Maverick is so precious . He is learning so much on the farm. Yes he is just like River in many ways. Thank you for sharing your adventures. Good luck at the awards.
Great episode. I just love watching Maverick work on getting stuck and then pulling it out. His love for water and mud makes me smile Love the Smith’s 💜💜💜
I know I say it pretty much every time I make a comment...BUT, I could watch Maverick for hours, he's so entertaining. I can't wait to get my River shirt and bracelet..SO EXCITED about it...thank you for sharing and wishing you the best at the K-Love awards...I voted for your book...Love Hugs Happiness and Prayers...💗😇🙏🏻
Mav is so smart for someone of his age. He know what need to be completed to get his police car unstuck. I can watch him being a little boy all day long.
I'm not the type of person that aligns with you guys. I'm raised catholic but I don't go to mass anymore.. And don't really have any belief... I'm vegan.. So that doesn't work with Texas life.. But I love this family and each video gives me joy...and a reassurance that people are good..
Watching Maverick distracts me from what’s going on in the world today. The important things are being grateful and Mavi is always excited for rain and mud and his charged vehicles. 🚗 Country boy is on the right course!
May this Tuesday be a day of breakthroughs and answered prayers. May you experience God’s faithfulness and see His hand at work in your life. May your faith be strengthened as you witness His miracles unfold before your eyes. Have a Beautiful and Blessed evening/ day and week. See you next video. Stay safe and healthy. God Bless.
Granger and Amber, I just love watching Maverick! I'd do the same in the rain when I was little. Maverick brightens my day. Really enjoyed your video. Love y'all and God Bless!❤️❤️
So I went and ordered my River shirt and didn’t finalize my order. I decided this was something I would do every year and the second year I messed it up. I would be so grateful if you brought them back❤ Love supporting your beautiful family! God bless you all🙏
Granger, i just wanted to let you know that i had bought your book last year, and just before i bought it, my son's best friend's dad had unfortunately taken his own life and when i bought the book i read it and straight away gave it to my beautiful friend so she could read it. The book healed alot in me i didnt know needed healing and it has also done the same to her and also helped her to understand a little more why her husband chose the route that he did. Thank you for writing such an inspiring book ❤
Little Mav is sweet. I could watch his little adventures all day long. I love how he repeats Granger!! He like “mud dogs, tractors and trailers”. lol Such a sweet family!!! ❤
I can't wait to see Granger on the K-Love FanAward Ceremony on May 31st on TBN, I believe. It's truly amazing how God has brought Granger to a new Award Ceremony. London's channel was so fun, when she was sharing glimpses of this event. Mavy backing up is 🔥. Thank you, Johnny, for fixing the other gator.
Watching Maverick distracts me from what’s going on in the world today. The important things are being grateful and Mavi is always excited for rain and mud and his charged vehicles. 🚗 Country boy is on the right course! Watching Dads with their sons is beautiful. YeeYee❤
I could watch Maverick and your family all day long. He's so smart that he knew exactly what to do to get his police car unstuck 😊 He will be running his own Yee Yee farm pretty soon 😉 I love the conversations he has with you and Granger and his love for animals. Thank you for sharing the word and your lives with us. I've been following your family now for a few years and always look forward to your videos putting a smile on my face, making me laugh, and even cry right along with you sometimes. Your family is always real and raw and many of us like that about you and we can relate. May God bless you and your family always 🥰🙌🥰🙌🥰
I love watching Maverick play. He's so funny. I remember when my son Brett was his age. Just full of life❤❤ Congratulations to Granger on the nomination for his book❤🎉
I would love an OG River shirt release. I have them all but I don't mind ordering them again, anything to support the River Kelly Fund & my OG River shirt ( the very 1st one) is faded from wearing & washing it.
I love watching Maverick! He is so smart and so stinking cute. I love the Grainger’s so much! Thank you for sharing your life and for sharing the gospel.
I love watching him be free and loving life ! I have asked this before but why isn’t the other children being filmed that much I love watching the whole family together and don’t see that any more
Mav is such a beautiful little boy Amber. God has been so gracious to you for giving you this special boy. I know he doesn't replace River but the joy and comfort and love that Mav brings. He is so free and blessed having the best life any child could have.
Love how Mavy loves the mud and rain and calls it Mud Dog! So adorable! Great backing up with his gator too! Impressive! 😁😀 Yep, he loves all things boy, that's for sure! 🥰 And as far as being naked on the farm, I think that's a requirement for him! 😆
Oh my RIVER is def a part of mav he is living life for River the watch him on the gators he is a busy boy!!!! He sure takes care of mama!!! ❤❤❤❤❤ i missed the first river shirt and would love that!!!
