Ahí les va una traducción del comentario mío del principio, antes de elaborar el arroz, salió de baño después de defecar y agarrarse la pistola, sin lavarse las manos, para darle más sabor, algunos pelos abajeños mezclado con el arroz sin duda una delicia de la comida india! sobretodo con mucha limpieza!😅 Desde México con respeto !😅
Hello from germany!! 🇩🇪💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷📓📓📓📒💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳
I am glad you think so, and want to visit Pakistan. Yes, Pakistani Street Biryani is famous all over the world. Thanks for the comment, stay tuned for more street videos 👍
I wish to visit Pakistan and taste their authentic foods, but sadly I couldn't go there since I'm a transgender I don't think they allowed transgenders there but still love from Philippines Godbless ❤️
actually even though you are transgender you are still safe and are allowed to enter there. What is prohibited is promoting LGBTQ, such as holding a pride parade, or raising a pride flag. The law in Pakistan is almost the same as in Malaysia and Indonesia.
Yes! This area is only for men but they have separate area for women and family. Yes, we should drink fresh juice. Of course, it was delicious. Thanks for the comment, stay tuned 😇
A las mujeres de nuestras calles no les gusta comer abiertamente en la calle. Quieren un espacio separado, por eso la mayoría de restaurantes y tiendas tienen un espacio separado para ellos. No nos gusta taparlo.
@@RashidaHussain No one ate from the plate?? But it was given to someone and you can’t keep your eyes on everyone and every minute!! To be SAFE you should have thrown it away.. that how disease are spreads!! Where Covid-19 come from?? Third World Countries like Yours !! Be Well.. Be Safe.. From NYC Manhattan ❤️💋
@@candyapple10 True .. BUT we don’t have a camera in the kitchen to see them .. But because you video your food for the world to see .. and we see the rice going back in the POT and then giving new rice.. That’s the difference…🙏
Before making the meal😅, he came out of the bathroom after defecating and grabbing his gun, without washing his hands, to give it more flavor, some downy hairs mixed with the rice, undoubtedly a delight of Indian food! especially with a lot of cleanliness!😅
Who told you first world countries have better hygiene. Restaurants even the expensive ones are dirty and the chefs use their bare hands to make your food. Don't talk crap about 3rd world countries when you guys aren't clean.
dirty, hands don't use plastic. If food is sold, it should be clean. Hands without plastic are clean. everyone asks questions. Are selling food going to be accused of being dirty??? Don't be stupid, the world has progressed. everyone wants to be clean & healthy.
i love how satisfying these street food videos are
Wow looks very tasty bro and that young boy got some good skills lol flipping the chicken in the bag
I love chicken biryani! Love from America! ❤🇺🇸
MashaAllah barakallahu jumma mubarak ho
Hmmmmm so nice😋👍 🙏😍
Apko bhi boht boht Mubarak 😇
Yes, this Al-Rehman biryani is really delicious 😋
@@RashidaHussain always succes for you na allah bless you everytime Ameen summa ameen🤲🤲 🙏
@manifaradiba2632 Thank you for your wishes and valuable comment 👍
Wow that's amazing ❤❤
TH-camr ponga para traducir en español por favor , admiro esta gente trabajadora , ver sus comidas . Saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷 ❤❤
Ahí les va una traducción del comentario mío del principio, antes de elaborar el arroz, salió de baño después de defecar y agarrarse la pistola, sin lavarse las manos, para darle más sabor, algunos pelos abajeños mezclado con el arroz sin duda una delicia de la comida india! sobretodo con mucha limpieza!😅 Desde México con respeto !😅
Love biryani ❤❤
Awesome !!!! Hello 👋 from Africa 🌍 Cairo
Yeh toh naach naach ke nikaal rha hai 🙄💃🕺💃
Haha yes! He is enjoying himself 😎
Congratulations for 1.5 million subscribers. 👋👋👋👍
And 1 billion bacteria! 😂😂😂😂
Such amazing food prepared by amazing people ❤
I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for watching 😇
such amazing food? no no no
????? I don't comprehend your comment...ThankYou 😊
@@albertorudi5168you are dirty
Hello from germany!! 🇩🇪💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷🗞💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷📓📓📓📒💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳
Wow from Germany! Thanks for visiting 👍
Idiot. So viele Zeichen. Noch Alles ganz dicht da oben?
