I've been a fan of you for a while, I liked how you phrased things and your astrology videos were the first time I actually understood things about my placements and myself. But still I am happy that you've taken this decision for yourself. Astrology was simply a tool for you to help people but you have what it takes to continue your mission using other tools now (one of wish is how well spoken you are!). I totally relate about feeling so stuck in your placement and hunting for that pattern that makes sense, it's very draining. I hope to follow you on your new journey of coaching and hope your treatment goes well!! Well done for making this decision for yourself ❤.
Personally, I don’t feel let down at all, even though I am an astrology lover and professional astrologer. I rather feel INSPIRED by your decision in which I see so much wisdom and joy (because that choice is realigning you with what speaks to you in the present moment). Thank you for your courage and genuineness 💛 And I am grateful for the inspiration, love and wisdom that you bring into this world. Looking forward to hearing from you on Nina B Coaching! 🥳 Congratulations Nina 🌞
I am a huge fan of party trick astrology it helped me in a really dark time in my life. Since then i am following you nina and you are doing your work well and it's so wholesome to see you making progress and i like your transparency and can totally relate to your transformation.
Hi Nina! I’ve been a fan for years, and I just want to say thank you for everything! I’ve learned so much because of you, both from my personal reading as well as all of your videos. I felt like I was able to grow along side you in my understanding of astrology because you made it fun, but as the years went on you also incorporated the nuance I craved. I also want to say that you equipped a lot of us with tools to understand the poetry of astrology, even as my interest has ebbed and flowed. I hope your journey with the new channel and practice is exciting and fulfilling! Also wish you all the best in college! Clink clink to the new chapter. 🥂😊
I've been following you for years and I totally hear you and you're right. Personally for me, astrology is strictly a mental tool and meant to be not taken literally. Literally. ❤ Love your honesty and all the best on your journey and growth ❤️ 🩷💜🩵💙💚💛🧡♥️ Keep going and you're Amazing 😍😍🧡💛💚💙♥️🩵💜🩷❤️💕
This is the beautiful part of free will, I am happy you’re finding your groove and what is sustainable for you. Astrology became overwhelming for me too, I like that it’s a hobby, a profession I believe would be far too exhaustive.
Dude, I get it, I'm exhausted after watching one of your videos. I have no idea how you do it. Your brain is freakishly intelligent, and I could not commend you more for taking a step back and giving yourself the love and attention you need. Bravo babe! Best of luck, we all support you and love you! XOXO
I don’t have the time to properly comment atm but but being a patterns person and the exhaustion of filtering, I resonated with that wholeheartedly. I’m excited for you Nina ☺️
I've been following you for a long time now, and this is my first and also the last comment on your astrology channel. Just wanted to thank you for all the knowledge that you brought to us in form of astrology. It has helped me evolve a lot on my journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. I wish you the very best for your future endeavours, Nina! I also hope that you stay safe, healthy, and happy.
sad to see you go. you are one of the best astrologers and been a fan since party trick astrology. i was looking forward to the venus through the house series but do what's best for u❤
One of the best moon series in TH-cam, ur truly mastered ur craft Nina its sad to see u go….😢, very detailed description of signs, ur Amazing Thank u fr sharing ur knowledge ❤❤❤
Ooh I get it where you coming from, I can sense some polarizing stress from spiritual community on your life journey. I truly get you Nina B because I have chronic illness too in the past and still in healing towards it. I'm not fully against scientific methods at all but it's also beneficial if we not abandoned our spiritual practice because some of our experiences can mold some sort of biases towards it or other opposite of it in instance. You can still dive deep in more aspect of it since spirituality is not meant to be limiting at all but it's really our own manners on how to approach it that what matters. It's doesn't come with set of rules and limitations nor templates. You can check something in relations to herbs and more holistic lifestyle that is totally can be sustainable in a long run. Life can be a mystery and that's just how I'm seeing it. Congrats for your new journey ❤
Despedidas sao sempre tristes, mas eu tenho certeza que todos esses anos de estudo em astrologia não ficarão perdidos e que você está indo para um caminho acertado e bem pensado. Tenho muito orgulho da sua maturidade em tomar decisões como essa e ter coragem de enfrentar o seu problema de saúde da melhor forma possível. Estarei aqui sempre torcendo por você. 🥰
This is all completely understandable Nina, and as someone who’s followed you since Party Trick, I also think it’s a bit of a shame because your observations and insights especially in regards to the characteristics and motivations of the signs is a cut above most astrologers on the internet. I say this as a Virgo rising with a Scorpio mercury so believe me that I wouldn’t say this about just anyone. Maybe you’ll circle back to astrology someday after you give your other interests the limelight for a while. Be well. ❤
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I needed to watch this video more than you know. I struggle with codependency that stemmed from my childhood, which I'm finally dealing with. I have Taurus placements in Sun, Jupiter, Venus and south node. I watched your video and a few others (other channels) regarding Venus and Jupiter conjunctions. I found it confusing and hilarious at the same time that my codependency traits mirrored the ones of my Astrological conjunction. So who is to blame for my codependency? My parents or my astrological birth chart...lol! I have greatly enjoyed watching your channel. I love your sense of humor! I truly admire your honesty and ethical decision on stepping away. I am overwhelmed trying to keep up with just my own placements and understanding it all, I can’t imagine how you must feel. I pray for a quick recovery/healing and wish you nothing but greatness, happiness and peace on all your future endeavors.
