so it's out of my reach. Also, I live in Oklahoma. Thank you for asking. I appreciate your reaching out to me.☺
@@marthaanderson2346 I’m so sorry you weren’t able to find a sweetie pie rescue in time 😞 do you mind me asking where all you looked? If you want your story to be part of my video I would love to hear about your experience searching for a rescue sweetie pie. What obstacles did you run into? If you’ve got time, please send me an email with details of your experience to:
I have a question for you. My 6month old whines a lot. I mean, I really have to tire the thing out to get him to stop. Any suggestions, ideas that have helped you over the years? Thank you!
Whining can be annoying for sure. It’s often a sign of insecurity and generally I recommend to: 1) make sure all his needs are met -not hungry -not thirsty -not bored -not hurting, ill, or uncomfortable 2) ignore the whining and always display a calm, confident persona Eventually he will stop whining and follow your lead with calm confidence Wishing you and him the very best 🙏🏻❤️
I have one customer who bought first boy from me and purchased 4 more! She said they are easy to train for potty outside . She always had females before . It’s depend of personality and proper training of new owner or breeder ))
I have a breeding male so I use belly bands but no matter how often I change them my boy is left with urine stains on his white fur and the stain goes up his sides. No matter how much I shampoo him I can’t remove the stain. Do you have any helpful hints for me?
Great video Kelly!! I have some more questions!!! I'm going to get a male chi that won't be fixed, and want to make sure I'm prepared. Do they always mark and hump things? Does the doggy diaper really catch it all enough that he can come cuddle you and it's not gross? When the female are not in heat, can he hang out with them all in the house like a big family? Do you take the pack on walks together? Or do you just keep the males at a seperate house all together? Is the female in heat the only time you seperate them? Thank you so much if you see this and have time to respond!
Hello boss lady (I have a shirt that says boss lady 💪🏻 💃🏻) excellent questions. So, If you get your boy and potty train him from an early age, there is a chance he will not start marking inside your house at all. However if he is around other dogs, or especially if he smells like female in heat, that’s when his brain will trigger him to start marking. If you have no other dogs in the house, then just keep it that way so that hopefully he never picks up that habit. If he does start marking then it’s very difficult to break him of that habit and he would need to wear a diaper the whole time he’s walking around loose in your house. The diapers do pretty good but some of them get good at scooting around until it falls off 😂
Hello we just got toy chihuahua at least that's what we were told they said he was 8 weeks old but we believe that he is not a week so we took him to PetSmart the vet she told us that he was 3 weeks and didn't have any teeth so we got him June 9th and it has probably been a week already and we noticed that he is getting baby teeth we would like to know when he can start eating solid food because we are feeding him through a bottle we have been watching your show and we are learning a lot from you I love chihuahuas we never expected this puppy to be this small he is very tiny and we want to do right by him so if you have any suggestions please let us know and thank you.
Oh my gosh what a terribly immoral person who sold you a 3 week old puppy. I'm so disgusted to hear that. Their teeth come in around 4 weeks so yes, I agree with your PetSmart vet's assessment with his approximate age. Keep up the bottle feeding and also you can go ahead and start adding solid food into his diet as follows: Use only a healthy puppy kibble. This is what I use: Soak the kibble in puppy formula for about an hour until it's completely soft. Then hand feed him one piece at a time. He will likely use his succle reflexes to suck the piece of mushy food into his mouth and swallow it. Do only one piece at a time, slowly at first to make sure he does not choke. In the meantime, continue with the bottle feedings. Just start him on solids by adding in a few pieces of the soaked kibble every 3-4 hours. As he continues to grow, you can cut down on the bottle feedings and increase the soaked kibble feedings. Remember, he's a tiny puppy so he only needs tiny meals, but they must be often throughout the day. His stomach is only about the size of his paw. Around age 6-6.5 weeks old, you can stop the bottle feeding all together and introduce him to hard kibble. Keep up with the soaked feedings every 3-4 hours but add a bowl of the hard kibble to his habitat area and see if he's able to eat it on his own. Again, it should be a slow transition from the soaked food to the hard kibble and by age 8 weeks he should be able to eat the hard kibble on his own without needing the soaked food at all. I hope this helps and I'm so sorry you got a puppy from such a terrible human being. A 3 week old puppy needs mama's milk only. Would you mind telling me where you got this puppy? I'd love to confront the breeder and ask why they're selling 3 week old puppies and lying about their age.
@@SweetiePiePets thank you for getting back with us giving me that information it really helps person we bought it from she got it from the people that have the parents to the baby we really don't know information about the people that gave the baby to her I wish there was a way I could send you a picture of our baby I don't see no options for that we will keep back in touch with you if we have any more questions and thank you again and we will continue to watch your show.
