當我受傷的時候 只要有你的輕輕擁抱我就會高興 ki zu tsu i ta to ki wa so to tsu tsu mi konde ku re ta ra u re shi 當我倒地不起的時候 Ko ro n de ta te na i 請給我一點點的勇氣 To ki wa su ko shi no yu u ki wo ku da sa i 我的思念一直無法傳達 O mo i wa zu tto to do ka na i ma ma kyo u mo 今天也同樣一個人 走在冰冷的街道 Tsu me ta i ma chi de hi to ri 這裡是哪裡 我無法想起 Ko ko ga do ko ka mo o mo i da se na i 永無止境的夜 我的願望只有一個 O wa ra na i yo ru ni ne ga i wa hi to tsu 在沒有星星的夜空中 點亮燦爛的光輝 Ho shi no na i so ra ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri wo 無法回去的地方 就連那些已被捨棄的事物 Mo do re na i ba sho ni su te ta mo no de sa e 也一定會重新轉生 照亮明天 U ma re ka wa tte a shi ta wo ki tto te ra su 在這滿天星光下 我遇見了你 Ho shi ku zu no na ka de a na ta ni de a e ta 倘若能帶著過去的那份心意與你重逢 那該有多好 I tsu ka no ki mo chi no ma ma a e ta ra yo ka tta 就連那無法重來的淚水 Mo do ra na i ka ko ni na i ta ko to de sa e 也一定會重新轉生 為我照亮明天 U ma re ka wa tte a shi ta wo ki tto te ra shi te ku re ru 當我輾轉難眠的時候 Ne mu re na i to ki wa 有你輕輕握住我的手 我就會很開心 So tto te wo tsu na i de ku re ta ra u re shi i 黎明就要來了 Yo a ke wa ku ru yo to 請輕聲告訴我 就算是謊言也好 Sa sa ya i te i te u so de mo i i ka ra 願望依舊沒有實現 今夜 它被星座帶走 Ne ga i wa zu tto ka na wa na i ma ma ko n ya se i za wa tsu re sa tte 已經完全消失 再也不會回來… Ki e tte shi ma tta mo u mo do re na i 永無止境的夜 我的願望只有一個 O wa ra na i yo ru ni ne ga i wa hi to tsu 在沒有星星的夜空中點亮燦爛的光輝 Ho shi no na i so ra ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri wo 此刻 就算是遙遠幾乎虛幻的星星 I ma wa to su gi te ha ka na i ho shi de mo 也一定會重新轉生 照亮夜空 U ma re ka wa tte yo zo ra wo ki tto te ra su 在滿天星光下與你相遇的奇跡 Ho shi ku zu no na ka de de a e ta ki se ki ga 已經消失在茫茫人海中 再也無法尋覓 Hi to go mi no na ka ni ma ta mi e na ku na ru 對那些再也回不去的過去而哭泣的夜 Mo do ra na i ka ko ni na i ta yo ru ta chi ta chi ni 說一聲再見 明天一定能閃耀光芒 Tsu ge ru sa yo na ra a shi ta wa ki tto ka ga ya ke ru yo ni 我只是一個如此渺小的星座 Ko n na chi i sa na se i za na no ni 存在於這裡 你卻能注意到我 Ko ko ni i ta ko to ki zu i te ku re te 謝謝你 A ri ga to 永無止境的夜 我的願望只有一個 O wa ra na i yo ru ni ne ga i wa hi to tsu 在沒有星星的夜空中 點亮燦爛的光輝 Ho shi no na i so ra ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri wo 無法回去的地方 就連那些已被捨棄的事物 Mo do re na i ba sho ni su te ta mo no de sa e 也一定會重新轉生 照亮明天 U ma re ka wa tte a shi ta wo ki tto te ra su 在這滿天星光下 我遇見了你 Ho shi ku zu no na ka de a na ta ni de a e ta 倘若能帶著過去的那份心意與你重逢 那該有多好 I tsu ka no ki mo chi no ma ma a e ta ra yo ka tta 就連那無法重來的淚水 Mo do ra na i ka ko ni na i ta ko to de sa e 也一定會重新轉生 為我照亮明天 U ma re ka wa tte a shi ta wo ki tto te ra shi te ku re ru
Revis Baskerville Aheh...I'm sorry but i can't understand what you're typing...I actually should be able to since I'm half chinese irl but i can only read moon, day, mountain, water and i think fire XDDD
I think the ending was the only one actually fitting. This anime isn't about happiness or a happy end. So this was just right. But I'm crying anyways ^^; These two dorks are just ripping my heart appart.