I only just discovered your videos the other night. I've been deep diving astrology for years and your explanations and descriptions brought an overwhelming sense of clarity. Love love love your videos. Hopefully you leave them up as I plan to continue referencing and sharing them. I really wanted to get a reading with you but waiting for the 💲💰
I have long enjoyed your astrology videos and the way you connect the dots. Thank you for everything you have shared over the years! I understand the mental exhaustion of pattern seeking because I do that, too. However, I do feel there is a way you could still utilize astrology in a longer form coaching structure. I've sometimes thought that it would be helpful to have coaching to help me connect to my placements more. But then I would get to check in with a coach and discuss, and that leads to even more growth. It can feel confusing to try to learn who you are, and astrology is a tool to introduce you to concepts that may have been hard to recognize in yourself before. I see the value in it, but I have also longed for a way to get deeper with clients as an astrologer. I respect your decision to focus on serving in other ways now. Plus, your pursuit of a degree in Psychology sounds awesome and I cannot wait to see the impact it has on you and your services.
Thank you! It was originally my intention to infuse coaching with astrology, but I found that it was much more difficult to do in all practicality. Astrologers lead the session whereas coaches let the client lead and for that reason generally those who seek out astrological services are interested in something different than what coaching provides. Eventually I split both practices up into two businesses and have found that I prefer coaching. I will say though, it’s much easier to “slip in some coaching” in an astrology session than it is to coach in an astrology focused way, so if you’re preference is to practice as an astrologer having a coaching background can really enhance your readings. If you’re preference is coaching though, astrology becomes more of a distraction, and some of the principles of astrology can lead to unproductive mindsets, re: my gripes with the spiritual community/industry. But, what it sounds like you’re describing as far as what you want for yourself is someone who can understand you when you speak about yourself in the language of astrology and has enough information on the subject that they can also add to the conversation, which is cool!
Nina ive seen you grow since party trick? Astrology... I have had a minicrush on you for so long. You are very insightful. You take care. See you in another place and time. I hope you continue posting, maybe with a different platform to offer. ❤
Strangest thing about astrology is that it seems to work. Astrology really should not work but it works. People like attention. What is wrong with giving them attention. You feel run down. I never would have guessed. I feel you as eergetic. You re mind me of me, my sister and my dad and we are all Aires. I guess I will not have a career predicting sun signs because you said something indicating that you thought you could use Aires energy therefore you must not be an Aires.
