Hya Mark, I agree not even a nasty look in her eyes. She is a wonderful person with excellent sound and abilities. Amazing when FAMILY raises children well, is it not? Ray C. Florida
I love the way you incorporate finger picking, conventional strumming and flamenco style percussive elements. This gives your playing style such a dynamic and sounds with loads of variation.
I know this was written a while ago but she doesn't use a single flamenco technique. Nor that she needs it. Did you get that from any video in particular? Cheers
I always wondered how you get such a sophisticated sound from a living room sofa with no visible equipment. Now the mystery isn't a mystery anymore! Thank you so much, Gabriella and keep up the beautiful performances!
So the living room playing she does is actually just picking to an actual studio recording? B/c she obviously has none of this stuff in her living room.
@@jamievidd775 Yes! It's what most artists do. This was PIONEERED by none other than the BEATLES! Just like in actual music video that you see, they just play over what they recorded in studio!
The best part of this whole video was you playing your original composition, Remember. Absolutely one of the most beautiful pieces of guitar music I have ever heard.
Gabriella, your most important piece of equipment is your smile. My daughter's learning to play guitar so I share a bunch of your videos with her. She thinks you're fantastic. Keep up the good work!
There is that famous smile again. The smile is unique, like a missing Vermeer painting. Gabriella's playing is like a master painting, Vermeer would spend weeks preparing his paints, props and model, waiting for the right kind of light coming through the hand blown glass window, and then months working the paint. Gabriella is an artist too, a master one at that, "Getting Better All The Time, Getting ..so ...much ,,,better..all ,,,the ......TIME. I have followed her from her first Video. Yes ... I play, a Guitar player, i used to be crazy about finger style, 47 years of playing, but today exploring theory and modes, oh and that beat.I am now retired, so I can practice and practice.Practice is love. She knows that of course. The cleanness of her playing is simply astounding, the perfect fingering and her right hand technique is just......exquisite. Ohhhhhhh that Gabriella sound, that beat...stunning. 100% perfection. Got to love this lady, I bet her dad is real proud. a chip off the old block. My 2 cents worth!
So THAT is how to record acoustic music! I record maybe one song/year. Someone described my recorded acoustic guitar as sounding like “angry bees buzzing in a can.” Many folks don’t appreciate the time, ear, skill, patience required to make a good recording. You and father do great work.
Only a question Gabriella. I was looking you playng a guitar in a video, so I want to ask you if you have an Yamaha APX4 in your instrument case. Thanks for the answer. Bye.
Your Dad has really kept you up to day and playing, with some of the best tools out there. I, myself, use Studio 1- my studio is about the same tiny size. I belong to a few sound engineering groups- and many of the members have such beautiful, large studio's. Imo? Your Dad has packed a LOT of punch, into his tiny "Dad-space". And don't worry, Gabriella, us old guys just like to run the machines and push/slide all the buttons- you know, like the BBQ! AND, you're Dad? He's been blessed with an incredible talent- of which I'm know he's extremely proud. I've seen his face. I'd just like to also thank you, for continuing to share said talent, with all of us. I hope people understand, what a truly special time we live in, when talent such as this, unselfishly shares it, with the world. All it takes? is the click of a mouse.
What an amazing talent. Absolute fluidity of motion, technically accurate and overflowing with groove and feel. This young lady is extremely talented. She makes that guitar an expression of herself and it's incredible to watch.
Hi Gabriella - the 'mystery' pedal on your board does 3 things: First, it tries to imitate the sound of resonating wood - in other words the sound you would get playing acoustically, because the piezo pickup in your guitar changes the sound when you plug in, and it can be a bit harsh. Second, if you hold the on /off switch down while you plug in the power you get a green light, and you're now in feedback suppression mode - so if you're experiencing feedback on stage, hit the pedal, it goes red, the pedal will cut the feedback out. Finally, if you hold the button down the light will flash and it mutes the signal so you can tune quietly, or change guitars without a loud 'pop' when you unplug. Not a lot of people know that! God bless.
@@soumendasgupta2272 It’s when the amplified sound begins to drive the strings, which is amplified in what is called a feedback loop. It can be used in rock as an effect, but can also blow out you speakers if not controlled.
I see where the seed was planted for your musical talent. Myself, have always favored and mostly played the Gibson scale. Years ago, went to replace a stolen Hummingbird and played a Taylor 912, been hooked ever since. I have both the 812ce and 912ce for finger picking. Just sold an original Taylor 12 fret. I have a daughter close to your age, I know your family is SO proud of you. Stay yourself young Lady. PPL all over the world love you for who you are and your absolutely exceptional talent.
A small fortune, but you are such an accomplished guitarist that everything in that studio sings praises to you. Thank you for enlightening the entire world with your talents.
