I love watching your videos. They helped tremendously in converting from Protestantism. My husband, myself and our 3 children just came into the church in April of this year! Thank you Fr. Chris! You have no idea what a blessing your videos have been.
Thank you Fr. Chris I know this was not an easy talk but a most needed one. I wish more priests teach this. Especially in pre Cana. I am 63 years old and hearing a lot of this for the 1st time. Thank you many blessings.
It's easy when you love deeply, have mature lenses on your eyes that come from the soul where Jesus lives, and you want the truth out. Thank you for sharing what you did though. Yes, this should be taught ....but waaaay before pre-cana. Teens. Which is what I do because the preparing starts way before engagement if we want healthy relationships. Pass it on!
Yes, I hope to meet a good man as I approach two years of widowhood and am all alone. I have met a few men who were not looking for holy commitment and I had to say goodby. It isn't so much that I didn't know or believe these things, it is very hard to explain it in a way that doesn't make you look prudish and unavailable even after marriage. I'm old but I'm not dead. I want a mutually loving marriage and all that entails. If I do meet that special man, I am going to ask him to watch this video and discuss it with me at the proper time.
Sandra. I agree with you. I’m 65 & just learned this from my priest before he died. He said more people are in hell bc of their sexual sins than for any other reason My husband said, “Well did you ask him which positions were ok.” I did not. And he got very shortly after our conversation so my husband didn’t get a chance to find out what activities were sinful. Sadly, Fr. Ralph died almost 5 yrs ago
Mine was at Basic training at Lackland AFB. Tx. The Chaplian said that the only " allowed" is if the Act could produce a pregnancy. Now 300 Airmen 18 to 24 yrs you were not going to be so Scholarly.
Thank you so much for all the clarification. I’ve been married for almost 20 years and we are expecting our 8th child and I fully admit that I’ve been confused with what is right and wrong. I’ve read up on these topics but I never felt totally confident in the findings. I know it’s a hard thing to talk about but it’s truth and it’s so important for families and marriages to survive. Thank you!
This has to come way before engagement. In the Bible, an engagement is actually a marital contract. Remember how Joseph wanted to give Mary a "bill of divorcement" even tho they had not yet consumated the marriage? I live in Israel. My late husband was a Messianic Jew. The Orthodox way of getting married is still for the elders to get together and discuss good potential marriages. When they find suitable candidates of good moral character with goals consistent with Torah, they introduce the kids. The kids then talk about EVERYTHING, and keep in mind they are both virgins. If they like each other and agree on key issues, they agree to marry. Courtships are short to avoid temptation and the American/Hollywood idea of "falling in love" is not an issue. They simply love each other because their spirits are in union. They know they have found their "intended." This idea of dating to get to know somone, falling in love and then getting engaged is messed up and usually leads to heartbreak sooner or later. Find out all you can about a person BEFORE you decide to fall in love with them. If they aren't a friend you can trust with your life, they're not the right one.
@@Meira750 Both my husband and I were in our mom's wombs' at the same time, so we grew up together right up to our last high school year. However, enter adult life and we went our separate ways, but God had His way and at 22 years old, bearing in mind that he is 5 days older than me - we met, and we courted for awhile and got happily married - this is going for our 34th year! Our Dear Father God has blessed us with four children who are all grown-ups now... Listening to Fr.. Alars talk together now, and refreshing our catechism. Thank you Fr. Alar for the sound teachings of the wonderful faith God has left us with throughout the ages. Blessings - from SA.
Thank you Father Chris! Such a sensitive and hard topic to speak about! I wish I learned all these teachings about 50 years ago! No one in the church ever spoke so bluntly as you have. God bless you and peace be with you! 🙏❤️🕊✝️⛪️💟😇
Fr Chris, I sincerely hope and pray that any negativity generated from this talk does not dampen your lively spirit. I remember the reaction you received following one of your previous talks and you came close to ending the series - I was almost in tears. When you speak of getting beat up by bad letters and being mis-quoted, remember the many lives you have changed and those of us who have grown in our faith because of you and your ministry. We must pray for those who disagree with the truth, asking God to soften and open their hearts to His Holy Will. We Marian Helpers continue to walk beside you as you bring Christ and His One Truth to the world. God bless you!
Thank you for this, Fr. Chris. This topic has been buried and denied to our detriment. Thank you for making yourself available for God to use you as an instrument of his Merciful Love and thank you for your fidelity to your vocation. Please continue to preach the truth fearlessly. God bless you!
I'm currently engaged and there were so many questions I had after the catholic marital classes with my Fiancé. After watching I feel more prepared and understand more. Thank you so much for uploading this! Please pray for my marriage Father ❤🙏God bless you!
Such a superb talk and done soooooooo sensitively. It made complete sense and hope all watching it have gained more, or bolstered their knowledge. God bless you Fr Chris.
And a talk done with so much passion and understanding. I may not agree 100% with what the Father says, or even understand completely 100%, but I will take it into my heart 100%
Thank you so much for this! We need more priests like you Father Chris teaching us what it means to truly live the Catholic faith. It’s an uncomfortable subject, but it definitely needs to be talked about. Thank you!
Wow - another huge milestone for you, Fr Chris! Congratulations on your 100th “Living the Faith” talk. The Holy Spirit had to be looking down upon you with a smile. In spite of this being a challenging talk, you spoke with compassion and sensitivity. Your love and care for us came across loud and clear. I found your closing words quite compelling - those who follow the will of God will have many blessings and graces poured upon them. Thank you for having the courage to always speak the truth, because it’s what we Catholics need to hear.
