Hello, I am 48 years old, I was diagnosed in August 2021, after my first outbreak in which I suffered transverse myelitis, from which I recovered favorably, I am currently on rituximab therapy, everything definitely changed physically and emotionally, I was fortunate to have a quick diagnosis and excellent care, I loved the phrase you said, that human beings have the ability to adapt. Thanks and greetings from Mexico.
Hallo, ich heiße Rita Herzog und bin 66 Jahr und wohne in einem kleinen Dorf bei Bautzen. Seit März 22 habe ich NMO und ich habe mir, Ihren Bericht angesehen. Ich würde mich freuen von Ihnen zuhören. Liebe Grüße Rite
My husband just got diagnosed... Thank you so much for this and your work! Und vielen Dank an Matthias
So stolz euch zu kennen
Hello, I am 48 years old, I was diagnosed in August 2021, after my first outbreak in which I suffered transverse myelitis, from which I recovered favorably, I am currently on rituximab therapy, everything definitely changed physically and emotionally, I was fortunate to have a quick diagnosis and excellent care, I loved the phrase you said, that human beings have the ability to adapt. Thanks and greetings from Mexico.
We’d love to connect with you! Send us an email info@sumairafoundation.org. Sumaira will be in Mexico next week!
Hallo, ich heiße Rita Herzog und bin 66 Jahr und wohne in einem kleinen Dorf bei Bautzen.
Seit März 22 habe ich NMO und ich habe mir, Ihren Bericht angesehen. Ich würde mich freuen
von Ihnen zuhören. Liebe Grüße Rite
My name is Bernice from Ghana in Africa. I have been diagnosed with NMO this year. Do you have a support group over here?
We'd love to hear from you! Email us at info@sumairafoundation.org