I have been watching you playing for years now since "dust in the wind' "the dancing queen" to "another brick in the wall" I love them, enjoy every song you played. Always love the way you smile every time you look into the camera. Gosh! it is priceless. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thanks so much for this video! The personal touch is really nice. So fun to see the equipment in your dad's studio. I'd love to hear your dad play a little more as well. Another video I'd absolutely love to see would be a few minutes of you talking us through the process of how you transpose the songs. Your approach and how you look at it would be so neat to see. Love the playing in the end of this video. Cheers!
Sometimes it's a difficult decision to show the intricacies of the process. You might think that it will take some of the "magic" away from the finished product. But when you start with pure gold, the process is only the path to beautiful jewelry!!
Gabriella is a fine example of the impact a good father figure has on their upbringing. One day when I have a family, I will teach my kids music and art from a young age
I am old, but it is heartwarming to witness such a delightful young lady. Speaks better English than I....gives me hope of a better world with young people like this in it.....
In formal way like writing business letter, or school assignment better than I is use.. But in daily conversation me is preferred to use since it's informal.
Amen, Isn't THAT the truth....Like you, I am old (pro musician)....I've worked with hundreds...perhaps thousands her age and younger...getting them started on the right path in music (guitar, primarily). Some have stayed with it and succeeded, in varying degrees...most did not (outside interests, found love, couldn't find time, etc.)...all an instructor can do is GUIDE, demonstrate, explain and show. I still take time with an absolute beginner (my time permitting), but pretty much (now) I work with very advanced "students" (pro). I still love that first spark in a beginner's eyes, when, in only a few minutes, they successfully play a great sounding bit I just taught, mouth and eyes wide open, astonished stare. Love it...best payback any instructor can receive. I do not now, nor will I EVER charge for instruction. It's absolutely FREE. Many touring pros...past and present have been MY instructers... teaching me the ropes...you would recognize names...but it's their privacy I guard. And I need no new "students". Old now, but when younger, I had many, many "lessons" from top-tier pros...they never charged me a penney...just said, "pay it forward, Doug"... ...and so I do... I love your comnent and absolutely agree. Her dad is fortunate to have such a talented daughter....and the daughter is fortunate to have such a wise and patient father. ... Crossbow (BMI, songwriter, pro live/stage, studio/recording, sound engineer, etc.)
@@douglasfuqua7082 Great stuff, good for you!!....yeah, my son is 23, been playing guitar for 15 years and his band is based on the Prog rock, genre....they are very much into that music scene from the mid 60's into the 80's.....the newer music....the fabricated stuff today, he claims..isn't "organic", has very little interest.......interesting way to put it.
For anyone starting out doing home recordings, don't think you need all this equipment straight away. The 2 most important parts are a good, correctly positioned microphone and a good location. A decent USB microphone played into a laptop can be remarkably effective. Editing/ mixing software is free or cheap. Gabriellea's playing merits a top quality recording of course.
Hello Gabriella, thank you so much for granting insight into the recording equipment and environment you use! Just yesterday your latest video (Sultans of Swing) popped up in my YT recommendations and I was immediately hooked. I can't believe I hadn't seen or heard of you before! One day later I have probably watched around 3 dozen of your videos... :D In any case, upon listening to your Sultans of Swing cover I was immediately curious about your recording process. The sound produced by your setup is so warm, rich, full and spacious - not to mention clean and crystal clear! - unlike any other video on youtube I have come across. It sounds like we are sitting in the same room, it's that amazing. Also kudos for being so straightforward about not knowing what that particular piece of equipment does. :) For many people it is easy to assume that you have to know just about *everything* when it comes to the recording, mixing and mastering process of your music because you are so good at what you do. But even if you're someone who is a tech geek about your music (or any other artistic passion that involves technology) there will always be things you don't know; as a passionate amateur photographer I certainly know that's true! On the upside, however, it means there is always something new to learn, and that in itself is an exciting prospect, wouldn't you agree? :) Keep up the great work!
I always wonder how a video like this has dislikes, what is there to dislike. Can anybody explain? BTW, awesome video, your dad must be so proud of you, I know I would.
I CAN EXPLAIN !!! Gabriella is so charming , and so skillful, that there is absolutely no reason at all to give a thumb's down !!! She is very accomplished guitarist with her own style ! AND THEN THERE ARE THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYE'S & THAT SMILE ! WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE ???
She has two different smiles. One when she's playing her guitar, and one when she's talking. It's like two different people. That guitar piece was gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!! ... cheers!!
Someone had to give it to her...and her life. And her breath. And her heartbeat. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,” Romans 1:18-20 NKJV
Such a clear recording, I'm amazed! You must put a lot of work into playing your acoustic guitar. I love listening to all the songs you do and look forward to more. Actually your music calms me and I love that! Keep up the hard work
Amazing instruments and equipment. I can only imagine how much fun you have recording with that. It provides you such wonderfully rich and satisfying tones. Thanks for the tour Gabriella. Your videos always brighten my day. ❤️🌹
Its refreshing to see a beautiful, talented woman who is simple, dresses simply and don't make every second of their video about their body but rather their passion and talent.