Enfim, não sei pq eu senti a necessidade de escrever tudo isso.. vc me fez refletir bastante pq vc está abandonando algo q eu estou começando, é mt interessante ver a perspectiva de alguém q já passou por fases q eu provavelmente vou passar nos próximos anos.. sobre o modelo de negócios.. sempre achei q fosse possível construir um relacionamento através de leituras de transito e predições (vejo pelo modelo de negócios da minha professora, q zssim como vc, tb é coach, e formada em psicologia) Ainda assim, os clientes cativos vão procurar o astrologo (eu acredito) 3 vezes ao ano e é mt pouco pra um profissional tentando viver exclusivamente de astrologia, nesse caso, a astrologiaentra como uma ferramentade diagnóstico e o acompanhamento psicológicoentra como tratamento para o diagnóstico.. Mas concordo com vc q os clientes de consulta única são um problema real e por isso é fundamental diversificar as fontes de renda, dando aulas e consultoria, vendendo produtos associados (calendários, agendas, canecas e camisetas temáticas) e criando conteúdo pra redes sociais.. e talvez essa diversidade demande mt tempo e se torne cansativa muito rápido, mas eu não saberia dizer pq ainda não tive essa experiência, e justamente por isso, é tão interessante ouvir sobre o seu relato. Sinto mt pelos problemas de saude q vc tem vivido, concordo q não faz sentido fazer parte de uma comunidade q não te oferece apoio, e pior, ainda te faz se sentir culpada (isso tb acontece no espiritsmo, por exemplo) ou te incentiva a se conformar e não procurar ajuda de outros meios (nesse caso, mais uma vez, a inserção da psicologia se torna fundamental. Por isso também quero praticar por um viés psicológico, sempre achei q as coisas de casa 12 tinham um aspecto de saúde mental e não espiritualidade.. acho q precisamos mudar o vocabulário da astrologia até mesmo para oferecer uma opção aos ateus. Acho bizarro como as pessoas podem acreditar q fazer alguém se sentir culpado pela própria doença pode ajudar a pessoa a lidar melhor com ela. Mas realmente acredito q a astrologia pode ultrapassar as barreiras das crenças...
People cannot afford to use astrologers and "life coaches" as a source of serious mental health and personal psychological assistance. If you think that's realistic in today's economy, you haven't paid attention and are clueless.
A ideia de filtrar as informações através de um coador, como um suco de laranja sendo separado do bagaço, é algo q (eu acedito) existe em qualquer crença e até na falta de crença. Nós vestimos os óculos do cristianismo, ou do socialismo, do veganismo, do minimalismo, da astrologia... qualquer que seja a Ideologia, seja politica ou religiosa, tendemos a seguir um grupo de valores q envolve uma linha de pensamento, q modifica nossos costumes e nossa maneira de encarar as coisas.. concordo q isso limita nossas experiências de vida (no momento em q vc se declara vegano, não só essa ideologia vai limitar suas experiências mas as pessoas vão te pressionar e cobrar uma postura de acordo), mas qlq ideologia vai fazer o mesmo, pq essa é a natureza de seguir uma ideologia.. é justamente se identificar com uma linha de pensamento e filtrar todas as suas experiências através delas, é como se as narrativas criadas por nosso cérebro tivessem um vocabulário identitário.. não discordo de nada do q vc disse, entendo q essa foi a sua jornada particular e q vc está passando por um momento de mudança, mas enquanto alguém q começou a estudar astrologia recentemente e teve a vida transformada, eu fico triste em saber q, justo agora q eu descobri seu canal, não vou mais ter acesso ao seu conhecimento. Gostaria de pedir q não desative o canal, eu sei q tenho muito a aprender com vc. Vc é muito articulada, é uma grande professora, o q me impressiona pq vc parece ser mt jovem. Espero poder continuar acompanhando sua jornada por outras linhas filosóficas, já me inscrevi no seu canal de coaching. Mais uma vez, muito obrigada por partilhar seu conhecimento. Acredito honestamente q é possível praticar uma astrologia q não seja determinista, pq a leitura do mapa nos dá acesso aos arquétipos, energias, traços psicológicos em destaque na vida de alguém, mas não pode prever como alguém exerce seu livre arbítrio. Vc não pode dizer a alguém quem ele é se esse alguém tiver auto conhecimento.. No entanto as pessoas q procuram astrologia costumam ser justamente as mais perdidas.. é uma contradição; isso pode ser mt perigoso mas ao mesmo tempo muito esclarecedor, se o astrólogo tiver a delicadeza e o cuidado se inserir sua leitura apenas onde é capaz de ajudar e não atrapalhar.. acho fundamental q possamos discutir ética na prática da astrologia e q tenhamos um conhecimento sobre psicologia atrelado (e eu tb pretendo estudar psicologia algum dia), pra praticarmos o aconselhamento de forma justa e responsável, sem nos inserir onde não somos chamados. Mas é também por esses problemas éticos q eu acho mt mais produtivo ensinar astrologia do q ser um astrólogo de fato, acho q uma pessoa q tem a capacidade de ler o próprio mapa se beneficia desse conhecimento infinitamente mais do que alguém q paga consultas, justamente pq a leitura do astrólogo é filtrada pelas experiências dele, então é impossível ser imparcial e objetivo.