It’s all about socialization. When you get your Chihuahua make sure it has been hand raised and had a good start on social skills. Then continue offering her lots of opportunities for different experiences. Take her places with you, let her meet people and other pets. The more she is exposed to that the less nervous she will be. Also keep in mind that dogs mirror their pack leaders energy. The human family member is the pack leader so I always have a calm demeanor and she will follow your lead ❤️
@@SweetiePiePets Thank you so much. I have another important question; How come your chis stay so small? Where I live, all the breeders I found have chihuahuas that are much bigger, is this a specific type of chihuahua you have, maybe? I would die to have some like yours!
@@SignificantOwner Very late response but there are 2 types of chihuahuas. Apple heads and Deerheads. Maybe the big chi’s you are seeing are deerhead, deerheads are bigger than apple heads and have a skull representing a baby deer.(That’s probably the reason their called that) and apples heads like the ones in the video are apple heads. Apple heads are smaller and more delicate compared to their deerhead brothers. If you’re still in the hunt maybe search ‘Applehead chihuahuas for adoption/sale whatever your looking for.
Sometimes we do find new homes for our retirees. If you’d like to be put on our email list for a retiree when they become available, please email me at
from my expirence, female chihuahuas are more cuddly and less active. male chihuahuas love to cuddle too but they're more active/playful really. but there are exceptions.
selisejohnson oh no!! 🤦♀️ yes some of them are prone to doing that from a young age and generally it’s directly related to how domineering their personality is. Humping is a sign of attempted dominance. But if you are concerned about him being overly hormonal, just follow your vets recommendations for getting him fixed as soon as he’s large enough. Hugs to you and your sweetie pie from me and mine!
I was so surprised to hear how many people want girl dogs over boys! I'm on the hunt for a rescue Chi right now and because of that I'm not picky male or female but in 30+ years I've only owned boy animals across the board, every species has always been male. In terms of dogs I agree they have such big personalities it really depends on the dog. When I ownned rats I chose boys because they're known to be more snuggly, quiet, lovable while girls were always on the move. So glad I found your channel during my Chihuahua search :)
ashleyxrose wow, that’s so interesting you’ve had only boy pets. Good luck in your quest for a boy rescue Chihuahua 😍 thank you for being a wonderful fur mamma! Omg I didn’t know boy rats are more snuggly than girl rats. That’s hilarious. 😂 sounds like they would be better pets than girl rats. I’m so glad you found our little chihuahua community. Thank you for supporting my channel 🙏🏻
I just got my teacup male pup on the 12th. Your channel has been perfect for me on potty training. Finding a coat, harness, and leash for the harness, for a tiny male is tough. Do you know of any good sites other than Amazon? Thank you
Hello, congratulations on your new sweetie pie. I’m very excited for you. I do nearly all of my shopping on amazon but I have also had some success at petsmart in their weasel section. You might be able to find a weasel harness that fits your baby boy. Good luck to you ❤️
I have a female chihuahua that will soon be one year old, and I’m considering getting a second chihuahua. In this case, is it better to get a male, or will two spayed females get along well? Also I use a litter pan and am worried a male dog won’t be as accurate using it as my female. I’ve also heard that long haired and smooth coated chihuahuas have personality trait differences. This couldn’t be true, right?
Amy Spencer Hello and thank you for the comment. So if your little girl had a dominant personality then you either need to get a male, or a submissive female. Generally canines live in packs with one dominant male and one dominant female. A dominant female wouldn’t be threatened by a dominant male but would likely fight with another dominant female. In my experience the short coats and long coats do tend to have different personalities but it’s funny because some other Chihuahua owners think the exact opposite of me. To me the long coats seem more loving while the short coats seem more wiry and dominant… But I’m wondering if that’s just a coincidence of my own experiences with my Chihuahuas. Because I’ve heard other Chihuahua owners say the exact opposite about the personality differences of long vs short coats. Maybe it’s not so much to do with their coat length and just to do with each individual personality. 🤷♀️ If your girl isn’t dominant at all, then likely she would get along with most other dogs.
Sweetie Pie Pets How do you know if your dog is dominant? I remember the breeder telling me, “this one has a mind of her own,” and I sort of suspect she does have a dominant personality, but I’ve never had a Chihuahua before. To be safe it seems a male puppy would be the correct choice. I see you with your little pack of dogs and I want my baby to have a playmate. Really am grateful to you for you expert advice! Thank you!