Honigdachs everyone has an opinion about everything when presented the opportunity. His happened to be a compliment. Your response happened to be an insult. Who's the bad guy here?
Me: Ah, yes. Finally, the long awaited studio tour and rig rundown video! You: start playing guitar... Me: ... o.O ... rig run... stu... BEAUTIFUL MUSIC! Miss Quevedo, you'd sound great playing any guitar into any mic onto any medium. Love the setup! Big thanks to your father as well!
The recording equipment was interesting, but the music you played in this video was so brilliantly done. I love it when guitarists incorporate harmonics into their music so seamlessly. Such a great job.
Years ago I asked John Fry, who was the owner of Ardent Recording Studios in Memphis, TN, how to record an acoustic guitar. He smiled and said, "Find a great player and put a mic in front of them." I feel that's pretty much the truth with Gabriella.
Gabriela, I loved the song just hearing it once and that happens very rarelly. The melody comes to you like that person you just met and in a short time you feel like you've known him all your life. For me it could (or should) be at the height of the greatest hits in history, I'm sure that if any well-known singer or group played it, it would become a hit. I even imagine how it would sound sung with good lyrics. I assure you that I'm not much for throwing flowers, but when I do it it's because it's deserved..
How talented is Gabriella Quevedo? Consider this: as she started playing on stage with Tommy Emmanuel several years ago he stopped and said “Now I can retire”. Case closed. That single comment alone puts her in the Pantheon of the top guitarists in the world.
The thing that makes it even more trippy is her age. To be this good and be so young. Not to mention the breadth of her collection of covers. I could die happy knowing half as much about music as she does.
@@VikingMan44 even more mindblowing is that in interviews she says she really knows no theory at all. Like Tommy E., she’s basically self taught and playing by ear. Unbelievable.
She has passion, dedication, and the talent - the 3 things needed to succeed. Oh, she is beautiful, down to earth, and very humble. What's not to love?
1:40 BodyRez - Acoustic guitars connected to an electronic amp via electronic pickups can lose that acoustic timbre - BodyRez brings back the "timbre" of an acoustic guitar.
The truth is: its your talent which makes the video or cover more enjoyable. Equipments are trash in front of your talent. You had always been my inspiration and will be.
Oh WOW...I had NO IDEA but the "SOUND" has ALWAYS FASCINATED ME...ur Dad REALLY KNOWS how to COMPLIMENT ur music...!!! My prayers are that GOD WILL ALWAYS BLESS YOU, YOUR MUSIC and YOUR SWEET FAMILY...❤ Have you ever thought of doing gospel...????
Gabriella-I don't understand the equipment stuff but I hung on every word. Just as I hang on every note. And your voice is just as beautiful. I appreciate you.
1:48 BODYREZ tc electronics is the new must-have tool for every acoustic player out there. Designed to restore the natural acoustic resonance of your instrument when using ... And makes it sound better
I'm going to share this video with my wife, too... Like all the others I sent her. This young lady is going to replace Michael Hedges as the number 1 guitar player in history.
I especially love this video because I FINALLY got to hear your voice !!! SWEET !!! Gabriella, you are so talented, and you play all my favorite songs, and make it look so easy ! I know it is not because I've played for 40 years ! Keep smiling into the camera, because it makes me MELT ! It also kind of makes me feel like you are playing for me L O L ! I hope one day you will become brave enough to sing when you play ! NEVER QUIT PLAYING YOUR GUITARS !!!
I ve just found out your videos on youtube and I'm still trembling everywhere. I ve not seen such a beautiful and talented artist for a long time! Thank you so much!
Should definitely keep those studio software skills up even if dad likes doing it. Having that plus instrumental ability and hardware knowledge will open a lot of career choices down the road.
The equipment is fantastic, but it's truly the talent and playing ability of the "artist" that creates the amazing sound. And you absolutely possess that, Gabriella! Play on....
To be honest you blew my mind. There isn't a single girl like you where I live and I mean it the whole country and even region you won't find a girl like you. Pretty, talented, graceful and into music, guitars, recording. Damn I really hate the middle east.
Now we know! I always wondered how you got that sound from the sofa ... thought maybe you had a microphone nearby, and told all people and animals to be quiet for a moment. Silly me. BUT WAIT. How did You and your Dad play together on that last video? Separate sessions, You, then your Dad, then mixed? Sure was convincing when you record video image playing to an audio file.
When you play the guitar, God on his throne feels that it comes out of him, tons of love and tenderness, then the whole creation when feeling that God is happy for you, also the creation marvels at you and your gifts ... You are magnificent.