Ponyitalia uughhhh. I was on one of my crazy yaoi phases (as the weaboo I am) and I saw this anime under a doujin list. I added it to my long yaoi list and later looked it up on TH-cam. I saw the dancing scene, and for some odd reason, I started seriously silently crying my guts out. I waited 2 weeks before I decided I was ready to watch it, and I did. As much as I honestly only had motivation to watch it because of the hinted yaoi, I can also honestly say that by the end of the anime the BL no longer mattered. I never knew it was possible, but the plot and overall characters of No.6 were enough to draw me in!!! This anime makes emotions happen, and all I can say is that everyone about to watch/read it better prepare their feels.
Me two I came out of my room in the middle of the night crying and face all red and my uncle was worried I had something happen but nope just watching this sad af ending the I would kill to have more episodes for
This song is my favorite from the anime. It made me cry in the last episode cuz it just added to the drama of the last episode :'( I love this anime so much but I wish it had a different ending!!!! 😭
no.6 es el mejor anime que he visto tanto su temática como sus personajes, que son sencillamente inolvidables y se quedan grabados en el corazón NezumixShion forever
伤(きず)ついた时(とき)は ki zu tsu i ta to ki wa 当我受伤的时候 そっと包(つつ)み込(こ)んでくれたら嬉(うれ)しい so tto tsu tsu mi ko n de ku re ta ra u re shi i 要是你能轻轻拥抱我我就会很高兴 転(ころ)んで立(た)てない ko ro n de ta te na i 当我跌倒无法再站起的时候 时(とき)は少(すこ)しの 勇気(ゆうき)をください to ki ha su ko shi no yu u ki wo ku da sa i 请给我一些勇气 思い(おも)はずっと届(とど)かないまま今日(きょう)も o mo i wa zu tto to do ka na i ma ma kyo mo 我的思念一直传达不出去今天也是 冷(つめ)たい町(まち)で一人(ひとり) tsu me ta i ma chi de i to ri 在冰冷冷的街道上一个人走着 ここが何処(どこ)かも 思(おも)い出(だ)せない ko ko ga do ko ka mo o mo i da se na i 连这里是哪里都回忆不起来 终(お)わらない夜(よる)に 愿(ねが)いは一(ひと)つ o wa ra na i yo ru ni ne ga i wa hi to tsu 永不完结的夜 愿望只有一个 星(ほし)のない空(そら)に 辉(かがや)く光(ひかり)を ho shi no na i so ra ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri wo 在没有星星的天空中点亮那璀璨的光辉 戻(もど)れない场所(ばしょ)に 舍(す)てたものでさえ mo do re na i ba sho ni su te ta mo no de sa e 已回不去的地方就连那已被舍弃的事物 生(う)まれ変(か)わって 明日(あした)を きっと照(て)らす u ma re ka wa tte a shi ta wo ki tto te ra shi te ku re ru su 重新转生肯定也能照亮明天 星(ほし)屑(くず)の中(なか)で あなたに出(で)会(あ)えた ho shi ku zu no na ka de a na ta ni de a e ta 在满天星光中与你相遇 い つ か の 気 持(きも)ちのまま 会(あ)えたらよかった i tsu ka no ki mo chi no ma ma a e ta ra yo ka tta 能以那时的心情相见就好了 戻(もど)らない过去(かこ)に 泣(な)いたことでさえ mo do ra na i ka ko ni na i ta ko to de sa e 无法回到的过去 连那曾经的哭泣 生(う)まれ変(か)わって 明日(あした)をきっと照(て)らしてくれる u ma re ka wa tte a shi ta o ki tto te ra shi te ku re ru 在重新转生之后 照亮明天 眠(ねむ)れない时(とき)は そっと手(て)をつないでくれたらうれしい ne mu re na i to ki ha sotto te o tsu na i de ku re ta ra u re shi i 难以入眠之时,要是你能轻握住我的手我就知足 夜明(よあ)けは来(く)るよと 嗫(ささや)いていて 嘘(うそ)でもいいから yo a ke ha ku ru yo to sa sa ya i te i te u so de mo i i ka ra 请在我耳边低声呢喃:“黎明将至”--哪怕这是谎言也好 愿(ねが)いはずっと叶(かな)わないまま今夜(こんや)星座(せいざ)を连(つ)れ去(さ)って ne ga i wa zutto ka na ha na i ma ma ko n ya se i za o tsu re satte