Tom Cloutier 😂 sounds like you have an awesome life! 👏🏻your wife and your chi both sound charming ❤️😁 So glad you’re enjoying the videos - I love getting to know my audience. You guys are awesome.
I lost first and only dog, my sweet little Pomeranian last week. I have my heart set on a Chihuahua. I am going for a female Chihuahua because my first dog was a male, plus I am a mom of 2 boys lol My question is there a reason why a litter would have more boys than a girl? Is that why girls tend to be more expensive? Thank you!!
sokiexo hello, thanks for the question. Generally the girls are more expensive than the boys because they are in higher demand. There’s a miss perception that girl Chihuahuas make better pets than boy Chihuahuas so many buyers insist on getting only girls. I very rarely hear of buyers who insist on a boy so sometimes they’re a little less expensive. The boy vs. girl birth rate generally averages out to be 50/50. Hope that helps.
Actually the sex will delineate certain differences in character traits just like they do in humans. Biology and science are factual. The only reason you do not see that much of a difference between girl/boy in the canine species is because your dogs and the majority of North American (Western world) neuter or spay their dogs. This essentially renders the male dog docile, calm, and more like the female temperament. Their testes are no longer functional and they no longer secrete testosterone, the main defining hormone of what delineates male character traits.
What age is puberty for a Chihuahua male. And for females, if you get them spayed after their first season, will it make any difference, as for as house breaking them.
For girls, no. It’s best to wait until they are about a year to get them spayed. Typically they have already had their first heat by then. For a girl, puberty hits anywhere from six months to a year, but typically it’s around eight months. For a boy, it’s a little different. It’s best to get them fixed around seven or eight months because that’s usually when they start going through puberty and you do not want them to experience that because it’s very likely to start them on the habit of marking, so for boys I recommend getting them fixed around age 6-8 months before puberty!
😂🤣😂🤣 just peed his pants!! I lost it all loud!!
Bruce .... the cutest
I love the little boy
I love your videos. I too love my Chihuahuas. Thank you for posting so much information about this breed.
U make me laugh so hard! 🤣 “They don’t even know what ready to go means!” 😂🥰
Nora matuszewski 😂😂😳😂
He thinks he’s peeing on my couch but he’s really peeing his pants lol
@@Anap00h 😂😂😂
Omg Bruce is so handsome I love him!
bruce looks so chilled and cute :D
ready to nap at any given time :P
Definitely Boy!
Your girl reminds me of my Besita. She huffed at me when Tinker joined us and ignored me to her last breath. Very possessive, very ❤.
So cute to see them falling asleep in your hands. I was leaning more towards a female because since females have less testosterone they might be less prone to being aggressive.
John Doe I have 2 girls in my breeding program who are more aggressive than any of the males I have. But I think that’s just their personality. When you get ready to pick your baby, we’ll have to pay close attention to personality. By age 8 weeks it’s pretty apparent which puppies are more assertive (which can turn into aggressive if allowed) and which are more docile. Godiva is definitely turning out to be more assertive than little Pom Pom who’s super laid back. So adorable how they’re all different 🥰
Okey this depends on the dog but if you look at the facts around characteristics of dogs and genders. Female dogs tend to be more aggressive and violent then male dogs. If two males started a fight, they fight until one of them gives up, but if females fight, they fight to the death unfortunately. This dose not mean that they are born aggressive, just that in aggressive situations or when triggered females lash out more then males 😊 I hope this helped you. (I have a female Rottweiler at the moment and she’s the sweetest, but in aggressive situations she is lashing out before the males and more aggressively.) there is a lot of different between female and male dogs, google a little and you should find out some 😊 have a nice day 💕
Antonya Winchester thanks for your input, but that hasn’t been my experience in the 19 years I’ve been raising chihuahuas. I have found that SOME males are more aggressive while others are more docile, while SOME females are more aggressive and others more docile. It has been my experience that it completely depends on the personality of the Chihuahua rather than the gender. There’s a lot of articles you can read and I’m sure some people have had different experiences than I have. But I can only report on my own experiences .... and I do have quite a bit 🐶 ❤️ Thanks again for your input though. I always appreciate hearing from my viewers 😊
ps, I’ve seen quite a few chihuahua fights but I’ve never seen one to the death. 😥
I feel like across the board it’s more of a personality trait. But that’s just my opinion. I’ve heard that male chi’s are more protective of female owners and vice versa but idk 🤷🏼♀️
I have had a female Chihuahua as well as males. Both male and females can be aggressive. Lol 😂 Just like humans.