Adorei ler os seus comentários e fico feliz em saber que tem pessoas que nem você praticando astrologia. Também concordo que é muito mais produtivo ensinar astrologia e é uma pena que nem todo mundo que quer uma leitura quer aprender. Boa sorte na sua jornada! 💛✨
Hi Nina I really related to what I said that everything in my life and all my thoughts and feelings were filtered thru my astrological map , I would need to correlate and be like you that’s my 12th house sun and 9th house Gemini moon . After years of this it became exhausting and I lost interest anyway. I also found when I would Do reading I would have fatigue , so I quit astrology and went back to my career in hair styling that I now appreciate . I think I had to leave it to appreciate it more .
The Community can be hateful and petty. I have witnessed this myself. Even when they know astrologers are discussing a theory. Especially in cesspit's like Reddit.
Some people exaggerate what they have to offer, should the spirtual industry be more honest,, why? Jus forgive them and choose your people well. If I was young I would want to date you.
Sad to see you go Nina😢 but I understand as well. Thank you for everything
I LIKE her✔️
I've been a fan of you for a while, I liked how you phrased things and your astrology videos were the first time I actually understood things about my placements and myself. But still I am happy that you've taken this decision for yourself. Astrology was simply a tool for you to help people but you have what it takes to continue your mission using other tools now (one of wish is how well spoken you are!). I totally relate about feeling so stuck in your placement and hunting for that pattern that makes sense, it's very draining. I hope to follow you on your new journey of coaching and hope your treatment goes well!! Well done for making this decision for yourself ❤.
Thank you so much for your kindness! 💛✨
Personally, I don’t feel let down at all, even though I am an astrology lover and professional astrologer. I rather feel INSPIRED by your decision in which I see so much wisdom and joy (because that choice is realigning you with what speaks to you in the present moment).
Thank you for your courage and genuineness 💛 And I am grateful for the inspiration, love and wisdom that you bring into this world.
Looking forward to hearing from you on Nina B Coaching! 🥳 Congratulations Nina 🌞
That is so sweet 💛✨ and inspiring in itself! Thank you xx
I am a huge fan of party trick astrology it helped me in a really dark time in my life. Since then i am following you nina and you are doing your work well and it's so wholesome to see you making progress and i like your transparency and can totally relate to your transformation.
Hi Nina! I’ve been a fan for years, and I just want to say thank you for everything! I’ve learned so much because of you, both from my personal reading as well as all of your videos. I felt like I was able to grow along side you in my understanding of astrology because you made it fun, but as the years went on you also incorporated the nuance I craved. I also want to say that you equipped a lot of us with tools to understand the poetry of astrology, even as my interest has ebbed and flowed. I hope your journey with the new channel and practice is exciting and fulfilling! Also wish you all the best in college!
Clink clink to the new chapter. 🥂😊
🥂clink clink! Thank you so much! This means a lot 🥹💛
I've been following you for years and I totally hear you and you're right. Personally for me, astrology is strictly a mental tool and meant to be not taken literally. Literally.
❤ Love your honesty and all the best on your journey and growth ❤️ 🩷💜🩵💙💚💛🧡♥️ Keep going and you're Amazing 😍😍🧡💛💚💙♥️🩵💜🩷❤️💕
Thank you! 💛✨
This is the beautiful part of free will, I am happy you’re finding your groove and what is sustainable for you. Astrology became overwhelming for me too, I like that it’s a hobby, a profession I believe would be far too exhaustive.
Dude, I get it, I'm exhausted after watching one of your videos. I have no idea how you do it. Your brain is freakishly intelligent, and I could not commend you more for taking a step back and giving yourself the love and attention you need. Bravo babe! Best of luck, we all support you and love you! XOXO
That’s so sweet 🥲 thank you! 💛✨
I don’t have the time to properly comment atm but but being a patterns person and the exhaustion of filtering, I resonated with that wholeheartedly. I’m excited for you Nina ☺️
Thank you fellow pattern seeker, Carrie! 💛✨
good luck on your journey, Nina :)
I've been following you for a long time now, and this is my first and also the last comment on your astrology channel. Just wanted to thank you for all the knowledge that you brought to us in form of astrology. It has helped me evolve a lot on my journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. I wish you the very best for your future endeavours, Nina! I also hope that you stay safe, healthy, and happy.
