Norway just fantastic again! I am so happy for the girls. I like them all - Tiril (she is the best!), Ingrid and Marte. And I think Ida Lien is actually also on the rise. This is already the second relay where she was really good and hold the team very well in the competition. Thank you girls for fantastic performance and congratulation! What a championship from Tiril!
Super Franzi! Hoffentlich bleibt sie gesund, dann spielt sie nächste Saison wieder ganz vorne mit!
Danke für den Upload!
Die Franzi im Ziel: "Janina, du hast eine WM - Medaille!"
Best Moment
Norway just fantastic again! I am so happy for the girls. I like them all - Tiril (she is the best!), Ingrid and Marte. And I think Ida Lien is actually also on the rise. This is already the second relay where she was really good and hold the team very well in the competition. Thank you girls for fantastic performance and congratulation! What a championship from Tiril!
Bravo deutsche Damen Staffel - eine super Aufholjagd - weiter so
Слава Україні 🇺🇦
würden die ösi damen besser schießen, wär eine medaille drinnen gewesen lol