Wow its Amazing Food ❤😂🎉😢😮😅😊
Yes! It's delicious 😋
The dude in the front looks like he's dancing everytime he scooped that rice from that giant container, seems like he really enjoy his job, respect
Oh yes! He likes to do that, and this biryani is really delicious. You should to try. Thank you for your valuable comment, stay tuned 👍
Looks great! We do have some similar food here in Brasil!
Yes u r right
Hello from Greece...I love Pakistan
Healthy rice and chicken. Hard working young men. How many rupis? Thank you! 🐻
Ishallah my brother
Wow amazing food ❤
I'm glad you think so! Yes, this biryani is really delicious 😋
I like dry steamy rice. Goes well with a lot of savory curry meals types, especially chicken.
Oh that's good! Then definitely try this food, you will love it.
Thanks for the comment 👍
Amazing ❤
I really wish to visit pakistan for there biryani it looks so delicious 😋🤤 but i guess i can only watch this videos 😢😢😢
I am glad you think so, and want to visit Pakistan. Yes, Pakistani Street Biryani is famous all over the world. Thanks for the comment, stay tuned for more street videos 👍
@@RashidaHussain Of course 🥰
Dami pa exhibition sa pagserve...natatagalan tuloy
We need a branch from this restaurant in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦❤
Absolutely not. This is not hilal.
@@PomazeBog1389lmao 😂
Тоже бы хотел такого попробовать👍
Pakistan has the best food
I wish I could taste this delicious Pupaji food 🤤😋🤤😋
Smart guy, you've great restaurant.
No doubt! This restaurant is very popular in the streets of Pakistan.
Thanks for watching 😇
@Rashida Hussain dear brother can I contact with you please
Left side boy is so talented 😂😂in making leg peace to fly in air 😂😂😂…my mouth is watering 🤤
Achcha, bhai
Jee bhai!
Good 👍
me watching this with empty stomach 😢🥹
The first guy was Precise asf same amount each time and itt seem like a decent amount of food
Oh yes! The man is filling the plate well and with style.
Thanks for the comment 👍
Thanks for watching 😇
Rashida hussian Frieds
I wish to visit Pakistan and taste their authentic foods, but sadly I couldn't go there since I'm a transgender I don't think they allowed transgenders there but still love from Philippines Godbless ❤️
actually even though you are transgender you are still safe and are allowed to enter there. What is prohibited is promoting LGBTQ, such as holding a pride parade, or raising a pride flag. The law in Pakistan is almost the same as in Malaysia and Indonesia.
I highly doubt they would know what you are unless you go out shouting you are trans. No one cares
Yes! This biryani is really delicious 😋
well food
Ese platillo por allá es como el ceviche en Perú.
I love it and they used spoons
that guy is the best server i've seen in my life 🤣🤣
He scraped food someone else ate back into the pot. Omg 😱
So what, that rice is clean in the pot. They are picking up spicy rice.
Rashida. Hussian. ICECREAMU
how much one rice?
bro one plait kitne ki de rha ha
wow delicioso!
Isso é arroz ?🤔
Hamare liye v bhejwa do Bhai .
Jee kiu nahi! zarur try kreiyga, boht achi hoti hain.
Only men? Pepsi is poison to drink, food looks great!👍🏼
Yes! This area is only for men but they have separate area for women and family. Yes, we should drink fresh juice. Of course, it was delicious. Thanks for the comment, stay tuned 😇
Why? If u see woman u want to rape?
Pepsi is good when you drink just one bottle a day.
oh my god!
