I am completely un-surprised to see a Cleris/Clerith VS CloTi argument going on in these comments. But instead of jumping in to join the fight, I'll simply say: Canon Crushes: Cloud/Tifa [Unrequited until they were adults and she realized he was cool and he didn't like her anymore. Then it reverse unrequited.] Canon Couples: Zack/Aeris [Past tense. Sadly he died] Cloud/Aeris [She moved on after Zack and fell for Cloud. Even in death they reach for each other.] That said. I want this game.
Actually cloudXaerith are the intended couple of final fantasy. Yoshitaka amano have an official artwork and cloudXaerith share 6 photos together just like all the other ff couples. one of their photos called tranquility is the official cover of ffvii sountrack. also cloudXaerith are mentioned on their own in many other games live ffviii ffix parasite eve etc. Also in the commercial of coca cola cloud and aerith stand near squall and rinoa a canon couple. For more proof search cloud and aerith
'After helping Cloud set up his delivery service, Tifa got involved in the displaced youth in Midgar and opened an orphanage.She keeps in close contact with Cloud and Barrett and remains the steadying force she always was - or at least tried to be.Altough she has a small role in this game, she remaisna s likable as ever and continues to show the traits that always made her sucha great friend'. This is tifa's description in doc guide. It is not sated anywhere that they live together :P
Also ...He's like a child, Tifa thought. While it made her sad that Cloud could see another world she knew nothing about, the idea his world was expanding at all was a welcome one. Yes... Maybe this is kind of what a mother feels like. Once she saw Cloud off, Tifa was alone with the new emotions growing inside her and was happy. (Case of Tifa) Well tifa has a maternal bond different from aerith's and since tifa's bond is that of a mother then cloud and aerith share the bond of love
After solving the puzzle about Cait Sith's replaceable body, he tells one last fortune of Cloud and Aerith's affinity. The results of it turns out "Aerith-san's star and Cloud-san's star! They promise a great future!" After that, it will become a sad prediction if we get to know what would happen afterward. But if we catch the meaning of the "future" from another angle, we can see hope... perhaps. FFVII Ultimania Omega page 151
@IamVendel Oh yes, she does, dear Vendel. "Oh Cloud... I really enjoyed our date at Gold Saucer. I will never forget the view from the gondola that night." So SE thinks the date is romantic AND canon xD Oh yes, and it is also said: "Confessing their feelings to each other, Cloud and Tifa see whether they feel the same way." And one does notice they these feelings only match in the High Version that is said to be completely optional... ;P Yes, it´s sad for you as a mere shipper ;P
Also see this quote Seeing Cloud and Aerith developing their world together before her eyes, she inadvertently lets slip her peevish feelings.(10th Anniversary Ultimania) Developing their world together??? Seriously developing a world with someone really means that you and him/her live only to be together and that obviously means love. Also another important thing is caith sith's prediction. I know many people believe they are wrong but the creators said this(read on the next comment)
Going Clerith here, just how many cameos/references/alternate universes are needed to show that, though they are not a completely canon couple, SE choses Aerith over Tifa to appear alongside Cloud.
+Guateloquendo There is also confirmed artwork from Amano as well: clerith.heliohost.org/Amano.htm And lots and lots of quotes too: dansantcaparet.tumblr.com/post/39908037194/evidence-from-se-that-supports-cloud-x-aerith
Is it me or am I seeing Aerith a looooot of times in the opening? Go Aerith! ♥ Also, Sephy is sooooo cuuuute! :D Everyone is! :D And @TheStoutTeapot, I kinda noticed that too. XD And @ShinRaVII, took the words out of my mouth! ♥ :D
@IamVendel My dear, it IS part of some official quote. It is said at the second paragraph of the FFVII Ultimania Omega. This is basically the line where the Highwind Scene is described - described as OPTIONAL.
@IamVendel I won´t let them ;) So, again, what about Barret saying that Tifa is only taking care of Marlene? Denzel is the only boy they adopted, into a family "out of friends". So, again, what is your point? It is clearly said that Tifa sees her friends as family, NOTHING MORE. And again, dear Vendel, I´m waiting for your quote where THIS IS SAID.
@IamVendel Really? Nomura himself states the connection between Cloud And Aeris, Tifa and Cloud are simply raising the kids together, with Cloud spending most of his time away working or in Aeris' church. Nomura even said Aeris holds a place in Clouds heart that no one can replace... they have a bond Tifa could never achieve with him.