Amber I think I have all the shirts ,but that would be awesome to bring back all the 1st to present. I have to say I had t Tex one on live like Riv and a kid said I love your shirt and the mom said isn’t that Granger and Amber son Shirt. I said yes. Granger so happy for your award. Congratulations 🎉 Love Y ‘all ❤️💗❤️💗❤️❤️✝️🙏🦋🎈YEEYEE
I just purchased Like a River today. I wasn't able to get one of River's shirt. If you get anymore made i would love to buy one. Love you all. God bless your family 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Yes! Do a OG release with all of the River Shirts! I missed a bunch because I didn't have the funds but I so want all of them!! Also I wish they were available all the time as well! But for sure I'd love a release of all of them! And I wouldn't be opposed to 2 times a year!
I get the greatest fun looking at this little boy on his Gator flying his way around, seeing him pull the police car like a real tow truck, he sure is a smart little guy, he amazes me every time on the property, just love him,he sure makes this 79yr old nana, Maverick you make this nana very happy, love you, young man.. God bless his little heart🙏
I would love for you to do the OG release. I don’t have any of the River shirts as I was not able to afford them until now. I missed this years due to a death in my family. I’m just now getting caught up on the Smith’s videos. I was so excited to get one this year and I missed it.
I love this age ! When they are still learning, trying to repeat words that we just said, things they want to do, things that we think they won’t want to do, but they love doing ?! Like you said, he was alread❤ wet, but now he needs rain boots.
Maverick is very smart boy and he love to learning about everything, life, more to see nature's and loves driving 2 toy tractors and police car that fantastic video!😉🤟🎶🎸🦋🐝🌲👋❤️🌷
Like a River helped me realize that losing my daughter at 2 months wasn't my fault. I can't say thank you Granger enough..
He backs up better than most adults! Good job buddy!
100%! He could teach a few adults how to do it! This video could be a tutorial for some on how to back up
I’m one those adults, I’m a lousy backer.
I absolutely love that Maverick said “Thank you Johnny” without even being prompted by Mama. What a sweet, sweet soul❣️
Maverick is so precious . He is learning so much on the farm. Yes he is just like River in many ways. Thank you for sharing your adventures. Good luck at the awards.
What a man! He's gonna be able to take care of his own farm at 12!
No need to feel strange. Granger’s book has helped many. God is blessing your family.
this is how all children should live. Free to run wild, discover nature and get dirty.
That little one is a very busy boy ❤ Mavy is so smart and you all must be proud 😊
Yes do an OG release of the old river shirts I would love that !
Aww, Mavy so excited about his new Gator. That was the cutest thing today. God Bless ❤
Great episode. I just love watching Maverick work on getting stuck and then pulling it out. His love for water and mud makes me smile
Love the Smith’s 💜💜💜
That kids is soooo dang smart! Kid can do anything he sets his mind to.
Maverick is so smart. Loved watching him maneuver the gator.
I know I say it pretty much every time I make a comment...BUT, I could watch Maverick for hours, he's so entertaining. I can't wait to get my River shirt and bracelet..SO EXCITED about it...thank you for sharing and wishing you the best at the K-Love awards...I voted for your book...Love Hugs Happiness and Prayers...💗😇🙏🏻
Hey maverick a kid video camera and let him show us his POV :)
What a wonderful life Granger.
An OG of all the Live Like Riv shirts would be awesome! Bless you all!! 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️
I agree. We missed some and would love the chance to have them all.
Also agree!! there are some I missed the deadline on as well. It would be great to go back and get them. Can't wait til this year's shirt arrives ♥
What a great way for a kid to grow up! Brings back memories. Yee Yee
Mav is so smart for someone of his age. He know what need to be completed to get his police car unstuck. I can watch him being a little boy all day long.
Beautiful family
I'm not the type of person that aligns with you guys. I'm raised catholic but I don't go to mass anymore.. And don't really have any belief...
I'm vegan.. So that doesn't work with Texas life..
But I love this family and each video gives me joy...and a reassurance that people are good..
Watching Maverick distracts me from what’s going on in the world today. The important things are being grateful and Mavi is always excited for rain and mud and his charged vehicles. 🚗 Country boy is on the right course!
Great video. He's gonna have such fun stuff to look back on when he gets older.
May this Tuesday be a day of breakthroughs and answered prayers. May you experience God’s faithfulness and see His hand at work in your life. May your faith be strengthened as you witness His miracles unfold before your eyes. Have a Beautiful and Blessed evening/ day and week. See you next video. Stay safe and healthy. God Bless.
