Liason 3/19/01 - Take Your Gloves and Go

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 49

  • @robertbrown1826
    @robertbrown1826 5 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Liz wanted Jason but felt obligated to Lucky.

  • @sschu25319
    @sschu25319 12 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    i love the line you can't keep following me telling how you love someone else, doesn't that say it all.

  • @rhon715
    @rhon715 8 ปีที่แล้ว +47

    I am a Liason fan, but man Liz's wishy-washiness gets really annoying. I hate that the writers always wrote her that way.

    • @jasoncarly
      @jasoncarly 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      rhon715 yes her wishy washiness is what got on my nerves. I was down for them early on but since Sam I am over it now. if she had of made up her mind way back when I would have been a liason fan but now I am a Jasam fan and there is no going back for me. but since BM took over neither JaSam or Liason are the same so I really don't care anymore but I am enjoying these old Liason clips. I remember these scenes like yesterday. I just got sick of the years of push /pull. 2001 2002 was their year but the writers screwed it up and once Jasam started after Journey which I wasn't really into that much cause I did want Liz and Jason before that , I was over liason but I admire you liason fans cause I am a diehard Sonny and Brenda fan so I know how you all feel up against the jasam fans cause I can't stand the Carson fans lol

    • @gwenmarie7311
      @gwenmarie7311 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Exactly!!! They make her seem helpless. I don't like that. And General Hospital Know better than this. Put a little Charlie Baltimore in her. Thats all ready in her waiting to come out. Thats why she is attracted to Jason. She has more in common with him than we realize. They need to write better for this couple.

  • @bellanton12
    @bellanton12 12 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    I think that your comment is right on the mark, the whole Lucky coming back from the dead really threw everyone for a loop and Elizabeth had spent so much time wishing for him not to be dead and she really didn't know what to do with all of that. Jason did not know how to express himself very well he was always the follower in a the relationship with Robin and kinda followed her lead and this was different. Elizabeth did not know what to do with her feelings for him. It drove us fans CRAZY.

  • @marymiller4494
    @marymiller4494 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Jason to Elizabeth... "I let you drive sometimes" with his half smile he gets when he looks or thinks of Elizabeth. The writers really messed this up by bringing Lucky back and making Elizabeth feel she was so indebted to Lucky she couldn't take what was right in front of her in Jason. They could've been soap opera gold. Steve Burton had it right... The greatest love story never told.

  • @denise3511
    @denise3511 11 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    I miss this Jason. He said what was on his mind. No matter what. I love Liz but she really needed to stop running back and forth

    • @gwenmarie7311
      @gwenmarie7311 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      They all was young. Smh!!! Very young

  • @gwenmarie7311
    @gwenmarie7311 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Oh i see she has always loved Jason. She loved lucky but not like she loves Jason.She has been being Someone who she is not. Trying to please other people. But deep down she is a rebel.

  • @angelamorales2118
    @angelamorales2118 6 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Liz and jason storyline was good and well written i miss them in scenes together as friends then it turns into more it was good,cute,sweet,nice,hot and much more between them even now

  • @LauraRyan2007
    @LauraRyan2007 8 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    He was trying to kiss her finally!

  • @angiechambless1092
    @angiechambless1092 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    It's understandable. She has been deeply in love with Lucky. She suffered a great loss when she thought he was dead. She fell in love with Jason. Now she is confused, and feels obligated to Lucky. If she only had a crystal ball, she jump into Jason's arms and never look back.

  • @ghfan51184
    @ghfan51184 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    This clip made me really sad at how Elizabeth has always done things for everyone else because she was always afraid of letting people down instead of doing the right thing for her. I’m not condoning when she lied to Drew/Jason about his identity, but I could actually see why for one she wanted to do the selfish thing and do it she wanted and be with the one person she always wanted to be with when they all thought Drew was Jason. I can’t believe how toxic Elizabeth and Lucky’s relationship was even starting from 2000 to 2001.

  • @Moldbreaker
    @Moldbreaker 12 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    this storyline was good but hard to watch. the writing helped elizabeth but i agree she was grating on my nerves. if she told jason she loved lucky one more time i was gonna duck tape her mouth shut. I'm glad jason was hard on her. she deserved it. but yeah the chemistry and angst was addicting.