Vendel, all these Ultimania say Clerith. If you refer to them, it might end bad for your ship ;P SE did not only say that Aeriths bond with Cloud is unreplacable, also that his feelings are "undying" and that she is, in fact, "engraved in his heart". That he carries "his own love" for Aerith other than the one of his teammates, and that it is his "dream" to meet her again. Compare this to Tifa taking care of Barrets "daughter" and Cloud being her third child.
i don't want to sound like a troll or something, but it IS sort of obvious that SE supports Clerith more than Cloti, i mean, in the original script, Aerith was meant to be the heroine while cloud was the hero
@@starlord5304 nope. Did you hear Tetsuya Nomura said, Aerith engrave in Cloud's heart for the rest of his life. 😂😂😂😂 This is the reason why he keep dodging Tifa and left her at COT. Even Tifa was jealous of that. I feel bad for Tifa
I can use material from official sources. Here are some quotes that show tifa was like a mother to cloud. "Tifa was a very difficult character to create. Like Aerith, she has a maternal side to her, but in a different sense. Not only was she looking after Marlene and Denzel, but she also felt a certain maternal bond to Cloud, who is a 'big kid' himself in some respects. Yet despite this, she continues working as the manager of Seventh Heaven without a complaint." (Nomura)
You are mistaking my words. Yes Cloud is the only one who can talk and see Aerith through the movie. All of the other people you mentioned can see aerith in the end of the movie where Cloud has found his "redemption". But yes you're right let's stop this conversation
Ahh, Vendel, this is said by the right one. You just say that Clerith is nonsense just because you think so. So, shall I take you seriously? So, again, you think the CloTi relationship works even if Cloud treats Tifa like shit, making her angry and heartbroken and all the stuff? So this is your view of a "logical" good-functionating relationship? Aha.
@IamVendel Dear, she reappears. She heals his geostigma, she heals his heart, and gives him the strength to fight Bahamut. And Tifa does not help Cloud with Sephiroth, too. Also, Cloud DOES NOT stay with Tifa; in fact, he rode into that mysterious flower field where she was waiting for him. Yes, in fact, this REALLY does scream C/A ;P
@IamVendel For the "Love"-page, I would suggest re-reading - you´ll see it is said that it´s optional and that there are two versions. Also, it is always said that the HW scene was optional. Always. SE might consider the HA to be romantic, but not that the romantic one was canon ;P This quote is a monologue from Dismantled, dear. It is also said that Cloud buys the flower from Aerith and that the Don had chosen Cloud. And since SE thinks Aeriths date is romantic... ;P
That is what SE wanted to say. That ffvii has no canon couple. In the first page it says that the scene is under player control so it can't be canon and in the second page it presents another scene that is under player control
Which thing didn't you understand? Amano's artwork? The final fantasy commercial?? The official cover of it's soundtrack?? All things that i mentioned exist if you know where to find them.
@IamVendel Aaaah, again, my dear, we're at the same point - that C/T can also realize that they DON'T love each other, according to the version one plays. And again, this is directly stated - that Cloud and Tifa will confirm their feelings and that he will see if their feelings match OR NOT.
Really? Then answer me these questions. Why does cloud's office has a bed inside?? And also in case of tifa when they argue at the bar why does she says "then drink in your room"?. If they had a common bedroom why wouldn't see say "in our room" or just "inside". Also if barret is not a part of the family then why had he returned in dirge of cerberus? Also if cloud and tifa were a couple why in DOC battle cloud rides alone while tifa rides with barret?
@IamVendel Oh, but I do. -"A girl with the blood of the Acients flowing through her veins who is engraved in Cloud's heart for the rest of his life (forever)" ~ Aeris' description in CC Ultimania, Japanese Version -"Each carries their own feelings and love for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his undying feelings for Aerith, even tho this day." ~ Nomura interview; Dengeki Playstation 2007 Need more? CloTi is past canon. I'm not 'coming up with' anything. Simply stating facts.
Ahh, my dear Vendel, you talk now about the "rare smile"? Guess what is said about that: "When talking about the "rare" smile Aerith brings out in Cloud, the FFVII Ultimania says that there is "something" between them." Fail, Vendel, Fail. Again. And I would like to know how this works: the "great" Squall of SeeD has "said" himself that Clerith has got evidence, too, yet you dare to claim that we have none. Until now, the only "truth" was the OPTIONAL Highwind. This is poor. We have got more ;P
@IamVendel Ahh, funny that you mention it. You said that the theory was disproven because Serah is no fighter at all. GUESS WHAT SHE'S DOING IN XIII-2. Also, it is already known that Noctis will also be a quiet and reserved guy while Stella will be the typical happy-go-lucky. This proves my theory to the point that it can actually foresee the characters of upcoming games! Which disproves you again.
yeah, other than that, in the game parasite eve. Aya found the cure for something that is on the magazine called cloud, and the cure's name is aerith.. something like that
@IamVendel Yes, the entire company :3 (Wow, SE or Square anyway, you know what I´m talking about) Hey, you are avoiding! Give me the quote! You can´t because there WAS never one. Anyway, you´re more active than before now :3 I get an answer every day - that´s cool, really brightens up my day^^
@IamVendel Official? My, the delusions of purely CloTi fans. Here's one fact, in all of the original game, Cloud only laughed once. Who made him laugh? Aeris did. Where as in the past, all Tifa did was ignore him. They are good friends now, but the fact remains that Cloud is searching for a way to meet her again. Nomura himself has explained that Cloud and Aeris share a connection unlike anyone else, as has several other SE employees.