Yes you’ve got more than what it takes Gabriella and the world one day will hold it’s breath, but take your time and don’t let the competition worry you, as I/we know you won’t let it. Fly butterfly fly..
Борюсь с искушением сотворения себе кумира...но похоже проигрываю. Она прекрасна!!! ... Если еще и по жизни такая же а не только на камеру, то вообще...
What a sweetheart. All that talent and not a trace of annoying attitude.
Rare, refreshing and very welcome. Don't ever change!
@Ragnar Ragnarök would she be any different had she grown up ant where else, myself I think not
Hya Mark, I agree not even a nasty look in her eyes.
She is a wonderful person with excellent sound and abilities.
Amazing when FAMILY raises children well, is it not?
Ray C. Florida
@@Air_Devil_Leader_One That's a pretty crappy dog whistle there Ray. Don't be a dope.
Children are a reflection of their parents.
@@andrewrosenthal4448 how was that a dog whistle?
The parents must be very proud she so humble and down to earth keep playing u make the world a better place
I love it when Gabriela is playing a piece of music and turns to the camera and smiles.
She knows ;)
More timeless than Madonna's smile (the painting, not the singer). Her smile just kind of melts you, doesn't it?
That’s her signature move.
@@PassengerInMortality yes it does indeed melt ;)
I just made a comment about it......besides the playing.....is that smile to us @ the recording camera...
I love the way you incorporate finger picking, conventional strumming and flamenco style percussive elements. This gives your playing style such a dynamic and sounds with loads of variation.
I know this was written a while ago but she doesn't use a single flamenco technique. Nor that she needs it. Did you get that from any video in particular? Cheers
The power of a loving father on display! Bravo to you both.
Yep... true.
I always wondered how you get such a sophisticated sound from a living room sofa with no visible equipment. Now the mystery isn't a mystery anymore! Thank you so much, Gabriella and keep up the beautiful performances!
I should have known. I love listening to here anyway!
@ferzy09 but she doesn't sing so no lip-syncing xD. Prolly strum/pick-syncing is what u mean
@ferzy09 Not obvious to those of us who are not musicians.
So the living room playing she does is actually just picking to an actual studio recording? B/c she obviously has none of this stuff in her living room.
@@jamievidd775 Yes! It's what most artists do. This was PIONEERED by none other than the BEATLES! Just like in actual music video that you see, they just play over what they recorded in studio!
Finally, a voice behind the guitar. Wonderful.
And a beautiful voice too
Es verdad, se hecha de menos su voz tan modesta, sencilla y humilde es un verdadero tesoro.
She could play soft elevator music while reading a German phone book and I’d still watch her videos. Amazing talent.
Could not have said it better myself
The best part of this whole video was you playing your original composition, Remember. Absolutely one of the most beautiful pieces of guitar music I have ever heard.
Gabriella, your most important piece of equipment is your smile. My daughter's learning to play guitar so I share a bunch of your videos with her. She thinks you're fantastic. Keep up the good work!
From one Paul to another: yes, that smile is awesome!
There is that famous smile again. The smile is unique, like a missing Vermeer painting. Gabriella's playing is like a master painting, Vermeer would spend weeks preparing his paints, props and model, waiting for the right kind of light coming through the hand blown glass window, and then months working the paint. Gabriella is an artist too, a master one at that, "Getting Better All The Time, Getting ..so ...much ,,,better..all ,,,the ......TIME. I have followed her from her first Video. Yes ... I play, a Guitar player, i used to be crazy about finger style, 47 years of playing, but today exploring theory and modes, oh and that beat.I am now retired, so I can practice and practice.Practice is love. She knows that of course. The cleanness of her playing is simply astounding, the perfect fingering and her right hand technique is just......exquisite. Ohhhhhhh that Gabriella sound, that beat...stunning. 100% perfection.
Got to love this lady, I bet her dad is real proud. a chip off the old block.
My 2 cents worth!
@@Rīñrnp thank you
@illuminoous haha
So THAT is how to record acoustic music! I record maybe one song/year. Someone described my recorded acoustic guitar as sounding like “angry bees buzzing in a can.” Many folks don’t appreciate the time, ear, skill, patience required to make a good recording. You and father do great work.
Very talented young lady..your music soothes my soul your smile warms my heart
x 2
yes, heart melting smile
Quote of the year : " I don't even know what this is but it makes it sound better " Gabriella 2020 😂
Honestly you are so cute n adorable..
Honestly you are so cute n adorable..
Only a question Gabriella. I was looking you playng a guitar in a video, so I want to ask you if you have an Yamaha APX4 in your instrument case.
Thanks for the answer. Bye.
I listen to her recordings on Spotify .... they are beautiful!