  • @dorothylindsey5175
    @dorothylindsey5175 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Brock I liked this episode too. I hope Jordan comes back. Loved the scene with her and Curtis.

  • @sschu25319
    @sschu25319 12 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    liz really hurt jason during this time, it's so sad she couldn't tell him what he wanted to hear and he couldn't tell her everything he was feeling.

  • @sbfonz
    @sbfonz 8 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    Jasam fans have to realize that the underlying love Jason & Elizabeth have is so real, it always has been. For many stupid reasons Elizabeth has consistently kept her pattern of allowing her fears to stop her from being with Jason. After yrs of this Jason has realized that he will never completely have Elizabeth because he knows her fears & she has convinced him of that & because he loves her deeply he lets her go. She is what he truly wants but cannot have so he settles for someone who can accept the danger so he won't be alone. He settles for second best.
    Everytime their lives find their way back to each other.
    l miss Steve Burton!
    U can't replace 21yrs he spent playing the role of Jason.

    • @LauraRyan2007
      @LauraRyan2007 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I couldn't have said it better myself!

    • @sbfonz
      @sbfonz 8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Thank u for agreeing with me.
      I like Billy Miller, but STEVE BURTON is the only Jason really for me. I've watch him since his first day on GH 1991. I liked him as Jason Q & really loved him as Jason Morgan because he still had that good heart & only hurt the ones who deserved it. Alot of people think Sam is his true loved, but their wrong. No matter how long time goes by & no matter who they may be with Jason keeps Elizabeth close to his heart. What I mean is this: Jason will protect her at any cost, won't stop until he finds her to save her from danger. He asked her 3 times to marry him, Elizabeth said yes, but got scared when lil Jake was kidnapped. he was devastated once again. He only took Sam back after being broken up for 4yrs because she could deal with his lifestyle & Jason didn't want to be alone anymore. Sam wouldn't leave him alone. She always showed up at Jason's Penthouse.
      Jason's true love is Elizabeth & Elizabeth's true love is Jason.
      Elizabeth lied, which was wrong, but if u remember her fears then u can understand why ... Elizabeth wanted Jason not to return to his old mobster life then she could be with him without fear of danger to her boys, NO CARLY, & SAM BARGING IN WHEN THEY PLS. I under Elizabeth & have compassion for her. She wanted her happy ever after finally with Jason.
      The roads always lead them back to each other ... SOONER OR LATER.
      GH was stupid for letting Steve Burton go, they should have resigned him, but they didn't. It's GH's loss & Y&R'S gain. There are 4 ex Gh actors now on Y&R. The ratings for Y&R have gone up since Steve Burton, Tristan Rogers, Kelly Sullivan, & Jason Thompson joined their cast.
      I wish Steve Burton would return to GH. I MISS THE REAL JASON MORGAN/JASON QUARTERMAINE.
      Aloha :)

    • @sbfonz
      @sbfonz 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank u for agreeing with me.
      I like Billy Miller, but STEVE BURTON is the only Jason really for me. I've watch him since his first day on GH 1991. I liked him as Jason Q & really loved him as Jason Morgan because he still had that good heart & only hurt the ones who deserved it. Alot of people think Sam is his true loved, but their wrong. No matter how long time goes by & no matter who they may be with Jason keeps Elizabeth close to his heart. What I mean is this: Jason will protect her at any cost, won't stop until he finds her to save her from danger. He asked her 3 times to marry him, Elizabeth said yes, but got scared when lil Jake was kidnapped. he was devastated once again. He only took Sam back after being broken up for 4yrs because she could deal with his lifestyle & Jason didn't want to be alone anymore. Sam wouldn't leave him alone. She always showed up at Jason's Penthouse.
      Jason's true love is Elizabeth & Elizabeth's true love is Jason.
      Elizabeth lied, which was wrong, but if u remember her fears then u can understand why ... Elizabeth wanted Jason not to return to his old mobster life then she could be with him without fear of danger to her boys, NO CARLY, & SAM BARGING IN WHEN THEY PLS. I under Elizabeth & have compassion for her. She wanted her happy ever after finally with Jason.
      The roads always lead them back to each other ... SOONER OR LATER.
      GH was stupid for letting Steve Burton go, they should have resigned him, but they didn't. It's GH's loss & Y&R'S gain. There are 4 ex Gh actors now on Y&R. The ratings for Y&R have gone up since Steve Burton, Tristan Rogers, Kelly Sullivan, & Jason Thompson joined their cast.
      I wish Steve Burton would return to GH. I MISS THE REAL JASON MORGAN/JASON QUARTERMAINE.
      Aloha :)