Well i agree with you but in no quote it is mentioned what kind of feelings cloud and tifa realize. In both versions of the highwind they share mutual feelings either of love or friendship. Also living happily together doesn't automatically mean "love". If they were a couple then why do they have different bedrooms and why does marlene sleep everynight with tifa as it is referred in COT? Also you all seem to forget that barret is also part of the family and he clearly has the role of the father
@IamVendel Of course he will be with Tifa - as her best friend ♥ JENOVA has put you into her illusion and you are trapped in CD1. And I didn´t knew Tifa was cosplaying as Aerith lately. You might want to watch this video you are commenting... And in the end, one has zero control about the LT. Cloud will always end up with his beloved flower girl~ And I saw that "love" in CoT - poor Cloud, always troubled by Tifa. And poor Tifa, a dead girl being chosen over her... she must feel very complex.
@IamVendel I want a quote where Square SAYS THAT THEY ARE A COUPLE, not some quotes where they show that they are incompatible or something like that. I want a quote where Square says "Cloud and Tifa are a couple". And you will not find one, because Square has never said such nonsense. And will never do.
@pthaeloblue He sulks xD He hasn´t written me back. Not that I mind... ;P Agreed^^ Yet... SE both said that the Date Scene with Aerith as well as the High Version of the Highwind is romantic - but only the Aerith date was proven as canon because Aerith tells Cloud about their date in her dialogue right before she dies. Canon outcome. The High Version is still said to be purely optional ;P So I think Clerith is intended, even if both sides have evidence - Clerith has just got more ^^
@IamVendel Well, keeping in mind that SE strictly cares about misuse of their characters, SE would have never allowed something like this to happen if they didn´t agree with this. And, again, C/T was never stated as a couple and will never be because they are horribly incompatible. And how does living in the same house as Tifa mean that he isn´t ending up with Aerith? Don´t you think he can live with his best friend in one house, or isn´t a flat-share allowed in your logic?
@IamVendel In each game Cloud is involved in he is either searching for Aeris or Sephiroth. I like Tifa, don't get me wrong, but CloTi just doesn't make sense with how he feels towards Aeris. In The Case Of Tifa for example he believes Denzel was sent to him by Aeris, that's why he becomes close to the boy and helps raise him. In Kingdom Hearts who does he come back to when he regains his memories and finds his light? Aeris. It's obvious he USED to care for Tifa. But now he loves Aeris.
@pthaeloblue Hmmh... I think I shouldn´t judge him because of that. Maybe he wants... challenge. Or just no one disagreeing with him^^" Aaah, this is not strange at all ^^ I am not a Zerith fan anymore (I thought that was ridiculous), but I like the idea of CloTi for Tifa - she would get happy^^ But poor Cloud would be unhappy... I do only like this pairing if I forget about Cloud at some times ^^"
@IamVendel Then give me the quote. Square would rather shoot themselves than stating such nonsense. Well, YES, he ends up with Aerith. He has always thought about Aerith more than Tifa, a thing that annoyed her and made her jealous. Square has stated that she is jealous of Aeriths and Clouds bond and that she feels complex towards Aerith. And why should Tifa be jealous of Clouds bond with Aerith if this wasn´t romantic? Otherwise, she had no reason to do that.
@IamVendel As nice as always. With much "logic" in there. Actually, I wonder how far ignorance can go... with Cloud and Aerith always shown to be together/wanting to reunite with each other... I wonder when Cloud says that he wants to be with Tifa. He doesn´t... he flees from her xD She must really be fearsome hence he doesn´t like her company... ;P
@@lunarisu8010 Oohhh heyyyyy. What a coincidence? Of course I am in 'denial' because it is not your truth right. Well, you know more than anyone of us here combined. Even statements given by SE and the creators are fake news to you. So, keep believing in your truth alright and I support you for it.
@@LoneWolf-ow8cn haha yes of course it's all fake cause not a single one of them you gave a reference from an official link to Square Enix. Unlike Nojima, I gave you an official link source.