Your Dad has really kept you up to day and playing, with some of the best tools out there. I, myself, use Studio 1- my studio is about the same tiny size. I belong to a few sound engineering groups- and many of the members have such beautiful, large studio's.
Imo? Your Dad has packed a LOT of punch, into his tiny "Dad-space".
And don't worry, Gabriella, us old guys just like to run the machines and push/slide all the buttons- you know, like the BBQ! AND, you're Dad? He's been blessed with an incredible talent- of which I'm know he's extremely proud. I've seen his face.
I'd just like to also thank you, for continuing to share said talent, with all of us. I hope people understand, what a truly special time we live in, when talent such as this, unselfishly shares it, with the world. All it takes? is the click of a mouse.
Удивительное сочетание,красоты,таланта и целеустремлённости)))
What an amazing talent. Absolute fluidity of motion, technically accurate and overflowing with groove and feel. This young lady is extremely talented. She makes that guitar an expression of herself and it's incredible to watch.
She does speak! Amazing to think of how many fans she has and I think this is the first time she has spoken to us. Thank you, Gabriella.
Hi Gabriella - the 'mystery' pedal on your board does 3 things:
First, it tries to imitate the sound of resonating wood - in other words the sound you would get playing acoustically, because the piezo pickup in your guitar changes the sound when you plug in, and it can be a bit harsh.
Second, if you hold the on /off switch down while you plug in the power you get a green light, and you're now in feedback suppression mode - so if you're experiencing feedback on stage, hit the pedal, it goes red, the pedal will cut the feedback out.
Finally, if you hold the button down the light will flash and it mutes the signal so you can tune quietly, or change guitars without a loud 'pop' when you unplug.
Not a lot of people know that! God bless.
what is feedback?
@@soumendasgupta2272 It’s when the amplified sound begins to drive the strings, which is amplified in what is called a feedback loop. It can be used in rock as an effect, but can also blow out you speakers if not controlled.
This is very good info. Now I want one.
whats the name of this pedal?
the song you played is absolutely breathtaking. Played with such heart and depth. Loved it!
When Gabriella plays guitar heaven seems a little closer. You are awesome.
I see where the seed was planted for your musical talent. Myself, have always favored and mostly played the Gibson scale. Years ago, went to replace a stolen Hummingbird and played a Taylor 912, been hooked ever since. I have both the 812ce and 912ce for finger picking. Just sold an original Taylor 12 fret. I have a daughter close to your age, I know your family is SO proud of you. Stay yourself young Lady. PPL all over the world love you for who you are and your absolutely exceptional talent.
Очень редко увидишь красоту,обаяние и талант в одном лице.СПАСИБО!
полностью согласен! безумно красивая и талантливая девушка
Насчет таланта могу поспорить. Она играет, по большому счету, что то чужое. Но уровень исполнения действительно очень хорош
@@ВасяПупкин-ч3к , Вы понимаете разницу в "исполнитель" и "композитор"? ... видимо НЕТ
Согласен большенство в её возрасте спилось и скололось а она продолжает дело
Очень редко наверно у тебя дома или в стране💁🏼♂️
A small fortune, but you are such an accomplished guitarist that everything in that studio sings praises to you. Thank you for enlightening the entire world with your talents.
I have been watching you playing for years now since "dust in the wind' "the dancing queen" to "another brick in the wall" I love them, enjoy every song you played. Always love the way you smile every time you look into the camera. Gosh! it is priceless. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thanks so much for this video! The personal touch is really nice. So fun to see the equipment in your dad's studio. I'd love to hear your dad play a little more as well. Another video I'd absolutely love to see would be a few minutes of you talking us through the process of how you transpose the songs. Your approach and how you look at it would be so neat to see. Love the playing in the end of this video. Cheers!
That was such a gentle run through of your studio and how you record, so relaxed, so gentle and so beautiful, thank you Gabby x
Oh my God! The talent this beautiful young woman has is supernatural. Kudos to dad for raising such talent and good disposition and manners!!
Sometimes it's a difficult decision to show the intricacies of the process. You might think that it will take some of the "magic" away from the finished product. But when you start with pure gold, the process is only the path to beautiful jewelry!!
There is an old saying “you never want to see how the sausage is made!”.
Gabriella is a fine example of the impact a good father figure has on their upbringing. One day when I have a family, I will teach my kids music and art from a young age
Wow great! Then that means I'm a fine example of the total opposite!
I agree
Fathers are underated in this world. Of all my friends I don't know a single bad one.
I am old, but it is heartwarming to witness such a delightful young lady. Speaks better English than I....gives me hope of a better world with young people like this in it.....
Speaks better English than "me"...not I. You were right.
@@tberkoff Better than "I" is actually correct.
In formal way like writing business letter, or school assignment better than I is use.. But in daily conversation me is preferred to use since it's informal.