Basically the lyrics are When I am hurt and come to you If you'll just wrap your arms around me gently, I'll be happy When I am down and can't get up It's you I'm calling to, give me some of your bravery Even if I should pray, my thoughts will never reach you this way I'm wandering down this frozen road, and Wherever I meant to go, I just can't remember it Oh, never-ending night, grant me this one wish That in your vast, starless sky, you'll find it in yourself to shine For even though I lost myself, and I can never go back A new day will come again, but only when the sky gives way to light Among the stardust, there you were, someone I know I won't forget And all those things you made me feel make me so grateful that we met For even though our days are gone, no matter how much I cry A new day will come again, but only when the sky will shine down upon you When I'm too scared to fall asleep If you'll just take me by the hand, I swear I can be happy When dawn is breaking in the east Your voice is comforting, though it's all lies you're whispering Even if I should pray, no answers ever come my way The nighttime has killed all of the stars And now that they've disappeared, the angels have gone with them Oh, never-ending night, grant me this one wish That in your vast, starless sky, you'll find it in yourself to shine For even though our time was short, as fleeting as a distant star The sky is being born again, and surely then the night will finally shine Among the stardust, there you were; a miracle, I know for sure But in the people crowding by, I might not see you anymore And though I know our days are gone, I cry out into the night Now that we have said goodbye, tomorrow's light will frame your face in my memory You are the nebula that's lighting up my life Since you first met me, I feel I'm finally alive All thanks to you Oh, never-ending night, grant me this one wish That in your vast, starless sky, you'll find it in yourself to shine For even though I lost myself, and I can never go back A new day will come again, but only when the sky gives way to light Among the stardust, there you were, someone I know I won't forget And all those things you make me feel make me so grateful that we met For even though our days are gone, no matter how much I cry A new day will come again, and once again the sky will shine down upon you
Finally I watched the anime and is really amacing and sad but I dont understand why shion and nezumi at the end go in different ways and not be together
it's more than that, they have a different vision with their lives, you should read the novel to understand better but still it's kind of hard to understand Nezumi because Shion always thinks about him and his return :,(
I finished the anime and sat in my room for an hour screaming about how he should have gone with him. And then I cried in the middle of the night because I started thibking about it.
lol yeah, it's pretty accurate. but same tho, since youtube's copyright rules are so janky. There's still a couple vids up with the full original song but I doubt they'll be up long, and they're not really as good quality anyway.
TheNahaw um first of all it's nezumi not nazume where did you even get that lol. And kido meant nezushi as in nezumi+shion. You know... their ship name. So your sass was completely unnecessary and you kind of just embarrassed yourself XD
傷ついたときは そっと包みこんでくれたらうれしい
転んで立てないときは 少しの勇気をください
想いはずっと届かないまま 今日も冷たい街でひとり
夜明けは来るよと 囁いていて 嘘でもいいから
願いはずっと叶わないまま 今夜 星座を連れ去って
消えてしまった もう、戻れない…
ココにいたこと 気付いてくれて ありがとう
This song usually make me cry.
I too..