Thank you for coming along the ride! I'm honored to have impacted your journey at all 💛✨
Thank you for everything
sad to see you go. you are one of the best astrologers and been a fan since party trick astrology. i was looking forward to the venus through the house series but do what's best for u❤
One of the best moon series in TH-cam, ur truly mastered ur craft Nina its sad to see u go….😢, very detailed description of signs, ur Amazing Thank u fr sharing ur knowledge ❤❤❤
Daaang and I was JUST thinking about getting a reading from you 😩😂
Good luck in your path forward
Ooh I get it where you coming from, I can sense some polarizing stress from spiritual community on your life journey. I truly get you Nina B because I have chronic illness too in the past and still in healing towards it. I'm not fully against scientific methods at all but it's also beneficial if we not abandoned our spiritual practice because some of our experiences can mold some sort of biases towards it or other opposite of it in instance. You can still dive deep in more aspect of it since spirituality is not meant to be limiting at all but it's really our own manners on how to approach it that what matters. It's doesn't come with set of rules and limitations nor templates. You can check something in relations to herbs and more holistic lifestyle that is totally can be sustainable in a long run. Life can be a mystery and that's just how I'm seeing it. Congrats for your new journey ❤
Good luck for the future. I’m changing an unexpected direction in my life which I didn’t realise would ever happen.
Despedidas sao sempre tristes, mas eu tenho certeza que todos esses anos de estudo em astrologia não ficarão perdidos e que você está indo para um caminho acertado e bem pensado. Tenho muito orgulho da sua maturidade em tomar decisões como essa e ter coragem de enfrentar o seu problema de saúde da melhor forma possível. Estarei aqui sempre torcendo por você. 🥰
Ah yes, hello Pluto in Aquarius . I think a lot of people will be "falling away" from groupies they don't align with anymore
This is all completely understandable Nina, and as someone who’s followed you since Party Trick, I also think it’s a bit of a shame because your observations and insights especially in regards to the characteristics and motivations of the signs is a cut above most astrologers on the internet. I say this as a Virgo rising with a Scorpio mercury so believe me that I wouldn’t say this about just anyone. Maybe you’ll circle back to astrology someday after you give your other interests the limelight for a while. Be well. ❤
Aaaaah.Thanks, Nina.
I just SUBSCRIBED your channel after watching my Scorpio Moon video! You hair looks so good this color!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
I needed to watch this video more than you know. I struggle with codependency that stemmed from my childhood, which I'm finally dealing with.
I have Taurus placements in Sun, Jupiter, Venus and south node. I watched your video and a few others (other channels) regarding Venus and Jupiter conjunctions. I found it confusing and hilarious at the same time that my codependency traits mirrored the ones of my Astrological conjunction.
So who is to blame for my codependency?
My parents or my astrological birth chart...lol!
I have greatly enjoyed watching your channel. I love your sense of humor!
I truly admire your honesty and ethical decision on stepping away.
I am overwhelmed trying to keep up with just my own placements and understanding it all, I can’t imagine how you must feel.
I pray for a quick recovery/healing and wish you nothing but greatness, happiness and peace on all your future endeavors.
I only just discovered your videos the other night. I've been deep diving astrology for years and your explanations and descriptions brought an overwhelming sense of clarity. Love love love your videos. Hopefully you leave them up as I plan to continue referencing and sharing them. I really wanted to get a reading with you but waiting for the 💲💰
I combine astrology and coaching- I never want just tell people stuff. It’s exhausting- I like common exploration.
Wow, I guess I am late to the party!! I just SUBSCRIBED and your leaveing!!!!
Your astrology vids help alot!
Will miss ya! 😘
I have long enjoyed your astrology videos and the way you connect the dots. Thank you for everything you have shared over the years!
I understand the mental exhaustion of pattern seeking because I do that, too. However, I do feel there is a way you could still utilize astrology in a longer form coaching structure. I've sometimes thought that it would be helpful to have coaching to help me connect to my placements more. But then I would get to check in with a coach and discuss, and that leads to even more growth. It can feel confusing to try to learn who you are, and astrology is a tool to introduce you to concepts that may have been hard to recognize in yourself before.