Thanks for your videos. I’m learning a lot. My boy is 6 months old and he’s still biting but not as bad since he lost his last tooth. We still can’t stop kissing him 😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
So Precious!
Nadine l Garza thank you 😊
He is just peeing in his pants XD LOOOOOL
I think I want a long-haired chihuahua!!! 😊 Thanks so much for making this video. I’m actually planning everything first, including the gender of our future puppy, so this video is really helpful.
Tennis Buff you are so welcome. I’m so happy to hear you’re doing all your research up front. Smart mamma!! Let me know if you have any other questions. I hope you find some of my other videos helpful as well. Happy research and puppy searching. 😍
She needs a boy chihuahua that's a fixed sweetpea is 1 year April the end of April 25 of 2023
My chi is a boy with tiny balls. He doesn't pee in the house, but he loves "communicate" when we go on walks. He's da man!
Andrew Tobias 😂
I do live the informational videos. We just got a puppy
Your dogs are beautiful. .
Thanks for sharing gorgeous have a blessed week
I was set in getting a long haired female. Then I saw my short haired boy😆. He is so kind and smart and even tempered, although he barks in the garden when he goes out. (Just in case!) He doesn't mark. He turned 1 yesterday and can now lift his leg so high he nearly falls over. 😆 😆 He's not fixed but I think I will get him done because I don't want to breed him. He's my pal and I've not trained him to do anything using treats but he liked my happy dance so that's his reward. He had a pad for during the night but hasn't used it for weeks now. There's never been an unhappy moment since I got him. He and I are perfect together. So, Happy Birthday Dempsey. 💛🎉🍗
Trish Traynor 😂😂 “ he lifts his leg so far he could fall over” i’m so happy for Dempsey that he found a perfect, living home and the two of you are like two peas in a pod 😍. Happy birthday, Dempsey
Just started researching. How about female periods. Please share your experience. Duration of cyle? Pads/nappy use? Reusable ones or one time use. Change how often, is there a absorption line like human baby nappies? What to do if we are out for a few hours. Does it get full quickly? Tips and tricks. Thanks for the upload. You are the first video that came up when I did my search 😊
do you have any videos about agressive ones. please
I have a girl chihuahua and she is so sweet and snuggly ❤️
Maya Thompson awe 🥰🥰🥰 I love snuggling with my sweetie pies 🐶
I had a rescue that looked just like Bruce. :) Her name was Gracie and she passed suddenly with a heart attack. She was only 7 and I was devastated.
KIM aka TheHelpfulAssistant oh my gosh I’m so sorry to hear that. How difficult it would be to lose one so young and unexpected 😢
@@SweetiePiePets ya :( I miss her every day. I have a 13 yr old Multi Poo and I want her to live the rest of her days with just me, but I know I will be getting a chihuahua again. I enjoy watching your videos but makes me long for her some days even more.
KIM aka TheHelpfulAssistant 😢 I’m so glad you have a sweetie pie to love. Some day when the time is right hopefully you will find another chihuahua sweetie pie to love ❤️
@@SweetiePiePets thank you
both together better. but girls may have softer character & not so sharp reactions.
Tanya K lol, so funny, I just responded to another viewer’s comment who said exactly the opposite 😂 He said females fight to the death and males don’t. I guess everyone has their own perspective. From my experiences, it depends completely on the personality of the Chihuahua, not the gender. 🤷♀️ I’ve had some super aggressive females and an equal number of docile females.... and same with the males. But they’re all adorable 😍
Still working on house training
Aww Your Only Nice
I'm picking up my Chihuahua puppy in June and I really appreciate this video because I didn't even know that there was doggy diapers. Thanks!🙂
You’re so welcome! Congratulations on getting your sweetie pie ❤️
First off, I have to say I LOVE watching your videos! My wife and I recently rescued a six month old male Chihuahua pup. He instantly won our hearts with his larger than life personality. I do have a couple questions as we have never owned or trained a Chihuahua before. We have a 12 year old mixed breed dog thats about 40 pounds. Our puppy is constantly posturing and racing around him, but the 12 year old looks at him like hes an alien. Do you have any advice on how to bond the two dogs, or is there a way for them to safely play together? They are constantly stealing toys from each other and neither is aggresive towards the other, but its like they are speaking different languages.. Another question we have is weather our new cuddle buddy is pure or not. We arent going to breed him, but are curious to know. Can you tell by seeing pictures, or is there an easy way to tell? Sorry for the book, I appreciate any advice you may have! -Victor
Hello Victor, thank you so much for your message and congratulations on your sweet new baby. So first off, lol, your puppy is constantly posturing - so cute but definitely needs your attention. This posturing is very typical behavior of a Chihuahua who wants to be dominant. Sometimes an older dog is willing to just sort of ignore the posturing, but if the 12 year old becomes too jealous or fed up, he could turn on the puppy. Watch them especially during meal times (maybe feed them in separate rooms - or if you free feed like I do, have 2 bowls of food out on opposite sides of the room so that neither of them can horde). Within a couple months together (maybe less), they should become more comfortable with each other and settle in as best buds. Even if the Chihuahua irritates the 12 year old, he will still likely protect him with his own life if it came to that. Chihuahuas are extremely loyal to their "pack".