+Suicide Room Me too*
+metozalee this song make a crybecause i dont understand this word :'(
metozalee me too
當我受傷的時候 只要有你的輕輕擁抱我就會高興
ki zu tsu i ta to ki wa so to tsu tsu mi konde ku re ta ra u re shi
Ko ro n de ta te na i
To ki wa su ko shi no yu u ki wo ku da sa i
O mo i wa zu tto to do ka na i ma ma kyo u mo
今天也同樣一個人 走在冰冷的街道
Tsu me ta i ma chi de hi to ri
這裡是哪裡 我無法想起
Ko ko ga do ko ka mo o mo i da se na i
永無止境的夜 我的願望只有一個
O wa ra na i yo ru ni ne ga i wa hi to tsu
在沒有星星的夜空中 點亮燦爛的光輝
Ho shi no na i so ra ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri wo
無法回去的地方 就連那些已被捨棄的事物
Mo do re na i ba sho ni su te ta mo no de sa e
也一定會重新轉生 照亮明天
U ma re ka wa tte a shi ta wo ki tto te ra su
在這滿天星光下 我遇見了你
Ho shi ku zu no na ka de a na ta ni de a e ta
倘若能帶著過去的那份心意與你重逢 那該有多好
I tsu ka no ki mo chi no ma ma a e ta ra yo ka tta
Mo do ra na i ka ko ni na i ta ko to de sa e
也一定會重新轉生 為我照亮明天
U ma re ka wa tte a shi ta wo ki tto te ra shi te ku re ru
Ne mu re na i to ki wa
有你輕輕握住我的手 我就會很開心
So tto te wo tsu na i de ku re ta ra u re shi i
Yo a ke wa ku ru yo to
請輕聲告訴我 就算是謊言也好
Sa sa ya i te i te u so de mo i i ka ra
願望依舊沒有實現 今夜 它被星座帶走
Ne ga i wa zu tto ka na wa na i ma ma ko n ya se i za wa tsu re sa tte
已經完全消失 再也不會回來…
Ki e tte shi ma tta mo u mo do re na i
永無止境的夜 我的願望只有一個
O wa ra na i yo ru ni ne ga i wa hi to tsu
Ho shi no na i so ra ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri wo
此刻 就算是遙遠幾乎虛幻的星星
I ma wa to su gi te ha ka na i ho shi de mo
也一定會重新轉生 照亮夜空
U ma re ka wa tte yo zo ra wo ki tto te ra su
Ho shi ku zu no na ka de de a e ta ki se ki ga
已經消失在茫茫人海中 再也無法尋覓
Hi to go mi no na ka ni ma ta mi e na ku na ru
Mo do ra na i ka ko ni na i ta yo ru ta chi ta chi ni
說一聲再見 明天一定能閃耀光芒
Tsu ge ru sa yo na ra a shi ta wa ki tto ka ga ya ke ru yo ni
Ko n na chi i sa na se i za na no ni
存在於這裡 你卻能注意到我
Ko ko ni i ta ko to ki zu i te ku re te
A ri ga to
永無止境的夜 我的願望只有一個
O wa ra na i yo ru ni ne ga i wa hi to tsu
在沒有星星的夜空中 點亮燦爛的光輝
Ho shi no na i so ra ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri wo
無法回去的地方 就連那些已被捨棄的事物
Mo do re na i ba sho ni su te ta mo no de sa e
也一定會重新轉生 照亮明天
U ma re ka wa tte a shi ta wo ki tto te ra su
在這滿天星光下 我遇見了你
Ho shi ku zu no na ka de a na ta ni de a e ta
倘若能帶著過去的那份心意與你重逢 那該有多好
I tsu ka no ki mo chi no ma ma a e ta ra yo ka tta
Mo do ra na i ka ko ni na i ta ko to de sa e
也一定會重新轉生 為我照亮明天
U ma re ka wa tte a shi ta wo ki tto te ra shi te ku re ru
+Thanh Luong I love your icon btw :3
Galaxy Dawnxx Thank you ^^
Np :D
+Galaxy Dawnxx 記得是老鼠最後離開紫苑,然後對他說了:「必在相見」。有沒有回來就不知道了,紫苑一直在等老鼠回來
Revis Baskerville Aheh...I'm sorry but i can't understand what you're typing...I actually should be able to since I'm half chinese irl but i can only read moon, day, mountain, water and i think fire XDDD
Literally cried. No.6 is always my favorite
I hope that even now
I think the ending was the only one actually fitting.
This anime isn't about happiness or a happy end.
So this was just right.
But I'm crying anyways ^^; These two dorks are just ripping my heart appart.
the ed was for yaoi fans xD
Ponyitalia uughhhh. I was on one of my crazy yaoi phases (as the weaboo I am) and I saw this anime under a doujin list. I added it to my long yaoi list and later looked it up on TH-cam. I saw the dancing scene, and for some odd reason, I started seriously silently crying my guts out. I waited 2 weeks before I decided I was ready to watch it, and I did. As much as I honestly only had motivation to watch it because of the hinted yaoi, I can also honestly say that by the end of the anime the BL no longer mattered. I never knew it was possible, but the plot and overall characters of No.6 were enough to draw me in!!! This anime makes emotions happen, and all I can say is that everyone about to watch/read it better prepare their feels.
That what I love No.6 for - it's about No.6, not about the lovestory of the two main characters.
Ponyitalia Yess exactly!! (Thank you for putting that into better words)
When the chorus kicks in, it's as if Shion is asking Nezumi to not leave.
Umm, excuse me, I believe I never asked you to take my feels like that.