Thank you Fr Chris for your 100 Talks it meant a lot and brightened our day every Saturday. We salute you for always speaking the TRUTH. I know its difficult to explain about this subject but glad you did. Sharing this Talk to friends and relatives. Praying for you, your parents good health and family. Thank you Br Mark for assisting Fr Chris. Also, please pray for all of us. God bless you, your family MIC and everyone🙏❤️
Fr. Chris you are one of the only priests I know that has the courage to talk about these very difficult topics. Thank you for all the work you and your team put into preparing the detailed truth of our faith. The Explaining the Faith series has totally changed my life. God bless you and I will continue to pray for you and your family, and all the wonderful members of the Marian community!
One more priest to consider please! Fr Terrance Chartier of Franciscan friars in Bloomington Indiana. Boston native. I watch he and Fr Chris regularly.
Thank you Fr. Chris! I really needed to hear this..I’ve been married for 48 years and I’m struggling with this 😢Please pray 🙏🏽 for me and our marriage ❤
Thank you for this beautiful explanation on the Theology of the Body, Fr. Chris, it’s a very important subject to learn and live. The biblical and the church teachings you give are powerful guides for a spiritual change,to respect the body and save one’s soul. May the Holy Spirit open the minds and hearts of mankind, embrace the precious message and share it. We hope and pray that many people will respond in the most positive and loving way. God bless everyone.
Congratulations father Chris 😅 this was not an easy subject for anyone specially for you but you explained it with such sensitivity, never met a priest who would be willing to touch on this subject the way you have thank you for your bravery and always teaching us the truth God bless you. ❤❤❤
Welcome Strau ... That's so beautiful to hear ... God bless U sweetheart... My future bother in law is become A Catholic on the 17th May.... It's his choice he is Hindu ... God bless the world ... Amen 🙏
This is the most bright and useful video that i’ve been find on the topic. I ask to Jesus and to the Father and to Holy Mary to find the answers in this matter and that comes right after when I donated a symbolic tip to the Marians of the Immaculate Conception. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My brothers in Christ have Faith in Jesus and He Will NEVER leave you orphan.
Woow this has really help me father Chris Alar even though am not yet married.all this help me and my future Girl to get our Marriage Bed undefiled!! ❤😊
Amen to that Fr Chris. Thank you so much for this talk about Theology of the Body: Church Teaching on Sex. A lot of new generations doesn't know about this and finally, a very clear explanation. We don't hate the people, but we hate the sin. #GodSoLoveHisCreation #Philippines
Happy 💯 Episode!! I have been following you from the start of your lectures. Father Chris, you have made my Saturdays more joyful while walking my dogs or doing the laundry or dishes. Thank you 🙏 👏🙏👏🙏👏
It's with great pleasure to hear you back again Fr . CHRIS . Better is a little in the fear of God's harsh teaching than an abundant supply of confusion , and products without justice ⚖ in the system we live in . May God's Agape love ❤ multiply your 💯 ✖ 💯 more talks ahead of you .
Watched this a couple of days ago and oh my goodness! Why has this not been widely taught throughout the Church? At least in older teens and RCIA. As a new Catholic of 7 years I wish I had learned this many, many years ago.
Kids are so aware of the wrong ideas and are entering puberty so much earlier, which I think is related, that older teens is too late. I went thru puberty 3 years before my Mom, who was a doctor so neither ignorant nor naive, told me the "facts of life." I could have really gotten into a lot of trouble if I hadn't had an innate sense of modesty. Once puberty hits, you have to tell them about human sexuality or you run a big risk of becoming a young grandparent. Just do it with grace and tact as Fr. Chris did here.
Father you could not be explaining this in a more compassionate loving manner. Yes a lot of people are very confused but if people like you and several others don't hang in there and keep trying to sort this out and speak the truth, there'll be a lot more confused souls- so thank you much father Chris God bless you and all your work! You're awesome ☺️🌻✝️🙏
More Catholic couples need to see your video Fr. Alar! Catholic Marriages are in peril due to ignorance of their role and mission. Thank you and God Bless you Fr. Alar! ❤✝❤
Thank you, Fr Chris and for the Congregation of the Marian Fathers of the Divine Mercy!!! I was very excited and praised God that California should be having a formation for priests through the Marians! We so need them!! I will continue to pray, pray, pray, and offer up all I can for this to happen! All couples and singles need to listen and hear this teaching!
Thank you Father Chris from Australia. The speech on this subject would not have been easy for you, but it was well delivered, informative and enlightening. I would love to hear more priests tackling this subject for the sake of our Holy Catholic Church.
Wow, this is crazy timing (no coincidences with God!). I just heard about this topic for the first time this past week via Pints with Aquinas on TH-cam and I wanted to know more about it. Thanks for posting!!
Thank you Fr. Chris for sharing such a difficult but necessary topic! Please don't ever stop, I'd be lost without your guideance and support!! Many blessings to you and all those at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy!! God Bless and protect you all!!
Gabriela, I just got back from visiting Midlothian this week; it sure was HOT 🔥 down there! But I will say, you Texans sure know how to pour on the gracious hospitality!
Wonderful talk, Father Chris!! I was so appreciative in using NFP as contraceptive made me ill. God's will is the best. All couples should watch this...
I wish I heard this teaching earlier in my life, but I am grateful to hear this now! There is so much confusion in this World and teachings like this really brings peace and clarity ❤ Thank you very much once again Father Chris and all the Marian priests for your dedication in putting these teachings and videos together for all of us 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Godbless!! I love learning and knowing our Church’s teachings. We need these so very much now than ever before.