Since he's quite obviously a dominant personality, I would pay PARTICULAR attention to the humans in the pack -- make sure to ALWAYS let him now YOU and your wife are the boss of HIM. Do not let him "protect" you when company comes over which can be the beginning of aggressive behavior. Don't pick him up when he's nervous. Rather, bend down and give him a reassuring pat on the back and then let him deal with his nerves. If he's had all his puppy shots, invite friends over to meet him. When you open the door, make sure he is standing behind you. Don't let him greet the guests in front of you because greeting the guests is the pack leader's job. Let your guests know ahead of time that you're training your new sweetie pie to be accepting of company. Don't pay him ANY attention at first (don't even look at him). Believe it or not, the cold shoulder is one way dogs communicate authority. A dog who gives a cold shoulder communicates that they are already the pack leader and don't need to fight for that position. Make sure your guests ignore him too. Then, have everyone sit down (preferably in his favorite chair so he knows he has to share). If he's barking, continue ignoring. If he is curious, pick him up and hand him to your guests. This communicates to him that YOU are in control of who comes into your house.
The earlier you begin working on training, the fewer bad habits they develop and the easier it is to train them. Good luck to you and your wife and both of your sweetie pies!
Sweetie Pie Pets great tips. Thx
I got my male Chihuahua neutered when he was 7 mo. old, at the time he was hunching his favorite stuffed toy, but not hiking his leg or marking. Since he’s been fixed, he still doesn’t hike to pee & doesn’t mark his territory, but he does still hunch anything he can!!!! He is the only male dog in house with 3 spayed female dogs. Why does he still hunch things after being fixed?
Diane Oliver 😩 and also 😂!!
So, I think I need to do a video on this because there’s a lot to be said. Long story short, humping is pretty common even after neutering. It’s difficult to get them to stop and I don’t actually recommend you get after him for humping a toy. In fact I prefer to give him his own special humping toy so that rather than trying to prevent the behavior, you just give him an appropriate means of politely carrying out his habit. What you CAN train him is not to hump other dogs or people. If he tries that I would use a redirection command. I’ll go more into detail as soon as I make a video. Thanks for the question 😀
Sweetie Pie Pets Thanks for answering my question, I’ll be watching for the video.
im getting a pair of chihuahuas close to christmas as a matter of fact the mother to be is off today for her first time breeding (makes me sad cause shes not a baby any more) ive known her all her life she is the puppy of my good friends daughter who got her (rosie) for her bday, im very close to rosie as soon as she hears my voice she stops what she is doing and runs to me to hug and kiss me and cuddle, she even runs to the sound of my voice if im on the phone, i just adore her so getting 2 of her future pups is exciting for me, ive decided their names long before today im calling them alfie and tyann they will be brother and sister and will for sure be fixed, i was wondering if you had any advice for me as ive always loved the breed but have never owned one and also is it possable they may inherate their mothers personality even just a little? many thanks
oh i should say ive owned a viraity of dogs over the years (im 50 btw) and i look after dogs also at the moment im looking after mysons dogs during the week as he is working he has 2 males one is 4 months old the other is almost 2, (2 year old is a harrier hound collie cross and the other is a collie stafey cross)
I’m getting my puppy in a few months. The exact timeline is dependent on the liters born so it might take longer. I have my heart set on a long haired male. I have contact with the breeder via email so we can discuss the right fit and ensure the puppy I end up with is a good match for me, my home, my lifestyle and my general routine.
Oh and I'm actually getting a boy dog and thanks for the advice!!
Jamie Rodriguez yay! Thank you so much for giving equal opportunity for a boy Chihuahua! I bet he will make the perfect Sweetie Pie! 🥰I’m so excited for you and for him 👏🏻
Just got a male and female, both 8.5 weeks old (from different litters). The male is docile, laid back, not demanding. The girl dominates him, hogs the attention and goes into full drama mode(let me outta here!) in the playpen and crate. Both are so adorable, loving, and fun in their own ways!
hi my name is Arlene and love your pups can you tell me if your pups are apple head teacups been looking for a short hair female and can u please tell me where you are located and price, Im in San Angelo Tx thanks alot love all pups for me ok.