Amen, Isn't THAT the truth....Like you, I am old (pro musician)....I've worked with hundreds...perhaps thousands her age and younger...getting them started on the right path in music (guitar, primarily). Some have stayed with it and succeeded, in varying degrees...most did not (outside interests, found love, couldn't find time, etc.)...all an instructor can do is GUIDE, demonstrate, explain and show. I still take time with an absolute beginner (my time permitting), but pretty much (now) I work with very advanced "students" (pro). I still love that first spark in a beginner's eyes, when, in only a few minutes, they successfully play a great sounding bit I just taught, mouth and eyes wide open, astonished stare. Love it...best payback any instructor can receive.
I do not now, nor will I EVER charge for instruction. It's absolutely FREE. Many touring pros...past and present have been MY instructers... teaching me the ropes...you would recognize names...but it's their privacy I guard. And I need no new "students". Old now, but when younger, I had many, many "lessons" from top-tier pros...they never charged me a penney...just said, "pay it forward, Doug"...
...and so I do...
I love your comnent and absolutely agree. Her dad is fortunate to have such a talented daughter....and the daughter is fortunate to have such a wise and patient father.
... Crossbow (BMI, songwriter, pro live/stage, studio/recording, sound engineer, etc.)
@@douglasfuqua7082 Great stuff, good for you!!....yeah, my son is 23, been playing guitar for 15 years and his band is based on the Prog rock, genre....they are very much into that music scene from the mid 60's into the 80's.....the newer music....the fabricated stuff today, he claims..isn't "organic", has very little interest.......interesting way to put it.
Blown away with Gabriella’s calmness and talent...So much it is stirring...keep playing girl!
For anyone starting out doing home recordings, don't think you need all this equipment straight away. The 2 most important parts are a good, correctly positioned microphone and a good location. A decent USB microphone played into a laptop can be remarkably effective. Editing/ mixing software is free or cheap. Gabriellea's playing merits a top quality recording of course.
Как говорят у нас в России, Габриэлла, вы изумительны😊 Не столько музыка радует, сколько ваше великолепие, от этого еще приятнее видеть и слушать🙏😉
Your voice is as beautiful as your music. Best regards to you and your family 💕
That glance and smile at the camera at 3.18 just before she starts to play. Oh, my melting heart!
Какая же она классная. Необычайной красоты девушка, да еще и с такими талантами.
You are an amazing musician and also have a very sweet voice when speaking. I'd love to see you play and sing :)
Hello Gabriella,
thank you so much for granting insight into the recording equipment and environment you use! Just yesterday your latest video (Sultans of Swing) popped up in my YT recommendations and I was immediately hooked. I can't believe I hadn't seen or heard of you before! One day later I have probably watched around 3 dozen of your videos... :D
In any case, upon listening to your Sultans of Swing cover I was immediately curious about your recording process. The sound produced by your setup is so warm, rich, full and spacious - not to mention clean and crystal clear! - unlike any other video on youtube I have come across. It sounds like we are sitting in the same room, it's that amazing.
Also kudos for being so straightforward about not knowing what that particular piece of equipment does. :) For many people it is easy to assume that you have to know just about *everything* when it comes to the recording, mixing and mastering process of your music because you are so good at what you do. But even if you're someone who is a tech geek about your music (or any other artistic passion that involves technology) there will always be things you don't know; as a passionate amateur photographer I certainly know that's true! On the upside, however, it means there is always something new to learn, and that in itself is an exciting prospect, wouldn't you agree? :)
Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the virtual tour! I admire how your interpretation of the songs you cover is so natural, and your technique so precise.
I always wonder how a video like this has dislikes, what is there to dislike. Can anybody explain?
BTW, awesome video, your dad must be so proud of you, I know I would.
I CAN EXPLAIN !!! Gabriella is so charming , and so skillful, that there is absolutely no reason at all to give a thumb's down !!! She is very accomplished guitarist with her own style ! AND THEN THERE ARE THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYE'S & THAT SMILE ! WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE ???
Молодчина!!! Такой талант редко встретишь. Подписан, и смотрю все видео. Многое из моей молодости.
Габриелла, я, когда наслаждаюсь твоим великолепным исполнением, знаю, что в конце меня ждёт очаровательная улыбка! )
She has two different smiles. One when she's playing her guitar, and one when she's talking. It's like two different people. That guitar piece was gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!! ... cheers!!
I love how she doesnt start off her video asking to subscribe or like she's just really talented and amazing such a good heart!
Beauty, talent, and intelligence is a lethal combination. I just ran across this channel and immediately fell in love.
@Sir Eric Moonwalk Get out of here with that garbage.
Get in line Tony.... and it's a long one.
Настоящее, современное искусттво божественной красоты. Спасибо за знакомство со студией.