May God Bless you🙏🏻💙🙏🏻 Father Father Chris🙏🏻💙🙏🏻 for explaining this most difficult subject for us. We need to know how to fallow our Holy Catholic Church Teaching in our married life in our privacy too💞Thank you Father for your tireless work to saving our souls with your teachings & you do it wisely & decently🙏🏻💙🙏🏻
Fr Chris has made it abundantly clear that it is his job to save souls and he is working tirelessly doing just that. We are so blessed to be a part of this Marian family!
Yikes…I blushed & cringed 😬 hearing you teach us this dear Father Alar. Thank you Marian Fathers for stepping up the plate & all your sacrifices in tackling difficult & risky, dangerous issues. A soldier lays down his life for his country. Our Marian Fathers are thus soldiers & knights for our souls.
Congratulations on your 100th episode, Father Chris, and thank you for all your hard work in guiding us and helping us grow and be more engaged with our faith. Always praying for your spiritual and physical well-being. Looking forward to more learning videos. God bless!
Thank you Fr. Chris this Explaining the Faith looks good to see people in the National Shrine in Stockbridge MA i am so important but the mass tomorrow at 9:00 AM. I'm still praying for your family and you at the Divine Mercy. God bless your inspiring lecture.
Thank you for preaching the truth with such clarity and mercy, Father Chris. Honestly of all your most wonderful talks, this one makes me tear up with most. I’m so grateful to God for you.
Congratulations⛪ Father Crhris for the 100 th. explaning our Faith for us🙏🏻💙🙏🏻 tried to listen almost all of it. Learned a LOT thank you very much Father for teaching us 🙏🏻💙🙏🏻
A very meaningful talk! This should become a part of the pre wedding requirements. I will surely share this to my boys before they get to the point of engaging into any sexual relationships. Thank you so much Fr. Chris for you and your gift of preaching.
God keeps blessing you and your order, Father Chris. THANK YOU for such a hard to do, but beautifully clear and true of a lecture. This was like a closing of years of searching and questioning. You are a great espiritual father to us your spiritual children. I love you in Christ. Thank you, dad Chris.
@45:44-47:48 enslaved is exactly what happens to those addicted to pornography, you are immediately sucked into quicksand from what starts out as curiosity, they are desperate to overcome their attachment to this evil. I believe that about demons assigned to pornographic images. People who suffer from pornography addiction feel helpless, they urgently need our prayers.
Congratulations on your 100th episode/talk, Fr. Chris, and all the MIC brothers involved in your production! Thank you for all your hard work! All glory and praise to God for bringing all of you to us! God bless and may we have infinite number of talks from you.
Great to see you back, Fr. Chris, to doing what you love by giving these talks. You did a great job handling this sensitive topic and I learned a lot about the "why" of Church teaching on human sexuality. Thank you so much for putting your embarrassment aside in order to teach Truth.
God bless you, Fr. Chris, for having the courage to discuss this difficult topic for society and sometimes very difficult for you. God bless & strengthen you in your ministry.
After this talk, Fr Chris is the Patron Saint of Courage”. How many other priests are brave enough to not only address this topic, but to do so during a LIVE broadcasted event? Bravo, Fr Chris! 👏👏
Thank you so much Father Chris !! 100 th !! We need more priests like you Father Chris teaching us what it means to truly live the Catholic faith!!! God Bless you, and keeping you and all at MIC in my prayers!! You definitely have the Holy Spirit in you Father!!!
God bless you Fr Chris. You and the Marian Fathers are in my daily prayers. God has obviously found a new channel of evangelisation through you and this series. I have watched every single one of the 99 and shared many and am always looking out for your next. Thank you so very much Fr Chris for your effusive enthusiasm and obvious love for our faith. Your Marian Helper from Perth Western Australia.
Welcome Back,Fr Chris !! Always loved your "Explaining the Faith" talks we hope that this 100th talk,is only the beginning !! Cheers to many many more !!
I salute you Fr. Chris for teaching this very hard to talk topic. Thank you! I never knew this in my 51 yrs. of living this world. Sharing this to family and friends. God bless you always.🙏
Well done Fr Chris! I will have a teenager this week. June 16th my daughter will be 13. This talk and the way you communicate topics that are not always understood or easy to convey is just what I needed to hear today. Thank you and God Bless you always. 🌹
Father this is my first lecture I have heard from you. Thank you for equipping us with the knowledge to be successful inside and outside of our marriages. Everyone both in and out of the church should understand what has been said here and why it has been said.
An amazing talk Father Chris and a timely one at that , you have answered so many questions and given me clarity on this delicate subject , you explained it all Beautifully with a deep Sensitivity . You are very gifted and blessed father . Many prayres to you and all the Marian Fathers . I pray one day l may visit the Shrine of the Divine Mercy. God bless from Australia 🇦🇺 🙏 ❤️
Wowww....Father Chris ...Finally I am able to have a crystal clear reference about the so many concerns and confusion I have in my mind.Excellently presented and excellently explained.You are God's gift to humanity to give LIGHT and UNDERSTANDING to this confused HUMANITY.It is really true that the CATHOLIC CHURCH IS THE BEACON OF LIGHT in this time where wrong becomes right and right becomes wrong.Your Explaining the Faith episodes are like a refreshing water to a thirsty body.I hope someday you will become a Bishop so that through your teachings and guidance you will steer back humanity to the TRUTH and RIGHT PATH.You know Fr.Chris sometimes I am confused with this thing or this belief that I just have to refer back to one of your episodes ...and BAM... it's there... it hits me like a rock and in front of me says......HERE IS THE TRUTH....So amazing !!!!!!!! Thank you Father God bless you always together with Fr. Don Colloway and all of you there at the Divine Mercy Center.Kudos to you and keep up the good work ,God is always guiding you.
wow! Thank you Father Chris. You are very brave with all these issues. I wish all priests were very vocal like you. Thank you again and i really learned a lot from all your videos.
