Never has the phrase "If it's stupid but it works" been so appropriate as it is right now. Good for a epic laugh tho, and that WoWS stream raid... the timing.
@@brdyyt6702 When someone streaming has probably more than 1 viewer and then hosts your stream, "raids" it, by bringing a lot more people to your channel than you have already watching. "Raiding" comes from mmorpg id guess, where you would gather some amount of people and go for a boss battle. They were called raid bosses cause usually you couldnt defeat them alone.
I would probably say "look at these idiots, omg" which is exactly how I call ourselves for doing it, no hypocrisy there I believe but hej, you do you ;)
Is it bad that these days, when my division mates and I get Two Brothers, I just type in "Specul Tactics!" to the team and expect them to know what we are doing?
WoWS-Admins: "hey, look Hans is doing funny stupid shit again, lets promote those playstyle to the whole playerbase" 1 day later ingame: every Team sinks more of its own ships than the enemy does
The amount of backpeddling and spin control Flambass was shoveling out once Daddy entered his channel was epic. lol He should get an achievement for that.
Sinop is op -.- on 7km mark you can fit 5 shells into dd and get like 6000 dmg to dd on 7 tier. 10000-15000 dmg salvos on german ships are quite often too. It just sucks balls vs higher tiers,
This whole game needs to be on a funniest WoWs videos compilation...besides your stream being invaded by WoWs with 1242, I have to say the best part was Monkey sinking himself. I just about completely lost my shit when that happened, especially with Flambass yelling at Monkey while Monkey is reversing. Then the contact, and then you see above the minimap that Monkey sank himself. I didn't even think you could possibly do that!!! :-D
Honestly i like scharnhorst..beautiful ship..good turret rotation..good reload..very mobile and have torpedo..i dont have problem landing hit with the gun..but my only complain is the damage i got always underwhelming..most of the time only score 1000-3000 damage with all turret salvo..rarely able to score 6000+
On Twich when you end your stream you can go to another streamers stream and take your audience with you hence the term Raiding. The problem for Flamby here was the moment he went pink it was the Official WoWs stream that was raiding! with 1200+ viewers XD
Another SPESHULLLL TACTICS vid. Love these , thanks Flamb! Anyone can explain what's funny about the raid at the begining please? Since I'm not really into Twitch, I did not understand this thing... :)
ayyy got TB in my JB yesterday, went through mid, blapped a seattle, then a martel, then got backup by a bismarck and we hit a yama with 8 cits combined for a devastating strike, oh boy it was fucking fun
I ended the watching at 3 min. What is funny in this? You shoot each other... is that funny? Or maybe that is funny you ruin this way your team's chance to win?
"Push the Pink up the middle!" Oh the Innuendo and in front of the Entire WoWs Community......
*sees title*
Hmm, this is probably on...
*sees it's two brothers*
Lol were you guys drunk? 😂
i keep thinking the two brothers thing is going to get old. and then it isnt :P nice game once again flamby
Get Two Brothers map on Legends.
Tip says "Rushing through the center of the map is a poor idea."
Never has the phrase "If it's stupid but it works" been so appropriate as it is right now.
Good for a epic laugh tho, and that WoWS stream raid... the timing.
What does he mean by a "stream raid"?
i too am wondering this
@@brdyyt6702 When someone streaming has probably more than 1 viewer and then hosts your stream, "raids" it, by bringing a lot more people to your channel than you have already watching. "Raiding" comes from mmorpg id guess, where you would gather some amount of people and go for a boss battle. They were called raid bosses cause usually you couldnt defeat them alone.
@@sydy20 ...when someone thinks the word "raid" comes from gaming. Please do not breed.
@@auturgicflosculator2183 when someone thinks he means the actual term and not how twitch uses it
please use the home depot rope and planks
This is so hilarious! You three should get Wargaming's comedy of the year award.
Oh the three pink brothers, sailing the following seas, jousting with their guns, all for a tease.
The most accurately descriptive Flambass video title ever.
Flambass would have a stroke if another platoon was shooting at themselves like that. I guess hypocrisy has nor boundaries.
I would probably say "look at these idiots, omg" which is exactly how I call ourselves for doing it, no hypocrisy there I believe but hej, you do you ;)
Is it bad that these days, when my division mates and I get Two Brothers, I just type in "Specul Tactics!" to the team and expect them to know what we are doing?
Never a dull moment with Speshul tactics 😂😂😂😂🤣
by far one of your funniest game vids of this year.
HAHAHA this was gold. sometimes its not about the stats, sometimes its about the amount of laughs you can get in a game.
you mean "the most STUPID thing we ALWAYS do" don't you? X'D
I have never seen someone killing himself in WOWS for all those years since the release of the game.....epic xD
Rogue -1, mah Gawd, I don't think im gonna recover from that
“I have a spotter, and its not even a premium one” “oh you fucking PLEB” lol
Definitely worth an old man special...
WoWS-Admins: "hey, look Hans is doing funny stupid shit again, lets promote those playstyle to the whole playerbase"
1 day later ingame: every Team sinks more of its own ships than the enemy does
Even when you're being silly and almost deliberately trying to die you still manage to do well and come out with a victory SMH...
Moe, Larry and Curly tribute. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk...
The amount of backpeddling and spin control Flambass was shoveling out once Daddy entered his channel was epic. lol He should get an achievement for that.
And you have to join in, Flambass? OMG!
Sinop is op -.-
on 7km mark you can fit 5 shells into dd and get like 6000 dmg to dd on 7 tier.
