I'd like to see Felicity Jones in Episode 9 of the Star Wars sequel -if they can find some sort of role similarly heroic to what we saw in Rogue One that would be fantastic.
That's what I thought her name was when I first saw the trailer! And then I thought, when I first saw Diego Luna's character, my reaction was, "If she's Jan Ors, then is he Kyle Katarn?"
jyn as in gynocologist or misogynist (as in pertaining to or connected to a uterus) and erso as in usrsa major (big bear or big dipper constellation) or ursula (name for a woman meaning bear).... yes, she is literally named "she bear".
The name is just a bastardization of "Jan Ors" who the character was obviously based on. Actually all the characters in R1 were obviously taken from the characters of Jan Ors and Kyle Katarn. Just cut up into bits.
Jyn Erso is also loosely based off the name Jan Ors, a character in the Star Wars Dark Forces series who was a spy.
That was the very first thing I noticed!
Jyn erso just so much more attractive than rey
This movie is legendary Felicity Jones was great in it
She is purely lovely.
Oh i want to hug you!
I love this woman so hard
I'd like to see Felicity Jones in Episode 9 of the Star Wars sequel -if they can find some sort of role similarly heroic to what we saw in Rogue One that would be fantastic.
Actually her name is a nod to character in EU, which helped to steal Death Star plans.
That wouldn't happen to be Jan Ors would it?
Nick Hydier Yes, it would:)
Morfeus Really? I didn't know that. That's pretty neat :3
That's what I thought her name was when I first saw the trailer! And then I thought, when I first saw Diego Luna's character, my reaction was, "If she's Jan Ors, then is he Kyle Katarn?"
Gabriel Drake ding ding
I love Jyn
The best Star Wars movie next to Empire by far.
Spoiler of the end in this interview. Don't watch if haven't seen.
Vonsputen Hindenburg whats the spoiler?
Vonsputen Hindenburg Do they talk about everyone dying and having bad ass Darth Vader them showing Princess Leia? Well shit that's a shame
She's ready to be married, haha wedding dress.
jyn as in gynocologist or misogynist (as in pertaining to or connected to a uterus) and erso as in usrsa major (big bear or big dipper constellation) or ursula (name for a woman meaning bear).... yes, she is literally named "she bear".
Felicity was fantastic as Jyn.
Jyn Antonik
She has a deep voice like Daisy Ridley, and almost as pretty.
more pretty
She is way prettier than ridley.
Daisy Ridley actually looks better as Rey than she does in real life. Felicity looks more or less the same, prettier, and isn't as flat.
Better than daisy
HD Simplicityy reys flat
It's obvious. She did not like Star Wars as a child.
And? She's an actor, it's a role. You don't have to be a dedicated fan of a franchise to play in it
Harrison Ford HATE han solo and? They are actors.
Even in that ugly dress she looks gorgeous.
The name is just a bastardization of "Jan Ors" who the character was obviously based on. Actually all the characters in R1 were obviously taken from the characters of Jan Ors and Kyle Katarn. Just cut up into bits.
is she about to get married?
I don't buy it. It seems she did not even enjoyed playing Jyn and furthermore does not seem to be proud being a part of Star Wars afterall.
What the hell is she wearing?
wedding dress.
iWillWakeYouUp curtains
That dress is terrible
cute girl next dor !