@KairiRadiantPrincess Miss Kairi, if I may be so bold to approach you during your busy discussion with rabble... It seems that Vendel is determined to make their own logic on this matter, sadly I don't think we'll get through that skull and into the brain. I must say it is pleasant to see another strong supporter of Cleris like you. Your persistence and patience are commendable. Much like Vendels own, but differently seeing as you and I seem to have similar facts.
Auron, Cloud was shaking hands with the hero from Dragon Quest 5. I don't think he has an official name (same with all the other Dragon Quest heroes), so I just call him Roto VI. :P
anyone else notice the theme was 'twinkle twinkle little star'? it's a board game so i dont think it will be anything that special, just has cute little game pieces from SE's two largest franchise to rope people into buying it. and it'll work too >_>;;
Twinkle twinkle northern lights, shimmer in the arctic night. Up above the clouds so high, green blue ribbons in the sky. Twinkle twinkle northern lights, sparkle in your dreams tonight. Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder what you're at! Up above the world you fly, Like a teatray in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder what you're at!
@IamVendel So, you don't like the "or not"? Well, that's bad luck - if SE thinks the Highwind is optional and has no default version, then who are you to claim that you are right and SE is wrong?
@IamVendel Dear Vendel, I still haven´t got that quooooooooooooooote :3 Oh, do you call it tooth fairy? How cute - it´s the same in German^^ But sometimes also "Reineke", but that´s kind of rare... :3
Yes, hilarious might be the word, even if its a soft one. I wonder if SoS has nothing better to do than that. Doesn't give me a good image of him... In fact, this has shown me that you two can't sink any deeper than this. This is cruel.
@IamVendel So, you just think now that mine is wrong and yours is right? This is poor, dear Vendel, poor. SoS might want to know that the quote of "CloTi being together" was simply translated into German as "Cloud is at the bar with Tifa" ;P The only side ignoring was yours. Hitler-Clerith? Well, you might not know, but this is a serious topic in German. We don't like to see people making fun of this. Especially not those like you who think this is all fun to talk about. Quit it.
Well this is interesting. It says that me must catch the meaning of the future. What is ffvii future? Advent children. What happened in AD? Cloud was the only one who could see talk on even touch aerith. And what about this 'hope' that we can find? It's simple. Is the hope that cloud and aerith can have a future and keep their feelings after death just like it happened in half of the ff games. I never said that CXA are canon but we CXA fans have reasons to believe in Clerith.
Ahh, Vendel, you should learn to control your aggression, my dear. That´s not healthy, don´t you know that? I can´t say how thankful I am, DarkAristocracy, for this former post of yours. ...Still, I think it won´t reach him - Vendel has differenciated himself from every single kind of reality. He is unreachable xD What bothers me is that - even if he is that convinced of CloTi - he does not enjoy his pairing. He has to rant...
Yeah I agree! It seems he is either chasing after her or searching for her in every game. Too sweet :)
It seems like Cloud is following Aerith when she ran off. Gosh this is so cuteeeeee
I am completely un-surprised to see a Cleris/Clerith VS CloTi argument going on in these comments. But instead of jumping in to join the fight, I'll simply say:
Canon Crushes:
Cloud/Tifa [Unrequited until they were adults and she realized he was cool and he didn't like her anymore. Then it reverse unrequited.]
Canon Couples:
Zack/Aeris [Past tense. Sadly he died]
Cloud/Aeris [She moved on after Zack and fell for Cloud. Even in death they reach for each other.]
That said. I want this game.
Actually cloudXaerith are the intended couple of final fantasy. Yoshitaka amano have an official artwork and cloudXaerith share 6 photos together just like all the other ff couples. one of their photos called tranquility is the official cover of ffvii sountrack. also cloudXaerith are mentioned on their own in many other games live ffviii ffix parasite eve etc. Also in the commercial of coca cola cloud and aerith stand near squall and rinoa a canon couple. For more proof search cloud and aerith
this is super late, but Squall and Rinoa are very similar to Cloud and Aerith.
Aw Cloud and Aerith! Such a cute couple. And Squall and Rinoa, very cute :)
Oh my God I want this game! Cloud and Aerith are adorable!
Aww, look at chibi Sephiroth XD
'After helping Cloud set up his delivery service, Tifa got involved in the displaced youth in Midgar and opened an orphanage.She keeps in close contact with Cloud and Barrett and remains the steadying force she always was - or at least tried to be.Altough she has a small role in this game, she remaisna s likable as ever and continues to show the traits that always made her sucha great friend'. This is tifa's description in doc guide. It is not sated anywhere that they live together :P
Cloud: Yeah I think I'm safe here, there's no way he could be-
Sephiroth: *SUP*
Yay clerith I see cleirth! ^.^ so cute seeing cloud chasing aeris when she runs away lol anyone else agree with me? lol
Meeee, I'm clerith too♥️
Well this is your opinion. In my opinion Cloud and Aerith are perfect together.