Sorry ;-; b-but Nezumi...*cries*
I-It's alright. Q_Q
T-Thank you... *Sobs and hugs back*
I cried so hard at the ending
Me two I came out of my room in the middle of the night crying and face all red and my uncle was worried I had something happen but nope just watching this sad af ending the I would kill to have more episodes for
Same my mom was like wtf
I did too! In the car... With headphones on... My family thought i was crazy.
dont get what fictional characters can do to us
I'm sure that we all did, no matter how hard we tried
jianbiao hu 有喔!這有動漫是叫No.6
卓雅娜 有几集啊
jianbiao hu 動畫是11集而已!結束的很徹底,但也很好看~~
卓雅娜 查不到啊
跟我的情況很像 我多希望能夠與那個人 在一次相見...
This song is my favorite from the anime. It made me cry in the last episode cuz it just added to the drama of the last episode :'(
I love this anime so much but I wish it had a different ending!!!! 😭
喜歡!第一部看的bl動畫 XD
years later and im still here bawling my eyes out
I basically cry every time I listen to this. One of my favourite songs ever. Beautiful~
- me too
This song is my lullaby
Haven't heard such a beautiful song in a while
no.6 es el mejor anime que he visto tanto su temática como sus personajes, que son sencillamente inolvidables y se quedan grabados en el corazón NezumixShion forever
ki zu tsu i ta to ki wa
so tto tsu tsu mi ko n de ku re ta ra u re shi i
ko ro n de ta te na i
时(とき)は少(すこ)しの 勇気(ゆうき)をください
to ki ha su ko shi no yu u ki wo ku da sa i
o mo i wa zu tto to do ka na i ma ma kyo mo
tsu me ta i ma chi de i to ri
ここが何処(どこ)かも 思(おも)い出(だ)せない
ko ko ga do ko ka mo o mo i da se na i
终(お)わらない夜(よる)に 愿(ねが)いは一(ひと)つ
o wa ra na i yo ru ni ne ga i wa hi to tsu
永不完结的夜 愿望只有一个
星(ほし)のない空(そら)に 辉(かがや)く光(ひかり)を
ho shi no na i so ra ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri wo
戻(もど)れない场所(ばしょ)に 舍(す)てたものでさえ
mo do re na i ba sho ni su te ta mo no de sa e
生(う)まれ変(か)わって 明日(あした)を きっと照(て)らす
u ma re ka wa tte a shi ta wo ki tto te ra shi te ku re ru su
星(ほし)屑(くず)の中(なか)で あなたに出(で)会(あ)えた
ho shi ku zu no na ka de a na ta ni de a e ta
い つ か の 気 持(きも)ちのまま 会(あ)えたらよかった
i tsu ka no ki mo chi no ma ma a e ta ra yo ka tta
戻(もど)らない过去(かこ)に 泣(な)いたことでさえ
mo do ra na i ka ko ni na i ta ko to de sa e
无法回到的过去 连那曾经的哭泣
生(う)まれ変(か)わって 明日(あした)をきっと照(て)らしてくれる
u ma re ka wa tte a shi ta o ki tto te ra shi te ku re ru
在重新转生之后 照亮明天
眠(ねむ)れない时(とき)は そっと手(て)をつないでくれたらうれしい
ne mu re na i to ki ha sotto te o tsu na i de ku re ta ra u re shi i
夜明(よあ)けは来(く)るよと 嗫(ささや)いていて 嘘(うそ)でもいいから
yo a ke ha ku ru yo to sa sa ya i te i te u so de mo i i ka ra
ne ga i wa zutto ka na ha na i ma ma ko n ya se i za o tsu re satte
don't even have how to know what is more beautiful: the music or the anime.
Just when you thought ur lil gay heart was ready ;-;
exactly, to many feels to take in
I can't understand the lyrics, but the melody,the singer's voice sound great. Love it!