I see the value in it, but I have also longed for a way to get deeper with clients as an astrologer. I respect your decision to focus on serving in other ways now. Plus, your pursuit of a degree in Psychology sounds awesome and I cannot wait to see the impact it has on you and your services.
Thank you! It was originally my intention to infuse coaching with astrology, but I found that it was much more difficult to do in all practicality. Astrologers lead the session whereas coaches let the client lead and for that reason generally those who seek out astrological services are interested in something different than what coaching provides. Eventually I split both practices up into two businesses and have found that I prefer coaching. I will say though, it’s much easier to “slip in some coaching” in an astrology session than it is to coach in an astrology focused way, so if you’re preference is to practice as an astrologer having a coaching background can really enhance your readings. If you’re preference is coaching though, astrology becomes more of a distraction, and some of the principles of astrology can lead to unproductive mindsets, re: my gripes with the spiritual community/industry. But, what it sounds like you’re describing as far as what you want for yourself is someone who can understand you when you speak about yourself in the language of astrology and has enough information on the subject that they can also add to the conversation, which is cool!
That’s wild but good luck on your path ❤l
It was actually my second ❤😊
Spot on!💜
Thanks for your content and funny skits
Nina ive seen you grow since party trick? Astrology... I have had a minicrush on you for so long. You are very insightful. You take care. See you in another place and time. I hope you continue posting, maybe with a different platform to offer. ❤
Thank you! I have another channel where I'll be posted on from here on out, @coachninab , hope to see you there! 💛✨
Strangest thing about astrology is that it seems to work. Astrology really should not work but it works.
People like attention. What is wrong with giving them attention.
You feel run down. I never would have guessed. I feel you as eergetic.
You re mind me of me, my sister and my dad and we are all Aires. I guess I will not have a career predicting sun signs because you said something indicating that you thought you could use Aires energy therefore you must not be an Aires.
Enfim, não sei pq eu senti a necessidade de escrever tudo isso.. vc me fez refletir bastante pq vc está abandonando algo q eu estou começando, é mt interessante ver a perspectiva de alguém q já passou por fases q eu provavelmente vou passar nos próximos anos.. sobre o modelo de negócios.. sempre achei q fosse possível construir um relacionamento através de leituras de transito e predições (vejo pelo modelo de negócios da minha professora, q zssim como vc, tb é coach, e formada em psicologia)
Ainda assim, os clientes cativos vão procurar o astrologo (eu acredito) 3 vezes ao ano e é mt pouco pra um profissional tentando viver exclusivamente de astrologia, nesse caso, a astrologiaentra como uma ferramentade diagnóstico e o acompanhamento psicológicoentra como tratamento para o diagnóstico.. Mas concordo com vc q os clientes de consulta única são um problema real e por isso é fundamental diversificar as fontes de renda, dando aulas e consultoria, vendendo produtos associados (calendários, agendas, canecas e camisetas temáticas) e criando conteúdo pra redes sociais.. e talvez essa diversidade demande mt tempo e se torne cansativa muito rápido, mas eu não saberia dizer pq ainda não tive essa experiência, e justamente por isso, é tão interessante ouvir sobre o seu relato. Sinto mt pelos problemas de saude q vc tem vivido, concordo q não faz sentido fazer parte de uma comunidade q não te oferece apoio, e pior, ainda te faz se sentir culpada (isso tb acontece no espiritsmo, por exemplo) ou te incentiva a se conformar e não procurar ajuda de outros meios (nesse caso, mais uma vez, a inserção da psicologia se torna fundamental. Por isso também quero praticar por um viés psicológico, sempre achei q as coisas de casa 12 tinham um aspecto de saúde mental e não espiritualidade.. acho q precisamos mudar o vocabulário da astrologia até mesmo para oferecer uma opção aos ateus. Acho bizarro como as pessoas podem acreditar q fazer alguém se sentir culpado pela própria doença pode ajudar a pessoa a lidar melhor com ela. Mas realmente acredito q a astrologia pode ultrapassar as barreiras das crenças...
People cannot afford to use astrologers and "life coaches" as a source of serious mental health and personal psychological assistance. If you think that's realistic in today's economy, you haven't paid attention and are clueless.