...He's like a child, Tifa thought. While it made her sad that Cloud could see another world she knew nothing about, the
idea his world was expanding at all was a welcome one. Yes... Maybe this is kind of what a mother feels like. Once
she saw Cloud off, Tifa was alone with the new emotions growing inside her and was happy. (Case of Tifa)
Well tifa has a maternal bond different from aerith's and since tifa's bond is that of a mother then cloud and aerith share the bond of love
After solving the puzzle about Cait Sith's replaceable body, he tells one last fortune of Cloud and Aerith's affinity. The
results of it turns out "Aerith-san's star and Cloud-san's star! They promise a great future!" After that, it will become a
sad prediction if we get to know what would happen afterward. But if we catch the meaning of the "future" from another
angle, we can see hope... perhaps. FFVII Ultimania Omega page 151
I love CLERITHHHH!!! they r so cute together 🥰😍
aww clorith :>
@IamVendel Oh yes, she does, dear Vendel.
"Oh Cloud... I really enjoyed our date at Gold Saucer. I will never forget the view from the gondola that night."
So SE thinks the date is romantic AND canon xD
Oh yes, and it is also said:
"Confessing their feelings to each other, Cloud and Tifa see whether they feel the same way."
And one does notice they these feelings only match in the High Version that is said to be completely optional... ;P
Yes, it´s sad for you as a mere shipper ;P
Also see this quote
Seeing Cloud and Aerith developing their world together before her eyes, she inadvertently lets slip her peevish feelings.(10th Anniversary Ultimania)
Developing their world together??? Seriously developing a world with someone really means that you and him/her live only to be together and that obviously means love. Also another important thing is caith sith's prediction. I know many people believe they are wrong but the creators said this(read on the next comment)
CloudxAerith hint right there! XD
i love cloud and aerith❤❤😍😍
Going Clerith here, just how many cameos/references/alternate universes are needed to show that, though they are not a completely canon couple, SE choses Aerith over Tifa to appear alongside Cloud.
+Guateloquendo There is also confirmed artwork from Amano as well: clerith.heliohost.org/Amano.htm
And lots and lots of quotes too: dansantcaparet.tumblr.com/post/39908037194/evidence-from-se-that-supports-cloud-x-aerith
Guateloquendo THANK YOU
Is it me or am I seeing Aerith a looooot of times in the opening? Go Aerith! ♥
Also, Sephy is sooooo cuuuute! :D Everyone is! :D
And @TheStoutTeapot, I kinda noticed that too. XD
And @ShinRaVII, took the words out of my mouth! ♥ :D
@IamVendel My dear, it IS part of some official quote. It is said at the second paragraph of the FFVII Ultimania Omega. This is basically the line where the Highwind Scene is described - described as OPTIONAL.
newww~ lil' cloud, aerith and sephy are sooo cute!!!
@IamVendel I won´t let them ;)
So, again, what about Barret saying that Tifa is only taking care of Marlene? Denzel is the only boy they adopted, into a family "out of friends". So, again, what is your point? It is clearly said that Tifa sees her friends as family, NOTHING MORE.
And again, dear Vendel, I´m waiting for your quote where THIS IS SAID.
Really? Nomura himself states the connection between Cloud And Aeris, Tifa and Cloud are simply raising the kids together, with Cloud spending most of his time away working or in Aeris' church. Nomura even said Aeris holds a place in Clouds heart that no one can replace... they have a bond Tifa could never achieve with him.
Vendel, all these Ultimania say Clerith. If you refer to them, it might end bad for your ship ;P
SE did not only say that Aeriths bond with Cloud is unreplacable, also that his feelings are "undying" and that she is, in fact, "engraved in his heart". That he carries "his own love" for Aerith other than the one of his teammates, and that it is his "dream" to meet her again.
Compare this to Tifa taking care of Barrets "daughter" and Cloud being her third child.
i don't want to sound like a troll or something, but it IS sort of obvious that SE supports Clerith more than Cloti, i mean, in the original script, Aerith was meant to be the heroine while cloud was the hero
But, later Tifa is created as they wanted a heroine to be with Cloud until the end. And this is supported by SE and the creators of FF7 as well.
@@starlord5304 nope. Did you hear Tetsuya Nomura said, Aerith engrave in Cloud's heart for the rest of his life. 😂😂😂😂
This is the reason why he keep dodging Tifa and left her at COT.
Even Tifa was jealous of that.
I feel bad for Tifa
I can use material from official sources. Here are some quotes that show tifa was like a mother to cloud.