    • @sbfonz
      @sbfonz 8 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I agree with you too. Jasam fans don't understand Elizabeth. Jason was upset she lied about Danny & his true identity, but she fell in love with Jake Doe first, thought Jason was dead, & then found out he was alive. she never lied to Jason before & if she did she would admit her faults & Jason forgave her every time. Elizabeth was desperate!
      I want SB to come back & the writers to put them back together finally. I have to admit I love Jonathan Jackson as Lucky Spencer, I hated the other 2 actors who played Lucky the 10
      yrs he was gone. I'm glad he came back in 2009-2012. He's an awesome actor, & I'm glad he's on Nashville.
      Take care.

    • @jasoncarly
      @jasoncarly 7 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      sbfonz I am a Jasam fan but I can see the underlying love there. see I was a liason fan early on but the back and forth and Liz indecisiveness got on my nerves. I was mad when they decided to put him with Courtney the year liason really was kicking off but once Sam came in the picture I was over it. Jason finally finally found a woman who was not afraid to love Him period and he deserved that but then Liz came back in the picture and I got pissed. he was happy with Sam and the writers screwed them over by having them act out of character for liason. that is why I am not a fan. if you gotta go through that much trouble, destroy a character for a couple then there is no point. I know how you all feel cause I am a diehard Sonny and Brenda fan up against Carson fans.

  • @blackpanter9572
    @blackpanter9572 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    wish they would have followed through with this pairing. When jonathan Jackson came back is when the real lucky should have came into the picture. Oh snap that would have won them all emmys.

  • @redawnd6683
    @redawnd6683 6 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    The good ole days

  • @beegee1960
    @beegee1960 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I guess Jason leaves his door unlocked because he has nothing of value in it.

  • @sandrajohnson4778
    @sandrajohnson4778 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Elizabeth was a coward minus a spine……and a real yo-yo.

  • @leydenpennycook
    @leydenpennycook 8 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Here we go again with the I love u, but I'm afraid and confused. Honestly I just want to grab Liz and shake her and make her realize the big mistake she's making. Ugh! This need to hold on to Lucky would have made sense with the old Lucky but with this new whiny, petulant Lucky it was ridiculous. She was obviously in love with a memory cause the Lucky that came back to her was not the man she had loved. In holding on to the past she denied herself future happiness. How unfortunate!

    • @nw6866
      @nw6866 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      They pretty much have her fight for everyone but Jason.

  • @sschu25319
    @sschu25319 12 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    If as Jasam fans like to believe they were always just friends why would it bother him that she keeps telling him she loves someone else, friends are supportive, he can't hear irt because he loves her and it hurts too much to hear that.

  • @7srchoed
    @7srchoed 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    the acting from the guy playing Lucky alone in Jason's room is crinceworthy. So awkward.

  • @rosanneperkins9516
    @rosanneperkins9516 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Why are you living your life for someone else, because I love him.. My you can tell how young Elizabeth is here, it’s sad for anyone to live their life for someone else

  • @sandrajohnson4778
    @sandrajohnson4778 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Why are these women so whinny and indecisive?

  • @michelleheintzman9544
    @michelleheintzman9544 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    She's playing Jason, Jason is her go-to guy when she needs an esteem boost

  • @pattygarcia3504
    @pattygarcia3504 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    When he says lizabeth what a freak

  • @131986zm
    @131986zm 12 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    i hate elizabeth here
    stop breaking jason

    • @angelamorales2118
      @angelamorales2118 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Andy she is a good actress but she did hurt Jason, nikoles, lucky

    • @MysticAngels_
      @MysticAngels_ 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Andy shut up

  • @dedastevens-mx8ys
    @dedastevens-mx8ys ปีที่แล้ว +3

    My least favorite Lucky!

  • @pattygarcia3504
    @pattygarcia3504 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Did they not have door locks on those upstairs apartments

  • @muertos2975
    @muertos2975 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    their friendship/relationship is complete boring like sam and drew