I just got a baby 4 month old long hair boy chihuahua. What age should I get him fixed? I once had a boy die during his neuter surgery and the doctor said when the puppy is really little it is difficult to estimate the amount of anesthesia. Now I am terrified but dont want to wait too long that his marking starts. Thanks for your advice.
Excellent question. I hope my video helps to answer your question:
Excellent vid! Thank you so much!
Hopefully I'll be able to get a rescue apple head chihuahua in the near future.
Hello Martha, I’m looking to make a video on rescuing a chihuahua! Of course I would need the help of someone wanting to rescue a chihuahua because no rescue will talk to me. Wanted to follow up with you and see if you were able to find a rescue? ❤️
@@SweetiePiePets hi. No I haven't been able to find one and now the apartments I live in are requiring a $400.00 non-refundable deposit and $25.00 a month pet rent😞 so it's out of my reach. Also, I live in Oklahoma. Thank you for asking. I appreciate your reaching out to me.☺
@@marthaanderson2346 I’m so sorry you weren’t able to find a sweetie pie rescue in time 😞 do you mind me asking where all you looked? If you want your story to be part of my video I would love to hear about your experience searching for a rescue sweetie pie. What obstacles did you run into? If you’ve got time, please send me an email with details of your experience to:
I have 2 chi's....a boy and a them both the same
Sounds like a perfect little family 🐶❤️
I fostered a rescue male Chihuahua and he became my soul mate! Was heartbroken when he was rehomed 😢
Fostering is hard, especially when you and the puppy have bonded. I hope he's in a good home now.
@@SweetiePiePets Thank you. Apparently he's gone to a farm. So I'm glad he's got a wonderful new home.
I have a question for you. My 6month old whines a lot. I mean, I really have to tire the thing out to get him to stop.
Any suggestions, ideas that have helped you over the years? Thank you!
Whining can be annoying for sure. It’s often a sign of insecurity and generally I recommend to:
1) make sure all his needs are met
-not hungry
-not thirsty
-not bored
-not hurting, ill, or uncomfortable
2) ignore the whining and always display a calm, confident persona
Eventually he will stop whining and follow your lead with calm confidence
Wishing you and him the very best 🙏🏻❤️
@@SweetiePiePets Thank you!
I have one customer who bought first boy from me and purchased 4 more! She said they are easy to train for potty outside .
She always had females before . It’s depend of personality and proper training of new owner or breeder ))
🤣🤣🤣💕💕💕 He’s just peeing his pants
I have a breeding male so I use belly bands but no matter how often I change them my boy is left with urine stains on his white fur and the stain goes up his sides. No matter how much I shampoo him I can’t remove the stain. Do you have any helpful hints for me?
Great video Kelly!! I have some more questions!!! I'm going to get a male chi that won't be fixed, and want to make sure I'm prepared. Do they always mark and hump things? Does the doggy diaper really catch it all enough that he can come cuddle you and it's not gross?
When the female are not in heat, can he hang out with them all in the house like a big family? Do you take the pack on walks together? Or do you just keep the males at a seperate house all together?
Is the female in heat the only time you seperate them? Thank you so much if you see this and have time to respond!
Hello boss lady (I have a shirt that says boss lady 💪🏻 💃🏻) excellent questions. So, If you get your boy and potty train him from an early age, there is a chance he will not start marking inside your house at all. However if he is around other dogs, or especially if he smells like female in heat, that’s when his brain will trigger him to start marking. If you have no other dogs in the house, then just keep it that way so that hopefully he never picks up that habit. If he does start marking then it’s very difficult to break him of that habit and he would need to wear a diaper the whole time he’s walking around loose in your house. The diapers do pretty good but some of them get good at scooting around until it falls off 😂
Hello we just got toy chihuahua at least that's what we were told they said he was 8 weeks old but we believe that he is not a week so we took him to PetSmart the vet she told us that he was 3 weeks and didn't have any teeth so we got him June 9th and it has probably been a week already and we noticed that he is getting baby teeth we would like to know when he can start eating solid food because we are feeding him through a bottle we have been watching your show and we are learning a lot from you I love chihuahuas we never expected this puppy to be this small he is very tiny and we want to do right by him so if you have any suggestions please let us know and thank you.