This was a hard one for me as someone who is going through conversion but something came to me and maybe someone else will see this. There are millions of children without parents God can and if it’s his will lead you to parenthood without natural conception if you are unable to naturally. Parenthood is a privilege, not a right and it’s part of Gods Mercy and he can use you to give that endless mercy to a displaced child.
4:16 I learned that to be true that we find more happiness in serving others lovingly than in wanting more. The more we get the more we want. It is a never ending self-feeding into a bottomless pit of selfishness even if we don't realize it at the time. But when you give of yourself, truly give, you focus more on the other person and even the smallest gratitude is like a ray of pure sunlit love shining into your soul. This .. is from personal experience. God is Good! God IS Love!
I'm recently returned to the faith, being chaste and hoping to marry soon. I was apprehensive about this talk then Fr Chris at 45:01 I audibly spit-laughed 😂 @ the Clown next door 😂😂😂 thank you for making these serious topics easy to digest and understand with a dose of good humour and light heartedness, I love learning from this series!
Wished U lived here in Australia... Knowing its a sin of what we spoke about ... I don't know if I can approach a priest or go to confession and talk about all this .... U are so down to earth ... U really make heaps of people I'm sure so relaxed and not embarrassed to approach U Fr Chris ... Thank U so much ....
As a Catholic Christian, I have strict religious views on sex. Meaning that premarital sex is strictly prohibited and no one should do it at all. And I also have strict religious views on same gender marriage and sex. Meaning no marriage of the same gender. Only marriage between male and female is only allowed.
This is an important topic and what I believe is a way to curb abortion is to have this in the schools that help the children understand the true meaning of Sex. Often it's what's available in the internet that is used to explore by the young experimental minds. Thank you Fr. Chris for this detailed explanation and for sharing the different insights.
#100!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO! I remember when you just started 🎉 🎂🎈 FATHER ALAR!!!!!! Simply awesome! YAYYYYYYYYY🎉🎊 🎉 Here’s to another 100 episodes🥳🥳!!!!! 💪💪💚💚☺️☺️🙏🏻🙏🏻🕯🕯🕊🕊
I love watching your videos. They helped tremendously in converting from Protestantism. My husband, myself and our 3 children just came into the church in April of this year! Thank you Fr. Chris! You have no idea what a blessing your videos have been.
AMAZING! Congratulations 🙏🏻
Heather, you’ve come to the right place to learn about your Catholic faith. Welcome!
Thank you Heather and God bless you
Congratulations and welcome 🙏...
God is beautiful 😍
Welcome into your heavenly earthly home 🙏
Thank you Fr. Chris I know this was not an easy talk but a most needed one. I wish more priests teach this. Especially in pre Cana. I am 63 years old and hearing a lot of this for the 1st time. Thank you many blessings.
Thank you Sandra for understanding our approach and God bless you!
It's easy when you love deeply, have mature lenses on your eyes that come from the soul where Jesus lives, and you want the truth out. Thank you for sharing what you did though. Yes, this should be taught ....but waaaay before pre-cana. Teens. Which is what I do because the preparing starts way before engagement if we want healthy relationships. Pass it on!
Yes, I hope to meet a good man as I approach two years of widowhood and am all alone. I have met a few men who were not looking for holy commitment and I had to say goodby. It isn't so much that I didn't know or believe these things, it is very hard to explain it in a way that doesn't make you look prudish and unavailable even after marriage. I'm old but I'm not dead. I want a mutually loving marriage and all that entails. If I do meet that special man, I am going to ask him to watch this video and discuss it with me at the proper time.
Sandra. I agree with you. I’m 65 & just learned this from my priest before he died. He said more people are in hell bc of their sexual sins than for any other reason
My husband said, “Well did you ask him which positions were ok.” I did not. And he got very shortly after our conversation so my husband didn’t get a chance to find out what activities were sinful. Sadly, Fr. Ralph died almost 5 yrs ago
Mine was at Basic training at Lackland AFB. Tx. The Chaplian said that the only " allowed" is if the Act could produce a pregnancy. Now 300 Airmen 18 to 24 yrs you were not going to be so Scholarly.
Thank you so much for all the clarification. I’ve been married for almost 20 years and we are expecting our 8th child and I fully admit that I’ve been confused with what is right and wrong. I’ve read up on these topics but I never felt totally confident in the findings. I know it’s a hard thing to talk about but it’s truth and it’s so important for families and marriages to survive. Thank you!
Thank you Bonnie for having an open heart to do God's will
@@DivineMercy_Official 🙏 I’m trying every day!
Bonnie, may God guide you through your pregnancy and delivery. Congratulations on #8!
@@tanyac.9005 thank you so much!!
I suggest that prior to marriage, an engaged couple watch this video. This is excellent and informative Father.
This has to come way before engagement. In the Bible, an engagement is actually a marital contract. Remember how Joseph wanted to give Mary a "bill of divorcement" even tho they had not yet consumated the marriage?
I live in Israel. My late husband was a Messianic Jew. The Orthodox way of getting married is still for the elders to get together and discuss good potential marriages. When they find suitable candidates of good moral character with goals consistent with Torah, they introduce the kids. The kids then talk about EVERYTHING, and keep in mind they are both virgins. If they like each other and agree on key issues, they agree to marry. Courtships are short to avoid temptation and the American/Hollywood idea of "falling in love" is not an issue. They simply love each other because their spirits are in union. They know they have found their "intended." This idea of dating to get to know somone, falling in love and then getting engaged is messed up and usually leads to heartbreak sooner or later. Find out all you can about a person BEFORE you decide to fall in love with them. If they aren't a friend you can trust with your life, they're not the right one.