From Puerto Rico right back at you may you continue to bring us such joy and enjoyment through your music Gabriella!
This is the happiness of having a father and talent from God!)
FomaXXL God has nothing to do with it......practice has.
Someone had to give it to her...and her life. And her breath. And her heartbeat. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,”
Romans 1:18-20 NKJV
@@JustifiedHope 1:18 brings to Apollo, Greek god of music. I bet it's one of the 2800+ gods you do not believe to exist right?
Молодец, Габриэлла. Я с удовольствием наблюдаю за твоим творчеством. Ты великолепна. 👍
You are an awesome musician. I love the music and especially the one with your Dad❤️
Finally, a voice behind the guitar, wonderful. Just clicked on this video to hear you talking
I did the same - guilty as charged but worth getting caught!!
Such a clear recording, I'm amazed! You must put a lot of work into playing your acoustic guitar. I love listening to all the songs you do and look forward to more. Actually your music calms me and I love that! Keep up the hard work
Amazing instruments and equipment. I can only imagine how much fun you have recording with that. It provides you such wonderfully rich and satisfying tones. Thanks for the tour Gabriella. Your videos always brighten my day. ❤️🌹
Its refreshing to see a beautiful, talented woman who is simple, dresses simply and don't make every second of their video about their body but rather their passion and talent.
Not very refreshing to see another loser who just can't help himself but to rate and evaluate women as if he had any business doing so.
@@honigdachs. Simping whiteknights are my absolute favourites.
Honigdachs everyone has an opinion about everything when presented the opportunity. His happened to be a compliment. Your response happened to be an insult. Who's the bad guy here?
This is really top notch professional recording equipment. And it really sounds like that, too!
Me: Ah, yes. Finally, the long awaited studio tour and rig rundown video!
You: start playing guitar...
Me: ... o.O ... rig run... stu... BEAUTIFUL MUSIC!
Miss Quevedo, you'd sound great playing any guitar into any mic onto any medium.
Love the setup! Big thanks to your father as well!
Knowledgeable, intelligent, beautiful Grace being displayed in the recording studio from Gabriella, Priceless! 🤟🏻💞
Очень позитивная девушка. Приятно смотреть и слушать. Продолжай радовать своими видео.
The recording equipment was interesting, but the music you played in this video was so brilliantly done. I love it when guitarists incorporate harmonics into their music so seamlessly. Such a great job.
*Gabriella só pessoas cm vc com essa áurea de fada pra embelezar este domingo caótico pro meio ambiente daqui do Brasil! Linda!*
Now we have heard your voice Gabriella, so please sing us a song.
I’ve heard her before on a q&a video from 2016. So beautiful
I was thinking exactly about this.
David thanks so much for clearing that up bro.
Check that out guys
Красивая , талантливая и трудолюбивая. Всего самого доброго этой девочке!
Gabriella, you are one of a kind ! and what a guitar player !!! Thanks for sharing your incredible talent, and some
Габриэлла - ты прекрасна!! И всё что ты делаешь с гитарой - это просто потрясающе!!
Years ago I asked John Fry, who was the owner of Ardent Recording Studios in Memphis, TN, how to record an acoustic guitar. He smiled and said, "Find a great player and put a mic in front of them." I feel that's pretty much the truth with Gabriella.
@MACABRE L.A. Yes, of course. John was being a bit facetious. His point was just that a great recording starts with a great player.
Gabriela, I loved the song just hearing it once and that happens very rarelly. The melody comes to you like that person you just met and in a short time you feel like you've known him all your life.
For me it could (or should) be at the height of the greatest hits in history, I'm sure that if any well-known singer or group played it, it would become a hit. I even imagine how it would sound sung with good lyrics.
I assure you that I'm not much for throwing flowers, but when I do it it's because it's deserved..
I love your confidence. It's the confidence you get from a huge amount of practice and dedication. You are an inspiration.
How talented is Gabriella Quevedo? Consider this: as she started playing on stage with Tommy Emmanuel several years ago he stopped and said “Now I can retire”. Case closed. That single comment alone puts her in the Pantheon of the top guitarists in the world.
I was thinking the same ... Tommy Emmanuel
I agree
The thing that makes it even more trippy is her age. To be this good and be so young. Not to mention the breadth of her collection of covers. I could die happy knowing half as much about music as she does.
@@VikingMan44 even more mindblowing is that in interviews she says she really knows no theory at all. Like Tommy E., she’s basically self taught and playing by ear. Unbelievable.
She has passion, dedication, and the talent - the 3 things needed to succeed. Oh, she is beautiful, down to earth, and very humble. What's not to love?
1:40 BodyRez - Acoustic guitars connected to an electronic amp via electronic pickups can lose that acoustic timbre - BodyRez brings back the "timbre" of an acoustic guitar.