Oh my gosh what a terribly immoral person who sold you a 3 week old puppy. I'm so disgusted to hear that. Their teeth come in around 4 weeks so yes, I agree with your PetSmart vet's assessment with his approximate age. Keep up the bottle feeding and also you can go ahead and start adding solid food into his diet as follows:
Use only a healthy puppy kibble. This is what I use:
Soak the kibble in puppy formula for about an hour until it's completely soft. Then hand feed him one piece at a time. He will likely use his succle reflexes to suck the piece of mushy food into his mouth and swallow it. Do only one piece at a time, slowly at first to make sure he does not choke. In the meantime, continue with the bottle feedings. Just start him on solids by adding in a few pieces of the soaked kibble every 3-4 hours. As he continues to grow, you can cut down on the bottle feedings and increase the soaked kibble feedings. Remember, he's a tiny puppy so he only needs tiny meals, but they must be often throughout the day. His stomach is only about the size of his paw.
Around age 6-6.5 weeks old, you can stop the bottle feeding all together and introduce him to hard kibble. Keep up with the soaked feedings every 3-4 hours but add a bowl of the hard kibble to his habitat area and see if he's able to eat it on his own. Again, it should be a slow transition from the soaked food to the hard kibble and by age 8 weeks he should be able to eat the hard kibble on his own without needing the soaked food at all.
I hope this helps and I'm so sorry you got a puppy from such a terrible human being. A 3 week old puppy needs mama's milk only. Would you mind telling me where you got this puppy? I'd love to confront the breeder and ask why they're selling 3 week old puppies and lying about their age.
@@SweetiePiePets thank you for getting back with us giving me that information it really helps person we bought it from she got it from the people that have the parents to the baby we really don't know information about the people that gave the baby to her I wish there was a way I could send you a picture of our baby I don't see no options for that we will keep back in touch with you if we have any more questions and thank you again and we will continue to watch your show.
At what age do you need to spay or neuter your sweetie pies 🐶💕?
Why are your chis so calm? How do you achieve that? I am getting one but this aspect concerns me slightly.🥺
It’s all about socialization. When you get your Chihuahua make sure it has been hand raised and had a good start on social skills. Then continue offering her lots of opportunities for different experiences. Take her places with you, let her meet people and other pets. The more she is exposed to that the less nervous she will be. Also keep in mind that dogs mirror their pack leaders energy. The human family member is the pack leader so I always have a calm demeanor and she will follow your lead ❤️
@@SweetiePiePets Thank you so much. I have another important question; How come your chis stay so small? Where I live, all the breeders I found have chihuahuas that are much bigger, is this a specific type of chihuahua you have, maybe? I would die to have some like yours!
@@SignificantOwner Very late response but there are 2 types of chihuahuas. Apple heads and Deerheads. Maybe the big chi’s you are seeing are deerhead, deerheads are bigger than apple heads and have a skull representing a baby deer.(That’s probably the reason their called that) and apples heads like the ones in the video are apple heads. Apple heads are smaller and more delicate compared to their deerhead brothers. If you’re still in the hunt maybe search ‘Applehead chihuahuas for adoption/sale whatever your looking for.
Are males bigger ?
When does puberty starts?
What age should a puppy be potty trained
Do you sell your small retired female chihuahuas? Thanks
Sometimes we do find new homes for our retirees. If you’d like to be put on our email list for a retiree when they become available, please email me at
from my expirence, female chihuahuas are more cuddly and less active. male chihuahuas love to cuddle too but they're more active/playful really. but there are exceptions.
I just recently received my chi for Christmas he's 10 weeks and is humping his toys already 🤦🏽♀️
selisejohnson oh no!! 🤦♀️ yes some of them are prone to doing that from a young age and generally it’s directly related to how domineering their personality is. Humping is a sign of attempted dominance. But if you are concerned about him being overly hormonal, just follow your vets recommendations for getting him fixed as soon as he’s large enough. Hugs to you and your sweetie pie from me and mine!
I was so surprised to hear how many people want girl dogs over boys! I'm on the hunt for a rescue Chi right now and because of that I'm not picky male or female but in 30+ years I've only owned boy animals across the board, every species has always been male. In terms of dogs I agree they have such big personalities it really depends on the dog. When I ownned rats I chose boys because they're known to be more snuggly, quiet, lovable while girls were always on the move. So glad I found your channel during my Chihuahua search :)
ashleyxrose wow, that’s so interesting you’ve had only boy pets. Good luck in your quest for a boy rescue Chihuahua 😍 thank you for being a wonderful fur mamma!
Omg I didn’t know boy rats are more snuggly than girl rats. That’s hilarious. 😂 sounds like they would be better pets than girl rats.