Evelyn, that is an excellent idea. Maybe also suitable to high school juniors & seniors
@@Meira750 Both my husband and I were in our mom's wombs' at the same time, so we grew up together right up to our last high school year. However, enter adult life and we went our separate ways, but God had His way and at 22 years old, bearing in mind that he is 5 days older than me - we met, and we courted for awhile and got happily married - this is going for our 34th year! Our Dear Father God has blessed us with four children who are all grown-ups now...
Listening to Fr.. Alars talk together now, and refreshing our catechism.
Thank you Fr. Alar for the sound teachings of the wonderful faith God has left us with throughout the ages.
Blessings - from SA.
Thank you Father Chris! Such a sensitive and hard topic to speak about! I wish I learned all these teachings about 50 years ago! No one in the church ever spoke so bluntly as you have. God bless you and peace be with you! 🙏❤️🕊✝️⛪️💟😇
Thank you Catherine for taking the time to listen with an open heart. God bless you
I agree.
Fr Chris, I sincerely hope and pray that any negativity generated from this talk does not dampen your lively spirit. I remember the reaction you received following one of your previous talks and you came close to ending the series - I was almost in tears. When you speak of getting beat up by bad letters and being mis-quoted, remember the many lives you have changed and those of us who have grown in our faith because of you and your ministry. We must pray for those who disagree with the truth, asking God to soften and open their hearts to His Holy Will. We Marian Helpers continue to walk beside you as you bring Christ and His One Truth to the world. God bless you!
Thank you and God bless you
🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 amen
Thank you for this, Fr. Chris. This topic has been buried and denied to our detriment. Thank you for making yourself available for God to use you as an instrument of his Merciful Love and thank you for your fidelity to your vocation. Please continue to preach the truth fearlessly. God bless you!
Thank you for watching with us and God bless you
Very much needed video
on humam sexuality..
Thank Fr. Chris
I'm currently engaged and there were so many questions I had after the catholic marital classes with my Fiancé. After watching I feel more prepared and understand more. Thank you so much for uploading this! Please pray for my marriage Father ❤🙏God bless you!
Prayers for you
Such a superb talk and done soooooooo sensitively. It made complete sense and hope all watching it have gained more, or bolstered their knowledge. God bless you Fr Chris.
And a talk done with so much passion and understanding. I may not agree 100% with what the Father says, or even understand completely 100%, but I will take it into my heart 100%
@@ourladyofguadalupebotanica6732 😋 on
@@ourladyofguadalupebotanica6732 .
Thank you so much for this! We need more priests like you Father Chris teaching us what it means to truly live the Catholic faith. It’s an uncomfortable subject, but it definitely needs to be talked about. Thank you!
Wow - another huge milestone for you, Fr Chris! Congratulations on your 100th “Living the Faith” talk. The Holy Spirit had to be looking down upon you with a smile. In spite of this being a challenging talk, you spoke with compassion and sensitivity. Your love and care for us came across loud and clear. I found your closing words quite compelling - those who follow the will of God will have many blessings and graces poured upon them. Thank you for having the courage to always speak the truth, because it’s what we Catholics need to hear.
Thank you Tanya for joining us through all of these talks! Your input and you joining us mean a lot 😇
Great video, Fr. Alar. Do not stress about the email blowback you might get, you are teaching the Truth from the Church that God has left us.
Thank you Fr Chris for your 100 Talks it meant a lot and brightened our day every Saturday. We salute you for always speaking the TRUTH. I know its difficult to explain about this subject but glad you did. Sharing this Talk to friends and relatives. Praying for you, your parents good health and family. Thank you Br Mark for assisting Fr Chris. Also, please pray for all of us. God bless you, your family MIC and everyone🙏❤️
Thank you Florian for again helping us to share the message of our faith and God bless you!
Fr. Chris you are one of the only priests I know that has the courage to talk about these very difficult topics. Thank you for all the work you and your team put into preparing the detailed truth of our faith. The Explaining the Faith series has totally changed my life. God bless you and I will continue to pray for you and your family, and all the wonderful members of the Marian community!
God bless you and thank you Carol so much for taking the time to practice your faith with us. God bless you!
One more priest to consider please! Fr Terrance Chartier of Franciscan friars in Bloomington Indiana. Boston native.
I watch he and Fr Chris regularly.
@@Irelandgal Thank you, let's keep him in prayer
Fr. Chris, I am profoundly grateful to your presentation. It's the first time I hear a priest teach so deeply. Thank you Fr. Chris
Thank you and God bless you
Thank you Fr. Chris! I really needed to hear this..I’ve been married for 48 years and I’m struggling with this 😢Please pray 🙏🏽 for me and our marriage ❤
Thank you for this beautiful explanation on the Theology of the Body, Fr. Chris, it’s a very important subject to learn and live. The biblical and the church teachings you give are powerful guides for a spiritual change,to respect the body and save one’s soul. May the Holy Spirit open the minds and hearts of mankind, embrace the precious message and share it. We hope and pray that many people will respond in the most positive and loving way. God bless everyone.
Congratulations father Chris 😅 this was not an easy subject for anyone specially for you but you explained it with such sensitivity, never met a priest who would be willing to touch on this subject the way you have thank you for your bravery and always teaching us the truth God bless you. ❤❤❤
Thank you Alicia for staying with us and God bless you!
Thank you Father Chris for the talk. Im a nurse and helpful for my work.