"Tifa was a very difficult character to create. Like Aerith, she has a maternal side to her, but in a different sense. Not only
was she looking after Marlene and Denzel, but she also felt a certain maternal bond to Cloud, who is a 'big kid' himself in
some respects. Yet despite this, she continues working as the manager of Seventh Heaven without a complaint." (Nomura)
Is that fucking twinkle twinkle little star
yep haha
You are mistaking my words. Yes Cloud is the only one who can talk and see Aerith through the movie. All of the other people you mentioned can see aerith in the end of the movie where Cloud has found his "redemption". But yes you're right let's stop this conversation
Ahh, Vendel, this is said by the right one.
You just say that Clerith is nonsense just because you think so.
So, shall I take you seriously?
So, again, you think the CloTi relationship works even if Cloud treats Tifa like shit, making her angry and heartbroken and all the stuff? So this is your view of a "logical" good-functionating relationship?
@IamVendel Dear, she reappears. She heals his geostigma, she heals his heart, and gives him the strength to fight Bahamut. And Tifa does not help Cloud with Sephiroth, too. Also, Cloud DOES NOT stay with Tifa; in fact, he rode into that mysterious flower field where she was waiting for him.
Yes, in fact, this REALLY does scream C/A ;P
@IamVendel For the "Love"-page, I would suggest re-reading - you´ll see it is said that it´s optional and that there are two versions. Also, it is always said that the HW scene was optional. Always. SE might consider the HA to be romantic, but not that the romantic one was canon ;P
This quote is a monologue from Dismantled, dear. It is also said that Cloud buys the flower from Aerith and that the Don had chosen Cloud. And since SE thinks Aeriths date is romantic... ;P
Great time to watch this when Christmas is around the corner
That is what SE wanted to say. That ffvii has no canon couple. In the first page it says that the scene is under player control so it can't be canon and in the second page it presents another scene that is under player control
Which thing didn't you understand? Amano's artwork? The final fantasy commercial?? The official cover of it's soundtrack?? All things that i mentioned exist if you know where to find them.
0:43 Top-Right, with Rinoa
0:49 Squall's legs, top-middle
1:00 Squall and Rinoa talking beside the pillar, middle-right
1:07 Squall in plain sight, top-middle
1:09 Top-Middle
1:20 Top-Right
@IamVendel Aaaah, again, my dear, we're at the same point - that C/T can also realize that they DON'T love each other, according to the version one plays. And again, this is directly stated - that Cloud and Tifa will confirm their feelings and that he will see if their feelings match OR NOT.
Really? Then answer me these questions. Why does cloud's office has a bed inside?? And also in case of tifa when they argue at the bar why does she says "then drink in your room"?. If they had a common bedroom why wouldn't see say "in our room" or just "inside". Also if barret is not a part of the family then why had he returned in dirge of cerberus? Also if cloud and tifa were a couple why in DOC battle cloud rides alone while tifa rides with barret?
@IamVendel Oh, but I do.
-"A girl with the blood of the Acients flowing through her veins who is engraved in Cloud's heart for the rest of his life (forever)" ~ Aeris' description in CC Ultimania, Japanese Version
-"Each carries their own feelings and love for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his undying feelings for Aerith, even tho this day." ~ Nomura interview; Dengeki Playstation 2007
Need more?
CloTi is past canon. I'm not 'coming up with' anything. Simply stating facts.
Now that's a fact.
I came for Aerith.
I Love the music it's so Beautiful and cute at The same time
Ahh, my dear Vendel, you talk now about the "rare smile"? Guess what is said about that:
"When talking about the "rare" smile Aerith brings out in Cloud, the FFVII Ultimania says that there is "something" between them."
Fail, Vendel, Fail.
And I would like to know how this works: the "great" Squall of SeeD has "said" himself that Clerith has got evidence, too, yet you dare to claim that we have none. Until now, the only "truth" was the OPTIONAL Highwind.
This is poor. We have got more ;P
@IamVendel Ahh, funny that you mention it. You said that the theory was disproven because Serah is no fighter at all.
Also, it is already known that Noctis will also be a quiet and reserved guy while Stella will be the typical happy-go-lucky.
This proves my theory to the point that it can actually foresee the characters of upcoming games!
Which disproves you again.
This has got to be the cutest thing I've ever seen o_O
yeah, other than that, in the game parasite eve. Aya found the cure for something that is on the magazine called cloud, and the cure's name is aerith.. something like that
As far as I know, this game is released in Japan only. :( But I hope they do release an English version of this. *keeps fingers crossed*
Oh Cloud is sooo cutee
@IamVendel Yes, the entire company :3 (Wow, SE or Square anyway, you know what I´m talking about)
Hey, you are avoiding! Give me the quote! You can´t because there WAS never one.
Anyway, you´re more active than before now :3
I get an answer every day - that´s cool, really brightens up my day^^
Official? My, the delusions of purely CloTi fans.