Basically the lyrics are
When I am hurt and come to you
If you'll just wrap your arms around me gently, I'll be happy
When I am down and can't get up
It's you I'm calling to, give me some of your bravery
Even if I should pray, my thoughts will never reach you this way
I'm wandering down this frozen road, and
Wherever I meant to go, I just can't remember it
Oh, never-ending night, grant me this one wish
That in your vast, starless sky, you'll find it in yourself to shine
For even though I lost myself, and I can never go back
A new day will come again, but only when the sky gives way to light
Among the stardust, there you were, someone I know I won't forget
And all those things you made me feel make me so grateful that we met
For even though our days are gone, no matter how much I cry
A new day will come again, but only when the sky will shine down upon you
When I'm too scared to fall asleep
If you'll just take me by the hand, I swear I can be happy
When dawn is breaking in the east
Your voice is comforting, though it's all lies you're whispering
Even if I should pray, no answers ever come my way
The nighttime has killed all of the stars
And now that they've disappeared, the angels have gone with them
Oh, never-ending night, grant me this one wish
That in your vast, starless sky, you'll find it in yourself to shine
For even though our time was short, as fleeting as a distant star
The sky is being born again, and surely then the night will finally shine
Among the stardust, there you were; a miracle, I know for sure
But in the people crowding by, I might not see you anymore
And though I know our days are gone, I cry out into the night
Now that we have said goodbye, tomorrow's light will frame your face in my memory
You are the nebula that's lighting up my life
Since you first met me, I feel I'm finally alive
All thanks to you
Oh, never-ending night, grant me this one wish
That in your vast, starless sky, you'll find it in yourself to shine
For even though I lost myself, and I can never go back
A new day will come again, but only when the sky gives way to light
Among the stardust, there you were, someone I know I won't forget
And all those things you make me feel make me so grateful that we met
For even though our days are gone, no matter how much I cry
A new day will come again, and once again the sky will shine down upon you
Finally I watched the anime and is really amacing and sad but I dont understand why shion and nezumi at the end go in different ways and not be together
Because they have different attitude with No.6,,,so sad
Yeah you are right!!!
it's more than that, they have a different vision with their lives, you should read the novel to understand better but still it's kind of hard to understand Nezumi because Shion always thinks about him and his return :,(
HiroOntokki true
you are right but the last part I dont understand
I simply love this song! And the anime is just aww!!
What is the anime?
@@Laney-Lou143 the anime is “number 6”
apparently this series is a novel as well as a manga. ive started on the manga but cant wait to find the novel!
當初看這部 每一集都哭!!!!!
forever in my heart
This song is so beautiful so much feels when you relate back to Shion and Nezumi
This always makes me cry....I just don't understand....it's too beautiful
I can't stop crying. I love this Anime so much
what anime
MizukiTheMangaka It's called No.6 :)
No. 6 is no more.
But our hearts will still remain.
好感人的一首歌 😭 非常好聽
I love it. ..
One of my favorite songs from one of my favorite animes.
聽過這麼多版本的六等星 至今仍然這位仁兄的最好聽
2020 真的天天在听
希望有一天 能夠再相會qq
Friend: "I dare you to watch this anime without crying."
Me Afterwards: *sniff sniff*
No.6 ~ 好喜欢这动漫的 ~
;a; The feels...
Gaaahhhh I wanna cry every time I hear this...
素晴らしい No.6
圖好美 音樂好聽 ♥♥♥
太好聽了。。 聽了真的會難過呢。。
why is this so perfect!!! love this song and anime waaaa
so beautiful...
Ughh..the anime made me cry 3 days in a row..and I finished the manga today and cried..it's just too much at ones.. :/
I finished the anime and sat in my room for an hour screaming about how he should have gone with him. And then I cried in the middle of the night because I started thibking about it.
this is an amazing cover! you have a beautiful voice!
Love this
this is so beautiful! You have an awesome voice!
I finally found the full version!! Yessss~
This is a cover
Yerp, I realized back then, and later just went into a random anime music site and downloaded the original song instead.
You indeed live up to your name.
lol yeah, it's pretty accurate.
but same tho, since youtube's copyright rules are so janky. There's still a couple vids up with the full original song but I doubt they'll be up long, and they're not really as good quality anyway.
I'm crying... I- I can't 😢😢😢
I love them ❤ shion ❤ nezumi ❤
這首真的好好聽~~ 那時候看動畫完全不跳ED的~~
nice song
make me cry
Nezushi is love Nezushi is life ;_;
You mean nazume? Like rat in Japanese ? Not what ever you said XD
TheNahaw um first of all it's nezumi not nazume where did you even get that lol. And kido meant nezushi as in nezumi+shion. You know... their ship name. So your sass was completely unnecessary and you kind of just embarrassed yourself XD
huh, nah. I'm proud of these ships. lmao
woops XO welp now I look like a fool XD
beautiful voice ^^
I just had to add it to my liked videos 😭 beautiful doesn't describe how amazing this song is. Just touching…
the best quality I have found
The best song ever I heard it's so amazing 😍😍
Dying of feels... Love this story.
Beautifull version!