A ideia de filtrar as informações através de um coador, como um suco de laranja sendo separado do bagaço, é algo q (eu acedito) existe em qualquer crença e até na falta de crença. Nós vestimos os óculos do cristianismo, ou do socialismo, do veganismo, do minimalismo, da astrologia... qualquer que seja a Ideologia, seja politica ou religiosa, tendemos a seguir um grupo de valores q envolve uma linha de pensamento, q modifica nossos costumes e nossa maneira de encarar as coisas.. concordo q isso limita nossas experiências de vida (no momento em q vc se declara vegano, não só essa ideologia vai limitar suas experiências mas as pessoas vão te pressionar e cobrar uma postura de acordo), mas qlq ideologia vai fazer o mesmo, pq essa é a natureza de seguir uma ideologia.. é justamente se identificar com uma linha de pensamento e filtrar todas as suas experiências através delas, é como se as narrativas criadas por nosso cérebro tivessem um vocabulário identitário.. não discordo de nada do q vc disse, entendo q essa foi a sua jornada particular e q vc está passando por um momento de mudança, mas enquanto alguém q começou a estudar astrologia recentemente e teve a vida transformada, eu fico triste em saber q, justo agora q eu descobri seu canal, não vou mais ter acesso ao seu conhecimento. Gostaria de pedir q não desative o canal, eu sei q tenho muito a aprender com vc. Vc é muito articulada, é uma grande professora, o q me impressiona pq vc parece ser mt jovem. Espero poder continuar acompanhando sua jornada por outras linhas filosóficas, já me inscrevi no seu canal de coaching. Mais uma vez, muito obrigada por partilhar seu conhecimento.
Acredito honestamente q é possível praticar uma astrologia q não seja determinista, pq a leitura do mapa nos dá acesso aos arquétipos, energias, traços psicológicos em destaque na vida de alguém, mas não pode prever como alguém exerce seu livre arbítrio. Vc não pode dizer a alguém quem ele é se esse alguém tiver auto conhecimento.. No entanto as pessoas q procuram astrologia costumam ser justamente as mais perdidas.. é uma contradição; isso pode ser mt perigoso mas ao mesmo tempo muito esclarecedor, se o astrólogo tiver a delicadeza e o cuidado se inserir sua leitura apenas onde é capaz de ajudar e não atrapalhar.. acho fundamental q possamos discutir ética na prática da astrologia e q tenhamos um conhecimento sobre psicologia atrelado (e eu tb pretendo estudar psicologia algum dia), pra praticarmos o aconselhamento de forma justa e responsável, sem nos inserir onde não somos chamados. Mas é também por esses problemas éticos q eu acho mt mais produtivo ensinar astrologia do q ser um astrólogo de fato, acho q uma pessoa q tem a capacidade de ler o próprio mapa se beneficia desse conhecimento infinitamente mais do que alguém q paga consultas, justamente pq a leitura do astrólogo é filtrada pelas experiências dele, então é impossível ser imparcial e objetivo.
Adorei ler os seus comentários e fico feliz em saber que tem pessoas que nem você praticando astrologia. Também concordo que é muito mais produtivo ensinar astrologia e é uma pena que nem todo mundo que quer uma leitura quer aprender. Boa sorte na sua jornada! 💛✨
I'll miss your insight Nina.
Get your mental and emotional health right!.Thats all that matters.And if you do come back in the future, your subscribers will be waiting for you.🙂
Hi Nina I really related to what I said that everything in my life and all my thoughts and feelings were filtered thru my astrological map , I would need to correlate and be like you that’s my 12th house sun and 9th house Gemini moon . After years of this it became exhausting and I lost interest anyway. I also found when I would
Do reading I would have fatigue , so I quit astrology and went back to my career in hair styling that I now appreciate . I think I had to leave it to appreciate it more .
Absolutely nobody blames you
gm Nina, 🎥
Buy a telescope 🔭, it’ll make it easier for you to check out the planets.
Celestron is a good brand, great quality.
🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️we love you so much
The Community can be hateful and petty. I have witnessed this myself. Even when they know astrologers are discussing a theory. Especially in cesspit's like Reddit.
Some people exaggerate what they have to offer, should the spirtual industry be more honest,, why?
Jus forgive them and choose your people well.
If I was young I would want to date you.
bit of a shame, youre vids were pretty good
Well then, how ironic is it that Pluto is entering Aquarius? This decision was fated I guess. Spoken like a true air sign 😂