Here's one fact, in all of the original game, Cloud only laughed once. Who made him laugh? Aeris did. Where as in the past, all Tifa did was ignore him. They are good friends now, but the fact remains that Cloud is searching for a way to meet her again. Nomura himself has explained that Cloud and Aeris share a connection unlike anyone else, as has several other SE employees.
Well i agree with you but in no quote it is mentioned what kind of feelings cloud and tifa realize. In both versions of the highwind they share mutual feelings either of love or friendship. Also living happily together doesn't automatically mean "love". If they were a couple then why do they have different bedrooms and why does marlene sleep everynight with tifa as it is referred in COT? Also you all seem to forget that barret is also part of the family and he clearly has the role of the father
awwwww Kawai!!!! How sweet! I really want this one!! ^^
Please CloTi´s get mad with Square Enix that put Aertih at the intro instead of Tifa and leave Clerith´s fans alone!!! They look so cute ^///^
@IamVendel Of course he will be with Tifa - as her best friend ♥
JENOVA has put you into her illusion and you are trapped in CD1.
And I didn´t knew Tifa was cosplaying as Aerith lately. You might want to watch this video you are commenting...
And in the end, one has zero control about the LT. Cloud will always end up with his beloved flower girl~
And I saw that "love" in CoT - poor Cloud, always troubled by Tifa. And poor Tifa, a dead girl being chosen over her... she must feel very complex.
I can see why they'd be together here. Very much Gold Saucer vibes
@IamVendel I want a quote where Square SAYS THAT THEY ARE A COUPLE, not some quotes where they show that they are incompatible or something like that.
I want a quote where Square says "Cloud and Tifa are a couple".
And you will not find one, because Square has never said such nonsense.
And will never do.
@pthaeloblue He sulks xD He hasn´t written me back.
Not that I mind... ;P
Yet... SE both said that the Date Scene with Aerith as well as the High Version of the Highwind is romantic - but only the Aerith date was proven as canon because Aerith tells Cloud about their date in her dialogue right before she dies. Canon outcome.
The High Version is still said to be purely optional ;P
So I think Clerith is intended, even if both sides have evidence - Clerith has just got more ^^
I would love to try and play this game!
From Wikipedia I counted 15 from Dragon Quest and 19 from Final Fantasy.
@IamVendel Well, keeping in mind that SE strictly cares about misuse of their characters, SE would have never allowed something like this to happen if they didn´t agree with this. And, again, C/T was never stated as a couple and will never be because they are horribly incompatible.
And how does living in the same house as Tifa mean that he isn´t ending up with Aerith? Don´t you think he can live with his best friend in one house, or isn´t a flat-share allowed in your logic?
Eeek! Cloud and Aerith!
In each game Cloud is involved in he is either searching for Aeris or Sephiroth. I like Tifa, don't get me wrong, but CloTi just doesn't make sense with how he feels towards Aeris.
In The Case Of Tifa for example he believes Denzel was sent to him by Aeris, that's why he becomes close to the boy and helps raise him.
In Kingdom Hearts who does he come back to when he regains his memories and finds his light? Aeris.
It's obvious he USED to care for Tifa. But now he loves Aeris.
i have this game think manopoly with a share market and chibitised versions of ur favourite SE characters. a good game to play with people
homg I never notice that until u mention it, they indeed have the same melody! XD
@IamVendel And I´m still waiting for that dubious quote ;)
@pthaeloblue Hmmh... I think I shouldn´t judge him because of that. Maybe he wants... challenge. Or just no one disagreeing with him^^"
Aaah, this is not strange at all ^^
I am not a Zerith fan anymore (I thought that was ridiculous), but I like the idea of CloTi for Tifa - she would get happy^^
But poor Cloud would be unhappy... I do only like this pairing if I forget about Cloud at some times ^^"
awww how cute ^_^
Nice to see the DQ5 Hero. I like him.
@IamVendel Then give me the quote. Square would rather shoot themselves than stating such nonsense.
Well, YES, he ends up with Aerith. He has always thought about Aerith more than Tifa, a thing that annoyed her and made her jealous. Square has stated that she is jealous of Aeriths and Clouds bond and that she feels complex towards Aerith. And why should Tifa be jealous of Clouds bond with Aerith if this wasn´t romantic? Otherwise, she had no reason to do that.
nawww~ lil' cloud, aerith and sephy are sooo cute!!!
Holy shit you werent playing about the extreme cuteness!!!
but... somehow i couldnt imagine Cloud going to something like that
@IamVendel As nice as always. With much "logic" in there. Actually, I wonder how far ignorance can go... with Cloud and Aerith always shown to be together/wanting to reunite with each other... I wonder when Cloud says that he wants to be with Tifa. He doesn´t... he flees from her xD
She must really be fearsome hence he doesn´t like her company... ;P
That is not true. Please watch FF7 AC and read the interviews from the creators.