Granger and Amber, I just love watching Maverick! I'd do the same in the rain when I was little. Maverick brightens my day. Really enjoyed your video. Love y'all and God Bless!❤️❤️
So I went and ordered my River shirt and didn’t finalize my order. I decided this was something I would do every year and the second year I messed it up. I would be so grateful if you brought them back❤ Love supporting your beautiful family! God bless you all🙏
New subscribers. God bless you and your family. Thanks for sharing your story and family with the world.🙏🏾❤️
Granger, i just wanted to let you know that i had bought your book last year, and just before i bought it, my son's best friend's dad had unfortunately taken his own life and when i bought the book i read it and straight away gave it to my beautiful friend so she could read it. The book healed alot in me i didnt know needed healing and it has also done the same to her and also helped her to understand a little more why her husband chose the route that he did. Thank you for writing such an inspiring book ❤
Little Mav is sweet. I could watch his little adventures all day long. I love how he repeats Granger!! He like “mud dogs, tractors and trailers”. lol
Such a sweet family!!! ❤
Maverick is an awesome little boy. He as daring as they come, but with a heart of gold. Thank you for sharing him with us.
When Maverick spun that gator around I cracked up!!! AND then... his backing up skills.... and his PERCEPTION of backing up.... WOW.
Smart little boy, he must have remembered Daddy getting pulled out of the mud and wanted to copy daddy. He is living the life for sure.
I can't wait to see Granger on the K-Love FanAward Ceremony on May 31st on TBN, I believe. It's truly amazing how God has brought Granger to a new Award Ceremony. London's channel was so fun, when she was sharing glimpses of this event.
Mavy backing up is 🔥. Thank you, Johnny, for fixing the other gator.
I love the way Maverick smelled each flower before he gave them to you Amber.
You and Granger are the best parents. And your little boy… What a blessing… He’s just like his big brothers River and Lincoln…
London is so awesome.
LOVE IT!!! Mavs is 100% a country boy❤❤❤
This was a remarkable episode ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Watching Maverick distracts me from what’s going on in the world today. The important things are being grateful and Mavi is always excited for rain and mud and his charged vehicles. 🚗 Country boy is on the right course! Watching Dads with their sons is beautiful. YeeYee❤
That Maverick is such a little muffin!
I'm imagining the look on the persons face that will be with Maverick when he takes his driving test! 😄 So smart & so cute! ❤
ive missed all the designs except the newest river tee!! I love watching y'alls channel! maverick is adorable!
I got 2 shirts and bracelets. I would love to get a package of all the old designs. Especially for the freedom club members.
I could watch Maverick and your family all day long. He's so smart that he knew exactly what to do to get his police car unstuck 😊 He will be running his own Yee Yee farm pretty soon 😉 I love the conversations he has with you and Granger and his love for animals. Thank you for sharing the word and your lives with us. I've been following your family now for a few years and always look forward to your videos putting a smile on my face, making me laugh, and even cry right along with you sometimes. Your family is always real and raw and many of us like that about you and we can relate. May God bless you and your family always 🥰🙌🥰🙌🥰
I love watching Maverick play. He's so funny. I remember when my son Brett was his age. Just full of life❤❤ Congratulations to Granger on the nomination for his book❤🎉
Maverick is the most capable 2 yr old I know of!! He’s so smart. It’s amazing to me to watch him!!
Yes please release the OG Riv shirts!!!
Maverick is a go getter. Such a blessing to y'all. He so smart and happy.
I know granger is done touring to do the noblest of things possible but when can we be lucky enough to hear A new song even every once in a while?
We would love an OG River shirt launch!! We love that they come in toddler sizes!
Oh we would LOVE an opportunity for more Riv shirt designs! Love that idea
Thanks for sharing Maverick with us.. all kids need to get out and enjoy the outdoors like he does!
Holy crap that thing is fast! He's going to be a racer. Oh to be innocent and free . Very smart little boy!
Mavi is definitely going to be your "wild" child... totally unafraid. I'm praying for you. 🙏🥰 That was better "backing up" than most teenagers. 🤣
I would love an OG River shirt release. I have them all but I don't mind ordering them again, anything to support the River Kelly Fund & my OG River shirt ( the very 1st one) is faded from wearing & washing it.
I was so upset I was a day late to get my River shirt. I’ve gotten it every year and missed it so I would love a chance to get it. ❤️
I love watching Maverick! He is so smart and so stinking cute. I love the Grainger’s so much! Thank you for sharing your life and for sharing the gospel.