I’m so glad you found our little chihuahua community. Thank you for supporting my channel 🙏🏻
I just got my teacup male pup on the 12th. Your channel has been perfect for me on potty training. Finding a coat, harness, and leash for the harness, for a tiny male is tough. Do you know of any good sites other than Amazon? Thank you
Hello, congratulations on your new sweetie pie. I’m very excited for you. I do nearly all of my shopping on amazon but I have also had some success at petsmart in their weasel section. You might be able to find a weasel harness that fits your baby boy. Good luck to you ❤️
@@SweetiePiePets what a great idea - I never thought of that!
Bahaha peeing his pants lol
LOL, right? It cracks me up. He's all proud marking his territory -- as if. LMAO!!
One of my boys handstand pees as well! Interesting that yours does as well.
😂😂 so funny!
I have a female chihuahua that will soon be one year old, and I’m considering getting a second chihuahua. In this case, is it better to get a male, or will two spayed females get along well? Also I use a litter pan and am worried a male dog won’t be as accurate using it as my female. I’ve also heard that long haired and smooth coated chihuahuas have personality trait differences. This couldn’t be true, right?
Amy Spencer Hello and thank you for the comment. So if your little girl had a dominant personality then you either need to get a male, or a submissive female.
Generally canines live in packs with one dominant male and one dominant female. A dominant female wouldn’t be threatened by a dominant male but would likely fight with another dominant female.
In my experience the short coats and long coats do tend to have different personalities but it’s funny because some other Chihuahua owners think the exact opposite of me. To me the long coats seem more loving while the short coats seem more wiry and dominant… But I’m wondering if that’s just a coincidence of my own experiences with my Chihuahuas. Because I’ve heard other Chihuahua owners say the exact opposite about the personality differences of long vs short coats.
Maybe it’s not so much to do with their coat length and just to do with each individual personality. 🤷♀️
If your girl isn’t dominant at all, then likely she would get along with most other dogs.
Sweetie Pie Pets How do you know if your dog is dominant? I remember the breeder telling me, “this one has a mind of her own,” and I sort of suspect she does have a dominant personality, but I’ve never had a Chihuahua before. To be safe it seems a male puppy would be the correct choice. I see you with your little pack of dogs and I want my baby to have a playmate. Really am grateful to you for you expert advice! Thank you!
chihuahua 💕 😂
At what age do they go through puberty?
Ya, just like with my wife, Females Rule, lol! I have a little female chi and she rules the roost. I enjoy your YT vids btw, thanks.
Tom Cloutier 😂 sounds like you have an awesome life! 👏🏻your wife and your chi both sound charming ❤️😁 So glad you’re enjoying the videos - I love getting to know my audience. You guys are awesome.
I have a female cat that's fixed and she marks.
A female cat! *shrug - not too sure about cats...
@@SweetiePiePets if you don't mind can you let me know if you find out anything about it?
I have 3 Chihuahuas. 2 males and 1 female. Girl are better. Boys like to mark their territory. So they spray all over the place.
I lost first and only dog, my sweet little Pomeranian last week. I have my heart set on a Chihuahua. I am going for a female Chihuahua because my first dog was a male, plus I am a mom of 2 boys lol My question is there a reason why a litter would have more boys than a girl? Is that why girls tend to be more expensive? Thank you!!
sokiexo hello, thanks for the question. Generally the girls are more expensive than the boys because they are in higher demand. There’s a miss perception that girl Chihuahuas make better pets than boy Chihuahuas so many buyers insist on getting only girls. I very rarely hear of buyers who insist on a boy so sometimes they’re a little less expensive. The boy vs. girl birth rate generally averages out to be 50/50. Hope that helps.
A girl is my guess.
Actually the sex will delineate certain differences in character traits just like they do in humans. Biology and science are factual. The only reason you do not see that much of a difference between girl/boy in the canine species is because your dogs and the majority of North American (Western world) neuter or spay their dogs. This essentially renders the male dog docile, calm, and more like the female temperament. Their testes are no longer functional and they no longer secrete testosterone, the main defining hormone of what delineates male character traits.
What age is puberty for a Chihuahua male. And for females, if you get them spayed after their first season, will it make any difference, as for as house breaking them.
For girls, no. It’s best to wait until they are about a year to get them spayed. Typically they have already had their first heat by then. For a girl, puberty hits anywhere from six months to a year, but typically it’s around eight months.
For a boy, it’s a little different. It’s best to get them fixed around seven or eight months because that’s usually when they start going through puberty and you do not want them to experience that because it’s very likely to start them on the habit of marking, so for boys I recommend getting them fixed around age 6-8 months before puberty!
@@SweetiePiePets Thank you very, very much.