@@LoneWolf-ow8cn haha denial much?
Yes Cloud flees from Tifa. Cloud didn't also didn't answer Tifa haha
@@lunarisu8010 Oohhh heyyyyy. What a coincidence? Of course I am in 'denial' because it is not your truth right. Well, you know more than anyone of us here combined. Even statements given by SE and the creators are fake news to you. So, keep believing in your truth alright and I support you for it.
@@LoneWolf-ow8cn haha yes of course it's all fake cause not a single one of them you gave a reference from an official link to Square Enix. Unlike Nojima, I gave you an official link source.
Miss Kairi, if I may be so bold to approach you during your busy discussion with rabble...
It seems that Vendel is determined to make their own logic on this matter, sadly I don't think we'll get through that skull and into the brain.
I must say it is pleasant to see another strong supporter of Cleris like you. Your persistence and patience are commendable. Much like Vendels own, but differently seeing as you and I seem to have similar facts.
Auron, Cloud was shaking hands with the hero from Dragon Quest 5. I don't think he has an official name (same with all the other Dragon Quest heroes), so I just call him Roto VI. :P
Hero from DQ and Cloud from FF-as friends-cute !
anyone else notice the theme was 'twinkle twinkle little star'?
it's a board game so i dont think it will be anything that special, just has cute little game pieces from SE's two largest franchise to rope people into buying it. and it'll work too >_>;;
uOoOoOoo, how cute are them!!!! ^o^
I want it too
@IamVendel I enjoy your amazing smartness and friendly behaviour once again. Today was a gooood day~
Don´t you think? :3
Twinkle twinkle northern lights,
shimmer in the arctic night.
Up above the clouds so high,
green blue ribbons in the sky.
Twinkle twinkle northern lights,
sparkle in your dreams tonight.
Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!
How I wonder what you're at!
Up above the world you fly,
Like a teatray in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!
How I wonder what you're at!
@crissio0079 Finally, someone actually notices Dragon Quest in this video!
lmao i just cant picture sephiroth like that lmao lmao tooo cute haha
sephiroth appeared and Cloud just waved a hand :D
That was cute
@IamVendel So, you don't like the "or not"? Well, that's bad luck - if SE thinks the Highwind is optional and has no default version, then who are you to claim that you are right and SE is wrong?
Very cute.
@IamVendel Dear Vendel, I still haven´t got that quooooooooooooooote :3
Oh, do you call it tooth fairy? How cute - it´s the same in German^^
But sometimes also "Reineke", but that´s kind of rare... :3
is the opening cg also in PSP version? i got it but i dont see the opening even after waiting blankly
Yes, hilarious might be the word, even if its a soft one.
I wonder if SoS has nothing better to do than that. Doesn't give me a good image of him...
In fact, this has shown me that you two can't sink any deeper than this. This is cruel.
i am for Clifa
In the opening, you can actually see Cloud and Tifa dancing together.
@@starlord5304 In Your dreams haha
@IamVendel So, you just think now that mine is wrong and yours is right? This is poor, dear Vendel, poor.
SoS might want to know that the quote of "CloTi being together" was simply translated into German as "Cloud is at the bar with Tifa" ;P
The only side ignoring was yours.
Well, you might not know, but this is a serious topic in German. We don't like to see people making fun of this. Especially not those like you who think this is all fun to talk about.
Quit it.
@pokemypocky No, dear. It's Japan exclusive. :>
Right on.
Great video, aerith and Cloud are soo cute togueter!! i wonder why Tifa is seen but not with them, as if she had nothing to do with them o.o
Actually, if you look closer, you can actually see Cloud dancing with Tifa.
Jessica is supposed to be in here (Itadaki Street Special), but I can't find her.
This game series came out about seven years before Mario Party did O.o
Well this is interesting. It says that me must catch the meaning of the future. What is ffvii future? Advent children. What happened in AD? Cloud was the only one who could see talk on even touch aerith. And what about this 'hope' that we can find? It's simple. Is the hope that cloud and aerith can have a future and keep their feelings after death just like it happened in half of the ff games. I never said that CXA are canon but we CXA fans have reasons to believe in Clerith.
Ahh, Vendel, you should learn to control your aggression, my dear. That´s not healthy, don´t you know that?
I can´t say how thankful I am, DarkAristocracy, for this former post of yours.
...Still, I think it won´t reach him - Vendel has differenciated himself from every single kind of reality.
He is unreachable xD
What bothers me is that - even if he is that convinced of CloTi - he does not enjoy his pairing. He has to rant...