monitor (at every part you said ‘monitor’, also pronounced: maa-nuh-tr), rang (you said ring, instead of ‘rang’ at 4:50), startling (at 4:51, also pronounced: staar-tuh-luhng), life-sized (you said ‘life-sound’ at 5:17), and statue (at 3:21, also pronounced: sta-choot). (the only things i heard you mis-pronounced, might be wrong tho >_
so relaxing
5:19 life-sized is wrong
5:16 is a better time to hear it actually
Karmers and maybe monitor the first two times
monitor (at every part you said ‘monitor’, also pronounced: maa-nuh-tr), rang (you said ring, instead of ‘rang’ at 4:50), startling (at 4:51, also pronounced: staar-tuh-luhng), life-sized (you said ‘life-sound’ at 5:17), and statue (at 3:21, also pronounced: sta-choot). (the only things i heard you mis-pronounced, might be wrong tho >_
THANKSSS -from Jayla lmao
Karmers Maybe Monitor The First Two times
So relaxing