Ok, there are a lots of things that needs to be told before saying that Yoga is a form of overcoming fear or other personal challenges in general. Yoga firest and for most it is a religion. Some say Hindus other say it isn't, nevertheless, it is. Because what makes it a religion is by deffernt "a religion" is a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme important. In this case you, yourself as a god becaming one with the universe. So, you need to think. What is in the universe? And who told you, you are a god? Being a god is a serious responsibility, you need to understand that. God means creator. So, if God means a creator, that means God created the devil? That is truth. But Lucifer, His other name devil, was not evil when God created him in the beginning. He, Lucifer, decided to disobey God the creator and became the devil. So, if you think you are "god" then you must be bigger than what you created therefore you can handle when evil occurs, just like God moved Lucifer from his highest position into the lowest please. So, being yoked with the universe is another serious question you need to ask yourself. What is in the universe? Spiritual beings are in the universe beside sun, moon, etc...whoever you are, you need to ask other's and read more about this philosophy before stepping into this world of darkness. Thank you for telling us this is happening in Ethiopian. We need to educate people about the truth. The Bible teaches us about who we are body,soul,and spirit. And we are loved by God who created us. But it also tell us who the devil is and how he became evil. Chose the truth.
በርታልል ወንድሜ
በጣም ስፈልግ ነበር
Cool , bravo 👏
yofiii :)
Ye wegeb besheta lalebachu betam tekame sport new. Keras temekro😉
ቤብ የህቴ ልጅዋ ጥሩ የስፖርት ሳይንስ ነው ግን ለኔ ትንሽ ከበድ አለኝ በእድሜና እንደጤና ሑኔታ ሊለያይ አይችልም?
የት ነውአድራሻው
በጣም ይጨቀኛል መፍተሄ ይሆናል ልጭቀት
አንተ ወንድም አስተምረህ ሙተሃል ሰዉ አታስስት yoga ቀጥታ ምስጢራዊነ ከመንፈሳዊዉ ዓለም አንርክኮ አንድትሰግድለትና የሰዉን አእምሮ ለመቆጣጠር የሚጠቀምበት 21ኛዉ ክፍለ ዘመን የሰይጣን ዘዴና ሚስጢር ነዉ!!!ቻይናዎች ራሳቸዉ የሚሉት ነዉ ምነግርህ መጽሐፍ ቅድስ ማንበብ ነዉ ፍጽም የእግዚአብሄር ሰላም አና እርካታ የሚገኘዉ አሺ አፍፍ
Ok, there are a lots of things that needs to be told before saying that Yoga is a form of overcoming fear or other personal challenges in general. Yoga firest and for most it is a religion. Some say Hindus other say it isn't, nevertheless, it is. Because what makes it a religion is by deffernt "a religion" is a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme important. In this case you, yourself as a god becaming one with the universe. So, you need to think. What is in the universe? And who told you, you are a god? Being a god is a serious responsibility, you need to understand that. God means creator. So, if God means a creator, that means God created the devil? That is truth. But Lucifer, His other name devil, was not evil when God created him in the beginning. He, Lucifer, decided to disobey God the creator and became the devil. So, if you think you are "god" then you must be bigger than what you created therefore you can handle when evil occurs, just like God moved Lucifer from his highest position into the lowest please. So, being yoked with the universe is another serious question you need to ask yourself. What is in the universe? Spiritual beings are in the universe beside sun, moon, etc...whoever you are, you need to ask other's and read more about this philosophy before stepping into this world of darkness. Thank you for telling us this is happening in Ethiopian. We need to educate people about the truth. The Bible teaches us about who we are body,soul,and spirit. And we are loved by God who created us. But it also tell us who the devil is and how he became evil. Chose the truth.
ወንድ ሁን ኮተትህን ጣል