100th episode!!! Woohoo!! Just became a Catholic in April (:
Welcome to the One and Only Church❣️
That's awesome, welcome!
Strau, you’ve come to the right place to learn about your faith as a new Catholic. Welcome!
Congratulations may God richly bless you today and all the days of your life
Welcome Strau ...
That's so beautiful to hear ...
God bless U sweetheart...
My future bother in law is become A Catholic on the 17th May....
It's his choice he is Hindu ...
God bless the world ...
Amen 🙏
This is the most bright and useful video that i’ve been find on the topic. I ask to Jesus and to the Father and to Holy Mary to find the answers in this matter and that comes right after when I donated a symbolic tip to the Marians of the Immaculate Conception. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. My brothers in Christ have Faith in Jesus and He Will NEVER leave you orphan.
Woow this has really help me father Chris Alar even though am not yet married.all this help me and my future Girl to get our Marriage Bed undefiled!! ❤😊
Amen to that Fr Chris. Thank you so much for this talk about Theology of the Body: Church Teaching on Sex. A lot of new generations doesn't know about this and finally, a very clear explanation. We don't hate the people, but we hate the sin. #GodSoLoveHisCreation #Philippines
Happy 💯 Episode!! I have been following you from the start of your lectures. Father Chris, you have made my Saturdays more joyful while walking my dogs or doing the laundry or dishes. Thank you 🙏 👏🙏👏🙏👏
Thank you for joining us and God bless you
It's with great pleasure to hear you back again Fr . CHRIS .
Better is a little in the fear of God's harsh teaching than an abundant supply of confusion , and products without justice ⚖ in the system we live in .
May God's Agape love ❤ multiply your 💯 ✖ 💯 more talks ahead of you .
Watched this a couple of days ago and oh my goodness! Why has this not been widely taught throughout the Church? At least in older teens and RCIA. As a new Catholic of 7 years I wish I had learned this many, many years ago.
Kids are so aware of the wrong ideas and are entering puberty so much earlier, which I think is related, that older teens is too late. I went thru puberty 3 years before my Mom, who was a doctor so neither ignorant nor naive, told me the "facts of life." I could have really gotten into a lot of trouble if I hadn't had an innate sense of modesty. Once puberty hits, you have to tell them about human sexuality or you run a big risk of becoming a young grandparent. Just do it with grace and tact as Fr. Chris did here.
@@Meira750 yes, you are correct.
Father you could not be explaining this in a more compassionate loving manner. Yes a lot of people are very confused but if people like you and several others don't hang in there and keep trying to sort this out and speak the truth, there'll be a lot more confused souls- so thank you much father Chris God bless you and all your work! You're awesome ☺️🌻✝️🙏
What an amazing teaching ! Thank you Fr Chris . You are a great gift to our Church.
Congratulations Father Chris. I have loved all your presentations. A 100 is quite a big achievement. God Bless you. ❤️🙏
More Catholic couples need to see your video Fr. Alar! Catholic Marriages are in peril due to ignorance of their role and mission. Thank you and God Bless you Fr. Alar! ❤✝❤
Thank you, Fr Chris and for the Congregation of the Marian Fathers of the Divine Mercy!!! I was very excited and praised God that California should be having a formation for priests through the Marians! We so need them!! I will continue to pray, pray, pray, and offer up all I can for this to happen! All couples and singles need to listen and hear this teaching!
Thank you Father Chris from Australia. The speech on this subject would not have been easy for you, but it was well delivered, informative and enlightening. I would love to hear more priests tackling this subject for the sake of our Holy Catholic Church.
Thank you Vic and God bless you for joining us
Wow, this is crazy timing (no coincidences with God!). I just heard about this topic for the first time this past week via Pints with Aquinas on TH-cam and I wanted to know more about it. Thanks for posting!!
Thank you for listening and God bless you
I've learned so much from the "Explaining the Faith" series, Fr. Chris, and received so many graces as a Marian Helper! Praise God for 100 episodes!
Thank you and God bless you!
Thank you Fr. Chris for sharing such a difficult but necessary topic! Please don't ever stop, I'd be lost without your guideance and support!! Many blessings to you and all those at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy!! God Bless and protect you all!!
Thank you Deborah and God bless you for taking the time to be with us!
TY Fr. Chris 🙏🙏🙏RIP Br. Leonard Konopka 🙏🎚memorial service replay at the Nat’l Shrine of St JP II livestream 🙏
Thank you so much for putting so much effort and love in this very important talk Fr Alar! God bless you!!
God bless you father thank you for speaking the truth 🙏 Much love and prayers from Texas 🇺🇸
Gabriela, I just got back from visiting Midlothian this week; it sure was HOT 🔥 down there! But I will say, you Texans sure know how to pour on the gracious hospitality!
Wonderful talk, Father Chris!! I was so appreciative in using NFP as contraceptive made me ill. God's will is the best. All couples should watch this...
I wish I heard this teaching earlier in my life, but I am grateful to hear this now! There is so much confusion in this World and teachings like this really brings peace and clarity ❤ Thank you very much once again Father Chris and all the Marian priests for your dedication in putting these teachings and videos together for all of us 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Godbless!! I love learning and knowing our Church’s teachings. We need these so very much now than ever before.
Thank you Father Chris. A difficult topic to present, but much needed today. 🙏🏽❤️
Thank you Father. This talk is so timely. I know this had to be hard for you. Thank you for your courage and love for your flock. God bless you!