Thanks for sharing. Mav is precious! He has an adventurous spirit like his Dad. Blessings
I love watching him be free and loving life ! I have asked this before but why isn’t the other children being filmed that much I love watching the whole family together and don’t see that any more
It would be amazing if you guys would bring back all the liv like riv shirts! Can never have enough of them! They are amazing!!!!
Mav is such a beautiful little boy Amber. God has been so gracious to you for giving you this special boy. I know he doesn't replace River but the joy and comfort and love that Mav brings. He is so free and blessed having the best life any child could have.
Love how Mavy loves the mud and rain and calls it Mud Dog! So adorable! Great backing up with his gator too! Impressive! 😁😀 Yep, he loves all things boy, that's for sure! 🥰 And as far as being naked on the farm, I think that's a requirement for him! 😆
We need more day in the life with Mavy
Ho my goodness Mav is soo like river ❤🙏🏻🥰🇬🇧
Always love when we get sweet Mavvy vids. I voted for the book, hope you win but if nothing else it will expose more people to the book.
Maverick is a little hoot 😂 ornery like our youngest haha. Cute!! We’re in the country too, four wheelers and all. On 15 acres. 🌳 🌲
Oh my RIVER is def a part of mav he is living life for River the watch him on the gators he is a busy boy!!!! He sure takes care of mama!!! ❤❤❤❤❤ i missed the first river shirt and would love that!!!
Oh my watching Mav and his big smile made me happy!! The big thank you so sweet!!!! ❤❤ I so enjoyed this video. He’s a smart guy😊
Yes. Would love to buy a shirt. I missed the deadline as well
Amber I think I have all the shirts ,but that would be awesome to bring back all the 1st to present.
I have to say I had t Tex one on live like Riv and a kid said I love your shirt and the mom said isn’t that Granger and Amber son Shirt. I said yes.
Granger so happy for your award. Congratulations 🎉
Love Y ‘all ❤️💗❤️💗❤️❤️✝️🙏🦋🎈YEEYEE
I just purchased Like a River today. I wasn't able to get one of River's shirt. If you get anymore made i would love to buy one. Love you all. God bless your family 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Yes! Do a OG release with all of the River Shirts! I missed a bunch because I didn't have the funds but I so want all of them!! Also I wish they were available all the time as well! But for sure I'd love a release of all of them! And I wouldn't be opposed to 2 times a year!
Look at the butterflies ❤❤
I wasn’t having a good day, but seeing Maverick always puts a smile on my face.
The way Mav whipped that new gator around was wild 🤣 kid was born to drive 🏎️
Thank you for sharing these special moments. It’s always a joy watching Mav❤
Little Maverick's so grounded to the Earth. Stay barefoot little man!
Yesss please do the OG release! I have missed more than I wish to admit!
God bless The Smiths.
I would like to purchase the 1st one again, the white one. It was my favorite and mine got ruined in an unfortunate incident.
Sweet chicken Diamond is!! We could use an update on your new Nephew! He has to be getting big!
I get the greatest fun looking at this little boy on his Gator flying his way around, seeing him pull the police car like a real tow truck, he sure is a smart little guy, he amazes me every time on the property, just love him,he sure makes this 79yr old nana, Maverick you make this nana very happy, love you, young man..
God bless his little heart🙏
I would definitely love an OG launch!
Your son is adorable!
Maverick is a little hoot 😂 ornery like our youngest haha. Cute!!
I would love for you to do the OG release. I don’t have any of the River shirts as I was not able to afford them until now. I missed this years due to a death in my family. I’m just now getting caught up on the Smith’s videos. I was so excited to get one this year and I missed it.
This the Best! ❤thank you for sharing ❤️ 😊
I’d love to get an old Riv shirt!❤
YES, please do the OG release!
im obsessed with him he's so smart and cute!!
I love this age ! When they are still learning, trying to repeat words that we just said, things they want to do, things that we think they won’t want to do, but they love doing ?! Like you said, he was alread❤ wet, but now he needs rain boots.
Oh my, this kid is a hoot
fast and camo😂😂😂 then naked cop😂😂😂 then two rivers ❤❤❤ thanks for sharing.... YEE YEE
I’d love an OG release!
"Thank you, Johnny" haha so sweet. I wish he would put a helmet on though, he makes me so nervous lol
Maverick is very smart boy and he love to learning about everything, life, more to see nature's and loves driving 2 toy tractors and police car that fantastic video!😉🤟🎶🎸🦋🐝🌲👋❤️🌷
I would love a second chance to purchase past designs, thanks!
Would love an OG release!
I would LOVE to see an OG release for the River Fund shirt.
My sons office is in Raleigh. They live about a half hour away in Clayton.
Yes please do an OG! I hate I missed this last one!