English Summary (translated most) This ranking is more like a prediction for the upcoming GSL (Patch 4.12.0). 10) Solar He is good enough to be in top 5 in ladder. However, he has a difficult time showing his full potential in tournaments. Zerg nerf. 9) Dear Always gets eliminated in Ro8. That is why he is number 9. 8) sOs, TY sOs: Even though he is in a semi-slump, he always has that potential to win a tournament. It’s like rolling a dice. He wins the whole thing if the dice gets a high roll. TY: He has the confidence to advance to Ro8. Didn’t mention how far he will go. 7) Rogue If I did this ranking 3 months ago, he would be in top 3, but can’t ignore that he got assassinated by Scarlett. He is underperforming. 6) Cure MMR 7000+, getting used to offline stages, similar position to last year’s Trap 5) Stats, Parting, Trap Stats: Recent patch buffs defensive Protoss 4) Zest, soO Zest: Best Protoss + Protoss buff soO: TSL champion, will use all his energy on this season because he might have to join the military after this, 2020 season 2 (lots of 2s) 3) Dark Victim of Zerg nerf + detrimental patch for a player who loves to use queens. Even so, he is ranked #3 because of his outstanding skills. 2) Maru Still a winning candidate, will have an aftereffect of losing in the Ro8 1) Innovation Powerhouse, this season’s GSL run was a bit unlucky, still a strong winning candidate
English Summary (translated most)
This ranking is more like a prediction for the upcoming GSL (Patch 4.12.0).
10) Solar
He is good enough to be in top 5 in ladder. However, he has a difficult time showing his full potential in tournaments. Zerg nerf.
9) Dear
Always gets eliminated in Ro8. That is why he is number 9.
8) sOs, TY
sOs: Even though he is in a semi-slump, he always has that potential to win a tournament. It’s like rolling a dice. He wins the whole thing if the dice gets a high roll.
TY: He has the confidence to advance to Ro8. Didn’t mention how far he will go.
7) Rogue
If I did this ranking 3 months ago, he would be in top 3, but can’t ignore that he got assassinated by Scarlett. He is underperforming.
6) Cure
MMR 7000+, getting used to offline stages, similar position to last year’s Trap
5) Stats, Parting, Trap
Stats: Recent patch buffs defensive Protoss
4) Zest, soO
Zest: Best Protoss + Protoss buff
soO: TSL champion, will use all his energy on this season because he might have to join the military after this, 2020 season 2 (lots of 2s)
3) Dark
Victim of Zerg nerf + detrimental patch for a player who loves to use queens. Even so, he is ranked #3 because of his outstanding skills.
2) Maru
Still a winning candidate, will have an aftereffect of losing in the Ro8
1) Innovation
Powerhouse, this season’s GSL run was a bit unlucky, still a strong winning candidate
12:57 불운? 솔직히 저주였다고 말 하시죠
아하 이번 시즌은 강민수 선수가 우승하는군요
그러기엔 강민수가 멘탈이 약함+잘 속음
롤하던 이신형 예선탈락 확정ㄷㄷㄷ
이미 시드권이라 16강확정...
어허 이 사람 또 우승할려고 펠레거네 욕심이 과하네
이렇게 선수 대격변 패치를 하시어 신예들의 길을 열어주시는 존썬... 존경스럽습니다
Little by little, TY is trying to remove any bit of content from TeamLiquid.
12:52 (불운의 정체)
우승 축하드려요~~
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 전썬 tv 왤캐 재밌냐 요즘 ㅋㅋ
썬펠레가 동시에 작동하나요;;; 이런 컨텐츠 너무 좋은데, 키보드 소리가 너무 커서 그 소리가 너무 거슬리네요;;
밸런스 패치노트도 유튜브에서 얘기하면 재밌을듯
리그 시작전 저주부터 거는 썬펠레
1~7등까지 데스노트 메모....
이젠 아예 스투 씬을 갈아엎어버리려고 하시네....
썬장군님 욕심이 너무 많으시네
썬펠레 저주 작렬 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
24강 탈락자 벌써 설계하네
수장님은 gsl에서는 언제나 2등 아닌가요?
요약) 강민수 다음 시즌 우승 유력
이신형 gsl 광탈 위기
도니 버밀리언:전태양 당신에겐 양심도 없습니까
이신형 견제 살벌하네요..
이번엔 단체데스노트인가요?ㅋㅋ
이런건 1위부터해야 10명을 맞추지
탑10부터 정하니 중간에 4위에 선수 2명이 겹치는 불상사가 나오죠 ㅠㅠ
벌써 작업치네 ㄷㄷ
태스노트 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
결승 한번 더 가서 패배 하는 순간 썬가미 라이토 되서 야마다한테 총맞는 거 기대합니다.
well where is parting ? he did way better than sos/dear
또 또 또 노트 쓰신다
이 정도면 총기난사 수준인데...
이제 저 10명이 차례대로 탈락하는 거죠?
이상 8강에서 볼수 없는 명단들
여기서도 어윤수는 2명이서 2*2등이네
따이따이 싹다 죽이네..
어허 너무 겸손해도 안좋아요~!!!
그리고 강민수가 우승하였다고 한다
마루요즘 뜸하당
PartinG? Hello????? Is this a list of your friends or real skill?
Parting rank5 = 원이삭 ok?
롤을 쉬어서 이노가 우승 못한거
TY는 우승 0순위 ^^
0순위 존 썬..
Parting??? ???
Parting rank5 = 원이삭 ok?
@@MIN-i7e ok
You forgot PartinG. Very disrespect!
Parting rank5 = 원이삭 ok?
또 승부조작하네..
No parting wtf
Parting rank5 = 원이삭 ok?
부동조준 너무한데
제 개인적 생각은 1위: 다크,전태양 /2위: 마루/메탈 튼튼한 원이삭/3위: 어윤수/ 4위: 주성욱,김대엽/ 5위: 이신형/ 6위: 이병렬, 7위: 김도욱 , 8위: 김유진 /9위: 백동준/10위: 강민수