May God Bless you🙏🏻💙🙏🏻 Father Father Chris🙏🏻💙🙏🏻 for explaining this most difficult subject for us. We need to know how to fallow our Holy Catholic Church Teaching in our married life in our privacy too💞Thank you Father for your tireless work to saving our souls with your teachings & you do it wisely & decently🙏🏻💙🙏🏻
Fr Chris has made it abundantly clear that it is his job to save souls and he is working tirelessly doing just that. We are so blessed to be a part of this Marian family!
Yikes…I blushed & cringed 😬 hearing you teach us this dear Father Alar.
Thank you Marian Fathers for stepping up the plate & all your sacrifices in tackling difficult & risky, dangerous issues.
A soldier lays down his life for his country. Our Marian Fathers are thus soldiers & knights for our souls.
Congratulations on your 100th episode, Father Chris, and thank you for all your hard work in guiding us and helping us grow and be more engaged with our faith. Always praying for your spiritual and physical well-being. Looking forward to more learning videos. God bless!
I haven't listened yet but am looking forward to listening now. So excited. Thank you Father Alar, God bless you!
Great work father alar. God bless
Wow, wow, wow what amazing talk. You are truly blessed father Chris. Thank you very much
God bless you
Thank you Fr. Chris this Explaining the Faith looks good to see people in the National Shrine in Stockbridge MA i am so important but the mass tomorrow at 9:00 AM. I'm still praying for your family and you at the Divine Mercy. God bless your inspiring lecture.
Excellent and most needed. All our Priest need to share this presentation especially to married couples.
Thank you for preaching the truth with such clarity and mercy, Father Chris. Honestly of all your most wonderful talks, this one makes me tear up with most. I’m so grateful to God for you.
Thank you Amy and God bless you for being with us
Congratulations⛪ Father Crhris for the 100 th. explaning our Faith for us🙏🏻💙🙏🏻 tried to listen almost all of it. Learned a LOT thank you very much Father for teaching us 🙏🏻💙🙏🏻
A very meaningful talk! This should become a part of the pre wedding requirements. I will surely share this to my boys before they get to the point of engaging into any sexual relationships. Thank you so much Fr. Chris for you and your gift of preaching.
God keeps blessing you and your order, Father Chris. THANK YOU for such a hard to do, but beautifully clear and true of a lecture. This was like a closing of years of searching and questioning.
You are a great espiritual father to us your spiritual children.
I love you in Christ. Thank you, dad Chris.
Thank you Cynthia and God bless you for taking the time to be with us!
@45:44-47:48 enslaved is exactly what happens to those addicted to pornography, you are immediately sucked into quicksand from what starts out as curiosity, they are desperate to overcome their attachment to this evil. I believe that about demons assigned to pornographic images. People who suffer from pornography addiction feel helpless, they urgently need our prayers.
Thank you For Chris. Amen
Congratulations on your 100th episode/talk, Fr. Chris, and all the MIC brothers involved in your production! Thank you for all your hard work! All glory and praise to God for bringing all of you to us! God bless and may we have infinite number of talks from you.
God bless you and thank you for watching!
Thank you Father Chris !! Spreading the word of our Soul !! 💐
Great to see you back, Fr. Chris, to doing what you love by giving these talks. You did a great job handling this sensitive topic and I learned a lot about the "why" of Church teaching on human sexuality. Thank you so much for putting your embarrassment aside in order to teach Truth.
Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us! God bless you
Fr Chris and Marian fathers are the wonderful gifts Hod give us Praise to God
This was amazing! I learnt so much and it was so beautifully and respectfully delivered. Thanks Fr Chris. You are truly helping me deepen my faith 🙏 ❤
Thank you for joining us Rebecca and God bless you
Thank you Fr. Chris for this hard topic and opening my eyes to what the church teaches. God bless you and all the Marian fathers.
Thank you for being with us Rachel and God bless you
God bless you, Fr. Chris, for having the courage to discuss this difficult topic for society and sometimes very difficult for you. God bless & strengthen you in your ministry.
After this talk, Fr Chris is the Patron Saint of Courage”. How many other priests are brave enough to not only address this topic, but to do so during a LIVE broadcasted event? Bravo, Fr Chris! 👏👏
@@tanyac.9005 We are truly blessed to have such a courageous priest ministering to us.
@@tanyac.9005 I agree with you on the Patron Saint of Courage.
Thank you Fr. Chris. You are a brave teacher. 🙏💜
🙏🏽 From Papua New Guinea. Praise be to God 🙏🏽
Thank you so much Father Chris !! 100 th !! We need more priests like you Father Chris teaching us what it means to truly live the Catholic faith!!! God Bless you, and keeping you and all at MIC in my prayers!! You definitely have the Holy Spirit in you Father!!!
God bless you Fr Chris. You and the Marian Fathers are in my daily prayers. God has obviously found a new channel of evangelisation through you and this series. I have watched every single one of the 99 and shared many and am always looking out for your next. Thank you so very much Fr Chris for your effusive enthusiasm and obvious love for our faith. Your Marian Helper from Perth Western Australia.
God bless you and thank you so much Christina for helping us spread the message of God's mercy!
This was very informative as a Christian. Absolutely love the information and truth coming from this. Thank you❤️
Thank you for watching with us and God bless you
Thank you for talking about homosexuality. That was such an excellent explanation of it. And thank you for your courage in speaking the truth.
Thank you for watching and God bless you
Welcome Back,Fr Chris !!
Always loved your "Explaining the Faith" talks we hope that this 100th talk,is only the beginning !!
Cheers to many many more !!
Congratulations on your 100th episode Fr Chris. Can't tell you how much I look forward to your teachings. Keeping you in my prayers, God bless!
Thank you and God bless you!