10000-15000 dmg salvos on german ships are quite often too.
It just sucks balls vs higher tiers,
This whole game needs to be on a funniest WoWs videos compilation...besides your stream being invaded by WoWs with 1242, I have to say the best part was Monkey sinking himself. I just about completely lost my shit when that happened, especially with Flambass yelling at Monkey while Monkey is reversing. Then the contact, and then you see above the minimap that Monkey sank himself. I didn't even think you could possibly do that!!! :-D
Having almost as much fun as that Massachusetts was shredding you all
-How 2 prove Scharnhorst isn’t shit-
*-How 2 ruin a two brothers rush-*
How to create a new video and memes
Directed by Flambass
Edited by WoWs
Oh god flambass, i can't breath too much laughing and head shaking.
This has to be the funniest thing I've seen in a long time :)
'Report teamkiller' LOL
Was the Indianapolis on your team shooting at you or your carrier behind you
Not even 2 seconds in and we get a Flambagasm alert.
Honestly i like scharnhorst..beautiful ship..good turret rotation..good reload..very mobile and have torpedo..i dont have problem landing hit with the gun..but my only complain is the damage i got always underwhelming..most of the time only score 1000-3000 damage with all turret salvo..rarely able to score 6000+
6:49 Don't do it! No, don't do it! I'm a virgin!
Four ships turned pink that round since the Indy took an AFK penalty too. LOL!
It wasnt STUPID... it was....SPECIAAAAAL!
Please more of this ... soooooooooooo much fun!!!!!!!
so dumb question: what was that raid thing?
On Twich when you end your stream you can go to another streamers stream and take your audience with you hence the term Raiding. The problem for Flamby here was the moment he went pink it was the Official WoWs stream that was raiding! with 1200+ viewers XD
@@pauldrive7243 LMAO that's actually hilarious
Another SPESHULLLL TACTICS vid. Love these , thanks Flamb!
Anyone can explain what's funny about the raid at the begining please? Since I'm not really into Twitch, I did not understand this thing... :)
The perfect game of three navel potatoes! -The Tank Commander
"Blow your full load then" KILL ME NOW PMSL
You know there's something wrong when he has to sit down 2p
ayyy got TB in my JB yesterday, went through mid, blapped a seattle, then a martel, then got backup by a bismarck and we hit a yama with 8 cits combined for a devastating strike, oh boy it was fucking fun
I love rushing the pink lol
Well... Scharnhorst can't citadel Sinop at 1km...
I feel several hundred brain cells dumber having watched this lol.
What the hell were the Baltimore and Indianapolis doing during all this, I ask myself?
When monkey tells flambass to blow your full's going to be a great match. The Pink musketeers... xD. This game made me laugh so hard!
damn! I laughed so hard... my sides are hurting! Great video! Thank you!!!
This may have been the dumbest thing you’ve every done, but it was very entertaining...
That was epic. Could not stop laughing.
dont looking at the screen after starting the video....hearing SPESHUUUL...and i love it before i see it! :D :D
Just got Two Brothers while watching this!
Now we know why some players are acting like bots. :D
@@AlpinaBG yepp...
This was very amusing, but the funniest part for me was that they've won xd
Anybody else remember the Bad Ole Days when Flambass whined and threw a tantrum cause he got the Two Brothers map so often?
that was Hilarious! Esp. Monkey suidying.
Is this the crazy Ivan!?
very mad people doing very stupid things^^ (always a pleasure)
Flambass, Two Brothers, I click. I love the SPESHUUUUL tactics vids. 😂😂😂😂🤣
I see two brothers I hit like
The PINK parade, love it.
Monkey is potato!!!
What can be more stupid then 3x Yamato with HE spam?..This.:D
GG Flambass. All the best Lex (mlbpc)
Flambass has a hard on for Two Brothers
I don't know why ii found this so funny 🤣
Triple Cr33d division with -1 total frags, steamrolls in 12 minutes.
sadly all of them have better PR then 90% of the players in Wows...🤦♂️
IDK about that chief....
And you still won ... incredible ....
This was legendary, I wanna do it too now xD (thinking of all those reports that are incoming though)
Flambass and div completely botch mid push, enemy team still loses. WoWS in a nutshell
Wow nice AA vectoring ... or not ....
best Video ever cant stop laughing that Moment of the raid was best :D
I can't watch the streams but can you explain the "raid" on the stream??
Watching your videos always gets me in trouble cause it sounds like I'm watching porn with all your yelling.
Same here.
calls for a BAN! :D
I don't like scharny cause the guns are too small and inaccurate secondaries are meh
Es war nicht nur dumm, es war für das gesamte Team sehr,sehr arogant .......
I am 3:45 .... if you lose this game (you deserve a 2 weeks ban)...
Alin Meleandra win brah
Were you guys drunk? LOL
Nowadays can't hit anything with the Sinop.......3 hits at 2-3km....LOL
tard triplets devision. how specheul...
nah, the most stupid thing you ever did was 20 km shima division torping khaba with wide spread.
yeah i remember that lol
Thats hilarious!
When this map shows up, u know it's gonna be fun
Why exactly did they shoot each other?
Pink test.
You should request a special pink camo from WG then you do not have to shoot team mate:D
Lol love it!!!!
Guy in the front(Sinop) is a prime example of why nobody can enjoy the game.
All of them are actually.
I ended the watching at 3 min. What is funny in this? You shoot each other... is that funny? Or maybe that is funny you ruin this way your team's chance to win?
maybe you should watch the rest then lol
Seriously you need a break from this game.