The truth is: its your talent which makes the video or cover more enjoyable. Equipments are trash in front of your talent. You had always been my inspiration and will be.
Oh WOW...I had NO IDEA but the "SOUND" has ALWAYS FASCINATED ME...ur Dad REALLY KNOWS how to COMPLIMENT ur music...!!!
Have you ever thought of doing gospel...????
Are you from Alabama by any chance?
Слушаю постоянно, супер, мечтаю о дуэте с Габриэллой!!!!Спасибо за ваш талант!!!
So basically my dream girl explaining how she records her audio but all I did was get mesmerized by her beautiful smile... subscribed.
....boy, you ain't kidding, face of an angel
Aww she is my dream girl too!!
Total cringe commentary.
Gabriella-I don't understand the equipment stuff but I hung on every word. Just as I hang on every note. And your voice is just as beautiful. I appreciate you.
1:48 BODYREZ tc electronics is the new must-have tool for every acoustic player out there. Designed to restore the natural acoustic resonance of your instrument when using ... And makes it sound better
Огромные спасибо родителям и особенно отцу, за то что подарили миру такую прекрасную дочь.
Just clicked on this video to hear your beautiful voice.
I'm going to share this video with my wife, too... Like all the others I sent her. This young lady is going to replace Michael Hedges as the number 1 guitar player in history.
~ So BEAUTIFUL ~ Gabriella Quevedo ~
@@maryduncan2659 she is indeed very talentosa and beautiful all at once!
...and to see she's beautiful smile
I especially love this video because I FINALLY got to hear your voice !!! SWEET !!! Gabriella, you are so talented, and you play all my favorite songs, and make it look so easy ! I know it is not because I've played for 40 years ! Keep smiling into the camera, because it makes me MELT ! It also kind of makes me feel like you are playing for me L O L ! I hope one day you will become brave enough to sing when you play ! NEVER QUIT PLAYING YOUR GUITARS !!!
You are the definition of beauty... and so is your music.
Not just a truly great player, but a beautiful person at every level.
Это суперррррр))) ты умничка!!!
Очень красиво играешь на гитаре.
Я тоже играю, но до тебя мне ещё далеко😀
I ve just found out your videos on youtube and I'm still trembling everywhere. I ve not seen such a beautiful and talented artist for a long time! Thank you so much!
Should definitely keep those studio software skills up even if dad likes doing it. Having that plus instrumental ability and hardware knowledge will open a lot of career choices down the road.
Как говорят у нас в России: Ни взгляд отвести, ни уши не заткнуть. Всё прекрасно!
не говори ваще....
Она по-рюськи не понимэ
@@феофанпозлейкин ху гивз э фак?
As they say in Russia: a beautiful girl plays so beautifully. Everything is beautiful!
@@феофанпозлейкин , кстати, не факт. Лицо-то у неё очень русское... или славянское. Мама у неё откуда родом?
Это просто чудо! Как ты хороша, Габриэла!
The equipment is fantastic, but it's truly the talent and playing ability of the "artist" that creates the amazing sound. And you absolutely possess that, Gabriella! Play on....
So talented, beautiful and such a wholesomeness about her. 🥰🥰
Умница уважаю,твое творчество,привет из Харькова Украина,так держать!!!!
Привет )ты лучшая! Из России, с любовью )
The sound is everything! " TRIAD " , " GUINEVERE ", " JULIA ". I enjoy your playing!
I love the arrangaments you play on the guitar,and your shining smile too, Gabriella. Felicitaciones, soy español.
It's painful to watch her beauty. Her beauty is only matched by her talent.
To be honest you blew my mind. There isn't a single girl like you where I live and I mean it the whole country and even region you won't find a girl like you.
Pretty, talented, graceful and into music, guitars, recording. Damn I really hate the middle east.
Now we know! I always wondered how you got that sound from the sofa ... thought maybe you had a microphone nearby, and told all people and animals to be quiet for a moment. Silly me. BUT WAIT. How did You and your Dad play together on that last video? Separate sessions, You, then your Dad, then mixed? Sure was convincing when you record video image playing to an audio file.
Your dad must be in the clouds with how well put together you seem to be. Congrats to him for a great work!
Красота и гармония во плоти! 💓
When you play the guitar, God on his throne feels that it comes out of him, tons of love and tenderness, then the whole creation when feeling that God is happy for you, also the creation marvels at you and your gifts ...
You are magnificent.
Reminds me of a favorite BB King quote "I play it like this because it sounds good!" 😊
Yes you’ve got more than what it takes Gabriella and the world one day will hold it’s breath, but take your time and don’t let the competition worry you, as I/we know you won’t let it. Fly butterfly fly..
Written nicely 🙂
Борюсь с искушением сотворения себе кумира...но похоже проигрываю. Она прекрасна!!! ... Если еще и по жизни такая же а не только на камеру, то вообще...