I salute you Fr. Chris for teaching this very hard to talk topic. Thank you! I never knew this in my 51 yrs. of living this world. Sharing this to family and friends. God bless you always.🙏
Thank you for sharing and God bless you
Well done Fr Chris! I will have a teenager this week. June 16th my daughter will be 13. This talk and the way you communicate topics that are not always understood or easy to convey is just what I needed to hear today. Thank you and God Bless you always. 🌹
God bless you and her
Thank you! I needed this lesson right now! God is truly good!
Father this is my first lecture I have heard from you. Thank you for equipping us with the knowledge to be successful inside and outside of our marriages. Everyone both in and out of the church should understand what has been said here and why it has been said.
Thank you for joining us Kevin and God bless you for taking the time to listen
All priests should follow your wonderful example fr chris, God bless you!
An amazing talk Father Chris and a timely one at that , you have answered so many questions and given me clarity on this delicate subject , you explained it all Beautifully with a deep Sensitivity . You are very gifted and blessed father .
Many prayres to you and all the Marian Fathers .
I pray one day l may visit the Shrine of the Divine Mercy.
God bless from Australia 🇦🇺 🙏 ❤️
God bless you and everyone in Australia Julie!
Thank you Fr Alar for this awesome episode. I really needed this and I'm hoping to dive deeper into this topic on my own. God bless!
Wowww....Father Chris ...Finally I am able to have a crystal clear reference about the so many concerns and confusion I have in my mind.Excellently presented and excellently explained.You are God's gift to humanity to give LIGHT and UNDERSTANDING to this confused HUMANITY.It is really true that the CATHOLIC CHURCH IS THE BEACON OF LIGHT in this time where wrong becomes right and right becomes wrong.Your Explaining the Faith episodes are like a refreshing water to a thirsty body.I hope someday you will become a Bishop so that through your teachings and guidance you will steer back humanity to the TRUTH and RIGHT PATH.You know Fr.Chris sometimes I am confused with this thing or this belief that I just have to refer back to one of your episodes ...and BAM... it's there... it hits me like a rock and in front of me says......HERE IS THE TRUTH....So amazing !!!!!!!! Thank you Father God bless you always together with Fr. Don Colloway and all of you there at the Divine Mercy Center.Kudos to you and keep up the good work ,God is always guiding you.
Thank you Cecilia and God bless you for watching
So happy your back! Praying for your Mom and family.
Thank you Becky and God bless you
wow! Thank you Father Chris. You are very brave with all these issues. I wish all priests were very vocal like you. Thank you again and i really learned a lot from all your videos.
Congratulations Fr Chris! 100th episode! Thank you for your dedication to feed the flock of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you Grace for joining us and God bless you
Thank you Fr. Chris Alar for this very informative topic.
Thanks for all you do!!!
God bless always!!!
Praise be Jesus!!!
Thank you Fr.Chris for the beautiful talk on a difficult subject. congratulations on your 100th presentation. I learnt a lot from you. God bless you.
Thank you Vigi and God bless
So valuable! Thank you Father Alar. This is so helpful. I will use this as a basis for teaching my children.
Thank you for sharing it and God bless you
Congratulations!! May God continue to use you.
You will always remember and love your first. So make your first your last.
Keep it up Fr. Chris. I am learning quite a lot from the Explaining the Faith series. Glory to God.
Thank you for joining us and God bless you
It's indeed the truth for our body is the temple of the Holy spirit.
This was a hard one for me as someone who is going through conversion but something came to me and maybe someone else will see this. There are millions of children without parents God can and if it’s his will lead you to parenthood without natural conception if you are unable to naturally. Parenthood is a privilege, not a right and it’s part of Gods Mercy and he can use you to give that endless mercy to a displaced child.
4:16 I learned that to be true that we find more happiness in serving others lovingly than in wanting more. The more we get the more we want. It is a never ending self-feeding into a bottomless pit of selfishness even if we don't realize it at the time. But when you give of yourself, truly give, you focus more on the other person and even the smallest gratitude is like a ray of pure sunlit love shining into your soul. This .. is from personal experience. God is Good! God IS Love!
thank you so much Fr. Chris, God bless you...
I'm recently returned to the faith, being chaste and hoping to marry soon. I was apprehensive about this talk then Fr Chris at 45:01 I audibly spit-laughed 😂 @ the Clown next door 😂😂😂 thank you for making these serious topics easy to digest and understand with a dose of good humour and light heartedness, I love learning from this series!
Thank you🙏🙏🙏
Wished U lived here in Australia...
Knowing its a sin of what we spoke about ...
I don't know if I can approach a priest or go to confession and talk about all this ....
U are so down to earth ...
U really make heaps of people I'm sure so relaxed and not embarrassed to approach U Fr Chris ...
Thank U so much ....
God bless you but please try to go to the sacrament of confession as it is so important. You are in our prayers
As a Catholic Christian,
I have strict religious views on sex. Meaning that premarital sex is strictly prohibited and no one should do it at all. And I also have strict religious views on same gender marriage and sex. Meaning no marriage of the same gender. Only marriage between male and female is only allowed.
This is an important topic and what I believe is a way to curb abortion is to have this in the schools that help the children understand the true meaning of Sex. Often it's what's available in the internet that is used to explore by the young experimental minds. Thank you Fr. Chris for this detailed explanation and for sharing the different insights.
Thank you Father I wish I would have heard this teaching years ago.
I remember when you just started 🎉 🎂🎈 FATHER ALAR!!!!!! Simply awesome!
Here’s to another 100 episodes🥳🥳!!!!!
Thank you Misty for staying with us and God bless you!
Glad to see you are back! Your teaching is so needed.