Famous Al Rehman 100 Chickens 600000 Biryani Rices
| People are Crazy for Roadside Street Food 100 Chickens 600000 Biryani Rices
Why these people don't wear gloves.
chicken rice rashida. Hussian.
Solo hay hombres comiendo , por qué?
A las mujeres de nuestras calles no les gusta comer abiertamente en la calle. Quieren un espacio separado, por eso la mayoría de restaurantes y tiendas tienen un espacio separado para ellos. No nos gusta taparlo.
this is what happens to you when you done this for 10 years and no hopes of a raise
I haven't seen one till date that hasn't grown after 10 years.
emporter dans les sac de plastique 🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕✋️?????peut être le patron c'est un radin
Ces sacs en plastique ne fondent pas, car le riz n'est pas si chaud.
their showmnship is great but not their hygeine
What hygiene do you want? These are street stalls, don't compare them to restaurants.
Have you seen street stalls in India. Tell your people to fix their hygiene first
Pet may lashein khake bharte ho sath may pepsi junk food
Yaar 2 spoons eating biryani,sharaam kaar,ghorah acting chore.
bakit kilangan magmadali
Sikat kasi itong tindahan sa kalyeng ito. May mga taong gustong kumain ng biryani na ito.
He threw back some eaten rice then gave new rice??
No! No one ate from this plate, the customer wants another piece of chicken.
No one ate from the plate??
But it was given to someone and you can’t keep your eyes on everyone and every minute!!
To be SAFE you should have thrown it away.. that how disease are spreads!!
Where Covid-19 come from??
Third World Countries like Yours !!
Be Well..
Be Safe..
From NYC Manhattan ❤️💋
He shook off plain rice then added flavored rice. The plate was made then handed back for better portion or did I see wrong?
@@sui2978You're acting like NYC is clean. You got rats and bugs even in high end restaurants.
True .. BUT we don’t have a camera in the kitchen to see them ..
But because you video your food for the world to see .. and we see the rice going back in the POT and then giving new rice..
That’s the difference…🙏
Before making the meal😅, he came out of the bathroom after defecating and grabbing his gun, without washing his hands, to give it more flavor, some downy hairs mixed with the rice, undoubtedly a delight of Indian food! especially with a lot of cleanliness!😅
How do you know ? Were you with him or were you helping him grabbing the gun? 😁
5 star 😂😂😂
這兩下拋肉 有何意思😢
Why no womens in the streets
Looks like a very dry and boring place to live in. Anything to do here aside from eating?
치킨 두개 들어가면 칼같이 빼네 ㅎㅎ
예! 그들은 닭고기를 작은 조각으로 자릅니다.
Don't eat peef
People pay to have their food slung around?
It cools it down
Work fast, serve fast while hot. Shake off extra rice and cool it down.
@@calonarang7378 Ok...i never thought of it that way. I stand corrected.
@@schlaznger8049 not being rude, I thought the same till the lid was off.
So I think a very thing would be the lack of hygiene in these countries, I know it may be their culture, but I think wrong.
Maybe their immunsystem can handle it.
@@alfred9486 yes
Who told you first world countries have better hygiene. Restaurants even the expensive ones are dirty and the chefs use their bare hands to make your food. Don't talk crap about 3rd world countries when you guys aren't clean.
@@candyapple10 I didn't want to offend
wasteful, no respect for the food, look at all that rice dropping on the sides with every overly exaggerated scooping of rice and chicken.
dirty, hands don't use plastic. If food is sold, it should be clean. Hands without plastic are clean. everyone asks questions. Are selling food going to be accused of being dirty??? Don't be stupid, the world has progressed. everyone wants to be clean & healthy.
I want to know how this rice is cooked and what it's called I want to make it and try it to eat it looking very delicious
I am glad you liked this food, we call it Biryani. Yes, biryani recipe video is also available on my channel, check it out.
India 🇮🇳
India 🇮🇳
Wow from India! Thanks for visiting 👍